Boson Ccna Course
Boson Ccna Course
Boson Ccna Course
LAB 11 - VLANs and TRUNKING (Catalyst 1900 Switches)
LAB 13 - VLANs and TRUNKING (Catalyst 2950 Switches)
LAB 17 - ISDN BRI-BRI using Legacy DDR
LAB 18 - ISDN BRI-BRI using Dialer Profiles
LAB 19 - ISDN PRI using Dialer Profiles
Appendix A: IPX LAB
Appendix C: LAB CONFIGURATIONS (coming soon)
If there is not an icon on the PC screen, you can start the NetSim by pressing
Start -> Boson NetSim -> Boson NetSim.
You will be presented with a screen that has buttons at the top representing
each router, switch, or PC that you will be configuring.
Press one of the buttons to configure a device. Some of the devices are hidden
(Switch 3, Switch 4, PC1, and PC2) and can be accessed
by pressing the More Devices button. There is also a button that can be pressed
to show the network topology that the labs are based on.
Lab Topology
The Lab Topology is shown in the diagram on the next page (it can also be viewed
by selecting the Topology button at the top of the NetSim screen).
You will have:
4 x Cisco 2500 routers
each router has one Ethernet and two serial interfaces
one of the 2500 s, router1, has an ISDN BRI interface
1 x Cisco 2600 router (identified as router2)
has one Ethernet interface
has both an ISDN BRI and a PRI interface
2 x Catalyst 1912 switches
each switch has twelve 10baseT and two Fast Ethernet ports
2 X Catalyst 2950 switches
each switch has twelve 10/100 Ethernet ports
2 x PC s
The LAN/WAN interfaces and subnet numbers are indicated on the diagram.
Specific interface IP addresses are included in a table on page 6.
IP Addresses
The IP addresses and subnet masks used in all the labs are shown in the table
Lab Scenarios
There are 20 labs contained in this Lab Guide. They include:
Lab 1 - Basic Router Configuration
Lab 2 - Advanced Router Configuration
Lab 3 - CDP
Lab 4 - Telnet
Lab 5 - TFTP
Lab 6 - RIP
Lab 7 - IGRP
Lab 8 - EIGRP
Lab 9 - OSPF
Lab 10 Catalyst 1900 Switch Configuration
Lab 11 - VLANs & Trunking (Catalyst 1900)
Lab 12 - Catalyst 2950 Switch Configuration
Lab 13 - VLANs and Trunking (Catalyst 2950)
Lab 14 - IP Access Lists
Lab 15 - NAT/PAT
Lab 16 - PPP & CHAP
Lab 17 - ISDN BRI-BRI using Legacy DDR
Lab 18 - ISDN BRI-BRI using Dialer Profiles
Lab 19 - ISDN PRI using Dialer Profiles
Lab 20 - Frame Relay
There is also an optional IPX lab contained in Appendix A of this lab guide.
These labs build upon each other so the best approach is to follow the labs
sequentially. You will also be asked questions at various points during the
lab. Answers to these questions are contained in Appendix B at the back of this
lab guide. Appendix C also contains the completed configurations for selected
Saving/Restoring Configuration Files
You can save your work and exit at any point. First, make sure you have
selected the appropriate router/switch/PC button at the top of the NetSim
The next step is to press File -> Save Device Config from the top of the screen.
You will then be prompted for a file name.
Each individual device configuration must be saved separately. At a minimum,
you should plan to save all configurations each time you power off your PC.
To restore a configuration file, make sure you have pressed the appropriate
router/switch/PC button. The next step is to press File -> Load Device Config
(Overwrite) at the top of the screen and to select the correct saved
configuration file. The configuration will then be loaded.
Note: this process can take 15-20 seconds to complete and you will see
configuration commands flash across the screen. Be patient!
1. In this lab, you will get practice with basic configuration and show commands
on the Cisco router.
2. Select Router1 from the tool bar. Press enter to get to the user prompt
3. The greater-than symbol ( >) in the prompt indicates you are in user mode.
Type ? to see a list of commands that can be entered in user mode.
Router> ?
4. Type enable to get into privileged mode. The pound sign (#) indicates you
are now in privileged mode.
Router> enable
5. Type ? to see a list of commands that can be entered in privileged mode.
Notice that there are more commands available in
privileged mode than are available in user mode. Configure and reload are two
such commands that can only be issued in privileged mode.
Router# ?
6. Exit privileged mode by typing disable.
Router# disable
7. Re-enter privileged mode and type configure terminal to get into
configuration mode
Router> enable
Router# configure terminal
8. Configure a hostname of router1 (without the quote marks). Notice how the
prompt changes.
Router(config)# hostname router1
9. In global configuration mode on router1, type enable ?. This will show valid
parameters that can be entered with the enable command.
Configure an enable password of ccnalab that will not be encrypted when
viewing the router configuration file and an enable
password of cisco that will be encrypted.
a. Question: when both encrypted and unencrypted enable passwords are
configured, which one is used?
router1(config)# enable ?
router1(config)# enable password ccnalab
router1(config)# enable secret cisco
10. Configure an IP address for the Ethernet0 interface on router1 (refer to the
table on page 6 for all IP addresses and masks).
Activate the interface it is currently in shutdown mode. You should see a
message that the interface has now come up.
