Performance Study of Power Control Method For Chopper Fed Separately Excited DC (Direct Current) - Drive Using PSIM
Performance Study of Power Control Method For Chopper Fed Separately Excited DC (Direct Current) - Drive Using PSIM
Performance Study of Power Control Method For Chopper Fed Separately Excited DC (Direct Current) - Drive Using PSIM
Performance Study of Power Control Method for Chopper Fed Separately Excited DC (Direct
Current)-Drive using PSIM
Gagan Singh
Electrical Department, Dehradun,
Uttrakhand, INDIA
E-mail: [email protected]
This paper presents conventional Power control method for Separately Excited DC motor using specifically
designed simulation software package PSIM for Power Electronics and motor control. Armature voltage control is
preferred because of high efficiency and good speed regulation for dc motors. The speed control of separately
excited dc drive can be done using four quadrant chopper up to rated speed. Choppers are widely used for traction
motor control in transportation systems. Power control interprets as FORWARD/REVERSE MOTORING of DC
Single-phase drives.
Three- phase drives.
DC-DC-Converter Drives.
DC-Drive Control Using PSIM
The armature equivalent circuit consists of a From above discussion we reach to a conclusion that the
armature resistance Ra, self inductance La, and an power flow can be controlled by using controlled
induced emf. The input in case of motors is parameters. The power control can be done by two
Electrical energy and output is Mechanical energy. operations:
2.1.2 Operating principle of a chopper
Constant Frequency Operation: In this
As the name suggests, the chopper is a operation, switching frequency is kept constant
semiconductor device (switch) which provides a and Ton is varied. Effect of this method
keen relationship between input and output changes the width of the controlling pulse and
parameters at fast switching rate therefore at times therefore called Pulse Width Modulation
when the switch is on the input will be connected to (PWM) control.
the load ,when switch is off the load is disconnected Variable Frequency Operation: In this
from the input. Now to understand the concept in a operation, switching frequency is varied and
better way we will analyze the input/output Ton or Toff is kept constant. Also known as
relationship through waveforms provided below in Frequency Modulation.
Fig. 4. to a single semiconductor switch, hence forth
we can judge what are the parameters which are
controllable for our purpose, So as to produce 3. Buck and Boost Converters
variable DC output.
At this stage, it is necessary to learn about the
conventional converters used in the power electronic
systems (PES). A clear concept about these converters
leads a path towards designing a four quadrant chopper.
Step down (buck) switching converters are the integral
part of the modern electronics. Step down converters
transfer small packets of energy using a switch, a diode,
an inductor and several capacitors. (refer fig.5.)
Average Voltage,
Fig. 5. Buck converter [5].
(4) packets of energy using similar devices as mentioned
for buck converters but with slight changes in the circuit
arrangements.(refer fig.6.)
Uncontrolled parameters:
Vs= source voltage.
Controlled parameters:
= Duty ratio.
T= Ton+Toff =Chopping period.
Ton =ON period.
Toff=OFF period.
f=1/T= Chopping Frequency. Fig. 6. Boost converter [5].
Average output voltage of Boost converter in terms of For boost converter final state model will be:
duty ratio.
(6) (12)
DC-Drive Control Using PSIM
Polarity of E must be reversed , when Q3 is By varying the Duty –cycle K, the power flow to the
load gets connected to source voltage hence motor (and speed) can be controlled.
both Va and Ia becomes –ve .
Current freewheels through Q2 and D4 as Q3 7. Mathematical Model of Separately Excited
is off. DC Motor [3]
Step Down Chopper. In contrast for every minute detail explained above a
th review of mathematics applied to Dc motors will be an
4 quadrant mode: additional advantage in modeling accuracy of Dc
Switch Q4 is modulating and other switches motors and will be helpful to understand the insight
are kept off. working of DC machines.
Inductor L stores energy during the time Q4 is
on. From fig.3:
Current Q4-D2-L-E D2-D3 The instantaneous field current
DC-Drive Control Using PSIM
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