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Reason to season: Spices as functional food adjuncts with multiple health


Article · January 2008


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Krishnapura Srinivasan
CSIR - Central Food Technological Research Institute


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Indian Food Industry, 2008; 27 (5): 36-47
Reason to season: Spices as functional food adjuncts with multiple health
K. Srinivasan
Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition, Central Food Technological Research
Institute, Mysore – 570 020

Spices are consumed as food adjuncts to enhance sensory quality of foods, the quantity and variety
consumed in tropical countries being particularly extensive. Besides contributing to flavour, colour and
aroma to our everyday diet, spices have also been long recognized to possess physiological effects
supposed to be beneficial to human health. They act as stimulus to the digestive system, relieve digestive
disorders, and some spices are of antiseptic value. Their attributes such as tonic, carminative, stomachic,
diuretic, and anti-spasmodic - largely empirical nevertheless efficacious - have earned them
pharmacological applications in the indigenous systems of medicine in India and other countries. With the
long history of the use of spices and herbs dating back to 5000 years BC, and spices significantly
contributing to human health by providing bioactives, they may be considered one of the first ever
recorded functional foods. Spices may act synergistically to enhance the health-related properties of other
foods. Spices make foods palatable without salt and hence may assist to meet the recommended reduced
daily intake of sodium. Similarly, they make foods palatable without fat, thus assisting to meet guidelines
for healthy fat intake. The use of spices may encourage variety in food intake. Use of spices supports
nutrient diversity by encouraging number of food choices. Although spices are being used as food
adjuncts for many centuries, only in recent decades they have captured the attention of scientific
community as potential providers of health benefits.

The spice trade, probably, is the most ancient trade practiced by man. The affluence generated by the
spice trade has been responsible for several historic voyages and discoveries of new lands. India is not
only the largest producer of spices but also the biggest exporter and the largest consumer of spices in
different forms. Over 60 species of spices are grown in India which include the pungent spices, aromatic
fruits, umbelliferous fruits, aromatic barks, phenolic spices and colour spices.

Nutrient makeup of spices

Spices have never been considered to be contributing anything significant to human nutrition, while
they are valued as flavour modifiers to make food palatable. Interestingly, the protein content in spices
varies from 4.5 % in rosemary leaves to 31.5% in mustard, fat level varies from 0.6 % in garlic to 42.6 %
in mustard. The ash content can be anywhere from 2.3 % in marjoram to 16.7% in basil leaves reflecting
high mineral levels in them. Some of them contain significant levels of vitamins and minerals, which
cannot be ignored. A few spices are also rich sources of dietary fibre. Amongst common spices
consumed, the dietary fibre is highest in chilli, as high as 43.3% while black pepper (27.8%), coriander
(36.2%), cumin (23.0%), fennel (28.7%) and fenugreek (33.5%) also are rich sources of dietary fibre, both
soluble as well as insoluble. However, due to low levels of consumption of spices, their impact on
nutrient makeup may not be as dramatic as other food ingredients.

Table-1 Medicinal properties of spices recognized for a long time.
Spice Medicinal Properties
Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Anti-inflammatory, diuretic, laxative, good for affections of the liver,
jaundice, diseases of blood

Red pepper (Capsicum annuum) Anti-inflammatory, for pain relief (Rheumatism/ neuralgia); useful in
indigestion, rubefacient

Garlic (Allium sativum) Anti-dyspeptic, anti-flatulent, for ear infection, duodenal ulcers, as
rubefacient in skin diseases

Onion (Allium cepa) Diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, for bleeding piles

Fenugreek (T. foenum-graecum) Diuretic, emmenagogue, emollient, useful in heart diseases

Cumin (Cuminum cymminum) Antispasmodic, carminative, digestive stimulant

Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) Anti-dyspeptic,


Nutraceutical attributes of spices

Asian, particularly Indian and Mediterranean diets which are high in vegetables and fruits and which
normally include a large amount and considerable variety of herbs and spices. are generally associated
with lower incidence rates of some of the chronic diseases of ageing including cardiovascular disease and
certain forms of cancer. The health promoting effect of vegetables and fruits is thought to relate not only
to the general nutritional profile namely, high in dietary fibre, low in fat and salt, low energy density, and
high in vitamin A, C and folate, but also to a wide range of non-nutrient phytochemicals such as
flavonoids, other phenolics and organosulfur compounds that are also found in herbs and spices. It is
presumed that the additive and synergistic effects of the complex mixture of phytochemicals in
vegetables, fruits, herbs and spices are largely responsible for their health effects.

