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Age, Growth, Size at Sexual Maturity and

Reproductive Biology of Channeled Whelk,

Busycotypus canaliculatus, in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic
October 2015

Robert A. Fisher
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Virginia Sea Grant-Affiliated Extension
(In cooperation with Bernie’s Conchs)
Robert A. Fisher
Marine Advisory Services
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
P.O. Box 1346
Gloucester Point, VA 23062
[email protected]

VIMS Marine Resource Report No. 2015-15


Additional copies of this publication are available from:

Virginia Sea Grant Communications
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
P.O. Box 1346
Gloucester Point, VA 23062
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Cover Photo: Robert Fisher, VIMS MAS

This work is affiliated with the Virginia Sea Grant Program, by NOAA Office of Sea Grant, U.S. Depart-
ment of Commerce, under Grant No. NA10OAR4170085. The views expressed herein do not necessar-
ily reflect the views of any of those organizations.
Age, Growth, Size at Sexual Maturity and Reproductive
Biology of Channeled Whelk, Busycotypus canaliculatus,
in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic
Final Report for the Virginia Fishery Resource Grant Program Project 2009-12

The channeled whelk, Busycotypus canaliculatus, was habitats, though mixing is observed inshore along shallow
sampled from three in-shore commercially harvested waters of continental shelf. Channeled whelks are the
resource areas in the US Mid-Atlantic: off Ocean City, focus of commercial fisheries throughout their range (Davis
Maryland (OC); Eastern Shore of Virginia (ES); and and Sisson 1988, DiCosimo 1988, Bruce 2006, Fisher and
Virginia Beach, Virginia (VB). The largest whelk measured Fisher 2006, Eversole et al. 2008). In Virginia, the major-
230 mm shell length (SL) and was recorded from OC. ity of channeled whelk is harvested by baited traps (pots)
Mean SL was largest in OC site (158.1 mm), followed by along the Virginia coast within near-shore state (within
ES (137.6 mm), then VB (132.4 mm). Both VB and ES 3 miles) and off-shore (> 3 miles) federal waters. Whelk
populations showed a unimodal length-frequency distribu- meats are removed from shells for distribution to various
tion with the single peak at shell length less than minimum markets.
landing size (MLS) for those regions, while OC population
showed a bimodal (two peaks) distribution with the smaller In the 1980s, the channeled whelk fishery in Virginia
peak at shell length less than the MLS for that region and began as an unregulated fishery with fishermen working
larger peak at shell length greater than the MLS. Brody in state waters. Biological assessment information for
growth rate coefficient (k) was higher in males than the more accessible knobbed whelk was used for general
females from all areas, and highest for both sexes in VB whelk fishery guidelines. In the early 1990s experimental
(Male 0.245, Female 0.155), followed by ES (Male 0.220, fishing permits were issued by Virginia’s fisheries regulatory
Female 0.151), then OC (Male 0.112, Female 0.100). The agency, Virginia Marine Resource Commission (VMRC)
median size (SL) at 50% mature varied between resource for pot fishing whelk (conch) with the objective to gener-
area and sex. Males from ES and VB reached maturity at ate reproductive biology and fisheries stock information for
a smaller mean size (123 mm and 121 mm, respectively) the more marketable channeled whelk in state and federal
than OC (134 mm). Females from VB reached maturity waters. However, poor and inconsistent data was gener-
at a smaller size (148.9 mm) than ES (157.6 mm) and OC ated from these efforts and little information specific to B.
(158.6 mm). Recruitment to the fishery was estimated canaliculatus was obtained. The channeled whelk fishery
to occur at ~6 years for VB and ~ 7-8 years for ES and expanded within Virginia and throughout the Mid-Atlantic
OC calculated from length at age estimates from the von as fishermen diversified their efforts. Effort peaked in Vir-
Bertalanffy growth model. Under current MLS for each ginia in the late 1990s, decreased in the early 2000s, and
area, whelk harvested from VB recruited into the fishery at increased again in 2010 as shellstock (whole, live whelk)
a much younger age to those from OC. The probability of prices increased to levels 3 times higher than prices in the
females reaching MLS prior to sexual maturity is quite low 1990s. In 2000, the Virginia conch pot fishery consisted
given current MLS. of approximately 50 boats and 150 fishermen which sup-
ported processing, distribution and bait industries generat-
ing a total estimated economic value to Virginia in excess
Introduction of $42 M (Manion, West, and Unsworth 2000). Each state
Two species of large, predatory marine gastropods account with a developing whelk fishery enacted separate whelk
for the large majority of whelk harvested in the US Mid- management plans based on the data-poor Virginia whelk
Atlantic, channeled whelk (Busycotypus canaliculatus), fishery, which used knobbed whelk biological assessment
and the closely related knobbed whelk (Busycon carica), information. Further, states imposed different minimum
both members of the Melongenidae family found along landing size (MLS, shell length) requirements. Currently
the Atlantic coast of North America from Cape Cod, the MLS for Mid-Atlantic States are 5” (127 mm) in New
Massachusetts to Cape Canaveral, Florida (Abbott 1974, Jersey, 6” (152.4 mm) in Maryland and Delaware, and 5.5”
Edwards and Harasewych 1988). In Virginia, the knobbed (139.7 mm) in Virginia. With declining size of individual
whelk is largely fished within inshore estuarine habitats landed whelk observed within various resource areas in the
and channeled whelk within near-and off-shore marine Mid-Atlantic, coupled with increased fishermen complaints
of undersize whelk being harvested and legally landed by Statoliths have been used in estimating age through
fishermen from adjoining states, basic specie biological interpretation of growth increments (rings) radiating
information governing the fishery was questioned by fisher- from a central nucleus (Barroso et al. 2005). Statoliths
men. Questions posed by industry relative to resource have been used in larval (Bell 1984, Grana-Raffucci and
management centered on age/size at sexual maturity and Appeldoorn 1997, Zacherl et al. 2003) and adult (Barroso
relevancy of multiple MLS within the Mid-Atlantic whelk et al. 2005b, Richardson et al. 2005a, 2005b) gastropods to
fishery. Upon review by lead author, it was found that little better understand early life history and growth parameters.
biological assessment information was available specific for Annual ring periodicity was validated in the red whelk,
Busycotypus canaliculatus. Neptunea antiqua (Richardson et al. 2005b) and netted
whelk, Nassarius reticulatus (Chatzinikolaou and Richard-
With only modest amounts of published information avail- son, 2007) using laboratory-reared larvae and juveniles
able on B. canaliculatus biological assessment, research was of known age, thus providing an accurate method of age
initiated in 2009 within various resource areas in the Mid- estimation in gastropods.
Atlantic on channeled whelk aging, reproduction, growth
through maturity, age at maturity, and population struc- This study explores aging techniques validated in other
ture. Harding (2011) described larval to juvenile stage gastropod species to estimate age for B. canaliculatus.
of growth of B. canaliculatus, but no information is avail-
able on age at sexual maturity, and growth rates through
recruitment to the fishery for this species. Peemoeller and
Stevens (2013) has since described age, size, and sexual Samples of B. canaliculatus were collected from 3 differ-
maturity of Busycotypus canaliculatus in Buzzards Bay, Mas- ent near-shore resource areas in the Mid-Atlantic region
sachusetts, providing the first published biological assess- (Figure 1); Maryland/Delaware boarder (OC), Eastern
ment of this species. Shore of Virginia outside Hog Island Bay (ES), and Sand-

The research findings presented here focuses on the

Busycotypus canaliculatus fishery in the Mid-Atlantic with
temporal and spatial variations in size and age structure
of coastal populations as well as size at sexual maturity
to assess the suitability of current minimum landing size
regulations governing these populations. The information
presented should provide building blocks for assessment
within the currently data poor channeled whelk stock.

