Mechanics of Deepwater Steel Catenary Riser: September 2011

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Mechanics of Deepwater Steel Catenary Riser

Chapter · September 2011

DOI: 10.5772/23345 · Source: InTech

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3 authors, including:

Menglan Duan Jinghao Chen

China University of Petroleum - Beijing China University of Petroleum - Beijing


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Mechanics of Deepwater Steel Catenary Riser

Menglan Duan1, Jinghao Chen1 and Zhigang Li2
1Offshore Oil/Gas Research Center, China University of Petroleum, Beijing,
2Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd., Tianjian,

P. R. China

1. Introduction
With the exploration and development of oil and gas expanded to deepwater area, many new
floating structures are developed to reduce the cost. Steel catenary Riser (SCR) is a flexible steel
pipe that conducts well fluids from the subsea wellhead to the production floating vessel. SCR
has the advantages of low manufacturing cost, resistance of high temperature and high
pressure, good adaptability of upper floating body’s motion, etc, and is widely used in the
development of deepwater oil and gas fields. Because of the complicated marine environment,
SCR theory research involves fluid dynamics, nonlinear mechanics, soil mechanics and other
disciplines. This chapter presents the numerical calculation for soil-riser interaction, vortex-
induced vibration (VIV), fatigue, the coupling of floating vessel and riser, riser installation, etc,
and provides a theoretical basis of SCR design.

1.1 Configuration of SCR

The static configuration of SCR is shown in figure 1.1(Kavanagh et al., 2004). SCR connects
floating structure with some kinds of devices, such as flexjoint, J-tube, tapered stress joint,
etc. Three kinds of connecting devices are shown in figure 1.2. In order to reduce Vortex-
induced vibration (VIV), the segment of SCR is equipped with VIV suppression
device(Boubenider, 2008; Taggart and Tognarelli, 2008). Figure 1.3 presents two main
suppression devices of helical strake and fairing.

Fig. 1.1 The static configuration of SCR

254 Numerical Analysis – Theory and Application

a. Flexjoint b. TSJ c. J-Tube

Fig. 1.2 Three kinds of connecting devices

a. Helical Strake b. Fairing

Fig. 1.3 VIV suppression devices

1.2 History of SCR development

SCRs were initially installed on fixed platforms. Until 1994, SCRs were firstly installed on a
floating platform-Auger TLP, and since then have been widely used in deepwater oil/gas
fields. The main application of SCR is in Brazil, the Gulf of Mexico and West Africa on TLP,
Spar and semi-submersible. Recent years, SCR is widely installed on FPSO in West Africa.
This section presents some installation instances(Bai and Bai, 2005).
1994 The first SCRs were installed on Auger TLP in Gulf of Mexico.
1997 The first SCRs were installed on semi-submersible in Marlim Field.
2001 The first SCRs were installed on truss spars locate at Boomvang and Nansen fields, in
Gulf of Mexico.
2004 The first SCRs were installed on FPSO vessel in West Africa.

1.3 Analysis software for Risers

Various riser analysis tools can be divided into two classes. One is general finite element
software(Abaqus Analysis User’s Manual 6.9; ANSYS ASAS Brochure), the other is
professional software(Bai and Bai, 2005; Orcaflex Manual Version 9.3c).
1. General finite element software
ABAQUS is developed by world famous computer simulation software company SIMULIA.
It is a powerful finite element software which can solve the problem scoped from simple
linear analysis to complex nonlinear analysis.
ABAQUS/Aqua is a module used in offshore industry. It includes jacket and riser analysis,
J-tube pull simulations, bottom-bending calculations, and floating structure studies.
Mechanics of Deepwater Steel Catenary Riser 255

Structures can be subjected to drag, buoyancy, and fluid inertia force under steady current
and wave loadings. Wind loading is available for riser above the surface of the water.
ANSYS is a general purpose finite element software. It can solve structure, fluid, electric
field, magnetic field, sound field and multi-physical coupling problems.
ANSYS/ASAS is a structural finite element system containing the features to meet the needs
of offshore and marine engineers. ANSYS/ASAS provides the capabilities to analyze the
global structures of most types of marine structures, including jackets, jack-ups, risers,
offshore wind farms, and floating systems such as FPSOs, SPARs and semi-submersibles.
2. Professional software
OrcaFlex is 3D non-linear time-domain finite element software developed by Orcina for
static and dynamic analysis of a wide range of offshore systems, including marine risers,
moorings and towed systems. It also provides some modeling elements, such as line, vessel,
buoy, winch and seabed, etc. It also provides extensive graphics to assist understanding.
Shear7 is one of the leading modeling tools for the prediction of vortex-induced vibration
(VIV), developed by Professor J. Kim Vandiver in MIT. Shear7 is a mode-superposition
software, which evaluates the modes likely to be excited by vortex shedding and estimates
VIV response in uniform or sheared flows. It is capable of analyzing multi-mode and non-
lock-in response as well as single mode lock-in response.
Other software includes Offpipe, Riflex, VIVA, Flexcom, etc.

1.4 Overview on present research of SCR

Mechanics of deepwater steel catenary riser is a cross-disciplinary subject that involves soil
mechanics, fluid mechanics, wave mechanics and vibration mechanics. The challenge of SCR
design mainly reflects three aspects: pipe-soil interaction, VIV, and coupled riser and hull.
1. Pipe-soil interaction
The touchdown zone (TDZ) is one of the key locations where the fatigue damage happens.
Pipe-soil interaction affects the assessment of fatigue damage. A lot of work has been done
to discover the pipe-soil interaction mechanism. Two models have been established: non-
degradation model and degradation model. Non-degradation model has been applied to
SCR design. Degradation model takes consideration of soil plastic deformation, water
mixed, soil reconsolidation, etc. These factors affect the deformation of the trench. The
establishment of degradation model is still a challenge.
2. Vortex-induced vibration
So far, the numerical simulation of VIV does not have perfect solution. The key issue is the
determination of hydrodynamic force. Empirical models are obtained from experiments,
which are related to empirical coefficients. The experiments at high Reynolds number
should be carried out to show what new phenomena appear. Another method is CFD.
Directly solving the Navier-Strokes equations requires very refined grid and micro time
step. Researchers seek an approximation model. Reynolds averaged Navier-Strokes (RANS)
and Large Eddy Simulation (LES) mesh more rough and save computation time, which are
widely used in engineering.
256 Numerical Analysis – Theory and Application

