Giao An Day Them Mon Tieng Anh Lop 6

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Date of planning: ……/ … /….

Date of teaching Class: 6…. :……/ … /….

Practice unit 1
I. Objective:
A. Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to Remember their knowledge in
unit 1.
Do some excercises.
B. Knowledge:
Vocabulary: School things and activities.
Pronunciation: Sounds /  u / and /  /
Grammar: The Present sinple and the present continuous
Verbs(study, have, do, play) + Noun
Communication: Talking about and describing a school.
Talking about and describing school activities.
II. Procedures
I. The present simple :
1. Form:
+) I / We / You / They + V (work / study)
Yes, He/ She/ It + V-s/ V-es (works / studies)
- ) I / We / You / They + don’t(do not) + V
He / She / It + doesn’t (does not) + V
? ) Do + I / We / You / They + V (work / study) …?
Yes, I / We / You / They + do
No, I / We / You / They + don’t
Does + He / She / It + V-s/ V-es (works / studies)…?
Yes, He / She / It + does.
No, He / She / It + doesn’t
2. Use: the main use of the simple present tense is to experss routine or habitual actions. It
is often used with adverbs or adverb phrases such as: always, usually, often, sometimes,
seldom, never, every…, on (Mondays), once, twice, three times… (a day/week/month…)
II. The present continuous:
1. Form:
+) S + tobe(am/is/are) + V-ing
- ) S + tobe + not(‘m not/isn’t/aren’t) + V-ing
?) Tobe + S + V-ing…?
Yes, S + tobe(am/is/are).
No, S + tobe + not(‘m not/isn’t/aren’t)
2. Use: To talk about actions are happening now or around now
To expess a definite arrangement in the near future (one’s immidiate plans)
 Adverbs: now, at the moment, at present
 Verbs: Look! Watch! / Listen! / Be (careful/quiet)!
 Answer questions with “Where”
- Ss practice test.

- T checks.
- T helps Ss consolidate the knowledge.
Ex1: Change these sentences in to interrogative form and answer Yes or No.
1. He gets up at 6 o’clock.
2. She brushes her teeth at 6.10.
3. Nam gets dressed at 6.25
4. Ba and Nam go to school at 6.30.
5. Tuan washes his face at 6.15.
6. My father has breakfast at 6.20.
7. I wash my face at 6. 05.
8. They brush their teeth every morning.
9. He is a big boy.
10. They are small.
Ex2: Change these sentences in to interrogative form and answer Yes or No.
1. He is watching TV now.
2. She is reading a book.
3. Nam is playing football now
4. Ba and Nam are going to school.
5. Tuan is listening to music.
6. My father is working.
7. I am doing my homework.
8. They are playong chess at the moment.
Ex3: Correct form of the verbs.
1. What time your father (go) home from work?
2. He (do) his homework every evening?
3. They (not play) sports from 2 o’clock to four o’clock.
4. What time classes (start)? - They (start) at seven o’clock.
5. I (not have) lunch at 12 o’clock.
6. My mother (take) a shower every afternoon.
7. We (read) books now.

8. You (brush) your teeth in the morning?
9. Listen! She (talk) to him.
10. Where they (go) now?
Ký duyệt, ngày……tháng………năm 20….

Date of planning: ……/ … /….
Date of teaching Class: 6…. :……/ … /….

Practice unit 1
I. Objective:
A. Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to Remember their knowledge in
unit 1.
Do some excercises.
B. Knowledge:
Vocabulary: School things and activities.
Pronunciation: Sounds /  u / and /  /
Grammar: The Present sinple and the present continuous
Verbs(study, have, do, play) + Noun
Communication: Talking about and describing a school.
Talking about and describing school activities.
II. Procedures

Practice Test 1
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the past underlined. Say the words
1. A. funny B. lunch C. sun D. computer
2. A. photo B. going C. brother D. home
3. A. school B. teaching C. chess D. chalk
4. A. cold B. volleyball C. telephone D. open
5. A. meat B. reading C. bread D. seat
II. Give the names of the following( the first letter of each word is given. Read the
words aloud.

Key: 1. compass 2. colour 3. judo 4. rose 5. post office
III. Match the questions (A) and the answers (B).

1. What are you watching? a. I like programmes about History.

2. What kind of programmes do watch? b. To my friend’s house.
3. Where are you going? c. Every day.
4. Where does she live? d. I’m watching cartoon.
5. Who are you talking about? e. A friend from school.
6. How often do you ride your bicycle to f. 214 Nguyen Hue Street.
1. ___d___ 2.__a____ 3. ___b___ 4. ___f___ 5. __e____ 6. __c____
IV. Find one odd word A, B, C or D. Then read them aloud.
1. A. nurse B. father C. teacher D. engineer
2. A. studying B. singing C. morning D. listening
3. A. notebook B. compass C. schoolbag D. basketball
4. A. English B. Viet Nam C. maths D. geography
5. A. canteen B. library C. classroom D. bedroom
1. B 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. D
V. What are these things? Write the word in the spaces.
1. It is a long seat for two or more students to sit on in the classroom. _____________
2. They have different colours. You draw and colour with them.
3. It has two wheels. Many students ride it to school. _____________
4. It has many letters and words. You use it to lool up new words. _____________
5. It is a small book of blank paper for writing notes in. _____________
6. They are 32 pieces used in the game of chess. You use them in playing chess _______
7. It ia a room at your school where there are books, newspapers, ect. For you to read, study
or borrow. You can read books or study there. _____________
8. It is a large picture printed on paper and you put it on a wall as dicoration. __________

1. a bench 2. colour pencils 3. a bicycle 4. a dictionary
5. a notebook 6. chessmen 7. a library 8. a poster

VI. Add at least two more words to the following groups.

 Seasons: spring, summer, ___autumn, winter
 School subjects: physics, maths, ___ history, literature, geography, biology
 School things: pens, pencils, ___ruler, compass, rubber,
 Sports and games: football, judo, ___badminton, table tennis, basketball
 Languages: English, Vietnamese, ___Chinese, Japanish,
B. Grammar
I. Complete the sentences with the –ing form of the verbs.
Example: Come to my house Minh. We are listening to music. (listen)
1. Look! The dog ________________________ in the river. (swim)
2. She ________________________ her holiday with her family. (enjoy)
3. Listen! Someone ________________________ at the door. (knock)
4. Be quiet! We ________________________ in the library. (study)
5. Lan ________________________ her homework. (do)
6. They ________________________ TV at home. (watch)
7. My grandfather ________________________ newspaper. (read)
8. The boys ________________________ football in the yard. (play)
Key: 1. is swimming 2. is enjoying 3. is knocking 4. are studying
5. is doing 6. are watching 7. is reading 8. are playing

II. Complete the sentences with the Present simple or the Present continuous form of
the verbs.
1. They often (visit) ___________________ their parents in the holidays.
2. We (speak) ___________________ French at the moment.
3. I (watch) ___________________ TV about 3 hours a day.
4. My family usually (go) ___________________ to the movies on Sunday.
5. Look at the girl! She (ride) ___________________ a horse.
6. We (play) ___________________ tennis now.
7. Minh sometimes (practice) ___________________ the guitar in his room.
8. ___________________ you (like) ___________________ chocolate ice cream?
9. I really (like) ___________________ cooking.
10. Hung can’t answer the phone because he (take) ___________________ a
1. visit 2. are speaking 3. watch 4. go 5. is riding
6. are playing 7. pratices 8. Do - like 9. like 10. is taking

Ký duyệt, ngày……tháng………năm 20….

Date of
planning: ……/ … /….
Date of teaching Class: 6…. :……/ … /….

Practice unit 2
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students can know the key language and structures to be learnt
in this unit.
II. Language Focus:
1. Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic “My home”.
2. Structures: There is / There isn’t
There are / There aren’t
Prepositions of place.
3. Pronunciation: Sounds /z/ ; /s/ and /iz/
4. Communication: Talking about and describing houses, roons and furniture.
III. Procedures
- Preteach
 How to pronunciate ending sounds –s; -es.
+ Final –s is pronounced /z/ after voiced sounds (/b/, /d/, /g/, /n/, /m/, /l/...) and any vowel
+ Final –s is pronounced /s/ after voiceless sounds (/t/, /p/, /k/, /f/, /θ/).
+ Final –es is pronounced /iz/ after voiced sounds (/s/, /z/, /dʒ /, /tʃ/, /ʒ/).
- Ss practice test.
- T checks.
- T helps Ss consolidate the knowledge.
 Practice Test
I. Write the words with “-s/-es” ending into the correct column acording to the
watches tables villas does teachers houses clocks
laptops chests rooms teaches beds tables laughs
washes wardrobes hands misses kitchens students
books compasses roofs heads finishes schools

/S/ /Z/ /IZ/

……………………………… ……………………………… ………………………………

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………... ………... ………...
……………………………… ……………………………… ………………………………
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II. Find which word doesn’t belong in each group. Then read the words aloud.
1. A. sofa B. chair C. toilet D. table
2. A. cooker B. desk C. dishwasher D. fridge
3. A. bed B. lamp C. fan D. villa
4. A. aunt B. uncle C. grandmother D. teacher
5. A. cousin B. mother C. father D. brother
1. C 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. A

III. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).

1. There is a family photo __________ the wall.
A. in B. on C. at D. with
2. We need some chairs __________ the kitchen.
A. with B. on C. in D. at
3. We live in a town house, but our grandparents live in a __________ house.
A. city B. villa C. country D. apartment
4. It is called the tiger room __________ there is a big tiger on the wall.
A. because B. so C. but D. like
5. I live _______ my parents and my younger brother in a town house ________ Nha Trang.
A. at – at B. with – in C. with –at D. of – in
6. Where __________ the books? Are they __________ the bookshelf?
A. is – in B. is – on C. are – in D. are – on
7. There __________ four chairs and a table __________ the middle of the room.
A. are – in B. are – at C. is – on D. is – in
8. There __________ a big fridge __________ the corner.
A. are – in B. are – on C. is – in D. is – on
9. There are some dirty dishes __________ the floor.
A. in B. on C. with D. for
10. My bedroom is __________ the bathroom.
A. under B. in C. on D. next to
1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B
6. D 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. D

IV. Fill in the blanks with is, are, isn’t, aren’t, do, does, Where.
1. Where _____________ you live, Phong?
2. _____________ does your uncle live?
3. In my house, there _____________ four bedrooms.
4. What _____________ Mrs. Brown need for the living room?
5. How many rooms _____________ there in the hotel?
6. There _____________ any chairs in the kitchen. We need five chairs.
7. Which house _____________ you want to live in? A town house or a country house?
8. There _____________ any furniture in my bedroom. I need many things.
9. We _____________ staying at my cousin’s house in Vung Tau.
10. _____________ they have the right things for the kitchen?
1. does 2. Where 3. are 4. does 5. are
6. aren't 7. do 8. aren't 9. are 10. Do
V. Complete the passage with a suitable preposition.
We have English lessons (1) _____________ Room 12. There are 24 tables for
students and one desk for the teacher. (2) _____________ the walls, there are a lots
of posters of England. There’s a cupboard at the front of the room and (3) _________
the cupboard, there is a TV and DVD player. Sometimes we watch films. There are
some bookshelves (4) _____________ the classroom. (5) ____________ the shelves,
there are a lot of English books. Our books are (6) ____________ the teacher’s desk.
He wants to look at our homework. Our school bags are (7) ___________ the floor,
and there is some food (8) _____________ the school bags. It’s now 5.30 pm. We
are (9) _____________ home, but our teacher is (10) _____________ school. He
often stays late to prepare for tomorrow’s lessons.
1. in 2. On 3. on 4. in 5. On
6. on 7. on 8. in 9. at 10. at
VI. Reorder the words and write the meaning sentences.
1. city / beautiful / a / Hue / is.
2. green fields / there / are.
3. dog / it’s / friendly / a.
4. student / Minh / new / a / is.
5. television / big / a / there’s.
6. new / four / there / cars / are.
7. are / two / pizzas / there / big.
8. ten / are / desks / small / there.

1. Hue is a beautiful city.
2. There are green fields.
3. It's a friendly dog.
4. Minh is a new student.
5. There's a big television.
6. There are four new car.
7. There are two big pizzas.
8. There are ten small desks.
Ký duyệt, ngày……tháng………năm 20…

Date of planning: ……/ … /….
Date of teaching Class: 6…. :……/ … /….