Aging Whelk
In recent years, aging gastropods has centered around
interpreting marks deposited on animals non-shell hard
structures, as with otoliths in fish, assuming discern-
ible increments of growth associated with rapid and slow
growing periods. The operculum, the corneous plate that
closes the opening of the shell when animal is retracted,
and the statolith, calcium carbonate structures (2 per
animal) within gastropod sense organ for equilibrium (stato-
cyst), are such structures. Numerous studies have validated
the occurrence and use of annular stria (dark rings) formed
on the operculum of gastropod species including Buccinum
undatum (Santarelli and Gros, 1985; Kideys, 1996), Buc-
cinum isaotakii (Ilano, et al., 2004), Babylonia japonica (Kubo
and Kondo, 1953), Neptunea arthritica (Miranda et el.,
2008), Coralliophila violacea ( Chen and Soong 2002), Nep-
tunea antiqua (Richardson et al., 2005b; Power and Keegan, Figure 1. Whelk resource areas sampled; Maryland/Delaware
2001), and Busycon carica (Kraeuter et al., 1989) with the boarder (OC), Eastern Shore of Virginia outside Hog Island
assumption that stria are formed annually during periods of Bay (ES), and off southern Virginia Beach, Virginia (VB).
slow growth. However, no reported age estimate work has Whelk measurements; shell length (SL), shell width (SW).
been done on B. canaliculatus prior to this study. Channeled whelk current (2013) minimal landing size (MLS)
for Mid-Atlantic States.
Fresh samples used for histology were processed by first
removing bodies from shell: notching a hole in shell at
the 2nd whorl up from aperture (ventral side) and in-line
with coiling axis, then severing the columellar muscle
from columella of shell, and gently pulling body from
shell. Frozen samples were thawed at room temperature
for 3-4 hrs and bodies removed from shell by first inserting
finger up through aperture along columella and detaching
columellar muscle from shell, then gently pulling body from
shell with a twisting motion in the same direction of whorl.
Sex was determined by the presence or absence of a penis.
Penis measurement (nearest 0.1 mm) was taken from the
resting penis state (folded at right angle) from tip of penis
to outside corner of fold (Figure 3). Penis index (PI =
Figure 2. Wood lathed traps (pots) used for commercial
penis length/shell length) values were generated and used
harvesting of whelk (conch) in the Mid-Atlantic.

bridge, Virginia, south of Virginia Beach, Virginia (VB)

during routine commercial fishing trips using traditional
open-top, wood lathed whelk (conch) traps (58 x 58 x 28
cm) baited with horseshoe crab sections placed in bait bags
(Figure 2). Sampling sites represented near-shore whelk
resource areas [OC, 46-50 ft (14-16 m); ES, 28-35 ft (8.5-
10.5 m); VB, 30-35 ft (9-10.5 m) depth range] targeted for Figure 3. B. canaliculatus penis (p) measurement; (A) fresh
commercial exploitation, but does not represent the full sample, (B) frozen-thawed sample.
range of the fishery within Virginia. Commercial whelk
trap design with lathes spaced 2.5 cm apart prevented in evaluating male sexual maturity. Since size at maturity
retention of small whelk ~<82 mm shell length (SL), thus data is lacking for B. canaliculatus, and penis length was
juvenile whelk were not largely represented in sampling. recorded from a relaxed penis state, which differs from
Bottom temperature readings were made by inserting probe studies in other whelk species, determining the relationship
thermometer directly into foot of whelk immediately upon of penis size to SL at sexual maturity for B. canaliculatus
landing on–board. Initial collection from all 3 sites was was explored.
conducted in November 2009 at bottom water tempera-
tures of 12.50C (OC), 150C (ES), and 16.20C (VB). To Total wet body weight to nearest 0.1g, and digestive gland
better understand the population structure and reproduc- and gonad weight to nearest 0.01g were recorded for
tive potential of B. canaliculatus within these resource gonadal somatic index (GSI) calculations.
areas, additional limited seasonal sampling was performed GSI= gonad weight/somatic weight x 100
from May 2010 through January 2011 within each resource
area. Collected whelk was transported to VIMS for pro- Where somatic weight was total wet body weight minus
cessing. A sub-sample of 20-57 fresh, live whelk from each gonad weight.
sample collected were processed for reproductive histo-
logical analysis with the remaining whelk frozen whole at Yield was calculated as body flesh weight minus gonad and
-20C for later analysis. All whole whelks were weighed for digestive gland, but includes oviduct in females (though
total weight (TW) and measured for shell length (SL; spire removed in commercial processing) and penis in males
apex to the edge of siphonal canal) and shell width (SW; (which is part of commercially processed product). Whelk
maximum straight-line distance measured across the shell flesh yield was examined following research protocol deter-
perpendicular to shells length (coiling) axis) to nearest 1 mined for this study in which a sub-sample of whelk was
mm (Figure 1) on a metric measuring board. Only col- necropsied live (fresh, non-frozen) for histological analysis
lected whelk with in-tacked, unbroken siphonal canals was while the larger portion of whelk were frozen for subse-
measured. In addition to commercially collected whelk quent analyses. With concern over dehydration of frozen
samples, 2 live small (58.2 and 62.9 mm SL) B. canalicula- sample meat weights post freeze/thaw providing inac-
tus whelk were collected from the beach in OC and used to curate yield information, yield was calculated from both
aid in age estimation since early life history growth param- frozen/thawed whelk and fresh, non-frozen whelk. Yield
eters for this species is lacking. from fresh, non-frozen whelk may more accurately reflect
harvested and processed whelk product identity within the
whelk fishery.
Macroscopic assessments were made on secondary sex
organs to aid sexual maturity evaluations. Gonad size,
color, and texture were noted in both sexes (Figure 4).

Figure 5. Operculum (op) attached to whelk foot (f).

visually defined than

observed on outside
surface, and therefore
Figure 4. Female (left) and male (right) B. canaliculatus
counted using back-
with shells removed. Cg=capsule gland, cm=columellar
lighting from stage light
muscle, dg=digestive gland, f=foot, g=gonad, op=operculum,
of dissecting micro-
scope. Stria was further
In males, the visceral section of vas deferens (VD) was defined in this study
observed for coiling (convolution) and presence of sperm, as dark bands which
indicating biological maturity. In large males, the anterior extend completely from
section of VD (prostate to penis) running across the dorsal one lateral edge to
body surface to the base of penis was routinely observed the other. From close
protruding from immediately below epithelial layer and observation of opercula
noted as a possible characteristic of maturity. In females, from 2 and 2+ year
capsule gland (CG) size, color, and condition (flaccid, old B. canaliculatus, as
plump) were recorded corresponding to maturity. aged from statoliths of
Figure 6. Operculum from B. juvenile whelk collected
canaliculatus with stria (st) on the beach in Ocean
Aging and nucleus (N) as observed City, Maryland, the
Age estimation in this study was obtained using both, from inside (attached) surface. first annular stria was
the whelk operculum and paired statoliths. Two readers OL=operculum length. observed to be 10-12
independently assessed age without knowledge of whelk mm from nucleus but
shell length (SL). A McNemar test of symmetry about the weakly represented. This first stria, as well as the second
main diagonal was used to test the null hypothesis that the in lesser degree, is often inconspicuous in most B. cana-
readers were interchangeable against the alternative that liculatus operculum throughout subsequent age classes.
there were systematic differences between the two readers Therefore, for B. canaliculatus opercula age estimations,
(Evans and Hoenig 1998). Comparison between aging readers were instructed to assign year one corresponding to
methods was evaluated. an area 10-12 mm from nucleus and proceed counting stria
outward from that point.
Operculum aging
Opercula were detached from whelk foot (Figure 5), Statolith Recovery and Aging
cleaned of attached tissue, placed flat under weighted Statolith removal from other reported gastropod species
board until dry, and retained for age estimations. The was either performed by tissue digestion using a 1M NaOh
operculum of B. canaliculatus is of concentric type (Checa solution or by direct removal macroscopically. Neither of
and Jimenez-Jimenez, 1998) with annular stria radiating these methods proved appropriate or efficient for stato-
outward from marginal (siphonal) nucleus (Figure 6). Only lith removal of B. canaliculatus, therefore an exploratory
opercula with clearly defined stria were used for age estima- method was developed.
tion. Stria on the inside surface of operculum were more
To recover statoliths (2 per whelk), x-rays of differing
sized B. canaliculatus were performed to initially identify
biological positioning of statoliths within this species
(Figure 7A). Statoliths are calcareous structures, therefore