3. Coupled hull and riser

The importance of coupled analysis between riser and hull has been recognized in deepwater
engineering. Considering the complexity of the coupled system, each part should be modeled
mathematically. To make it more efficient, proper simulation and numerical methods should
be used. Recently, the hull is taken as a 6 DOF rigid body and a slender rod theory is applied
to simulating the riser and mooring line. Spring and damper are used to simulate the
interaction and connection. The main difference is how they solve the coupled equation.
Several engineering software have been compiled based on current research results.
The numerical simulation of SCR involved many theoretical systems and each has many
branches. This chapter does not carry out a thorough study on mechanics of SCR. It only
briefly introduces the numerical simulation methods commonly used in offshore industry.

2. Pipe-soil interaction
When the SCR is subjected to oscillating movement, there is a complex interaction between
SCR and seabed. The touchdown zone (TDZ) is also the key location where SCR fatigue
damage happens. Pipe-Soil interaction is the important factor that should be considered in
SCR strength and fatigue analysis. Owing to the complex nonlinear behavior of soil, it’s
hard to establish a precise model. How to accurately simulate this interaction is still a
challenge and has been a hot academic research. It affects the calculation of fatigue damage
and the prediction of fatigue life.
The interaction between SCR and the seabed is affected by many factors, such as SCR
properties, water entrainment, soil consolidation time, soil erosion and the development of
trenching. A linear or nonlinear spring is used to model the seabed soil interacting with
SCR. But linear spring does not represent the real behavior of the soil. So, recently
researches on the behavior of soil interacting with SCR have focused on P-y curves of soil
(where P stands for the resistance force of soil and y for the vertical penetration of the SCR).
Many researchers acquired the empirical equations from experiments. It can be classified
into two kinds: non-degradation model and degradation model. This section presents a
typical non-degradation Pipe-Soil interaction models.

2.1 Process of pipe-soil interaction

A typical cycle of loading-unloading-reloading is presented in Figure 2.1(Nakhaee, 2010).
The P-y curve can be divided into four different paths. As shown in Figure2.2, the process of
pipe-soil interaction is introduced form (a) to (e), corresponding to the stage 1-5.
Stage 1. The pipe is initially laid on virgin seabed. And there is no penetration.
Stage 2. It describes the initial penetration following along the backbone curve from Point 0
to 1. The penetration displacement is determined by W and P. W is the vertical force
acting on the soil (usually the submerged weight of SCR per unit length) and P is
the soil resistance.
Stage 3. The pipe moves upwards and soil resistance is reduced quickly. After the soil
resistance reaches zero, the loading is soil suction and increases to the peak rapidly.
This process is described by P-y curve from point 1 to 2 on figure 2.1.
Stage 4. When the pipe is going on to uplift, the soil suction gradually diminishes and
reaches zero from point 2 to 3.
Stage 5. The pipe penetrates again into the soil. The resistance force follows along the curve
from point 3 to 1, which is lower than backbone curve.
Mechanics of Deepwater Steel Catenary Riser 257

Fig. 2.1 Typical P-y curve

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Fig. 2.2 Process of pipe-soil interaction
If the riser continues to experience the periodic loading cycle, the P-y relation will repeat the
loop enclosed by the second, third and fourth path under the assumption of a non-
degradation model. It should be noted that the loop area is greatly exaggerated in Figure2.1
for the purpose of demonstrating.

2.2 Pipe-soil interaction model

Earlier pipe-soil models are too simplified to simulate the complex interaction between pipe
and soil. They assumed the seabed as rigid flat or linearly elastic spring. Many researchers
investigate the mechanism of pipe-riser interaction by experiments and give various
experiment equations. One famous experiment is STRIDE JIP’s full scale harbor
experiment(Willis and West, 2001). This experiment experiences 3 months at a harbor in the
west of England. Figure 2.3 presents this test. Bridge developed advanced non-degradation
models using published data and pipe-soil interaction experiments conducted by the
STRIDE and CARISIMA JIP(Bridge and Laver, 2004). Bridge’s models have been widely
used in many Gulf of Mexico deepwater projects involving SCRs. Bridge’s models are
typical non-degradation model.
The process of pipe-soil interaction is introduced in 2.1. The soil force can be divided into 2
phases: soil resistance and soil suction. This part introduces the related concepts of pipe-soil
interaction model.

2.2.1 Backbone curve

The backbone curve shows the relation between soil resistance per unit length and penetration
depth for the first time. The backbone curve is typically governed by equation (2.1).
258 Numerical Analysis – Theory and Application

Fig. 2.3 Full scale harbor test

QU  B( NC SU   Z ) (2.1)

QU Ultimate bearing load per unit length of pipe
B Bearing width of pipe
NC Non-dimensional shape and depth of factor
SU Undrained shear strength of soil
 Submerged unit weight of soil
Z The depth of pipe penetration

2.2.2 Soil resistance

As the pipe moves vertically downward and contacts the soil, the soil presents resistance to
the pipe’s movement. This soil resistance is determined by soil stiffness. There are three
types soil stiffness used for modeling pipe-soil interaction: static stiffness, large
displacement dynamic stiffness and small displacement dynamic stiffness, as shown in
figure 2.4.

Fig. 2.4 Three soil stiffness

Mechanics of Deepwater Steel Catenary Riser 259

1. Static stiffness
Static stiffness is used for initial penetration into the virgin seabed. The soil reaction force
can be calculated using equation (2.2).

RC  m (2.2)

RC Reaction force
m Submerged weight of SCR per unit length
E Elastic modulus
I Moment of inertia
H Tension at the TDP
2. Large displacement dynamic stiffness
Large displacement dynamic stiffness is a secant stiffness which accounts for the initial
deformation of the soil. It is used to model the pipe-soil interaction where the pipe breaks
out the soil. So the large displacement dynamic stiffness is calculated by equation (2.3).

