Science: Learner's Activity Sheet Assessment Checklist

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Learner’s Activity Sheet

Assessment Checklist

Quarter 1 – Weeks 5-6

Making Useful Materials from

Local Recyclable Materials




Parent or Guardian


Date of Retrieval
Subject: SCIENCE Grade Level: 5
Teacher: Quarter: 1st
Date of Teaching: Week: 5 and 6

I. OBJECTIVES 1. Identify local materials that can be recycled.

2. Classify materials that can be reused, reduced
and recycled.
3. Identify local recyclable solid materials that
can be used in making useful products.
4. Explain ways in making useful materials and
5. Design a product out of local recyclable
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of
materials undergo changes due to oxygen and
B. Performance The learners should be able to use local, recyclable
Standard solid and or liquid materials in making useful
C. MELC Design a product out of local, recyclable solid and
or liquid materials in making useful products.
II.SUBJECT MATTER Making Useful Materials from Local Recyclable
a. References Science 4 LM (p. 23 - 25), Curriculum Guide in
Science 5
b. Materials Learner's Activity Sheet, Assessment Checklist,
Pictures, recyclable materials
c. Integration Creativity and Innovativeness (Values)

Activity 1:
ACTIVITY “How will I classify local materials that can
be reused, reduced and recycle?”
Activity 2: Guide Questions
ANALYSIS 1. What materials did you classify under Reuse?
How did you classify them as materials that
can be reused?
2. What materials did you classify under
Reduce? How did you classify them as
materials that needed to be reduced?
3. What materials did you classify under
Recycle? How did you classify them as
materials that can be recycled?

Activity 3: Presentation of the concepts related to

APPLICATION Activity 4: Let the learner do the activity “What
Useful Product Can Be Made Out of the Recycled
Materials?” and answer the given questions.
IV.EVALUATION/ Activity 5: Let the learners answer the given

Let the learner do the ‘Self-Assessment’: What I

did? What I learned? What I earned?

Dear Learner,

Good day! For this activity, you are going to design a product out of local,
recyclable solid or liquid materials in making useful products. Below are the
instructions provided. Don’t hesitate to ask for support from anyone whom you
think can help you do the activities. Most importantly, be free and creative in
doing the activities but ensure safety at all time. Have fun!


Your Teacher

“How will I Classify Local Materials that can be

Reused, Reduced or Recycled?”

Directions: Classify the different materials found in the word pool whether
they can be reused, reduced and recycled.

Plastic drinking bottle Empty glass bottle Styrofoam Tetra pak

carton Used rubber slipper Plastic bags Newspaper
Aluminum cans Juice wrappers Junk food wrappers Tissues
Pesticides Plastic straw Cardboard Candy wrappers

Reuse Reduce Recycle

Guide Questions
(You may use separate sheet for your answers)

1. What materials did you classify under Reuse? How did you classify them
as materials that can be reused?

2. What materials did you classify under Reduce? How did you classify them
as materials that needed to be reduced?

3. What materials did you classify under Recycle? How did you classify them
as materials that can be recycled?

Read and understand the concepts and ideas.

The 3 'R's

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - these three 'R' words are important part of sustainable
living, as they help cut down on the amount of waste we have to throw away.

It's Really simple!

1. Reduce means to minimize the amount of waste we create. Reduce the

amount of waste you produce.
2. Reuse refers to using items more than once. Reuse items as much as you
can before you replace them.
3. Recycle means putting a product to a new use instead of throwing it away.
Recycle items wherever possible.
 How can I reduce the amount of waste I produce?

The first 'R' is all about creating less waste. Here are some of the ways
you can do this:

1. Only buy what you need

2. Choose products with less packaging
3. Buy in bulk
4. Look for items that you can use

Reducing the amount of waste, we all generate is a great way to benefit the

 How can I reuse what I have?

The second 'R' looks at how you can use certain items again (ideally
multiple times) before replacing them. Here are some ideas:

1. Refill a water bottle with water from home instead of buying a new one.
2. Turn used paper into art supplies.
3. Stop throwing out old and mismatched socks and instead make a fuzzy
sock snake that you or other kid will love cuddling.
4. Turn broken crayons into pretty candles to give to teachers, family
members or just keep in your room (with adult permission, of course).

A bonus of reusing? As well as helping the environment, you could save

money too!

 How can I recycle the products I use?

The third 'R' is about making sure you separate items that can be recycled,
meaning they can be used for a new purpose.
Materials that can be recycled include:

Glass Lead Batteries

Aluminum Cardboards

“What Useful Product Can Be Made Out of

the Recycled Materials?”

What do you need:

Empty plastic bottles Scissors
Paint and paint brush/nail polish Ballpen
What to do:

1. Gather your materials.

2. Cut along the ridge of the plastic bottle.
3. Cut 5 equally spaced vertical lines to make petals.
4. Make curve edges between each vertical cut from Step 3.
5. Pull the petals back toward the bottle cap.
6. Paint your flower with your favorite color. Allow the paint to dry and
paint a second coat.
7. Make a hold in the bottle cap and insert pen. It will serve as stalk.

1. What useful product did you create out of the recyclable solid materials?

2. What learning have you drawn from the activity?

Directions: Read and analyze the questions. Write your responses on the
space provided for. (You may use separate sheet)

1. Other than plastic bottles, name 5 waste

materials that can be recycled into another
useful product and enumerate the products
that you can make out of the five waste
materials you identified.

2.In 2 paragraphs, explain in your own words

the importance of 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)
in waste management?
Which among the activities is easy for you to understand and perform?

What did you learn when performing the different activities?


(Rate yourself using the scale below. Write your rating on the blank.)
(Needs Improvement Satisfactory Excellent
(1) (3) (5)

I can’t do it myself I can do it myself but I can do it without

because I don’t sometimes I need help. mistakes
understand yet.

1. Was I able to classify materials that can be reuse, reduce and recycle?


2. Was I able to design a product out of local recyclable materials?

(To be accomplished by a parent or a guardian)

Making Useful Materials from Local Recyclable Materials

Check ( ) the appropriate observation that corresponds to your child’s

performance in accomplishing the activities.


Comments or

Bases for Assessment

The learner was able to answer
Activity 1- “How will I Classify Local
Materials that can be Reuse, Reduce
or Recycle?

The learner was able to answer the

Guide Questions in Activity 2.

The learner was able to read and

understand the concepts and ideas
in Activity 3.

The learner was able to produce

useful product out of recycled
materials and answer the questions
in Activity 4.

The learner was able to answer the

questions in Activity 5.

The learner was able to answer the


Name and Signature of Parent or Guardian

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