Figure 8. Statolith location in B. canaliculatus, (A) associated

Figure 7. Location of statoliths in B. canaliculatus, (A) x-ray with pedal ganglion; (B) statolith within connective tissue
showing position of paired statoliths (s) in foot of whelk; (B) adjacent to pedal ganglion; (C) statolith (320 μm diameter)
exposed cerebral-pedal ganglia complex (reddish-purple color within statocyst. s=statolith, sc=statocyst
within square) in which statoliths are associated with.
located, statoliths were gently removed from statocysts
allowing x-ray imaging. Statoliths were confirmed occu- with fine-point forceps (Figure 8C), rinsed with tap water
pying a posterior position to the pedal ganglia within the to remove any tissue remnants, and then stored in 85%
cephalopedal hemocoel of the whelk foot. Dissection for ETOH until mounted.
statolith recovery involved making 2 cuts into the whelk
foot. With whelk foot (body) ventral side up, and starting Each statolith was removed from alcohol storage, allowed
from the operculum (anterior),a transverse cut is made to dry at room temperature (200C), embedded in a drop
across the ventral surface of foot at a point 1/3 the distance of heated CrystalBond™ 509 resins placed on glass micro-
between operculum-foot and mantle skirt-foot attachment scope slide, then sectioned in half. Sectioning was per-
sites, and extending to a depth three-fourths through the formed by affixing a silicon suction cup to the back of slide
diameter of foot. This cross-section incision reveals the with mounted statolith and gently passing the resin- bound
centrally positioned extension of cephalopedal hemo- statolith over progressively finer wet abrasive paper (600-
coel which visually appears at this point as a small pore 1200 grit) under a dissecting microscope until the center of
opening. The second cut is longitudinal extending entirely statolith (nucleus) was reached. The mid-point of statolith
through (horizontally) the foot originating from, and at was verified under a compound scope viewing at 100x.
depth of the exposed hemocoel, and extending posteriorly After sectioning, statoliths were rinsed with distilled water
to just beyond mantle-foot attachment site. Depth of to remove sanding debris. Two readers independently
longitudinal cut was aligned with ventral wall of hemocoel assessed age without knowledge of whelk shell length (SL)
such as to expose cerebral-pedal ganglia complex (reddish- by counting concentric annular rings (100x magnifica-
purple color) which encircles the esophagus mid-line to tion) observed on sectioned statoliths extending outward
form the circumesophageal nerve ring (Figure 7B). The from an initial ring (settlement ring) which was validated
pedal ganglia are oriented anteriorly and slightly ventral of to be laid down shortly after juvenile whelk emergence
cerebral ganglia and are smaller in size. A single statolith from egg casing (concurrent age methodology study). In
is encased within a statocyst embedded within soft, spongie this study, the term ‘ring’ references the dark concentric
connective tissue surrounding each pedal ganglion (Figure band observed between light concentric bands in statoliths
8). Macroscopic identification and recovery of statoliths which represents period of slow growth (Figure 5). This
was not possible. Statoliths were recovered by removing annual periodicity of growth ring formation in whelk stato-
spongie connective tissue and related ganglia connectives liths was validated in N. reticulatus (Chatzinikolaou and
posterior to each pedal ganglion (Figure 8B) to a petri dish Richardson, 2007).
and locating statocysts under dissecting microscope. Once

Growth histologically processed only for parasitology interest and
were not included in reproductive analysis.
An egg capsule string of B. canaliculatus containing live
juveniles was collected from the beach at Buckroe, Virginia Sexual maturity was determined by histological and macro-
February 2010 during a high tide. The egg string consisted scopic evaluations of reproductive organs and gonadal and
of capsules all but 3 without whelk. Within capsules con- penis indices plotted against shell length. Maturity ogives
taining whelk, one had the capsule pore still closed with were used to estimate the size at maturity (median SL at
59 live juveniles inside. The other2 capsules had opened which 50% of the individuals are mature) and penis length
pores and contained 40 and 22 live juveniles each, sug- at maturity. A logistic model using binomial maturity
gesting that hatching was nearly complete. Twelve random determinations (0=immature, 1=mature) as described
juveniles from capsules with open pores were measured above for both sexes was fitted to the data. Post hoc
(average 4.01 mm +-0.1868) representing age 0. Stato- hypothesis tests were used to determine the significance of
liths from 8 of these juveniles were recovered to observe various levels of factors tested (ie. sex, area).
statolith diameter (average diameter 69.6 μm +/- 1.54 sd)
and deposition of any markings (nucleus, settlement rings)
to aid age estimations. Results
In total, 8, 139 B. canaliculatus were collected for this study
Growth parameters for each sex at the three sampling sites between November 2009 and January 2011. In November
(OC, ES, and VB) were estimated from observed age at 2009 sampling, 1,920; 2,624; and 2, 757 live, undamaged
length data (statolith readings) using the three parameter whelk were collected from OC, ES, and VB resource areas,
von Bertalanffy growth equation: respectively. All of these whelks were used for length-fre-
quency distribution analysis. From these whelks, random
subsamples were taken for length-width relationship
(1,490), histological reproductive biology evaluation (279),
Where Lt=whelk length in millimeters at age t,
aging (214), and sexual maturity determinations (625).
L∞=asymptotic maximum length (mm), k=the growth
Not included in this study were 7.8% of OC, 9.0% of ES,
rate parameter and t0=the age of the animal at zero length.
and 6.3% of VB whelk landed on-board with broken sipho-
The three parameter function was fitted to the data using
nal canals, which were largely the result of culling practices
PROC NLMIXED in the SAS system v.9.2.
on board commercial vessels (personal experience) and
result in inaccurate length measurements. A one way
Histology anova was used to test for differences in the mean length
The gonads from male and female B. canaliculatus were of whelks from the three resource areas. Multiple compari-
processed for histological evaluation to determine female sons indicate that the mean length significantly differed
gonad synchrony, identify stages of gonadal development, between all three areas, however the magnitude of the
and to assess maturity. All gonad samples were dissected difference between OC (mean=158.1 mm, range 82-230
from fresh live whelk (4-6 mm wide section), fixed in mm) and the other two areas (ES (mean=137.6, range
Davidson fixative, dehydrated in alcohol and embedded 97-209 mm) VB (mean=132.2, range 90-190 mm)) was
in paraffin using standard histological methods, sectioned greater than the magnitude of the difference between ES
at 6 μm thicknesses, and stained with Harris hematoxylin and VB. By sex within each resource area, mean SL was:
and eosin Y. Gonads from 3 female and 3 male chan- OC, female 152.6 mm (N=63), male 136.5 mm (N=117);
neled whelk >160 mm SH from all three collection sites ES, female 162.4 mm (N=63), male 137.5 mm (N=83);
were examined to determine if channeled whelk gonad and VB, female 149.2 mm (N=134), male 125.6 mm
development is synchronous (multiple developmental (N=139). Percent sublegal (<MLS for give area) whelk
stages throughout the gonad), or asynchronous (only a caught per resource area was highest in VB (69%), fol-
single developmental stage throughout). Multiple visceral lowed by ES (60.1%), then OC (43%). The largest whelk
sections (gonad and digestive gland) were removed from collected measured 230 mm (3 females) and recorded
the anterior, medial, and posterior areas of each gonad from OC. The smallest whelk collected from commercial
and evaluated. Synchrony within gonads was observed; sampling was 82 mm SL from OC. The smallest whelk
therefore all histological sampling was performed using the collected from the field for this study were 58.2 mm SL
medial section of gonads. Gonad developmental stages (female) and 62.9 mm SL (male), which were collected
were evaluated across whelk size (SL) groups collected fol- alive on beach in Ocean City, Maryland.
lowing Ilano et al. (2004), Cledon et al. (2005), Chung et al. In 2010-2011 seasonal sampling, a total of 838 whelks were
(1993) and Chung and Kim (1997). Forty one whelks were collected: May (n=107), June (n=127), and November
found with large orange-red, granular appearing masses (n=88) 2010 at OC site; May (n=168), and December
associated with the digestive gland-gonad visceral area and
(n=98), 2010 at ES site; and June (n=116), and Septem-
ber (n=3), 2010 and January (n=131), 2011 at VB site.
A sub-sample of 18-41 fresh, live whelks selectively rep-
resenting available size classes from each sampling period
(except September 2010 VB sample were only 3 whelks
were collected) were processed for reproductive histologi-
cal analysis.
From November 2009 sampling, length frequency dis-
tributions of whelk from VB and ES populations were Table 1. B. canaliculatus. Sex ratio and average size (SL) of
very similar in structure, but quite different from the OC whelks within each resource area over all sampling periods.
population (Figure 9). Whelk from VB and ES showed a
in both sexes from 2010 sampling was
also observed to decrease from 2009 Fall
sampling. Within all resource areas larger
whelks were predominantly females.
A strong linear length-width relationship
for B. canaliculatus was demonstrated for
all areas (Figure 11). Shell width in OC
whelk increased slightly greater than ES
and VB whelk (mm, inches) with increas-
ing SL. There was no sexual dimorphism
observed for whelk length-width relation-
ship in OC and VB, the furthest geo-
graphically separated populations (Figure