Practice unit 2 (cont)

I. Objectives.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Use the lexical items related to the topic “My home”.
+ Use the prepositions of place.
+ Pronounce correctly the ending sounds / z/, /s/, /iz/ in isilation and in context.
+ Review: There is/ There isn’t; There are / There aren’t.
+ Talk about and describe houses, rooms and furniture.
+ Write e-mail to describe a room/ house.
- Students will be developed 4 skills: speaking , listening , reading and writing.
- Students will be educated to love their home more and they will like learning English more
and more.
III. Procedures
- Ss practice test.
- T checks.
- T helps Ss consolidate the knowledge.
 Practice Test
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined
1. A. beds B. clocks C. walls D. tables
2. A. granparents B. brothers C. uncles D. fathers
3. A. mothers B. centres C. aunts D. cousins
4. A. cities B. watches C. dishes D. houses
5. A. books B. rooms C. wardrobes D. pillows
6. A. clocks B. villas C. stops D. apartments
7. A. bed B. television C. chest D. toilet
8. A. fridge B. light C. dinner D. picture
9. A. poster B. sofa C. old D. clock
10. A. school B. book C. door D. room
II. Find which word does not belong to each group. Then read the words aloud.
1. A. town house B. country house C. playground D. villa
2. A. living room B. apartment C. attic D. kitchen
3. A. dishwasher B. sofa C. sink D. cupboard
4. A. wardrobe B. microwave C. fridge D. cooker
5. A. bed B. lamp C. television D. fan
6. A. and B. so C. but D. in
7. A. on B. and C. between D. behind
8. A. because B. between C. in front of D. next to
III. Choose the correct answers.

1. There are a lot of things ____________ in Da Lat.
A. see B. to see C. seeing D. to seeing
2. It is called the Tiger room _____________ there is a big tiger on the wall.
A. because B. so C. but D. like
3. I live _______ my parents and my sisters in a villa ________ Cua Lo town.
A. with – at B. at – at C. of – in D. with – in
4. We live in a town house, but our grandparents live in a _________ house.
A. country B. city C. apartment D. villa
5. there _______ four chairs and a table ________ the midle of the room.
A. is – on B. is – in C. are – in D. are – at
IV. Fill the blanks with is, are, isn’t, aren’t, do, does, where
1. In my house there __________________ four bedrooms.
2. Where __________ you live, Nam?
3. We______________staying at my uncle’s house in Da Lat.
4. How many rooms__________there in the hotel?
5. What__________Mrs.Brown need for the living room?
6. _____________they have the right things for the kitchen?
7. There____________any furniture in my bedroom. I need many things.
8. There____________any chairs in the kitchen. We need four chairs.
9. __________does your aunt live?
10. Which house____________you want to live in-a town house or a country house?
V. Rewrite the following sentences keeping the same meaning.
1. There are many chairs in the kitchen.
The kitchen___________________________________________________
2. Nam lives in the city.
Nam doesn’t__________________________________________________
3. I don’t have a bookshelf in my bedroom.
There _______________________________________________________
4. There are four people in my family: my parents,my brother and me.
I live________________________________________________________
5. We have a fridge, a cooker, a sink and a cupboard in our kitchen.
There ________________________________________________________
6. The television is in front of the picture.
The picture is_________________________________________________
7. My favourite room in the house is the living room.
I like _______________________________________________________
8. I don’t watch TV in any other rooms but the living room.
I only_______________________________________________________
9. The dog is in front of the microwave.
The microwave ______________________________________________
10. The notebook is on the book.
The book _________________________________________________
VI. Complete the comversation with the phrase below, and then practice it.
A. What else is there? B. Is there a bookshelf? C. on it there’s a computer.
D. What’s your new bedroom like? E. No, there isn’t

Mary: (1) _______________________________________
Kate: Well, it’s not very big.
Jack: (2) _______________________________________
Kate: Yes, there is. It’s small, but that’s OK.
Mary: Is there a light for reading in bed?
Kate: (3) _______________________________________
Steve: (4) _______________________________________
Kate: Well, there are blue curtains and two chairs. There is a desk and
(5) _______________________________________
VII. Write an e-mail to your friend, describing your house.

Date of planning: ……/ … /….
Date of teaching Class: 6…. :……/ … /….

Practice unit 3
I. Objectives.
- By the end of the unit, students will be able to:
+ pronounce correctly the sounds /b/ and /p/ in isolation and in context.
+ use lexical items related to the topic “My friends”.
+ use vocabulary and structures about body parts, apearance, and personality.
+ use the present continuous to talk about future plans and arrangements.
+ identify and practise the language of polite requests.
+ guess the meaning of new words based on clues including pictures and surrounding words.
+ read for specific and general information in texts including advertisements and e-mails.
+ write an entry for a magazine using notes.
II. Procedures
- Ss practice test.
- T checks.
- T helps Ss consolidate the knowledge.
Practice Test
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. kind B. confident C. nice D. like
2. A. request B. project C. neck D. exciting
3. A. foot B. book C. food D. look
4. A. finger B. leg C. neck D. elbow
5. A. creative B. think C. idea D. big
Key: 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. C
II. Choose the best answers.
1. Can you _________ me the apple, please?
A. move B. pass C. have D. turn
2. She is always ____________ at school and help other students with their homework.
A. hard B. hardly C. hard-working D. work hard
3. Diana is in the art club. She likes to paint pictures, and everyone enjoys them. She is very
A. shy B. kind C. funny D. creative
4. The film is very ________, and we can’t see all of it.
A. boring B. easy C. exciting D. wonderful
5. Our class is going to _________ a picnic at the zoo on Saturday. Would you like to come
with us?
A. take B. pass C. go D. have
6. It’s _________ to go home. It’s so late.
A. now B. time C. sure D. like
7. My brother has _________ short ________ hair.

A. a – straight B. 0 – long C. 0 – curly D. a – black
8. Linda has ________ hair and big ________ eyes.
A. blonde – blue B. blonde – small C. a black – blue D. black – long
Key: 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. A
III. Write the words under the pictures. (They all begin with p or b)

1. pen 2. bread 3. baby 4. pig 5. bee 6. ball
7. picture 8. bed 9. pizza 10. peas 11. bus 12. piano

IV. Rewrite the sentences, using “have or has".

1. My hair is black. -
> ………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Mrs Huyen’s eyes are round and black. -
> …………………………………………………………………..
3. His eyes are blue. -
> …………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. Her cheeks are chubby. -
> …………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. Miss Huong face is round. -
> …………………………………………………………………………………………..
6. My nose is big. -
> …………………………………………………………………………………………..
1. I have black hair. 4. She has chubby cheeks.
2. Mrs Huyen has round black eyes. 5. Miss Huong has a round face.
3. He has blue eyes. 6. I have a big nose.
V. Fill in the blank with the correct verb.

1. She ____________ an oval face. 4. I ________ tall and thin.
2. _____________ Mai’s hair long or short? 5. Tan ___________ an athlete.
It _________ short. He ________ very strong.
3. Mai _________ short black hair. 6. What colour _______ Nam’s eyes?
Key: 1. has 2. Is – is 3. has 4. am 5. is – is 6. are
VI. Fill in the blanks with the missing words: is, has, or wear(s). And translate the
passage into Vietnamese.
Kevin (1) _________ short and slim. He (2) _________ glasses and he (3) _________
blue eyes. His hair (4) ________ blown and curly.
Tom (5) ________ short and slim. He (6) _________ glasses and he (7) _________ green
eyes. His hair (8) __________ long, brown and wavy.
Paul (9) _________ tall. He doesn’t (10) _________ glasses. He(11) _________brown
eyes, and his hair (12) _________ brown and curly.
Ben (13) ________ short. He (14) _________brown eyes and his hair (15) _______ long,
black and traight.
Key: (1) is (2) wears (3) has (4) is (5) is (6) wears
(7) has (8) is (9) is (10) wear (11) has (12) is
(13) is (14) has (15) is
VII. Fill in the blank with the correct adjective from the box.
hard-working boring funny talkative friendly
shy creative confident clever kind
1. It is _____________ to sit on the plane with nothing to read.
2. I’m not very _____________ at Maths. I often make mistake in calculations.
3. Everyone is _____________ to me. They often help me when I need.
4. She is often _____________ at school, and she always get good marks.
5. The teacher wants the students to feel ___________ about asking questions when
they don’t understand.
6. She always has a _____________ smile with everyone.
7. Children are often ____________ of people they don’t know.
8. He’s a little bit ____________: he like to talk a lot.
9. It’s a really ____________ film; everyone laughs a lot.
10. She’s very ____________ - she writes poetry and paints.
Key: 1. boring 2. clever 3. kind 4. hard-working 5.
6. friendly 7. shy 8. talkative 9. funny 10. creative
VIII. Read the passage, and decide whether the statements are(T) or false(F).
Lan is a student in grade 6. She is tall and thin. She is light but she is not weak. She has
an oval face and chubby cheeks. Her hair is long and black. Her nose isn’t big. It’s small.
She has brown eyes and white teeth. She’s very nice.
1. Lan has long black hair. ______ 4. Her nose is big. _____
2. She is thin and weak. ______ 5. Her eyes are black. _____
3. Her cheeks are chubby. ______ 6. She has white teeth. _____
IX. Write questions for the underlined part.
1. They are visiting a milk farm on Saturday. ______________________________________?

2. Yes, there are four windows in my classroom. ___________________________________?
3. I’m going to the judo club with my brother. ___________________________________?
4. We’re working on our school project. ___________________________________?
1. When are they visiting a milk farm?
2. Are there four windows in your classroom?
3. Who are you going to the judo with?
4. What are you working on?

Ký duyệt, ngày……tháng………năm 20….

Date of planning: ……/ … /….
Date of teaching Class: 6…. :……/ … /….

Practice unit 3 (cont)

I. Objectives.
- By the end of the unit, students will be able to:
+ pronounce correctly the sounds /b/ and /p/ in isolation and in context.
+ use lexical items related to the topic “My friends”.
+ use vocabulary and structures about body parts, apearance, and personality.
+ use the present continuous to talk about future plans and arrangements.
+ identify and practise the language of polite requests.
+ guess the meaning of new words based on clues including pictures and surrounding words.
+ read for specific and general information in texts including advertisements and e-mails.
+ write an entry for a magazine using notes.
II. Procedures
- Ss practice test.
- T checks.
- T helps Ss consolidate the knowledge.
I. Choose the best option (A, B or C) to each space.
1. Nam can wait hours for his friends without getting angry. He is a ...... boy.
A. hard-working B. free C. patient
2. Lan is always ....... She studies more than four hours a day and never misses her
A. active B. hard-working C. smart
3. My brother can do all difficult Math exercises. He is a(n) ...... student.
A. intelligent B. confident C. careful
4. Our new neighbour is a ...... girl. She has beautiful yellow hair.
A. wavy B. straight C. blonde
5. Please be ...... when you have to use fire to cook.
A. happy B. careful C. quiet
6. The baby next to me is very ....... He talks all the time, which really annoys me.
A. talkative B. silent C. lovely
7. My Mum always asks me to wash my ...... before meals.
A. fingers B. arms C. hands
8. We should brush our ...... after meals and before bedtime every night.
A. tooth B. teeth C. hair
9. The part between the head and the body is the .......
A. neck B. shoulders C. hip

10. Everyone has 10 ...... and 10 .......
A. hands – feet B. arms – legs C. fingers - toes
II. Label the different parts of our body using the words in the box.

III. Reorder the words to make sentences.

1. magazine / it /my / is / favourite.
2. my grandma / visiting / and / am / I / grandpa.
3. the / play / evening / inside / kids / in / the.
4. you / what / going / do / tomorrow / are / to ?

5. long / have / monkeys / arms / legs / and.

IV. Read the definition and write the words.

1. This person gives a lot of attention to what he/ she is doing so that he/ she does not have
an accident, make a mistake, or damage something.
2. This person has original and unsual ideas.
3. This person is always doing a lot of work.
4. This person is not angry if he/ she has to wait.
5. This person likes sports and doing sports.
6. This person likes talking very much.

V. Read the passage and choose the best word (A, B or C) to each space.
My new friend
One of my new ......(1)...... is Yuri. She ......(2)...... from Japan. She ......(3)...... big black eyes,
brown ......(4)...... and a beautiful ......(5)...... . It's bright and warm. She is ......(6)...... friendly
and ......(7)...... . Yuri always ......(8)...... me whenever I ......(9)...... any difficulty. I
teach ......(10)...... some Vietnamese, too.
1/A. friend B. friends C. classmate
2/A. comes B. come C. is coming
3/A. have B. is C. has
4/A. head B. eyes C. hair
5/A. mouth B. laugh C. smile
6/A. not B. no C. very
7/A. smart B. kind C. careful
8/A. teaches B. tells C. helps
9/A. have B. has C. am
10/A. her B. hers C. herself

VI. Read the passage about Nga and her best friend, then choose the best answer (A, B
or C) to each question.
My name is Nga and my best friend is Lan. She is my classmate. We are both in grage 6 at

Lam Son Secondary School. Lan lives next to my house. Every day, my father takes us to
school on his motorbike, and we come home on foot in the evening. She is an intelligent girl.
Her favourite subject is math, and she is really good at it. Mine is English. We usually help
each other with our homework. Whenever i am sad, Lan always tells me stories to make me
happy. I feel really lucky to have a best friend like Lan.1. How old are Lan and Nga?
1. A. 10 B. 12 C. 14
2. How do they go to school?
A. By bus B. On foot C. By motorbike
3. What is NOT TRUE about the passage?
A. They are classmates.
B. They are neighbours.
C. English is Lan's favourite subject.
4. What do they usually help each other?
A. Do their homework B. Do their housework C. Do their shopping
5. What does Lan do to make Nga happy?
A. Sing a song B. Tell stories C. Buy presents

Date of planning: ……/ … /….
Date of teaching Class: 6…. :……/ … /….