K  (2.3)

ZU Mobilisation distance, equating D
 Non-dimensional parameter coming from the test
3. Small displacement dynamic stiffness
Small displacement dynamic stiffness is a hyperbolic model simulating the in-contact pipe-
soil interaction. So the small displacement dynamic stiffness is calculated by equation (2.4).

Q QU (2.4)
(1  X )D  XZD

Q Reaction force per unit length
ZD Dynamic displacement, the maximum value is ZU
X Soil parameter

2.2.3 Soil suction

When the pipe is lifted from the seabed, the soil has suction force to the pipe. Owing to the
complex nonlinear behavior and multi-influence factor of soil, the suction model is mainly
based on experiment. A soil suction model is based on STRIDE and CARISIMA JIP ‘s testing
as shown in figure 2.5. This soil suction model defines two parameters: maximum soil
suction force QS , MAX and break-out displacement  B .
Maximum soil suction force can be got from equations (2.4)-(2.6)

QS , MAX  KC  KV  KT  N  D  SU (2.4)
260 Numerical Analysis – Theory and Application

Fig. 2.5 Soil suction model

V 
KV  K F   (2.5)

KT  KTF  CTF (2.6)
KC : Cyclic loading factor
KV : An empirical pull-out velocity factor
V: Pull-out velocity
FC : Consolidate force
CV : Coefficient of consolidation
t : consolidation time
K F , nF , KTF , CTF : Empirical constant from test data
Break-out displacement can be got from equations (2.7)-(2.9):

 B  K DV  K DT  D (2.7)

K DV  K D  V nD (2.8)

K DT  K DTF  C DTF (2.9)
K DV : An empirical break-out displacement factor
K DT : Consolidation time factor
K D , nD , K DTF , C DTF : Empirical constant from test data
Other researchers (Aubeny and Biscontin, 2008; Nakhaee and Jun Zhang, 2007) have also
done this work and established the non-degradation models. Degradation models are still
ongoing in laboratory and have not yet been applied in engineering. The process of
degradation models are also developed (Fontaine, et al., 2004; Nakhaee and Jun Zhang,
2009; Hodder and Byrne, 2009).
Mechanics of Deepwater Steel Catenary Riser 261

2.3 Conclusion
Although many pipe-soil interaction models have been established, there is still uncertainty
on the mechanism of pipe-soil interaction in TDZ. This part introduces a vertical non-
degradation model developed by Bridge, which is used in offshore industry. Soil
degradation, trench formation and lateral pipe-soil interaction are the problems that have
never been solved. Pipe-soil interaction is the key issue for assessment of fatigue damage to
which the mechanism of pipe-soil interaction is of importance.

3. Coupling of hull and riser

In the past, the coupling effect between the hull and mooring/riser was neglected. An
uncoupled analysis which only takes the static restoring force of slender structures into
account and neglects the inertial force of riser and the hydrodynamic load acting on the
riser. In this way, mooring/riser is not coupled with the hull to conduct dynamic
computation. But researches showed that such uncoupled analysis of TLPs, spars and
FPSOs(Paulling and Webster, 1986;Zhang et al., 2008; Tahar and Kim, 2008) may be
inaccurate when used in deepwater. Because as the water depth gets deeper and deeper, the
inertia effect increases. So, the interaction effect greatly influences hull and line motions. The
complete coupled analysis is necessary for the analysis of riser system.
The main objective of coupled analysis is to give a good estimation of floater motions.
Detailed slender structure response such as the riser is secondary. The main procedure of
the coupled analyses of hull and mooring/risers is as follows:
1. Establish the equation to describe the motions of hull.
2. Calculate the loads acting on the hull, including the environmental loads.
3. Establish the equation of the moor/risers. Nowadays, a discretization method is used to
deal with the equation to make computation more accurate.
4. Calculate the loads acting on the mooring/risers.
5. Analyze the boundary condition and connection point of the whole system, including
the connection between the platform and mooring/risers and the interaction between
the risers and seabed.
6. Apply the numerical method to solve the coupled equations of hull and mooring/risers.

3.1 Coupled hull and riser models

A floating production system includes three parts: (1) the hull; (2) risers and mooring lines;
(3) connections. To establish the coupled function of the system, every part should be
modeled from mathematics.

3.1.1 The hull model

The hull is usually taken as a rigid body with 6 degrees of freedom. To simulate its motion,
two coordinate systems are needed. One is the space fixed system oxyz , and the other is the
body- fixed system oxyz . See figure 3.1.(Chen, 2002)
According to the Newton second law, the equations of the rigid body can be written as:
 
mag  F (3.1)

d   
Ig    I g  M g (3.2)
262 Numerical Analysis – Theory and Application

Fig. 3.1 2 coordinate systems of the hull

Where, a g is the acceleration at the center of gravity, I g is the moment of inertia matrix

expressed in the body-fixed coordinate
 system oxyz and  is the angular velocity also in
the coordinate system oxyz . F is the resultant applied force and M g is the resultant
applied moments.

To obtain a more specific equation, the acceleration a g can be expressed in the space fixed
system oxyz as:

  d    
a g  ao  T t (  rg    (  rg )) (3.3)
While the resultant moment in the body fixed system can be written as:
   
M  Mo  rg  TF (3.4)

Inserting equation (3.3) and (3.4) into equation (3.1) and (3.2) respectively, equation (3.1) can
be expressed in the space fixed system and equation (3.2) can be expressed in the body fixed

d 2 d
m  mT t (  rg )  mT t (  (  rg ))  Fˆ (3.5)
dt 2

d d 2
Io    I o  mrg  (T 2 )  Mo (3.6)
dt dt
Where, superscript t represents transpose of a matrix.
 d 2 
ao  2 , is the acceleration at point o of the body in oxyz
 dt 
  (1 ,  2 , 3 )t , is the displacement at point o of the body in oxyz
 l
  (1 , 2 , 3 ) , is the angular velocity of the body in oxyz

rg  ( x g , y g , zg )l , is the vector of the center of gravity (mass) of the body in oxyz
Mechanics of Deepwater Steel Catenary Riser 263

