PART - A (40 Marks) : CLASS X (2020-21) English (Code 0184) Sample Paper-07

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English X Sample Paper 07 Solved

CLASS X (2020-21)

Time Allowed : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 80

General Instructions :
(i) This paper is divided into two parts: A and B. All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary.
Read these instructions very carefully and follow them.
(iii) Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.

student. There are three critical forms of intelligence

PART - A (40 Marks) that we see in children today : emotional, creative, and
READING (20 Marks) instructional. The traditional classroom environment,
which typically encourages lecture-based lessons,
1. Read the passage given below. (10×1=10) focuses more on the latter option. Standardized tests
The modern classroom has taken several steps forward and similar ranking tools do the same. When children
in its evolution of the learning environment in the have access to technology today, then those who excel
past 25 years. Many of the benefits that we have seen outside of the standard learning setup can still achieve
in this setting are due to the introduction of new their full potential.
technology options for students. Instead of having Technology allows children to embrace their curiosity
a single computer for a class to use or a laboratory in multiple ways. They can try new things without
environment for the entire school placed in one room, embarrassment because their tech access gives them
we can now help students learn at their table or desk a level of anonymity. This process allows children to
with items issued to them directly. Thus, there are work, through trial-and error if they wish, to see if a
quite a lot of advantages of having technology in different strategy helps them to learn more effectively.
classrooms. It even encourages students to stay engaged with
Technology helps children to stay motivated during their learning environment. Children get bored very
the learning process. Most students don’t like to go easily when they feel like they already know what is
to school if they feel like they are wasting their time. being taught in their classroom. Some children will
When there is technology allowed in the classroom, transform into mentors or leaders in this situation
then teachers have an opportunity to let children work to help their fellow students, but there are many
at a pace which suits them the best without disturbing more who disengage because they lack stimulation.
others. They can look up additional information By introducing technology to the classroom, there
about a subject they are learning about that day, play are fewer places where repetitive learning must take
educational games that reinforce the lesson, or work place. Teachers can introduce new subjects, try new
on advanced material using a program. techniques, or use different projects to encourage
Because many of today’s technology options allow ongoing learning, which creates more overall
students to see how well they are doing compared to engagement.
the average of all users, it gives them a chance to On the basis of your understanding of the given
push harder for themselves and their education. Many passage, answer ANY TEN questions from the twelve
of the programs that encourage learning also issue that follow. (1×10=10)
rewards or award certificates, which helps to make the
lessons fun as well. (a) Most children don’t like to go to school if :
Technology encourages more communication between (i) they don’t understand what is being taught in
teachers and parents. When there is technology in class.
the classroom, then there are more opportunities (ii) they feel like they are wasting their time.
for parents and teachers to connect with each other. (iii) they find class too boring.
Using a blog for the classroom can help parents get (iv) they can get away with it.
to see what their children are learning each day. Apps
and software options allow teachers to instantly report (b) What is the advantage of having a technology
on a child’s behaviour to let parents know in real- that allows students to see how well they are
time what is happening throughout the day. There are doing compared to the average of other students ?
options for chat boxes, instant messaging, and other (i) it gives an opportunity to learn from other
forms of communication as well. students
Let’s not forget about email here either. Since the (ii) it tells one how much more hard work is
1990s when this technology option came into the needed to achieve a goal
classroom, it created more reliability in messaging (iii) it motivates them to seek help where needed
between teachers and parents should there be a need to reach the level of others
to talk. (iv) it gives them a chance to push harder for
Technology also creates new ways to learn for today’s themselves and their education
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English X Sample Paper 07 Solved
(c) Technology allows children to embrace their their usage.
.......... in multiple ways.
(j) Choose an option that makes the correct use of
(i) intelligence (ii) hard work
‘stimulation as used in the passage, to fill in the
(iii) curiosity (iv) passion space.
(d) Which of the following is NOT something that (i) Babies who love with their parents receive
technology helps a student with in education ? much more .......... than babies who sleep in a
(i) Technology creates new ways to learn for cot.
today’s student. (ii) It was known that .......... made the heart to
(ii) Technology encourages more communication increase its oxygen consumption.
between parents and students. (iii)
Near the boundary, the electrical ..........