Figure 9. B. canaliculatus. Length-frequency distribution of whelk from 3 commercially Yield

targeted populations (OC, ES, VB) in the Mid-Atlantic, US. Vertical lines represent Yield was calculated from both fresh
current minimal landing size (MLS) of 5.5” (139.7 mm) and 6” (152.4 mm). (n=143) and frozen/thawed (n=586)
whelk. Flesh yield at shell length rela-
unimodal (single peak) length-frequency distribution while tionships for B. canaliculatus in this study was observed to
the OC population showed a bimodal (two peaks) distri- be similar in frozen/thawed whelk between areas (Figure
bution. The single peaks in length-frequency distribution 13) and the sexes (Figure 14), and described by respective
from ES (125-135 mm) and VB (120-135 mm) areas were power functions. There was no sexual dimorphism in meat
at shell length less than minimal landing size (MLS) for yield observed. Fresh whelk yield (Figure 15) was greater
that region (139.7 mm). In the OC bimodal distribution, over shell lengths than frozen/thawed whelk, however,
the smaller peak (115-130 mm) was at a shell length less more variation between resource areas was observed with
than the MLS (152.4 mm) for that region, while the larger whelk from VB having the highest flesh yield over all sizes
peak (155-165 mm) was greater than the MLS. followed by ES then OC. This is supported by shell length-
to-yield regression model results that indicated significant
The overall sex-ratio (M: F) of B. canaliculatus varied differences between each area. Multiple contrasts indi-
within each resource over all sampling periods (Figure 10). cate marginal significance (p=0.0307) between VB and
In November (fall) 2009, sampling favored males in all ES, while the differences between OC and the other two
areas (Table 1), only slightly within VB (1.03:1), but more areas VB and ES, were highly significant at p<0.0001 and
dominantly in both ES (1.32:1) and OC (1.31:1). Males p=0.0034, respectively. Yield at governing MLS for VB
dominated smaller whelk size in all areas, but more so in and ES (5.5”) was 72.8 and 68.6 g, respectively. Yield of
ES and VB. In spring and fall 2010 sampling, whelk distri- OC whelk at MLS 6” was 85.9g. Relative to variable MLS,
bution by sex remained similar to 2009 in VB and ES, but an increase in flesh yield of 41% was observed in VB whelk
considerably more males were observed in OC (Figure 10). going from MLS of 5-5.5” (127-139.7 mm), and 37.2% from
Though a large increase in males was observed in OC 2010 5.5-6” (139.7-152.4 mm). Yield almost doubles (94% yield
samples, average size of males remained similar (131.5- increase) in VB whelk going from MLS 5” (51.5 g) to 6”
136.5 mm), at size of sexual maturity. Average whelk size (99.5 g).
Figure 10. Sex ratio of B. canaliculatus within each resource area over all sampling periods (Fall 2009-winter 2010).

Figure 11. Relationship between shell length and shell width

for B. canaliculatus from 3 resource areas with resulting shell
width (inches, mm) given current minimal landing size (MLS;
5”, 5.5”, and 6”) in shell length.

Figure 12. Shell length-shell width relationship by sex of whelk

from OC (A) and VB (B) resource areas.

Age Estimations
The majority of opercula and statoliths recovered from
individual whelk demonstrated definitive markings (stria/
rings) which corresponded well (Figure 16). Being internal
structures, statoliths are not exposed to environmental
erosion as operculum, and were observed to provide more
consistent and discernible annular markings than opercu-
lum. Constructed of calcium carbonate within a spherical
structure, with the transmission of light through statoliths
discernible concentric rings are observed.

Figure 13. Flesh yield (g) of fresh B. canaliculatus from 3

resource areas. Vertical lines are current minimal landing sizes
(MLS: 5”, 5.5”, 6”) in shell length. Horizontal dashed line is
yield for VB area.

Figure 16. Opercula (left) and statolith (right) from the same
whelk showing markings (numbered stria, rings, respectively)
used to estimate age for B. canaliculatus in this study.
ol=opercula length, on=opercula nucleus, SD=statolith
diameter, sn=statolith nucleus, sr=settlement ring
Figure 14. Flesh yield of frozen/thawed B. canaliculatus male
and female whelk with power function from all areas combined.
Statolith: Whole vs. Sectioned
Whole and sectioned statoliths provided for gross enumera-
tion of annuli, though differences in light refraction as the
result of sectioning were apparent. Statolith nuclei where
observed more visible in whole mounts than sectioned
mounts, though dark annuli demarcation representing
periods of slow growth were less defined (blurred) in whole
mounted statolith (Figure 17). The light bands represent-
ing periods of rapid growth refract transmitted light, which
results in more visually defined annular dark bands that

Figure 15. Flesh yield (g) of fresh, unfrozen B. canaliculatus

from 3 resource areas. Vertical lines are current minimal
landing sizes (MLS: 5”, 5.5”, 6”) in shell length. Horizontal
dashed line is yield for VB area.

Figure 17. Pair of statoliths from a 210 mm SL female B.

canaliculatus, viewed mounted whole (left) and sectioned
(right) showing concentric rings counted for age estimation.
lay between them. Narrow light bands, as a result of slow
growth due to advancing age and/or unfavorable environ-
mental conditions, result in the stacking of annuli (dark
bands) which minimizes light refraction between annuli and
routinely blur stacked annuli and cause incorrect age esti-
mations. With sectioning, more light refraction is attained,
resulting in better resolution of closely spaced annuli. An
observed difference in age estimate was detected by both
readers between whole and sectioned statoliths as age
increased. Whole statolith readings produced younger age
estimates than sectioned statolith readings. Within both
readers, no age estimates greater than age 11 were recorded
using whole statoliths, but ages up to 16 were recorded
using sectioned statoliths. It was observed that starting
at ages >3, sectioned statoliths provided higher ages from
both readers. Percent of estimates by the two readers in
which whole readings were less than sectioned readings for
the same whelk were 37.7% and 50.3%, while only 3.8%
and 0.5%, respectively, of whole estimates were greater
than sectioned estimates (Figure 18).
In statoliths recovered from B. canaliculatus whelk at time
of hatching, no settlement ring was observed (Figure 19A),
indicating its formation occurs at some point after hatching
and transformation to benthic life. Statoliths recovered
from 2 wk old whelk (Figure 19B) revealed the formation
Figure 18. Difference in readings between readers of whelk
of settlement ring (70.6 µm diameter) appearing at stato-
statoliths, whole vs sectioned, for age estimations.
lith circumference (71.9 µm diameter). By age 6 months,
settlement ring (70.6 μm diameter) is clearly represented
(Figure 19C) with a diameter consistent with statolith found (c2 = 6.744, 1 df, p = 0.009) with one reading
diameters of 2 wk old whelk. Mean statolith diameter at slightly higher than the other. Percent agreement between
hatching (69.6 +-1.54 µm, n=8) was not significantly readers was 54.1% ±0 years, 35.0% ±0-1 years, 7.8%
different from diameter of settlement ring (72.4 +-2.14 ±0-2, and 3.1% ≥3 years (Figure 22).
µm, n=87) in whelk over various size classes (Figure 20)
from study areas combined. This
relationship provided confirma-
tion of SR demarcation in which
to begin annuli counts for age
estimation. The relationship
between statolith diameter and
shell length (3.7-201 mm SL)
from areas combined is described
by the power function Statolith
diameter = 39.41600 x shell
length0.44049 (Figure 21).
In total, statoliths from 213 B.
canaliculatus whelk were recov-
ered for age estimation; 74 from
OC, 50 from ES, and 89 from
VB. Age estimates from sec-
Figure 19. Statolithsfrom (A) at the time of hatching (67 μm diameter) with no settlement
tioned statoliths ranged from
ring (sr) formed; (B) 2 week old (71.9 μm diameter), recently formed sr=70.6 μm; (C) 6
2-14 years. There was a signifi-
month old (206 μm diameter), sr=70.9 μm diameter; (D) 2+ year old (265 μm diamter),
cant difference between readers
sr=70.3 μm diamter; (E) 4+ year old (304 μm diamter), sr=70.7 μm; and (F) ~12 year
old (414 μm diamter), sr=69.6 μm diamter.
Figure 23. Relationship between operculum length and shell
length for B. canaliculatus (n=205).
Figure 20. Relationship between settlement ring (sr) diameter
and shell length for B. canaliculatus.

Figure 24. Relationship between operculum width and shell

Figure 21. Relationship between statolith diameter and shell length for B. canaliculatus (n=204).
length in B. canaliculatus.

