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Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas Cheats Answers Questions Hints Tips and Walkthroughs
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The en()(lopedia of game (heats. A die hard gamer would get pissed if the)
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Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas Cheats

Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas

Cheat Codes*
4pdate b)* 5atsal Chanana
4pdate b)* Aakash Walia
4pdate b)* akhil
4pdate b)* A;iral
4pdate b)* Hari /rishnan Prasad
4pdate b)* hari
4pdate b)* sar;ag)a ;erma
4pdate b)* sar;ag)a
4pdate b)* Annu Shri;asta;a
4pdate b)* 53+1"+3 S1GH
4pdate b)* karim nag)
Submitted b)* P7?2
Submitted b)* Skar
Submitted b)* Snake
Submitted b)* Phoeni6
Submitted b)* Haspa

T)pe these (odes during the game @do not pause. "o not sa;e the game with the
(odes a(ti;e. The set (ode (an be upper(ase or lower(ase.

Code +ffe(t
041AS+, - Adrenaline 0ode
7!T+C8 - Aggressi;e "ri;ers
C26+,G4 - All Cars Ha;e 1itro
8+5G - All green lights
65S1A - Alwa)s 0idnight

C/GCG6 - #ea(h Part)

2W"!AC - #la(k traffi(
CP/T1WT - #low 4p All Cars
A,S10S0W - #oats fl)
#S6SGGC - Cars ,loat Awa) When Hit
3PA8HA - Cars ,l)
AS1A+# - Clear Wanted !e;el
#0TPWH3 - Countr) 5ehi(les and Peds: Get #orn $ Tru(k 2utfit
AS#HG3# - +l;is is +;er)where
,2226,T - +;er)one is armed
7S2H14! - ,aster Clo(k
PPGWHT - ,aster Gamepla)
#TC"#C# - ,at
C,5,G0 - ,ogg) Weather
24Q"0W - ,ull Weapon Aiming While "ri;ing
P3+# - ,unhouse Theme
032+08H - Gang 0embers +;er)where
032+08H - Gangs Control the Streets
#AG2WPG - Ha;e a bount) on )our head
7+CGAA - Ha;e etpa(k
A7PW8QP - Ha;e Para(hute
H+S27A0 - Health: Armor: ?$B%k
1CSG"AG - Hitman n All Weapon Stats
H2+CW - Huge #unn) Hop
2S3#!HH - n(rease Wanted !e;el Two Stars
WA13!TW - nfinite Ammo: 1o 3eload
#AG456 - nfinite Health
C5W/6A0 - nfinite 2=)gen
6CW0" - n;isible (ar
7S"S2" - 0a= 0us(le
2G6S"AG - 0a= 3espe(t
+H#6QS - 0a= Se= Appeal
!,G0HA! - 0ega ump
A5+1Q - 0ega Pun(h
A+"4W15 - 1e;er Get Hungr)
A+8A/0 - 1e;er Wanted
A,PH4!T! - 1ina Theme
2,5AC - 2range Sk) $&*%%
A!1S,082 - 2;er(ast Weather
A!27Q7 - Peds Atta(k +a(h 2ther: Get Golf Club
#G!4AW0! - Peds Atta(k 7ou With Weapons: 3o(ket !aun(her
PGG2027 - Perfe(t Handling
!!QP,#1 - Pink traffi(
A4,35QS - 3ain) Weather
S0AHP+ - 3e(ruit An)one @9mm
8S26,SQ - 3e(ruit An)one @3o(kets
THG!2 - 3edu(ed Traffi(
24,81 - 3iot 0ode
CW642C - Sandstorm
!SPQ/ - Si= Star Wanted !e;el
/5G78Q/ - Skinn)
!72AA7 - Slower Gamepla)
#+//1Q5 - Slut 0agnet
C134A" - Smash nD #oom
CQ80# - Spawn #loodring #anger
38HS4+W - Spawn Cadd)
++GC76T - Spawn "oEer
2H"4"+ - Spawn Hunter
40P+T - Spawn H)dra