I. Find the word which has a different sound in part underlined.

1/A. funny B. lunch C. sun D. computer

2/A. photo B. going C. brother D. home
3/A. school B. teaching C. chess D. chalk
4/A. cold B. volleyball C. telephone D. open
5/A. meat B. reading C. bread D. seat
II. Match one word in A with one in B.
do Basketball
play a school uniform
study Homework
ride Vocabulary
wear a bicycle

III. Write positive and nagative sentences with the present simple or the present
- Hoa / ride to school / every day (+)
Hoa rides to school every day.
- They / have breakfast / now (-)
They are not having breakfast now.

1/ My friends / go to school by bus. (-)

2/ The library / open at 7:30 AM. (+)
3/ Students / have a break / right now. (-)
4/ I / study English / at the moment. (+)
5/ Look! Our parents / wait outside. (+)

IV. Choose the best option (A, B or C) to each space.

1. Every morning, I always ...... to school at 6.30 and ...... home at about 11:30.
A. go; come B. goes; comes C. go; comes
2. While I ...... at school, my Mum ...... to the market.

A. study; go B. am studying; is going C. study; is going
3. At break time, I ...... to the library and ...... books.
A. read; go B. goes; reads C. go; read
4. I usually ...... to school by bike, and my mother ...... to work by motorbike.
A. go; go B. goes; goes C. go; goes
5. When I ...... books, I always ...... very happy.
A. read; feel B. reads; feel C. reads; feels
V. Find one odd word A, B, C or D. Then read them aloud.

1/A. cantten B. library C. classroom D. bedroom

2/A. studyingB. singing C. morning D. listening
3/A. father B. nurse C. engineer D. teacher
4/A. notebook B. compass C. basketball D. schoolbag
5/A. maths B. Viet Nam C. geography D. English
VI. Put the verbs in brakets in the correct tense form.
1. School (finish) ......... at 4.30 p.m every day.
2. Listen! ......... they (sing) ......... in the classroom?
3. - Where ......... you (be) ......... , Phong?
- I'm upstairs. I (do) ......... my homework.
4. My family like (spend) ......... our summer holidays at the seaside.
5. It's warm today. I (not want) ......... (stay) ......... at home now. What about (go) .........
swimming in the river?
6. ......... you often (eat) ......... lunch in the school canteen?
I. Find the word which has a different sound in part underlined.

1/A. maps B. clothes C. clock

2/A. rooms B. vases C. watches
3/A. hotels B. rooms C. apartments
4/A. flowers B. trees C. plants
5/A. dishes B. chopsticks C. cups
II. Find one odd word A, B, C or D. Then read them aloud.

1/A. cousin B. uncle C. niece D. principle

2/A. bedroom B. toilet C. library D. kitchen
3/A. cook B. television C. fridge D. cooker
4/A. calculator B. pillow C. blanket D. bed
5/A. apartment B. park C. villa D. slit house

6/A. sofa B. chair C. toilet D. table
7/A. cooker B. desk C. dishwasher D. fridge
8/A. bed B. lamp C. fan D. villa
9/A. aunt B. uncle C. grandmother D. teacher
10/A. cousin B. mother C. father D. brother
III. Complete each sentence so it means the same as the sentences above.
1. I don't have a bookshelf in my bedroom.
There ......
2. We have a sink, a fridge, a cooker and a cupboard in our kitchen.
There ......
3. The notebook is on the book.
The book ......
4. The dog is in front of the microwave.
The microwave ......
5. My favourite room in the house is the living room.
I like ......

I. Choose the best option (A, B or C) to each space.

1. Nam can wait hours for his friends without getting angry. He is a ...... boy.
A. hard-working B. free C. patient
2. Lan is always ....... She studies more than four hours a day and never misses her
A. active B. hard-working C. smart
3. My brother can do all difficult Math exercises. He is a(n) ...... student.
A. intelligent B. confident C. careful
4. Our new neighbour is a ...... girl. She has beautiful yellow hair.
A. wavy B. straight C. blonde
5. Please be ...... when you have to use fire to cook.
A. happy B. careful C. quiet
6. The baby next to me is very ....... He talks all the time, which really annoys me.
A. talkative B. silent C. lovely
7. My Mum always asks me to wash my ...... before meals.
A. fingers B. arms C. hands
8. We should brush our ...... after meals and before bedtime every night.
A. tooth B. teeth C. hair
9. The part between the head and the body is the .......
A. neck B. shoulders C. hip
10. Everyone has 10 ...... and 10 .......
A. hands – feet B. arms – legs C. fingers - toes

Date of planning: ……/ … /….
Date of teaching Class: 6…. :……/ … /….



I. Put a word from the box in each space to complete the following passage.

library work students schoolyard name

love break beautiful understand forty

The ......... of my school is Luong The Vinh Secondary school. It is a ......... school. There are
about eight hundred ......... and more than ......... teachers in my school. They ......... very
hard so that we can ......... the lessons well. My school’s ......... is very big. You can see all
kinds of books in it. We also have a very large and clean .......... Students play all kinds of
games during their ......... time. My school is not big, but I ......... it very much.
II. Read the passage and then choose the best answer.

My name is Quang. I am in class 6A1 at Nguyen Du School. It is a small school on Nguyen

Du street. My classroom is on the second floor. There are 40 students in my class. My form
teacher is Miss Mai. She teaches us English. All of my classmates are really kind and hard-
working. We always finish all homework at home. Every day, we start classes at seven
o’clock and have a 20-minute break at thirty-five past eight. My school has a small
schoolyard so the students usually stay in class or sit in the canteen at break time. After that,
we are back to our room and finish class at half past eleven.
Choose the best answer:
1. Which floor is Quang's classroom in?
A. The first floor B. The second floor C. The third floor
2. What subject does Quang's form teacher teach?
A. English B. Math C. Literature
3. What is NOT true?
A. Quang's in grade 6 B. Quang's classmate are all nice C. Quang's school is big
4. What time does Quang have break time?
A. At 8.30 B. At 8.35 C. At 8.20
5. What do the students usually do at break time?
A. Sit in the canteen B. Stay in class C. A and B
III. Read the conversation and answer the questions.
Mr Green: Hey, Tom. How’s your first week at the new school?

Tom: It’s great. But I was a bit nervous at first.
Mr Green: Why were you nervous?
Tom: The teachers are all new to me, most of my classmate are new too.
Mr Green: Are they friendly to you?
Tom: Ah, yeah. They are all nice to me.
Mr Green: What subjects did you have today?
Tom: Well, we had maths, geography and computer studies, my favourite subject.
Mr Green: Oh, good. So everything is going well at school?
Tom: Right. I had a good first day. And… Dad, can I join the judo club at school? I
like to do judo.
Mr Green: Yeah, Ok, if you like. But don’t forget to do your homework.
Tom: I won’t. Thanks, Dad.

1. Why was Tom nervous at first?
2. What are Tom's teacher and friends like?
3. What is his favourite subject?
4. What club does he want to join?
5. Is Tom having a nice first week at his new school?

IV. Choose the correct word A, B and C for each of the gaps to complete the following text.
What do you do if you want to ...(1)... a book in a library? If you know the author's ...(2)...,
go to the author catalogue. Find the title of the book ...(3)... check the shelf mark. Make a
note of this before you look ...(4)... the appropriate shelf. If you do not know the author's
name, go to the ...(5)... catalogue. If there ...(6)... no title catalogue in the library, go to the
subject catalogue. Check all the titles which are under the ...(7)... you want. Then check the
appropriate card, as with the author catalogue. Next look for the book on the shelf. Let the
librarian stamp it ...(8)... you take it out of the library. If the book isn't on the shelf, ask the
librarian to get it for you.

1/A. find B. look C. take

2/A. address B. title C. name
3/A. and B. or C. but
4/A. at B. after C. for
5/A. title B. author C. subject
6/A. be B. are C. is
7/A. subject B. book C. index

8/A. after B. before C. when
V. Fill each blank in the following passage with a suitable word from the box.
untidy are not near next on his bag

An's bedroom is big but messy. There ...(1)... clothes on the floor. There is a big desk ...(2)...
the window, there are dirty bowls and chopsticks ...(3)... it. He usually puts his school ...(4)...
under the desk. His bed is ...(5)... to the desk, and it is also ...(6).... There is a cap, some CDs
and some books on the bed. An's Mum is ...(7)... happy with this, and how An is tidying
up ...(8)... room.
VI. Read the passage and choose the best word (A, B or C) to put in each space.
I am a ...(1)... in a house. Every day, members in the family take a ...(2)... in me. They
brush their teeth, wash their ...(3)..., and ...(4)... dressed every morning. I usually get wet on
my floor. Who I am? I am a ...(5)....
1/A. corner B. box C. room
2/A. break B. bath C. rest
3A. eyes B. faces C. teeth
4/A. put B. take C. get
5/A. bedroom B. kitchen C. bathroom
VII. Read the email and choose the best answer (A, B or C) to each question.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Summer Trip

Dear Peter,
We are having a great summer trip in Da Lat. This is a nice city. The weather is cool in the
morning and quite cold at night. I really love this kind of weather. We rent a villa istead of
staying in a hotel. It is big and a little bit scary because there are just few people here. The
view, however, is totally wonderful. There is a small garden with roses and i love it a lot.
Wish you were here with us. You will love it for sure. We will go back to Ho Chi Minh City
tomorrow. I will miss Da Lat so much. How about your summer, peter? I hope to hear from
you soon.
From Viet Nam with love,
Nhi Pham 1. What season is it?
A. Spring
B. Summer
C. Fall

2. What is the weather like?
A. Hot in the morning - cold at night
B. Cold in the morning - hot at night
C. Cool in the morning - cold at night
3. What is NOT TRUE about the letter?
A. Nhi's family is staying in a hotel
B. Nhi loves the weather in Da Lat so much
C. Da Lat is a beautiful city
4. Why is the villa scary?
A. Because it is big
B. Because the weather is really cold
C. Because not many people live here
5. Who is Nhi writting to?
A. Nhi's sister
B. Nhi's friend
C. Nhi's father
VIII. Choose the correct word A, B or C to fill each blank in the following conversation.
Mum: We are moving to the new apartment next month. Do you want to have a new bed?
Mi: No, I don’t, Mum. I ……(1)…… my old bed. It’s so comfortable. But can
I ……(2)…… a new poster?
Mum: You have three posters already. You can put them ……(3)…… the wall in your new
Mi: Yes, Mum. I want to have a family photo on my desk. There ……(4)…… only a lamp
on it now.
Mum: That’s a good idea. Oh, where do you want to put your desk?
Mi: ……(5)…… to my bed, Mum. I also want a small plant in my room.
Mum: That’s fine. It can go ……(6)…… the bookshelf and the desk.
1/A. hate B. love C. dislike
2/A. sell B. buy C. give
3/A. in B. near C. on
4/A. is B. are C. isn't
5/A. Near B. Behind C. Next
6/A. next to B. between C. in front of
III. Reorder the words to make sentences.
1. magazine / it /my / is / favourite.
2. my grandma / visiting / and / am / I / grandpa.
3. the / play / evening / inside / kids / in / the.

