Chapter 32 Assessment of Hematologic Function and Treatment Modalities

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The key takeaways are that blood transports nutrients, waste, gases, and hormones throughout the body. It also contains formed elements like erythrocytes, leukocytes, and thrombocytes suspended in plasma. Hematopoiesis is the process of blood cell formation that occurs primarily in the bone marrow.

The main components of blood are erythrocytes (red blood cells) that carry oxygen, leukocytes (white blood cells) that fight infection, thrombocytes (platelets) involved in clotting, and plasma which is the fluid portion of blood.

Hematopoiesis is the process of blood cell formation that occurs primarily in the bone marrow. It involves stem cells differentiating into myeloid or lymphoid stem cells which then mature into the various blood cell types through processes like erythropoiesis.




 “river of life”
 Transport everything that must be carried from one place to another within the body
o Nutrients (glucose, fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins)
o Waste products of metabolism (urea, uric acid)
o Respiratory gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide)
o Hormones
 A complex connective tissue
 Buffy coat – thin, whitish layer at the junction between formed elements and plasma
 Hematocrit - the proportion, by volume, of the blood that consists of red blood
(Normal levels of hematocrit for men range from 41% to 50%. Normal level for women
is 36% to 48%.)
 7%-10% of normal body weight
 5-6L of volume
Blood Components
1. Erythrocytes (RBC)
2. Leukocytes (WBC) 40-45% of blood volume
3. Thrombocytes (Platelets)
4. Plasma - 55% of blood volume
 Blood cell formation
 Occurs in red bone marrow or myeloid tissue
 During embryonic development and in other conditions, the liver and spleen may also be
 The adult bone marrow produces about 175 billion erythrocytes, 70 billion neutrophils (a
mature type of WBC), and 175 billion platelets each day
Bone Marrow
 Site of hematopoiesis
 Blood cell formation is usually limited to the pelvis, ribs, vertebrae, and sternum
 Marrow is one of the largest organs of the body, making up 4% to 5% of total body
 It consists of islands of cellular components (red marrow) separated by fat (yellow
 2.6 kg of bone marrow half red, half yellow.
 Within it are primitive cells called stem cells. The stem cells have the ability to self-
replicate, thereby ensuring a continuous supply of stem cells throughout the life cycle.
When stimulated to do so, stem cells can begin a process of differentiation into either
myeloid or lymphoid stem cells
 The stroma of the marrow refers to all tissue within the marrow that is not directly
involved in hematopoiesis. However, the stroma is important in an indirect manner, in
that it produces the colony-stimulating factors needed for hematopoiesis. The yellow
marrow is the largest component of the stroma. Other cells comprising the stroma include
fibroblasts (reticular connective tissue), osteoclasts, osteoblasts (both needed for
remodeling of skeletal bone), and endothelial cells.
Blood Formed Elements (40-45%)
A. Erythrocytes (RBC)
 Primarily to carry oxygen in blood between lungs and tissues
 Mature erythrocytes consist primarily of hemoglobin, which contains iron and
makes up 95% of the cell mass. Mature erythrocytes have no nuclei, and they
have many fewer metabolic enzymes than do most other cells.
 Average lifespan is 120 days
 Iron bearing protein that transports bulk of oxygen that is carried in the blood
 1 RBC=250 million hemoglobin molecules
 Normal – 12-18g (Male-13-18g; Female – 12-16g)
 the process which produces red blood cells (erythrocytes), which is the
development from erythropoietic stem cell to mature red blood cell
 hormone produced in the kidney that controls the rate of RBC production
Iron Stores and Metabolism
 The average daily diet in the United States contains 10 to 15 mg of elemental
iron, but only 1 to 2.5 mg of ingested iron is normally absorbed from the small
 Total body iron content in the average adult is approximately 3 g, most of
which is present in hemoglobin or in one of its breakdown products
 Additional amounts of iron, up to 2 mg daily, must be absorbed by women of
childbearing age to replace that lost during menstruation.
 Iron is stored as ferritin and when required, the iron is released into the
plasma, binds to transferrin, and is transported into the membranes of the
normoblasts (erythrocyte precursor cells) within the marrow, where it is
incorporated into hemoglobin. Iron is lost in the feces, either in bile, blood, or
mucosal cells from the intestine.
Vitamin B12 and Folate Metabolism
 Vitamin B12 and folate are required for the synthesis of deoxyribonucleic
acid (DNA) in RBCs.
 Folate is absorbed in the proximal small intestine, but only small amounts
are stored within the body.
 vitamin B12 is found only in foods of animal origin, strict vegetarians may
ingest little vitamin B12.
 Vitamin B12 and folate deficiencies are characterized by the production of
abnormally large erythrocytes called megaloblasts. Because these cells are
abnormal, many are sequestered (trapped) while still in the bone marrow,
and their rate of release is decreased. Some of these cells actually die in
the marrow before they can be released into the circulation. This results in
megaloblastic anemia
Red Blood Cell Destruction
 As the erythrocytes are destroyed, most of their hemoglobin is recycled. Some
hemoglobin also breaks down to form bilirubin and is secreted in the bile.
Most of the iron is recycled to form new hemoglobin molecules within the
bone marrow; small amounts are lost daily in the feces and urine and monthly
in menstrual flow.