In the last 3 decades, many health beneficial effects of spices have been experimentally documented
which suggest that the use of these food adjuncts extends beyond taste and flavour (Srinivasan, 2005,
2005a). The emerging research literature suggests that specific spices may confer unique health benefits.
Although human studies are limited, considerable attention to this has been drawn because of the positive
results from in vitro and in vivo animal studies.

Digestive stimulant action

The digestive stimulant action of spices is probably the most common experience. Several spices such
as ginger, mint, ajowan, cumin, fennel, coriander and garlic are common remedies used in traditional
medicines or ingredients of pharmacological preparations to cure digestive disorders. The mechanism of
digestive stimulant action of spices has been recently understood by extensive animal studies (Platel &
Srinivasan, 2004). It has been evidenced that many commonly consumed spices (curcumin, capsaicin,
ginger, fenugreek, mustard, cumin, coriander, ajowan, tamarind and onion) stimulate bile acid production
by the liver and its secretion into bile (Sambaiah & Srinivasan, 1991; Platel & Srinivasan, 2000). Bile
acids play a major role in fat digestion and absorption. Several spices are also evidenced to stimulate the
activity of digestive enzymes of pancreas, particularly lipase and terminal digestive enzymes of small
intestinal mucosa (Platel & Srinivasan, 1996, 2000a, 2001). As a result of increased digestive capability,
the spice fed animals showed a reduced food transit time (Platel & Srinivasan, 2001a).


+ +

Pancreas Stomach Liver

Pancreatic Juice Bile juice

+ +
Small Intestine

Large Intestine

Fig.1. Digestive stimulant action of spices

Antidiabetic potential
Diet has been recognized as a corner stone in the management of diabetes mellitus. There has been a
continuous search for novel anti-diabetic drugs from plant sources. Among spices - the natural food
adjuncts that have been evaluated in this context, fenugreek seeds, garlic and onion, and their sulfur
compounds, turmeric and its yellow principle - curcumin have been found to be effective in improving the
glycemic status and glucose tolerance in diabetic animals / type-2 diabetic patients (Srinivasan, 2005b).
Animal studies and clinical trials on antidiabetic properties of fenugreek and onion have been particularly
extensive, while human studies are limited in the case of garlic and turmeric. Studies have unequivocally
demonstrated the antidiabetic potential of fenugreek in both type-1 and type-2 diabetes. Addition of
fenugreek seeds to the diets of diabetic patients or animals results in a fall in blood glucose and
improvement in glucose tolerance (Sharma, 1986; Sharma et al, 1996; Srinivasan, 2005b). The
hypoglycemic effect is attributed to the fibre and gum, which constitute as much as 52% of the seeds. The
fibre-rich fenugreek is believed to delay gastric emptying by direct interference with glucose absorption.

Garlic and onion are two other spices, which have been widely tested for their antidiabetic potential.
Both these spices have been shown to be hypoglycemic in different diabetic animal models and in limited
human trials (Srinivasan, 2005b). The hypoglycemic potency of garlic and onion is attributed to the
disulfide compounds present in them, di(2-propenyl) disulfide and 2-propenylpropyl disulfide
respectively, which cause direct or indirect stimulation of insulin secretion by the pancreas
(Kumudkumari et al, 1995; Augusti & Sheela, 1996). In addition, they may also have insulin-sparing

action by protecting from sulfhydryl inactivation by reacting with endogenous thiol-containing molecules
such as cysteine, glutathione, and serum albumins. Nephropathy is a common complication in chronic

Turmeric is another spice claimed to possess beneficial hypoglycemic effect and to improve glucose
tolerance in a limited number of studies (Tank et al, 1990). Nephropathy is a common complication in
chronic diabetes. High blood cholesterol is an added risk factor that determines the rate of decline of
kidney function in diabetic situation. Dietary curcumin (of turmeric) and onion have been found to have a
promising ameliorating influence on the severity of renal lesions in streptozotocin diabetic rats (Babu &
Srinivasan, 1998, 1999). Hypocholesterolemic effect of these spices as well as the ability to lower lipid
peroxidation under diabetic condition is implicated in the amelioration of renal lesions. Capsaicin, the
pungent principle of red chilli has been shown to be useful in diabetic neuropathy.