I o is the moment of inertia of the body with respect to point o in oxyz

 
F is the total forces applied on the body in oxyz
M o is the total moments with respect to point o of the oxyz coordinates
T is a transfer matrix between the body-fixed coordinate system and the space-fixed
coordinate system:
 cos a3 cos a2 sin a3 cos a1  cos a3 sin a2 sin a1 sin a3 sin a1  cos a3 sin a2 cos a1 
 
T    sin a3 cos a2 cos a3 cos a1  sin a3 sin a2 sin a1 cos a3 sin a1  sin a3 sin a2 cos a1 
 sin a2  cos a2 sin a1 cos a2 cos a1 
where, a1 , a2 , a3 are the Euler angles expressing the roll, pitch and yaw motion of the hull.
The forces acting on the hull consist of wind, wave and current loads. To be more specific,
the general forces can be written as:

F  FR  FW  FWD  FHS  FM  FWind  FCurrent (3.7)

where, FR represents radiation forces, FW exciting forces, FWD wave drift damping forces,
FHS hydrostatic restoring forces, FM mooring/riser/tendon system forces, FWind wind
forces, and FCurrent is current forces.
The wave forces acting on a floating vessel are well documented in the literature.
Corresponding computation methods can be referred to related thesis. For the wind and
current forces, the force coefficients are usually needed which come from experiments. If the
wind has mean and slowly varying components, a suitable spectrum is in need. Data from
the OCIMF is useful for the FPSO analysis.

3.1.2 Riser model

The riser can be taken as a flexible system. It can make large displacement and angle
movement with the hull. As a result, the geometric nonlinearity is a big problem for the
risers. Here are some calculation methods which are used to solve the problem.
1. Linear spring method. The riser is taken as a linear spring. This method is the main
method used to make frequency domain analysis. Because this method neglects too
many details of the riser, the result becomes less and less accurate with the water depth
2. Catenary method. This method uses the catenary equation to transform the 3-dimention
to 2-dimention and fulfill the static conditions. As in method (1), the dynamic details of
risers and bending stiffness are neglected.
3. Slender rod theory. Risers can be modeled by using the elastic slender rod theory. It can
analyze the condition of the riser after deformation in the original coordinate system.
The position of every element is expressed by a vector. Higher-order function is used to
simulate the deformation of rod. But because the effect of torsion is neglected, non-
vector problem of the large rotation angle deformation is not taken into account.
Method (3) is the most widely used in the offshore industry, and is illustrated in detail as
follows.(Garrett, 1982; Garrett 2005)
The equation of slender rod can be written as:

( Br )  ( r )  q   
r (3.8)

If the stretch of rod is assumed to be linear and small, the inextensibility condition can be
approximated as:
264 Numerical Analysis – Theory and Application

1 T  T0
(r r   1)  (3.9)
2 AE
Where, B is the bending stiffness ( EI )
r : the vector represents the centerline of the rod
  T  Br r  : Lagrange multiplier
q : the applied load(weight, drag, etc)
T : the tension
T0 : the unstretched tension
AE : the axial stiffness
The external forces applied on the riser include gravity, hydrostatic and hydrodynamic
The gravity can be expressed as a distributed load as:

qt (s , t )   t gAt ey (3.10)

Where, t is riser density, At is section area.

The hydrodynamic forces consist of added-mass force, drag force and Froude-Krylov force.
The first two forces can be predicted by Morison’s equation that will be discussed in section
4. Froude-Krylov force due to sea water outside the riser is:
   
q Ff  k (s , t )   f ( gey  u
) A f  ( Pf A f r ) (3.11)

Pf is the pressure of sea water
A f is the outer cross-section area of the riser
 f is the mass density of the sea water
Due to the internal fluid, Froude-Krylov force for the riser is:
  
qiF  K (s , t )   i gAi ey  ( Pi Ai r ) (3.12)

Where, Pi is the pressure from the internal fluid;  i is the mass density of the internal fluid.
Ai is the inner area of riser.

3.1.3 The connection

The connection between the riser and platform can be established by using spring and
damper. A linear spring can define the translational motion between platform and the top of
riser. A rotational spring can define the relation between the rotation of platform and the
tangential direction of the riser. For the spring, one end is at the rod element, the other one is
on the rigid body. These assumptions of the connections can easily couple the motion of
platform and risers numerically and simulate different kinds of connections by using
different stiffness of the spring.
With the assumption of small-angle rotation, the connector forces ( Qi ) and moments ( Li ) of
the spring on the end node are written as:(Arcandra, 2001)

Qi  K iL ( Xi  pi   j  C ji  ri ) (3.13)
Mechanics of Deepwater Steel Catenary Riser 265

r 'i ri ' rj '

Li  K ( ei   j D ji  0.5
 ) (3.14)
(r 'm r 'm ) (rn ' rn ')3/2

Where, KiL and K are the stiffness matrix of linear and rotation spring
Xi is the translational motion of the rigid body
 i is the rotational motion of the rigid body
pi is position vector of the point on the platform where the springs are attached
ri is the position vector of the node of the mooring/riser which is attached by the spring
C ji and D ji are defined to make it easier to do the numerical calculation with the position
vector pi and the unit vector ei as:

 0  p3p2 
C     p3 0  p1 
 p2  p1 0 

 0  e3 e2 
    e3 0  e1
D 

 e2  e1 0 
The resultant force FiS and moment MiS transferred to the body are defined as follows:

FiS  QiS (3.15)

MiS  MiL  Mi

 QkSC ki  LSk Dki
Where, MiL  QkS  p j is the moment resulting from the linear spring, and Mi  LSk  e j is the
moment resulting from the rotational spring. The force FiS and the moment MiS act on the
The damper is used to control the excessive resonance of the high frequency vibration of the
tensioned line like the tether or the riser in the TLP. The damper is simulated by using linear
damping force proportional to the vibratory velocity of the line on the top connection node
of the hull and the mooring/riser. The damping force N iD on the connection node of the
line is given by (Ran, 2000):

N iD  C d X i  jC ji  ri  (3.17)