Figure 22. Difference in readings between readers of sectioned Figure 25. Difference in readings between readers of opercula
statoliths for age estimations in B. canaliculatus. for age estimations in B. canaliculatus.

In total, 214 opercula from B. canaliculatus were used for 3 to 14 years. There was a significant difference between
age estimation; 74 from OC, 51 from ES, 89 from VB. readers found (c2 = 5.929, 1 df, p = 0.014) with reader
Linear relationships were observed between operculum difference of about 1 year observed. Percent agreement
length and shell length (Figure 23) and operculum width between readers was 45.3% ±0 years, 48.6% ±0-1 years,
and shell length (Figure 24). Age estimates ranged from 5.7% ±0-2, and 0.5% ≥3 years (Figure 25).

Age Tables area (Figure 26, sexes combined) and by sex (Figure 27,
areas combined). Growth rates of B. canaliculatus dif-
Age tables were created using both statolith (Table 2) and
fered between study areas, with VB whelk observed to
operculum (Table 3) age estimations for B. canaliculatus
grow faster (k) than ES and OC, but reaching a smaller
from all three resource areas. Statolith age estimations
maximum length SL (L∞) than ES and OC (Table 3).
reported were for sectioned statoliths of male and female
Given maximum observed SL from each area (Table 2),
whelk. Sexes were combined for operculum age estimates.
the estimates for asymptotic maximum SL (L∞) were
Operculum aging was observed to consistently underesti-
biologically reasonable for males and females from ES and
mated age compared to statolith aging.
VB, but overestimated for both sexes in OC. Overall, the
size-at-age data indicate that male channeled whelk grow
Growth faster (k) and reach a smaller maximum size (L∞) than
Length at age data fitted with von Bertalanffy growth females. This sex growth dimorphism is observed within
curves are given for B. canaliculatus from each resource each resource area (Table 4) and within growth model esti-

Table 2. Age estimates for B. canaliculatus from three resources areas by sex and combined. Sectioned statoliths used for aging.

Table 3. Age estimates for B. canaliculatus from three resources areas by sexes combined. Opercula used for aging.
Table 4. Estimated von Bertalanffy growth parameters for male
and female B. canaliculatus from three sampling regions are
shown with values for estimated maximum length (L∞), growth
rate coefficient (k), and theoretical time at length zero (to).
Figure 26. B. canaliculatus. Length at age data for three
resource areas in the Mid-Atlantic with fitted von Bertalanffy
growth curves. Age estimates from sectioned statoliths, sexes

Figure 28. Growth curves for B. canaliculatus from all areas

combined using statolith (A) and operculum (B) age estimations.

Sexual Maturity Stages

In fall 2009 sampling, 146 whelks were processed for
Figure 27. Growth curves from length at age date for male (A) histological evaluation of gonad developmental stages;
and female (B) B. canaliculatus, resource areas combined. 57 from VB, 35 from ES, and 54 from OC. An additional
133 whelk were sampled histologically from all three sites
in spring (n=93) and fall (n-22) 2010, and January, 2011
(n=18). Sampling periods aided maturity assessment
mates (Figure 27). Estimated growth using opercula for age determination since whelk from all 3 sites (populations)
estimates underestimated length at age compared to age were histologically determined to be at latter stages of
estimations from sectioned statoliths (Figure 28). Further, gonadogenesis in sexually mature individuals; however,
in comparing average shell length at age from both aging since some gonadic stages were not represented in these
methods (Tables 3 and 4), smaller average shell length over sampling periods (resting, and post-spawning), this report
all ages is observed by opercula aging. is limited to observations of gonad maturation and not

seasonal reproductive cycle. Extension of gonad, male and
female, from dorsal side of digestive gland increased with
whelk size and corresponded to stage of gonadal matura-
tion. In females, early gonadogenesis was observed in
whelk in which primary pre-vitellogenic oocytes (oogonia)
appear in association with ovarian follicle germinal epithe-
lium. Oocytes mature with accumulation of vitellogen. In
males, the testis contains seminiferous tubules from which
spermatogenesis takes place. This cell differentiation
process starts with spermatogonia (germ cell) in the germi-
nal epithelium of tubules undergoing maturational changes
into mature spermatozoa (sperm). Histological stages of
maturity are presented in Figure 29.

The female gonad first appears as an off-white and translu-
cent band of tissue, then begins to extend slightly outward
from digestive gland, accumulating mass as follicles thicken
and oogonia develop into primary pre-vitellogenic oocytes
(<10 µm) along the germinal epithelium (Figure 29A).
Pre-vitellogenic oocytes have a large nucleus/cytoplasm
ratio and basophilic cytoplasm and granular nuclei. A sig-
nificant amount of connective tissue is present separating
ovarian follicles. The capsule gland (Nidamental gland)
is thin, light beige and non-conspicuous. The male gonad
first appears a thin, light band of tissue with few semi-
niferous tubules. Gonad starts developing a light to pale
orange color as spermatogenesis begins with tubule wall
thickening. Only spermatogonium (7-9 µm) is present at
Figure 29. Photomicrographs of B. canaliculatus showing
this stage (Figure 29E). The vas deferens is inconspicuous
histological stages of gonad development. Immature stage:
throughout its length.
female (a) showing only pre-vitellogenic oocytes (oogonia)
within follicles, and male (e) showing only spermatagonia in
Maturing (Early to Late) seminiferous tubules. Early maturing stage: female (b) showing
This stage consists of a wide developmental period cen- pre-vitellogenic and vitellogenic oocytes with prominent nuclei
tered on progression and extent of oocyte vitellogenesis in and small yolk granules. Late maturing stage: female (c)
females and spermatogenesis in males. In females, gonad showing varying size vitellogenic oocytes with increasing number
enlarges with increasing number of elongated ovarian fol- of mature ova with large yolk granules, and male (f) showing
licles with increasing number of vitellogenic oocytes which late maturing stage with all reproductive cells present in tubules
are characterized by cytoplasm accumulating yolk gran- but only few with mature spermatozoa (arrows). Mature stage:
ules and prominent, round basophil nucleus (Figures 29B female (d, h) showing large, cuboidal shaped follicles with
and 29C). Yolk granules stain bright red with eosin and ova (300-500 µm) filled with large, oval yolk granules, males
become oval in shape within mature ova. In early devel- (g) showing most tubules with mature spermatogonia densely
oping stage, follicles contain oocytes (50-150 µm) with accumulating in tubules lumen (arrows). Scale bars; a, f, g, h,
small, granulated appearing yolk granules. With maturity, 100 µm; b, c, d, 500 µm; e, 50 µm.
oocytes enlarge (300-500 µm diameter) with accumulation
of large (20-30 µm) yolk granules (globules), however not
at the same rate, with various stages of oocyte vitellogenisis cally, becoming slight granular nearing maturity. Capsule
observed within follicles. Connective tissue remains sig- gland is beige in color and flaccid in structure, but firms
nificant and distributed between follicles, but connective as it enlarges with maturity with glandular tissue inside
tissue-follicle ratio decreases with maturity. Female gonad becoming snowy-white (Figure 30).
is a light, pale orange in color which changes to a varying
shade of yellow-brown as maturity progresses. Enlarging In the early stage of male gonad maturation, only sperm
follicles begin to give gonad a coarser texture macroscopi- precursors (spermatogonia, spermatocytes, spermatids) are
Figure 30. Maturing (a) and mature (b) female B.
canaliculatus from VB area both measured at 144 mm SL
but at different stages of maturity. Mature female with larger, Figure 31. Gonad of a mature female B. canaliculatus
ripe gonad (g), and larger capsule gland (cg) viewed ruptured (SL=174 mm) showing granular exterior appearance (large
containing bright white tissue. arrows) and columnar arrangement of follicles (small arrows).

observed. As maturity progresses, all development stages In the mature male gonad, seminiferous tubules still
of spermatogenesis are observed with zones of sparmatogo- contain all developing stages of reproductive cells, but the
nia, spermatocytes (4-6 µm), spermatids (elongated cells majority of tubules become full of mature spermatozoa
~2x8 µm), and some spermatozoa (sperm), when nearing accumulating in dense masses in lumen. With all stages of
maturity, extending from the tubule wall to the lumen spermatogenesis represented, continuous and/or protracted
(Figure 29F). With maturity, a larger proportion of tubule’s production of mature sperm is suggested. The visceral
are observed containing mature spermatozoa. The visceral section of vas deferens becomes highly convoluted (coiled)
section of vas deferens is visible on the ventral side of along digestive gland (Figure 32), with convolution fre-
digestive gland. It appears as a very narrow, straight tube quently observed to progress from gonad anteriorly towards
in immature whelk, then thickens and becomes convoluted
(coiled) as maturity is reached. Maturing male gonad color
ranges from pale orange to orange.