Capsaicin has been shown to be useful in diabetic neuropathy (The Capsaicin Study Group, 1992). In
an eight-week double blind placebo controlled study with parallel randomized treatment conducted by 12
independent investigators involving 219 patients, topical application of 0.075% capsaicin cream was
effective in pain management. The above spices may be used in conjunction with anti-diabetic drugs to
have better therapeutic potential and to minimize drug dosage. Fenugreek seeds (25-50g), garlic (2-3
cloves)/ onion (50g), and turmeric powder (1 pinch) incorporated in the daily diet of diabetics could serve
as an effective supportive therapy in the prevention and management of long-term complications of

Anti-atherogenic and Cardioprotective effect

a) Hypolipidemic influence
The importance of high blood cholesterol levels in relation to atherosclerosis and coronary heart
diseases is well known. Several common spices have been evaluated for a possible cholesterol lowering
effect in a variety of experimental situations in both animals and humans and these studies have been
reviewed recently (Srinivasan et al, 2004). Garlic, onion, fenugreek, turmeric and red pepper are found to
be effective as hypocholesterolemic agents under various conditions of experimentally induced
hypercholesterolemia / hyperlipidemia. Garlic, Fenugreek, and onion are effective in humans with
hyperlipidemic condition.

Consumption of garlic or garlic oil has been associated with a reduction in total cholesterol, low-
density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. There are more than 25 clinical research
concerning garlic and its preparations (Kleijnen et al, 1989). With the introduction of dehydrated garlic
powder containing a standardized level of the parent sulfur compound - alliin, effective clinical work
could be undertaken with a relatively low and acceptable daily dosage of 300 - 900 mg (equivalent to 1
clove of garlic). Many clinical studies have indicated that consuming one clove of garlic (or equivalent)
daily will have a cholesterol-lowering effect of up to 10% (Gore & Dalen, 1994; Warshafsky et al, 1993).
This is consistent with a recent trial involving 780 patients taking 600-900 mg standardized garlic extract
per day as supplement that evidenced a modest 0.41 mmol/L decrease in serum cholesterol (Stevinson et
al, 2000). Dietary supplementation with aged garlic extract showed better beneficial effects relative to
fresh garlic, on the lipid profile and blood pressure of moderately hypercholesterolemic subjects (Steiner
et al, 1996). While garlic supplementation significantly decreased both total and LDL cholesterol in

hypercholesterolemic subjects, co-administration of garlic with fish oil had a better beneficial effect on
serum lipid and lipoprotein concentrations by providing a combined lowering of total cholesterol, LDL
cholesterol and triglyceride concentration as well as the ratios of total cholesterol to HDL cholesterol and
LDL cholesterol to HDL cholesterol (Adler & Holub, 1997).

Fenugreek seeds were hypocholesterolemic in rats with hyperlipidemia induced by either high fat
(Singhal et al, 1982) or a high cholesterol diet (Sharma, 1984, 1986). Defatted fenugreek seed was
effective in diabetic hypercholesterolemia in dogs (Valette et al, 1984) and in humans (Sharma, 1986).
The hypolipidemic effectiveness of turmeric / curcumin (Srimal, 1997), red pepper / capsaicin (Suzuki &
Iwai, 1984; Govindarajan & Satyanarayana, 1991; Surh & Lee, 1995) and of onion and garlic (Fenwick &
Hanley, 1985; Carson, 1987; Jain & Apitz-Castro, 1994) has been periodically reviewed in recent years
by different authors. Spice compounds - curcumin and capsaicin have been associated with a decrease in
LDL cholesterol and an increase in HDL cholesterol levels, but these results have been limited to animal

b) Anti-thrombotic property
Besides the beneficial effect on serum lipid profile (Lowering of LDL cholesterol and triglyceride
levels), the anti-platelet aggregation and the anti-platelet adhesion properties of several spices also
contribute to cardiovascular protection. The spices / spice compounds thus far documented have
inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation are: Garlic, onion, curcumin, cuminaldehyde, eugenol, and
zingerone. Garlic in particular exhibits anti-thrombotic and hypotensive properties, both of which also
contribute to cardiovascular protection besides the hypolipidemic properties. Aged garlic extract (7.2 g)
has been associated with anti-clotting, as well as modest reductions in blood pressure (Approx. 5.5%
decrease in systolic blood pressure) (National Centre of Excellence, 2006). According to Lin (1994), the
anti-platelet aggregation, the anti-platelet adhesion and the anti-proliferation properties of aged garlic
extracts appear to contribute more to the cardiovascular protection than the hypolipidemic properties.

