Bo 130 Og
Bo 130 Og
Bo 130 Og
Operations Guide
Release 13.0
May 2008
Oracle Retail Back Office Operations Guide, Release 13.0
The Programs (which include both the software and documentation) contain proprietary information; they
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Except as may be expressly permitted in your license agreement for these Programs, no part of these
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If the Programs are delivered to the United States Government or anyone licensing or using the Programs on
behalf of the United States Government, the following notice is applicable:
U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS Programs, software, databases, and related documentation and technical data
delivered to U.S. Government customers are "commercial computer software" or "commercial technical data"
pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As
such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the Programs, including documentation
and technical data, shall be subject to the licensing restrictions set forth in the applicable Oracle license
agreement, and, to the extent applicable, the additional rights set forth in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial
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The Programs are not intended for use in any nuclear, aviation, mass transit, medical, or other inherently
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products or services. Oracle is not responsible for any loss or damage of any sort that you may incur from
dealing with any third party.
Value-Added Reseller (VAR) Language
(i) the software component known as ACUMATE developed and licensed by Lucent Technologies Inc. of
Murray Hill, New Jersey, to Oracle and imbedded in the Oracle Retail Predictive Application Server -
Enterprise Engine, Oracle Retail Category Management, Oracle Retail Item Planning, Oracle Retail
Merchandise Financial Planning, Oracle Retail Advanced Inventory Planning and Oracle Retail Demand
Forecasting applications.
(ii) the MicroStrategy Components developed and licensed by MicroStrategy Services Corporation
(MicroStrategy) of McLean, Virginia to Oracle and imbedded in the MicroStrategy for Oracle Retail Data
Warehouse and MicroStrategy for Oracle Retail Planning & Optimization applications.
(iii) the SeeBeyond component developed and licensed by Sun MicroSystems, Inc. (Sun) of Santa Clara,
California, to Oracle and imbedded in the Oracle Retail Integration Bus application.
(iv) the Wavelink component developed and licensed by Wavelink Corporation (Wavelink) of Kirkland,
Washington, to Oracle and imbedded in Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management.
(v) the software component known as Crystal Enterprise Professional and/or Crystal Reports Professional
licensed by Business Objects Software Limited ("Business Objects") and imbedded in Oracle Retail Store
Inventory Management.
(vi) the software component known as Access Via™ licensed by Access Via of Seattle, Washington, and
imbedded in Oracle Retail Signs and Oracle Retail Labels and Tags.
(vii) the software component known as Adobe Flex™ licensed by Adobe Systems Incorporated of San Jose,
California, and imbedded in Oracle Retail Promotion Planning & Optimization application.
(viii) the software component known as Style Report™ developed and licensed by InetSoft Technology
Corp. of Piscataway, New Jersey, to Oracle and imbedded in the Oracle Retail Value Chain Collaboration
(ix) the software component known as i-net Crystal-Clear™ developed and licensed by I-NET Software Inc.
of Berlin, Germany, to Oracle and imbedded in the Oracle Retail Central Office and Oracle Retail Back Office
(x) the software component known as WebLogic™ developed and licensed by BEA Systems, Inc. of San Jose,
California, to Oracle and imbedded in the Oracle Retail Value Chain Collaboration application.
(xi) the software component known as DataBeacon™ developed and licensed by Cognos Incorporated of
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, to Oracle and imbedded in the Oracle Retail Value Chain Collaboration
List of Examples
2 Technical Architecture
Tier Organization ..................................................................................................................................... 2-1
Client Tier .................................................................................................................................................. 2-2
Middle Tier ................................................................................................................................................ 2-2
Model ................................................................................................................................................... 2-3
View ..................................................................................................................................................... 2-3
Controller ............................................................................................................................................ 2-4
Struts Configuration ................................................................................................................... 2-4
Application Services ................................................................................................................... 2-4
Data Tier..................................................................................................................................................... 2-5
Dependencies in Application and Commerce Services.................................................................... 2-6
Example of Operation.............................................................................................................................. 2-6
3 Extracting Source Code
4 Development Environment
Using the Apache Ant Build Tool ......................................................................................................... 4-1
Prerequisites for the Development Environment.............................................................................. 4-2
Install Oracle Application Server.......................................................................................................... 4-2
Build the Back Office Application........................................................................................................ 4-2
Exception Handling ........................................................................................................................ 6-11
Types of Exceptions ................................................................................................................. 6-12
Avoid java.lang.Exception...................................................................................................... 6-12
Avoid Custom Exceptions ...................................................................................................... 6-12
Catching Exceptions ................................................................................................................ 6-12
Keep the Try Block Short ................................................................................................. 6-12
Avoid Throwing New Exceptions.................................................................................. 6-13
Catching Specific Exceptions .......................................................................................... 6-15
Favor a Switch over Code Duplication.......................................................................... 6-15
7 Extension Guidelines
Audience .................................................................................................................................................... 7-1
Application Layers ................................................................................................................................... 7-2
User Interface...................................................................................................................................... 7-2
Application Manager......................................................................................................................... 7-2
Commerce Service.............................................................................................................................. 7-2
Algorithm ............................................................................................................................................ 7-3
Entity .................................................................................................................................................... 7-3
Database .............................................................................................................................................. 7-3
Extension and Customization Scenarios.............................................................................................. 7-3
Style and Appearance Changes ....................................................................................................... 7-3
Additional Information Presented to User..................................................................................... 7-3
Changes to Application Flow ........................................................................................................... 7-4
Access Data From a Different Database.......................................................................................... 7-5
Access Data From External System ................................................................................................. 7-7
Change an Algorithm Used By a Service........................................................................................ 7-7
Extension Strategies................................................................................................................................. 7-8
Extension with Inheritance ............................................................................................................... 7-8
Replacement of Implementation................................................................................................... 7-11
Service Extension with Composition ........................................................................................... 7-13
Data Extension Through Composition ........................................................................................ 7-15
8 Application Services
Application Service Architecture .......................................................................................................... 8-2
Application Manager Mapping ............................................................................................................. 8-3
Extending an Application Manager...................................................................................................... 8-4
Creating a New Application Manager ................................................................................................. 8-4
Application Manager Reference............................................................................................................ 8-4
EJournal Manager .............................................................................................................................. 8-5
Item Manager...................................................................................................................................... 8-5
Report Manager.................................................................................................................................. 8-5
Store Manager..................................................................................................................................... 8-5
StoreOps Manager.............................................................................................................................. 8-5
Task Manager ..................................................................................................................................... 8-6
9 Commerce Services
Commerce Services in Operation.......................................................................................................... 9-2
Creating A New Commerce Service................................................................................................ 9-3
Calendar Service ....................................................................................................................................... 9-4
Database Tables Used........................................................................................................................ 9-4
Interfaces ............................................................................................................................................. 9-4
Extending This Service ...................................................................................................................... 9-4
Dependencies...................................................................................................................................... 9-4
Tier Relationships............................................................................................................................... 9-4
Code List Service ...................................................................................................................................... 9-4
Database Tables Used........................................................................................................................ 9-5
Interfaces ............................................................................................................................................. 9-5
Extending This Service ...................................................................................................................... 9-5
Dependencies...................................................................................................................................... 9-5
Tier Relationships............................................................................................................................... 9-5
Currency Service....................................................................................................................................... 9-5
Database Tables Used........................................................................................................................ 9-5
Interfaces ............................................................................................................................................. 9-5
Extending This Service ...................................................................................................................... 9-5
Dependencies...................................................................................................................................... 9-5
Tier Relationships............................................................................................................................... 9-6
Customer Service...................................................................................................................................... 9-6
Database Tables Used........................................................................................................................ 9-6
Interfaces ............................................................................................................................................. 9-6
Extending This Service ...................................................................................................................... 9-6
Dependencies...................................................................................................................................... 9-6
Tier Relationships............................................................................................................................... 9-6
Employee/User Service............................................................................................................................ 9-6
Database Tables Used........................................................................................................................ 9-6
Interfaces ............................................................................................................................................. 9-6
Extending This Service ...................................................................................................................... 9-6
Dependencies...................................................................................................................................... 9-7
Tier Relationships............................................................................................................................... 9-7
File Transfer Service................................................................................................................................. 9-7
Database Tables Used........................................................................................................................ 9-7
Interfaces ............................................................................................................................................. 9-7
Extending This Service ...................................................................................................................... 9-7
Dependencies...................................................................................................................................... 9-7
Tier Relationships............................................................................................................................... 9-7
Financial Totals Service........................................................................................................................... 9-7
Database Tables Used........................................................................................................................ 9-7
Interfaces ............................................................................................................................................. 9-8
Extending This Service ...................................................................................................................... 9-8
Dependencies...................................................................................................................................... 9-8
Tier Relationships............................................................................................................................... 9-8
Item Service ............................................................................................................................................... 9-8
Database Tables Used........................................................................................................................ 9-8
Interfaces ............................................................................................................................................. 9-9
Extending This Service ...................................................................................................................... 9-9
Dependencies...................................................................................................................................... 9-9
Tier Relationships............................................................................................................................... 9-9
Parameter Service ..................................................................................................................................... 9-9
Database Tables Used........................................................................................................................ 9-9
Interfaces ............................................................................................................................................. 9-9
Extending This Service ................................................................................................................... 9-10
Dependencies................................................................................................................................... 9-10
Tier Relationships............................................................................................................................ 9-10
Party Service ........................................................................................................................................... 9-10
Database Tables Used..................................................................................................................... 9-10
Interfaces .......................................................................................................................................... 9-10
Extending This Service ................................................................................................................... 9-10
Dependencies................................................................................................................................... 9-10
Tier Relationships............................................................................................................................ 9-10
POSlog Import Service......................................................................................................................... 9-11
Database Tables Used..................................................................................................................... 9-11
Interfaces .......................................................................................................................................... 9-12
Extending This Service ................................................................................................................... 9-13
Dependencies................................................................................................................................... 9-13
Tier Relationships............................................................................................................................ 9-13
Post-Processor Service .......................................................................................................................... 9-13
Database Tables Used..................................................................................................................... 9-13
Interfaces .......................................................................................................................................... 9-13
Extending This Service ................................................................................................................... 9-13
Dependencies................................................................................................................................... 9-13