Practice using the tab key type int and then the tab key (no spaces). You
should see the word interface spelled out.
router1(config)# int<tab>
router1(config)# interface ethernet0
router1(config-if)# ip address
router1(config-if)# no shutdown
11. Configure an IP address for router1 s Serial0 interface (refer to the table
for IP addresses and masks) and activate the interface.
Practice using abbreviated commands for both interface serial0 and no shutdown.
router1(config-if)# int s0
router1(config-if)# ip address
router1(config-if)# no shut
12. Exit configuration mode by keying ctrl-z . This will bring you back to the
privileged mode prompt. You could also accomplish the same thing
by keying exit twice. The exit command moves you back one level
(from interface-configuration mode - global configuration mode - privileged
mode prompt).
router1(config-if)# ctrl-z
13. Type logout to exit the command line interface
router1# logout
14. Press the enter key to get back into the user mode prompt and then type
enable to get into privileged mode. You will be prompted for the
enable secret password cisco which you previously configured.
router1> enable
password: cisco
15. Display a summary of all interfaces by typing:
router1# show ip interface brief
16. Display detailed information on each interface by typing:
router1# show interfaces
17. Display the active configuration in DRAM by typing:
router1# show running-config
18. Display the saved configuration in NVRAM by typing show startup-config.
a. Question: does anything exist in NVRAM? If not, why not?
router1# show startup-config
19. Save the running (active) configuration to NVRAM by typing:
router1# copy running-config startup-config
20. Now display the contents of NVRAM again. This time, you should see the
active configuration saved in NVRAM.
router1# show startup-config
21. Issue the show version command and answer these questions:
a. Question: What IOS release is running on router1?
b. Question: What are the contents of the configuration register?
router1# show version
22. Issue the command to show which Layer 3 protocols are currently running on
the router.
a. Question: which protocols are currently running on the router?
router1# show protocols
23. Select router2 from the toolbar on top. Press enter and get into user mode.
From there go into privileged mode.
Router> enable
Router# configure terminal
24. Configure a hostname of router2 and configure an enable secret password of
cisco for router2.
Router(config)# hostname router2
router2(config)# enable secret cisco
25. Configure an IP address for Fast Ethernet 0/0 on router2 and activate the
interface (see the diagram above for IP addresses and masks). Router2 is 2600
modular router and must be configured using slot/port notation.
router2(config)# interface Fa 0/0
router2(config-if)# ip address
router2(config-if)# no shut
26. Display the summary status of all interfaces. Remember to get out of
configuration mode first before issuing any show commands.
a. Question: what status should interface Fa 0/0 show if it is fully activated?
1. In this lab you will practice using some advanced configuration and show
commands on the Cisco router. Please remember your lab 1 commands needed to
switch between Router modes (i.e. exit, end, disable)
2. On router1, configure a console password of boson . The console user must
enter this password before gaining access to the user mode prompt.
router1(config)# line console 0
router1(config-line)# login
router1(config-line)# password boson
3. Configure a banner that says Welcome to Router1 - Authorized Users Only .
router1(config)# banner motd #
Welcome to Router1 - Authorized Users Only #
4. Test the banner and console password by logging out of the router and logging
back in. Get into enable mode after successfully logging into the console.
router1# logout
password: boson
router1> enable
password: cisco
5. Configure a password of cisco on router2 that will enable remote users to
Telnet into it:
router2(config)# line vty 0 4
router2(config-line)# login
router2(config-line)# password cisco
6. On router1, associate a name of router2 with the remote IP address This will allow you to ping router2 s name rather than having to
remember its IP address.
router1(config)# ip host router2
7. Verify that the name is in router1 s host table with the show hosts command.
router1# show hosts
8. Ping router2 and verify that the pings succeed.
router1# ping router2
9. Display the contents of flash memory on router2.
a. Question: what is the name of the IOS image in flash and how large is it?
router2# show flash
10. Display the history table on router1. This shows the last 10 commands that
were entered on the router. You can recall commands by entering CTRL-P or by
hitting the up arrow key.
router1# show history
router1# ctrl-p (to see previously entered commands)
11. On router1, do a show interfaces on Serial 0. Note on the third line of the
output that the bandwidth is assumed to be 1544kb. This is because the router
assumes all serial links are T1 s unless you configure otherwise. Configure
router1 s S0 link to have a bandwidth of 64kb and then reenter the show
interfaces command.
router1# show interfaces serial 0
router1# configure terminal
router1(config)# interface serial 0
router1(config-if)# bandwidth 64
router1(config-if)# clock rate 64000
router1(config-if)# ctrl-z
router1# show interfaces serial 0
12. On router1, add a description to interface Serial 0 that says Serial Link
to Router3 .
This description will appear whenever you issue a show interfaces
command for Serial 0.
router1(config)# interface serial 0
router1(config-if)# description Serial Link to Router3
router1(config-if)# exit
router1(config)# exit
router1# show interfaces serial 0
13. Configure router3 and router4:
configure hostnames
configure an enable secret password of cisco
assign IP addresses and subnet masks to serial & Ethernet interfaces (see
table on page 6)
Remember to set the clock rate on the Router 3 Serial 1 interface.
activate serial and Ethernet interfaces
verify router3 can ping router1
verify router3 can ping router4
save the configurations to NVRAM
1. In this lab, you will practice using Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) commands
to view information about directly connected neighbors.