(iii) Technology helps children to stay motivated spreading enough to evoke both movements.
during the learning process. (iv) She has a low threshold of boredom and needs
(iv) Technology encourages students to stay the constant .......... of physical activity.
engaged with their learning environment. (k) Technology helps children to see if a different
(e) Which of the following is NOT a way through strategy helps them to learn more effectively
which technology helps children to stay motivated through :
during the learning process ? (i) hard work and diligence.
(i) play educational games that reinforce a lesson (ii) trial and error method.
(ii) work on advanced material using a program (iii) advanced software programs.
(iii) look up additional information about a (iv) strategies and lessons.
subject they are learning about (l) Choose an option that is clearly a synonym of the
(iv) allow them to work on a lesson beyond their word ‘engaged’.
curriculum (i) immerse (ii) surrender
(f ) The three critical forms of intelligence that we see (iii) release (iv) disrupt
in children today are :  Ans :
I. motivational II. creative (a) (ii) they feel like they are wasting their time.
III. instructional IV. competitive (b) (iv) it gives them a chance to push harder for
V emotional themselves and their education
(i) I, II and III (ii) II, III and IV (c) (iii) curiosity
(iii) II, III and V (iv) I, IV and V (d) (ii) Technology encourages more communication
between parents and students.
(g) Who is a mentor ? (e) (iv) allow them to work on a lesson beyond their
(i) someone who gives someone help and advice curriculum
related to something (f) (iii) II, III and V
(ii) someone who leads someone to become a (g) (i) someone who gives someone help and advice
better person related to something
(iii) someone who helps someone in their time of (h) (ii) anonymity
need (i) (iv) Software programs that allow parents to access
the child’s tech and keep a check on their usage.
(iv) someone who provides a better learning
(j) (iv) She has a low threshold of boredom and needs
the constant .......... of physical activity.
(h) Children can try new things with the help of (k) (ii) trial and error method.
technology without embarrassment because their (l) (i) immerse
tech access gives them a level of : 2. Read the passage given below.
(i) confidence (ii) anonymity India is home to 46.6 million stunted children, a third
(iii) superiority (iv) satisfaction of world’s total as per Global Nutrition Report 2018.
(i) Which of the following is NOT a method through Nearly half of all under-5 child mortality in India is
which technology encourages more communication attributable to undernutrition. Any country cannot
between teachers and parents ? aim to attain economic and social development goals
(i) Apps and software options that allow teachers without addressing the issue of malnutrition. Poor
to instantly report on a child’s behaviour. nutrition in the first 1000 days of a child’s life can
also lead to stunted growth, which is associated
(ii) Usage of a blog for the classroom to help
with impaired cognitive ability and reduced school
parents get to see what their children are
and work performance. Malnutrition in children
learning each day.
occurs as a complex interplay among various factors
(iii) Communication options such as chat boxes, like poverty, maternal health illiteracy, diseases like
instant messaging, and other forms of diarrhoea, home environment, dietary practices,
communication. hand washing and other hygiene practices, etc. Low
(iv) Software programs that allow parents to birth weight, episode of diarrhoea within the last 6
access the child’s tech and keep a check on months and the presence of developmental delay are

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English X Sample Paper 07 Solved
often associated with malnutrition in most developing (b) As per National Family Health Survey IV, the
nations including India. prevalence of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) in
In present era malnutrition is reflected as double India is :
burden, one aspect is undernutrition and other being (i) 7.5% (ii) 2.4%
overnutrition. But, in India and other low and middle- (iii) 9.8% (iv) 5.2%
income countries (LMICs), basically malnutrition
(c) By what year is it estimated that globally 25
is synonymous with protein energy malnutrition or
million more children will be malnourished ?
undernutrition, which signifies an imbalance between
(i) 2030 (ii) 2040
the supply of protein and energy and the body’s
demand for them to ensure optimal growth and (iii) 2050 (iv) 2060
function. (d) Which of the following is an indicator of inadequate
Globally, approximately 149 million children under-5 food supply ?
suffer from stunting. In 2018, over 49 million children (i) stunting
under-5 were wasted and nearly 17 million were (ii) under 5 mortality rate
severely wasted. There are now over 40 million
(iii) wasting
overweight children globally, an increase of 10 million
since 2000. It is estimated that by 2050, 25 million (iv) undernourishment
more children than today will be malnourished . (e) Undernutrition signifies an imbalance between
India is one among the many countries where child the supply of protein and energy and the body’s
undernutrition is severe and also undernutrition is a demand for them to :
major underlying cause of child mortality in India. (i) ensure proper development.