c) Suppression of LDL oxidation

The antioxidant properties of spices are of particular interest in view of the impact of oxidative
modification of low density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol in the development of atherosclerosis. In recent
years, a substantial body of evidence has indicated that free radicals contribute to cardiovascular disease.
Oxidative modification of LDL is hypothesized to play a key role during the development of
atherosclerosis. Since spices have high antioxidant concentrations that have the potential to inhibit the
oxidation of LDL, the use of antioxidant spices is a promising proposition.

d) Thermogenic influence
Obesity related insulin resistance has emerged as a potent risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
Dietary factors that affect satiety and thermogenesis could play an important role in determining the
prevalence and severity of this problem. Among spices that may have a role to play in this regard, red
pepper (or its pungent principle capsaicin) (Kawada et al, 1986) and garlic are promising and more data
are required to substantiate the benefit. The use of spices to displace fats and salt in the diet may reduce
cardiovascular risk.

Anti-lithogenic effect
Persistent lithogenic diet leads to cholesterol saturation in bile resulting in formation of cholesterol
crystals, i.e., gallstones in gall bladder. The inhibitory effect of a curcuma mixture (Temoe Lawak
Singer) on lithogenesis in rabbits has been reported (Beynen et al, 1987). Studies on experimental
induction of cholesterol gallstones in mice and hamsters by feeding a lithogenic diet have revealed that
the incidence of gallstones is 40-50% lower when the animals are maintained on 0.5% curcumin or
0.015% capsaicin containing diets (Hussain & Chandrasekhara, 1992, 1993). Animal studies have also
revealed significant regression of preformed cholesterol gallstones by these spice principles in a 10-week
feeding trial (Hussain & Chandrasekhara, 1994). The antilithogenic potential of other known
hypocholesterolemic spices – garlic, onion and fenugreek seeds have also been recently evidenced in
animal studies (Our unpublished data). The anti-lithogenicity of these spices is considered to be due to
lowering of cholesterol concentration and enhancing the bile acid concentration, both of which contribute
to lowering of cholesterol saturation index and hence its crystallization (Fig.1). In addition to their ability
to lower cholesterol saturation index, the antilithogenecity of these spice principles may also be due to
their influence on biliary proteins (Hussain & Chandrasekhara, 1994a).

Anti-inflammatory property
With increasing interest in alternatives to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents in the management of
chronic inflammation, the use of food based approaches is emerging. Lipid peroxides play a crucial role in
arthritis and other inflammatory diseases. Turmeric happens to be the earliest anti-inflammatory drug
known in the indigenous system of medicine in India. Turmeric extract, curcuminoids, and volatile oil of
turmeric have been found to be effective as anti-inflammatory in several studies involving mice, rats,
rabbits, and pigeons. The efficacy of curcuminoids was also established in carrageenan induced foot paw
edema in mice and rats and in cotton pellet granuloma pouch tests in rats (Srimal, 1997). Curcumin was
considered to be advantageous over aspirin because it selectively inhibits the synthesis of the anti-
inflammatory prostaglandin TxA2, without affecting the synthesis of prostacyclin (PgI2) which is an
important factor preventing vascular thrombosis (Srivastava, 1986). Both in vitro and in vivo animal
studies have documented the anti-inflammatory potential of spice principles curcumin (of turmeric),
capsaicin (of red pepper) and eugenol (of clove). Animal studies have revealed that curcumin and
capsaicin also lower the incidence and severity of arthritis and also delay the onset of adjuvant induced
arthritis. These spice principles also inhibited the formation of arachidonate metabolites (PgE2,

Anti-inflammatory effect of curcumin (400 mg) in patients undergone surgery for hernia / hydrocele
was found comparable to that of phenylbutazone (100 mg) (Satoskar et al, 1986). In rheumatoid arthritis
patients, administration of curcumin (1.2 g/day) produced significant improvement similar to
phenylbutazone (Deodhar et al, 1980). Recently, capsaicin has received considerable attention as a pain
reliever. In two trials with 70 and 21 patients with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, topical
application of creams containing 0.025% or 0.075% capsaicin was an effective and safe alternative to
analgesics employed in systemic medications which are often associated with potential side effects (Deal,
1991; McCarthy & McCarthy, 1991). Capsaicin has also been suggested for the initial management of
neuralgia consequent to herpes infection (Bernstein, 1989). There is also evidence for the benefit of
ginger in ameliorating arthritic knee pain, although the effectiveness is lesser than that of ibuprofen.
Ginger doses of 0.5 - 1.0 g per day have been found to be efficacious in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid

arthritis. Experimental studies have shown that ginger constituents inhibit arachidonic acid metabolism
which is involved in the inflammation process (a key pathway in inflammation).