2. On router1, display summary information for router1 s CDP neighbors. You
should see one-line entries for both router2 and router3.
router1# sh cdp neighbors
3. On router1, display detailed information about CDP neighbors. You can do
this with either the show cdp neighbors detail or show cdp entry * commands.
router1# show cdp neighbors detail
router1# show cdp entry *
4. On router1, display the interfaces where CDP is active.
a. Question: what is the CDP advertisement interval?
b. Question: what is the holdtime interval and what does it signify?
router1# show cdp interface
5. On router1, change the CDP advertisement interval to 50 sec. and the holdtime
interval to 170 sec.
Issue the show cdp interface command to verify the new timers are set correctly.
router1(config)# cdp timer 50
router1(config)# cdp holdtime 170
router1(config)# exit
router1# sh cdp interface
1. In this lab, you will practice Telnet ing from one router to another. You
will suspend Telnet sessions using the ctrl-shift-6 X sequence and display
active Telnet sessions using the show sessions and show users commands.
2. Make sure you have permitted telnet access on router 3.
router3# config t
router3(config)#line vty 0 4
router3(config-line)#password cisco
3. From router1, Telnet to router2 ( Once into router2, issue the
show users command. This command shows which remote users are Telnet ed into
this local router. You should see router1 s IP address ( as the user
Telnet ed into router2.
router1# telnet
router2# show users
4. Suspend your Telnet session to router2 by pressing CTRL-SHIFT-6 and X. You
should return to router1 without breaking the active Telnet session. Issue the
show sessions command on router1. This command shows what active, but
suspended, sessions you have to other routers.
router2# ctrl-shift-6 x
router1# show sessions
5. Now Telnet from router1 to router3. Suspend the session and return to
router1. Issue the show sessions command. You should now see two suspended
sessions: one to router2 ( and one to router3 (
router1# telnet
router3> ctrl-shift-6 x
router1# show sessions
6. Disconnect the two suspended sessions on router1. The number used in the
disconnect command comes from the
left-most column in the show sessions output. Issue show sessions to see if the
suspended Telnet sessions have disappeared.
router1# disconnect 2
router1# disconnect 1
router1# show sessions
1. In this lab, you are going to configure PC1 as a TFTP-Server. You will then
backup and restore router4 s configuration to the TFTP-Server.
2. Under the NetSim, select PC1 from the Other Devices drop-down menu.
Configure PC1 to have an IP address of with a mask of
and a default-gateway of Use the winipcfg utility on the PC to do
this. The PC is automatically enabled to be a TFTP server.
c:> winipcfg
3. On router4, make sure you can ping PC1:
router4# ping
4. On router4, copy your running-configuration to the tftp-server. You will be
prompted for the address of the tftp-server ( You will also be
prompted for a file name (any name you choose).
router4# copy running-config tftp
5. On the tftp-server (PC1), issue the show tftp-configs command to see if
router4 s configuration was successfully backed up (this is not a standard PC
command, but one developed for use with the NetSim).
c:> show tftp-configs
6. You will now restore the configuration you saved on the TFTP server to NVRAM
on router4. Make sure router4 s NVRAM is currently empty by issuing the show
startup-config command. If it is not empty, use the erase startup-config
command to clear it. Restore the configuration from the tftp-server to NVRAM on
router4 with the following copy command (enter the PC s IP address and
previously-saved file name when prompted):
router4# copy tftp startup-config
7. Issue the show startup-config command. You should now see the restored
configuration file in NVRAM.
a. Question: was it necessary to clear out router4 s NVRAM in order to copy a
file into it? Why?
1. In this lab, you will be configuring RIP. On router1, router2, router3, and
router4, configure RIP V1 on all serial and Ethernet interfaces (except for the
ISDN and frame relay interfaces).
a. Question: On router1, why doesn t the network statement under RIP specify rather than
router1(config)# router rip
router1(config-router)# network
router1(config-router)# network
router2(config)# router rip
router2(config-router)# network
router3(config)# router rip
router3(config-router)# network
router3(config-router)# network
router3(config-router)# network
router4(config)# router rip
router4(config-router)# network
router4(config-router)# network
2. On router1, issue the show ip protocols command. This commands shows
information about all dynamic routing protocols that are running on the router.
Based on the output of this command:
a. Question: how frequently does RIP advertise routing updates?
b. Question: what is the holddown timer interval for RIP?
router1# show ip protocols
3. On router4, issue the show ip route command. You should see two directly
connected routes ( and and three remote routes
(, and
a. What is the administrative distance for RIP?
router4# show ip route
4. On router4, ping both router1 and router2. The pings should succeed if RIP
is configured on all routers.
router4# ping
router4# ping
5. On router4, clear and recreate the IP routing table with the clear ip route
* command. This command is sometimes necessary when trying to troubleshoot
unusual routing problems.
router4# clear ip route *
6. On router1, enter the debug ip rip command. This will show the periodic
(every 30 seconds) RIP updates being transmitted and received on each interface.
router1# debug ip rip
7. After you examine a few debug updates, turn debugging off with the command
undebug all
router1# undebug all
1. In this lab, you will configure the IGRP routing protocol. Begin by turning
off RIP on router1, router2, router3, and router4. You can verify RIP is turned
off by using the command show ip protocols.
