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Vaccine 39 (2021) 4723–4732

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Antibodies response induced by recombinant virus-like particles from

Triatoma virus and chimeric antigens from Trypanosoma cruzi
Aline Maria Vasconcelos Queiroz a,b, Yulia Aleksandrovna Yanshina c, Emily Thays da Silva Rodrigues b,
Fred Luciano Neves Santos d, Paola Alejandra Fiorani Celedon e, Sweta Maheshwari f, Sandra Beatriz Gabelli f,
Carla Stephanie Peucelle Rubio g,h, Aritz Durana i, Diego M.A. Guérin g,h,⇑, Marcelo Sousa Silva a,b,c,⇑
Postgraduate Programme in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Rua Gen, Gustavo Cordeiro de Farias, 384, 59012-570 Natal, Brazil
Immunoparasitology Laboratory, Department of Clinical and Toxicological Analysis, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Rua Gen, Gustavo Cordeiro de Farias, 384,
59012-570 Natal, Brazil
Global Health and Tropical Medicine, Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Rua da Juqueira, 100, 1800-166 Lisbon, Portugal
Advanced Public Health Laboratory, Gonçalo Moniz Institute, Fiocruz, Rua Waldemar Falcão, 121, 40296-710 Salvador, Brazil
Molecular Biology Institute of Paraná, Rua Professor Algacyr Munhoz Mader, 3775, 81350-010 Curitiba, Brazil
School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, 725 N Wolfe St, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA
Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular, Instituto Biofisika, Universidad del País Vasco (UBF, CSIC, UPV-EHU), B° Sarriena S/N, 48940 Leioa, Bizkaia, Spain
Ikosaedrika Biologicals S.L. ZITEK Edificio Rectorado UPV/EHU, B° Sarriena S/N, 48940 Leioa, Vizcaya, Spain
Instituto Biofisika (CSIC, UPV/EHU), Fundación Biofísica Bizkaia, B° Sarriena S/N, 48940 Leioa, Vizcaya, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background: The infection caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi affects humans and is called as
Received 29 November 2020 Chagas disease. Currently, the main measures available to reduce the incidence of this disease are drug
Received in revised form 4 May 2021 treatment and vector control. Traditionally, the development of vaccines occurs mainly through the
Accepted 14 May 2021
use of antigenic candidates of the etiologic agent in the form of a vaccine preparation. Virus-like particles
Available online 27 May 2021
(VLPs) are structures analogous to viral capsids composed essentially of structural proteins and are
widely used in vaccination protocols because of their immunostimulatory properties. In this context,
the objective of this study was to use strategies in a murine immunization model to characterize the
Virus-like particles (VLPs)
Chagas disease
immunostimulatory capacity of VLPs from Triatoma virus (TrV-VLPs), analysed in the presence or absence
Trypanosoma cruzi of the aluminium vaccine adjuvant. In parallel, to characterize the immunogenic behaviour of four T. cruzi
Adjuvant chimeric recombinant proteins (mix-IBMP) associated with TrV-VLPs or aluminium vaccine adjuvant.
Humoral immune response Method: We immunized BALB/c mice once or twice, depending on the strategy, and collected serum sam-
Triatoma virus ples at 15, 30 and 45 days after the immunization. Subsequently, serum samples from animals immu-
nized with TrV-VLPs were used to determine total IgG, IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b and IgG3 anti-TrV-VLPs by
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
Results: Data obtained demonstrate the ability of TrV-VLPs to preferably induce IgG2b and IgG3 type
antibodies in the absence of aluminium adjuvant. In fact, the use of aluminium did not interfere with
the total IgG profile of anti-TrV-VLPs. Interestingly, mix-IBMP had a better profile of total IgG, IgG1
and IgG3 subclasses when mixed with TrV-VLPs.
Conclusion: In conclusion, these results suggest the potential of TrV-VLPs as a vaccine adjuvant and the
use of T. cruzi chimeric antigens as a rational strategy for the development of vaccines against the exper-
imental model of Chagas disease.
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

⇑ Corresponding authors at: Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular,

Instituto Biofisika, Universidad del País Vasco (UBF, CSIC, UPV-EHU), B° Sarriena S/
N, 48940 Leioa, Bizkaia, Spain (D. Guerin). Postgraduate Programme in Pharma- 1. Introduction
ceutical Sciences, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Rua Gen, Gustavo
Cordeiro de Farias, 384, 59012-570 Natal, Brazil (M. Silva).
Vaccines represent an effective and successful intervention in
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (F. Luciano Neves Santos), paolaf-
[email protected] (P. Alejandra Fiorani Celedon), [email protected] (S. Beatriz Gabelli), the control and prevention of several infectious diseases, such as
[email protected] (D.M.A. Guérin), [email protected] (M. Sousa Silva). yellow fever, influenza, human papillomavirus, hepatitis B, tuber-