In a recently released Global Nutrition Report 2018, (ii) ensure optimal growth and function.
revealed the prevalence of stunting, wasting and (iii) ensure a balanced lifestyle
overweight at national level as 37.9, 20.8 and 2.4%
(iv) ensure sustainable growth.
In India as per National Family Health Survey IV (f ) Which of the following is NOT a factor in the
(2014-2015, recent in the series) 38.4, 21 and 35.7% of occurrence of malnutrition in children ?
children below 5 years suffer from stunting, wasting (i) diarrhoea
and underweight respectively (corresponding figure (ii) poverty
for NFHS III, 2005-2006 were 47.9, 19.8 and 42.5% (iii) maternal health illiteracy
respectively). Prevalence of severe acute malnutrition
(iv) low birth weight
(SAM) in India is 7.5%.
(g) Which of the following is NOT a feature of
undernutrition ?
(i) goes beyond calorie availability
(ii) uneven distribution of food within a country
(iii) children are particularly vulnerable to
nutrition deficiencies
(iv) stunting and wasting are nutrition indicators
(h) Global Nutrition Report 2018 recently revealed
the prevalence of overweight at a national level in
India is at :
(i) 2.4% (ii) 20.8%
(iii) 19.8% (iv) 37.9%
(i) What does the given passage highlight ?
(i) childhood malnutrition in india
(ii) the prevalence of undernourishment
(iii) global hunger problems
(iv) the increase the number of under 5 child
In the 2018 Global Hunger Index, India ranks 103rd out mortality rate
of 119 qualifying countries. With a score of 31.1, India (j) Choose an option that lists a statement that is
suffers from a level of hunger that is serious. Figure NOT TRUE.
given depicts dimensions and indicators of Hunger (i) Any country cannot aim to attain economic
index and its relationship with child malnutrition. and social development goals without
On the basis of your understanding of the given addressing the issue of malnutrition.
passage, answer ANY TEN questions from the twelve (ii) Death is the most serious consequence of
that follow. (1×10=10) hunger, and children are the most vulnerable.
(a) What is a major underlying cause of child (iii) In India arid other low and middle-income
mortality in India ? countries malnutrition is synonymous with
(i) malnutrition (ii) undernutrition undernutrition.
(iii) overnutrition (iv) stunting (iv) In 2018, there are now over 50 million

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overweight children globally, an increase of (iii)
that courage is passing your limits and
1.0 million since 2000. reaching beyond it
(k) Poor nutrition in the first 1000 days of a child’s (iv) that courage is understanding that the
life can lead to .......... , which is associated with greatest wealth is people
impaired cognitive ability and reduced school and (d) Choose an option which means ‘the ability to deal
work performance. with any kind of hardship and recover from its
(i) reduced cognitive ability effects’.
(ii) increased chances of malnutrition (i) absence (ii) triumph
(iii) stunted growth (iii) resilience (iv) conquers
(iv) under 5 mortality (e) Choose an option that lists a statement that is
(l) What does the author mean by ‘underlying cause’ NOT TRUE.
? (i) He has seen men stand up to attacks and
(i) hidden reason for doing something torture without breaking.
(ii) root cause or reason of something (ii) He has seen men and women risk and give
(iii) unimportant cause of something their lives for an idea.
(iv) not understood reason behind an action (iii) Decades of oppression had produced men of
extraordinary courage, wisdom and generosity
 Ans : that their like may never be known again.
(a) (ii) undernutrition (iv) He has always known that a country’s greatest
(b) (i) 7.5% wealth is its people’s freedom..