Tier Relationships............................................................................................................................ 9-13
Pricing Service ....................................................................................................................................... 9-14
Database Tables Used..................................................................................................................... 9-14
Interfaces .......................................................................................................................................... 9-14
Extending This Service ................................................................................................................... 9-14
Dependencies................................................................................................................................... 9-14
Tier Relationships............................................................................................................................ 9-14
Reporting Service .................................................................................................................................. 9-15
Database Tables Used..................................................................................................................... 9-15
Interfaces .......................................................................................................................................... 9-15
Extending This Service ................................................................................................................... 9-15
Dependencies................................................................................................................................... 9-15
Tier Relationships............................................................................................................................ 9-15
Store Directory Service......................................................................................................................... 9-16
Database Tables Used..................................................................................................................... 9-16
Interfaces .......................................................................................................................................... 9-16
Extending This Service ................................................................................................................... 9-16
Dependencies................................................................................................................................... 9-16
Tier Relationships............................................................................................................................ 9-16
Store Service ........................................................................................................................................... 9-16
Database Tables Used..................................................................................................................... 9-16
Interfaces .......................................................................................................................................... 9-17
Extending This Service ................................................................................................................... 9-17
Dependencies................................................................................................................................... 9-17
Tier Relationships............................................................................................................................ 9-17
Store Ops Service .................................................................................................................................. 9-17
Database Tables Used..................................................................................................................... 9-17
Interfaces .......................................................................................................................................... 9-17
Extending This Service ................................................................................................................... 9-17
Dependencies................................................................................................................................... 9-17
Tier Relationships............................................................................................................................ 9-17
Tax Service .............................................................................................................................................. 9-18
Database Tables Used..................................................................................................................... 9-18
Interfaces .......................................................................................................................................... 9-18
Extending This Service ................................................................................................................... 9-18
Dependencies................................................................................................................................... 9-18
Tier Relationships............................................................................................................................ 9-18
Time Maintenance Service .................................................................................................................. 9-18
Database Tables Used..................................................................................................................... 9-18
Interfaces .......................................................................................................................................... 9-18
Extending This Service ................................................................................................................... 9-19
Dependencies................................................................................................................................... 9-19
Tier Relationships............................................................................................................................ 9-19
Transaction Service ............................................................................................................................... 9-19
Database Tables Used..................................................................................................................... 9-19
Interfaces .......................................................................................................................................... 9-20
Extending This Service ................................................................................................................... 9-20
Dependencies................................................................................................................................... 9-20
Tier Relationships............................................................................................................................ 9-20
Workflow/Scheduling Service ............................................................................................................ 9-20
Database Tables Used..................................................................................................................... 9-20
Interfaces .......................................................................................................................................... 9-21
Extending This Service ................................................................................................................... 9-21
Dependencies................................................................................................................................... 9-21
Tier Relationships............................................................................................................................ 9-21
10 Store Database
Related Documentation ....................................................................................................................... 10-1
Database/System Interface .................................................................................................................. 10-1
ARTS Compliance ................................................................................................................................. 10-2
Bean-Managed Persistence in the Database .................................................................................... 10-3
B Appendix: Changing and Configuring a New Base Currency
Changing Currency ................................................................................................................................ B-1
Configuring a New Base Currency ...................................................................................................... B-2
Currency SQL Configuration .......................................................................................................... B-3
Currency Table CO_CNY ......................................................................................................... B-3
Currency Denomination Table CO_CNY_DNM................................................................... B-3
Exchange Rate Table CO_RT_EXC.......................................................................................... B-4
Store Safe Tender Table LE_TND_STR_SF ............................................................................ B-5
Parameter Configuration ................................................................................................................. B-5
Resource Bundle Configuration...................................................................................................... B-8
Add Parameter List For Distribution ........................................................................................... C-30
Remove Parameter List For Distribution..................................................................................... C-31
Distribute Parameter List ............................................................................................................... C-31
List of Tables
6–1 Common Java Bugs..................................................................................................................... 6-2
6–2 Naming Conventions ................................................................................................................. 6-4
6–3 DB2 SQL Code Problems ........................................................................................................... 6-5
6–4 Oracle SQL Code Problems ....................................................................................................... 6-6
6–5 Common AntiPatterns ............................................................................................................... 6-7
8–1 Application Manager Mapping ................................................................................................ 8-3
10–1 Related Documentation........................................................................................................... 10-1
A–1 Stored Procedure Calls.............................................................................................................. A-2
C–1 Enter Business Date Event Components ................................................................................ C-4
C–2 Start of Day Event Components .............................................................................................. C-5
C–3 End of Day Event Components ............................................................................................... C-6
C–4 Bank Deposit Event Components............................................................................................ C-8
C–5 Bank Deposit Report Viewed Event Components .............................................................. C-10
C–6 Bank Deposit Report Exported Event Components ........................................................... C-10
C–7 Register Open Event Components ........................................................................................ C-11
C–8 Register Close Event Components ........................................................................................ C-12
C–9 Modify Employee Information Event Components ........................................................... C-13
C–10 Modify Temporary Employee Information Event Components ...................................... C-13
C–11 Add Employee Event Components....................................................................................... C-14
C–12 Add Temporary Employee Event Components.................................................................. C-14
C–13 User Login Event Components.............................................................................................. C-15
C–14 User Lock Out Event Components........................................................................................ C-16
C–15 User Logout Event Components ........................................................................................... C-16
C–16 Change Password Event Components.................................................................................. C-17
C–17 Reset Employee Password Event Components................................................................... C-17
C–18 Reset Temporary Employee Password Event Components .............................................. C-18
C–19 Edit Role Event Components ................................................................................................. C-19
C–20 Remove Role Event Components .......................................................................................... C-19
C–21 Add Role Event Components................................................................................................. C-20
C–22 Till Open Event Components................................................................................................. C-20
C–23 Count Float at Reconcile Event Components ...................................................................... C-22
C–24 Till Reconcile Event Components.......................................................................................... C-23
C–25 Modify Application Parameter Event Components ........................................................... C-29
C–26 Modify Parameter in List Event Components ..................................................................... C-30
C–27 Add Parameter List For Distribution Event Components ................................................. C-30
C–28 Remove Parameter List For Distribution Event Components........................................... C-31
C–29 Distribute Parameter List Event Components..................................................................... C-31
List of Figures
2–1 High-Level Architecture ............................................................................................................ 2-2
2–2 Tiles in an Oracle Retail Application ....................................................................................... 2-4
2–3 Application Manager as Facade for Commerce Services...................................................... 2-5
2–4 Dependencies in Back Office ..................................................................................................... 2-6
2–5 Operation of Back Office............................................................................................................ 2-7
5–1 Employee Search Screen ............................................................................................................ 5-2
5–2 Modified Employee Search Screen ........................................................................................... 5-4
7–1 Application Layers...................................................................................................................... 7-2
7–2 Managing Additional Information........................................................................................... 7-4
7–3 Changing Application Flow ...................................................................................................... 7-4
7–4 Accessing Data from a Different Database.............................................................................. 7-6
7–5 Accessing Data from an External System................................................................................ 7-7
7–6 Application Layers...................................................................................................................... 7-7
7–7 Sample Classes for Extension.................................................................................................... 7-8
7–8 Extension with Inheritance ........................................................................................................ 7-9
7–9 Extension with Inheritance: Class Diagram ......................................................................... 7-10
7–10 Replacement of Implementation............................................................................................ 7-12
7–11 Extension with Composition: Class Diagram ...................................................................... 7-13
7–12 Extension Composition ........................................................................................................... 7-14
7–13 Data Extension Through Composition ................................................................................. 7-16
7–14 Data Extension Through Composition: Class Diagram ..................................................... 7-17
8–1 Application Manager in Operation .......................................................................................... 8-2
8–2 Example Application Service Interactions ............................................................................. 8-3
9–1 Commerce Services in Operation ............................................................................................. 9-3
10–1 Commerce Services, Entity Beans, and Database Tables ................................................... 10-2
C–1 Audit Log in Back Office........................................................................................................... C-2
List of Examples
5–1 employeeSearch.jsp Modifications ........................................................................................... 5-3
5–2 Action Definition from struts-employee_actions.xml ........................................................... 5-4
5–3 Action Form Definition from struts-employee_forms.xml................................................... 5-5
5–4 Modifications to ........................................................................ 5-6
5–5 ......................................................................................................... 5-6
6–1 Header Sample ............................................................................................................................ 6-2
6–2 Wrapping Code in a Code Guard............................................................................................. 6-9
6–3 Switching Graphics Contexts via a Logging Level Test........................................................ 6-9
6–4 JUnit ........................................................................................................................................... 6-11
6–5 Network Test ........................................................................................................................... 6-12
6–6 Network Test with Shortened Try Block .............................................................................. 6-13
6–7 Wrapped Exception ................................................................................................................. 6-14
6–8 Declaring an Exception ........................................................................................................... 6-14
6–9 Clean Up First, then Rethrow Exception .............................................................................. 6-14
6–10 Using a Switch to Execute Code Specific to an Exception ................................................. 6-15
6–11 Using Multiple Catch Blocks Causes Duplicate Code........................................................ 6-15
10–1 ejbStore Method................................................................. 10-3
A–1 Invoking The Stored Procedures -- SQL Plus Method 1 ...................................................... A-2
A–2 Invoking The Stored Procedures -- SQL Plus Method 2 ...................................................... A-2
B–1 Add Krona as Base to Currency Table CO_CNY .................................................................. B-3
B–2 Add Krona Denominations to Denomination Table CO_CNY_DNM .............................. B-3
B–3 Add Alternate Currency Exchange Rates to Krona .............................................................. B-4
B–4 Add Store Safe Tenders for Krona........................................................................................... B-5
B–5 Parameters to Support Krona as the Base and USD as the Alternate Currency............... B-5
B–6 New Resource Bundle Keys................................................................. B-8
C–1 Audit Log Configuration Changes in the File........................................... C-3
Oracle Retail Operations Guides contain the requirements and procedures that are
necessary for the retailer to configure Back Office, and extend code for a Back Office
This document is intended for Oracle Retail Back Office administrators and developers
who develop code for a Back Office implementation.
Related Documents
For more information, see the following documents in the Oracle Retail Back Office
Release 13.0 documentation set:
■ Oracle Retail Back Office Release Notes
■ Oracle Retail Back Office Installation Guide
■ Oracle Retail Back Office User Guide
■ Oracle Retail Strategic Store Solutions Security Implementation Guide
Customer Support
When contacting Customer Support, please provide the following:
■ Product version and program/module name
■ Functional and technical description of the problem (include business impact)
■ Detailed step-by-step instructions to re-create
■ Exact error message received
■ Screen shots of each step you take
Oracle Retail Documentation on the Oracle Technology Network
In addition to being packaged with each product release (on the base or patch level),
all Oracle Retail documentation is available on the following Web site:
Documentation should be available on this Web site within a month after a product
release. Note that documentation is always available with the packaged code on the
release date.
