8a, 8b, 8c Homework

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Advice is what you ask for when you already

know the answer but wish you didn't.


1 GRAMMAR should

a Match rhe seme nces wirh rhe pictures. cRead rhe problems A- G. Match rhem \Virh rhe advice in b.
Complete rhem \Vith shollld or shoufdll't.
1 She should eat her vegetables. [ID A I find ir really di fficu ¡tto get up in rhe morning, and
2 She should \Vear a coat. DF 1'111 ofren late for work. My boss has noticed, and she 's
3 "You shouldn't eat so mu ch sa lt." DE really angry with me. Whar should Id o? QJ
4 He _shouldn't
_ _ _ _ _ drive ro work. DA B Yesterday, 1 hurt my foot whi le 1 was playing soccer.
It didn 't seem very seriou s at the time , but now my foot
5 "Yoll _should
_ _ _ _ _ gersomegla sses." DC
shouldn't carry heavy bags. D is black and blue. Whar is your adv ice? O4
6 She ______ D
e l've seen rhe perfeet suit on sale in my favorire store,
b Comp lete rhe advice wirh shollld fshouldn't and and it's exaetly what I'm looking foro The only problem
a verb fram rhe box. is it's a medilllll and I'm a large. What should 1do? O 1
D Lreally Lile one of my eolleagues at \York, and Lthink she
btty caH drink give go see tell like s me, too. ['d really like ro go out wirh her, but [don 't
1 You shQuldlt't huy ir beca use ir won'r fir yOll. know how ro ask her. Any adviee? O7
2 You shouldn't
____ drink
_ coffeeall day. E 1 have duee ch ildren, and they aH have terrible problems
3 You should go ro hed earlier. with their teeth. We're always at the denti st's, and eaeh
4 You should see a doctor irnmediarely.
visit costs a lor ofmoney. Any advice? O 6 I
F l've always been very nervous , but now ir 's getring worse.
5 You should tell her how you feeL
1don'r have rime to ear at \Vork, so 1drink five or six cups
6 You shouldn't giverhem any candy.
of coEEee during rhe day. Whar should 1do? O
7 You should call her and invite her to dinner.
G I've had an argumenr wirh rny besr friend, and [don 't know
whar ro do.1 feel very srupid, and 1 rhink 1 made a mi srake.
\Vhat do you rhink 1should do? O5
Complete [he sentences w irh rhe correer form of !Jet and
o ne of [hese words.
a ,.,"Mm Listen to five speakers ta lk about a

person they d iscuss their probl ems w it h. How
m any ofthem ta lk ro me mb e rs of thejr fa mily?
along home in shape tost
school t ickets worse up text message
1 Her parents aren'( happy together, so (hey're goi ng
to [Jet divorced .
2 A re your children in hed when yaur hu sba nd
____________ gets home from \York?
3 Out GPS wasn'e work in g, and \Ve _ got
_ __
_ _ _ _ _ on rhe way to our friend s' house.
4 I'm going ro rhe gyrn because I \Vam [0 _ _ in_shape

5 T he pain in l11y neck wa5 _getting

_ _ _worse
_ _ _ _ _ _ __
so 1 \Venr ro rhe doctor.
6 This morning 1 got rickets for rhe
caneen online. They're very good arres in rhe fr ont!
7 Ho\V weH do you ger along \Virh your b ,!.tiVIm Li sten again and match the speakers
brorhers and sisters? \Vith the statements A - E.
8 I'vej usr gotten a_text_message
_ _ _ frornmyboyfr iend
Speaker 1
sayi ng he's goi ng to be late.
Speaker 2 B
getting up
9 1don 'r fee llike ____________ roday. I'm
Speaker 3 D
going ro stay in hedo
Speaker 4 E
10 I ofren _get_ _ _ _ to _school _ _ _ _ lare, alrhough ir's
Spea ker 5 A
very clase ro where llive.

A has had sorne simil ar exper iences ro this persono

3 PRONUNCIATION lul and lul Balso gives advice ro thi s persono
a @ rh eword in each group that has a different sound. E---is--in--a--h-ip-w-ith--someone-hefs lle Illet-
through this person-;-

,tt 1 pull
8 would
O does n't a lways agree \V ith thi s person o
E first met rhis person when he jshe \Vas very yOll ng.

2 cou ld t une s oon USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES
Learn these words and phrases.

3 took pull soup
attend (a conference) !d'twd!
risk (verb) Inskl
macho /'matIoo!

4 book do two
instead !m'stEd /
avoid somebody Id'v::nd 'sAmbadil
be wo rrh (doing) !bi wdr9!
b '.l!im:m Listen a nd ch eck. Then listen again and repea t
the words.
change your rn ind !tIemd3 y;:>r mamd!
go for (somerhing) Igou br!
keep in rouch (w¡r h somebody) /kip In tAtI!
If everything seems to be going well, you have
obviously overlooked something.