0264-410X/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Maria Vasconcelos Queiroz, Y. Aleksandrovna Yanshina, E. Thays da Silva Rodrigues et al. Vaccine 39 (2021) 4723–4732

culosis, measles, mumps, etc. Vaccines may be prepared in differ- 2. Material and Methods
ent ways, mainly depending on the nature of the antigen used in
the vaccine preparation. Thus, most vaccines available on the mar- 2.1. Production and purification of recombinant virus-like particles
ket consist of live or attenuated microorganisms, protein subunits, from Triatoma virus
and toxoids. Lately and since the 80 s, virus-like particles (VLPs)-
based vaccines have been widely used in new immunization Viruses and cells: Two baculovirus vectors (BVs), BV_P1 and
regimens. BV_NS, were employed to produce TrV-VLPs by co-infection in
VLPs are made up of multiple proteins that form the cap- H5 insect cells (Invitrogen). BVs were prepared as described previ-
somer of a viral particle and have a structural and conforma- ously [14] and used to infect cells grown in suspension (under
tional virus organization that can properly activate the immune magnetic stirring) in Express Five Media serum-free (Gibco).
system of numerous hosts during an immunization process [1]. Recombinant BVs were grown and titrated as previously described
VLPs have been widely used in the production of new vaccines [17].
such as respiratory syncytial virus vaccines [2], vaccines against Cell infection: Bottles (2L, Celstir Thermofisher) containing H5
different dengue virus serotypes [3], malaria protozoan [4], most cells at a concentration of about 106 cells/mL were infected with
recently influenza A virus [5], and currently as vaccine candidate BV_P1 or coinfected with BV_P1 and BV_NS at an MOI of 2p.f.u.
platform against SARS-CoV-2 [6], among other infectious disease of each virus per cell. During cell growth, prior to, and during infec-
agents. In this context, VLPs are a versatile component in the tion, bottles were pumped up with filtered air (using a syringe fil-
development of new vaccines, mainly due to their conforma- ter of 0.22 um cut-off, and a regular fish tank air pump) by
tional and immunological characteristics, enabling the activation introducing a stain steel tube from one of the top nozzles. At
of the immune system and the development of immune memory 48 h post-infection, cells were harvested by centrifugation, obtain-
[7,8]. ing several pellets per bottle, each of about 10 mL volume. Cells
The search for antigenic candidates for the development of were resuspended in lysis buffer [50 nM Tris/HCl pH73; 500 nM
vaccines against protozoa still represents a major challenge for NaCl; 1 nM MgCl2; 0.25% (v/v) Igepal CA-63 and Protease inhibitor
modern vaccinology. Important infections caused by protozoa cocktail (1 tablet per 10 mL)], followed by lysis using freeze–thaw
remain without vaccines available for control, such as Chagas cycles and sonication. TrV-VLPs were purified using sucrose cush-
disease, leishmaniasis, sleeping sickness, malaria, and toxoplas- ion and 10–30% sucrose gradient, fractionated, dialyzed to remove
mosis, among others. Since the protozoans responsible for these the sucrose, and the resulting solution (rich in TrV-VLPs as mea-
infectious diseases have a complexity of evasion mechanisms sured by UV absorption) was loaded onto a Sephacryl S-500 HR
and the ability to manipulate their hosts’ immune systems. (GE Healthcare) column. After concentration with Amicon tubes
The most rational strategy for vaccine development is certainly to reach a protein concentration of about 0.2 mg/mL, TrV-VLPs
the use of multiple antigenic candidates in a single vaccine were characterized using Sodium dodecyl sulfate-Polyacryamide
preparation [9]. In this context, chimeric recombinant antigens gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) (silver stained) and by anti-VP1
could be an interesting strategy to increase the antigenic reper- Western blot analysis. This procedure was performed as described
toire of a vaccine preparation against these diseases. previously [14].
Recently, Santos and colleagues produced four chimeric We used a 10% SDS-PAGE gel to estimate the size of TrV-VLPs
recombinant proteins from Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological according to the molecular weight (kDa) and the bacterial endo-
agent of Chagas disease, called as Institute of Molecular Biology toxin content for recombinant TrV-VLPs was detected using
of Paraná (IBMP-8.1, IBMP-8.2, IBMP-8.3 and IBMP-8.4) [10]. ToxinSensorTM Gel Clot Endotoxin Assay Kit (Genscript). This test
The immunodominant regions of these four chimeric T. cruzi detects endotoxins from Gram-negative bacteria using a Gel-Clot
recombinant proteins have been used in the serological diagnosis technique in a semi-quantitative way. Following the instructions
of Chagas disease [10–12]. In parallel, our research group had of the kit, different dilutions of the sample (from 1:1 to
produced and characterized recombinant VLPs from Triatoma 1:100,000) were tested.
virus (TrV) [13], a viral agent capable of infecting various tri-
atomine species [14]. TrV-VLPs had been studied by our lab as 2.2. Expression and purification of Trypanosoma cruzi chimeric
a potential adjuvant for the production of new vaccines. TrV- antigens
VLPs are derived from an insect virus [15], they are recombi-
nantly produced in the baculovirus expression system [13] and Synthetic genes encoding T. cruzi proteins (IBMP-8.1, IBMP-8.2,
they can be modified to insert new antigens on their capsid sur- IBMP-8.3 and IBMP-8.4) were obtained from a commercial supplier
face [16]. (GenScript, Piscataway, NJ, USA) and were subcloned into the
In this context, this work aims to characterize the immunostim- pET28a vector. The antigens were expressed in Escherichia coli
ulatory property of TrV-VLPs and T. cruzi chimeric recombinant BL21 Star (DE3) cells that had been grown in Luria-Bertani medium
proteins (IBMPs) through their ability to induce polarized humoral and induced with 0.5 mM isopropyl-b-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside
immune response during an immunization process in BALB/c mice. (IPTG), as described in Santos et al. (2016). The proteins were puri-
To this end, specific anti-TrV-VLPs antibodies were evaluated in fied from the soluble fraction of the total extract of bacterial lysate
mice immunized with TrV-VLPs alone, and TrV-VLPs mixed with using affinity chromatography followed by ion-exchange chro-
aluminium, a vaccine adjuvant popularly used in vaccination matography, and were then quantified by means of the fluoromet-
experimental models. Also, specific anti-IBMPs antibodies were ric method (Qubit 2.0, Invitrogen Technologies, Carlsbad, CA, USA),
evaluated in mice immunized with mixed IBMP proteins, in the following the manufacturer’s protocol. All recombinant proteins
presence of TrV-VLPs or aluminium. The data presented in this were stored at 20 °C until used in immunization protocols.
work show the ability of TrV-VLPs to induce specific antibodies
during the immunization process in mice, and in the presence or 2.3. Immunization in a mouse model
absence of aluminium adjuvant. Interestingly, the TrV-VLPs immu-
nization process preferentially induced a polarized profile of IgG2b Mice used in this study were obtained from and kept at the
and IgG3 anti-TrV-VLPs antibodies in both groups of immunized vivarium of the Health Sciences Centre at the Federal University
animals. of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN – Brazil). All procedures of immu-