4. you / what / going / do / tomorrow / are / to ?
5. long / have / monkeys / arms / legs / and.
V. Read the passage and choose the best word (A, B or C) to each space.
My new friend
One of my new ......(1)...... is Yuri. She ......(2)...... from Japan. She ......(3)...... big black eyes,
brown ......(4)...... and a beautiful ......(5)...... . It's bright and warm. She is ......(6)...... friendly
and ......(7)...... . Yuri always ......(8)...... me whenever I ......(9)...... any difficulty. I
teach ......(10)...... some Vietnamese, too.
1/A. friend B. friends C. classmate
2/A. comes B. come C. is coming
3/A. have B. is C. has
4/A. head B. eyes C. hair
5/A. mouth B. laugh C. smile
6/A. not B. no C. very
7/A. smart B. kind C. careful
8/A. teaches B. tells C. helps
9/A. have B. has C. am
10/A. her B. hers C. herself
VI. Read the passage about Nga and her best friend, then choose the best answer (A, B
or C) to each question.
My name is Nga and my best friend is Lan. She is my classmate. We are both in grage 6 at
Lam Son Secondary School. Lan lives next to my house. Every day, my father takes us to
school on his motorbike, and we come home on foot in the evening. She is an intelligent girl.
Her favourite subject is math, and she is really good at it. Mine is English. We usually help
each other with our homework. Whenever i am sad, Lan always tells me stories to make me
happy. I feel really lucky to have a best friend like Lan.1. How old are Lan and Nga?
A. 10 B. 12 C. 14
2. How do they go to school?
A. By bus B. On foot C. By motorbike
3. What is NOT TRUE about the passage?
A. They are classmates.
B. They are neighbours.
C. English is Lan's favourite subject.
4. What do they usually help each other?
A. Do their homework B. Do their housework C. Do their shopping
5. What does Lan do to make Nga happy?
A. Sing a song B. Tell stories C. Buy presents

Date of planning: ……/ … /….
Date of teaching Class: 6…. :……/ … /….

Practice unit 4
I. Objectives.
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Review three units with the main topic “Our communities”
- Students will be developed 4 skills: speaking , listening , reading and writing.
- Students will be educated to love their home more and they will like learning English more
and more.
+ pronounce correctly the sounds / I / and / i: / in isolation and in context.
+ use lexical items related to the topic “My neighbourhood”.
+ use adjectives to compare things.
+ read for specific information about good things and bad things in the neighbourhood.
+ talk about different places and show directions to these in a neighbourhood.
+ listen for specific information about directions to some places in a neighbourhood.
+ write about what they like and dislike about their neighbourhood.
II. Procedures
- Ss practice test.
- T checks.
- T helps Ss consolidate the knowledge.
Practice Test
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. project B. leg C. evening D. neck
2. A. judo B. elbow C. nose D. blonde
3. A. gets B. brings C. takes D. stops
4. A. mouth B. house C. country D. shout
5. A. with B. mouth C. thanks D. three
Key: 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A
II. Put the plural nouns from the box into the corect column based on the
pronunciation of the final s/es.
classes boards books couches telephones parents doors
students engineers baskets lamps benches windows
desks bookcases erasers armchairs tables years months

/s/ /z/ /IZ/

books parents boards telephones Classes
students baskets doors engineers benches
lamps desks windows erasers bookcases
months armchairs tables couches

III. Find the word does not belong in each group. Then read the word aloud.
1. A. fridge B. cooker C. microwave D. sofa
2. A. family B. teacher C. doctor D. engineer
3. A. his B. her C. you D. your
4. A. television B. Internet C. telephone D. city
5. A. confident B. apartment C. hard-working D. creative
Key: 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B
IV. Write the adjectives for personality.
1. thông 5. thân 9. có trách
minh ……………………. thiện …………………… nhiệm …………………….
2. chăm 6. kiên 10. ham hiểu
chỉ ……………………. nhẫn ……………………. biết …………………….
3. tự tin 7. hay 11. tốt
…………………….…… nói …………………… bụng …………………….
. 8. sáng 12. vui nhộ …………………….
4. nghiêm tạo …………………….
túc …………………….
V. There is one mistake in each sentences, find and correct it.
1. What time he start work? -
> ………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Nam live in a house in the city. -
> …………………………………………………………………………………
3. Are there a flower garden behind the house? -
> ………………………………………………………………………
4. There is the supermarket near my house. -
> …………………………………………………………………………
5. How many floors does your school there have? -
> …………………………………………………………………
6. Miss Lan has a garden beautiful. -
> …………………………………………………………………………………
7. After dinner, Long do his homework. -
> …………………………………………………………………………………
8. Tam have long black straight hair. -
> …………………………………………………………………………………
1. What time does he start work?
2. Nam lives in a house in the city.
3. Is there a flower garden behind the house?
4. There is a supermarket near my house.
5. How many floors does your school have?
6. Miss Lan has a beautiful garden.
7. After dinner, Long does his homework.
8. Tam has long black straight hair.

VI. Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B.
Answer A B
1. What are those? a. He lives in town.
2. Where is your house? b. By motorbike.
3. Where does he live? c. No, she lives in the country.
……. 4. What time does she get up? d. It’s on Nguyen Trai street.
5. When do classes start? e. Yes, there are.
6. How does she go to work? f. At six in the morning.
……. 7. Does she live in town? g. They’re video games rooms.
8. Is it noisy in town? h. Yes, it is.
9. Does Nam walk to school? i. No, he goes to school by bike.
……. 10. Are there any stores near your j. At seven in the morning.
VII. Complete each sentence so that it means the same as the sentence above.
1. My sister goes to school on foot.
My sister ____________________________________.
2. The garden is behind Lan’s house.
There _________________________________________.
3. The bank is not far from the post office.
The bank ______________________________________.
4. There are many flowers in our school yard.
Our school yard __________________________________.
5. Ba lives in town.
Ba doesn’t ______________________________________.
6. Our class has forty students.

There __________________________________________.
7. She has blonde curly hair.
Her hair ________________________________________.
8. How many people do your family have?
How ___________________________________________?
VIII. Rearrange the words to make correct sentences.
1. near/house/is/your/there/post office/a?
2. school/go/your/do/to/how/students/country/in?
3. go/by/to/they/bicycle/school.
4. work/to/city/our/in/how/people/do/travel?
5. motorbike/by/people/travel/work/to.
6. there/post office/front/your/in/house/of/a/is?
7. Hoa/country/parents/in/her/lives/the/with.
8. Ba’s house/the/of/is/to/there/garden/beautiful/a/left.
1. Is there a post office near your house?
2. How do students in the country go to school?
3. They go to school by bicycle.
4. How do people in our city travel to work?
5. People travel to work by motorbike.
6. Is there a post office in front of your house?
7. Hoa lives with her parents in the country.
8. There is a beautiful garden to the left of Ba’s house.
IX. Wrire a desciption of your best friend.

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. film B. city C. nice D. police
2. A. big B. wide C. quiet D. exciting
3. A. cheap B. peaceful C. near D. read
4. A. sea B. heavy C. team D. beach
5. A. post B. expensive C. house D. noisy
Key: 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D
II. Choose the correct answers.
1. Is there a theatre ________ your neighbourhood?
A. in B. on C. at D. with
2. ________ the second turning ________ the right.

A. Take – in B. Take – on C. Get – in D. Get – on
3. Can you ________ us the _________ to the post office?
A. show – road B. show – street C. tell – road D. tell – way
4. A ________ is a place where we go to buy stamps or send letters.
A. library B. post office C. cinema D. school
5. The air in this area is ________ with smoke from factories.
A. fresh B. clean C. polluted D. noisy
6. There are many shops near here, so the streets are very busy and ________ during the day.
A. narrow B. quiet C. noise D. noisy
7. The people in Hoi An are incredibly _________ and _________.
A. friendly - helpful B. friendly - help C. friendship- helpless D. friend - helpful
8. The weather is nice, so I enjoy doing _____________ activities.
A. outdoors B. inside C. outdoor D. boring
9. The cinema is ________ the corner of the street.
A. on B. in C. at D. into
10. Going by taxi is more ________ than going by bus.
A. cheaper B. faster C. easier D. expensive
Key: 1. A 2. B 2. D 4. B 5. C
6. D 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. D
III. Write the comparative forms of these activities.
1. strong stronger than 7. short shorter than
2. crowded more crowded than 8. big bigger than
3. tall taller than 9. morden mordener than
4. noisy noisier than 10. friendly friendlier than
5. pretty prettier than 11. good better than
6. happy happier than 12. bad worse than
IV. Complete the following sentences with the comparatives of the adjectives.
1. This chair is ______________________ than that chair. (comportable)
2. Your flat is _______________________ than mine. (large)
3. Love is ________________________ than money. (important)
4. Iron is _______________________ than wood. (heavy)
5. My phisics course is __________________ than my Math course. (difficult)
6. The Nile River is ____________________ than the Mississipi. (long)
7. The dog is ____________________ than a cow. (intelligent)
8. My mother’s cooking is _____________________ than my father’s. (good)
9. My English is _____________________ than hers. ( bad)
10. Mai is ___________________ than Hoa. (beautiful)
11. This dress is ___________________ than that one. (pretty)
12. A horse is ______________________ than a man. (strong)
Key: 1. more comportable 2. larger 3. more important
4. heavier 5. more difficult 6. longer
7. more intelligent 8. better 9. worse
10. more beautiful 11. prettier 12. stronger
V. Write sentences, using the comparative of the adjective.
1. I / my brother / thin

2. A mouse / a cat / small

3. A radio / a television / cheap

4. The sun / the moon / big

5. A sea / a lake / large

6. My children / yours / intelligent

7. Your house / my house / convenient

8. Your English / mine / good

9. My father / uncle Hung / old

10. I / my mother / tall

11. Summer / winter / hot

13. A house in the city / a house in the country / expensive


VI. Read the following passage, and then answer the questions.
London and Rome are the two old cities in Europe. Rome is older than London. It is
about 800 years older than London. But London is bigger than Rome in area and population.
In general, London is colder than Rome in winter and cooler than Rome in summer. Rome is
wetter than London and is nearer the sea than London.
1. Which city is older?
2. Which city is bigger in area and population?
3. Is London hotter than Rome?
4. Which city has got more rain?

5. Which city is nearer the sea?
1. Rome is older
2. London is bigger than Rome in area and population.
3. No, it isn’t.
4. Rome has got more rain.
5. Rome is nearer the sea.

Date of planning: ……/ … /….
Date of teaching Class: 6…. :……/ … /….

Practice unit 4
I. Objectives.
- By the end of the unit, students will be able to know about comparative with short adj and
long adj
II. Procedures
- Ss practice test.
- T checks.
- T helps Ss consolidate the knowledge.
1. Comparative (So sánh hơn)
Short Adj: S + V + adj + er + than + N/pronoun
Long Adj: S + V + more + adj + than + N/pronoun
She is taller than I/me
This boy is more intelligent than that one.
Some irregular adjectives:
Good -> better bad -> worse many -> more little -> less

** Công thức với tính từ/trạng từ ngắn: tính từ/trạng từ ngắn là tính từ/trạng từ có một âm.
Tính từ/trạng từ có hai âm tiết nhưng tận cùng bằng Y cũng được xem là tính từ /trạng từ

- Thí dụ:
+ VIETNAM IS RICHER THAN CAMBODIA. = Việt Nam giàu hơn Campuchia.
+ I AM TALLER THAN HIM. = Tôi cao hơn anh ta.
- Lưu ý:
+ Nếu tính từ ngắn tận cùng bằng Y, đổi Y thành I rồi mới thêm ER: HAPPY --> HAPPIER
+ Nếu tính từ ngắn tận cùng bằng E, ta chỉ cần thêm R thôi. LATE -> LATER
+ Nếu tính từ ngắn tận cùng bằng 1 PHỤ ÂM + 1 NGUYÊN ÂM + 1 PHỤ ÂM, ta viết PHỤ
ÂM CUỐI thêm 1 lần rồi mới thêm ER. BIG --> BIGGER,

** Công thức với tính từ/trạng từ dài: tính từ/trạng từ dài là tính từ có ba âm tiết trở lên
hoặc tính từ /trạng từ có hai âm tiết không tận cùng bằng Y.
- Thí dụ:
+ SHE IS MORE ATTRACTIVE THAN HIS WIFE. = Cô ấy có sức cuốn hút hơn vợ anh ta.
YOU. = Tôi không có thông minh hơn bạn. Tôi chỉ siêng năng hơn bạn thôi.
** Ngoại lệ:
- FAR --> FARTHER/FURTHER (FARTHER dùng khi nói về khoảng cách cụ thể,
FURTHER dùng để nói về khoảng cách trừu tượng)
- QUIET --> QUIETER hoặc MORE QUIETđều được
- SIMPLE --> SIMPLER hoặc MORE SIMPLE đều được
** Khi đối tượng đem ra so sánh là danh từ, ta có công thức :

- Dùng MORE khi muốn nói nhiều...hơn

- Dùng LESS khi muốn nói ít...hơn
- Nếu danh từ là danh từ đếm được, nó phải ở dạng số nhiều.
- Thí dụ:
+ I HAVE MORE MONEY THAN YOU. = Tôi có nhiều tiền hơn anh.
+ SHE HAS MORE CHILDREN THAN I. = Cô ta có nhiều con hơn tôi.