Female and male gonads become plump, fully extended
laterally and longitudinally from digestive gland. Ovarian
follicles in mature female gonads are compacted together
each cuboidal in shape (in transverse section) with mature
oocytes (ova) filled with large (300-500 µm, oval-shaped
yolk (vitellus) globules (Figures 29D and 29H). A few
smaller oocytes in earlier stages of vitellogenesis may be
present, but were observed to largely occupy the dorsal
periphery of gonad. At late maturation, ova nuclei become Figure 32. Convoluted (coiled) visceral section of vas deferens
inconspicuous as yolk globules dominate ova cytoplasm and (vd) full of mature spermatozoa.
individual ova become difficult to distinguish. Minimal
connective tissue is present in inter-follicle space. Ripe
female gonads macroscopically range from pale orange to
penis with maturity. If ruptured, mature sperm (sperma-
yellowish-brown in color and appear granular as viewed
tozoa) freely flows from vd. The most anterior section of
through an increasingly thinning germinal epithelium
vas deferens is often visible on large mature whelk running
(Figure 30). When ruptured, elongated follicles are observed
along dorsal surface (immediately below epithelial layer) of
arranged in columns, extending outward from digestive
body to the base of penis (Figure 33). Gonad color darkens
gland (Figure 31). Capsule gland large, plump lightening in
to an orange-red (Figure 34). Penis size increases through
color by underlining creamy white glandular tissue observed
maturation, with a rapid increase in size observed as matu-
through thinning gland epithelial Figure 30B).
rity is attained (Figure 35).
Gonadal Somatic Index (GSI) Results
An increase in gonad weight was observed with increasing
shell length in both sexes and correlated with advancing
gametogenesis. This relationship was observed plotting the
gonadal somatic index (GSI) over increasing shell lengths.
Since sampling occurred only during two seasonal periods
(fall 2009, spring 2010, fall 2010), only snapshots of gonad
condition at these time periods were obtained, thereby not
allowing comparison of gonad developmental stages between
seasons within sexually mature whelk. However, late
stage of gametogenesis was represented in sexually mature
whelk from all sampling periods, thus allowing for correla-
tion between whelk sizes (SL), GSI, and biological sexual
maturity. Overall GSI values by sex were similar between
resource areas sampled, likely due to the similar water tem-
peratures in respective environments at time of sampling.
In fall 2009 sampling male GSI values were observed to
Figure 33. Anterior section of vas increase starting at SL between 115-120 mm for VB and ES
deferens (vd) visible along the dorsal males, but not until ~130 mm SL for OC males (Figure 36).
surface of mature male B. canaliculatus In females, GSI values for VB females were also observed
providing mature sperm to penis (p). to increase at smaller sizes (140-150 mm SL), however, GSI
for ES females were observed to closely coincide with values
for OC females, both showing increases starting between
155-160 mm SL (Figure 37). Mature sex products in whelk

Figure 34. Male B. canaliculatus gonad (g) color: a) older

mature male (149 mm SL) darker reddish color; b) younger
mature male (125 mm SL) lighter, orange color. Whelk from
VB area. Figure 36. Male B. canaliculatus gonadal somatic index
(GSI) by resource area late fall 2009.

Figure 35. Increase in penis size and darkening of gonad color

as maturity is reached in male B. canaliculatus; a) immature,
b) early mature, and c) mature. Whelk from OC area. Figure 37. Female B. canaliculatus gonadal somatic index
g=gonad, p=penis. (GSI) by resource area late fall 2009.
gonads were observed at GSI values >0.1 in females, and
>0.2 in males. The GSI-shell length relationships for both
sexes from all sampling areas in spring 2010 and fall 2010
sampling (Figures 38, 39 and 40) mirrored fall 2009 GSI-
shell length relationships, indicating spawning occurring in
both fall and spring for B. canaliculatus.

Penis Length
Penis length progressively increased with increasing shell
length with a more rapid growth observed beginning
between 110 mm and 115 mm SL in VB and ES males
and between 120 mm-125 mm SL in OC males (Figure
41). This rapid increase in penis length correlated to shell
lengths (PI range 0.10-0.15. Figure 42) in which rapid
increases in GSI were observed and likely signify the onset
of male sexual maturity for respective areas. Penis index
(PI) values were generated (Figure 42) and used in evalu-
ating male sexual maturity.

Maturity stages for B. canaliculatus were defined by gonad

histology, evaluations of secondary sex indices, and gross
anatomy and are summarized in Table 5. Female sexual
maturity was determined using the following criteria: GSI
> 0.2; ova 300-500 µm; CG medium to large, plump; and Figure 39. B. canaliculatus. Seasonal gonadal somatic index
gonads granular in appearance. Male sexual maturity was (GSI) from ES resource area, a) male, b)female. (ES=fall
determined using the following criteria: GSI >0.2; VD 2009, ESS=spring 2010, ESF=fall 2010)
convoluted with sperm present; and PI=>0.15. Smallest
mature and largest immature whelk found in this study is
reported in Table 6.

Figure 38. B. canaliculatus. Seasonal gonadal somatic index Figure 40. B. canaliculatus. Seasonal gonadal somatic index
(GSI) from OC resource area, a) male, b)female. (OC=fall (GSI) from VB resource area, a) male, b)female. (VB=fall
2009, OCS=spring 2010, OCF=fall 2010) 2009, VBS=spring 2010, VBF=fall 2010)
Figure 42. B. canaliculatus. Relationship between shell length
and penis index for male whelks from three resource areas (fall
Figure 41. B. canaliculatus. Male penis length-shell length 2009). Vertical lines estimated 50% mature for VB and OC .
relationship by area.of maturity stages of B. canaliculatus. (CG=capsule gland; CT=connective tissue;
Table 5. Definition
GSI=gonadal somatic index; PI=penis index; Vd=vas deferens)
Immature Maturing Mature Table 5. Definition of maturity
Male GSI <0.1 GSI 0.1-0.2 GSI >0.2 stages of B. canaliculatus.
PI < 0.1 PI 0.1-0.15 PI >0.15 (CG=capsule gland;
Vd; visceral section thin, straight, Vd; visceral section thickening, Vd; visceral section
CT=connective tissue;
anterior section not visible slight coiling during late stage, highly coiled, full of
anterior section becoming slightly sperm, anterior GSI=gonadal somatic index;
visible section prominently PI=penis index; Vd=vas
visible on body surface deferens)

Gonad color light/pale orange Gonad color pale orange Gonad color dark
Female GSI <0.01 GSI 0.01-0.1 GSI >0.1
Gonad mostly CT appearing as a Early: follicles rounded with Follicles columnar,
light band of tissue; Follicles small significant CT between, gonads densely packed with
with pre-vitellogenic oocytes lacking of texture, vitellogenic ova (300-500 µm) full
(oogonia) <10 µm oocytes 50-150 µm with prominent of large, oval yolk
nuclei and small yolk granules. granules and
Late: follicles expanding with inconspicuous nuclei;
increasing number of large ova gonads highly granular
(300-500 µm diameter) with large in appearance
oval yolk granules (20-30 µm),
texture firming, becoming
granulated in appearance

CG thin, beige, non-conspicuous CG: early; small, beige, flaccid CG large, plump, light
late; medium, beige, becoming firm beige

Gonad color off-white, translucent Gonad color light, pale orange Gonad color ranging
progressing to yellow/brown from orange-yellow to

Table 6. B. canaliculatus. Smallest

mature and largest immature whelks
recorded with maturity measures.
SL=shell length, GSI=gonadal
somatic index, CG=capsule gland
(relative size/condition), PI=penis
index, PL-penis length.

