Handwashing: Assessment
Handwashing: Assessment
Handwashing: Assessment
Assess the hands. Thoroughly pat dry the hands and arms. Dry
hands and arms thoroughly with a paper towel
•Nails should be kept short. or clean hand towel without scrubbing.
•Hand-operated handles
•knee levers.
Variation: Hand Washing Before Sterile •Assemble equipment: Packages of sterile
Skills gloves
Using a circular motion, scrub all the •Ensure sterility of the package of gloves.
surfaces of one hand and arm. Start at the
fingers. Scrub at least 10 strokes each on
nail, all sides of fingers and both sides of Prior to performing the procedure, introduce
hands. Scrub the arm using 10 strokes each of yourself and verify client’s identity.
the lower, middle, and upper areas of the Explain to the client what you are going to
forearm. Keep arms higher than the elbows. do and why it is necessary and how the client
can cooperate.
Rinse the surgical brush and reapply
antimicrobial soap. Repeat the scrub on the Perform hand hygiene and observe other
second hand and arm. Normally the scrub takes appropriate infection control procedures.
at least 2-6 minutes.
Provide for client’s privacy
After washing and rinsing, use a towel to dry
one hand thoroughly in a rotating motion from Open the outer wrapper and place the inner
the fingers to the elbow. Use a new towel to glove package on a clean dry surface.
dry the other hand and arm.
Open the inner glove package so that the
Apply sterile gloves before touching any glove cuffs are closest to you and carefully
unsterile items. open the flaps of the package so that they do
not fold back over and contaminate the
Evaluation gloves.
Ensure that both hands are clean and dry Put the first glove on the dominant hand.
Grasp the inner surface of the glove for the
DONNING AND REMOVING STERILE GLOVES (OPEN dominant hand by lifting the folded cuff edge
METHOD) with the thumb and first finger using the
nondominant hand.
Slide your dominant hand into the glove,
1.To enable to handle or touch sterile
keeping your hand and fingers above your
objects freely without contaminating them.
waist and away from your body.
2.To prevent transmission of potentially
Put the second glove on the nondominant hand.
infective organisms from the nurse’s hands to
clients at high risk for infection. Pick up the other glove with the sterile
gloved hand by inserting the fingers under
the cuff of the glove.
•Review the client’s record and orders to
Lift the glove up and away from the table and
determine exactly what procedure will be
away from your body.
performed that require sterile gloves.
Slide your nondominant hand into the glove,
•Check the client’s record and ask about
being careful to avoid contact with your
latex allergies. Use nonlatex gloves whenever
gloved hand.
Adjust both gloves to fit your fingers. If
necessary, pull the fingers of the gloves
•Think through the procedure. Plan which step down so that no excess is at the finger tips.
need to be completed before applying the
Keep your hands between shoulder and waist
level infront of you.
•Determine what additional supplies needed
Remove and dispose used gloves. There is no
for the procedures. Have an extra pair of
special technique for removing sterile
gloves available.
gloves. If they are soiled with secretions,
remove them by turning them inside out. 7Open the package of sterile gloves.Remove
Perform hand hygiene. the outer wrap from the sterile gloves and
leave the gloves in their inner sterile wrap
Document that sterile technique was used in on the sterile field.
the performance of the procedure.
8Unwrap the sterile gown pack.
•Review the client’s record and orders to Keep the sleeves of the gown above waist
determine exactly what procedure will be level
performed that require sterile gloves.
13Work the hands down the sleeves only to the
•Check the client’s record and ask about proximal edge of the cuffs;
latex allergies. Use nonlatex gloves whenever
possible. 14 Have a coworker grasp the neck ties
without touching the outside of the gown and
Planning pull the gown upward to cover the neckline of
your uniform in front and back. The coworker
•Think through the procedure. Plan which step ties the neck ties.
need to be completed before applying the
gloves Donning Sterile Gloves (Closed Method)
•Determine what additional supplies needed 15Open the sterile wrapper containing the
for the procedures. Always have an extra pair sterile gloves.
of gloves available.
16Open the sterile glove wrapper while the
Assemble equipment: hands are still covered by the sleeves.
19Lay the glove on the opposite gown cuff,
Prior to performing the procedure, introduce thumb side down, with the glove opening
yourself and verify client’s identity. pointed toward the fingers. Position the
Explain to the client what you are going to dominant hand palm upward inside the sleeve.
do and why it is necessary and how the client
can cooperate.
2Use the nondominant hand to grasp the cuff
5 Perform hand hygiene and observe other of the glove through the gown cuff, and
appropriate infection control procedures. firmly anchor it.
2Pull the sleeve up to draw the cuff over the
wrist as you extend the fingers of the
nondominant hand into the glove’s fingers.
Completion of Gowning