** Khi ý nghĩa so sánh là "A kém... hơn B, ta chỉ việc thay MORE bằng LESS, ta có:

- Thí dụ:
+ I EAT LESS THAN HE DOES. = Tôi ăn ít hơn nó.
+ SILVER IS LESS EXPENSIVE THAN GOLD. = Bạc thì ít đắt tiền hơn vàng.
** Lưu ý:
- Ở tất cả mọi trường hợp, đại từ nhân xưng liền sau THAN phải là đại từ chủ ngữ. Trong
văn nói, ta có thể dùng đại từ tân ngữ ngay sau THAN nhưng tốt hơn vẫn nên dùng đại từ
chủ ngữ.
+ HE IS RICHER THAN I. (có thể nói HE IS RICHER THAN ME trong văn nói)
- Ở vế liền sau THAN, ta không bao giờ lập lại vị ngữ có ở vế trước THAN, Nếu muốn rõ
nghĩa, ta chỉ cần dùng TRỢ ĐỘNG TỪ tương ứng. Với động từ TO BE, vế sau THAN có
thể lập lại TO BE tương ứng, nhưng điều này cũng không bắt buộc.
- Thí dụ:
+ HE IS RICHER THAN I. (ta có thể lập lại TO BE sao cho tương ứng: HE IS RICHER
+ I WORK HARDER THAN YOU. (ta có thể dùng trợ động từ tương ứng ở vế sau THAN:
+ SHE RUNS FASTER THAN HE (ta có thể dùng trợ động từ tương ứng ở vế sau THAN:
+ HE MADE MORE MONEY THAN I. = Anh ấy đã kiếm được nhiều tiền hơn tôi (ta có thể
dùng trợ động từ tương ứng ở vế sau THAN: HE MADE MORE MONEY THAN I DID,
tuyệt đối không bao giờ nói HE MADE MORE MONEY THAN I MADE MONEY)

I. Complete the following sentences with the comparatives of the adjectives.

14. This chair is ______________________ than that chair. (comportable)
15. Your flat is _______________________ than mine. (large)
16. Love is ________________________ than money. (important)
17. Iron is _______________________ than wood. (heavy)
18. My phisics course is __________________ than my Math course. (difficult)
19. The Nile River is ____________________ than the Mississipi. (long)
20. The dog is ____________________ than a cow. (intelligent)

21. My mother’s cooking is _____________________ than my father’s. (good)
22. My Englishis _____________________ than hers. ( bad)
23. Mai is ___________________ than Hoa. (beautiful)
24. This dress is ___________________ than that one. (pretty)
25. A horse is ______________________ than a man. (strong)
Key: 1. more comportable 2. larger 3. more important
4. heavier 5. more difficult 6. longer
7. more intelligent 8. better 9. worse
10. more beautiful 11. prettier 12. stronger
II. Hoàn tất các câu sau, sử dụng hình thức so sánh hơn của các tính từ trong ngoặc.
1. A new house is …… old one (expensive)
2. Motorbikes are………..bicycles. (fast)
3. My television is ……….his television. (modern)
4. Summer is ……….spring. (hot)
5. Jane is ……………her sister. (beautiful)
6. Skirts are…………….dresses. (cheap)
7. Her English is …………….my English. (good)
8. A bicycle is often…………a car in busy cities. (convenient)
1. more expensive than 2. faster than 3. more modern than
4. hotter than 5. more beautiful than 6. cheaper than
7. better than 8. more convenient than

III. Write sentences, using the comparative of the adjective.

1. I / my brother / thin
2. A mouse / a cat / small
3. A radio / a television / cheap
4. The sun / the moon / big
5. A sea / a lake / large
6. My children / yours / intelligent
7. Your house / my house / convenient
8. Your English / mine / good
9. My father / uncle Hung / old
10. I / my mother / tall
11. Summer / winter / hot
12. A house in the city / a house in the country / expensive
1. My brother is thinner than me/I do.
2. A mouse is smaller than a cat.
3. A radio is cheaper than a television.
4. The sun is bigger than a moon.
5. A sea is larger than a lake.
6. My children are more intelligent than yours.
7. Your house is more convenient than my house.
8. Your English is better than mine.

9. My father is older than uncle Hung.
10. I am taller than my mother.
11. Summer is hotter than winter.
12. A house in the city is more expensive than a house in the country.
IV. Complete the following sentences with the comparatives of the adjectives.
1. The Mekong River is ______________________ the Mississipi River. (short)
2. The Caribbean Sea is ________________________ the Mediterranean Sea. ( large)
3. Mount Everest is ___________________________ Mount Fuji. (high)
4. Staying in a hotel is _________________________ staying in a guest house.
5. Europe is ______________________________ South America. (small)
6. Canada is _______________________ the United States in area. ( big)
7. Dog is ____________________________ pig. ( intelligent)
8. Fruit is ___________________ for your health ___________ candy. (good)
9. This exercise is ___________________________ than that one. ( difficult)
10. Streets in Ha Noi are _____________________________ streets in Vinh City. (crowded)
1. shorter than 2. larger than 3. higher than 4. more convenient than
5. smaller than 6. bigger than 7. more intelligent than 8. better than
9. more difficult than 10. more crowded than
V. Rewrite the sentences
1. Hoa is taller than Mai.
-> Mai…………………………………………………
2. This building is bigger than that buiding
-> That building ………………………………………..
3. My house is smaller than your house
-> Your house ………………………………………….
4. Nam is fatter than Ba
-> Ba……………………………………………………..
5. This ruler is longer than that rule

Date of planning: ……/ … /….
Date of teaching Class: 6…. :……/ … /….

Practice unit 4
I. Objectives.
- By the end of the unit, students will be able to:
+ pronounce correctly the sounds / I / and / i: / in isolation and in context.
+ use lexical items related to the topic “My neighbourhood”.
+ use adjectives to compare things.
+ read for specific information about good things and bad things in the neighbourhood.
+ talk about different places and show directions to these in a neighbourhood.
+ write about what they like and dislike about their neighbourhood.
- Students will be developed 4 skills: speaking , listening , reading and writing.
II. Procedures

Practice Test
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. arrive B. quickly C. historic D. city
2. A. teems B. street C. coffee D. see
3. A. convenient B. evening C. eve D. exciting
4. A. those B. opposite C. expensive D. noisy
5. A. ideal B. cinema C. exciting D. difficult
II. Find one odd word for each question, and then read them aloud.
1. A. exciting B. boring C. interesting D. convenient
2. A. big B. tall C. wide D. expensive
3. A. suburb B. park C. memorial D. market
4. A. sunny B. beaches C. weather D. supermarket
5. A. cross B. turn C. straight D. buy
III. Choose the correct answers.
1. Going by taxi is more ____________ than going by bus.
A. cheaper B. faster C. easier D. expensive
2. The streets in the Old Quarter in Ha Noi are not wide. They are ________.
A. exciting B. noisy C. narrow D. quiet
3. A _________ is a place where we can buy medicines, soap, and make-up.
A. chemist’s B. grocer’s C. square D. temple
4. David’s exam results are ________ than Nick’s.
A. better B. well C. good D. important
5. Janet is not happy because her results in the competition are ________ than her sister’s.
A. bad B. worse C. good D. better
6. _________ people own motorbikes now than ten years ago.
A. Much B. Many C. Some D. More
7. This type of car is ____________ economical than that type.

A. more B. much C. many D. as
8. ________ go past the traffic lights, and _________ turn left.
A. First – than B. Then – first C. First – then D. Finally – then
IV. Complete the following sentences with the comparatives of the adjectives.
26. This chair is ______________________ than that chair. (comportable)
27. Your flat is _______________________ than mine. (large)
28. Love is ________________________ than money. (important)
29. Iron is _______________________ than wood. (heavy)
30. My phisics course is __________________ than my Math course. (difficult)
31. The Nile River is ____________________ than the Mississipi. (long)
32. The dog is ____________________ than a cow. (intelligent)
33. My mother’s cooking is _____________________ than my father’s. (good)
34. My Englishis _____________________ than hers. ( bad)
35. Mai is ___________________ than Hoa. (beautiful)
36. This dress is ___________________ than that one. (pretty)
37. A horse is ______________________ than a man. (strong)
Key: 1. more comportable 2. larger 3. more important
4. heavier 5. more difficult 6. longer
7. more intelligent 8. better 9. worse
10. more beautiful 11. prettier 12. stronger
V. Hoàn tất các câu sau, sử dụng hình thức so sánh hơn của các tính từ trong ngoặc.
1. A new house is …… old one (expensive)
2. Motorbikes are………..bicycles. (fast)
3. My television is ……….his television. (modern)
4. Summer is ……….spring. (hot)
5. Jane is ……………her sister. (beautiful)
6. Skirts are…………….dresses. (cheap)
7. Her English is …………….my English. (good)
8. A bicycle is often…………a car in busy cities. (convenient)
1. more expensive than 2. faster than 3. more modern than
4. hotter than 5. more beautiful than 6. cheaper than
7. better than 8. more convenient than

VI. Write sentences, using the comparative of the adjective.

1. I / my brother / thin
2. A mouse / a cat / small
3. A radio / a television / cheap
4. The sun / the moon / big
5. A sea / a lake / large
6. My children / yours / intelligent
7. Your house / my house / convenient
8. Your English / mine / good
9. My father / uncle Hung / old
10. I / my mother / tall

11. Summer / winter / hot
12. A house in the city / a house in the country / expensive
13. My brother is thinner than me/I do.
14. A mouse is smaller than a cat.
15. A radio is cheaper than a television.
16. The sun is bigger than a moon.
17. A sea is larger than a lake.
18. My children are more intelligent than yours.
19. Your house is more convenient than my house.
20. Your English is better than mine.
21. My father is older than uncle Hung.
22. I am taller than my mother.
23. Summer is hotter than winter.
24. A house in the city is more expensive than a house in the country.
VII. Read the following passage, and then answer the questions.
London and Rome are the two old cities in Europe. Rome is older than London. It is
about 800 years older than London. But London is bigger than Rome in area and population.
In general, London is colder than Rome in winter and cooler than Rome in summer. Rome is
wetter than London and is nearer the sea than London.
6. Which city is
older? ………………………………………………………………………………………

7. Which city is bigger in area and
population? ………………………………………………………………………
8. Is London hotter than
Rome? ……………………………………………………………………………………
9. Which city has got more
rain? ………………………………………………………………………………………

10. Which city is nearer the
sea? ………………………………………………………………………………………

6. Rome is older
7. London is bigger than Rome in area and population.
8. No, it isn’t.
9. Rome has got more rain.
10. Rome is nearer the sea.

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. exciting B. police C. peaceful
2. A. sleepy B. need C. historic
3. A. convenient B. expensive C. street

4. A. gallery B. noisy C. keep
5. A. building B. live C. teacher
Key: 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. C
II. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. advice B. price C. nice D. police
2. A. express B. exciting C. expensive D. excelent
3. A. coffee B. see C. agree D. free
4. A. city B. cathedral C. central D. cinema
5. A. treat B. clean C. great D. beach
Key: 1. D 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C
III. Complete the following sentences with the comparatives of the adjectives.
11. The Mekong River is ______________________ the Mississipi River. (short)
12. The Caribbean Sea is ________________________ the Mediterranean Sea. ( large)
13. Mount Everest is ___________________________ Mount Fuji. (high)
14. Staying in a hotel is _________________________ staying in a guest house.
15. Europe is ______________________________ South America. (small)
16. Canada is _______________________ the United States in area. ( big)
17. Dog is ____________________________ pig. ( intelligent)
18. Fruit is ___________________ for your health ___________ candy. (good)
19. This exercise is ___________________________ than that one. ( difficult)
20. Streets in Ha Noi are _____________________________ streets in Vinh City. (crowded)
1. shorter than 2. larger than 3. higher than 4. more convenient than
5. smaller than 6. bigger than 7. more intelligent than 8. better than
9. more difficult than 10. more crowded than
IV. Complete the passage with the words given in the box.
carpet from peaceful path however
often flowers for water fresh
My village is about 10 kilometers (1) __________ Da Lat. It is very beautiful and (2)
___________ place where people grow (3) ______________ and vegetables only. It is very
famous (4) _____________ its pretty roses and beautiful landscapes. The air is quite fresh,
(5) _______________, the smell of roses makes people feel cool. In spring, my village looks
like a (6) _______________ with plenty of colours. Tourists come to visit it so (7)
____________. Nowadays, with electricity, it doesn’t take the village much time to (8)
______________ the roses. And even at night, people can walk along the (9)
_______________ and enjoy (10) ____________ smell of flowers.
1. from 2. peaceful 3. flowers 4. for 5. however
6. carpet 7. often 8. water 9. path 10. fresh

V. Read the passage then answer the questions.

Lan goes to Nha Trang with her family on holiday now. She stays at a hotel on the side
of the beach. In the early morning, she goes to the sea and swims for an hour. Then she has
breakfast in a canteen on the beach to enjoy fresh air in the morning. In the afternoon, she

takes some photos of the sights. She is staying in Nha Trang for four days and takes a lot of
nice photos. She is buying some postcards and souvenirs for her friends. It is an enjoyable
hoiday because she has a lot of fun.
1. Where does Lan go on holiday now? -> Lan goes to Nha Trang on holiday.
2. What does she do in the early morning? -> She goes to the sea and swims for an hour.
3. What does she do in the afternoon? -> She takes some photos of the sights.
4. How long is she staying in Nha Trang? -> She is staying in Nha Trang for four days.
5. Why is her holiday enjoyable? -> Because she has a lot of fun.
VI. Rewite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the meaning of the
Example: Tom is taller than Mary. (SHORT) -> Mary is shorter than Tom.
1. The Central Post Office is bigger than this District Post Office. (SMALL)
2. The skyscraper is higher than our office building. (LOW)
3. My neighbourhood is noisier than your neighbourhood. (QUIET)
4. Alice is slimmer than Daisy. (FAT)
5. The Riverview hotel is cheaper than the Palace Hotel. (EXPESIVE)
6. A house in the city is more expensive than a house in the country. (CHEAP)
7. The air in the country is fresher than the air in the city. (POLLUTED)
8. Life in the city is more interesting than life in a small village. (BORING)
1. This District Post Office is smaller than the Central Post Office.
2. Our office building is lower than the skyscraper.
3. Your neighbourhood is quieter than my neighbourhood.
4. Daisy is fatter than Alice.
5. The Palace Hotel is more expensive than the Riverview hotel.
6. A house in the country is cheaper than a house in the city.
7. The air in the city is more polluted than the air in the country.
8. Life in a small village is more boring than life in the city.