(c) (iii) 2050
 Ans :
(d) (iv) undernourishment
(e) (ii) ensure optimal growth and function. (a) (iv) Nelson Mandela
(f) (iv) low birth weight (b) (ii) that people risk and give their lives for an idea
(g) (ii) uneven distribution of food within a country (c) (ii) courage is not absence of fear but triumph
(h) (i) 2.4% over it
(i) (i) childhood malnutrition in india (d) (iii) resilience
(j) (iv) In 2018, there are now over 50 million (e) (iv) He has always known that a country’s greatest
overweight children globally, an increase of 10 wealth is its people’s freedom.
million since 2000.  o
(k) (iii) stunted growth
Let me put it more clearly, since no one will believe
(l) (ii) root cause or reason of something
that a thirteen-year-old girl is completely alone in
the world. And I’m not. I have loving parents and
3. Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY ONE a sixteen-year old sister, and there are about thirty
by answering the questions that follow. (5×1 = 5) people I can call friends. I have a family, loving
It is from these comrades in the struggle that I learned aunts and a good home. No, on the surface I seem
the meaning of courage. Time and again, I have seen to have everything, except my one true friend. All I
men and women risk and give their lives for an idea. think about when I’m with friends is having a good
I have seen men stand up to attacks and torture time. I can’t bring myself to talk about anything but
without breaking, showing a strength and resilience ordinary everyday things. We don’t seem to be able to
that defies the imagination. I learned that courage get any closer, and that’s the problem. Maybe it’s my
was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. fault that we don’t confide in each other. In any case,
The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but that’s just how things are, and unfortunately they’re
he who conquers that fear. not liable to change. This is why I’ve started the diary.
(a) Who is ‘he’ ? (a) Who is ‘I’ ?
(i) Zenani (ii) Mr. De Klerk (i) Amanda (ii) Wanda Petronski
(iii) Thabo Mbeki (iv) Nelson Mandela (iii) Anne Frank (iv) Natalya
(b) What has he seen time and again ? (b) What does she want to have despite having
(i) that people betray people everything ?
(ii) that people risk and give their lives for an (i) a good family (ii) a loving father
idea (iii) one true friend (iv) a diary
(iii) that people believe in hope with all their
(c) T started writing a diary because :
(i) she did not want to tell anyone her secrets.
(iv) that people tend to make their own path
(ii) she did not have any true friend to confide in.
(c) What did he learn about courage ? (iii) she was lonely.
(i) that courage is for those who have the (iv) she was incapable of talking openly in front of
confidence to face the struggles people.
(ii) that courage is not absence of fear but
triumph over it (d) Give noun forms of—confide.

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(i) confidential (ii) confirm (i) flexible (ii) stoic
(iii) confidence (iv) conform (iii) lenient (iv) stiff
(e) Choose an option that is similar in meaning to the (c) Where did the ball go ?
word ‘liable’. (i) into the water (ii) away from the owner
(i) inclined (ii) unaccountable (iii) towards the poet (iv) (i) and (iii)
(iii) deserving (iv) reliable
(d) Why does the poet say the line ‘No use to say ‘O
 Ans : there are other balls’ ?
(a) (iii) Anne Frank (i) because it eventually won’t be the same thing
(b) (iii) one true friend. (ii) because lost things should not be thought
(c) (ii) she did not have any true friend to confide in. over
(d) (iii) confidence (iii)
because losing something makes you gain
(e) (i) inclined more things
4. Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY ONE (iv) because what’s already done cannot be
by answering the questions that follow. (5×1=5) undone
‘There is a languid, emerald sea,
(e) Choose an option that is a synonym of the word
where the sole inhabitant is me-
a mermaid, drifting blissfully’.
(i) gathers (ii) grips
(a) Which of the following is NOT a feature associated (iii) threatens (iv) subdues
with the sea and its experience ?
(i) emerald (ii) languid  Ans :
(iii) mermaid (iv) calmness (a) (ii) tears are rolling down the cheeks
(b) (iv) stiff
(b) Whom does a ‘mermaid’ represent here ? (c) (i) into the water
(i) mother (ii) freedom (d) (i) because it eventually won’t be the same thing
(iii) Amanda (iv) solitude (e) (ii) grips
(c) Which of the following is NOT a synonym of the GRAMMAR (10 Marks)
word ‘sole’ ? 5. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to
(i) only (ii) solitary complete the note. (3×1=3)
(iii) collective (iv) lone Nearly 92 lakh children, who had either dropped out
of schools or never (a) .......... , will now get elementary
(d) Name the poet of the poem from which this education as it (b) .......... on the part of the local
extract has been taken. authorities and the State governments to ensure that
(i) Carl Sandburg (ii) Ogden Nash all children in 6-1 years age group (c) .......... .