Where C d is the damping coefficient, X and  are the translational and rotational velocity
of the rigid body, r is the velocity of the attached node of the line to the body.
The force acts on the rigid body as reaction force by:

FiD   N iD (3.18)

3.2 Integrated hull and riser equations

Compared with time domain analysis, frequency domain analysis can demonstrate directly
the wave response of platform to a certain degree. So it is widely used in the theory
266 Numerical Analysis – Theory and Application

computation. But in the frequency domain analysis, all nonlinearities must be linearized
which may require a perturbation assumption. The time domain analysis can confirm
influence of current and previous course on the mechanical state of riser at every time step.
As a result to deal with all the nonlinearities in the coupled analysis, time domain is
obviously the most effective way in the practical project.
The assembled equation of the coupled system of the rigid body and mooring/risers can be
expressed as (HARP manuals):

 
  K L   K C    U L  FL 
    
 ------------  ---   ---  (3.19)
  B  B
 
  K C   K B    U  F 

     

where  K L  is the stiffness matrix of the mooring/riser and the connector springs which

has nL  8  (nE  1)  1 rows where nL is the total number of lines,  K B  is the stiffness

 
matrix of the rigid body,  K C  and  K C  are the coupled stiffness matrices and its

 
transpose matrix including the coupling terms of the rigid body and the mooring/riser.
 U L  and  U B  are the displacement matrices of the lines and the body,  FL  and  FB 
       
are the force and moment terms acting on the lines and the body. The size of  K B  is 6  6 .

 K C  has the size of 8  ( nE  1)  1 rows and 6 columns per line. nE is the number of
 
elements per line.
To calculate the terms of stiffness matrix, further analysis is required. And the time domain
analysis consists of static analysis and dynamic analysis.

3.2.1 Static analysis

Before a dynamic analysis is conducted, the static problem should be solved first.
Considering the geometric nonlinearity of the riser and moorings, the static analysis should
be solved iteratively (Low and Langly, 2006). Here the Newton-Raphson method is applied.
The hull, mooring/riser and connection are combined to form the stiffness matrix in the
equation (3.19).
At each iteration step, the coupled assembly system equations are solved to obtain the
behaviors for the body and lines simultaneously, and the iteration continues until the norms
of the solutions reach a specified tolerance.

3.2.2 Time domain analysis

The time domain analysis requires integration. Several implicit methods have been
developed to do it, for example, Newmark-B method, Runge-Kuta method and the Adams-
Moulton method. Because the last one can solve the coupled equations of the hull and
mooring/riser at every time step, it is used to integrate the nonlinear force. In this way, the
terms of the stiffness matrix can be obtained from the integration.
Mechanics of Deepwater Steel Catenary Riser 267

3.3 Conclusion
The coupled effect between hull and risers is usually included in the whole coupled analysis
of floating production system. The whole system mainly has two components: the hull and
mooring/risers. Meanwhile, the connection between platform and mooring/riser and the
interaction between riser and seabed also play a part in the coupled analysis. At present, the
hull is described as a 6 DOF rigid body. Risers are modeled by using a finite element
representation of an elastic rod. The connection can use a combination of springs and
dampers. At last, a static analysis and dynamic analysis are conducted.

4. Fatigue
The assessment of fatigue damage is important in SCR design. Cyclic loading can cause the
fatigue damage of SCR, including wave, vortex induced vibration (VIV), hull motion, etc.
This Section mainly discusses the fatigue induced by wave and VIV, and introduces fatigue
assessment methods.

4.1 Wave loading

The method of calculating wave load on cylinder is chosen according to the size of cylinder
and wavelength. SCR is a slender structure, and it mainly uses Morison’s equation which
has been presented by Morison etc (Morison, et al., 1950; Burrows et al., 1997). The basic
assumption of this method is that the diameter of cylinder D compared with wavelength L
is small, D/L<0.2. The cylinder cannot affect the wave field.
One cylinder stands vertically on the seabed, and the depth of water is d. Wave height is H
and spreads along the coordinate x. The intersection point coordinate of cylinder axis and
seabed is (x, z), as shown in figure 4.1. Morison etc assumed that the horizontal wave
force f H acting on cylinder at any height z consists of two parts: Water particle horizontal
velocity ux induced force-drag force f D ; Water particle horizontal acceleration u x induced
force-inertia force f I .
Morison’s equation for wave loading on unit height of cylinder at any height z:

f H  fD  fI
1 du du
 C D  Aux ux  V0 x  C m V0 x (4.1)
2 dt dt
1 dux
 C D  Aux ux  C M V0
2 dt
Where, ux is the water particle velocity at the axis center of cylinder
is the water particle acceleration at the axis center of cylinder
A is the projected area of unit height of cylinder normal to the direction of wave:
V0 is the tonnage of unit height of cylinder
 is seawater density
C m is an added mass coefficient
C M is mass coefficient
C D is drag force coefficient
For a cylinder, equation (4.1) can be written as following:
268 Numerical Analysis – Theory and Application

Fig. 4.1 Small scale straight cylinder coordinate system

1  D2 dux (4.2)
f H  C D  Dux ux  C M 
2 4 dt
Equation (4.2) is applied for the fixed cylinder. If the cylinder moves under wave loading,
the equation (4.2) should be written as following.

1  D2 ux  D2 (4.3)
f H  C D  D(ux  x ) ux  x  C M   Cm  
2 4 t 4
Where, x is the horizontal displacement at z
x is the horizontal velocity at z
x is the horizontal acceleration at z
Equation (4.2) and equation (4.3) are used for calculating the wave force of straight cylinder.
But SCR is slant cylinder, and equation (4.2) must be modified. Assuming two-dimensional
wave spreads along the direction x. At any point of cylinder, U n is orthogonal component
of water particle velocity and Ut is the tangent component of water particle velocity. U n
and U are corresponding acceleration. As a two-dimensional problem, the direction of
velocity and acceleration are general not in the same line. So the Morison’s equation must be
written as vector. Equation (4.4) is Morison’s equation for slant cylinder.