Date of planning: ……/ … /….
Date of teaching Class: 6…. :……/ … /….

Practice unit 5
I. Objective:
A. Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to remember their old knowledge in
unit 5.
Do some excercises.
B. Knowledge:
Vocabulary: Travel items; things in nature
Pronunciation: Sounds /t/ and /st/
Grammar: Superlatives of short adjectives; Modal verb: must
Communication: Describing things in nature; Giving travel advice.
II. Procedures
- T helps Ss consolidate the knowledge.
- Ss practice test.
- T checks.
Superlative(So sánh nhất)
The structure :
Short adj: S + V + the + adj + est + N/pronoun
Long adj: S + V + the most + adj + N/pronoun.
She is the tallest girl in the village.
He is the most intelligent boy in class.
* Note:
- Với một số tính từ ta phải gấp đôi kí tự cuối trước khi thêm “er” hoặc “est”.
Eg: big -> bigger- the biggest
Hot -> hotter -> the hottest
Wet -> wetter ->the wettest
- Các tính từ có 2 âm tiết thường có hình thức so sánh hơn là “more + adj + than”, nhưng khi
tính từ từ có 2 âm tiết tận cùng bằng “y” như “happy”, “funny” thì hình thức so sánh hơn là
“ adj + er +than” và hình thức so sánh nhất là “ the + adj + est”.
Eg: easy -> easier -> the easiest
Happy -> happier -> the happiest
Funny -> funnier -> the funniest
- Các tính từ có 2 âm tiết khác thường có dạng so sánh hơn là “er” và so sánh nhất là “est” là
những tính từ tận cùng bằng “le, ow, er”
Eg: noble -> nobler ->the noblest
Yellow -> yellower -> the yellowest
Clever -> cleverer -> the cleverest
- Hình thức so sánh hơn và so sánh nhất của các tính từ bất quy tắc
Eg: good -> better -> the best

Bad -> worse -> the worst
Far -> farther / further -> the farthest/ furthest
Little -> less -> the least
Much/Many/-> more -> the most
Practice Test
I. Em hãy cho dạng so sánh hơn kém và cao nhất của những tính từ sau.
Adjective Meaning
Comparati Superlative
Hot ……………………… ……………………… ………………………
Comfortable ……………………… ……………………… ………………………
Happy ……………………… ……………………… ………………………
Good ……………………… ……………………… ………………………
Beautiful ……………………… ……………………… ………………………
Interesting ……………………… ……………………… ………………………
Thin ……………………… ……………………… ………………………
Large ……………………… ……………………… ………………………
Lovely ……………………… ……………………… ………………………
……………………... ……………………… ………………………
………………………. ……………………..
II. Hoàn tất các câu sau, dung hình thức so sánh nhất của các tính từ trong ngoặc.
1. Nile River is ………….river in the world. (long)
2. This book is ………..of three book. (interesting)
3. Ho Chi Minh city is………… in Viet Nam. (big)
4. They are…………..students in my class. (good)
5. These houses are………….in the village. (beautiful)
6. Winter is ………..season in the year. (cold)
7. Airplane is ………….means of transport. (fast)
8. He is ……………person in the meeting. (important)
Key: 1. the longest 2. the most interesting 3. the biggest 4. the
5. the most beautiful 6. the coldest 7. the fastest 8. the most
II.Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc
1.Everest is the (high)……………………. mountain in the world.
2.Hoa is the (short) ……………………girl in our class.
3.The Amazon River is the (deep)……………… river in the world.
4.The Summer is the (hot)………………………. season in a year.
5.The Great Wall is the (long) …………….structure in the world.
6.Lan is the (happy)………………………. student in my class.
7.Our parents are the (good)……………………….. people.
8.This girl is the (thin)………………………… in her class.
9.The winter is the (cold)…………………. season in a year.
10.He is (clever) ………………………. student in my group.

11.The palace Hotel was …………………………(expensive) than the Grosvenor.
12.John is a ………………………(good) gardener than Stuart.
13.They are not going to the ………………………… (bad) hotel.
14.The palace is the ……………………… (expensive) hotel.
15.John is the …………………………… (good) gardener.
16.These are the …………………………………… (beautiful) colours.
17.This is the (interesting) ………………………book I have ever read.
18.Who is the (rich) ……………………….woman on earth?
19.He was the (clever) ………………………………….thief of all.
20.New York is the (large) ………………….. city of the United States.

III. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the adjectives in brackets.
1. Bangladesh is the (wet) ......................................... of the three countries: Viet Nam,
England, and Bangladesh.
2. The Sahara is the world’s (hot) ......................................... desert.
3. Loch Lomond in Scotland is the (large) ......................................... freshwater lake in
Great Britain.
4. Lake Erie is (small) ......................................... than lake Huron.
5. The Amazon River is (long) ......................................... than the Mekong River.
6. Fansipan is the (high) ......................................... mountain in Viet Nam.
7. Mount Everest is (high) ......................................... than Mount Fansipan.
8. Travelling by bus is (cheap) ......................................... than by taxi.
Key: 1. wettest 2. hottest 3. largest 4. smaller 5.
6. highest 7. higher 8. cheaper
IV. Điền các giới từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống.
1. Hoa’s father works …………the farm………..the countryside.
2. A nurse take care………sick people.
3. The books are………the bookself.
4. His house is next………my house.
5. Jones lives…………American.
6. Her mother works hard………….morning………night.
Key: 1. on – in 2. of 3. on 4. to 5. in 6. from – till
V. Em hãy viết lại mỗi câu sau bắt đầu bằng từ gợi ý sao cho nghĩa câu
không đổi.
Ví dụ : 0. My house is bigger than your house.
Your house is smaller than my house.
1.The black car is cheaper than the red car.
The red car …………………………………………………………………..
2. No one in the group is taller than Trung.
Trung ……………………………………………………………………….
3. Do you have a better refrigerator than this ?
Is this ………………………………………………………………………..
4. My house is the oldest house on the street.

No house …………………………………………………………………….
1. The red car is more expensive than the black one/car.
2. Trung is the tallest person in the group.
3. Is this the best refrigerator you have?
4. No house on the street is older than my house.

Date of planning: ……/ … /….
Date of teaching Class: 6…. :……/ … /….

Practice unit 5 (cont)

I. Objectives.
- By the end of the unit, students will be able to:
+ pronounce correctly the sounds / t / and / st / in isolation and in context.
+ use lexical items related to ‘things in nature’ and ‘travel items’
+ use comparative and superative adjectives to describe things in nature.
+ use “must” and “mustn’t” to give oders.
+ talk about and give travel advice
+ read a brochure for tourist information
- Students will be developed 4 skills: speaking , listening , reading and writing.
II. Procedures
- T helps Ss consolidate the knowledge.
- Ss practice test.
- T checks.
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. red B. tent C. end D. forest
2. A. lake B. bag C. take D. nature
3. A. island B. plaster C. coast D. longest
4. A. map B. area C. hat D. plan
5. A. post B. cost C. question D. coast
1. D 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C
II. Find one odd word for each question, and then read them aloud.
1. A. forest B. mountain C. lake D. city
2. A. walk B. compass C. plaster D. sleeping bag
3. A. waterfall B. desert C. lake D. beach
4. A. hottest B. biggest C. largest D. guest
5. A. mountain B. valley C. club D. cave
1. D 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C
III. Choose the correct answers.
1. Tra Co Beach is ___________ beach in Viet Nam.
A. long B. longer C. longest D. the longest
2. Mount Everest is the highest mountain _________ the world.
A. in B. on C. at D. of
3. The islands in Ha Long Bay are named _________ things around us.
A. in B. after C. with D. at

4. Which city is ___________ ; Ha Noi or Ho Chi Minh City?
A. largest B. the largest C. larger D. large
5. “Do you finish packing?” – “Yes. All my things are in my ________”
A. back B. backpack C. back pack D. plaster
6. Ha Long Bay is Vietnam’s ________ wonder.
A. most beautiful natural C. the most beautiful natural
B. most natural beatiful D. the most natural beautiful
7. The Amazon _________ is in Brazil.
A. Rainforest B. Rainy Forest C. Wet Forest D. Wetter forest
8. _______ is a large thick bag for sleeping in, especially when you are camping.
A. A sleep bag B. A sleeping bag C. A sleepy bag D. A bag for sleeping
9. If we had a ___________, we wouldn’t get lost.
A. backpack B. ruler C. painkiller D. compass
10. People think Ayers Rock is __________ in the evening when it is red.
A. good B. better C. best D. the best
1. D 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B
6. A 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. C
IV. Hoàn tất các câu sau, dung hình thức so sánh hơn hoặc so sánh nhất của các tính từ
trong ngoặc.
1. Orange juice is …………….coffee. (good)
2. Hanh is …………..student in the class. (clever)
3. Cars are………….motorbikes. (expensive)
4. Mai is …………..girl of three sisters. (beautiful)
5. The blue dress is …………..the red one. (cheap)
6. Watching TV is…………reading book. (interesting)
7. This apartment is …………….for your family. (suitable)
8. Mount Everest is ………….mountain in the world. (high)
Key: 1. better than 2. the most clever/ the cleverest 3. more expensive than
4. the most beautiful 5. cheaper than 6. more interesting than
7. the most suitable 8. the highest
V. Read the passage, then answer the questions.
Ba Be Lake is the largest lake in Viet Nam. It is a mountainous area, nearly 250km from
Ha Noi. When you get to the entance of Ba Be National Park, you have anther 16 kilometre
drive through the park to arrive at the small village “Pac Ngoi” of Tay Minority. You can
stay overnight in a local stilt house.
The next day you can get on your boat and have a trip on Ba Be Lake. You can enjoy the
wonderful lanscape. During the boat trip you can visit some caves and the Dau Dang
Waterfall. You can also watch the local communities with their daily life.
1. What is Ba Be Lake?
2. Where is it?
3. How can we visit the small village “Pac Ngoi” of Tay Minority?
4. What can we visit during the boat trip on Ba Be Lake?
5. What can we watch the local communities?
Key: 1. Ba Be Lake is the largest lake in Viet Nam.

2. It is a mountainous area, nearly 250km from Ha Noi.
3. When we get to the entance of Ba Be National Park, we have anther 16 kilometre
drive through the park to arrive at the small village “Pac Ngoi” of Tay Minority.
4. During the boat trip we can visit some caves and the Dau Dang Waterfall.
5. We can also watch the local communities with their daily life.
VI. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each of the gaps to complete the
following text.
Tra Co Beach in Quang Ninh Province is 9 kilometres from Mong Cai. It has the (1)
_________ and the most romantic beach in Viet Nam. Tourists can enjoy the (2)
__________ of white sand beaches and blue sea water all year(3) __________ . Visitors can
(4) ___________ enjoy the sunset or sunrise in Con Mang islet(Cu lao). You can visit Tra
Co Communal House(đình), Linh Khanh Pagoda, and Tra Co Church. If tourists want some
fresh (5) ________ , they can find it from fishing boats. They can take part in Tra Co
Festival from May 30 to June 6.
1. A. long B. longer C. longest D. much longer
2. A. beauty B. beautiful C. of beauty D. pretty
3. A. over B. long C. round D. longer
4. A. be B. then C. too D. also
5. A. menu B. seafood C. air D. water
1. C 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B

VII. Write full sentences, using the suggested words and phrases given.
1. Mexico City / big / city / world.
2. My brother’s room / big / my room.
3. London / small / Tokyo.
4. Hung / short / Ba.
5. Fansipan / high / mountain / Viet Nam.
6. Nam / tall / boy / his class.
7. Thoa / beautiful / girl / village.
8. The pagoda / tall / Temple.
1. Mexico City is the biggest city in the world.
2. My brother’s room is bigger than my room.
3. London is smaller than Tokyo.
4. Hung is shorter than Ba
5. Fansipan is the highest mountain in Viet Nam.
6. Nam is the tallest boy of his class.
7. Thoa is the most beautiful girl of the village.
8. The pagoda is taller than the Temple.