routerx(config)# no router rip
routerx# show ip protocols
2. Turn on IGRP on router1, router2, router3, and router4. Use AS# 200.
router1(config)# router igrp 200
router1(config-router)# network
router1(config-router)# network
router2(config)# router igrp 200
router2(config-router)# network
router3(config)# router igrp 200
router3(config-router)# network
router3(config-router)# network
router3(config-router)# network
router4(config)# router igrp 200
router4(config-router)# network
router4(config-router)# network
3. Display the dynamic routing protocols that are running on router4.
a. Question: how frequently does IGRP send out routing updates?
b. Question: what is the holddown interval for IGRP?
c. Question: what is the default hop count for IGRP?
router4# show ip protocols
4. Display the IP routing table on router4.
a. Question: what is the administrative distance for IGRP?
router4# show ip route
5. From router4, ping router1 and router2. These pings should succeed if IGRP
is configured on all the routers.
router4# ping
router4# ping
6. On router1, issue the debug ip igrp events and debug ip igrp transactions
commands. Both commands can be used to show periodic (every 90 seconds) IGRP
routing updates being sent and received by the router.
a. Question: what is the difference between the two debug ip igrp commands?
router1# debug ip igrp events
router1# debug ip igrp transactions
1. In this lab, you will configure the EIGRP routing protocol. Begin by turning
off IGRP on router1, router2, router3, and router4.
routerx(config)# no router igrp 200
2. Configure EIGRP on router1, router2, router3, and router4. Use Autonomous
System number 100 and configure EIGRP to send and receive updates on all
interfaces, excluding the ISDN and Frame Relay interfaces.
router1(config)# router eigrp 100
router1(config-router)# network
router1(config-router)# network
router2(config)# router eigrp 100
router2(config-router)# network
router3(config)# router eigrp 100
router3(config-router)# network
router3(config-router)# network
router3(config-router)# network
router4(config)# router eigrp 100
router4(config-router)# network
router4(config-router)# network
1. In this lab, you will configure the OSPF routing protocol. Begin by turning
off EIGRP on router1, router2, router3, and router4.
routerx(config)# no router eigrp 100
2. Configure OSPF on router1, router2, router3, and router4. Use Process ID 1
and configure OSPF to send and receive updates on all interfaces excluding the
ISDN and Frame Relay interfaces.
router1(config)# router ospf 1
router1(config-router)# network area 0
router1(config-router)# network area 0
router2(config)# router ospf 1
router2(config-router)# network area 0
router3(config)# router ospf 1
router3(config-router)# network area 0
router3(config-router)# network area 0
router3(config-router)# network area 0
router4(config)# router ospf 1
router4(config-router)# network area 0
router4(config-router)# network area 0
1. In this lab, you will configure basic IOS commands on the Catalyst 1900
2. From the NetSim tool bar, select Switch1 (Catalyst 1900). Press enter to get
into the user prompt mode. Enter enable to get into privileged mode.
Type ? to see a list of privileged mode commands. Enter disable to go back to
user mode.
> enable
# ?
# disable
3. On switch1, go into privileged mode and then into global configuration mode.
Assign Switch1 a host name of 1900sw1. Use exit or ctrl-z to get out of
configuration mode.
> enable
# configure terminal
(config)# hostname 1900sw1
1900sw1(config)# exit
4. On switch1, type show running-config to see the active configuration.
a. Question: Do you need to issue copy running-config startup-config on the
Catalyst 1900 to save the running configuration?
If not, why not?
1900sw1# show running-config
5. On switch1, erase the current configuration with the following command:
1900sw1# delete nvram
6. On switch1, get into privileged mode and then into global configuration.
Reassign the switch a hostname of 1900sw1 and an enable password of cisco .
Assign the switch an IP address of with a subnet mask of Assign the switch a default gateway of (router4 s
Ethernet address).
> enable
# configure terminal
(config)# hostname 1900sw1
1900sw1(config)# enable password level 15 cisco
1900sw1(config)# ip address
1900sw1(config)# ip default-gateway
7. On switch1, issue the show ip command to verify that the IP address, mask,
and default gateway are correct.
1900sw1# show ip
8. On switch1, issue the show interfaces command.
a. Question: What is the Spanning Tree (802.1D) state of interface e0/1?
b. Question: What is the duplex setting for interface e0/2?
1900sw1# show interfaces
9. From the NetSim tool bar, select Switch 2 (Catalyst 1900). Configure it with
a hostname of 1900sw2 and an enable password of cisco (the enable password
should be encrypted when displaying the configuration file). Assign an IP
address of and a default-gateway of
> enable
# configure terminal
(config)# hostname 1900sw2
1900sw2(config)# enable secret level 15 cisco
1900sw2(config)# ip address
1900sw2(config)# ip default-gateway
10. On switch2, issue the show version command.
a. Question: What version of IOS is the switch running?
b. Question: What is the base Ethernet address of 1900sw2?
1900sw2# show version
11. On switch1, issue the show spantree command.
a. Question: what is the address of the root bridge?
b. Question: what is the port cost of E0/1?
c. Question: what is the maxage interval?
d. Question: what is the hello interval?
1900sw1# show spantree
12. On switch1, issue the show mac-address-table command. This shows which
devices are attached to which switch ports.
