Director Hertel Letter
Director Hertel Letter
Director Hertel Letter
Director Hertel,
On September 8, 2021, we sent you an urgent call for leadership to help contain the
spread of COVID-19 in communities around the state and support local health officials
under fire.
We are compelled to again alert you to the steadily declining conditions on the ground in
communities around Michigan and ask you to take action to curb the spread of COVID-
19 in our state. Simply put, Michigan needs a statewide mask mandate for K-12
educational institutions, at very least until this COVID-19 wave has passed.
The situation transcends the public health crisis. Leaving COVID-19 control response to
local officials has put many of them in professional and personal danger. Angry protest
mobs in local communities around the state are bullying local officials and preventing
them from implementing local mitigation measures. Just yesterday, the media reported
that a citizen attempted to arrest a health officer during a public meeting.
You shared with us your belief that local residents would more readily accept a local
mandate. We confidently report this has not worked as planned.
The inclusion of “unenforceable” prohibitions on local health authority in the budget bill
is already increasing local confusion and dissent. Local health officers report
reinvigorated opposition to COVID mitigation measures based on this development.
This is no longer a local situation. The Delta variant is affecting people of all ages in
every county of the state. Our hospitals are rapidly filling or are full, and this time it
includes a significant population of children.
We again request you revisit the issue of a statewide mask mandate in schools.
Children too young to be vaccinated need to be wearing masks at school.
P.O. Box 13276 * Lansing, Michigan 48901 * (517) 485-0660 * (517) 485-6412 Fax
326 West Ottawa St. * Lansing, Michigan 48933 *
Absent that, we are concerned the impending wave of illnesses will result in a steady
return to virtual learning in Michigan school districts, one by one, and all that comes with
it – for parents and school employees, businesses and the economy.
We recognize this is a difficult thing to ask, but local health officers are reaching their
limits and need this support. We look forward to our continued working relationship with
your office.