(iii) Walt Whitman (iv) Robin Klein
(a) (i) had been to any educational institution
(e) Which of the following states the meaning of the (ii) have been to any educational institution
word ‘drifting’ ? (iii) been to any educational institution
(i) talking effortlessly (ii) floating smoothly (iv) has been to any educational institution
(iii) moving casually (iv) waving continuously
(b) (i) can be blinding
 Ans : (ii) will be blinding
(a) (iv) calmness (iii) is blinding
(b) (iii) Amanda (iv) has been blinding
(c) (iii) collective
(d) (iv) Robin Klein (c) (i) get schooling
(e) (ii) floating smoothly (ii) will be schooled
 o (iii) get schooled
(iv) have schooling
No use to say ‘O there are other balls’ :
An ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy  Ans :
As he stands rigid, trembling, staring down. (a) (iii) been to any educational institution
All his young days into the harbour where (b) (ii) will be blinding
His ball went. (c) (i) get schooling
(a) Which of the following is NOT a feature that tells 6. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to
you that the boy is affected by his loss ? complete the narration. (3×1=3)
(i) body is trembling
(ii) tears are rolling down the cheeks Customer : Waiter ! Please get me a cup of tea.
(iii) eyes are staring down Waiter : Hot or cold, sir ?
(iv) stands rigidly
(b) What does ‘rigid’ mean ?

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Customer : What ? Does anyone drink cold tea (b) (iii) had better
in winter! Get me a cup of steaming (c) (iii) an
hot tea. (d) (i) will have been shopping
(e) (i) were playing
Waiter : Yes, sir ! (f) (ii) Nina asked if she was all right.

One day a customer came to a cafe and (a) ..........

a cup of tea. The waiter immediately asked him PART-B (40 Marks)
(b) .......... hot tea or cold tea. Flabbergasted, the WRITING (2×5=10)
customer exclaimed that if anyone drank cold tea in
winter and again asked the waiter to (c) .......... a cup 8. Attempt ANY ONE of the following in 100-120
of steaming hot tea. words. (5 Marks)
You are Samkit/Samiksha of C-3, Third Floor, Lajpat
(a) (i) requested Nagar, New Delhi. You read an advertisement about
(ii) asked for the short-term course in Personality Development by
(iii) ordered an institute, Career Quest Solutions, Shivaji Enclave.
(iv) told about having Write a letter seeking all relevant details of the course.
(b) (i) what he would like  Ans :
(ii) whether he would like C-3, Third Floor
(iii) will he like Lajpat Nagar
(iv) shall he like New Delhi
16th July, 20...
(c) (i) get him The Director
(ii) bring him Career Quest Solutions
(iii) got him Shivaji Enclave
(iv) bought him Delhi
 Ans : Subject : Inquiry about short-term Personality
(a) (iii) ordered Development Course
(b) (ii) whether he would like Sir/Ma’am,
(c) (ii) bring him In reference to your advertisement dated 12th July,
7. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options for 2019 in ‘The Hindu’ about your new short-term course
ANY FOUR of the six sentences given below. (4×1=4) in Personality Development. It appears to be quite
appealing and interesting. I have passed my senior
(a) How .......... you do this to me ?
secondary exam with 75% marks. I want to join this
(i) shall (ii) could
programme, but before that I would like to know the
(iii) would (iv) should following details about the programme.
(b) You .......... not repeat the same mistake again. (i) Duration of the course
(i) could (ii) should (ii) Timings and fee-structure
(iii) Eligibility criteria for the course
(iii) had better (iv) shall
(iv) No. of students in a batch
(c) Carl has .......... honorary degree in Architecture. (v) Facility of evening or part-time batches
(i) the (ii) a (vi) Whether recognized by any university or not
(iii) an (iv) X (vii) Facility for transport
(viii) Future prospect of the course
(d) Karin and her sisters .......... at the mall before I request you to kindly send me a copy of prospectus.
you come. Waiting for your prompt response.
