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1. The acoustic impedance of a material is used to determine the:
A) Angle of refraction at an interface
B) Attenuation within the material
C) Relative amounts of sound energy coupled through and reflected at an interface
D) Beam spread within the material

2. When angle beam contact testing a test piece, increasing the incident angle until the second
critical angle is reached results in:
A) Total reflection of a surface wave
B) 45 refraction of the shear wave
C) Production of a surface wave
D) None of the above

3. The crystal thickness and transducer frequency are related. The thinner the crystal:
A) The lower the frequency
B) The higher the frequency
C) There is no appreciable affect
D) None of the above

4. In the far field of a uniform ultrasonic beam sound intensity is ___________the beam
A) Minimum at
B) Maximum at
C) Maximum throughout twice the angle (sin y = C/Df) where C is acoustic velocity, D is crystal
diameter, and f is frequency at
D) Not related to orientation of

5. Where does beam divergence occur?

A) Near field
B) Far field
C) At the crystal
D) None of the above

6. As frequency increases in ultrasonic testing, the angle of beam divergence of a given

diameter crystal:
A) Decreases
B) Remains unchanged
C) Increases
D) Varies uniformly through each wavelength

7. If a contact angle beam transducer produces a 45 shear wave in steel, the angle produced by
the same transducer in an aluminum specimen would be :(VSsteel = 0.323 cm/ms; Vsal = 0.310
A) Less than 45
B) Greater than 45
C) 45
D) Unknown: more information is required

8. Lamb wave can be used to detect:

A) laminar-type defects near the surface of a thin material
B) Lack of fusion in the center of a thick weldment
C) Internal voids in diffusion bonds
D) Thickness changes in heavy plate material

9. What law can be used to calculate the angle of refraction within a metal for both longitudinal
and shear waves?
A) Poisson’s ratio law
B) Snell’s law
C) Fresnel’s field law
D) Charles’s law

10. Ultrasonic wheel units may be used for which of the following types of examination?
A) Straight or longitudinal examination
B) Angle beam or shear wave examination
C) Surface wave or Rayleigh wave examination
D) all of the above

11. Of the following scan types, which one can be used to produce a recording of flaw areas
superimposed over a plan view of the test piece?
A) A-scan
B) B-scan
C) C-scan
D) D-scan

12. In straight (normal) beam contact testing, a reduction in the back surface reflection amplitude
could indicate:
A) Inadequate coupling
B) A flaw which is not normal to the beam
C) A near surface defect that cannot be resolved form the main bang (initial pulse)
D) all of the above

13. In which zone does the amplitude of an indication from a given discontinuity diminish
exponentially as the distance increased?
A) Far field zone
B) Near field zone
C) Dead zone
D) Fresnel zone

14. As transducer diameter decreases, the beam spread:
A) Decreases
B) Remains the same
C) Increases
D) becomes conical in shape

15. Total energy loss occurring in all materials is called:

A) Attenuation
B) Scatter
C) Beam spread
D) Interface

16. The angle at which 90º refraction of the shear wave mode occurs is called the:
A) First critical angle
B) Second critical angle
C) Third critical angle
D) Angle of reflection

17. For aluminum and steel, the longitudinal velocity is approximately______________ the shear
A) Equal to
B) Twice
C) Half of
D) four times

18. The angle of reflection is:

A) Equal to the angle of incidence
B) Dependent on the couplant used
C) Dependent on the frequency used
D) Equal to the angle of refraction

19. In ultrasonic testing, the time duration of the transmitted pulse is referred to as:
A) The pulse length or pulse width
B) The pulse amplitude
C) The pulse shape
D) None of the above

20. A testing technique in which the crystal or transducer is parallel to the test surface and
ultrasonic waves enter the material being testing in a direction perpendicular to the test
surface is:
A) Straight beam testing
B) Angle beam testing
C) Surface wave testing
D) None of the above