AG#"!C" - Spawn 0onster

A/7G!C - Spawn Quad
P"1+2H - Spawn 3a(e(ar
5PTQW5 - Spawn 3a(e(ar
Q1T"0H - Spawn 3an(her
AWP3T21 - Spawn 3hino
AQT#C2"6 - Spawn 3omero
/3+#3 - Spawn Stret(h
43/QS3/ - Spawn Stunt Plane
A020H3+3 - Spawn Tanker Tru(k
4#H78HQ - Spawn Trashmaster
/GGG"/P - Spawn 5orte= Ho;er(raft
S8C0AW2 - Sui(ide
A,8!!Q!! - Sunn) Weather
5/7PQC, - Ta=is Ha;e 1itrous: !F #unn) Hop
0GH6730 - Thunderstorm
#G/GTH - Traffi( is Cheap Cars
,5T01#8 - Traffi( is Countr) 5ehi(les
G4S1H"+ - Traffi( is ,ast Cars
C/P7H - 5er) Sunn) Weather
!6GW7! - Weapon Set &: ThugDs Tools
//S8P - Weapon Set $: Professional Tools
484070W - Weapon Set F: 1utter Tools
2H"4"+ - H+!C2PTP3
,243WH++!,41 - Q4A"+ #/+
32C/+T0A1 - HA5+ +TPAC/
7+CGAAG - ha;e etpa(k
ghosttown - redu(ed traffi(
full(lip - unlimited ammo
(raE)town - funhouse theme
bubble(ars - (ars float when hit
;ro(kpo(k) - spawns a (ar
stinglikeabee - mega pun(h
professionalskit - professional tools
speedfreak - all (ars ha;e nitro
all(arsgoboom - blow up all (ars
monstermash - spawns monster tru(k
testedu(ationalskills - no poli(e
ninahood - nina theme
Testedu(ationalskills - ne;erwanted
kangroo - ha;e a higher ump
heso)am - ha;e a mone)?$B%%%
)e(gaa - etpa(k
PA1TT#!AC/ - #la(k Traffi(
3!0HSC - Cars "ri;e 2n Water
AG+1TCT7 - +;er)one Has Pistol
0T2,4!! - ,ill Hunger
"+ATHG41 - Ha;e a 0a(hine Gun
G5+0+S20+!,+ - 0a= Health

4nlo(k pimping mission*

+nter a broadwa) @low-rider ;ehi(le and press 3F. "ri;e the prostitutes to their
destinations for big (ash. After the tenth <tri(k< prostitutes PA7 )ou rather than
)ou pa)ing them.


+nable fireproof - Complete le;el &$ of the fire fighter missions.
4nlo(k #, ne(tion - Get ,irst pla(e at the "irt ring ra(e !as 5enturas
4nlo(k Super GT - Get all #ronEe medal in "ri;ing s(hool.
4nlo(k "une #ugg) - #eat the s(ore of $B at the "irt 3ing.
4nlo(k Hotknife - Get all gold medals in the "ri;ing s(hool.
4nlo(k et Pa(k - Complete the Airstip asset near !as 5enturas.
4nlo(k 13G B%% - Get all gold medals in #ike S(hool. This bike (an be
  found uite easil) in a (ar park near the ohnson
4nlo(k 3ustler - Get all #ronEe medal in pilot s(hool.
4nlo(k ,reewa) - Get all #ronEe awards in #ike S(hool.
4nlo(k Hotring ra(er - Get ,irst pla(e in -Tra(k.
4nlo(k 0onster Tru(k - Win it b) beatin the -Tra(k Tournament.
4nlo(k Stunt plane - Get all sil;er medals at the pilot s(hool.
4nlo(k 0edi( 2utfit - &%%I with /atie 8han.
4nlo(k Pimp 2utfit - &%%I with "enise 3obinson.
4nlo(k 3a(ing 2utfit - &%%I with 0i(helle.
4nlo(k Poli(e 2utfit - &%%I with #arbara.
4nlo(k B%I - (omplete le;el &$ of the paramedi( mission.

4nlo(kables* You're Reading a Preview

/eep weapon after getting busted - "ate #arbara.
/eep weapon after getting your
wasted documents
- "ate /atie to download.