(i) will have been shopping
(ii) had been shopping Yours faithfully
(iii) has been shopping
(iv) will be shopping  o
Write a letter to M/s Oxford Publishing House, New
(e) We .......... on the court before it started raining.
Delhi complaining that the books sent by them were
(i) were playing (ii) was playing
not those you had ordered. Ask for replacement of the
(iii) had been playing (iv) are playing books. You are Dipti Gupta/Deepansh Gupta living
(f ) Nina asked, “Are you all right ?” at E-95, Sector-12, Dwarka.
(i) Nina asked if all was right. Ans :
(ii) Nina asked if she was all right. E-95, Sector-12
(iii) Nina asked if they were all right. Dwarka
(iv) Nina asked if she were all right. New Delhi
12th July, 20...
 Ans :
M/s Oxford Publishing House
(a) (ii) could Daryaganj

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New Delhi  o
Subject : Complaint regarding receipt of wrong set of The following pie chart shows what the past travellers
books from the country of South Korea enjoyed the most in
India. Write an analytical paragraph describing and
Sir/Ma’am, analysing the given data.
This is in reference to the order no. 000154, the book
set ordered to be delivered to Sector-12, Dwarka.
To my dismay, I have not received the set I ordered
and have instead, received the wrong book set. I am
highly disappointed with the same. I would appreciate
it if you could replace the wrong book set with the
one originally ordered. Please let me know as soon
as possible what action you propose to take. I look
forward to hearing from you within the next ten days.
Enclosed are copies of transaction document and
receipt. I look forward to your reply and a resolution
to my problem and will wait until the time mentioned
above before seeking help from a consumer protection
agency. Please contact me at XXXXXXXXX for
further discussion.  Ans :
Yours sincerely The Most Pleasant Experiences in India
Dipti Gupta/Deepansh Gupta Travelling is a hobby or an experience that almost
everyone enjoys. But what makes travelling even more
9. Attempt ANY ONE of the following in 100-120
memorable is not being able to forget the one thing
words. (5 Marks)
which you had witnessed or experienced there. The
The following data shows the occupancy rate in hotels
pie chart shows the experiences the past travellers
in India from the financial year 2001 to 2019. Write an
from the country of South Korea enjoyed the most
analytical paragraph describing the given data.
when visiting India.
With a 16.7% of South Korean travellers agreeing, food
was the one thing most travellers from South Korea
enjoyed in India. After that, around 14.3% travellers
said that they remembered the nice and friendly
people of India and the other 11.9% travellers loved
experiencing the culture of India. Meanwhile, 9.2%
and 8.3% travellers liked the natural beauty and the
beautiful places of India respectively. This makes up
the top five experiences that South Korean travellers
remembered the most when visiting India. Other
experiences like enjoying the beaches, the climate,
coat-effective things and shopping opportunities
 Ans : were remembered by around 3 to 6% travellers. Even
visiting the Taj Mahal was remembered by around
Changes in Hotel Occupancy in India
4.1% of the travellers.
The line graph shows the changes in the occupancy
Thus, we can say that all travellers from South Korea
rate of hotels in India over a period of 19 years i.e.
enjoyed a variety of things in India but the food, the
from the financial year 2001 to 2019.
people and the culture were the experiences they loved
In the year 2002, the occupancy rate of hotels in India
the most.
dipped from 57.2% in year 2001 to 51.6%, the lowest
occupancy rate in 19 years, before gaining a steady
rise in the occupancy rate in the upcoming years and 10. Answer ANY TWO questions in 20-30 words each,
reaching a high of 71.5% in the year 2006. This was from (a) and (b) respectively. (2×4=8)
the highest peak of the occupancy rate of hotels in (a) Answer ANY TWO. (2×2 =4)
India over a period of 19 years and it has still been (i) How does the tiger move in the cage in the zoo ?
unmatched. From the year 2007, there was drastic fall How does he feel ?
in the occupancy rate of hotels until it reached a rate  Ans :
of 59.5% in the year 2009. After that there was a little
rise in rates before it fell again in the years 2011 to The tiger, with vivid stripes on his body and soft
2013. In the years after 2013, the occupancy rate of velvet pads, walks slowly in anger. He is in a quiet
hotels had maintained a steady rise till it reached an rage as he has been put in a small cage and has hardly
occupancy rate of 66.7% in the year 2019. any space to walk freely.