1  D2  (4.4)
f  C D  DUn U n  C M  Un
2 4
Where, f is the vector of wave force at z .
 
The projection of U n to three coordinate is U x ,U y ,U z . Assuming e is the unit vector along
the axial of cylinder.

e  ex i  e y j  e z k (4.5)

The parameters used in Morison’s equation are as following:

U x  ux  ex ( ex ux  ezuz )

U y   ey ( ex ux  ezuz ) (4.6)

U z  uz  ez ( ex ux  ezuz )
Mechanics of Deepwater Steel Catenary Riser 269

 2 ux uz
U x  (1  ex ) t  ez ex t

 ux u
U y   ex ey  ez ey z (4.7)
 t t
 ux 2 uz
U z   ex ez t  (1  ez ) t

U n  (ux2  uz2  ( ex ux  ezuz )2 )1/2 (4.8)

If slant cylinder is moving under wave load, it similar to equation (4.3).

Drag force coefficient C D and mass coefficient C M are empirical coefficients. They are from
the tests, and the value of them are also depends on wave theory. The value of C D and C M
can refer relevant standards or criterion of Classification Societies. Morison equation is the
main method for calculating the wave load on small size cylinder.

4.2 VIV
If a cylindrical structure is subjected to the current, alternately vortex shedding will be
taking place at each side of the cylinder. Vortex shedding will produce periodic force which
makes cylinder vibration. When the frequency of vortex shedding is close to the nature
frequency of cylinder, cylinder generates resonate. Despite decades of intensive numerical
simulation and experiment research, there is not a model that can accurately simulate VIV
(Williamson and Govardhan, 2008). The problem of VIV is how to determine the
hydrodynamic force. Hydrodynamic force is from experiment or computational fluid
dynamics (CFD), and VIV response prediction model can be classified into two categories:
empirical model and CFD model.

4.2.1 Basic concept

VIV is affected by some parameters, such as Reynolds number, Strouhal number etc (Pan et
al., 2005; Klamo, 2007). Detailed explanations of these parameters are as follows.
1. Reynolds number
The Reynolds number is a ratio of inertial force to viscous force. Its value affects the type of
flow as the fluid goes through the bluff body, as depicted in figure 4.2.

Re  (4.9)
U Fluid velocity
v Coefficient of kinematic viscosity
D The outer diameter of cylinder
2. Strouhal number
Strouhal number depends on the Reynolds number, which comes from experiments.
Equation (4.10) is used to calculate the vortex shedding frequency.

f vD
St  (4.10)
270 Numerical Analysis – Theory and Application

Re  5 No separation phenomenon

A pair of fixed small eddy

(5  15)  Re  40
behind cylinder

40  Re  150 Periodic vortex shedding in

laminar flow

Periodic vortex shedding in

turbulent flow, which can be
300  Re  3  105
extended to 50D (cylinder
outer diameter)
Transition section. The
separation point is backward
3  105  Re  3.5  106
and vortex shedding is

Recovering periodic vortex

3.5  106  Re
shedding in turbulent flow

Fig. 4.2 The relation between Re and vortex shedding

f v Vortex shedding frequency
3. Reduced velocity
Reduced velocity is convenient for measuring the flow velocity. Reduced velocity is defined

Ur  (4.11)
f nD

f n The nature frequency of cylinder

Other parameters, such as mass ratio, damping factor and aspect ratio etc are not introduced

4.2.2 Empirical model

VIV experiments involve forced or vibration of a cylinder. The empirical models are
different varying with experiments. It can be divided into time domain models and
frequency domain models.
Time domain model
A well known time domain model is wake oscillators which satisfy van der Pol or
Rayleigh equation. Wake oscillator model couples with structure vibration and fluid wake
Mechanics of Deepwater Steel Catenary Riser 271

Fig. 4.3 Wake oscillator model

The 2D wake oscillator model is assumed to be an elastically supported cylinder, as shown
in figure 4.3. The coupled structure and wake oscillator are described by (Facchinetti et al.,
2003; Xu et al., 2010):

y  ( 2  )y   2 y  s
 (4.12)
q   (q  1)q  q  f
 2

s D D
Where,   , sS 2 2 2 , f F 2 2 2 ,
2 St(U / D) 4 St U m 4 St U
The parameters of wake oscillator equations are explained as follows:
y : y  Y / D : Y is cross-flow displacement, D is outer diameter.
q : Dimensionless wake variable.
St : Strouhal number.
U : Fluid velocity.
m : Mass accounting the mass of structure and fluid-added mass.
 : Structure reduced damping.
S : Structural angular frequency.
 : Stall parameter.
Frequency domain model
A famous VIV analysis software Shear7 is frequency domain tool, which is based on mode-
superposition method (Vandiver and Li, 2005). Its theoretical background is briefly
described in the section. The governing equation is given by:

mt y  Ry  Ty  P( x , t ) (4.13)

Where, mt is mass per unit length, y is the acceleration of the structure, R is the damping
per unit length. y is the velocity of the structure, T is the tension, y is the second derivative
of the displacement of the structure with respect to the spatial variable. P( x , t ) is the
excitation force per unit length.
272 Numerical Analysis – Theory and Application

The structure displacement response can be written as the modal superposition.

y( x , t )   Yr ( x )qr (t ) (4.14)

Where, Yr ( x ) is the rth mode shape of the structure. Substituting equation (4.14) into
equation (4.13) and performing modal analysis:

qr  Rr q r (t )  K r qr (t )  Pr (t )
Mr  (4.15)

Where, Mr is modal mass, Rr is modal damping, K r is modal stiffness, Pr (t ) is modal force.

