Simplified Guidelines & Script
Simplified Guidelines & Script
Simplified Guidelines & Script
- Opening Spiel
- Consent 1 (Determine Lead Interest)
- Information Gathering
- TCPA Consent
Hello? (If the person on the line is silent… then go to pitch after they respond to you.)
Hi! This is______ , with and the reason I’m calling is that Auto and
Home insurance rates have dropped. If we could save you up to 30% would you consider
1. Best callback number
● Is this the best phone you would like to be called back on from one of our insurance
(If the lead does not want to give or spell out his full name then the agent must let go of
the customer, otherwise, lead will be invalidated. )
3. Vehicle Year, Make & Model - Only if the data is missing in the ViciForm
What’s the year, make and model of your car?
● Are you still driving this “Car Year, Make & Model”.
(If the lead is in a hurry, the agent must make sure to verify the vehicle make &
agent can just randomize the model.)
5. Date of Birth -
● Agents must ask the leads DOB at least once.
● Randomize or leave what's on the dialer
● Please see the snap :
Anything less than 18 and more than 85 years old of age will be Automatically
( If the agent attempts but the customer refused to answer or is unable to provide the
info, the agent can randomize the information. )
(The call agents are required to upsell health or home niche even if leads say that they
are in a hurry for as long as there is an opportunity during the call, otherwise, lead will
be invalidated, however, if the customer hangs up, then it must not be taken against
the agent )
(Home/Renters Insurance)
You can save a lot of money on getting updated quotes in your Home Insurance/Renter
Insurance. If we could get you a better deal than what you currently have, would you consider
it as an option?
YES: Ok great, I'm just going to ask you a few really quick questions for your
homeowners insurance quotes.
1. Do you rent or own your home?(If the lead, answers “Renting” please make
sure to change the info in this field under Auto.
2. What type of home is it? Is it an apartment/condo, manufactured, multi family,
single family, or townhome?
3. Do you have a home or renters insurance currently?
4. If YES, what is the current carrier?
HI update:
If the lead is over 85 years old we can still submit those leads as a SALE MADE. However, we will tag
is as PD.
If the lead is under any existing provider like for example (Employer, Gov't, medicaid and medicare)
can be submitted.
(YES & not through their employer) If we can get you a better deal would you consider it
as an option?
(YES) Ok, I will just ask you a few questions to get you accurate health insurance
Next, we will get a rates specialist to call you to discuss your personalized savings. Say “yes” if
they have your permission to call you? Please say YES/YUP/YEAH if you agree.
Update(03/13/2020) If the lead provides any positive response on TCPA that indicates they are
accepting the callback from our rate specialist like “Okay, Sure, No problem, I Agree” will be
Great thanks for your time. I've gone ahead and entered your information through our website. You
will be getting a call shortly. Be sure to let the agent know that you signed up online to get the best
offers. (Update 11/11/2020)
(Option 2)
That's great! We can use your current providers policy to compare what our
rate specialist can offer when they give you a call. To make sure that you are
getting the best deal to your Auto Insurance. Alright?
(Option 3)
Nice! How about if our insurance specialist will give you a call back to
let you know the most updated rates from your provider as well as
several others so you can make sure you have the best deal. What do
you think... Would you like to see how much you could be saving?
(Option 2)
Our insurance specialist will give you a call back to let know the rates
from multiple companies who are all competing for your business. “Our
company name”simply provides the information that you need to
make a strong comparison.
Customer - I’m not interested
(Option 1)
I understand that you're not interested as of now. Because you think no one
can beat the rate that your getting for your insurance. Quick Question, When
was the last time you are able to check the market rate for Auto Insurance?
(Follow through based on the responses of the lead)
(Option 2)
Are you sure you don’t want to talk to our insurance specialist and
compare quotes and find out if you can be saving money?
(Option 2)
Our system shows that you recently expressed interest in saving
money on your insurance. You must have filled out your information
● If the customer says, “I’m not interested,” Agents can rebut several times but must
make sure that not being pushy & will not get out of the context.