1 GRAMMAR if + present, e Complere rhe texrs \Virh rhe correct form of rhe verb in parenrheses.
Th en read and march rhe rexrs \Virh rhe correct pictures, A- G.
+ will + base form (first conditional)
a Match rhe sentence halves.
Traditions and Beliefs
Here are six more examples
of Murphy's Law:
1 fE yatl lose some rhing, 0
2 I f yatl arrive early at a party, e
3 lE yatl make an appointment \Virh rhe doctor, Oa
4 Ifyatl don'c do your homework , f
5 lE yO l! buy a new ru g, b
6 I f yatl get imo a h ar barh , d
O hang
a you'lI feeJ bener befare yO ll see him. 'll bring
b you' ll drop something 011 ir rhe firsr day.
e yt:lu.!.H-find-it-irtt-he-bs t-pl-a ce-ymr-look-:-
d rhe phone \V iII ringo F
e everyone else \ViII be lare. walk
f yO llt teach et will as k yatl foc ir. 'Il have

b @thecorrectform.
1 lfrhe plane arrives late tonight, l€n m~1
miss rhe ¡ast bus.
2 Ifyatl see I will see an accident , ca ll rhe police! make
3 They won'( get lost, ¡fthey use I will use will come
their GPS.
4 \-Ve don't get J won't get to rhe movie thearer in G
time if \Ve d on't ¡eave no\V. is
5 [fyou don'ttake I won'ttake an umbrella , catch
ir'll definirely rain! won't be
6 lf rny phone doesn't work I won't work here,
can l use yours? B
7 Karhy is I wiU be disappointed if she doesn'r
getthe jobo break
8 lfrhere isn't I won't be much rraffic when we have
leave, ir won'r take long ro ger there.
2 VOCABULARV confusing verbs 4 LlSTENING
Complete rhe sentences wirh rhe correct verb s in a Lisren to a radio program abour natural
rhe correct tense. disa srers. H ow many rips does rhe ex perr give? _ _ _ __
look, look like
You look very stylish in thar suit. In fact,
you look like a bu sinessma n!
2 lose, miss
r lost rny ticket, so 1_missed
_ _ __
che train and [\Vas late for work.
3 say, tell
tell_ _ _ lies , bur
My son doesn'r ofee n _ _
jEhe do es, he always says SOft y.

4 hope , wait
l'm _waiting
_ _ _ _ for rhe bus. hope
r ____ _
it'll come soon beca use it 's raining.
5 look at, watch
Our friends enjoyed watching rhe video
oE OUt wedding , bUf rhey didn'r \Va ne ro
__ at_ _ the photo s oE our honeymoon.
6 know, meet
She's _ _ _ _ _ him since rhe sumiller. She
_ _met_ _ _ him on a business rtip.
7 borrow, lend
Ifyou need ro borrow sorne money, I can b ~JíM44m Listen again and answer the questions.
_ _ _ _ _ you 50 dollars. 1 Ca n you avoid nat ural disasters? No, YOIl can't.
8 find , look for 2 During which momhs should you
We \Vere _ _ looking
_ _ for
_ a cheap aparcmenr 011 not go to the Caribbean? In August and September
rhe Internet, and \Ve found rhe perfecr 3 What will rravel insurance
place. probably pay fo[? Extra nights in a hotel if you can't fly horn
4 \Vhy is ir imporranr nor to panic? Things will only get worse
9 carry, wear
_ _ _ a big caar and _carrying
He \Vas _ _ _ _ __ 5 Who should you contact as soon
as possible? Your family and friends are at home
a heavy s uitcase.
6 What should you ask you r airline
10 bring, take
when you book you r flight?
1'1l _take
_ _ _ _ you ro rhe air porr if yo u What they will do if there is a natural disaster
__ bring
_ _ _ me back a souveni r.


Learn (hese words and phrases.
a Listen ro how rhe words are linked in
bl izzard /' bhz~rd l
each sentence.
cyclone /'salkloün/
1 IfI walk, I'll arrive lare. earthqu ake 1 '~r8kwelk l
v v
2 lt'lI be hot if you go in August. flood !fIAd/
foresr fire I 'br~st 'fal~rl
3 If it rains , 1'11 get a taxi.
v vv monsoon /man'sunl
4 She'lI get angry if \Ve don't invite her.
v v tsunam i Itsu'nami /
5 lf we get up early, we can go to rhe mall. spill (coffee) /spIl /
v v
6 If r don't understand the menu, r'1I ask the waiter. parking space /'parkIIJ spelsl
I,J I,J \J \J
narural di saster / 'n<etSr~1 dl'z,est~r/
b ,:I!mm Listen again. Pracrice say ing the
senten ces.
Mine is beUer than ours.
Benjamin Franklin, US politician

1 GRAMMAR possesslve pronouns 2 VOCABULARV

a Complete th e questions and an swers in rhe cha rro adverbs of manner
Make adverbs from the adjectives in
Whose ...? Possessive adjective Possessive pronoun
the box and complete rhe semences.
1 Wll Q.s:e bag is. that It's my bago
2 WJwse books are. tlwse.
,? They're your books.
It's mine
They're your calm dream lazy quiet serious slew