For pined-pined beam with varying tension, the nth natural frequency is defined by:

L 1 T (s ) 1 T (s ) 2 m (s )n2
0   (
2 EI ( s ) 2 EI (s )
) 4 t
EI (s )
ds  n (4.16)

Where, T (s ) is tension, EI (s ) is the bending stiffness, mt (s ) is the mass per unit lengh, n2 is
the nth natural frequency of the structure.
nth mode shape is written as:

L 1 T (s) 1 T (s) 2 m (s )n2

Yn ( x )  sin(    ( ) 4 t ds ) (4.17)
0 2 EI (s ) 2 EI (s ) EI (s)

4.2.3 CFD model

The CFD method obtains hydrodynamic force by solving Navier-Stokes equations directly.
Laminar flow can be solved by CFD model that is identified by testing. The key issue is the
establishment of turbulence model. There are 3 primary methods including Reynolds
averaged Navier-Strokes (RANS), Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and direct numerical
simulation (DNS). The framework of turbulent flow simulation methods is presented in
figure 4.4. This section only introduces the RANS model and LES model commonly used in
offshore industry.
1. RANS model
In order to solve the details of turbulent fluctuations, time-average method is usually
applied. So RANS is coming up. RANS does not solve directly instantaneous Navier--Stokes
equations. It decomposes flow velocity into 2 components: mean flow and fluctuating
component. Time-average Navier-Strokes equations can be written as equation (4.18) (Pan et
al., 2007). It describes incompressible fluid. Comparing to DNS and LES, RANS is less time-
consuming and widely used in commercial work.

 ui
 x  0
 i
 (4.18)
 (  ui )   (  ui u j )   p   ( Sij   ui uj )
 t x j xi x j

u , p : Time-average velocity and pressure
Mechanics of Deepwater Steel Catenary Riser 273

Fig. 4.4 turbulent models

 : Molecular viscosity
Sij : Mean stress tensor
 : Fluid density
The time-average equation (4.18) has addition item:   ui uj , which is called Reynolds
stresses, namely:

 ij    ui uj
Reynolds stresses is a new unknown item. According to different assumptions, RANS can
be mainly divided into 2 types: Reynolds stresses model and eddy viscosity model, as
shown in figure 4.4. Recently two-equation model is extensively used in engineering. The
basic two-equation model is standard k   model, which brings in k (turbulence kinetic
energy) and  (turbulent dissipation rate) (Dixon and charlesworth, 2006).
Eddy viscosity model indirectly solve Reynolds stress. It is expressed as a function of
turbulent viscosity. The key issue of this method is the calculation of turbulent viscosity.
Turbulent viscosity is represented via the Boussinesq assumption. This assumption
establishes the relationship between Reynolds stress and mean gradients of the velocity:

 u u j  2  u 
  ui uj  t  i     k  t i   ij (4.20)
 x j xi  3  xi 
 
Where, t : turbulent viscosity, ui : mean velocity,  ij : “Kronecker delta” symbol (i=j,  ij =1;
i  j ,  ij =0), k : turbulent kinetic energy.
274 Numerical Analysis – Theory and Application

ui ui 1 2 (4.21)

k  ( u  v2  w2 )
2 2
Adding turbulent dissipation rate equation, it establishes the standard k   model.

  ui  ui  (4.22)

   
  xk  x k 
In standard k   model, the transport equations about incompressible fluid are as follows:

 (  k ) (  ku )     k 
  i
    t    Gk  
 t xi xi   k  x j 
 (4.23)
 (  ) (  ui )       C1 2
      t   G k  C 2 
t xi xi     x j  k k
Where, Gk : generation of turbulence kinetic energy due to the mean velocity
gradients. C1 and C 2 are constant.  k and   are turbulence Prandtl numbers.
2. LES model
LES directly solves the instantaneous Navier-Strokes equation. Unlike DNS, LES resolves
only large eddies directly, while small eddies are modeled. The effect of small eddies is
represented by adding an item to LES equations. So, LES can use much coarser grid than
DNS. Commercial software Fluent has a LES module for user (Fluent User’s Guide).
LES governing equations are obtained by using filtered function that effectively filters out
the small eddies. A filter function is defined by:

    G( x , x)dx (4.24)

Where D is fluid domain, G( x , x) is the filter function that determines the scale of eddies.
G( x , x) has variable expressions. For finite volume method, the filter function can be
defined by:

1 / V , x  v
G( x , x)   (4.25)
0 , x   v
Where V is the volume of computational cell. So equation (4.24) can be written as followed:

V D
 dx (4.26)

LES equations for incompressible fluid are obtained by using equation (4.26) to filter the
Navier-Strokes equations:

  ui
 0
 xi
 (4.27)
   u    u u      ij    p   ij
   

i j 
x j  x j  x j x j

Mechanics of Deepwater Steel Catenary Riser 275

Where  ij is subgrid-scale stress which is defined by equation (4.28).  ij is stress tensor.

 ij   ui u j   ui u j (4.28)

The Subgrid-scale stress also complies the Boussinesq hypothesis:

 ij   kk ij  2t Sij (4.29)
Where t is subgrid-scale turbulent viscosity. Sij is the rate-of-strain tensor. In
Smagorinsky-Lilly model, t and Sij are defined by:

t   L2s S (4.30)

1  u u 
Sij   i  i  (4.31)
2  xi x j 

 1
Where, S  2Sij Sij , Ls  min   d , C sV 3 
 
 
 is von karman constant, d is the distance to the closest wall, C s is Smagorinsky constant.

4.3 Fatigue assessment methods

Cyclic loading can cause the fatigue damage of SCR. The S-N curve and linear cumulative
damage law (Palmrgen-Miner rule) are used to calculate the fatigue life of SCR in offshore
industry (DNV-RP-C203, 2010).
The basic S-N curve is defined as:

log N  log a  m log  (4.32)

Where N is predicted number of cycles to failure for stress range  . m is negative inverse
slope of S-N curve. log a is intercept of long N-axis by S-N curve.
The fatigue strength of welded joints is partly dependent on plate thickness. The S-N curve
accounting for the effect of thickness is defined by:

  t 
k 
log N  log a  m log      (4.33)
  tref  
   
Where tref is reference thickness. t is thickness through which a crack will mostly grow. k
is thickness exponent on fatigue strength.
According to Palmrgen-Miner rule, the fatigue damage is calculated by (ABS, 2003):

D  (4.34)
i 1 N i

Where D is accumulated fatigue damage. ni is the number of stress cycles stress block i. 
is allowable damage ratio.
276 Numerical Analysis – Theory and Application

The value of parameters in Equation (4.26) can refer to the standards published by each
Classification Society, such as DNV, ABS and CCS.

