Choose The Correct Answer

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Student Name: Class: 7TH

Paper Code: Subject: Computer

Paper Time: T-Marks:

Q1. Choose the correct answer. 1.5X20=30 ‫۔‬ ‫دا ہ‬ ‫در‬ ‫ات‬ ‫ر‬
1.Physical parts of a computer are known as ………: null.1
null System unit (D)null Operating system (C)null Hardware (B)null Software (A)
2.Processor is fixed on the ………: null.2
null Expansion slot (D)null Motherboard (C)null Chipboard (B)null Fan (A)
3.There are ……… types of memory. null.3
null Four (D)null One (C)null Three (B)null Two (A)
4.A processor act like a/an ………: null.4
null Kidney (D)null Brain (C)null Arm (B)null Heart (A)
5.Arithmetic operations are performed by ………: null.5
null CU (D)null ALU (C)null AU (B)null LU (A)
6.Which one of the following parts of a CPU controls the sequence of the instructions? null.6
null ALU (D)null LU (C)null CU (B)null AU (A)
7.ROM stores data ………: null.7
null Fully (D)null Partially (C)null Temporary (B)null Permanently (A)
8.Which of the following is highest speed slot? null.8
null APG (D)null PCI (C)null AGP (B)null ISA (A)
9.A video game is played by using ……… card. null.9
null Network Interface (D)null Graphics (C)null Modem (B)null Sound (A)
10.……… is used in security systems and criminal investigations. null.10
null Barcode Reader (D)null Sound card (C)null Robots (B)null Fingerprint Reader (A)
11.……… creates a link between a user and the computer. null.11
null Image Viewer (D)null Operating System (C)null Utilities (B)null Device Driver (A)
12.……… is the most famous type of Operating System for personal computer. null.12
null Mac OS (D)null Microsoft Windows (C)null Unix (B)null Linux (A)
13.……… is a program that allows a user to analyze and maintain a computer. null.13
null MS Office (D)null Windows XP (C)null Device driver (B)null Utility (A)
14.A computer software that helps users to do a specific task on a computer is known as ………: null.14
null Application software (D)null Anti-virus software (C)null MS Office software (B)null System software (A)
15.……… software is used to learn a particular skill. null.15
null Reference (D)null Educational (C)null Multimedia (B)null Graphics (A)
16.Computer game is an example of ……… software. null.16
null System (D)null Reference (C)null Exam preparation (B)null Entertainment (A)
17.Encyclopedia is an example of ……… software. null.17
null Reference (D)null Productivity (C)null Educational (B)null Entertainment (A)
18.……… is a word renowned composing software. null.18
null Adobe photoshop (D)null Typing tutor (C)null MS Word (B)null MS PowerPoint (A)
19.……… software is used to create visual presentations. null.19
null MS Excel (D)null MS Paint (C)null Multimedia (B)null Graphics (A)
20.When a computer starts, operating system checks all the ……… and loads their drivers so a user can work properly. /
null Network (D)null Drivers (C)null Devices (B)null Programs (A)

Q2. Fill in the blanks. 1X5=5 ‫۔‬ ‫ر ذ‬

1.The two main components of a Processor are ………………………… and ………………………… null.1
2.………………………… slot is a long narrow socket fixed on the Motherboard. null.2
3.Memory consists on ………………………… chips. null.3
4.………………………… slot is hard to find in modern computers. null.4
5.………………………… is a device that captures a fingerprint. null.5

Q3. Write short answers of the following questions. 2X5=10 ‫۔‬ ‫ات‬ ‫ا ت‬ ‫ر ذ‬
1. Define System Unit. null .1
2. Define Memory. null .2
3. Define Processor. null .3
4. Differentiate between Input devices and Output devices. null .4
5. Define software. null .5

Q4. Write detailed answers of the following questions. 5X1=5 ‫۔‬ ‫ات‬ ‫ا ت‬ ‫ر ذ‬
1.Define the brain of the computer and write down the names of its components. null.1

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