A. Maria Vasconcelos Queiroz, Y. Aleksandrovna Yanshina, E. Thays da Silva Rodrigues et al. Vaccine 39 (2021) 4723–4732

nization and blood collection protocol were approved and per- stop the solution. All sera from immunized mice were assayed in
formed according to the indications of the Ethics Committee on triplicate and final reaction measured at 490 nm by spectropho-
Animal Use (CEUA – UFRN, Protocol Number 068.080/2017). tometer (Epoch, BioTek Instruments, Winooski, VT, USA). Serum
Briefly, 8-week-old BALB/c female Mus musculus mice were used samples obtained from unimmunized mice (pre-immune sera)
in the immunization protocols. Animals were immunized subcuta- were used as the control group in the determination of anti-TrV-
neously using syringe and needle (OmnicanÒ 100, B. Braun, Ger- VLPs and anti-IBMPs antibodies subtypes. GraphPad Prism 6 soft-
many). In the first immunization strategy, the first group of ware for Windows (GraphPad Software, La Jolla, CA) was used for
animals was administered with TrV-VLPs (100 mg) in sterile phos- the statistical analysis.
phate saline (PBS), and the second group was administered with
TrV-VLPs (100 mg) mixed with the 10% aluminium hydroxide adju-
2.6. Temperature treatment and TEM observation of recombinant TrV-
vant (Vetec Quimica Fina, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) in PBS and the
third group is non-immunized animals.
In the second immunization protocol, 50 mg of TrV-VLPs mixed
In order to obtain the protein of interest to study their particu-
with 50 mg of mix-IBMP (12,5 mg of each IBMP protein) in PBS were
lar characteristic, TrV-VLPs purification was performed. Particles
administered in the first group, the second group was administered
were purified in NMT buffer (500 Nm Tris/HCL pH 7.3; 100 nM
with mix-IBMP (50 mg) mixed with the 10% aluminum hydroxide
NaCl and 10 nM MgCl2) in a 0.1 mg mL 1 (protein) concentration
adjuvant in PBS, the third group was administered with mix-
and stored for one and a half year at 4 °C. Sample aliquots of about
IBMP (50 mg) in PBS, and the fourth group was administered only
50 ml each were stored in 0.5 mL capped plastic tubes for one week
with PBS. For both strategies, on different days (15, 30 and 45 days)
at 80 °C, 20 °C, room temperature, and 37 °C. All samples were
of the single-dose immunization, blood samples from immunized
mounted on carbon-coated copper grids, previously polarized by
animals were obtained and processed to obtain sera. Serum sam-
the glow discharge method, stained (3% w/v uranyl acetate), and
ples from the immunized animals were used for screening of
then analysed under TEM. Images were acquired using a Phillips
anti-TrV-VLPs antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent
EM208S transmission electron microscope (nominal resolution of
immunoassay (ELISA).
0.34 nm) combined with a Morada camera.