B. Leukocytes (WBC)
 protect the body from invasion by bacteria and other foreign entities.
 Total leukocyte count is 4000 to 11,000 cells/mm3. Of these, approximately
60% to 80% are granulocytes and 20% to 40% are lymphocytes. Both of these
types of leukocytes primarily protect the body against infection and tissue
 Average lifespan: 13-20 days
a. Granulocytes – granule-containing WBC
a. Eosinophil – kill parasitic worms, increase in number during allergy
attack (between 30 and 350)
b. Basophil – When basophils encounter allergens (antigens that cause
allergic reactions), they release histamine. Histamine increases blood
flow to damaged tissues, resulting in swelling and inflammation.
(0.5%-1% of total WBC)
c. Neutrophil - major function of neutrophils is phagocytosis. Comprise
the first line of host immune response against invading pathogens (1.5
to 8.0 (1,500 to 8,000/mm3) most common
b. Agranulocytes
a. Monocytes - Produced by the bone marrow, they remain in the
circulation for a short time before entering the tissues and transforming
into macrophages. Macrophages are particularly active in the spleen,
liver, peritoneum, and alveoli; they remove debris from these areas and
phagocytize bacteria within the tissues. In normal adult blood,
monocytes account for approximately 5% of the total leukocytes. (285
and 500/mm)
b. Lymphocytes - Mature lymphocytes are the principal cells of the
immune system, producing antibodies and identifying other cells and
organisms as “foreign.” Natural killer (NK) cells serve an important
role in the body’s immune defense system. Like other lymphocytes,
NK cells accumulate in the lymphoid tissues (especially spleen, lymph
nodes, and tonsils), where they mature. (1,000 and
4,800 lymphocytes per microliter of blood.)
C. Thrombocytes (Platelets)
 granular fragments of giant cells in the bone marrow called megakaryocytes
 Platelet production in the marrow is regulated in part by the hormone
thrombopoietin, which stimulates the production and differentiation of
megakaryocytes from the myeloid stem cell.
 Platelets play an essential role in the control of bleeding. They circulate freely in
the blood in an inactive state, where they nurture the endothelium of the blood
vessels, maintaining the integrity of the vessel
 Substances released from platelet granules activate coagulation factors in the
blood plasma and initiate the formation of a stable clot composed of fibrin, a
filamentous protein. Platelets have a normal lifespan of 7 to 10 days
 Recent study showed additional role of platelets for inflammatory function
D. Plasma
 Liquid portion of the blood
 More than 90% water
 Average lifespan: 8-12 days
 If plasma is allowed to clot, the remaining fluid is called serum. Serum has
essentially the same composition as plasma, except that fibrinogen and several
clotting factors have been removed during the clotting process.
o Plasma Proteins – most abundant solutes in the plasma. Most are made in
the liver except antibodies and protein-based hormones
 Albumin – osmotic balance/pressure, pH buffering
 Fibrinogen – clotting of blood
 Globulins – antibodies and lipid transport
Reticuloendothelial System (RES)
 composed of special tissue macrophages. When released from the marrow, monocytes
spend a short time in the circulation (about 24 hours) and then enter the body tissues.
 Within the tissues, the monocytes continue to differentiate into macrophages, which can
survive for months or years. Macrophages have a variety of important functions
 They defend the body against foreign invaders (i.e., bacteria and other pathogens) via
phagocytosis. They remove old or damaged cells from the circulation. They stimulate the
inflammatory process and present antigens to the immune system
 The spleen is the site of activity for most macrophages. Most of the spleen (75%) is made
of red pulp; here, the blood enters the venous sinuses through capillaries that are
surrounded by macrophages.
 The balance between these two systems—clot (thrombus) formation and clot dissolution
or fibrinolysis
 e process of preventing blood loss from intact vessels and of stopping bleeding from a
severed vessel, which requires adequate numbers of functional platelets
 Hem=blood stasis=standing still