1900sw1# show mac-address-table
13. On switch1, permanently assign a device with MAC address 1111-1111-1111 to
port E0/5. Issue the show mac-address-table command to verify the device is in
the table as a permanent entry.
1900sw1(config)# mac-address-table permanent 1111-1111-1111 e0/5
1900sw1(config)# exit
1900sw1# show mac-address-table
14. On switch1, configure port security for port e0/9. The switch will
sticky-learn the MAC address of the device connected to port e0/9 and will
only allow that device to connect to this port in the future.
1900sw1(config)# interface e0/9
1900sw1(config-if)# port secure
1900sw1(config-if)# port secure max-mac-count 1
1. In this lab, you will set up VLANs on the Catalyst 1900 switches and test
them by pinging between router4 and PC1. Router4 is connected to e0/1 on
switch1 and PC1 is connected to e0/1 on switch2. Switch1 and switch2 are
interconnected through their fa0/26 Fast Ethernet ports.
2. Using winipcfg on PC1, configure an IP address of and a default
gateway of
(if not already configured from a previous lab).
c:> winipcfg
3. Verify you can presently ping between PC1 and router4. If you cannot ping
successfully, check that router4 s Ethernet0 IP address is and
that the interface is enabled. Also, using the winipcfg utility, check that the
PC has a configured IP address of
c:> ping
4. On switch1 and switch2, issue the show vlan command. You should note that,
by default, all switch ports are in VLAN1. Because router4, PC1, and the
switch-to-switch link are all in VLAN1, should be able to ping between PC1 and
1900swx# show vlan
5. On switch1 and switch2, set up a VTP domain called bigdomain. Verify it has
been created with the show vtp command.
a. Question: what VTP operating mode are the switches in?
1900swx(config)# vtp domain bigdomain
1900swx(config)# exit
1900swx# show vtp
6. On switch1 and switch2, create VLAN 10, calling it ccnavlan. Issue the show
vlan command to verify it was successfully created.
a. Question: do you see any ports connected to VLAN 10. If not, why not?
1900swx(config)# vlan 10 name ccnavlan
1900swx(config)# exit
1900swx# show vlan
7. On switch1 and switch2, assign the e0/1 ports to the new VLAN you created.
Router4 and PC1 are attached to these ports. Issue the show vlan command on
both switches to verify these ports have been moved to VLAN10. Also, issue the
show vlan-membership command. This is another command that shows VLAN
assignments by port on the 1900.
1900swx(config)# interface e0/1
1900swx(config-if)# vlan-membership static 10
1900swx(config-if)# ctrl-z
1900swx# show vlan
1900swx# show vlan-membership
8. Now that both router4 and PC1 are in VLAN10, try to ping from the PC1 to
router4. It should fail.
a. Question: if both devices are in the same VLAN, why should the pings fail?
c:> ping
9. Make the link between switch1 and switch2 a trunk line capable of carrying
traffic for any VLAN. Use the show trunk a command to verify trunking is enabled
on port fa0/26 on both switches (it should say Trunking: on )
a. Question: what trunking protocol does the 1900 use ISL or 802.1Q?
1900swx(config)# interface fa0/26
1900swx(config-if)# trunk on
1900swx(config-if)# ctrl-z
1900swx# show trunk a
10. Now ping between PC1 and router4. The pings should succeed because both
devices are in the same VLAN and the inter-switch link is a trunk line capable
of carrying traffic for any VLAN.
c:> ping
1. In this lab, you will configure basic IOS commands on switch3 and switch4
which are Catalyst 2950 switches.
2. From the NetSim tool bar, select Switch3 (Catalyst 2950). Press enter to get
into the user prompt mode.
Enter enable to get into privileged mode. Type ? to see a list of privileged
mode commands. Enter disable to go back to user mode.
> enable
# ?
# disable
3. On switch3, go into privileged mode and then into global configuration mode.
Assign Switch3 a host name of 2950sw3. Use exit or ctrl-z to get out of
configuration mode.
> enable
# configure terminal
(config)# hostname 2950sw3
2950sw3(config)# exit
4. On switch3, type show running-config to see the active configuration.
a. Question: Do you need to issue copy running-config startup-config on the
Catalyst 2950 to save the running configuration?
2950sw3# show running-config
5. On switch3, type copy running-config startup-config to save the active
configuration to NVRAM. Display the saved configuration in NVRAM with the show
startup-config command.
2950sw3# copy running-config startup-config
2950sw3# show startup-config
1. In this lab, you will set up VLANs on switch3 and switch4 (Catalyst 2950
switches) and test them by pinging between router3 and PC2. Router3 is
connected to Fa0/1 on switch3 and PC2 is connected to Fa0/1 on switch4. Switch3
and switch4 are interconnected through their fa0/12 Fast Ethernet ports.
2. On PC2 using winipcfg, configure an IP address of and a default
gateway of
c:> winipcfg
3. Verify you can presently ping between PC2 and router3. If you cannot ping
successfully, check that router3 s FastEthernet0 IP address is and
that the interface is enabled. Also, using the winipcfg utility, check that PC2
has a configured IP address of
c:> ping
4. On switch3 and switch4, issue the show vlan command. You should note that,
by default, all switch ports are in VLAN1. Because router3, PC2, and the
switch-to-switch link are all in VLAN1, you should be able to ping between PC2
and router3.