2.4. Obtaining sera from mice immunized with TrV-VLPs and IBMPs
antigens 3. Results

In order to determine anti-TrV-VLPs and anti-IBMPs antibodies Using the baculovirus-insect cell expression system, recombi-
from the immunized BALB/c mice, serum samples were extracted nant TrV-VLPs were successfully produced for studies in the mur-
from the coagulation of whole blood, extracted by terminal tail ine immunization model. Subsequently, purified recombinant TrV-
excision of the immunized animals. Briefly, whole blood samples VLPs were further visualized by electron microscopy and SDS-
were obtained and maintained at 37 °C for 30 min and then at polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) (Fig. 1), and
5 °C for one hour. Subsequently, the samples were centrifuged at immunocharacterized by Western Blotting (results not show),
5,000 rpm for 10 min. Serum samples were fractionated and stored according to our previous study targeting particles of 37.3 kDa
at 20 °C until use. [14]. In addition, the bacterial endotoxin test was performed on
the TrV-VLPs to detect endotoxins from Gram-negative bacteria
2.5. Determination of anti-TrV-VLPs and anti-IBMPs antibodies in using a gel-clot technique in a semi-quantitative way. This proce-
immunized mice dure used to detect the presence of bacterial’ origin toxins in
human biological and drugs was approved by the FDA. It was found
For the evaluation of the humoral immune response in the that the concentration range of the endotoxins present in the TrV-
immunized animals, serum samples were used to investigate the VLPs was 25–250 EU/mL, a range that according to the kit instruc-
different subtypes of specific anti-TrV-VLPs and anti-IBMPs anti- tions corresponds to a negative value (results not shown). Based on
bodies (total IgG, IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b and IgG3). For this, an indirect that, the particles were considered free of toxins that could come
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used, according from the expression procedure, and therefore we can be sure that
to the methodology previously developed in our laboratory [16]. the immune response to TrV-VLPs was not enhanced due to bacte-
Briefly, 96-well microplates (Nunc-Immuno MicroWell, USA) were rial detritus contamination.
coated with 50 ng/well of purified recombinant TrV-VLPs or IBMP- Next, in order to evaluate the immunostimulatory ability of
8.1, IBMP-8.2, IBMP-8.3, and IBMP-8.4 in 0.1 M carbonate buffer pH recombinant TrV-VLPs to induce humoral immune response, an
8.5 (overnight at 4 °C). The microplates were washed three times immunization process was established in a murine model. Then,
with PBS-0.05% Tween 20 (Promega, USA) and blocked for one hour the production of anti-TrV-VLPs IgG antibodies was analysed in
at artificial air temperature in the laboratory (25 °C) with 1% (w/v) serum samples from BALB/c immunized animals. Mice were
skim milk powder in PBS. After three washes, a serial dilution (IgG immunized with a single TrV-VLPs dose (100 mg/ animal), adminis-
total: 1/10 – 1/180; IgG subclass: 1/20 – 1/160) of immunized mice tered subcutaneously in the presence or absence of aluminium
sera was added for one hour at artificial air temperature. Then, adjuvant. Anti-TrV-VLPs antibodies profile was analysed at 15, 30
anti-mouse horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-conjugated: anti- and 45 days after primary immunization. It was observed that ani-
mouse IgG (diluted 1/40,000; Sigma-Aldrich, USA), anti-mouse mals immunized with a single dose of TrV-VLPs exhibit the ability
IgG1 (diluted 1:2,000; Caltag Laboratories. Burlingame, CA), anti- to induce total anti-TrV-VLPs IgG antibodies similar to animals
mouse IgG2a (diluted 1/2,000; Caltag Laboratories. Burlingame, immunized with the TrV-VLPs mixed with aluminium adjuvant
CA), anti-mouse IgG2b (diluted 1/2,000; Thermo Fisher: Invitrogen, (Fig. 2). These data were compared with unimmunized animal sera
USA) and anti-mouse IgG3 (diluted 1/2,000; Sigma-Aldrich, USA) (pre-immune sera).
were added. Next, all HRP-conjugated antibodies were incubated Subsequently to the characterization of total anti-TrV-VLPs IgG
for 30 min with a substrate solution, composed of 10 mL of citrate antibodies in animals immunized with a single dose (primary
buffer pH 5.0 with 10 mg of OPD (o-Phenylenediamine dihy- immunization 100 mg/animal) of TrV-VLPs (Fig. 2), the animals
drochloride; Sigma-Aldrich, USA) and 10 ml of hydrogen peroxide were subjected to the second dose of TrV-VLPs (50 mg/animal).
30% (Sigma-Aldrich, USA). Then, sulphuric acid 4 N was used to After seventy days of immunization, the profile of the different
A. Maria Vasconcelos Queiroz, Y. Aleksandrovna Yanshina, E. Thays da Silva Rodrigues et al. Vaccine 39 (2021) 4723–4732

Fig. 1. Recombinant TrV-VLPs produced in the baculovirus expression system. Left panel: Electron micrograph of negative staining samples (3% w/v uranyl acetate) of
purified recombinant TrV-VLPs. Bar 200 nm. Right panel: SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In lanes labeled as TrV-VLPs1 and TrV-VLPs2, 2.5 mg and 5 mg of TrV-VLPs
were added, respectively. Lane labeled as M represent molecular weight markers (BlueRay Prestained Protein Marker - Jena Bioscience) and the corresponding molecular
weights of the markers are shown in the lane labelled as kDa.