The following text conventions are used in this document:
Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.
Backend System Administration and
This chapter discusses the configuration steps that must be performed after Oracle
Retail Back Office is deployed.
■ Loading Oracle Retail Labels and Tags
■ Security Configuration
■ Password Policy
■ Starting Up the Application
■ Importing Parameters
■ Scheduling Post-processors
Security Configuration
You can use your own security system or you can use the security provided with the
Oracle Retail Back Office database. The database requires certain security information,
which can either come from another database or be set manually.
Oracle Retail Back Office offers more than 70 security access points that control access
to different functions. Work with Oracle Retail to map your business security roles to
the roles provided.
Oracle Retail Back Office also enables you to control workflow through approval
permissions, which require that certain tasks scheduled by employees must be
approved by other employees before they can take place.
Password Policy
One of the most efficient ways to manage user access to a system is through the use of
a password policy. The policy can be defined in the database. One policy is defined
and applied to all users for Oracle Retail Back Office. The Password Policy consists of
the following set of out-of-the-box criteria. For this release, customizing the password
policy criteria is permitted through enabling status code system settings and updating
password policy system settings to the desired setting.
In order to be PCI compliant, the Password Policy needs to be set to the following:
■ Force user to change password after 90 days.
■ Warn user of password expiration 5 days before password expires.
■ Lock out user 3 days after password expires or password is reset.
■ Lock out user after 6 consecutive invalid login attempts.
■ Password must be at least 7 characters in length.
■ Password must not exceed 22 characters in length.
■ Password must not match any of the 4 previous passwords.
■ Password must include at least 1 alphabetic character.
■ Password must include at least 1 numeric character.
Once the desired password policy has been defined, it is applied to all authorized
users of the Oracle Retail Point-of-Service, Oracle Retail Mobile Point-of-Service,
Oracle Retail Back Office, Oracle Retail Labels and Tags, and Oracle Retail Central
Office applications. The password policy must be defined once per database.
Password Reset
Users locked out of the system must request the assistance of an administrator to have
their password reset. The administrator resets the password by selecting the reset
password option in Back Office when applicable. When a user password is reset the
system generates a temporary random password. The reset password status is
immediately set to "expired", prompting the user to change the temporary password at
the next successful login.
Each time a password is changed, the previous password is stored subject to the
"Passwords must not match any of the N previous passwords" criteria set for the
policy associated with the assigned user role. Temporary passwords might not comply
with the password policy and are not stored in the password list.
Do the following to change the password of another user:
1. Log in.
2. Click Employee.
3. Click Search in the left navigation panel.
4. Search for the user whose password you are resetting. You can search by user ID
or name. Click Search.
5. Click on the user ID in the Employee Select screen. This opens the Employee
Master screen.
9. Click Enter.
Password Change
Do the following to change your password:
1. Log in.
2. Click Change Password in the left navigation bar.
3. Enter your current password.
4. Enter a new password.
5. Enter the new password again.
6. Click Update.
7. You will see a screen with the following message:
Your password has been changed.
Use this password the next time you log in.
8. Click Enter.
Adding User
Do the following to add a user:
1. Log in.
2. Click Employee.
3. Click Add.
4. Enter the following:
■ First name
■ Last name
■ User ID
5. Provide a Role, for example, Administrator.
6. Select a status, for example, Active.
7. Click Save.
8. A screen with the new user’s temporary password is shown.
Importing Parameters
Note: An initial set of parameters must be imported before you can
use Oracle Retail Back Office.
This section provides an overview of the procedures for importing an initial set of
parameters. The procedure for importing parameters through the application user
interface are described in more detail in the Oracle Retail Back Office User Guide.
For information on specific parameters, see the Oracle Retail Strategic Store Solutions
Configuration Guide.
Note: Make sure that the Apache Ant utility is in your PATH. You
can find it in thirdparty/apache-ant-1.6.2/bin.
Scheduling Post-processors
Schedule post-processor jobs after installing Oracle Retail Back Office.
To schedule regular post-processor jobs within Oracle Retail Back Office:
1. Select Admin and then Job Manager.
2. From the list of import options, select Available Imports.
3. From the available imports, click Schedule adjacent to the Transaction Post
Processor. The Job Schedule page is displayed.
4. Choose Scheduled. Additional scheduling options are displayed.
5. Enter the current date in the Begin Date field.
6. Check the Repeating check box.
7. Leave the No End radio button selected.
8. Set the Repeating options Daily and Interval.
9. Enter a run time in the appropriate box.
10. Click Add. The time you entered is displayed in the Scheduled Times section at
the bottom of the screen.
11. Click Next. The Notification screen is displayed.
12. Add the e-mail addresses of anyone you want to be notified about the
post-processor job.
13. Click Next. The Distribution Summary screen opens, with a summary of the
post-processor job displayed in the Task Information box.
14. Click Submit Job. The Distribution Confirmation screen opens.
helpsets folder
bo_olh folder
dcommon folder (definitions for styles, gif files for buttons)
img folder (any images included in the online help from the user guide)
help files
Note: If you have Labels and Tags installed, online help is in lt_
olh. You will have both bo_olh and lt_olh.
This chapter describes the main layers of the application, and goes into some detail
about the middle tier’s use of a model-view-controller (MVC) pattern. The remainder
of this overview covers the top-level tier organization of the application and how the
application relates to other Oracle Retail applications in an enterprise environment.
This guide assumes a basic familiarity with the J2EE specification and industry
standard software design patterns.
The architecture of Back Office reflects its overriding design goals:
■ Well-defined and decoupled layers
■ Use of appropriate J2EE standards
■ Leveraging other open standards where possible
Tier Organization
The architecture of Back Office uses client, middle, and data tiers. The client tier is a
Web browser; the middle tier is deployed on an application server; and the data tier is
a database deployed by the retailer.
The middle tier is organized in an MVC design pattern, also called a Model 2 pattern.
This chapter focuses on the middle tier and the model, view, and controller layers that
it is divided into.
Client Tier
The client system uses a Web browser to display data and a GUI generated by the
application. Any browser which supports JavaScript, DHTML, CSS, and cookies can
be used. In practice, only a few popular browsers are tested.
Middle Tier
The middle tier of the application resides in a J2EE application server framework on a
server machine. The middle tier implements the MVC pattern to separate data
structure, data display, and user input.
The model in an MVC pattern is responsible for storing the state of data and
responding to requests to change that state which come from the controller. In Back
Office this is handled by a set of Commerce Services, which encapsulates all of the
business logic of the application. The Commerce Services talk to the database through
a persistence layer of entity EJBs, using bean-managed persistence.
Commerce Services are components that have as their primary interface one or more
session beans, possibly exposed as Web services, which contain the shared retail
business logic. Commerce Services aggregate database tables into objects, combining
sets of data into logical groupings. Commerce Services are organized by business logic
categories rather than application functionality. These are services like Transaction,
Store Hierarchy, or Parameter that would be usable in any retail-centric application.
These services in turn make use of a persistence layer made up of entity beans. Each
Commerce Service talks to one or more entity beans, which map the ARTS standard
database schema. Using the bean-managed persistence (BMP) pattern, each entity bean
maps to a specific table in the schema, and knows how to read from and write to that
table. The Commerce Services thus insulate the rest of the application from changes to
the database tables. Database changes can be handled through changes to a few entity
The Commerce Services architecture is designed to facilitate changes without changing
the product code. For example:
■ You can replace a specific component’s implementation. For example, the current
Store Hierarchy service persists store hierarchy information to the ARTS database.
If a customer site has that information in an LDAP server, the Store Hierarchy
could be replaced with one that connected to the LDAP. The interface to the
service need not change.
■ You can create a new service that wraps an existing service (keeping the interface
and source code unchanged), but adds new fields. You might create My Customer
Service, which uses the existing Customer Service for most of its information, but
adds some specific data. All that you change is the links between the Application
Manager and the Customer Service. For more information, see Chapter 5,
“Commerce Services.”
The view portion of the MVC pattern displays information to the user. In Back Office
this is performed by a Web user interface organized using the Struts/Tiles framework
from the open-source Apache Foundation. Using Tiles for page layout enables greater
use of the user interface components to enhance the extensibility and customization of
the user interface.
To make the view aware of its place in the application, the Struts Actions call into the
Application Manager layer for all data updates, business logic, and data requests. Any
code in the Struts Actions should be limited to formatting data for the Java server
pages (JSPs) and organizing data for calls into the Application Manager layer.
JSPs deliver dynamic HTML content by combining HTML with Java language
constructs defined through special tags. Back Office pages are divided into Tiles which
provide navigation and page layout consistency.
The controller layer accepts user input and translates that input into calls to change
data in the model layer, or change the display in the view layer. Controller functions
are handled by Struts configuration files and Application Services.
Struts Configuration
The application determines which modules to call, on an action request, based on the
struts-config.xml file.There are several advantages to this approach:
■ The entire logical flow of the application is in a hierarchical text (xml) file. This
makes it easier to view and understand, especially with large applications.
■ The page designer does not need to read Java code to understand the flow of the
■ The Java developer does not need to recompile code when making flow changes.
Struts reads the struts-config.xml once, at startup, and creates a mapping database (a
listing of the relationships between objects) that is stored in memory to speed up
Application Services
The application services layer contains logical groupings of related functionality
specific to the Back Office application components, such as Store Operations. Each
grouping is called an application manager. These managers contain primarily
application logic. Retail domain logic should be kept out of these managers and
instead shared from the Commerce Services tier.
The application services use the Session Facade pattern; each Manager is a facade for
one or more Commerce Services. A typical method in the Application Services layer
aggregates several method calls from the Commerce Services layer, enabling the
individual Commerce Services to remain decoupled from each other. This also
strengthens the Web user interface tier and keeps the transaction and network
overhead to a minimum.
For example, the logic for assembling and rendering a retail transaction into various
output formats are handled by separate Commerce Services functions. However, the
task of creating a PDF file is modeled in the EJournal Manager, which aggregates those
separate Commerce Service functions into a single user transaction, thus decreasing
network traffic and lowering maintenance costs.