2950swx# show vlan
5. On switch3 and switch4, set up a VTP domain called classroom. Verify it has
been created with the show vtp status command.
2950swx# vlan database
2950swx(vlan)# vtp domain classroom
2950swx(vlan)# ctrl-z
2950swx# show vtp status
6. On switch3 and switch4, create VLAN 20, calling it 2950vlan. Issue the show
vlan command to verify it was successfully created.
a. Question: do you see any ports connected to VLAN 20. If not, why not?
2950swx# vlan database
2950swx(vlan)# vlan 20 name 2950vlan
2950swx(vlan)# exit
2950swx# show vlan
7. On switch3 and switch4, assign the fa0/1 ports to the new VLAN you created.
Router3 and PC2 are attached to these ports. Issue the show vlan command on
both switches to verify these ports have been moved to VLAN20.
2950swx(config)# interface fa0/1
2950swx(config-if)# switchport mode access
2950swx(config-if)# switchport access vlan 20
2950swx(config-if)# ctrl-z
2950swx# show vlan
8. Now that both router3 and PC2 are in VLAN20, try to ping from PC2 to router3.
It should fail.
a. Question: if both devices are in the same VLAN, why should the pings fail?
c:> ping
9. Make the link between switch3 and switch4 a trunk line capable of carrying
traffic for any VLAN.
Use the show interface fa0/12 switchport command to verify trunking is enabled
on port fa0/12 on both switches.
a. Question: what trunking protocol does the 2950 use ISL or 802.1Q?
2950swx(config)# interface fa0/12
2950swx(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
2950swx(config-if)# ctrl-z
2950swx# show interface fa0/12 switchport
10. Now ping between PC2 and router3. The pings should succeed because both
devices are in the same VLAN
and the inter-switch link is a trunk line capable of carrying traffic for any
c:> ping
1. In this lab, you will build standard and extended IP access-lists to filter
traffic coming inbound on router1 s serial0 interface.
2. Insure you can ping router2 ( from both router3 and router4. The
path to router2 is through router1 s serial0 interface. If you cannot
successfully ping router2, check that IP addresses have been assigned, all
interfaces are up, and that a dynamic routing protocol (RIP, IGRP, EIGRP, or
OSPF) is running on all routers.
router3# ping
router4# ping
3. On router1, build a standard IP access-list that permits traffic from subnet, but blocks traffic from all other devices. Apply this access-list
to router1 s serial0 interface for inbound traffic.
a. Question: is a deny any statement required in the access-list?
b. Question: what does the mask mean in the access-list?
c. Question: can any number be assigned to a standard IP access-list?
router1(config)# access-list 1 permit
router1(config)# interface serial0
router1(config-if)# ip access-group 1 in
4. Test your access-list by ping ing from router3 and router4 to router2. The
pings from router3 (in subnet
should succeed while the pings from router4 (in subnet should fail.
5. On router1, build an extended IP access-list that will allow Telnet traffic
from host (router3), and
ICMP traffic from host (router4), but that will block everything
Remove the previous access-list and apply this new one to router1 s serial0
a. Question: what are two ways you can specify a host address in an extended IP
b. Question: what is the number range for extended IP access-lists?
c. Question: how would you permit RIP routing updates?
router1(config)# access-list 100 permit tcp host any eq telnet
router1(config)# access-list 100 permit icmp host any
router1(config)# interface serial0
router1(config-if)# no ip access-group 1 in
router1(config-if)# ip access-group 100 in
6. Test access-list 100 by ping ing and telnet ing from router3 & router4 to
router2. Router3 ( should be able to telnet to router2, but not ping
to it. Router4 ( should be able to ping to router2, but not telnet
to it.
router3# ping
router3# telnet
router4# ping
rotuer4# telnet
1. In this lab, you will configure NAT/PAT function on router1. You will
configure three forms of translation: static network address translation,
dynamic translation, and overloading (port address translation). Remember to
disable the access lists your configured in the previous lab before continuing
this lab.
2. On router1, configure NAT to statically translate router2 s Ethernet address to
router1(config)# ip nat inside source static
router1(config)# interface ethernet0
router1(config-if)# ip address
router1(config-if)# ip nat inside
router1(config-if)# interface serial0
router1(config-if)# ip address
router1(config-if)# ip nat outside
router1(config-if)# no shut
3. Test the static NAT translation by Telnet ing from router2 to router3. Once
into router3, issue the show users command. The output of this command should
show that (the translated IP address) is the logged-in device.
router2# telnet
router3# show users
4. Display the NAT Translation table on router1. The output of the display
should show that the inside local IP address ( is translated to the
inside global IP address (
a. Question: does the inside global IP address normally represent a public
or a private IP address?
router1# show ip nat translations
5. On router1, remove the previous static NAT commands and configure NAT to
translate router2 s Ethernet address to a dynamically assigned address. You
will utilize a pool of public addresses in the range of to
a. Question: if the pool of dynamically assigned addresses only contains one IP
address entry, what s another term for this form of NAT translation?
router1(config)# no ip nat inside source static
router1(config)# ip nat pool pool1 netmask
router1(config)# ip nat inside source list 1 pool pool1
router1(config)# access-list 1 permit
6. Test the dynamic NAT translation function by Telnet ing from router2 to
router3. Once into router3, issue the show users command. The output of this
command should show that the logged-in device is (the translated
address). Also, display the NAT translation table on router1 using the show ip
nat translations command.