Fig. 2. Determination of total anti-TrV-VLPs IgG antibodies in animals immunized with a single dose of TrV-VLPs subcutaneously. The bars represent the antibody profile of
animals immunized with TrV-VLPs in the absence (VLP) or presence of aluminium (VLP-A) and anti-TrV-VLPs IgG antibody profile of unimmunized (pre-immune) animals is
represented by the black bar. Each bar represents the mean absorbances obtained in each group of immunized animals and their respective standard deviations, after 15
(15D), 30 (30D) and 45 (45D) days post-immunization. Serum samples were analyzed at 1/100 dilution (v/v). Absorbance at 490 nm is shown on Y axis. Differences between
mean values were considered significant when p < 0.05. Signs ‘‘*” and ‘‘#” represent differences observed in the immunized groups compared to the negative control and
difference between the immunized groups, respectively.

anti-TrV-VLPs IgG antibody subtypes (total IgG, IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b, The results of the characterization of the immunostimulatory
and IgG3) was determined in the serum samples of all immunized activity of T. cruzi antigenic candidates in mix form (mix-IBMP)
animals. The data presented in Fig. 3 show that both groups of with the concomitant TrV-VLPs or aluminium for total IgG anti-
immunized animals (TrV-VLPs in the presence or absence of alu- IBMP-8.1 are shown in Fig. 4A, for anti-IBMP-8.2 in Fig. 4B, for
minium) had predominantly TrV-VLPs-specific IgG2b and IgG3 anti-IBMP-8.3 in Fig. 4C, and for anti-IBMP-8.4 in Fig. 4D.
antibodies when analysed by ELISA. Regarding immunoglobulin The data show the presence of higher total IgG anti-IBMPs in
of the IgG3 subtype, animals immunized with TrV -VLPs have titers the groups immunized with mix-IBMP in association with TrV-
44 times higher when compared to the control group and 1.5 times VLPs or aluminium, when compared to the negative control. How-
higher when compared to animals immunized with VLP-A. Addi- ever, for all proteins (IBMP-8.1, IBMP-8.2, IBMP-8.3 and IBMP-8.4.)
tionally, immunized animals show little or no production of anti- and at all times, the group immunized with the traditional adju-
TrV-VLPs IgG1 and IgG2a antibodies compared to unimmunized vant has a superior profile of total IgG against each protein. For
(pre-immune) animals. groups immunized with the aluminium, it was observed that for

A. Maria Vasconcelos Queiroz, Y. Aleksandrovna Yanshina, E. Thays da Silva Rodrigues et al. Vaccine 39 (2021) 4723–4732

Fig. 3. Determination of different subtypes anti-TrV-VLPs IgG antibodies in animals immunized with TrV-VLPs after 70 days post-immunization. Each bar represents the
mean absorbance obtained in each group of immunized animals and their respective standard deviation, after 70 days post-immunization. Each serum sample was analyzed
at 1/20 dilution (v/v) by ELISA. Absorbance at 490 nm is shown on Y axis. Differences between means were considered significant when p < 0.05. The graphical signs ‘‘*” and
‘‘#” mean differences observed in the immunized groups compared to the negative control and difference between the immunized groups, respectively.

Fig. 4. Determination of anti-IBMP-8.1 (A), anti-IBMP-8.2 (B), anti-IBMP-8.3 (C) and anti-IBMP-8.4 (D) IgG antibodies profile in animals immunized with mix-IBMP mixed
TrV-VLPs (mix-IBMP + VLP) or in presence of aluminum (mix-IBMP + Alum), respectively. Negative control is represented by the black bar. Bars represent mean absorbances
obtained in each group of immunized animals and their respective standard deviations, after 15 (15D), 30 (30D) and 45 (45D) days post-immunization. Each serum sample
was analyzed at 1/100 dilution (v/v) by ELISA. Absorbance at 490 nm is shown on Y axis. Differences between means were considered significant when p < 0.05. The graphical
signs ‘‘*” and ‘‘#” mean differences observed in the immunized groups compared to the negative control and difference between the immunized groups, respectively. Above
D30 bar (D) graphic sign ‘‘” means that 30 days after immunization at 1/100 dilution absorbance exceeded the adopted wavelength of 490 nm.

