Tcs Digital Sample Questions Advanced Aptitude Set 4

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1. Anand packs 304 marbles into packets of 9 or 11 so that no marble is left. Anand
wants to maximize the number of bags with 9 marbles. How many bags does he
need if there should be at least one bag with 11 marbles.
a) 36 b) 8 c) 24 d) 32
2. A Circle has 29 points arranged in a clockwise manner from 0 to 28. A bug moves
clockwise manner from 0 to 28. A bug moves clockwiaw on the circle according to
following rule. If it is at a point; on the circle it moves clockwise in 1 sec by (1+r)
places, where r is remainder (possibly 0) when I divided by 11. If it starts in 23 rd
position, at what position will it be after 2012 sec.
a) 10 b) 20 c)17
3. The geocity planning office is exploring the use of cones for water towers, and has
built a model in their office. The model is a hollow, open (no top) right circular cone.
An intelligent mathematical bug is sitting at the point A (at top), and a drop of honey
is accidentally dropped at point B (on the opposite side of the cone, at the top). The
bug crawls to the honey on the surface of the cone by the shortest path. If R=270 cm
(slant height) and r=90 cm (radius), then what is the distance (in cm) crawled by the
bug before reaching the honey? 

A)135 B)270 C)282.6 D)141.3

4. George and Mark can paint 720 boxes in 20 days, Mark and Henry in 24 days, Henry
and George in 15 days. George works for 4 days, Mark for 8 days and Henry for 8
days.The total no of boxes painted by them is?

a. 516
b. 492
c. 348
d. 252
5. A team won 80 % of the games it played. It played 5 more games of which it won 3
and lst 2. Its loss percentage changed to 25%. How many games did it play overall?

a)25 b) 14 c) 16 d)20

6.3 friends A,B,C went for week end party to McDonald's restaurant and there they
measure there weights in some order in 7 rounds. A, B, C, AB, BC, AC, ABC. Final
round measure is 155 kg, then find the average weight of all the 7 rounds? a.88.57
b.92.47 c.96.54 d. 95.58

7. A farmer has a rose garden. Every day he either plucks 7 or 6 or 24 or 23 roses. The
rose plants are intelligent and when the farmer plucks these numbers of roses, the next
day 37 or 36 or 9 or 18 new roses bloom in the garden respectively. On Monday, he
counts 189 roses in the garden. He plucks the roses as per his plan on consecutive
days and the new roses bloom as per intelligence of the plants mentioned above. After
some days which of the following can be the number of roses in the garden? (a) 4 b) 7
(c) 30 (d) 37
8. There is a pool of radius X and there is a pathway around the pool with a width of 4
feet. Find the radius of the pool if the path area/ pool area = 11/25.
a)12 b)20 c)25 d)29

9. . A school has 120, 192 and 144 students enrolled for its science, arts and commerce
courses. All students have to be seated in rooms for an exam such that each room has
students of only the same course and also all rooms have equal number of students.
What is the least number of rooms needed?
a) 18 b)19 c)20 d) 21

10. Chocolates Rs.164.90 it is used to sell chocolates for Rs.2 each but there were no
sales at that price. When it is reduced the price, all chocolates sold out.Enabling the
shop keeper to realize Rs. 164.90 from the chocolates alone. If the new price was not
less than half the original price. How many chocolates were sold?
A.39 B.37 C.97 D.71

11. Two women Renu and Usha are working on an embroidery design. If Usha worked
alone, she would need eight hours more to complete the design than if they both worked
together. Now if Renu worked alone, it would need 4.5 hours more to complete the
design than they both working together. What time would it take Renu alone to complete
the design?
a) 10.5 hrs b) 12.5 hrs c)14.5 hrs d)18.5 hrs

12. The numbers 6,12,21,22,27,34 are placed in the boxes a,b,c,d,e,f shown below in a certain order such that the
sum of the entries in each of the extreme rows and each of the extreme columns (i.e. top row,bottom row,left
most column, right most column) are the same number K. What is the value of K?

9 A B 14
C d
23 E F 25

A.71 B.66 C.61 D.69

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