router2# telnet
router3# show users
router1# show ip nat translations
7. Remove the previous NAT commands. Configure NAT overloading (port address
translation) on router1 to translate router2 s Ethernet address
( to the serial0 interface address ( on router1.
router1(config)# ip nat inside source list 1 interface serial0 overload
router1(config)# interface Ethernet 0
router1(config-if)# ip address
router1(config-if)# ip nat inside
router1(config-if)# interface serial 0
router1(config-if)# ip address
router1(config-if)# ip nat outside
router1(config-if)# exit
router1(config)# access-list 1 permit
8. Test the overloading (PAT) function by Telnet ing from router2 to router3.
Issue the show users command on router3. It should show that the logged-in
device is (the translated IP address). Also, issue the show ip nat
translations command on router1 to display the NAT translation table.
router2# telnet
router3# show users
router1# show ip nat translations
9. Remove all NAT/PAT configuration commands from router1 before continuing on
with the CCNA labs.
ISDN Parameters
1. Configure ISDN between router1 and router2 using Legacy Dial on Demand
Routing. Legacy DDR means all ISDN parameters are configured under the BRI/PRI
interface and not under a dialer interface. Any IP packet should represent
interesting traffic and either router should be able to initiate the call.
PPP encapsulation and CHAP authentication should be used. Refer to the table
above for ISDN switch-type, IP addresses, subnet masks, and telephone numbers.
router1(config)# isdn switch-type basic-ni
router1(config)# dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit
router1(config)# username router2 password cisco
router1(config)# interface bri0
router1(config-if)# encap ppp
router1(config-if)# ip address
router1(config-if)# isdn spid1 32177820010100
router1(config-if)# dialer-group 1
router1(config-if)# dialer map ip name router2 broadcast 7782002
router1(config-if)# ppp authentication chap
router1(config-if)# no shut
router2(config)# isdn switch-type basic-ni
router2(config)# dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit
router2(config)# username router1 password cisco
router2(config)# interface bri0/0
router2(config-if)# encap ppp
router2(config-if)# ip address
router2(config-if)# isdn spid1 32177820020100
router2(config-if)# dialer-group 1
router2(config-if)# dialer map ip name router1 broadcast 7782001
router2(config-if)# ppp authentication chap
router2(config-if)# no shut
2. Issue the show isdn status command on both router1 and router2. You should
Layer1: Active
Layer2: Multiple Frame Established with spid1 valid.
routerx# show isdn status
3. Issue the show interfaces bri0 command on router1. This displays the
signaling or D Channel. It should show Up and Up (spoofing) if it is ready to
handle a call request. Now issue the command show interfaces bri0 1 2. This
should show the status of the two data, or B channels.
a. Question: what status are the B channels? Why?
router1# show interfaces bri0
router1# show interfaces bri0 1 2
4. From router1, ping the ISDN interface of router2. This should cause an ISDN
call to be initiated and the pings should succeed.
a. Question: which configuration parameter(s) on router1 identifies the
interesting traffic that will trigger a call?
router1# ping
5. Issue the show isdn status command on router1.
a. Question: what does it show for the Layer 3 Status ?
router1# show isdn status
6. Issue the show interfaces bri0 1 2 command on router1.
a. Question: what is the status of the two B channels?
router1# show interfaces bri0 1 2
1. In this lab, you will configure ISDN BRI on router1 and ISDN PRI on router2
using dialer profiles. Router2 has a primary rate ISDN interface (S0/0) as well
as a basic rate ISDN interface. Any IP packet should represent interesting
traffic in this lab and either router should be able to initiate the call. PPP
encapsulation and CHAP authentication should be used. Refer to the table above
for ISDN switch-type, IP addresses, subnet masks, and telephone numbers.
a. Question: if this PRI was being configured in Europe, what would the options
be for controller type, framing, and linecode?
b. Question: On the PRI interface statement, what is the significance of :23
router1(config)# isdn switch-type basic-ni
router1(config)# dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit
router1(config)# username router2 password cisco
router1(config)# interface bri0/0
router1(config-if)# encap ppp
router1(config-if)# ppp authentication chap
router1(config-if)# isdn spid1 32177820010100
router1(config-if)# dialer pool-member 1
router1(config-if)# no shut
router1(config-if)# interface dialer 2
router1(config-if)# no shut
router1(config-if)# ip address
router1(config-if)# encap ppp
router1(config-if)# dialer-group 1
router1(config-if)# dialer pool 1
router1(config-if)# dialer remote-name router2
router1(config-if)# dialer string 7782002
router1(config-if)# ppp authentication chap
router2(config)# isdn switch-type primary-5esss
router2(config)# dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit
router2(config)# username router1 password cisco
router2(config)# controller t1 0/0
router2(config-controller)# framing esf
router2(config-controller)# linecode b8zs
router2(config-controller)# pri-group timeslots 1-24
router2(config-controller)# exit
router2(config)# interface serial0/0:23
router2(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
router2(config-if)# ppp authentication chap
router2(config-if)# dialer pool-member 2
router2(config-if)# no shut
router2(config-if)# interface dialer 2
router2(config-if)# ip address
router2(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
router2(config-if)# dialer-group 1
router2(config-if)# dialer pool 2
router2(config-if)# dialer remote-name router1
router2(config-if)# dialer string 7782001
router2(config-if)# ppp authentication chap
router2(config-if)# no shut
2. Issue the show isdn status command on both router1 and router2. You should
Layer1: Active
Layer2: Multiple Frame Established
routerx# show isdn status
3. From router1, ping the ISDN interface of router2. This should cause an ISDN
call to be initiated and the pings should succeed.