A. Maria Vasconcelos Queiroz, Y. Aleksandrovna Yanshina, E. Thays da Silva Rodrigues et al. Vaccine 39 (2021) 4723–4732

proteins IBMP-8.2, IBMP-8.3 and IBMP-8.4 at the last point (D45, proteins when mix-IBMP is mixed with TrV-VLPs in relation to the
the level of total IgG starts to decline  1.1  (4B),  1.5  (4C) group with only the administration of the mix-IBMP or of the mix-
and  1.3  (4D) to respect point (D30). IBMP mixed with the traditional aluminium adjuvant. A different
The profile of IgG anti-TrV-VLPs antibodies was different when antibody profile was found against IBMP-8.3 (6C), in which there
TrV-VLPs were administered with the mix-IBMP compared to TrV- is a significantly greater difference in the mix-IBMP group com-
VLPs administered alone after 15, 30 and 45 days after the first pared to the others, and against IBMP-8–4 (6D), in which the lar-
immunization (results not shown). At the same time, the adminis- gest difference is found when the association is with aluminium.
tration of TrV-VLPs mixed with the mix-IBMP makes the formula- The association with aluminium, in addition to induce the pro-
tion more immunogenic, mainly for the IBMP-8.2 and IBMP-8.4 duction of the significant IgG3 antibodies (Fig. 6), also induces the
antigens, in relation to the production of IgG antibodies (results production of IgG1 antibodies against all proteins, mainly against
not shown). Another interesting observation is the fact that there IBMP-8.4 (Fig. 5). Unlike when the mix-IBMP is in association with
seems to be an immunogenic competition between the different TrV-VLPs, there is only IgG3 antibodies induction. Besides that, the
antigens of T. cruzi and the TrV-VLPs, since different levels of IgG stability of these recombinant TrV-VLPs was evaluated in relation
antibodies have been observed for the different antigens (results to temperature, to understand whether this variable interferes
not shown). with the assembly of the empty particle. The analysis of TrV-
The mix-IBMP mixed with TrV-VLPs, mix-IBMP plus aluminium VLPs stability under different temperature storage can be observed
and mix-IBMP groups were evaluated at 30 days (D30) after the in Fig. 7. All temperatures treated particles look spherical and no
first immunization for the production of IgG1 anti-IBMPs (Fig. 5) small or ‘‘open” particles were observed in the grids that could
and IgG3 (Fig. 6) antibodies anti-IBMP-8.1, anti-IBMP-8.2, anti- be attributed to particles disassembly.
IBMP-8.3 and anti-IBMP-8.4.
It was observed that in the group associated with aluminium
there was a production of the IgG1 type antibody, mainly against 4. Discussion
IBMP-8.4 (5D). Possibly, this is inherent in aluminium, because
when the mix-IBMP is administered in isolation there is no produc- VLPs are considered safe because they do not have the viral gen-
tion of IgG1 against the proteins. The production of IgG1 in the ome [18] and also mimic the immunogenic potential of many
mix-IBMP group associated plus TrV-VLPs against IBMP-8.2 is viruses due to structural epitopes present in capsid conformation
inherent in protein, because when the particles are administered [19]. The particulate structure of VLPs can be efficiently recognized
alone there is no production of this type of antibody, not even by antigen-presenting cells [19] and is therefore considered impor-
when associated with particles of aluminium (Fig. 3). tant for exogenous antigen display. Therefore, VLPs have been a
Data shown in Fig. 6 referring to the IgG3 type antibodies, exhi- reliable and safe tool for the development of new vaccines. In the
bit a significant difference against IBMP-8.1 (6A) and IBMP-8.2 (6B) context of vaccine adjuvants, the use of aluminium salts as an

Fig. 5. Determination of subtype anti-IBMPs IgG1 antibodies profile in animals immunized (after 30 days) with mix-IBMP mixed TrV-VLPs (mix-IBMP + VLP) or in presence of
aluminum (mix-IBMP + Alum), respectively. The negative control (PBS) is represented by the black bar. Each bar represents the mean absorbance obtained in each group of
immunized animals and their respective standard deviation, after 30 days post-immunization. Each serum sample was analysed at 1/40 dilution (v/v) by ELISA. Absorbance at
490 nm is shown on Y-axis. Differences between means were considered significant when p < 0.05. The graphical signs ‘‘*” and ‘‘#” mean differences observed in the
immunized groups compared to the negative control and difference between the immunized groups, respectively.

A. Maria Vasconcelos Queiroz, Y. Aleksandrovna Yanshina, E. Thays da Silva Rodrigues et al. Vaccine 39 (2021) 4723–4732

Fig. 6. Determination of subtype anti-IBMPs IgG3 antibodies profile in animals immunized (after 30 days) with mix-IBMP mixed TrV-VLPs (mix-IBMP + VLP) or in presence of
aluminium (mix-IBMP + Alum), respectively. The negative control (PBS) is represented by the black bar. Each bar represents the mean absorbance obtained in each group of
immunized animals and their respective standard deviation, after 30 days post-immunization. Each serum sample was analyzed at 1/40 dilution (v/v) by ELISA. Adopted
absorbance of 490 nm. Differences between means were considered significant when p < 0.05. The graphical signs ‘‘*” and ‘‘#” mean differences observed in the immunized
groups compared to the negative control and difference between the immunized groups, respectively.