3 Whose laptop is that ? It's his taptop. It's his 1 Please wa lk more slo wry . You're
4 Whose keys are those ? They're her keys . They're hers going too fa st!
5 Whose car is that ? It's our caro It's ours 2 Sorry? r can't hear you. You 're
6 Whose coats are those? They're your caats . They're yours speaking very _ quietly
_ _ _ _,
7 Whose house is that
, It's their house. It's theirs 3 Mary hard ly ever laughs. She takes
thin gs rea lly _ eriously
_ _ __
b Co mplete rh e sentences with a possessive adjecrive (my,your, etc.) or 4 " I don't feel like doing anyrhing roday,"
pronoun (minc,yours, etc.). he sa id _lazily
_ _ __
5 "I'd lave [O retire early and live
1 A Are t hose rny glasses? on a rropical isl and ," Ma rk
B No, they're his Yours said _ dreamily
_ _ __
are in your pocket! 6 Alth ough aH rhe passengers were
worried, rhe flight attenda nt spoke
_ _ _ _ _ and exp lained rhe
2 A Whose coats are these? Are
they yours ?
B Yes, they're _ ours
Thanks a [ot. word stress
a Underline rhe srressed syllable.

3 A 15 that your husband's car? 1 deltecltive

his_ __
Itlooks like _ 2 disltance
B No, jt isn't. his car is 3 dolllar
bigger t han that. 4 adlvanltage
5 entioy
6 comlpletelly
4 A Whose cat is that? It isn't 7 relmemlber
ours 8 proimise

B I've seen it in the neighbors' yard. 9 sulspilcious
I think ¡t's _ _ _ _ _'
b Listen and check. Then
listen again and repeat the words.

5 A 15 that a new phone? _your

_ _ __
old one was black.
B No, it's my sister's . _mine
_ _ __
is broken, so I'm borrowing
4 REAOING bRead the artide again and answer the questions. Write
F,A,J, T, or M.
a Read rhe anide abour five famous chefs. Do you
recognize any ofrhem?
1 lea rned ro cook by rea ding books
Ferran Adriá is a Spanish 2 had a complerely different job before becoming a chef M
chef who is famous for preparing 3 made coo king food easier A
foad scientifically. After serving
4 uses chemistry in hi s cooking F
in the military, Adriá got a job at
5 think s young people should eat hea lthi er j
elBulli in Catalonia, Spain as a line
cook. He beca me head chef only e Und erli ne five words yo u don't know. Use your
18 months later. elBulli (Iosed in diccionary ro look up eheir mea ning and pronunciation.
2012, but it had three Michelin stars
and was once veted the best restaurant in the world.
Adriá has published several books and has taught a 5 LlSTENING
class at Harvard University.
a ,!ú441t1 Listen ro a conversation about an experiment
Georges Auguste on a TV show. Which question did che experi ment
Escoffier was France's most hope ro answer? \Vas it successful?
important chef in the early 19005. He
was responsible for making traditional
French foad more modern and Simple.
He also made cooking foad a respected
b ,:t!ú4Mm Listen again. Mark th e sentences T (true)
or F (false).
job by introducing organized systems
to restaurant kitchens. The French 1 The show \Vas on in the evening. .I...
caH Escoffier "the king of chefs and the chef of kings." 2 There \Vere (hree cooks. F
He wrote cookbooks, cooked for royalty, and managed 3 The rules for each cou rse were that they had ro use
several restaurant kitchens during his successful career. rhe same main ingredienr and make rhe same dish. F
Jarnie Oliver is one of the 4 There \Vere t\Vo judges. F
UK's best-Ioved TV chefs. His shows 5 The cooks \Vere professio nal restauran[ critics. F
have been broadcast internationally
6 Hugo only remembers t\Vo dishes because
in countries like the US, South Africa,
rhe judges found it very difficulr ro decide
Australia, Brazil, Japan, and Iceland. His T
\Vho made them.
books have been translated into thirty
languages. Jamie is most famous for his
campaigns to encourage schoolchildren
to eat healthily. He's married with four children. USEFUL WOROS ANO PHRASES
Torn Colicchio is a popular
Learn these words and phrases.
American chef and owner of Craft, a advanrage l~d'vrentJd3/
restaurant in New York City. He has expenses ITk ' spEns~sl
always been interested in food and exclai m IIk'sklellnl
cooking, but he never graduated from a
trust ItrAst /
cooking school. He taught himself how
to cook using French cooking guides. suspicious /s~'splS~sl
1 Despite this, he is the head judge on calmly I'kamli l
the reality TV cooking show Top Chef and the winner of dreamily /'drim;:,lil
five James Beard Foundation Medals for accomplishments ma sterfully l 'm,est~rf~li /
in cooking. the suburbs /o~ 'sAb~rbzl
Masaharu Morirnoto is one somebodyelse /'sAmbadi els/
of Japan's top chefs, and is well known
for combining Japanese and Western
food into delicious meals. He started
his career as a baseball player at 17, but
changed to cooking and opened his first
restaurant at 24. Morimoto is probably
most famous for starring in the TV
reality shows Iron Chef and Iron Chef America, where he
competes against other chefs in timed cooking battles.

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