For more information, see Chapter 8, "Application Services".
Data Tier
The Data Tier is represented by a database organized using the ARTS standard
schema. Customer requirements determine the specific database selected for a
deployment. For more information, see Chapter 9, "Commerce Services".
Example of Operation
The following diagram describes a trip through the Back Office architecture, starting
from a user’s request for specific information and following through until the system’s
response is returned to the user’s browser.
Much of this guide deals with the structure and function of Oracle Retail Back Office
code, and how you can modify and extend it to serve the needs of your organization. It
is assumed that you have been given access to the Oracle Retail Back Office source
code, present on Oracle’s ARU site.
The source code is downloadable in a single .zip file. See the Oracle Retail Back Office
Installation Guide for the name of the source code .zip file.
This .zip file contains the following:
Using pkzip, WinZip or similar utilities, you can extract ORBO-<release_number> onto
your local hard disk. Choose the option to preserve the directory structure when you
extract. Then all the source files will be placed under some directory like the following:
<Path to disk root>/ORBO-<release_number>_source
Directory Comments
applications This has one sub-directory backoffice, which contains
Oracle Retail Back Office-specific code. Other directories
contain code that might be common to Oracle Retail Stores
applications like Central Office or Point-Of-Service.
build Files used to compile, assemble and run functional tests.
clientinterfaces Interface definitions, between different code modules.
commerceservices Commerce Services code – see Chapter 9, "Commerce
Services" for more details
In subsequent chapters, all pathnames of a code file are made relative to one of these
directories. You must prepend <BO_SRC_ROOT> to the file path, to get its actual
location on disk.
Note: Make sure that the Ant bin directory is included in your
workstation’s PATH.
This command will take several minutes to execute. If successful, it puts the
J2EE-compatible .ear file in
5. Obtain the installer in install/dist/ORBO-<release_number>.zip
6. Run the installer. See the Oracle Retail Back Office Installation Guide for more
This chapter describes how to modify an existing feature of Back Office using a
specific example based on modifying a search page in the application’s Web-based
user interface. The modification of the existing search criteria page will allow it to
search using additional criteria.
Note: Before extending the Back Office application, make sure the
changes will not affect the PABP settings.
For more information on PABP, see the Oracle Retail Strategic Store
Solutions Security Implementation Guide. The guide is available on
Metalink Note: 567438.1
Related Materials
See “Example of Operation” in Chapter 2 for a diagram that shows a typical request
and response flow through the Back Office architecture. The example shows the flow
of data in the system while opening the store.
Note: Paths in this chapter are assumed to start from your local
source code tree, checked out from the source code control system.
Search by Login ID
The existing employee search page allows the operator to search for employees by
their employee ID, or by first and last name, or by role. This example will add the
ability to search for employees by their login ID.
This example shows how:
■ A user interface can be modified
■ Search criteria is collected from the end user
■ Data is handed off from one layer of the interface to another
■ SQL queries are handled and modified
The following procedures offer general steps followed by specific examples.
Web UI Framework
The user interface changes require that you update the JSP page to add the additional
search criteria. You also need to ensure any strings you use are properly externalized
for future localization. Depending on what kind of form is used you may have
additional work to perform. A review of the Struts action mapping used for employee
searches will reveal what changes are required to any action form in use. Finally, the
action used to search will also need to be modified.
Adding the search criteria requires that you insert the appropriate HTML and JSP tags
to the /webapp/employee-webapp/web/employee/employeeSearch.jsp file.
You can identify where the changes need to be placed by looking for the message tag
that displays the employee.employeeForm.employeeFirstName.label
message. The code inthe following example presents the required changes to the
employee search page.
The text in bold in this example is the new text that was added to the
employeeSearch.jsp page. It introduces a new label and new text box to collect the new
search criteria.
Note: The tab index values were incremented for all of the remaining
input fields.
Externalize Strings
It is very important that all user-visible strings be externalized for localization. Check
to see if the label text is already defined or if you need to create it. If it exists, it is likely
already in the /webapp/i18n-webapp/src/ui/com/_
360commerce/webmodules/i18n/ file. A quick
examination of this file reveals that the label text already exists and there is nothing to
Action Mapping
The Struts action mapping defines the important details you need to know about the
code that executes the employee search when the search screen submits its data. The
following example contains the XML fragment that defines the action. It comes from
the struts-employee_actions.xml file that is included in the application’s
struts-config.xml file.
You may need to modify the action form this action uses to transfer the data from the
modified JSP to the aciton class. The XML fragment indicates that the form is valid for
a single request and is named employeeForm.
Action Form
The definition of the action form is contained in another XML file,
struts-employee_forms.xml. It is presented in the following example.
The definition reveals that the employee search screen is using a DynaValidatorForm
provided by Struts. All of the form properties are defined here in the XML. The line in
bold was added to introduce our new search criteria. Validation of the entered data
should be addressed by proper configuration of the Struts validator. Examples of how
to validate form data using the Struts DynaValidatorForm can be found in the
struts-employee_validator.xml file provided with the source code and the
Struts documentation.
Action Modification
With the new search critera added to the action form, we can now turn our attention to
modifying the action class that actually performs the search from the user interface.
The action class used is located at /webapp/employee-webapp/src/ui/com/_
360commerce/webmodules/employee/ui/ The
action class execute() method is broken into three sections using an if-then-else
statement. The following example provides a portion of the updates required to enable
the action to search for employees based on their login ID.
Because the only differences between the search by employee ID and search by
employee login ID are how the employee is found, the code in the first two if blocks
are almost identical and could be refactored to share implementations. For the
purposes of this example that repated code and possible refactoring has been omitted.
The important difference is the call to the
employeeManager.getEmployeeByLoginID() method.
Application Services
The Employee Manager session bean already contained the required method to search
for employees by their login ID. The business interface for the employee manager is
located in the file /webapp/employee-webapp/src/app/com/_
360commerce/webmodules/employee/app/ It
contains the declarations of the methods available to the user interface. The method to
find an employee by their login ID is presented in the following example.
Commerce Services
The Employee Service bean in the Commerce Services layer is another façade that
prevents direct access to the entity beans. The implementation obtains an instance of
the EmployeeLocalHome and invokes the findByLoginID() method. Examination of
the Employee entity bean will reveal that it is directly querying the database to find
the user with the corresponding login ID.
Other Examples
The Oracle Retail Central Office Operations Guide contains a similar, but more detailed,
example of how to add an entirely new page and supporting objects. It is
recommended that readers also review that example as well for additional
The standards in this chapter have been adopted by Oracle Retail product and service
development teams. These standards are intended to reduce bugs and increase the
quality of the code. The chapter covers basic standards, architectural issues, and
common frameworks. These guidelines apply to all Oracle Retail applications.
The guidelines in this section cover common coding issues and standards.
Table 6–1 lists bugs that can be avoided and their preventative-measure
Follow these formatting standards to ensure consistency with existing code.
■ Indenting/braces—Indent all code blocks with four spaces (not tabs). Put the
opening brace on its own line following the control statement and in the same
column. Statements within the block are indented. Closing brace is on its own line
and in same column as the opening brace. Follow control statements (if, while,
and so forth) with a code block with braces, even when the code block is only one
line long.
■ Line wrapping—If line breaks are in a parameter list, line up the beginning of the
second line with the first parameter on the first line. Lines should not exceed 120
■ Spacing—Include a space on both sides of binary operators. Do not use a space
with unary operators. Do not use spaces around parenthesis. Include a blank line
before a code block.
■ Deprecation—Whenever you deprecate a method or class from an existing release,
mark it as deprecated, noting the release in which it was deprecated, and what
methods or classes should be used in place of the deprecated items; these records
facilitate later code cleanup.
■ Header—The file header should include the tag for revision and log history.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
package com._360commerce.samples;
This class is a sample class. Its purpose is to illustrate proper
@version $Revision$
public class Sample extends AbstractSample
implements SampleIfc
// revision number supplied by configuration management tool
public static String revisionNumber = "$Revision$";
// This is a sample data member.
// Use protected access since someone may need to extend your code.
// Initializing the data is encouraged.
protected String sampleData = "";
Constructs Sample object.
Include the name of the parameter and its type in the javadoc.
@param initialData String used to initialize the Sample.
public Sample(String initialData)
sampleData = initialData;
// Declare variables outside the loop
int length = sampleData.length();
BigDecimal[] numberList = new BigDecimal[length];
■ Make code comments conform to Javadoc standards.
■ Include a comment for every code block.
■ Document parameters and return codes for every method, and include a brief
statement as to the method’s purpose.
Naming Conventions
Names should not use abbreviations except when they are widely accepted within the
domain (such as the customer abbreviation, which is used extensively to distinguish
customized code from product code).
SQL Guidelines
The following general guidelines apply when creating SQL code:
■ Keep SQL code out of client/UI modules. Such components should not interact
with the database directly.
■ Table and column names must be no more than 18 characters.
■ Comply with ARTS specifications for new tables and columns. If you are creating
something not currently specified by ARTS, strive to follow the ARTS naming
conventions and guidelines.
■ Document and describe every object, providing both descriptions and default
values so that we can maintain an up-to-date data model.
■ Consult your data architect when designing new tables and columns.
Table 6–3 shows examples of potential problems in DB2 SQL code.
Oracle SQL
Table 6–4 provides some examples of common syntax problems which cause Oracle to
produce errors.
Unit Testing
Some general notes apply:
■ Break large methods into smaller, testable units.
■ Although unit testing might be difficult for tour scripts, apply it for Java
components within the Point-of-Service code.
■ If you add a new item to the codebase, make sure your unit tests prove that the
new item can be extended.
■ In unit tests, directly create the data or preconditions necessary for the test (in a
setup() method) and remove them afterwards (in a teardown() method).
JUnit expects to use these standard methods in running tests.
An AntiPattern is a common solution to a problem which results in negative
consequences. The name contrasts with the concept of a pattern, a successful solution
to a common problem.
Table 6–5 lists AntiPatterns that can introduce bugs and reduce the quality of code.
Note: Before extending the Back Office application, make sure the
changes will not affect the PABP settings.
For more information on PABP, see the Oracle Retail Strategic Store
Solutions Security Implementation Guide. The guide is available on
Metalink Note: 567438.1
■ Separate external constants such as database table and column names, JMS queue
names, port numbers from the rest of the code. Store them in (in order of
– Configuration files
– Deployment descriptors
– Constant classes and interfaces
■ Make sure the SQL code included in a component does not touch tables not
directly owned by that component.