Fig. 7. TrV-VLPs stability. TEM images of TrV-VLPs stained particles obtained after storage at different temperatures (see Materials and Methods). (A) Purified particles stored
at 4 °C for 1.5 years (18 months); (B) Particles from A stored for one week at room temperature; (C) Particles from A stored one week at 20 °C; (D) Particles from A stored for
one week at 37 °C. Black bars correspond to 100 nm. Antibody response induced by recombinant VLPs from Triatoma virus and chimeric antigens from Trypanosoma cruzi.

adjuvant is currently licensed in most vaccine preparations [20], presented in this study show that TrV-VLPs have the ability to
however, its use is related to episodes of severe local adverse reac- induce different specific subtypes antibodies and that this ability
tions, such as pruritic subcutaneous nodules and hypersensitivity is independent of the use of aluminium as an adjuvant. Other stud-
[21] and motor neuron degeneration [22]. Given these limitations, ies have previously shown that the use of aluminium salts can
this study contributes to the characterization and evaluation of the increase HPV16L1-VLPs antigen-specific antibody titters [24]. This
immunostimulatory action of TrV-VLPs for their ability to induce was not observed in our study (Fig. 2).
antibodies, in the absence of aluminium adjuvant. A study published by Ko and collaborators shows the ability of a
The recombinant VLPs-TrV used in the murine immunization VLP to increase serum levels of anti-flagellin antibodies when this
model was produced using the Bac-to-Bac TM system (Invitrogen, antigen is formulated with the adjuvant VLP [25]. Our data show that
USA) of baculovirus gene expression [13]. This system is widely animals immunized with TrV-VLPs preferentially produce IgG2b
used in the production of VLPs for vaccine development [23]. The and IgG3-specific antibodies (Fig. 3). In addition, there is no produc-
VLPs used in this study are a versatile tool for the development tion of IgG1 (Figs. 3 and 5), as in the work of Ko et al. (2019), where
of vaccines due to the conformational and immunological charac- the production of anti-flagellin IgG1 antibodies with Th2 polariza-
teristics that confer their immunostimulatory property [7]. Data tion was observed. This finding is especially important for the