In conclusion, we can say that India has experienced (ii) What is Amanda asked to do about her homework,
quite a lot of ups and downs in the occupancy rates of her room and her shoes ?
hotels over the period of 19 years. But since the year  Ans :
2013, it is maintaining its steady increase in rates.
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Amanda is asked if she has finished her homework. was a much better artist than her.
She is asked to arrange her room neatly and in order. (iii) How have humans dropped those ‘tokens’ which
Then, she is asked to clean her shoes. are plainly in the `possession’ of animals ?
(iii) Where is Coorg situated and by whom is it Ans :
inhabited ?
Those tokens of love, sympathy and contentment
Ans : which humans shared with animals at one time, have
Coorg is situated midway between Mysore and the been ‘negligently’ dropped by humans. Greed, over-
coastal town of Mangalore. This land of rolling hills ambiticn, arrogance, confusion and vulgarity took the
is inhabited by a proud race of martial men, beautiful place of those ‘tokens’ which humans once shared with
women and wild creatures. the animals.
(b) Answer ANY TWO. (2×2=4) (b) Answer ANY TWO. (3×2=6)
(i) What did Richard Ebright like and want to do (i) What made Hari Singh come back to Anil ?
ever since his childhood ? How many species of Ans :
butterflies had he collected by the time he was in
Hari returned to Anil and his home because he felt
the second grade ?
guilty about robbing him. He thought that most
Ans : people after being robbed would show anger or fear or
Ever since his childhood, Richard Ebright liked and even acceptance, but Anil’s face would only show a bit
wanted to learn. Therefore, he earned top grades of sadness. Not because his hard-earned money was
in school. Also. by the time he was in the second stolen, but because of the loss of trust. So, as Hari did
grade, Ebright had collected all twenty-five species of not want to see the disappointment or the sadness on
butterflies found around his hometown. Anil’s face, he decided to return to Anil’s place along
(ii) Did the narrator like the hack driver ? How do with the money.
you know this ? (ii) What did Matilda’s husband bring home one
Ans : evening ? Why was he so elated ?
The narrator thought that the only agreeable sight Ans :
at New Mullion was the delivery man at the New One evening, Matilda’s husband brought an invitation
Mullion station. This man was a forty-year-old, red- card inviting them to the residence of the Minister of
faced, cheerful and a very amiable and friendly person Public Instruction. He was quite elated to receive the
who seemed to like people quite a lot. invitation because it was a rare honour, and on top of
(iii) What, according to Mr. Weiherer, makes Richard that, he thought that his wife would feel delighted to
Ebright a winner ? attend the ball.
Ans : (iii) What were the reasons given by Ramlal’s wife
for accepting Bishamber’s marriage proposal for
According to Mr. Weiherer, Richard Ebright was not
Bholi ?
interested in winning for winning’s sake or winning
to get a prize. Rather, he was a winner because he Ans :
wanted to do the best job he could. Ramlal’s wife was in favour of Bishamber’s marriage
11. Answer ANY TWO questions in 40-50 words each, proposal because he had a big shop, his own house
from (a) and (b) respectively. (3×4= 12) and several thousand rupees in the bank. Secondly, he
(a) Answer ANY TWO. (3×2=6) did not know about Bholi’s pockmarks and her lack
of sense. Thirdly, he was not demanding dowry and
(i) Why does Anne think that “paper” has more fourthly, Bholi would never have a better marriage
patience than “people” ? proposal than this one, according to her mother.
Ans :
12. Answer ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words.
When Anne was a little depressed, she was reminded (5×1=5)
of the saying that paper has more patience than LOMOV : I’m thinking of having a go at the blackcock,
the people. She felt that when it came to sharing honoured Natalya Stepanovna, after the harvest. Oh,
confidence, paper was better than the people. Because have you heard ? Just think, what a misfortune I’ve
paper can’t talk, so your secret is safe. While, people had! My dog Guess, who you know, has gone lame.
may choose not to safeguard your secret. NATALYA : What a pity ! Why ?