■ Make sure there is some separation from DTO and ViewBean type classes so we
have abstraction between the service and the presentation.
■ Consider designing so that any fine-grained operation within the larger context of
a coarse grain operation can be factored out in a separate algorithm class, so that
the fine-grained operation can be replaced without reworking the entire activity
flow of the larger operation.
Common Frameworks
This section provides guidelines which are common to the Oracle Retail applications.
The only language currently supported is United States English.
Oracle Retail does not provide support for any customer extensions made to the base
Back Office product.
Oracle Retail’s systems use Log4J for logging. When writing log commands, use the
following guidelines:
■ Use calls to Log4J rather than System.out from the beginning of your
development. Unlike System.out, Log4J calls are naturally written to a file, and can
be suppressed when desired.
■ Log exceptions where you catch them, unless you are going to rethrow them. This
preserves the context of the exceptions and helps reduce duplicate exception
Guarding Code
Testing shows that logging takes up very little of a system’s CPU resources. However,
if a single call to your formatter is abnormally expensive (stack traces, database access,
network IO, large data manipulations, and so forth), you can use Boolean methods
provided in the Logger class for each level to determine whether you have that level
(or better) currently enabled; Jakarta calls this a code guard:
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
g = new DebugGraphics(g, this);
g.drawString("foo", 0, 0);
When to Log
There are three main cases for logging:
■ Exceptions—Should be logged at an error or fatal level.
■ Heartbeat/Life cycle—For monitoring the application; helps to make unseen
events clear. Use the info level for these events.
■ Debug—Code is usually littered with these when you are first trying to get a class
to run. If you use System.out, you have to go back later and remove them to keep.
With Log4J, you can simply raise the log level. Furthermore, if problems pop up in
the field, you can lower the logging level and access them.
Exception Messages
A log message should have enough information to give the user an understanding of
the problem and enable the user to fix the problem. Poor logging messages say
something opaque like “load failed.”
Consider this piece of code:
try {
File file = new File(fileName);
Document doc = builder.parse(file);
NodeList nl = doc.getElementsByTagName("molecule");
for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) {
Node node = nl.item(i);
// something here
} catch {
// see below
In the first case, you'll get an error that just tells you something went wrong. In the
second case, you're given slightly more context around the error, in that you know if
you can't find it, load it, or parse it, and you're given that key piece of data: the file
The log lets you augment the message in the exception itself. Ideally, with the
messages, the stack trace, and type of exception, you'll have enough information to be
able to reproduce the problem at debug time. Given that, the message can be
reasonably verbose.
For instance, the fail() method in JUnit really just throws an exception, and
whatever message you pass to it is in effect logging. It’s useful to construct messages
that contain a great deal of information about what you are looking for:
Debug Messages
Debug statements are going to be your first insight into a problem with the running
code, so having enough, of the right kind, is important.
These statements are usually either of an intra-method-life cycle variety:
log.debug("Loading file");
Exception Handling
The following are the key guidelines for exception handling:
■ Handle the exceptions that you can (File Not Found, and so forth).
■ Fail fast if you can’t handle an exception.
■ Log every exception with Log4J, even when first writing the class, unless you are
rethrowing the exception.
■ Include enough information in the log message to give the user or developer a
chance to know what went wrong.
■ Nest the original exception if you rethrow one.
Types of Exceptions
The EJB specification divides exceptions into the following categories:
JVM Exceptions
You cannot recover from these; when one is thrown, it’s because the JVM has entered a
kernel panic state that the application cannot be expected to recover from. A common
example is an Out of Memory error.
System Exceptions
Similar to JVM exceptions, these are generally, though not always, non-recoverable
exceptions. In the commons-logging parlance, these are unexpected exceptions. The
canonical example here is NullPointerException. The idea is that if a value is null,
often you don't know what you should do. If you can simply report back to your
calling method that you got a null value, do that. If you cannot gracefully recover, say
from an IndexOutOfBoundsException, treat as a system exception and fail fast.
Application Exceptions
These are the expected exceptions, usually defined by specific application domains. It
is useful to think of these in terms of recoverability. A FileNotFoundException is
sometimes easy to rectify by simply asking the user for another file name. But
something that's application specific, like JDOMException, still might not be
recoverable. The application can recognize that the XML it is receiving is malformed,
but it still might not be able to do anything about it.
Avoid java.lang.Exception
Avoid throwing the generic Exception; choose a more specific (but standard)
Catching Exceptions
The following sections provide guidelines on catching exceptions.
Keep the Try Block Short The following example, from a networking testing application,
shows a loop that was expected to require approximately 30 seconds to execute (since
it calls sleep(3000) ten times):
The initial expectation was for this loop to take approximately 30 seconds, since the
sleep(3000) would be called ten times. Suppose, however, that
con.getContent() throws an IOException. The loop then skips the sleep() call
entirely, finishing in 6 seconds. A better way to write this is to move the sleep() call
outside of the try block, ensuring that it is executed:
try {
System.out.println("Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "
requesting number " + i);
URLConnection con = myUrl.openConnection();
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error getting connection or content", e);
Avoid Throwing New Exceptions When you catch an exception, then throw a new
exception in its place, you replace the context of where it was thrown with the context
of where it was caught.
A slightly better way is to throw a wrapped exception:
However, the onus is still on the user to call getCause() to see what the real cause
was. This makes most sense in an RMI-type environment, where you need to tunnel an
exception back to the calling methods.
A better way than throwing a wrapped exception is to simply declare that your
method throws the exception, and let the caller figure it out:
Class k1 = Class.forName(firstClass);
Class k2 = Class.forName(secondClass);
Object o1 = k1.newInstance();
Object o2 = k2.newInstance();
However, there might be times when you want to deal with some cleanup code and
then rethrow an exception:
Catching Specific Exceptions There are various exceptions for a reason: so you can
precisely identify what happened by the type of exception thrown. If you just catch
Exception (rather than, say, ClassCastException), you hide information from the user.
On the other hand, methods should not generally try to catch every type of exception.
The rule of thumb is related to the fail-fast/recover rule: catch as many different
exceptions as you are going to handle.
Favor a Switch over Code Duplication The syntax of try-and-catch makes code reuse
difficult, especially if you try to catch at a granular level. If you want to execute some
code specific to a certain exception, and some code in common, you're left with either
duplicating the code in two catch blocks, or using a switch-like procedure. The
switch-like procedure, shown in the following example, is preferred because it avoids
code duplication:
The following example is preferred, in these relatively rare cases, to using multiple
catch blocks:
UI layer
Struts/Tiles implementation utilizing Actions for processing UI requests and JSP
pages with Tiles providing layout.
Application Manager
Session facade for the UI (or external system) that models application business
methods. May or may not be reusable between applications. Provides for remote
Commerce Service
Session facade for the service that models coarse-grained business logic that should be
reusable between applications.
Entity beans that are fine-grained and consumed by the service. The entities are local
to the service that controls them.
Note: Before extending the Back Office application, make sure the
changes will not affect the PABP settings.
For more information on PABP, see the Oracle Retail Strategic Store
Solutions Security Implementation Guide. The guide is available on
Metalink Note: 567438.1
This chapter provides guidelines for extending the Oracle Retail Enterprise
applications. The guidelines are designed for three audiences:
■ Members of customer architecture and design groups can use this chapter as the
basis for their analysis of the overall extension of the systems.
■ Members of Oracle Retail’s Technology and Architecture Group can use this
chapter as the basis for analyzing the viability of the overall extension strategy for
enterprise applications.
■ Developers on the project teams can use this chapter as a reference for code-level
design and extension of the product for the solution that is released.
Application Layers
The following diagram describes the general composition of the enterprise
applications. The following sections describe the purpose and responsibility of each
User Interface
The user interface (UI) framework consists of Struts Actions, Forms, and Tiles, along
with Java server pages (JSPs).
■ Struts configuration
■ Tiles definition
■ Cascading style sheets (CSS)
■ JSP pages
■ Resource bundles for i18N
Application Manager
The Application Manager components are coarse-grained business objects that define
the behavior of related Commerce Services based on the application context.
■ Session Beans
■ View Beans for the UI
Commerce Service
A commerce service is a fine grained component of reusable business logic.
■ Session Beans
■ Data Transfer Objects (DTOs)
An SPI-like interface defined to enable more fine-grained pieces of business
functionality to be replaced without impacting overall application logic. For reference,
review the various calculator classes that are contained in “Financial Totals Service” on
page 9-7.
Fine-grained entity beans owned by the commerce service. The current strategy for
creating entity beans in the commerce service layer is BMP.
The Oracle Retail enterprise applications support the ARTS standard database schema.
The same tables referenced by Central Office and Back Office are a superset of the
tables that support Point-of-Service.
Extension Strategies
Refer to the following diagram as a subset of classes for comparison purposes.
All of the product code would be extended (the service interface, the implementation,
the DTO and view beans utilized by the service, the UI layers and the application
manager interface and implementation) to handle access to the new field.
Replacement of Implementation
This strategy involves keeping the existing product interfaces to the service intact, but
utilizing a new implementation. This strategy is suggested for when the entire
persistence layer for a particular service is changed or delegated to an existing system.
The following diagram demonstrates the replacement of the product Customer Service
implementation with an adapter that delegates to an existing CRM solution (the
system of record for customer information for the retailer).
This provides access to the data from the existing services that depend on the service
Application Services request information from Commerce Services and returns that
information to the Web UI in a format that can be displayed by the Web UI.
Oracle Retail implements application services in the form of application managers.
Application managers aggregate services from multiple Commerce Services into a
smaller number of interfaces, and correspond generally to a specific portion of the
application user interface.
The presence of the Application Services layer offers opportunities for customization
that can make your implementation of Back Office more stable across upgrades. This
pattern optimizes network traffic, as requests for multiple Commerce Services tend to
be funneled through a smaller number of application managers.
These services contain primarily application logic. Business logic should be kept out of
these services and instead shared from the Commerce Services tier. In many cases the
only function of an Application Service method is to call one or more Commerce
Services. Each manager is a facade for one or more Commerce Services. A typical
method in the Application Services layer aggregates several method calls from the
Commerce Services layer, allowing the real retail business components to remain
decoupled from each other.
Application managers are called by Struts Action classes to execute functionality that
ultimately derives from Commerce Services. Struts Action classes should not call
Commerce Services directly.