A. Maria Vasconcelos Queiroz, Y. Aleksandrovna Yanshina, E. Thays da Silva Rodrigues et al. Vaccine 39 (2021) 4723–4732

rational design of vaccines, since the induction of polarized immu- Regarding the IgG3 antibody subtype (Fig. 6), the results pre-
nity of the Th2 type can hinder the protection mechanisms, when sented here are interesting in the context of inducing immunity
the infectious agents develop an intracellular phase of infection in the Chagas disease, since the ability to produce IgG3 antibodies
[26]. In the context of Chagas disease, the induction of a polarized is conditioned by the production of cytokines of the type Th1 that
immunity of the Th2 type may not have an impact on the protection also favours the induction of cytotoxic CD8+ T lymphocytes [29].
mechanisms against the infection, since the Th1 versus Th2 polar- The induction of IgG3 production when using TrV-VLPs, instead
ization mechanisms are involved in the resistance and susceptibility of IgG1 and IgG3 as in the aluminium group, shows the advantage
mechanisms, respectively in the course of T. cruzi infection [27]. of TrV-VLPs in inducing the production of Th1-type cytokine-
Induction in the production of IgG2b and IgG3 antibodies dependent antibodies.
(Fig. 3) suggests the immunomodulatory potential of TrV-VLPs as The VLP technology has interesting characteristics for the pro-
an immunization strategy against T. cruzi, since the presence of duction of new, safe, stable, and efficient vaccines [39,40]. Modified
anti-T. cruzi antibodies of the IgG2b type is associated with protec- or natural VLPs can increase the immunogenicity of a given vaccine
tive mechanisms during infection [28]. Regarding antibodies of the formulation [41,42]. The data presented in this study corroborate
IgG3 type, they have the ability to opsonize and destroy infected the literature regarding the use of non-infectious VLPs, which
cells [29]. Thus, it was observed in this study that the isolated increases the immunogenicity of vaccine antigens, thus being an
TrV-VLPs achieve a greater profile of IgG3 production, compared interesting strategy for the development of new vaccines.
with their use in combination with the conventional adjuvant There are data in the literature reporting the use of VLPs as vac-
(Fig. 3). Animals immunized only with TrV-VLPs after 15 days, after cine adjuvants for the induction of Th1-type polarized immune
the second immunization, showed 81 times more IgG3 antibodies response [30]. In these scenarios, we believe that during the TrV-
when compared to the negative control group (results not shown). VLPs immunization process the immune response is of the Th1 type,
The use of structural protein as an adjuvant can induce Th1- regarding antibody-induced immunity induction, we observed that
type cytokines. This result was seen in a study using flagellin as TrV-VLPs have the same ability to stimulate antibodies when used
an adjuvant. The authors observed that its isolated use, in low con- alone or when mixed with aluminium. In addition, T. cruzi chimeric
centrations, induced specific antibodies [30]. Likewise, TrV-VLPs recombinant proteins were also able to stimulate antibodies when
are particles made up of structural proteins organized in the form used alone, or when used in vaccine formulations with aluminium
of a viral capsid. Here we demonstrate that TrV-VLPs are capable of or TrV-VLPs. Thus, we have shown the intrinsic immunostimulatory
inducing specific antibodies after 70 days of immunization. Thus, ability of TrV-VLPs and T. cruzi chimeric recombinant proteins to
TrV-VLPs, based on viral structural proteins, naturally have the produce antibodies. These data open the possibility of using TrV-
ability to induce specific T-cell-dependent antibodies [31]. VLPs as a vaccine adjuvant. However, further studies need to be per-
In vaccine formulations, the use of chimeric recombinant pro- formed to characterize other immunity-inducing mechanisms, such
teins is interesting and viable. Protein expression systems, such as T-cell mediated immunity, cytokine production, and characteri-
as baculoviruses, are processes in modern biotechnology that are zation of immune memory.
effective for the production of proteins [32], and in the case of chi- Finally, thermal study of TrV-VLPs shows that these particles are
meric proteins are composed of distinct gene sequences of antigens very robust and do not break apart when frozen. Thinking about the
in a single molecule, enabling an increase in immunogenicity by potential use of them as adjuvant, this feature is in contrast with
offering to the immune system a variety of epitopes [9]. Strategies adjuvant-based aluminium-salts because vaccines formulated with
using chimeric molecules have also shown efficacy for serological these adjuvants have the drawback that they cannot be frozen [43].
diagnosis of diseases, for example, human and canine Chagas dis- Moreover, TrV-VLPs particles can be stored for long periods at 4 °C,
ease [10,12,33]. It was shown in a study for malaria the importance or even remain unaltered for one week at room temperature and
of recombinant antigens in inducing a strong antibody response in 37 °C. Given this is the temperature of humans’ body, it can be
a murine model [34]. assured that, the intrinsic feature of TrV-VLPs particulate form to
In our study, we showed that T. cruzi recombinant chimeric stimulate PAMPs (Pathogen-associated molecular pattern) of the
antigens (IBMP-8.1, IBMP-8.2, IBMP-8.3 and IBMP-8.4) are efficient immune system, will not be compromised.
in inducing antibodies in mice, especially when administered with
aluminium and VLPs, showing a higher total IgG antibodies
5. Conclusions
response with the use of aluminium (Fig. 4). Although aluminium
induces a greater humoral response similar to VLPs, the toxicity
In conclusion, the data obtained in this study demonstrate the
of this vaccine adjuvant is often reported as a disadvantage
particular ability of TrV-VLPs to preferentially induce specific
[27,28]. Even the IBMP-8.4 protein presenting in its antigenic
anti-TrV-VLPs IgG2b and IgG3 antibodies in the murine model of
repertoire more T. cruzi epitopes [35], in an immunization protocol
immunization. These data contribute to the potentiation of the
in a murine model, the IBMP-8.2 (Fig. 4B) protein induces greater
use of TrV-VLPs as vaccine adjuvant in vaccine formulations. TrV-
production of total IgG antibodies when associated with TrV-
VLPs can be used to increase the immunogenicity of a given vac-
VLPs. It is possible that the presentation of the IBPM-8.2 protein
cine formulation, mainly in the production of IgG3 type antibodies,
to the immune system is more effective due to existence of more
as demonstrated here for recombinant antigens of T. cruzi, namely
immunogenic antigens available for recognition [36].
IBMP-8.1, 8.2 and 8.4 proteins. However, the immune mechanisms
A study published by Thema and colleagues observed the ability
induced by TrV-VLPs and T. cruzi chimeric recombinant proteins
of VLPs to induce IFN-c production and a Th1-type polarized
need to be more clearly understood, especially the induction of
immune response [37]. The IFN-c cytokine produced by Th1 lym-
the polarized humoral and cellular immune response.
phocytes inhibits the proliferation of Th2 cells and this phe-
nomenon could explain the down regulation of the production of
IgG1 antibodies for the IBMP mix-associated with VLPs-TrV Funding
(Fig. 5). This non-induction in production has already been seen
to immunize TrV-VLPs in the absence or presence of aluminium This research was funded by Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
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the Th1 type response and consequently, there is the production of Health and Tropical Medicine [grant number GHTM-UID/
related antibodies [38]. multi/04413/2013] and partially supported by grants to DMAG,
A. Maria Vasconcelos Queiroz, Y. Aleksandrovna Yanshina, E. Thays da Silva Rodrigues et al. Vaccine 39 (2021) 4723–4732

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