(ii) How did the students respond to Wanda’s Why did Lomov and Natalya eventually ended up
exquisite drawings ? arguing about their dogs ? Why did Natalya say that
Ans : her dog Squeezer was better ?
On seeing Wanda’s extremely beautiful and well-made Ans :
drawings, the students of Room Thirteen suddenly During the conversation, Lomov told Natalya that his
and spontaneously clapped their hands. Even the dog Guess had gone lame when he had gotten his leg
boys put their fingers in their mouths and whistled in bitten or twisted by another dog. He also informed her
appreciation, though they were not really interested in that he had paid 125 roubles for this dog originally.
the dresses. Peggy and Maddie also highly appreciated Natalya said that was too much money and told him
the drawings and Peggy even exclaimed that Wanda that her father had given 85 roubles for their dog
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English X Sample Paper 07 Solved
Squeezer, and their dog was better than Guess. Lomov him down just so he could escape. That is why, we
refused to listen that his dog was not better than don’t sympathise with him for his lawless activities.
Squeezer, while Natalya insisted that Squeezer was
young, so it might develop a bit, but he was without
any doubt of better pedigree. She further said that
Squeezer was thorough bred, the son of Harness and  o
Chisels. She also repeated a lot of times that Squeezer
was hundred times better than Guess. ‘Mme Forestier proved to be a true friend’. Elaborate
this point in some words and then write an end to the
 o story ‘The Necklace’ the way you thought it should
“Valli smiled to herself. She didn’t want them to have ended.
understand her smile.” Ans :
Why did Valli smile to herself ? Why did Valli not
Mme Forestier was a sincere friend. At the end of
want them to understand the reason behind her smile
the story, she was shocked to see Matilda’s condition.
She couldn’t even recognise her because she looked
Ans : older than her age. When Matilda told her the story
Valli had gone out of the house to have a bus ride to about the lost necklace and the miserable days she
the town without the knowledge of her mother. After had and how it took them ten years to pay for the
returning, when she entered her house, she found her diamond necklace that she had returned, she felt quite
mother awake and talking to one of Valli’s aunts, disheartened. Mme Froestier was saddened to hear the
the one from the South Street. Seeing her, her aunt story and felt even more regretful to tell her friend
casually asked Valli where she had been, not actually that her diamonds were false.
expecting a reply. So, Valli just smiled because her The story could have ended on a positive note. The
absence had gone unnoticed. Meanwhile, her mother story could have said that after hearing the depressing
and aunt went on with their conversation. story, Mme Forestier finds the necklace in her discarded
During the conversation, Valli’s mother said that jewellery box and returns it to Matilda. She does this
as there were so many things in our midst and in so that Matilda could then wear the necklace that she
the world outside, it was impossible for us to know had worked hard to pay for ten years forever.
about everything. And even when we did know
about something, we often could not understand it
completely. Hearing their words, suddenly Valli said, Download unsolved version of this paper from
“Oh, yes !” When her mother asked Valli what she had
said, she told her that she was just agreeing with what
her mother said about the things happening without
our knowledge. When her mother and aunt did not
understand the true meaning behind her words and
ignored her, she smiled to herself. Valli smiled because
she had just went on a bus ride without her absence
being noticed by her mother or anybody else. Further,
she did not want her mother and aunt to understand
the reason behind her smile, because it was a secret
she did not want to share with them.
13. Answer ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words.
“Brilliant scientist though he was, Griffin was rather
a lawless person.” Justify.
 Ans :
Undoubtedly, Griffin was a brilliant scientist. His
discovery of making the human body transparent
was a proof of it. But he was a lawless person as
well. He misused his scientific discovery of becoming
invisible for his own petty, selfish gains. He had set
his landlord’s house on fire just because he had asked
Griffin to vacate the house. Then, he had entered the
London store invisibly, stolen clothes and food for his
own convenience. At another shop, he had attacked
the shopkeeper from behind and then had run away
after robbing him of his entire money.
At Iping, he had stolen the clergyman’s money from
his desk because he didn’t have any money anymore.
He had also hit Mrs. Hall, his landlady, by throwing
a chair at her. In the end, Griffin had even hit the
constable Jaffers with blows and had finally knocked
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