Natural anti-inflammatory compounds of spices (curcumin, capsaicin, gingerol) appear to operate by

inhibiting one or more of the steps linking pro-inflammatory stimuli with COX activation, such as the
blocking by curcumin of NFkB translocation into the nucleus. It has been shown recently that the natural
anti-inflammatory compounds such curcumin were as effective as indomethacin (a non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drug) in inhibiting aberrant crypt foci in the rat.

Antimutagenicity and anti-cancer effect

Recently, considerable attention has been focused on identifying naturally occurring chemopreventive
substances capable of inhibiting, retarding, or reversing the multi-stage carcinogenesis. Extensive reviews
have been published in recent years on the possible dietary intervention of cancer development (Milner,
1994; Coney et al, 1997; Guhr & LaChance, 1997). A wide array of phenolic substances, some of those
present in spices, have been reported to possess substantial anticarcinogenic activities. The majority of
these naturally occurring phenolics possess antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties, which appear
to contribute to their chemopreventive or chemoprotective activity (Surh, 2002).

There are a number of in vitro studies and rodent in vivo studies suggesting that spices may have a
chemopreventive effect against the early initiating stages of cancer. As yet, there are no data indicating
that spices have an anticarcinogenic effect in humans. Spices may act through several mechanisms to
provide protection against cancer. Certain phytochemicals from spices have been shown to inhibit one or
more of the stages of the cancer process (initiation, promotion, growth and metastasis). Inhibition of
phase I metabolic enzymes (involved in procarcinogen activation) and induction of phase II metabolic
enzymes (involved in carcinogen deactivation) may account for the chemopreventive effects of spices.
Spices may also protect against oxidative stress and inflammation, both of which are a risk factor for
cancer initiation and promotion (as well as other pathological conditions). Spices contain several natural
antioxidant biomolecules lipid-soluble that may protect against the generation of genotoxic lipid
peroxidation peroxides.

Spices that have antioxidant property can function as antimutagens. Since, mutagenesis has a direct
bearing on cancer initiation, anti-mutagenic spices can probably be anticarcinogenic too. Turmeric /
curcumin, garlic / its sulfur compounds have been shown to be antimutagenic in several experimental
systems. Turmeric and curcumin were effective against benzo(-)pyrene and DMBA in the Ames' test
(Nagabushan & Bhide, 1986). In vivo studies on experimental animals suggest that turmeric and
curcumin inhibit the formation of mutagens. Mice and rats maintained on turmeric or curcumin-
containing diet excreted lower levels of mutagenic metabolites as well as carcinogens than the controls
(Usha, 1994; Polasa et al, 1991). Turmeric and curcumin also inhibited the mutagenicity of cigarette and
beedi smoke condensates as also that of a tobacco-based dentifrice (Nagabushan et al, 1987). Further,
curcumin was found to inhibit nitrosation of methylurea in vitro (Nagabushan et al, 1988). Studies on
smokers revealed that administration of curcumin (1.5 g / day) for 30 days resulted in a significant
reduction in the urinary excretion of mutagens (Polasa et al, 1992). Turmeric protected DNA against lipid
peroxide induced damage and against fuel smoke condensate induced damage (Shalini & Srinivas, 1990).
Eugenol (the flavour constituent of cloves) and mustard seeds (that contain dithiolthione) also produce

anti-mutagenic effect by protecting the cell from damage to DNA. Dithiolthiones are documented to have
protective effect against liver toxicity induced by some chemicals and the fungal toxin aflatoxin.