Maturity Ogives significantly smaller shell length than ES (157.65 mm) and
OC (159.28 mm) females. Penis length at maturity was
The relationship between size and sexual maturity is indi-
predicted by a maturity ogive for males from each resource
cated by maturity ogives for male and female B. canalicula-
area (Figure 44). Predicted penis length at 50% maturity
tus from all three resource areas (Figure 43). The predicted
was 18.8 mm for ES males, 21.2 mm for OC males, 22.1
mm for VB males, and 21.1 for males from all areas com-

Figure 43. B. canaliculatus. Maturity ogives for (a) male and

(b) female by resource area.

median shell length at 50% maturity for male and female

with bootstrap 95% confidence intervals (Efron and Tib- Figure 44. B. canaliculatus. Maturity ogive of male whelks
shirani, 1993) is represented in Table 7 for all areas. Males penis length for a) areas combined, and b) by area.
reach sexual maturity at smaller shell lengths than females
within each area. Based on non-overlapping confidence
intervals of the Bootstrap L50, as well as multiple contrast
generated from logistic regression models, significant differ-
ences in size at maturity within areas are observed. Males Both unimodal and bimodal distributions within whelk
from OC matured at a significantly greater shell length populations from different geographic locations have been
(134.05 mm) than both ES (122.51 mm) and VB (121.03 reported (Shelmerdine, et al. 2006, Fahy et al., 2000). In
mm) males. Females from VB (149.21 mm) matured at a the bimodal distribution observed in OC of this study,
the first peak (~120 mm well below MLS) suggests large
number of recruits followed by high mortality, with the
second peak (~160 mm above MLS) suggesting decrease in
mortality with increase size. The first peak shows potential
for recruitment to the fishery, though at size/age under that
of estimated sexual maturity. Unimodal distributions were
observed in ES and VB with peaks (~120-135 mm) less
than MLS of 139.7 mm (5.5”) for that resource area. A
Table 7. Predicted size at maturity for B. canaliculatus; area, unimodal distribution reflects high recruitment followed by
sex, size at maturity, lower and upper confidence limits high mortality, as from predation or fishing pressure. If from
higher predation, morphological differences, as shell thick-
ness (Thomas, M. L. H., et al. 1988) would be expected
in B. canaliculatus whelk from these regions, but no such
differences were observed. Greater fishing pressure, rela-
tive to smaller MLS in VB and ES may also contribute to
this mortality. The strong similarity in whelk size distribu-
tion observed in VB and ES populations may suggest more
synchronized spawning and recruitment than observed in
the OC population, possibly related to more similar envi-
ronmental conditions shared by ES and VB. The similarity
observed in gametogenesis occurring in both sexes (mac-
roscopically and histologically) in all three resource areas
in fall and spring periods (2009-2011), coupled with GSIs
indicative of maturing and mature whelk, also suggests Figure 45. B. canaliculatus. Length frequency distributions
synchrony in gonadal development in both sexes of B. cana- by area. Vertical lines represent current minimal landing sizes
liculatus over extended periods. With mature, ripe whelks (MLS ) for the region.
present in both fall and spring seasons, multiple annual
cohorts seem plausible.
in VB than ES or OC. Size dimorphism between sexes in
When length frequency distributions are viewed in 1 mm whelk has been widely reported (Magalhaes, 1948; Wein-
bin size (Figure 45), the multiple peaks observed over SL heimer, 1982; Anderson et al., 1985; Sisson and Wood,
are very distinct (high amplitude peaks with low amplitude 1988; DiCosimo, 1988, Shalack 2007; Walker et al., 2008).
between), initially giving appearance of strong annual With the largest whelk within a population dominated by
cohort recognition. Many of these peaks are also observed females, the question of sequential protandrous hermaph-
with a secondary peak with less amplitude. However, roditism within this species arises. However, no evidence
the strength of, and distance
(length) between the peaks,
would suggest much slower
growth than that determined in
this study if representing annual
cohorts. Multiple peaks over
relatively short lengths suggest
multiple annual cohorts. By
binning size groups to reduce
frequency “noise” over shell
length, major peaks were identi-
fied which matched up with
size ranges corresponding with
whelk age estimates from this
study (Figure 46).
In B. canaliculatus with SL
> MLS of 5.5” (139.7 mm),
50.5%, 55.3%, and 76% were
females in OC, ES, and VB
areas respectively (fall 2009).
In whelk with SL > MLS of
6” (152 mm), 52.1%, 74.1%,
and 95% were females in OC,
ES, and VB areas respectively.
Though the sex ratio (M:F) was
more similar within VB (1.03:1)
Figure 46. B. canaliculatus. Length frequency distributions by area with shell lengths binned
than ES (1.3:1) and OC (1.3:1)
by a) 3 mm, and b) 5 mm, with c) showing 5 mm binned length frequency distribution
areas, significantly more females
of whelk from VB resource area and statoliths with estimated ages (4-8 yrs, left to right)
comprised older, larger whelk
corresponding with shell length ranges spanning distribution peaks
of this reproductive variation was observed within this diameter of adult B. canaliculatus over various size classes
study, with all male and female B. canaliculatus possessing (72.4 µm, n=87) from all 3 study areas, the “settlement
respective sex organs and secondary sex characteristics ring”, or “hatching ring” can be considered to reference the
throughout life stages of growth and development (i.e., period of time in which B. canaliculatus juveniles acclimate
gonochoristic). Predominance of smaller whelk may be due to benthic life shortly after hatching (observed between
to differences in growth rates and management MLS which day 7 and 14 in this study), and at which demarcation enu-
favors the larger whelk. Observed size dimorphism within meration of subsequent rings for aging commences. Similar
these populations may be a result of spatial and/or tempo- environmental conditions between studied resource areas
ral variations at time of sampling. Habitat use within B. at time of hatching is suggested since no geographical
canaliculatus for any given life history parameter is poorly variation in settlement ring size at formation was observed.
Obtaining age estimate for B. canaliculatus was most easily
As in other carnivorous whelk, the possibility of sampling performed counting opercula stria, however, more precise
bias from selectivity of baited traps during periods of breed- aging was observed through annuli counts from sectioned
ing and varying feeding rates between the sexes may exist statoliths. Operculum aging in this study underestimated
(McQuinn et al. 1988, Power and Keegan 2001). From age in comparison to aging results from sectioned statolith,
spring and fall 2010 sampling, B. canaliculatus distribu- even though readers were directed to account for year 1
tion by sex of harvested whelk from baited traps remained stria which is less discernible in adult whelk and routinely
similar to fall 2009 sampling in VB and ES, but significantly not observed by readers during age estimation.
more males were observed in OC (Table 1). Though a
significant increase in males was observed in OC 2010 The lack of small, juvenile whelk collected in this study
samples, average size of males remained similar at size of was largely the result of sampling gear selectivity where
sexual maturity. Average whelk size in both sexes from commercial trap design allows for escape of small whelks;
the 2010 sampling was also observed to decrease from the however, since the incidental capture of small whelk <90
2009 fall sampling. With similar states of reproduction mm is rare in the fishery (only 4 whelk <90 mm out of
(GSI and histological evaluation) observed in both sexes 8,137 caught in traps during this study through various
from all areas and sampling periods in this study, attraction seasons, 82-89 mm), the possibility exists that juvenile
to baited traps, and therefore sampling bias attributed to B. canaliculatus do not share the same habit as adults.
altered feeding rate associated with state of reproduction, Further, these juveniles may also inhabit areas different
was not discernible. Monthly sampling using non-selective from that of hatching since they have been rarely observed
sampling methods would likely provide a more accurate in the same habitats in which their egg strings have been
indication of B. canaliculatus sex ratio within each resource found (Kraeuter et al., 1989, Castagna and Kraeuter 1994,
area. Catchability (q) is not evaluated as part of this study. Power et al., 2002).
In this study, B. canaliculatus are observed to mature at
Age and Growth different sizes under different management MLS. Male B.
canaliculatus growth rate was greater than females in all
Size at hatching (age 0) of B. canaliculatus in this study
three resource areas, with males reaching sexual maturity
(4.01 mm+-0.18 mm SL) agreed with size at hatching
at a smaller size and younger age. Males maturing before
(3.84 mm +- 0.13 mm SL) reported by Harding (2011),
females is consistent with most dioecious prosobranchs
providing reasonable confidence for including time 0 for
(Runham, 1993), where females are reported to invest
growth model estimation. The term “settlement ring”
more energy in reproduction which delays maturation
references marking on statoliths formed when larvae, from
(Kideys et al., 1993, Brokordt et al., 2003). Spatial varia-
whelk species which larvae are released from capsules into
tion in size reached at sexual maturity has been reported
the water as planktonic veliger larvae to complete devel-
for Buccinum undatum (Martel et al., (1986, Kideys et
opment outside the egg capsule, reach a certain density