4nlo(kables in !os Santos* Upload to Download

4nlo(k Ak->J to spawn in the ohnsonDs ,amil) Home - (omplete all &%% tags.
4nlo(k Te(-9 to spawn in the ohnsonDs ,amil) Home - (omplete all &%% tags.
OR ,amil) - Complete all &%% tags.
4nlo(k Sawn-2ff Shotgun spawn in ohnsonDs

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4nlo(k 0oloto; Co(ktails to spawn in the ohnsonDs ,amil) Home*
full documents.
Complete all &%% tags in !os Santos.
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Submitted b)* GHA8 1ASS, 0A//

This is not reall) a (heat its a hint : while )ou pla)ing if )ou wanna shoot
or defend )our self with shooting : shoot at the head its the perfe(t spot that an)

weapon (an kill the ;i(tim with and )ou onl) need one bullet (ool haaK

Submitted b)* (arl the man of gta

When )ou pla) the first mission )ou get a ()(le to finish the mission n when u get
left behind u get ataked b) the gang members u ust ha;e to do is put the baEokka
(heat and blast them then finish it b) sta)ing behind.

Submitted b)* !iEEer

When )ou (ome to end of the state@thatDs then when )ou will see a blo(kadeDs and
stop signDswith (ar donDt tr) to get into the water and (ross the state line
)our wanted le;el will in(rease b) > stars.+;en if )ou get ba(k in )our state then
)ou will ha;e still > stars.Wh)LL#i(ose )ou had (rossed state lineK7ou (an (ross
state line when )ou ha;e finished the first state and all missionDs in her.
f )ou ha;e an) problemDs (onta(t radioEaEa%%JM)ahoo.(om

Submitted b)* 3ahul

7ou Can repair )our ;ehi(le for free b) ust going to CarlDs home N parking an)
;ehi(le in his garage. 3oam around for some time N when )ou will be ba(k )our ;
ehi(le will be as good as new.

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Hint*Store 0ore ;ehi(les in garage*
Submitted b)* Prathmesh Upload
0hatre your documents to download.

At CDs home in !os Santos )ou (an store ma=imum $ Cars or #ikes or so.To fit more
park one (ar near the wall ,ind Upload
#06 andtopark
it e=tream end of garage find some
bikes this time garage wonDt open.Park bike in front of the door and get off the
door will open up.Get on the bike (asuall)OR C will take a run up on the bike and
will enter the garage a Scribd
without member to read
an) problem.7ou and download
(an store as man) as bikes fit in the

garage. 7ouDll find #06 parked in full

of the house opposite CDs at (ertain
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Hint*3ide on bi()(le be health)*
Submitted b)* Prathmesh 0hatre

"ri;ers in !os Santos are alwa)s in hurr) e;en an old lad) donDt hesitate to bump
the stopped (ar@This reminds me m) dri;ing in !ibert) Cit) N 5i(e Cit) it
no na;igate around !os Santos with su(h traffi(.Sin(e people donDt gi;e up their
easil) like pre;ious ;ersions of GTAOriding on #06 is the best wa) to get around as

well as in(rease the Stamina.3ailwa) lines:Water (annals are safer N faster to

2r simpl) sti(k to footpaths to not to be suashed

Stu(k in !os SantosL*


Submitted b)* Prathmesh 0hatre

7ouDre stu(k in !os Santos up to the missionDA break from !os Santos...D.#ut stil
)ou (an ha;e a (lose look of other (ities here are the tips*

&.Go to the South-east (orner of !os Santos walk along the railwa) lines.Swim
  north rea(h to the (oaste ui(kl).
$./eep going north along the railwa) lines soon )ouDll rea(h station.@7ouDll be
de(lared ' star wanted as soon as )ou enter other (it).+;en (heat (anDt wipe that
F.f )ouDre lu(k) )ou ma) (at(h up the train if there isnDt an) train wait and
  )ourself from Arm) and Poli(e.Soon thereDll be a train.Get into (otrol room b)
pressing , standing near he engine.
>.A((elrate train ba(kwards.1ow (ops and arm) (anDt get )ou "2 12T S!2W "2W1 T3A1
04CH or )ouDll be busted.
B.1ow all )ou ha;e to do is manage )our speed High on straight lined 0edium on
  ones.Ha;e fun wat(hing at least.