4.4 Conclusion
This section introduces the factors inducing SCR fatigue and mainly introduces the calculation
methods of wave force and VIV that are commonly used in offshore industry. Wave force on
SCR is obtained by Morsion’s equation, which is widely used in calculation of wave loading
on slender structure. VIV prediction model can be classified into empirical model and CFD
model. Empirical models have been developed for past decades. Commercial software is
developed, such as Shear7, VIVA and VIVNA. With the development of computer technology
and increased storage, CFD application is growing faster recently. Although the decades of
research on VIV and wave induced fatigue, there are uncertainties about the prediction of SCR
fatigue life. It is usually to select larger safety coefficient in SCR design.

5. SCR installation
SCR installation needs to consider the effects of vessel’s motion, wave, current and the
interface with other structures. Some factors are discussed above. So this section only
introduces the SCR installation methods and equipments. Giving a mechanical model of
SCR can be used in installation.

5.1 The introduction of SCR installation

SCR installation is a procedure that connects to the pipe laying. Three pipe laying methods
are S-lay, J-lay and Reel-lay. These three pipelay ships are shown in figure 5.1. And some
SCR installation equipments are shown in figure 5.2, including tensioner, A&R winch and
integrated riser lifting system (Mao et al. , 2010; Duan et al. , 2011).

(a) S-lay ship (b) J-lay ship (c) Reel-lay ship

Fig. 5.1 Three pipelay ships
The installation method can be classified into 2 broad categories: 1st installation and 2nd
installation.1st installation is that the pipelay ship starts pipe laying from the platform and
lays in the opposite direction to platform, as shown in figure 5.3 (a). 2nd installation has 2
methods: pre-lay and post-lay. Pre-lay method means laying the pipe on the seabed after
pipe laying is finished, while the platform is not in position. Then installation vessel lifts the
pipe from the seabed and installs the pipe on the platform when the platform is in position.
Post-lay method (Smith, 2007) means directly install the pipe on the platform after the
pipelay ship finished pipe laying when the platform is in position. Figure 5.3(b) and (c)
show the procedure of pre-lay and post-lay.
Mechanics of Deepwater Steel Catenary Riser 277

(a) tensioner (b) A&R winch (c) Integrated riser lifting system
Fig. 5.2 SCR installation equipments

(a) 1st installation (b) pre-lay method (c) post-lay method

Fig. 5.3 SCR installation methods

5.2 Mechanical model of SCR

SCR installation need to consider some factors: installation vessel’s movement, environment
loadings and the interface with other offshore structures etc. This section only introduces a
model of SCR during installation due to the other factors mainly discussed in above sections.

Fig. 5.4 The forces acting on a short segment of SCR

SCR is a large deformation slender structure during installation. It belongs to large
deformation and small strain problem. Slender rod and straight beam method can’t model
catenary riser. This section introduces a Large-Angle deflection beam model (Sparks, 2007).
Figure 5.4 shows the forces acting on a short segment of SCR. According to the force
balance, the differential equations can be deduced:
278 Numerical Analysis – Theory and Application

 d 3θ dθ
EI 3  T  w cos θ+f (s )=0
ds ds (5.1)

 dT  w sin θ
 ds

Where, f (s ) is external loading. EI is the constant bending stiffness.  is a angle measured

from horizontal. T is axial tension.

5.3 Conclusion
This section introduces SCR installation methods and equipments. Giving a mechanical
model of SCR can be used in SCR installation. The factors affecting SCR installation are
discussed in the above sections.

6. Conclusion
SCR plays an important role in connecting the floating structure and submarine production
facilities. SCR has advantages of low manufacturing cost, resistance of high temperature and
high pressure, good adaptability of upper floating body’s motion, etc. SCR numerical
simulation has made great advances through the decades of research. Some commercial
software was developed for SCR design. Despite decades of researches, there are
uncertainties on mechanical characteristic of SCR. These are challenges for SCR design and
future endeavor is suggested as follows:
1. Pipe-soil interaction mechanism. Pipe-soil interaction models are obtained from
experiments. Empirical models have been established. Non-degradation models have
been applied in SCR strength analysis and the prediction of fatigue damage. From the
field observation, it will develop a trench beneath the SCR under cyclic loading. The
development of trench is a difficulty. The formation of trench is affected by complex
factors, such as soil plastic deformation, water mixed, soil reconsolidation and soil
erosion. Only infering the trench shape will not reach to precise calculation results.
2. Turbulence is recognized as a difficult problem in the world. Turbulent flows exist in our
lives: Smoke comes from a chimney, water flows in a river and a strong wind strikes the
structure. Turbulent flow is unsteady, irregular, random and chaotic. So, despite decades
of intensive research, there are no models that can accurately simulate the turbulent flow.
The challenge of VIV of SCR is the calculation of hydrodynamic force under turbulent
flow. Empirical models have been used for SCR design. Some commercial software has
been developed, such as Shear7, VIVA. Another approach is CFD technology. In theory,
hydrodynamic force can be accurately calculated by directly solving Navier-Strokes
equations. This method is also called Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS). But DNS
requires very refinement grid and micro time step, and the requirement of storage and
computation speed is very high. So RANS and LES are widely applied in engineering. The
future works should be done to establish more exact model.
3. With the increase of water depth, the coupled effects between hull and riser cannot be
neglected. Any uncoupled or simple coupled analysis can’t reflect the coupling effect.
Now there exists systematic method to conduct the couple analysis. But how to deal
with the nonlinear wave load and geometric nonlinearity of the slender structure is still
a problem. Although frequency domain analysis can demonstrate the wave response of
Mechanics of Deepwater Steel Catenary Riser 279

platform to a certain degree and its calculation efficiency is relative high, time domain
analysis is the better way to reflect all the nonlinearities. As a result, some software
whose main task is the coupled analysis such as the HARP and Cable3D are based on
time domain analysis.

7. Acknowledgement
This chapter is financially supported by the National 863 Program of China (granted
number 2006AA09A105), and funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
(granted number 50979113). Sincerely thanks go to the colleagues in the COOEC Ltd. and in
the Offshore Oil/Gas Research Centre of China University of Petroleum, who are involved
in this wide range of researches.

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