al., 1993; Kenchington and Glass, 1998), Strombus gigas
in which they settle out, or metamorphose, from a pelagic
(Avila-Poveda and Baqueiro-Cárdenas, 2006), and B.
life to a benthic life as juveniles. In B. canaliculatus, larval
caricas (Power et al. 2009). In this study, size at sexual
development into free crawling juveniles is completed
maturity between areas was observed to differ, but not
within the egg capsule, hatching juveniles directly to
consistently between the sexes. Males from VB and ES
benthic existence. In statoliths recovered from B. cana-
reached sexual maturity at smaller sizes than males from
liculatus at time of hatching, no settlement, or hatching
OC. This relationship may be expected since males from
ring was observed, indicating its formation occurs at some
ES and VB grow considerably faster (higher k values) than
point after hatching and during transformation to benthic
OC males. However, in observing female growth rates (k)
life. Observing average statolith diameter of juveniles upon
and size at maturity, VB females reached sexual maturity
hatching (69.6 µm, n=8) and average settlement ring
earlier than OC and ES, even though growth rates for VB
and ES females are similar. Rate of maturation may further
be associated to the discarding of sub-legal whelk during
commercial fishing. In this study percent sublegal whelks
retained in traps, and therefore percent discard whelks, was
much higher in VB (69%) than OC (43%) even though
VB is regulated under the a smaller MLS. This situa-
tion is consistent with reports from Duncan et al. (1989)
and Valentinsson et al. (1999) that sexual maturation is
reached at smaller size in Buccinum undatum populations
in which large whelk are heavily exploited. Investiga-
tion into alternative trap designs which allow for greater
escapement of sublegal whelk may be warranted. Within
the Virginia whelk fishery, the size composition of landings
has decreased since the fishery’s development, resulting
in fewer large whelk meats (size grades) in the market. Figure 47. Male B. canaliculatus (141 mm SL) with large,
Smaller size composition reduces the unit value of the orange mass of parasitic cells (m) on digestive gland. Note
output from the fishery. Although shellstock prices are small size of penis (p).
currently at record levels, they are a function of size com-
position and would be higher with a larger size composi-
tion. From yield observations in this report, increasing the
MLS from 5.5” to 6” (139.7-152.4 mm SL) could result in
a 42% increase in meat yield; re-establish market diversity
and increasing whelk value. This study did not evaluate
the size composition of the commercial catch to determine
the corresponding loss of landings associated with a change
in MLS.
Figure 48. Dorsal (a) and ventral (b) views of visceral
Penis length 50% of SL is used for sexual maturity deter-
sections of two mature male B. canaliculatus. Whelk on right
mination in the commercially exploited specie Buccinum
in each view (145 mm SL) contains a parasitic mass (pm)
undatum (Ilano et al., Santarelli-Chaurand, 1985, Martel
resulting in vestigial vas deferens (vd) and gonad (not visible),
et al. 1986a, Lanteigne and Davidson 1992). Penis length
and atrophied penis (not shown). Whelk on left (164 mm
measurements in the literature are not collected by a
SL), not infected with parasite, with functional vd and gonad.
consistent method. For example, reports do not state if
g=gonad, s=stomach
the penis is at rest or somewhere in between rest and
fully extended when measured. In one example, the penis
was first removed from body then measured (Power et al.,
whelk were penis atrophy and non-functional (vestigial)
2009). Throughout sampling of male B. canaliculatus in the
gonads and vas deferens (Figure 48). At 50% mature, male
current study the attached penis was consistently observed
penis length ranges from 118-122 mm in normal, non-
only at rest, folded once along its length with fold occur-
infected whelk. Average penis length of parasitized males
ring near the base of penis. This resulted in the majority of
at SL>50% mature (n=20) was 8.0 mm. Infection by this
penis length easily accessible for measuring, thus providing
parasite was also found in immature and mature females
a consistent, more accurate and easily performed method
(113-185 mm SL, ave 145.6 mm), which resulted in less
of sampling. Estimate of 50% maturity using this method
developed capsule glands in infected whelk. Histologically,
of penis measurement for B. canaliculatus ranged from
the masses contain sporocysts with developing cercaria
18-22% between areas sampled.
(Figure 49), suggesting that B. canaliculatus serves as an
In this study, 28 males were observed with proportionally intermediate host for this parasite. In total, 41 of 1604
small penises. Though penis atrophy in gastropods has (2.5%) B. canaliculatus observed in this study were infected
been associated to senility (Gendron 1992), penis atrophy with this parasite (13 female, 28 male). Infected whelks
in this study was observed in both mature and immature were found in all 3 areas during each sampling period (fall,
male whelk (101-176 mm SL, ave 133.6 mm) infected with spring) and were not included in age, growth, or reproduc-
digenetic trematodes, macroscopically observed as orange tive maturity evaluation in this study.
colored masses of cells (Figure 47) on the ventral side of
Though breakage of the siphonal canal may result due to
digestive cecum (opposite and more anterior of gonad).
feeding strategies of whelk (Malgalhaes 1948; Kraeuter
Observed artifacts of infection by this parasite in male
et al., 1989), it routinely results from on-board handling/
This work has shown that regional variations of growth
and maturity exist in B. canaliculatus within the Mid-
Atlantic region of the US. Other aspects of B. canaliculatus
life history characteristics require consideration for con-
servation management, mainly their sedentary existence,
long life span, and significant sexual dimorphism in age at
maturity. Being sedentary benthic animals in which free
crawling juveniles emerge from egg capsule directly to
benthic existence (lack of planktonic larval stage), limited
dispersal occurs, creating localized stocks which could be
easily overexploited. Males maturing at sizes below MLS
are allowed to reproduce prior to legal harvest; however,
successful recruitment to a fishery is dependent on female
reproduction capacity, and females have been shown in this
Figure 49. Histological section of parasitic mass showing study to reach maturity at size greater than current MLS.
sporocysts with developing cercaria of digenetic tremotods. In fisheries management, the intent of most MLS is to
identify a harvestable size which allows for juveniles to
culling practices (personal experience) in the B. canalicu- survive and spawn at least once. The information provided
latus fishery, thereby preventing accurate SL measurement in this report for channeled whelk resource areas in the
and giving rise to management interest in SW measure- Mid-Atlantic region, in particular size at sexual maturity,
ment for regulatory MLS. An accurate and efficient means sex composition, and vulnerability to overfishing, provide
to measure channeled whelk SW would need to be clearly for harvesting conservation considerations for management
defined since maximum nominal linear shell diameter within the B. canaliculatus fishery. Results indicate that
cannot accurately be measured by traditional low-profile cull current MLS’s are inappropriate for sustainable manage-
rings due to the conical-irregular shape of B. canaliculatus. ment of the B. canaliculatus resource. Size at first maturity
Whelk of a given SW diameter can easily be passed through as calculated in this study indicate that immature whelks
a cull ring of same diameter by changing the angle of whelk are removed from the fishery under current MLS, impact-
orientation to the ring as whelk is passed through the ring. ing recruitment success of the populations and increasing
A 3” (76.2 mm inside measurement) cull ring will readily risk of overexploitation. This report strongly suggests that
allow up to a 90 mm (linearly measured) channeled whelk MLS regulations and fishery management plans for indi-
to pass through. As a possible alternative, a tubular cull vidual resource stocks of B. canaliculatus should be reevalu-
devise with length equal to or greater than the whelk SL ated relative to their reproductive biology and population
would be need to maintain whelks perpendicular orientation dynamics in order to ensure the sustainability and produc-
to tubes opening (plane of linear measurement), thereby tivity of the fishery and the resource.
prevent manipulation of whelk linear maximum width.
Under current MLS for each area, whelk harvested from Acknowledgements
VB recruited into the fishery at a much younger age to The author thanks commercial conch fishermen Jimmy
those from OC (Table 7). The probability of females Hahn, Troy Hainley, and Don Miles for collaborating for
reaching MLS prior to sexual maturity is quite low given this work, the Virginia Marine Resource Commission
current MLS (Table 8). and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources for
scientific collection permitting, Richard Robins for project
management assistance and editorial review, Dave Rudders
and John Hoenig from VIMS for statistical and modeling
evaluations, Sayer Fisher for assistance with whelk process-
ing and aging, and Cheryl Teagle for manuscript editing
and formatting. Funding for this project was provided by
the Virginia Fishery Resource Grant Program administered
by VIMS Marine Advisory Services and the Virginia Sea
Grant Marine Extension Program.
Table 8. B. canaliculatus. Estimated age and probability of
maturity at which whelks reach minimum landing size (MLS)
as calculated from von Bertalanffy growth parameters by sex
and area.
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