The following figure shows how an Application Manager functions within the
EJournal Manager
EJournal Manager handles functionality related to the Transaction Tracker tab in the
user interface. EJournal Manager enables searches for transactions based on a variety
of criteria and combinations of criteria.
The following are dependencies:
■ Parameter Service
■ Tender Service
■ Transaction Service
■ Customer Service
■ Store Directory
■ Reporting Service
Item Manager
Item Manager handles item search functions for the Item tab in Back Office.
The following are dependencies:
■ Item Service
■ Store Directory
Report Manager
Provides functions for displaying, executing, and scheduling the reports, as well as
managing lists of user favorite reports. Supports the application’s Reports tab.
The following are dependencies:
■ Workflow/Scheduling Service
■ Store Directory
■ Reporting Service
■ ReportGroupTaskExecutionMDB
Store Manager
Provides the ability to read and write information about a store to and from the
database. This includes store address and store hierarchy information.
The following are dependencies:
■ Workflow/Scheduling Service
■ Store Directory
■ Employee/User Service
StoreOps Manager
Provides store operations functions. This includes Start of Day, End of Day, and
Deposit operations, as well as opening and closing registers and opening and
reconciling tills. This manager handles tasks for the Store Ops tab in Back Office.
The following are dependencies:
■ StoreOps Service
■ Parameters Service
■ Currency Service
Task Manager
Handles workflow and displays job information.
The following are dependencies:
■ Workflow Service
■ File Transfer Service
The topics in this chapter describe each of the available Commerce Services. The
Commerce Services in Back Office provide the model component of the MVC pattern;
they store the state of data and respond to requests to change that state which come
from the controller. The Commerce Services are intended to encapsulate all of the
business logic of the application. They are built as session beans, sometimes exposed
as Web services, which contain the shared retail business logic. Commerce Services
aggregate database tables into objects, combining sets of data into logical groupings.
They are organized by business logic categories rather than application functionality.
These are services like Transaction, Store Hierarchy, or Parameter, which could be used
with any retail-centric application. The Commerce Services talk to the database
through a persistence layer of entity beans, described in Chapter 10, "Store Database".
For each service, this chapter includes a description, a listing of the database tables
used by the service, plus notes on extending the service and a list of dependencies on
other services. The database tables listed are those which are updated by the service
directly, excluding any services merely accessed by the service, or which are updated
through other services.
Note: For complete and updated database tables for the services
listed in this chapter, refer to the Oracle Retail Strategic Store Solutions
Data Model: Relational Integrity Diagrams.
■ Pricing Service
■ Reporting Service
■ Store Directory Service
■ Store Service
■ Store Ops Service
■ Tax Service
■ Time Maintenance Service
■ Transaction Service
■ Workflow/Scheduling Service
■ Add the module in the backoffice.env to build this newly added module
under build directory.
3. Edit Application Service and UI files:
■ Update Application Service to call methods in the Commerce Service.
■ Create UI references in Struts configuration files.
Calendar Service
Package of business-calendar-related functionality for reporting.
Access the service through It provides methods to create and
remove calendars as well as various methods to get reporting periods based on
various criteria.
Tier Relationships
The functionality of this service is the same whether it is used within Central Office or
Back Office.
Access this interface through The following code sample
shows the available methods. It provides methods to obtain reason codes and POS
departments based on varying criteria.
Tier Relationships
The functionality of this service is the same whether it is used in Central Office or Back
Currency Service
The Currency Service enables you to query for the base local currency setting, from the
database. This service also handles addition of currency, including currency in
multiple denominations.
Access this interface through It provides methods to handle
currencies and exchanges rates.
Tier Relationships
This service is used only in Back Office.
Customer Service
The Customer Service is used to locate customer information. Typically this
information is displayed as additional details to a transaction.
Access the service through It provides methods to create,
search for, and remove customers.
Party Service.
Tier Relationships
The functionality of this service is the same whether it is used within Central Office or
Back Office.
Employee/User Service
Searches for employees and updates their details, including security permissions.
Access the service through It provides methods to
manipulate employees and their permissions.
Party Service.
Tier Relationships
The functionality of this service is the same whether it is used within Central Office or
Back Office.
Access the service through It provides methods to manipulate file
sets for transfer.
Store Directory.
Tier Relationships
The functionality of this service is the same whether it is used within Central Office or
Back Office.
Access the service through It provides methods to
obtain financial totals for a set of transactions, for a till, for a workstation, or for a
store. It also provides a method to summarize financial totals.
■ Item Service
■ Currency Service
■ Transaction Service
Tier Relationships
The functionality of this service is the same whether it is used in Central Office or Back
Item Service
The Item Service provides item creation, item search, and item record maintenance.
This service includes the ability to import item information: a flat file or XML file of
item information is imported and can then be processed immediately or scheduled for
later upload. The Item Service can take one of three actions on each item listed in an
■ Add
■ Update
■ Delete
Use, which offers methods to get, update, and import items, search
for items, and to get specific information about items, such as units of measure,
available colors, and available locations.
Party Service.
Tier Relationships
The functionality of this service is the same whether it is used within Central Office or
Back Office. Central Office does not make use of as many of the available functions as
Back Office does; currently, only Back Office can update and add items. However,
Central Office can import items.
Parameter Service
This service stores application configuration data and provides methods for creating
and distributing that data to store systems.
Methods for the service can be found in It provides methods
to work with application parameter sets, their parameters, and their values. It also
provides the import facility to load parameters from XML.
Tier Relationships
When used in Back Office, this service distributes parameters to Back Office and to
Point-of-Service only. When used in Central Office, this service distributes parameters
to Central Office, Back Office, and Point-of-Service.
Party Service
The Party Service collects shared party data like addresses, phone numbers and other
contact information. Parties are any person or entity that is a party to a transaction,
such as an employee, store, or vendor.
The Party Service has no explicit interface file; it is a collection of entities, such as
Address and Contact.
Tier Relationships
The functionality of this service is the same whether it is used within Central Office or
Back Office.
The functions of the POSlog Import Service are encapsulated within the Transaction
Service; if you need to call for a POSlog Import, do so through the Transaction Service.
Tier Relationships
The functionality of this service is the same whether it is used within Central Office or
Back Office.
Post-Processor Service
The Post-Processor Service provides a service interface for processing transactional
data after it is received and storing the information in summary tables. Post-processing
serves as a performance enhancement for reports.
This service offers a simple interface: there is only one method, processTransactions().
Access this service through
■ Calendar Service
■ Financial Totals Service
■ Transaction Service
Tier Relationships
This service is used only in Back Office.
Pricing Service
The Pricing service offers functions for requesting pricing rules, modifying the pricing
rules, and creating new pricing rules.
Access this interface through It provides methods to work with
pricing rules, price changes, and promotions. It also provides the import facility to
import pricing data.
■ Item Service
■ Workflow Service
Tier Relationships
This service is used only in Back Office.
Reporting Service
The Reporting Service is a framework for creating and exporting reports, managing
users’ favorite reports, and maintaining collections for scheduling. This service
supports XML/XSL reports.
Export formats include XML, CSV, PDF and RTF.
The Reporting Service includes methods for report creation and report type. It is
contained within It provides methods to determine what
reports are configured for the application as well as methods to invoke those reports.
It also provides for the working with and scheduling favorite reports for later
■ Workflow/Scheduling Service
■ Store Service
■ Store Ops Service
■ Calendar Service
Tier Relationships
The functionality of this service is the same whether it is used within Central Office or
Back Office.
Use, which offers more than 20 methods. These include methods
for getting paths to stores, the current store’s node in the hierarchy, or a set of stores
based on some set of search criteria. It provides methods to work with the store
hierarchy and store groups.
Parameter Service.
Tier Relationships
The functionality of this service is the same whether it is used within Central Office or
Back Office.
Store Service
Look up and maintain store attributes, store hierarchy information and store history.
Use It provides methods to obtain store and workstation
information. It also provides a facility to update workstation parameters for a store.
Parameter Service.
Tier Relationships
The functionality of this service is the same whether it is used within Central Office or
Back Office.
Use, which includes methods for opening and closing the
store plus querying whether the store is currently open, opening and closing a specific
workstation, and handling tills.
Parameter Service.
Tier Relationships
This service is used only in Back Office.
Tax Service
The Tax service enables tax information to be imported from a tax file.
Access this interface through There is only one method,
Party Service.
Tier Relationships
This service is used only in Back Office.
Access this interface through It provides methods to
work with time entries and to validate and confirm those entries on a weekly basis.
Facilities to audit, summarize, and edit employee hours are also provided.
Calendar Service.
Tier Relationships
This service is expected to be used only with Back Office, although its functionality
works within Back Office and Central Office.
Transaction Service
Searches for transactions and E-journals based on transaction, customer or item
The file contains a number of methods for accessing the
service. These include transaction creation, search result, and others.
■ Parameter Service
■ Customer Service
■ Item Service
■ Store Service
Tier Relationships
The functionality of this service is the same whether it is used within Central Office or
Back Office. Although full functionality is available to both applications, Central Office
tends to import transactions while Back Office tends to export them, due to the
intended use of the applications.
Workflow/Scheduling Service
Create and edit tasks, schedule tasks, track task approval. Even for tasks which should
be scheduled immediately, the Workflow/Scheduling Service provides task tracking
The methods for this service are defined in They include
methods for task creation, notification, task destination, and more.
■ Parameter Service
■ Store Service
Tier Relationships
This service is the same whether it is used within Central Office or Back Office; either
application calls the service to schedule tasks.
Oracle Retail Back Office uses an ARTS-compliant database. Data is stored and
retrieved by entity beans in a bean-managed persistence pattern, so the system makes
database calls from the entity bean code.
A single entity bean exists for each database table, and handles reads and writes for
that table. Each entity bean contains the necessary methods to create, load, store, and
remove its object type.
The Back Office application writes data to the Store database, a repository for
transaction information for a single store.
Related Documentation
Table 10–1 lists related sources that provide specific information about the database for
use when developing code.
Database/System Interface
As described in Chapter 2, "Technical Architecture", a persistence layer of entity beans
represents the database tables to the rest of the system. One bean represents each table.
The following figure illustrates these relationships.
Each commerce service communicates with one or more entity beans, and each entity
bean communicates with one database table. Although there are exceptions, in general
only one commerce service communicates with an entity bean; other services request
the information from the relevant service rather than talking directly to the entity
bean. For example, if the Customer Service needs information provided by the Item
Bean, it makes a request to the Item Service.