21. The formula sin Ø1/ V1 = sin Ø2/ V2 is referred to as:

A) Angular relationships
B) Phase velocities
C) Amount of reflected sound energy
D) Acoustic impedance

22. The amount of energy reflected from a discontinuity will be dependent on:
A) The size of the discontinuity
B) The orientation of the discontinuity
C) The type of discontinuity
D) all of the above

23. Which of the following frequencies would probably result in the greatest ultrasonic attenuation
A) 1 MHz
B) 2.25 MHz
C) 10 MHz
D) 25 MHz

24. One of the most common applications of ultrasonic tests employing shear waves is.
A) Detection of discontinuities in welds, tube, and pipe
B) Determination of elastic properties of metallic products
C) Detection of laminar discontinuities in heavy plate
D) Measurement of thickness of thin plate

25. In a liquid medium, the only mode of vibration that can exist is:
A) Longitudinal
B) Shear
C) Both a and b
D) Surface

26. In a basic pulse echo ultrasonic instrument, the component that produces the voltage that
activates the search unit is called:
A) An amplifier
B) A receiver
C) A pulser
D) A synchronizer

27. Most basic pulse echo ultrasonic instruments use:

A) Automatic read-out equipment
B) An A-scan presentation
C) A B- scans presentation
D) A C-scan presentation

28. Compression waves whose partial displacement is parallel to the direction of propagation
are called:
A) Longitudinal wave
B) Shear waves
C) Lamb wave
D) Rayleigh wave

29. The motion of particles in a shear wave is:

A) parallel to the direction of propagation of the ultrasonic beam
B) Transverse to the direction of beam propagation
C) Limited in the material surface and elliptical in motion
D) Polarized in a plane at 45° to the direction of beam propagation

30. As frequency increases in ultrasonic testing, the angle of beam divergence of a given diameter
A) Decreases
B) Remains unchanged
C) Increases
D) Varies uniformly through each wavelength

31. The acoustic impedance is

A) Used to calculate the angle of reflection
B) The product of the density of the material and the velocity of sound in the material
C) Found by Snell’s law
D) Used to determine resonance values.

32. The ratio between the wave speed in one material the wave speed in a second material is
A) The acoustic impedance of the interface
B) Young’s modulus
C) Poisson’s ratio
D) The index of refraction

33. The equating describing wavelength in terms of velocity and frequency is:
A) Wavelength = velocity X frequency
B) Wavelength = z (frequency X velocity)
C) Wavelength = velocity / frequency
D) Wavelength = frequency + velocity

34. Of the piezoelectric materials listed below the most efficient sound receiver is:
A) Lithium sulfate
B) Quartz
C) Barium titanate
D) Silver oxide

35) In Figure 1, assuming a uniform beam pattern, what relationship would you expect to exist
between the amplitudes of the reflected laminar signals at position A and B?
A) 12 dB difference
B) Equal amplitudes
C) 2 to 1
D) 3 to 1

36. A 15 cm (6in.) diameter rod is being inspected for centerline cracks. The A-scan presentation
for one complete path through the rod is as shown in Figure 2. Where should there be
an alarm gate?
A) An alarm gate should be used between point A and E
B) An alarm gate should be used at point D only
C) An alarm gate should be used between points B and D
D) An alarm gate could not be used for this application


37. In Figure 3, transducer A is being used to establish:

A) Verification of wedge angle
B) Sensitivity calibration
C) Resolution
D) Index point

38. In Figure 3, transducer C is being used to check:

A) Distance calibration
B) Resolution
C) Sensitivity calibration
D) Verification of wedge angle

39. In Figure 3, transducer D is being used to check:

A) Sensitivity calibration
B) Distance calibration
C) Resolution
D) Verification of wedge angle

40. Increasing the length of the pulse used to activate the search unit will:
A) Increases the strength of the ultrasound but decrease the resolving power of the
B) Increase the resolving power of the instrument
C) Has no effect on the test
D) Decrease the penetration of the sound wave


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