Spices (or their extracts / constituents) with known anticarcinogenic effects in animal models of
cancer include turmeric, garlic and ginger. Turmeric has been found to have chemopreventive effects
against cancers of the skin, forestomach, liver, colon, and oral cancer in mice. The anticancer potential of
curcumin as evidenced by both preclinical and clinical studies has been exhaustively reviewed recently
(Aggarwal et al, 2003). Animal studies involving experimental induction of tumour of specific tissues
with potent carcinogens (such as benz(-)pyrene, 7,12-dimethylbenzanthracene, 3-methylcholanthrene,
12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate, 1,2-dimethylhydrazine, etc.) have revealed significant reduction of
the incidence of tumour in curcumin treatment. Several studies indicate that curcumin can suppress both
tumour initiation and tumour promotion. Some of these studies, especially studies of skin tumorigenesis
have also employed topical application of curcumin (Aggarwal et al, 2003). It has been shown that the
inhibition of arachidonic acid metabolism, modulation of cellular signal transduction pathways, inhibition
of hormone, growth factor, and oncogene activity are some of the mechanisms by which curcumin causes
tumour suppression (Gescher et al, 1998). Chemopreventive activity of curcumin is observed when
administered prior to, during, and after carcinogen treatment as well as when it is given only during
promotion / progression phase of colon carcinogenesis in rats (Kawamori et al, 1999). Curcumin is a
powerful inhibitor of the proliferation of several tumour cells (Chuang et al, 2000a, 2000b; Dorai et al,
2001). With many evidences suggesting that curcumin can suppress tumour initiation, promotion and
metastasis, and with proven safety of its consumption (up to 10 g per day), curcumin offers enormous
potential in the prevention and therapy of cancer (Aggarwal et al, 2003).

Cancer preventive ability of garlic has been indicated by etiological studies wherein higher intake of
Allium products is associated with reduced risk of several types of cancers, especially stomach and
colorectal (Fleischauer & Arab, 2001).. Garlic is effective in the detoxification of carcinogens through its
effects on phase I and phase II enzymes. Diallyl disulfide of garlic is an efficient inhibitor of the phase I
enzyme cytochrome P-450 and significantly enhances a variety of phase II enzymes including GSH-
transferase, quinone reductase and UDP-glucuronyl transferase, which are responsible for the
detoxification of carcinogens. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the cancer-preventive
effects of garlic and its organosulfur compounds, as has been recently reviewed (Sengupta et al, 2004).
These include inhibition of mutagenesis, modulation of enzyme activities thus suppressing bioactivation
of carcinogen molecules, inhibition of carcinogen-DNA adduct formation, free radical scavenging,
inhibitory effects on cell proliferation and tumor growth, and induction of apoptosis.

Pungent vanilloids especially [6]-gingerol present in ginger (Zingiber officinale) have been found to
possess potential chemopreventive activities. Prior topical application of [6]-gingerol significantly
suppressed the tumor promoter (phorbol ester) stimulated skin inflammation initiated by 7,12-
dimethylbenz [] anthracene in mice (Surh et al, 1999). Reactive nitrogen species (RNS), such as nitric
oxide (NO) have been proposed as being able to influence signal transduction and cause DNA damage,
contributing to carcinogenic processes. [6]-gingerol, a pungent phenolic compound present in ginger is
evidenced to be a potent inhibitor of NO synthesis and also an effective protector against peroxynitrite-
mediated damage in macrophages (Ippoushi et al, 2003). Dietary ginger constituents, galanals A and B,
are potent apoptosis inducers in Human T lymphoma cells (Miyoshi et al, 2003). Myristicin, a major

volatile constituent of parsley, has been shown to strongly induce GSH-transferase in the liver and small
intestinal mucosa of mice. This compound has been shown to lead to a 65% inhibition of tumour
multiplicity in a rodent lung cancer model (Zheng et al, 1992, 1992a).

Antioxidant activity
Generation of reactive oxygen species and other free radicals during metabolism is a normal process
that is ideally compensated for by an elaborate endogenous antioxidant defense system. Excessive free
radicals generation over-balancing the rate of their removal leads to oxidative stress. Oxidative damage
has been implicated in the etiology of disease processes such as cardiovascular disease, inflammatory
diseases, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and other degenerative diseases. Antioxidants are
compounds that hinder the oxidative processes and thereby delay or suppress oxidative stress. There is a
growing interest in natural antioxidants found in herbs and spices. The bioactive compounds present in
spices which possess potent anti-atherogenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic and cancer preventive
activities are in fact antioxidants that are experimentally evidenced to control cellular oxidative stress and
thereby exert a beneficial role in preventing oxidative stress mediated diseases.