Date of planning: ……/ … /….
Date of teaching Class: 6…. :……/ … /….


I. Objective:
A. Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice grammar of unit 4,5 well
B. Knowledge:
Vocabulary: places in a neighbourhood, give drections, travel iterm, things in nature
Pronunciation: Sounds/i/ and /i:/, /t/ and / st/
- Comparative adj
- Superlatives adj
II. Procedures
I. Find the word which has a different sound in part underlined.

1/A. exiting B. police C. peaceful

2/A. sleepy B. need C. historic
3/A. convenient B. expensive C. street
4/A. gallery B. noisy C. keep
5/A. building B. live C. teacher
II. Find the word which has a different sound in part underlined.

1/A. advice B. price C. nice D. police

2/A. express B. exciting C. expensive D. excelent
3/A. coffee B. see C. agree D. free
4/A. city B. cathedral C. central D. cinema
5/A. treat B. clean C. great D. beach
III. What are these places? Write the words in the spaces.
0. It's a place where we go to walk, play and relax.
(it is) a park.
1. It's a place where we borrow books.
2. It's a place where we watch a fifm.
3. It's a place where we go to buy stamps or send mail.
4. It's a place where we can look at paintings.

5. It's a place where they sell medicines, soap and make-up.
IV. Find one odd word A, B, C or D. Then read them aloud.

1/A. grocery B. restaurant C. café D. cathedral

2/A. better B. smaller C. worker D. hotter
3/A. sweet B. bread C. cake D. coffee
4/A. baker B. grocer C. neightbor D. barber
5/A. factory B. park C. theatre D. cinema
V. Choose the best option (A, B or C) to each space.
1. David is more ...... than Peter.
A. intelligentr
B. intelligent than
C. intelligent
2. My sister plays the piano ...... than my brother.
A. gooder
B. more good
C. better
3. The pink flower is ...... than the yellow one.
A. beautiful
B. more beautiful
C. beautifuler
4. His story is ...... than theirs.
A. funnier
B. more funnier
C. funnyer
VI. Complete the sentences with the correct comparative form of the adjectives in the
box.bad cold important dangerous good 1. It's ...... in the north of Viet
NAm than in the south.
2. Is a snake ...... than a dog?
3. Doing our homework is ...... than reading a novel.
4. She's not very happy. Her exam results are ...... than her sister's.
5. Let's go to Da Lat. The weather's ...... there than that in Ho Chi Minh City.
I. Find one odd word A, B, C or D.
1/A. island B. mountain C. bay D. building
2/A. long B. deep C. wonderful D. high
3/A. rock B. waterfall C. river D. lake

4/A. watch B. see C. enjoy D. look
5/A. biggest B. quieter C. best D. smallest

II. Choose the words in the box to make sentences, using

superlativesbig cold deep high long 1. Mount Everest is one of the ......
mountains in the world.
2. The Nile is the ...... river in the world.
3. Russia is one of the ...... countries in the world. The weather is still cold in summer.
4. The blue whale is the ...... animal in the world.
5. The Pacific Ocean is the ...... ocean in the world.

III. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the adjectives in brackets.
1. Bangladesh is the (wet) ...... of the three countries: Vietnam, England and Bangladesh.
2. The Sahara is the world's (hot) ...... desert.
3. Loch Lomond in Scotland is the (large) ...... freshwater lake in Great Britain.
4. Lake Erie is (small) ...... than Lake Huron.
5. Mount Everest is 8.848 meters (high) ......
6. The Amazon River is (long) ...... than Mekong River.
7. Fansipan is the (high) ...... mountain in Vietnam.
8. Travelling by bus is (cheap) ..... than by taxi.

Date of planning: ……/ … /….
Date of teaching Class: 6…. :……/ … /….


I. Objective:
A. Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to Remember their old knowledge in
unit 6.
Do some excercises.
B. Knowledge:
Communication: Talk about Tet activities and traditions; Giving advice.
II. Procedures
Listen to the following conversation and fill the missing words (1p)

Unit 4: My Neighbourhood (Page 45)

A: Excuse me. Where is the(1)________________?
B: Go to the end of this street. It's on your(2)________________.
A: And where is the lower secondary school?
B: It's in Le Duan Street. Take the(3) ________________right and it's on your left.
A: Great! Where can I have some coffee?
B: "Quynh" Café in Tran Quang Dieu Street is a good one.
A: How can I get there?
B: First(4)________________, then turn righ
t. Go straight. It's on your left.
A: How about an art gallery?
B: First take the(5) ________________left. Then go to the end of Le Loi Street, and it's on
Unit 5: Natural wonders of the world (Page 55)
Travel Agent: We have some great deals. I recommend (1)____________, Hue, Mui Ne or
Nha Trang.
Nick: Wow! I love the(2)______________. Can we go to Mui Ne, Mum?
Nick's Mum: well let's think, Nick. Can I see a picture of the hotel in Mui Ne?
Travel Agent: Yes, here you are.
Nick's Mum: which is cheaper, Mui Ne or Ha Long Bay?
Travel Agent: (3)_______________is cheaper but I think Ha Long Bay is
Nick's dad: Yes, you're right. I think I want go to Ha Long Bay. It's
(5)_______________than Mui Ne.
Nick: Oh.
Travel Agent: Yes, it's (6)_______________in Mui Ne at this time of the year. You must
take umbrellas and waterproof coats.

Nick's mum: Ok, let's book Ha Long Bay please!


Read the passage and choose the best answer (A, B or C) to each space.

My Peaceful Neighbourhood
My ...(1)... lives in this area for more ...(2)... 15 years. This is a quiet, safe place with great
neighbours. They ...(3)... all nice people. If anyone has problems, they are always there
to ...(4)... him (her). Besides, we are never worried about losing things. For ...(5)..., my
mother sometimes locks our dog outside when she goes to ...(6).... Miss Lan, who
lives ...(7)... to our house, always takes care of it and gives the dog back in the evening. I
also have many ...(8)..., too. We play all kinds of games every evening. My ...(9)... is really
safe and nice place to live, and i ...(10)... it so much.
1/A. house B. home C. family
2/A. then B. than C. that
3/A. are B. have C. are having
4/A. smile B. laugh C. help
5/A. example B. reason C. examples
6/A. do B. school C. work
7/A. beside B. next C. in front
8/A. kids B. friends C. friend
9/A. neighbour B. neighbourhood C. family
10/A. loves B. love C. hates

IV. Read the passage and choose the best answer (A, B or C) to each statement.
Da Nang is one of the most peaceful cities in Viet Nam with a lot of beautiful beaches. This
is a wonderful place for those who love seas and enjoy fresh air. Life here is not so busy as
that in Ho Chi Minh City. It is not only a beautiful city but also a safe place to live in. Every
evening, after work, you can easily catch the sight of families riding to the beach, leaving
their motorbikes on the seaside and jumping into the water. They are not afraid of losing
their motorbikes. They believe that their vehicles will still be there when they come back.
There is no beggar here and the air is fresh. Another good thing is the food. If you love
seafood, Da Nang will be the right choice. The food here is very fresh and the price in
cheaper than that in Ho Chi Minh City.
1. Da Nang is a good place for sea lovers.
A. Right

B. Wrong
C. Doesn't say
2. The life in Da Nang is busier than that in Ho Chi Minh City.
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Doesn't say
3. There are beautiful mountains in Da Nang.
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Doesn't say
4. It is not expensive to buy seafood in Da Nang City.
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Doesn't say
5. Da Nang is not only peaceful but also beautiful.
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Doesn't say
V. Read the passage and choose the best word ( A, B or C) to put in each space.
Hoi An is one of the (1)…… towns in Viet Nam. It (2)…… on the lower section of the Thu
Bon river. It is a very beautiful town with a lot of colorful (3)…… which are hung (4)……
the town. Hoi An is famous for one- (5)…… tailoring. Customers order clothes (6)…… the
morning and get them in the (7)……. The price is not really (8)……. If you want to find the
place of the (9)…… time, Hoi An is a (10)…… choice.
1/A. newer B. newest C. oldest
2/A. are B. is C. are being
3/A. lanterns B. stars C. ballons
4/A. on B. around C. up
5/A. month B. week C. day
6/A. at B. in C. on
7/A. night B. afternoon C. evening
8/A. expensive B. cheap C. more expensive
9/A. modern B. old C. new
10/A. best B. worst C. good
VI. Read about Da Nang City and answer the questions.
Da Nang has a population of nearly 800,000 people. The Han River flows through the city.
The city part on the east bank is newest and more spacious. The city part on the west bank is

more crowed. There are five bridges across the river. The Han River Bridge is the newest
one now. The cost of living in Da Nang is the lowest in Central Viet Nam. Da Nang has
many beaches. Among them, Non Nuoc Beach is one of the beautiful beaches in the world.
But walking in the street on a summer afternoon is not a good idea in Da Nang. There are
not many trees so there are not many shadows. It is often very hot at noon.
1. What is the population of Da Nang?
2. Which part of the city is more spacious??
3. Which part of the city is more crowed?
4. Which bridge is the newest?
5. What is Non Nuoc Beach like?

EX1: Do as directed
1. My home town doesn’t have any buildings and theatres.
2. My bag is better than her bag.
Her bag..................................................................................................
3. His parents enjoy reading newspaper.
 His parents are ………………………………………………….
4. It’s necessary to do the homework.
5. Lan is big, Lien is bigger and Hoa is the biggest.
Hoa………………………………………….the three girls.
6. Please tell me some things about your school .( Rewrite using Can)
EX2: Using the words given to complete each sentence .
7. Which/ tall/ building/house ?
8. There /lot/ modern houses / center /city .
9. It / two kilometers / the East / Dak Doa town.
10. Living/ city/ interesting than /living/ country.

EX3:Reorder the words to make the meaningful sentences.( 1p )

1. modern / This / is / that / more / hotel / than / one.
=> …………………………………………………………………..…………………
2. on / Take / turning / the / right / the / first.
=> ………………………………………………………………..…………………
3. a / park / there / near / house / Is / your ?
=> ……………………………………………………………..……………………

4. do / at / must / You/ homework / home / your.
=> …………………………………………………………………..………………

Date of planning: ……/ … /….
Date of teaching Class: 6…. :……/ … /….

Practice unit 6
I. Objective:
A. Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to Remember their old knowledge in
unit 6.
Do some excercises.
B. Knowledge:
Vocabulary: Tet things and activities.
Pronunciation: Sounds /s/ and / ʃ /
Grammar: Will to express intentions ; Should/shouldn’t for advice
Communication: Talk about Tet activities and traditions; Giving advice.
II. Procedures
- T helps Ss consolidate the knowledge.
- Ss practice test.
- T checks.
+) “Should/shouldn’t” for advice
 Form: S + should / shouldn’t + V + …
Ex: You should help your mom do the housework.
You shouldn’t talk in the class.
+) “Will/Won’t” to express intentions
 Form: S + will/won’t + V + …
Ex: I will visit my relatives at Tet holiday.
We won’t buy Banh Chung. We will cook them.
1. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. Say the words
1. A. special B. spring C. she D. sugar
2. A. cheer B. child C. peach D. chorus
3. A. tradition B. condition C. celebration D. question
4. A. blossom B. discussion C. rooster D. compass
5. A. rice B. celebrate C. calendar D. smile
Key: 1. B 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. C
II. Find one odd word for each question, and then read them aloud.
1. A. blossom B. apricot C. shopping D. flower
2. A. decorate B. envelope C. repaint D. decoration
3. A. visit B. repaint C. wish D. house
4. A. Korea B. Japanese C. Scottish D. Dutch
5. A. rooster B. writer C. gamer D. swimmer
Key: 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. A
III. Put the words from the box in the appropriate rows of verbs.

a pagoda special food peach blossoms the house
old teachers front door a church pine tree
relatives the LED lights apricot blossoms friends a
home village the living room traditional food flower market a
 go to _______________________________________________________________
 decorate ______________________________________________________________
 hang _______________________________________________________________
 buy _______________________________________________________________
 visit ________________________________________________________________
 cook ________________________________________________________________
IV. Fill in the blank with ‘should’ or ‘shouldn’t’.
1. The students ______________ make so much noise.
2. The film is interesting. You ______________ go and see it.
3. Tom ______________ drive carefully. The traffic is very heavy.
4. You ______________ smoke so much.
5. You _______________ give up smoking.
6. You ________________ spend more time on your homework.
7. The English girl wants to live in Vietnam. She ________________ learn Vietnamese.
8. He _________________ drink so much coffee before bedtime.
9. Tom has a bad toothache. He ________________ go to the dentist’t.
10. You _____________________ go to bed so late every night.
1. shouldn’t 2. should 3. should 4. shouldn’t 5. should
6. should 7. should 8. shouldn’t 9. should 10. shouldn’t

V. Complete the sentences with ‘should’ or ‘shouln’t’.

1. A: You don’t feel very well.
B: You ___________ go to bed early.
2. A: We’re bored.
B: You _____________ watch so much TV
3. A: There’s a new girl at school called Susanna.
B: You _______________ invite her to our class.
4. A: I don’t understand my Maths homework.
B: You ______________ ask your teacher to explain it again.
5. A: I can’t fall asleep at night.
B: You __________________ drink so much coffee.
6. A: I don’t have any money.

