MGN206 Data Analysis and Findings

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Data Analysis and Findings

1. Reliability Analysis:

The reliability coefficient of our data is 0.868. The minimum

value of Cronbach Alpha is 0.70. Since our reliability
coefficient is much more than 0.70, we can say that our data is
reliable, we can go for further data analysis

2. Demographic Analysis:





3. Factor Analysis:

Our proposed framework was consisted of 8 different

variables name: Convenience, Marketing,
Trustworthiness, Price, Food choices, Age, Perceived value and Attitude towards food
delivery apps.

KMO Test:

The KMO test describes the sufficient number of

respondent size to run factor analysis. It must be
of 0.70 value. In our case the KMO value
appears to be as 0.858 which is well significant
and we can run factor analysis.

Rotated Component Matrixa

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pleasure .766
Pricing Strategy .747
Health .707
Taste .664
Decision .623
Quality .612 .406
Convenience .596
Health Effects .580
Choices .571
Preference .549 .439
Discounts and offers .535 .530
Cheaper Price .515
Price Increment .505
Sick .735
Description .688
Role of Price .666
Awareness .632
Ratings .498 .616
Reliable Information .786
Experience with interface .717
Experience with Billing .522
Cancel delivery .657
Refund .655
Responsibility .403 .574
Compensation .541 .542
Experience with delivery person .787
Security .470 .521
Advertisement Effect .513
Experience with Food quality .480
Experience with Packing .430
Experience with Delivery Time .767
Personal Information .737
Nutrional Value .751
Frequency .568
Application -.641
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 23 iterations.

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