ARTS Compliance
When new code is added or features are added, modified, or extended, database plans
should be evaluated to ensure that new data items fit the ARTS schema. Complying
with the standards increases the likelihood that extensions can migrate into the
product codebase and improves code reuse and interoperability with other
Data purging is based upon logical sets of data. Logical sets of data can be contained in
multiple tables. An example of a logical set of data is all the records associated to a
particular Retail Transaction.
A purge of a logical set is not considered complete until all relevant rows of data are
Data purging is based upon a data-retention schedule whereupon all data existing
prior to the computed date are purged. The data within this timeframe must meet
constraints as required. For example, if a customer wants to retain the last 180 days
worth of retail transaction data, then the integer 180 should be passed into the purge
retail transaction routine and the system will purge COMPLETED transactions more
than 180 days old.
The stored procedures read the absolute value of a negative integer. For example, a
value of -30 passed into the stored procedures will be read as 30, and the data will be
retained for 30 days.
If no value is passed into the stored procedures, then the default value is used. The
default value is 30.
The number of data retention days is passed into the stored procedures. The
constraints are built into the stored procedures and are therefore not parameterized.
A logical set purge will succeed even if data is not found in an expected table.
The Financial History and Financial Summary data purge scripts do not address the
issue of the weekly sum of daily totals that will no longer match weekly totals. For
example, if the purge occurs on a Wednesday, the sum of the daily totals from
Wednesday through Saturday will not match the weekly total that was based upon a
Sunday through Saturday timeframe.
Note: It is assumed that the user calling the stored procedures has
the necessary privileges to invoke these procedures.
execute Purge_Fn_Smy(90);
SQL> Purge_Fn_Smy(90);
You can choose to create a script file that contains these commands and have a
scheduler execute the script on a nightly basis. To do this, you must be logged into the
The scheduler must be able to log in to the database to be able to run the scripts, or the
log in must be the first line in the script. If the script contains the login, ensure the
acount password will not be visible to unauthorized users.
Note: The role with the execute procedure privilege does not need
specific access to the underlying tables. In other words, when a user
executes another user’s procedure, the procedure is executed using
the privileges of the procedure owner, not the invoker. Thus the
invoker does not have direct delete privileges on the tables contained
within the stored procedure.
Changing Currency
In order to switch to another base and alternate currency you’ll have to perform the
following steps:
1. Set the base currency flag in the primary currency of the currency table. For
example, if EUR is the base currency:
update co_cny set FL_CNY_BASE='1' where DE_CNY='EUR'
2. Remove the base currency flag from any other currencies in that table. For
update co_cny set FL_CNY_BASE = '0' where DE_CNY <> 'EUR'
3. Enforce ordering so that the primary currency is first and the alternate currency is
second for the AI_CNY_PRI column in the currency table. Other rows should be
ordered, but the specific order isn't important. For example if EUR is base currency
and GBP is the alternate:
update co_cny set AI_CNY_PRI=0 where DE_CNY='EUR'
update co_cny set AI_CNY_PRI=1 where DE_CNY='GBP'
update co_cny set AI_CNY_PRI=2 where DE_CNY='USD'
update co_cny set AI_CNY_PRI=3 where DE_CNY='CAD'
update co_cny set AI_CNY_PRI=4 where DE_CNY='MXN'
update co_cny set AI_CNY_PRI=5 where DE_CNY='JPY'
4. Add store safe tenders supported for the new base/alternate currency. For
example, if EUR is the new base currency, add money order tender support for
insert into le_tnd_str_sf
Remove store safe tenders no longer support for the old base/alternate currency.
For example, if USD if the old base currency, remove money order tender support
for USD:
delete from le_tnd_str_sf where LU_CNY_ISSG_CY = 'US' and TY_TND = 'MNYO';
5. Add exchange rate records for alternate currencies into the CO_RT_EXC table
based on the new base currency. Delete all exchange rate records based on any
previous base currency.
For example:
-- MoneyOrderSafeTender
Parameter Configuration
The following tender parameters must be enhanced to include the new base currency:
■ StoreCreditsAccepted
■ ChecksAccepted
■ CashAccepted
■ GiftCertificatesAccepted
■ TravelersChecksAccepted
The reconciliation parameter TendersToCountAtTillReconcile parameter must
include all the tenders to count for both base and alternate currencies during till
reconcilation. For example:
Example B–5 Parameters to Support Krona as the Base and USD as the Alternate
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOURCE name="register">
<GROUP hidden="N" name="Tender">
<PARAMETER final="N" hidden="N" name="StoreCreditsAccepted" type="LIST">
<VALIDATOR class="EnumeratedListValidator"
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="None"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="SEK"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="USD"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="CAD"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="MXN"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="EUR"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="JPY"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="GBP"/>
<VALUE value="SEK"/>
<VALUE value="USD"/>
<VALUE value="CAD"/>
<VALUE value="MXN"/>
<VALUE value="EUR"/>
<VALUE value="JPY"/>
<VALUE value="GBP"/>
<PARAMETER final="N" hidden="N" name="ChecksAccepted" type="LIST">
<VALIDATOR class="EnumeratedListValidator"
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="None"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="SEKCHK"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="USDCHK"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="CADCHK"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="EURCHK"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="GBPCHK"/>
<VALUE value="SEKCHK"/>
<VALUE value="USDCHK"/>
<PARAMETER final="N" hidden="N" name="CashAccepted" type="LIST">
<VALIDATOR class="EnumeratedListValidator"
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="None"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="SEK"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="USD"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="CAD"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="GBP"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="EUR"/>
<VALUE value="SEK"/>
<VALUE value="USD"/>
<PARAMETER final="N" hidden="N" name="GiftCertificatesAccepted" type="LIST">
<VALIDATOR class="EnumeratedListValidator"
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="None"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="SEK"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="USD"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="CAD"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="MXN"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="EUR"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="JPY"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="GBP"/>
<VALUE value="SEK"/>
<VALUE value="USD"/>
<VALUE value="CAD"/>
<VALUE value="MXN"/>
<VALUE value="EUR"/>
<VALUE value="JPY"/>
<VALUE value="GBP"/>
<PARAMETER final="N" hidden="N" name="TravelersChecksAccepted" type="LIST">
<VALIDATOR class="EnumeratedListValidator"
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="None"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="SEKCHK"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="USDCHK"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="CADCHK"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="GBPCHK"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="EURCHK"/>
<VALUE value="SEKCHK"/>
<VALUE value="USDCHK"/>
<GROUP hidden="N" name="Reconciliation">
<PARAMETER final="N" hidden="N" name="TendersToCountAtTillReconcile" type="LIST">
<VALIDATOR class="EnumeratedListValidator"
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="Cash"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="Check"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="ECheck"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="Credit"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="Debit"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="TravelCheck"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="GiftCert"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="Coupon"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="GiftCard"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="StoreCredit"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="MallCert"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="PurchaseOrder"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="MoneyOrder"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="USDCash"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="USDTravelCheck"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="USDCheck"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="USDGiftCert"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="USDStoreCredit"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="CADCash"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="CADTravelCheck"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="CADCheck"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="CADGiftCert"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="CADStoreCredit"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="MXNGiftCert"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="MXNStoreCredit"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="GBPGiftCert"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="GBPStoreCredit"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="GBPCash"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="GBPTravelCheck"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="GBPCheck"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="EURCash"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="EURTravelCheck"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="EURCheck"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="EURGiftCert"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="EURStoreCredit"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="JPYGiftCert"/>
<PROPERTY propname="member" propvalue="JPYStoreCredit"/>
<VALUE value="Cash"/>
<VALUE value="Check"/>
<VALUE value="ECheck"/>
<VALUE value="Credit"/>
<VALUE value="Debit"/>
<VALUE value="TravelCheck"/>
<VALUE value="GiftCert"/>
<VALUE value="Coupon"/>
<VALUE value="GiftCard"/>
<VALUE value="StoreCredit"/>
<VALUE value="MallCert"/>
<VALUE value="PurchaseOrder"/>
<VALUE value="MoneyOrder"/>
<VALUE value="USDCash"/>
<VALUE value="USDTravelCheck"/>
<VALUE value="USDCheck"/>
<VALUE value="USDGiftCert"/>
<VALUE value="USDStoreCredit"/>
<VALUE value="CADCash"/>
<VALUE value="CADTravelCheck"/>
<VALUE value="CADCheck"/>
<VALUE value="CADGiftCert"/>
<VALUE value="CADStoreCredit"/>
<VALUE value="MXNGiftCert"/>
<VALUE value="MXNStoreCredit"/>
<VALUE value="GBPGiftCert"/>
<VALUE value="GBPStoreCredit"/>
<VALUE value="EURGiftCert"/>
<VALUE value="EURStoreCredit"/>
<VALUE value="JPYGiftCert"/>
<VALUE value="JPYStoreCredit"/>
The audit log retains events that are logged to the file system. Audit Logs include
access, search, view (generate), print and export for the following functional areas in
Back Office.
■ Role Security (Role Audit Log Events)
■ Password Policy (Password Audit Log Events)
■ Users (Login, Logout, Lockout Audit Log Events)
■ Employees (Employee Audit Log Events)
■ Store Open, Store Close, Register Open, Register Close and Bank Deposit (Daily
Operations Audit Log Events)
■ Till Open, Till Reconcile and Till Close (Till Audit Log Events)
■ Parameter Log Events
Each event has a specific set of components that must be present in the Audit Log.
Each event is required to have an event name, event status, system date and system
time in which the event was completed. The status of an event can either be Success or
Failure. If an event was executed without interruption and the data of the event is
saved to persistent storage, the events status is Success. If a database exception occurs
after the operator or system has finished the event, the events status is Failure. If any
exception occurs before the activity is saved or if the operator selects to leave the
application, no event is logged.
Back Office events must include the store number of the events location as well as the
user ID of the employee performing the event. Back Office daily operations and till
options events not related to a generated report also include the business date. This
enables retailers to identify events that could have occurred on a different business
date and system date.
The Audit Log is implemented using a log4j logging infrastructure.
The following is a Back Office common configuration for the Audit Logging
You can configure the Audit Log using configuration files. To update the logging
infrastructure, update the Spring ServiceContext.xml file to point the various
infrastructure bean IDs to any alternate implementation classes you want to provide.
Bean ID: service_AuditLogger
Class: com._360commerce.commerceservices.audit.AuditLoggerService
Because the Audit Log is using Log4J as the underlying logging mechanism, you can
also control the logging layout, location, and content by updating the file.