router1# ping
4. Issue the show isdn status command on router1. Under the Layer 3 status in
the output, it should show one call active.
router1# show isdn status
5. Issue the show interfaces bri0 1 2 command on router1. This shows the
status of the B channels (data channels). One of the B channels should
have a status of UP and UP indicating a successful call is in progress.
router1# show interfaces bri0 1 2
1. In this lab, you will set up frame relay PVC s between router1 and router5
using both physical interfaces and point-to-point sub interfaces. Both routers
will be frame relay DTE devices connected to a frame relay cloud.
2. Using physical interfaces (no sub interfaces), configure frame relay on
router1 s serial1 interface and router5 s serial0 interface. Refer to the chart
above for IP addresses and local DLCI s. Both routers will use ANSI as their
lmi-type. Frame relay map statements should be used for static mapping.
a. Question: what is the default lmi-type on Cisco routers?
router1(config)# interface serial1
router1(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay
router1(config-if)# ip address
router1(config-if)# frame-relay map ip 105 broadcast
router1(config-if)# frame-relay lmi-type ansi
router1(config-if)# no shut
router5(config)# interface serial0
router5(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay
router5(config-if)# ip address
router5(config-if)# frame-relay map ip 501 broadcast
router5(config-if)# frame-relay lmi-type ansi
router5(config-if)# no shut
3. Issue the show interfaces serial x command on both router1 and router5. This
will show if the routers are successfully connected to their local frame relay
switches. The status on the first line should be up and line protocol is up .
On the fifth line of output, you should also see DTE LMI up . The
encapsulation type should be frame relay.
router1# show interfaces serial1
router5# show interfaces serial0
4. Issue the show frame-relay map command on router1 and router5. This will
show the mapping of local DLCI s to remote IP addresses.
routerx# show frame-relay map
5. Issue the show frame-relay pvc command on router1 and router5. This will
show the status of the PVC s connected to the routers. You want to
see a status of active which indicates the PVC is operational end-to-end.
routerx# show frame-relay pvc
6. Issue the show frame-relay lmi command on router1.
This will show LMI statistics including how many status inquiries and replies
have been exchanged.
router1# show frame-relay lmi
7. Ping router1 from router5 to verify the frame-relay connection is working
router5# ping
8. You will now create point-to-point subinterfaces on router1 and router5.
You will use the same IP addresses and local DLCI s as in the previous exercise.
It will be necessary to remove the IP addresses and frame map statements from
the physical interfaces prior to configuring the subinterfaces.
router1(config)# interface serial1
router1(config-if)# no ip address
router1(config-if)# no frame map ip 105 broadcast
router1(config-if)# interface serial1.1 point-to-point
router1(config-subif)# ip address
router1(config-subif)# frame-relay interface-dlci 105
router5(config)# interface serial0
router5(config-if)# no ip address
router5(config-if)# no frame map ip 501 broadcast
router5(config-if)# interface serial0.1 point-to-point
router5(config-subif)# ip address
router5(config-subif)# frame-relay interface-dlci 501
9. On both router1 and router5, issue the show ip interface brief command to
insure the physical interfaces and subinterfaces are active (status = up and
up). Issue the show frame relay pvc command on both routers to insure the PVC
with DLCI 105 on router1 and DLCI 501 on router5 is active.
routerx# show ip interface brief
routerx# show frame-relay pvc
10. Test the PVC by pinging from router5 to router1.
router5# ping
3a. Question: how frequently does IGRP send out routing updates?
Answer: every 90 seconds.
b. Question: what is the holddown interval for IGRP?
Answer: 280 seconds.
c. Question: what is the default hop count for IGRP?
Answer: 100 (maximum of 100 routers along the path).
4a. Question: what is the administrative distance for IGRP?
Answer: 100.
6a. Question: what is the difference between the two debug ip igrp commands?
Answer: the debug ip igrp events command traces IGRP routing updates without
showing individual network numbers.
The debug ip igrp transactions command shows routing updates with individual
network numbers that are being advertised or received.
3a. Question: what is the maximum router hop count with EIGRP? Answer: 100
6a. Question: what does the EIGRP topology database contain?
Answer: the EIGRP topology database contains primary and backup routes to
each destination learned from EIGRP neighbors.
The best routes (those with the lowest composite metric) are termed successor
routes and are inserted in the IP routing table on the router.
7a. Question: what is the administrative distance for EIGRP? Answer:
3a. Question: how frequently does OSPF send routing updates.
Answer: OSPF is a link state routing protocol and does not send out periodic
routing updates.
OSPF will flood a Link State Advertisement (LSA) when a topology change occurs.
5a. Question: what is the OSPF cost for a 10Mbps Ethernet interface?
Answer: the default cost is 10 which is calculated by dividing the speed of
the interface into 100,000,000.
The default cost can be overridden using the ip ospf cost interface-level
6a. Question: what is the administrative distance for OSPF? Answer: 110.