B: You _______________ buy so many DVDs.
7. A: I’m going to live in France for a year.
B: You _____________ learn some French.
8. A: I got a bad mark in my Science test.
B: You _______________ study more.
1. should 2. shouldn’t 3. should 4. should
5. shouldn’t 6. shouldn’t 7. should 8. should
VI. Read the passage and then decide whether the sentences are True or False.
Viet Nam’s New Year is known as Tet. It begins between January twenty-first and
February nineteenth. The exact date change from year to year. Tet lasts ten days. The first
three days are the most important. Vietnamese people believe that what people do during
those days will influence the whole year. As a result, they make every effort to avoid
argments and smile as much as possible. Vietnamese peple believe that the first person
through the door on New Year.s Day can bring either good or bad luck. Children receive
lucky money as they do in other countries.
1. Tet occurs in late January or early February. _________
2. There are two weeks for Lunar New Year. _________
3. People should not argue with each other at Tet. _________
4. The first visitor on New Year’s Day brings good or bad luck. _________
5. Only children in Viet Nam get lucky money. _________
1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F

Date of planning: ……/ … /….
Date of teaching Class: 6…. :……/ … /….

Practice unit 6 (cont)

I. Objectives.
- By the end of the unit, students will be able to:
+ pronounce correctly the sounds / s / and / ʃ / in isolation and in context.
+ extend and practice vocabulary related to ‘Tet’: things, activities and practices
+ identify and practice the language of intentions ( with ‘will’ ) and advice ( with ‘should’ )
+ get to know New Year practices in some other countries
+ read about Tet in different countries.
+ write complete sentences from prompts and write a short guided passage
- Students will be developed 4 skills: speaking , listening , reading and writing.
II. Procedures
- T helps Ss consolidate the knowledge.
- Ss practice test.
- T checks.
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. Say the words
1. A. big B. wish C. fish D. high
2. A. pagoda B. torch C. overseas D. sofa
3. A. temple B. messy C. decorate D. department
4. A. museum B. windsurfing C. surround D. diverse
5. A. thrilling B. then C. through D. thread
1. D 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. B
II. Choose the correct answers.
1. Hoi An is a ___________ city and it is famous for its old buildings, shops,
pagodas and houses.
A. history B. historic C. historian D. young
2. My neighbourhood is great for outdoor activities ___________ it has beautiful
parks, sandy beaches and fine weather.
A. because B. so C. but D. and
3. “What are the people there ________ ?” – “They are very friendly.”
A. love B. liking C. like D. look
3. Ha Noi is ________ exciting than Viet Tri City.
A. much B. much more C. more much D. only more
4. The Nile River is the _______ river in the world, ______ the Amazon is the widest.
A. long – so B. long – because C. longer – but D. longest – but

5. The Himalayas, a mountain range, is _________ with forests and many kinds of plants
and animals.
A. diverse B. deversity C. wide D. large
6. If you want to go to the Himalayas, I think you _______ take a waterproof coat
because it is cold and rainy there.
A. can B. can’t C. must D. mustn’t
7. The meeting is very important, so you ________ be late!
A. must B. mustn’t C. should D. shouldn’t
8. Tet is _________ for family gatherings
A. a time B. the time C. time D. times
9. Do you think the _________ time to plant trees is spring?
A. good B. better C. well D. best
10. In the cinema we ________ eat or drink anything.
A. must B. should C. shouldn’t D. can
1. B 2. A 3. C 3’. B 4. D 5. A
6. C 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. C
III. Match the sentences to make conversations.
A B Answers
1. I’m tired a. You shouldn’t talk in class. 1. _e__
2. I have a headache b. You should take it to the vet. 2. _f__
3. My teacher’s angry with me. c. You should take an umbrella. 3. _a__
4. My cat’s ill. d. You shouldn’t eat so much. 4. _b__
5. It’s raining outside. e. You shouldn’t go to bed so late. 5. _c__
6. There’s lots of food during Tet f. You should take an aspirin. 6. _d__
IV. Write pieces advice for these situations, using ‘should’ or ‘shouln’t’ and the
words given in brackets.
1. My tooth is aching again. (eat so many sweet things)
2. I have to get up early tomorrow. ( set the alarm clock)
3. I am putting on weight. (do more exercise)
4. I don’t feel well. (stay at home)
5. I think I’m short sighted. (go to the doctor’s)
6. I have a pain in my chest. (see a doctor)
7. I lent a friend my English book, but he hasn’t given it back. (ask him for it)
8. I have some difficult questions. (work in a group)

1. You shouldn’t eat so many sweet things.
2. You should set the alarm clock.
3. You should do more exercise.
4. You should stay at home.
5. You should go to the doctor’s.
6. You should see a doctor.
7. You should ask him for it.
8. You should work in group.
V. Read the passage and then answer the questions.
It’s Christmas Day now. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are buying some presents for the family and
their friends. They have got a new TV set and some records for dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Green
live in Scotland and they are staying with the Browns in London at Christmas. Mr Green is
decorating the Christmas tree in the sitting-room. Mrs. Green is putting some Christmas
cards and colourful lights on it. All people are very happy.
1. What are Mr. and Mrs. Brown doing?
They are buying some presents for the family and their friends.
2. Where are Mr. and Mrs. Green staying?
They are staying with the Browns in London at Christmas.
3. What is Mr. Green doing?
He is decorating the Christmas tree in the sitting-room.
4. What is Mrs. Green doing?
She is putting some Christmas cards and colourful lights on it.
VI. Fill in the gap in the passage with one suitable word from the box.
have give decorate first envelopes
wishes shopping festival gatherings love
Tet is a national and family (1) __________. It is an occation for every Vietnamese to
(2) __________ a good time while thinking about the last year and the next year. At Tet,
people (3) __________ streets and public buildings, almost all shops are crowded with
people (4) _________ for Tet. Tet is a time for family (5) _______. At home, everything is
tidy; people cook special food. First-footing is made when the (6) _______ visitor comes,
and parents give children lucky money in red (7) _________. Tet is also a time for peace and
(8) __________. During Tet, friends, relatives and neighbours (9) ________ each other their
best (10) ___________ for the new year.
1. festival 2. have 3. decorate 4. shopping 5. gatherings
6. first 7. envelopes 8. love 9. give 10. wishes

Date of planning: ……/ … /….
Date of teaching Class: 6…. :……/ … /….

I. Objectives.
- By the end of the unit, students will be able to:
+ pronounce correctly the sounds / s / and / ʃ / in isolation and in context.
+ extend and practice vocabulary related to ‘Tet’: things, activities and practices
+ identify and practice the language of intentions ( with ‘will’ ) and advice ( with ‘should’ )
+ get to know New Year practices in some other countries
+ read about Tet in different countries.
+ write complete sentences from prompts and write a short guided passage
- Students will be developed 4 skills: speaking , listening , reading and writing.
II. Procedures
- T helps Ss consolidate the knowledge.
- Ss practice test.
- T checks.
Practice Test
1. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. Say the words
1. A. decorate B. market C. resolution D. celebrate
2. A. smile B. so C. spring D. noise
3. A. parent B. travel C. hand D. bad
4. A. love B. mother C. pagoda D. come
5. A. lucky B. shy C. why D. buy
Key: 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. A
II. Choose the correct answers.
1. Do you believe that the first footer ________ us good or bad luck?
A. must take B. should bring C. can make D. can bring
2. Students __________ copy their classmates’work.
A. should B. shouldn’t C. must D. not
3. People in Laos _________ water over one another.
A. give B. take C. throw D. bring
4. The American ___________ a midnight kiss with someone they love.
A. share B. take C. bring D. celebrate
5. People in many countries in the world often wear their ________ clothes on the New
Year Day.
A. tradition B. traditional C. ordinary D. summer
6. On New Year’s Day, children in Korea make a _________ to their parents or elders and
wish them a long and healthy ___________.
A. bow – live B. friend – lives C. lows – lives D. bow – life

7. I wish you a _______ life and ___________ health.
A. long – best B. big – good C. long – good D. happy – bad
8. We should help our mothers _____________ the table after the meal.
A. make B. to make C. clear D. to cleaning
9. I will _________ my lucky money in my piggy bank.
A. keep B. spend C. borrow D. give
10. Some Vietnamese people don’t eat shrimps ___________ New Year’s Day.
A. in B. on C. at D. during
1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B
6. D 7. C 8. C 9. A 10. B
III. Rearrange the sentences in the correct order to make a conversation between
Lan and her English friend, Daisy, about Tet in Viet Nam.
1. ____g____ a. What do you usually do at Tet?
2. ____d____ b. Oh, that sounds really interesting.
3. ____h____ c. Well, it’s on January 27th this year.
4. ____f____ d. What is Tet?
5. ____c____ e. Well. We cook a lot of traditional food, visit our relatives and friends
and we also go to pagodas.
6. ____a____ f. When is it exactly?
7. ____e____ g. Do you know that the Tet holiday is next week.
8. ____b____ h. It’s the time when Vietnamese people celebrate the beginning of
IV. Give advice for these situations, using ‘should’ or ‘shouln’t’ and the words given
in brackets.
1. You look very pale and terrible. ( see a doctor)
2. You work until 11 every night. ( not work so hard)
3. It’s Mai’s birthday on Sunday. I think we should do something. (buy her a nice
birthday present)
4. The car did not start this morning. (take it to the garage)
5. He always gives you the wrong advice. (not listen to him)
6. Everything will be all right. (not worry so much)
7. He doesn’t understand the lesson. (meet the teacher after class)
8. He does not like this job because it’s so boring. ( look for another one)
1. You should see a doctor.
2. You shouldn’t work so hard.

3. We should buy her a nice birthday present
4. We should take it to the garage.
5. You shouldn’t listen to him.
6. You shouldn’t worry so much.
7. He should meet the teacher after class.
8. He should look for another one.
V. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each of the gaps to complete the
following text.
There are many Chinese festivals in Hong Kong. The Western New Year starts on the
first day of January but the Chinese begin New Year on the first day of the first moon of the
Chinese calendar. Before New Year’s Day comes, people clean and decorate their houses, (1)
_________ a lot of traditional food and go shopping for presents and new clothes. New
Year’s Eve is the time (2) _________ every family gathers its members together for dinner.
People (3) __________ the New Year with a music perfomance and firework display to
light up the sky.
On the New Year’s Day, They visit their friends and relatives. The children get lucky
money in red envelopes. Many people go to the (4) __________ to wish for good health and
good luck. Chinese people in Hong Kong celebrate the New Year with (5) _________ and
1. A. take B. bring C. cook D. sell
2. A. when B. after C. before D. during
3. A. meet B. see C. end D. celebrate
4. A. houses B. pagodas C. family D. camps
5. A. hopeful B. hopeless C. hope D. hoping
1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C
VI. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the
1. Antarctica is colder than any other places in the world.
Antarctina is __________________________________________________
2. Doing morning exercises every morning is good for you.
You _________________________________________________________
3. My father has a plan to repaint our house before Tet.
My father _____________________________________________________
4. Fansipan is higher than any other mountain in Indochina(đông dương).
Fansipan is ____________________________________________________
5. Nam is the tallest student in his class.
Nobody in Nam’s class ___________________________________________
1. Antarctina is the coldest place in the world.
2. You should do morning exercise every morning.
3. My father will repaint our house before Tet.
4. Fansipan is the highest mountain in Indochina.
5. Nobody in Nam’s class is taller than Nam.


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