● Your job is to find customers who are willing to change their insurance policy, not
those who are just looking for quotes.
● If a customer is in a hurry, make sure that there is some confirmation that he's
interested in what we're offering before proceeding to gather the email address.
● Mr. and Mrs. is for LAST name use only. Kindly use Sir/Ma’am when addressing the
customer’s first name
● Make sure that no fields are blank. The lead purchasers will not accept any leads with blank
● Information gathered should always be of the speaker
● If the person on the line is not the same person as the one on file or if the information is
limited in the dialer, agent is required to ask for major information: Full name, Email address,
Car year make & Model, physical address,DOB, currently insured, , insured since &
expiration date. .
● Sales should be submitted to us within 5 to 10 minutes after the call with the customer has
● If an info field’s equivalent info on the dialer is 0, Unknown or blank, agents are required to
randomly place correct info
● Agents can remain on the DISPO screen of the dialer for up to 5 minutes when copying the
● Always ask for the email address. Do not verify the email address in the dialer. Spelling it out
is necessary particularly when the one on file is different from what the customer said to
ensure that correct info is passed to us.
● Agents are not allowed to ask the customer for the email address of a close relative.
● Only the name, email and vehicle info are required to be asked unless the current insurance
field in the dialer is Unknown or “Other” or blank in the dialer, it needs to be asked to the
customer too.
● Mailing addresses should always be verified during the call via Melissa Data and Google
Maps so that in cases the address on file is invalid, agents can ask for the correct one from
the customer.
● If the address in the dialer is a PO Box or RR address, the agent must ask the customer for
the mailing address.
● Minor info being asked for need not be asked from the customer. Agent can keep what's on
the dialer too. In cases wherein the info being asked for is blank in the dialer, the agent can
randomly choose to place correct info.
● In cases when customers voluntarily give out info regarding an additional driver, info of that
person is also required to be noted down. DOB of the additional driver and relationship of the
person on the line to that additional driver need to be asked.
● If a customer readily gives out more than one vehicle, an agent is required to note it down too.
● Make it a habit to take a screenshot of the details of the customer once you feel that it’s a
● SALE - Sale Made - disposition to be chosen if customer who has complete info agreed
to be transferred
1. How will the agents handle the call if the dialer does not have any details? (all blanks).-They
are to collect all major info which is full name, email address, home address, vehicle info,
currently insured, and years insured.
2. If the customer does not have any vehicles. - Agents must ask the customer if they are
planning to purchase a vehicle within the year. So that we can get that details to send the
3. Customer in a hurry, can we skip the vehicle details and go directly to the consent #2? - No,
agents must verify this details in order for our rate specialist to accurately discuss the rates to
the customer.
4. What if the customer would ask our location? - Agents can educate the customer that our
main office location is in Florida and we are located nationwide.
5. Are we offering multiple types of insurance? - Yes, so far we only have Auto Insurance,
Health Insurance and Home Insurance.
6. Do we have a callback number in our end? - No, Direct their inquiries to our website which
they can get in touch with us there.
7. Is the confirmation of interest limited to “Yes” and “Ok”? - Confirmation of interest is not only
limited to “Yes” and “Ok”, once asked for consent and the customer responded “Yes/ OK/
Sure/ Alright/ Of Course/ Definitely” it will be treated as valid.
8. Is it required to upsell HI & HO to all customers? - Yes, agents must at least try to upsell HI
or HO, otherwise, lead will be invalidated.
9. What companies are we partnered with that provide Health Insurance? - Statefarm and Blue
Cross Blue Shield are 2 of the bigger health insurance partners we work with, but options vary
by state.
10. Is the HI and AI being offered as bundle or separate packages? - Separate package. Home
insurance is bundled with auto.
11. Do you have look up or people finder tool (Address checker using cx phone #) that we can
provide to the agents as a work around?
- Yes! Agents can use yellow pages to look for cx physical address using their phone # esp. If
the cx doesn’t want to give out information. ( Just click the answer to get the link.)