■ All log events will be logged at the INFO level, so to disable logging entirely,
change the log level to WARN or above for the event package path.
Start of Day
This is a Back Office and Point-of-Service event.
This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting =
INFO and the Start of Day system setting = INFO.
■ Event data collection starts when the operator selects to execute Start of Day
■ Event data collection ends when the system displays that the store is opened.
■ The format of this event is dependent on the Count Operating Fund at Start of Day
parameter setting.
■ Failure can happen only when there is some technical error.
End of Day
This is a Back Office and Point-of-Service event.
This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting =
INFO and the End of Day system setting = INFO.
■ Event data collection starts when the operator selects to begin end of day.
■ Event data collection ends when the system assigns a transaction number.
■ The format of this event is dependent on the Count Operating Fund at End of Day
parameter setting.
■ Event failure can happen only due to technical reasons, for example, unable to get
next sequence number for transaction, transaction creation exception, EJB call
exception or if the financial totals are not found in the database.
Bank Deposit
This is a Back Office event.
This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting =
INFO and the Bank Deposit system setting = INFO.
■ Event data collection starts when the operator selects to create a Bank Deposit.
■ Event data collection ends when the system assigns a transaction number.
■ The format of this event is dependent on the Count Deposit Tender parameter
■ Event failure can happen only due to technical reasons, e.g. unable to get next
sequence number for transaction, transaction creation exception, and EJB or
Database exceptions.
Register Open
This is a Back Office and Point-of-Service event.
This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting =
INFO and the Register Open system setting = INFO.
■ Event data collection starts when the operator selects to open a register.
■ Event data collection ends when the system assigns a transaction number.
■ If more than one register is selected to open at one time, a separate independent
event is written to the audit log. Each opened register is assigned an individual
transaction number.
■ Event failure can happen only due to technical reasons, e.g. unable to get next
sequence number for transaction, transaction creation exception, EJB call exception
or if the financial totals are not found in the database.
Register Close
This is a Back Office and Point-of-Service event.
This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting =
INFO and the Register Close system setting = INFO.
■ Event data collection starts when the operator selects to close a register.
■ Event data collection ends when the system assigns a transaction number.
■ Event failure can happen only due to technical reasons, e.g. unable to get next
sequence number for transaction, transaction creation exception, EJB call exception
or if the financial totals are not found in the database.
Add Employee
This is a Back Office and Point-of-Service event.
This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting =
INFO and the Add Employee system setting = INFO.
■ Event data collection starts when the operator selects to add an employee.
■ Event data collection ends when the operator selects Save.
■ Failure Event is when the login ID provided is already in use.
User Login
This is a Back Office and Point-of-Service and Central Office event.
This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting =
INFO and the User Login system setting = INFO.
■ Event data collection starts when the operator enters their login information.
■ Event data collection ends when the operator selects to login.
■ Even failure can happen only when there is a technical exception.
User Logout
This is a Back Office and Central Office and Point-of-Service event.
This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting =
INFO and the User Logout system setting = INFO.
■ Event data collection starts and ends when the user selects to log out.
■ No Failure Condition.
Change Password
This is a Back Office and Central Office and Point-of-Service event.
This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting =
INFO and the Change Password system setting = INFO.
■ Event data collection starts when the operator selects or is prompted to change
their password.
■ Event data collection ends when the operator selects to save their new password.
■ Failure Condition will occur when the Employee/User for whom the password is
being changed does not exist in the DB. Also the New password supplied if it does
not meet the password criteria then also a Failure condition will be logged.
Edit Role
This is a Back Office and Central Office and Point-of-Service event.
This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting =
INFO and the Edit Role system setting = INFO.
■ Event data collection starts when the operator edits the role.
■ Event data collection ends when the operator selects Save.
■ Failure Condition only due to Technical exceptions.
Remove Role
This is a Back Office and Central Office event.
This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting =
INFO and the Remove Role system setting = INFO.
■ Event data collection starts when the operator selects a roles checkbox to remove.
■ Event data collection ends when the operator confirms to remove the role(s).
■ Event is not logged when the operator does not confirm the role removal.
■ If multiple roles are selected they are included in the same event but written as
separate entries. Each time Remove is selected (and a role has been selected) an
event is written to the audit log.
■ Failure Condition only due to Technical exceptions.
Add Role
This is a Back Office and Central Office and Point-of-Service event.
This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting =
INFO and the Add Role system setting = INFO.
■ Event data collection starts when the operator selects Add.
■ Event data collection ends when the operator selects to save the role settings for
the Role.
■ Failure Condition only due to Technical exceptions
Till Open
This is a Back Office and Point-of-Service event.
This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting =
INFO and the Till Open system setting = INFO.
■ Event data collection starts when the operator selects to open a till.
■ Event data collection ends when the system assigns a transaction number.
■ The format of this event is dependent on the Count Float at Open parameter
■ Event failure can happen only due to technical reasons, e.g. unable to get next
sequence number for transaction, transaction creation exception, EJB call exception
or if the financial totals are not found in the database.
Till Reconcile
This is a Back Office and Point-of-Service event.
This event is written to the audit log if the Settings For Audit Logging system setting =
INFO and the Till Reconcile system setting = INFO.
■ Event data collection starts when the system checks the Count Till at Reconcile
■ If the Count Till at Reconcile = No, event data collection ends when the system
assigns a transaction number.
■ If the Count Till at Reconcile = Detail or Summary, event data ends when the
system displays the Reconcile Till Count Report.
■ The format of this event is dependent on the Count Till at Reconcile parameter
setting and Blind Close parameter setting.
■ Event failure can happen only due to technical reasons, e.g. unable to get next
sequence number for transaction, transaction creation exception, EJB call exception
or if the financial totals are not found in the database.
A parameter, C-29
add parameter list for distribution, C-30
application layers, 7-2
distribute parameter list, C-31
algorithm, 7-3
modify application parameter, C-29
application manager, 7-2
modify parameter in list, C-30
commerce service, 7-2
remove parameter list for distribution, C-31
database, 7-3
password, C-17
entity, 7-3
reset employee password, C-17
user interface, 7-2
reset temporary employee password, C-18
application services, 8-1
role, C-18
application manager mapping, 8-3
add role, C-20
application manager reference, 8-4
edit role, C-18
EJournal manager, 8-5
remove role, C-19
item manager, 8-5
till, C-20
report manager, 8-5
count float at reconcile, C-22
store manager, 8-5
till open, C-20
storeOps manager, 8-5
till reconcile, C-23
task manager, 8-6
audit logging, C-1
application service architecture, 8-2
creating a new application manager, 8-4
extending an application manager, 8-4 B
architecture and design guidelines, 6-6 Back Office data purge, A-1
AntiPatterns, 6-6 invoking stored procedures, A-2
designing for extension, 6-8 calls to invoke stored procedures, A-2
ARTS compliance, 10-2 restricting access to data purge scripts, A-3
audit log backend system administration and
change password, C-17 configuration, 1-1
daily operations, C-4 bean-managed persistence in the database, 10-3
bank deposit, C-7 build the Back Office application, 4-2
bank deposit report exported, C-10 building the Back Office application, 4-2
bank deposit report viewed, C-10
end of day, C-6
enter business date, C-4 C
register close, C-12 changing currency, B-1
register open, C-11 client tier, 2-2
start of day, C-4 coding your first feature, 5-1
employee, C-12 before you begin, 5-1
add employee, C-14 related materials, 5-1
add temporary employee, C-14 commerce services, 9-1
modify employee information, C-12 calendar service, 9-4
modify temporary employee code list service, 9-4
information, C-13 currency service, 9-5
login, logout, lockout, C-15 customer service, 9-6
user lock out, C-16 employee/user service, 9-6
user login, C-15 file transfer service, 9-7
user logout, C-16 financial totals service, 9-7
item service, 9-8 G
parameter service, 9-9
party service, 9-10 general development standards, 6-1
POSlog import service, 9-11 basics, 6-1
post-processor service, 9-13 avoiding common java bugs, 6-1
pricing service, 9-14 formatting, 6-2
reporting service, 9-15 Java dos and don’ts, 6-1
store directory service, 9-16 javadoc, 6-3
store ops service, 9-17 naming conventions, 6-3
store service, 9-16 SQL guidelines
tax service, 9-18 DB2 SQL, 6-5
time maintenance service, 9-18 Oracle SQL, 6-6
transaction service, 9-19 unit testing, 6-6
workflow/scheduling service, 9-20
commerce services in operation, 9-2
creating a new commerce service, 9-3
common frameworks, 6-8 importing parameters, 1-5
exception handling, 6-11 importing initial parameters, 1-5
application exceptions, 6-12 install and configure Oracle Application Server, 4-2
avoid custom exceptions, 6-12
avoid java.lang.exception, 6-12
catching exceptions, 6-12
JVM exceptions, 6-12 loading Oracle Retail Labels and Tags, 1-1
system exceptions, 6-12
types of exceptions, 6-12 M
internationalization, 6-8
logging, 6-8 middle tier, 2-2
debug messages, 6-11 controller, 2-4
exception messages, 6-10 application services, 2-4
guarding code, 6-9 struts configuration, 2-4
heartbeat or life cycle messages, 6-11 model, 2-3
when to log, 6-9 view, 2-3
writing log messages, 6-10 modifying help files, 1-6
data tier, 2-5 password policy, 1-3
dependencies in application and commerce adding user, 1-4
services, 2-6 password change, 1-4
development environment, 4-1 password reset, 1-3
prerequisites for the development environment, 4-2
extending transaction search, 5-1
extension and customization scenarios, 7-3 scheduling post-processors, 1-6
access data from a different database, 7-5 security configuration, 1-1
access data from external system, 7-7 security implementation — warnings and
additional information presented to user, 7-3 advice, 1-2
change an algorithm used by a service, 7-7 SQL guidelines, 6-4
changes to application flow, 7-4 starting the application, 1-5
style and appearance changes, 7-3 store database, 10-1
extension guidelines, 7-1 database/system interface, 10-1
audience, 7-1 related documentation, 10-1
extension strategies, 7-8
data extension through composition, 7-15 T
extension with inheritance, 7-8
technical architecture, 2-1
replacement of implementation, 7-11
tier organization, 2-1
service extension with composition, 7-13
extracting source code, 3-1
using the Apache Ant build tool, 4-1