12T+* T3A1 C24!" "+3A! 21 C435+" HGH GAG+ 3A!S@+SPACA!!7 1 0241TA1S07 T3A1

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21C+ "+3A!+" 1+A3 A T411+! "21T 3+0+0#+3 WHCH #4T C2ACH+S "+TACH+" N W+1T 1T2
S+A  S4355+" 21!7 #+CA4S+ +1G1+ HA" +1T+3" TH+ T411+! "+3A!+" N T!T+"
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Submitted b)* Goof)

7ou (an sk)di;e with C:some tall buildings ha;e a )ellow marker at the bottom to
OR of some buildings there is a para(hute:
take )ou to the top of the building.2n top
take it and ump of the building:press !eft 0ouse #utton to deplo) the para(hute.
Become a (heat:then
2therwise use the para(hute Scribd member
and download
@4se 1umPad and 1umPad$ to
mo;e the thrusters the fl) ;er) high and ump out of the planeK
full documents.
Hint* Start Your 30 Day FREE Trial
Submitted b)* 5lad ;lad&>$M)ahoo.(om

After )ou (omplete the missions Torreno gi;es )ou: drop b) at his house. 7ouDll
some mass-destru(tion weapons that )ou (an use.

Submitted b)* GHA8 1ASS, 0A//

After finishing the mission that )ou rob the bank in las ;enturas )ou (an pla) it
again b) ha;ing a date with millie and kill her while the date is running but )ou
must ha;e a big progress with her.


Submitted b)* GHA8 1ASS, 0A//

This is not reall) a (heat this is a hint its about a rear plane that lo(ates in
las ;enturas in the (orner of the airport its name is AT->%% and its bigger than
shamal plane in about four times its a umpo its ust for one passenger
<what a plane< (ool haK

Submitted b)* hannan

)ou (an find a nrg-B%% near the e=port ship and the (rane near it in eastern
ba) airport in sanfierro.t is to the left of the (rane.7ou (an (omplete the
mission but )ou (an ha;e it without it.7ou (annot sa;e it in a garage.

Submitted b)* ahanEeb

t is not reall) a (heat:but ust a hint."uring gamepla) if )ou t)pe <C26+,G4<

all (ars will ha;e nitrous:but it is limited.When )ou a(ti;ate the nitrous:it
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will finish after some time and will not re(o;er soon. To get all nitrous ba(k:
ust step out of the (ar and then get in. 1ow see:u got full nitrous again.

Upload your documents to download.

Submitted b)* Abbasin Upload to Download
How to destro) a mo;ing (ar without an) gun* HereDs a wa) that i found while
pla)ing GTA* SA: first ump onto the top of a (ar on an) highwa) or road: dont
stand on the bonut but on the top or ba(kORof the (ar. 1ow when the (ar starts
mo;ing: start tapping the atta(k button: Carl ohnson will start ki(king the
(ar.. )ouDll see the a Scribd
(ar wa;ing member
around when to read
the andpani(s.
dri;e download"ont stop and
keep ki(king: e;entuall) the (ar will be(ome on fire.. ump awa) and look the
(ar being blast b) the engine firefull documents.
(aused b) )our a(tioons *

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This is a Glit(h that  noti(ed in the game*
Submitted b)* GHA8 0A//

Go to the bo=ing G)m is !s and when )ou get there kill all humans in it and
then t)oe the etpa(k (heat and stand on the marker b) the door and fl) up
through the suare abo;e )ou and )ou will be in the outer spa(e its a little
bit hard but if )ou go east for a little while )ou will find a )ellow marker
go into it @without the et ba(k  and )ou will see somethings )ou didnt e;er
see in the game. P.s * )ou must kill all the people in the g)m or this hint
will not work.+no)K

This is a weapon skill (heatK*

Submitted b)* nathan

go into the ohnson house in los santos then walk out again:then go to ur
left behind the wall.t)pe the weapons (heat @uEum)mw then get a gun shoot

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