Most of the health effects of spices on cancer, cardiovascular disease, inflammatory diseases and
neurodegenerative diseases may be mediated through their potent antioxidant effects. The antioxidant
properties of spices are of particular interest in view of the impact of oxidative modifications of low
density lipoprotein cholesterol in the development of atherosclerosis. Supression of oxidative stress and
inflammation by spices is important in their cancer preventive role, since both oxidative stress and
inflammation are a risk factor for cancer initiation and promotion (as well as other pathological
conditions). Spices contain several natural antioxidant biomolecules either water-soluble that can
scavenge reactive oxygen species or lipid-soluble that may protect against the generation of genotoxic
lipid peroxidation peroxides.

The antioxidative effects of curcumin, eugenol, capsaicin, piperine, gingerol, garlic, onion, and
fenugreek have been experimentally evidenced (Srinivasan, 2008). The studies to this effect are
exhaustive and experimental evidences are plenty in the case of curcumin of turmeric and eugenol of
clove. Studies with several in vitro systems as well as in vivo animal studies have revealed that spice
principles curcumin, eugenol and capsaicin have beneficial antioxidant property by quenching oxygen
free radicals, by inhibiting the production of reactive oxygen radicals, and by enhancing the antioxidant
enzyme activities.

The antioxidant activity of the spice compounds in mammalian system involve one or more of the
following: (1) free radical scavenging, (2) suppressing of lipid peroxidation, (3) enhancing the antioxidant
molecules in tissues, (4) stimulating the activities of endogenous antioxidant enzymes, (5) Inhibition of
the activity of inducible nitric oxide synthase, (6) Inhibition of LDL oxidation, (6) Inhibition of enzymes
of arachidonate metabolism - 5-lipoxygenase and 2-cyclooxygenase enzymes. By virtue of antioxidant
activity, curcumin has been documented to be anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic and cancer preventive,
anti-atherogenic and cardioprotective, hepatoprotective, neuroprotective, anti-cataractogenic, effective
wound healant, etc.

Anti-inflammatory Effective wound healant

Anti-mutagenic & Protection to Radiation-

Cancer preventive induced toxicity

Anti-cataractogenic Hepatoprotective

Antioxidant activity
of curcumin
Anti-atherogenic Protection to nicotine-
& cardioprotective induced lung toxicity

Ameliorates oxidative Renal protective

stress in diabetes


Fig.2. Health implications of antioxidant property


STIMULANT (Turmeric, Asafoetida, (Fenugreek, Garlic,
(Many spices) Garlic) Onion, Turmeric)

(Garlic, Onion, Fenu- (Turmeric, Garlic, Onion,
greek, Turmeric, Chilli) Chilli, Fenugreek)

(Turmeric, Garlic, Ginger) Garlic, Onion, Chilli) (Turmeric, Chilli, Garlic)

Fig.3. Summary of multiple health effects of spices

By making the food attractive and palatable through flavour, aroma and colour, spices can reduce the
need to use other less healthy ingredients such as salt, fat or sugar. Many health beneficial attributes of
these common food adjuncts have been experimentally evidenced in the past few decades. These include:
Digestive stimulant action, anti-atherogenic and cardio-protective potential, Antilithogenic property,
Protective effect on erythrocyte integrity, Antidiabetic influence, Anti-inflammatory property, and cancer
preventive potential. The antioxidant and hypolipidemic properties of spices have far-reaching
nutraceutical value. The antioxidant properties of bioactive compounds present in spices are of particular
interest in view of the impact of suppression of oxidative stress in the development of degenerative
diseases such as cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disease, inflammatory disease and cancer.
Spices thus deserve to be considered as the natural and necessary component of our daily nutrition,
beyond their role in imparting taste and flavour to our food. It is presumed that the additive and
synergistic effects of the complex mixture of phytochemicals present in vegetables, fruits, herbs and
spices are largely responsible for the health effects offered by Indian and Mediterranean diets which are
generally associated with lower incidence rates of some of the chronic diseases of ageing including
cardiovascular disease and certain forms of cancer. The liberal consumption of spices is proved to be safe
to derive their beneficial effects. Since each of the spices possesses more than one health beneficial
property and that there is also a possibility of synergy among them in their action when consumed in
combination, a spiced diet is likely to make life not only more `spicy' but more healthy also.

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