Health History
 Family History Assessment Specific to Hematologic Disorders
o Collect family history information on maternal and paternal relatives from three
generations of the family.
o Assess family history for other family members with histories of blood disorders
or episodes of abnormal bleeding.
o If a family history or personal risk is suspected, the person should be carefully
screened for bleeding disorders prior to surgical procedures.
 Patient Assessment Specific to Hematologic Disorders
o Assess for specific symptoms of hematologic diseases:
o Extreme fatigue (the most common symptom of hematologic disorders)
o Delayed clotting of blood
o Easy or deep bruising
o Abnormal bleeding (e.g., frequent nosebleeds)
o Abdominal pain (hemochromatosis) or joint pain (sickle cell disease)
o Review blood cell counts for abnormalities.
o Assess for presence of illness despite low risk for the illness (e.g., a young adult
with a blood clot)
Physical Assessment

Hematologic Studies
 e CBC identifies the total number of blood cells (leukocytes, erythrocytes, and
platelets) as well as the hemoglobin, hematocrit (percentage of blood volume
consisting of erythrocytes), and RBC indices
 In this test, a drop of blood is spread on a glass slide, stained, and examined under a
microscope. The shape and size of the erythrocytes and platelets, as well as the actual
appearance of the leukocytes, provide useful information in identifying hematologic
conditions. Blood for the CBC is typically obtained by venipuncture.
 Other common tests of coagulation are the prothrombin time (PT), typically replaced
by the standardized test, international normalized ratio (INR), and the activated
partial thromboplastin time (aPTT).
 The INR and aPTT serve as useful screening tools for evaluating a patient’s clotting
ability and monitoring the therapeutic effectiveness of anticoagulant medications.
Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy
 needed to assess how a patient’s blood cells are being formed and to assess the
quantity and quality of each type of cell produced within the marrow.
 used to document infection or tumor within the marrow.
 In adults, bone marrow is usually aspirated from the iliac crest and occasionally from
the sternum
Nursing Responsibilities
 Preparation of the Client
o Explain the purpose and procedure of the test.
o Record vital signs.
o Ask the client to void.
o Place in supine position if the specimen will be obtained from the sternum or
anterior iliac crest; prone position if the posterior iliac crest will be used.
o Assist in remaining still during the procedure.
 After the Procedure
o Apply pressure to the puncture site for 5 to 10 minutes.
o Assess vital signs, and compare results to pre-procedure readings.
o Apply a dressing to the puncture site, and monitor for bleeding and infection
for 24 hours.
 Client and Family Teaching
o The procedure (either aspiration or biopsy) takes about 20 minutes.
o A sedative may be given prior to the procedure.
o it is important to remain very still during the procedure to prevent accidental
o Although the area will be anesthetized with a local anesthetic, insertion of the
needle will be painful for a short time. Taking deep breaths may make this
part of the procedure less painful.
o The aspiration site may ache for 1 or 2 days.
o Report any unusual bleeding immediately


 surgical removal of the spleen
 some patients with grossly enlarged spleens develop severe thrombocytopenia as a result
of platelets being sequestered in the spleen. Splenectomy removes the “trap,” and platelet
counts may normalize over time
Nursing Responsibility
1. Provide routine pre-op care and explain what to expect postoperatively.
2. Administer pneumococcal vaccine as ordered since client will be at increased risk
for pneumococcal infections for several years after splenectomy.
1. Be aware that it is crucial to monitor carefully for hemorrhage and shock as
clients with pre-op bleeding tendencies will remain at risk post-op.
2. Monitor post-op temperature elevation: fever may not be the best indicator of
post-op complications such as pneumonia or urinary tract infection, as fever
without concomitant infection is common following splenectomy.
3. Observe for abdominal distension and discomfort secondary to expansion of the
intestines and stomach; an abdominal binder may reduce distension.
4. Know that post-op infection in a child is considered life threatening; administer
prophylactic antibiotics as ordered.
5. Ambulate early and provide chest physical therapy as location of the incision
makes post-op atelectasis or pneumonia a risk.
6. Emphasize to client the need to report even minor signs or symptoms of infection
immediately to the physician.
Therapeutic Apheresis
 Apheresis is a Greek word meaning “separation.” In therapeutic apheresis (or pheresis),
blood is taken from the patient and passed through a centrifuge, where a specific
component is separated from the blood and removed.
 used to obtain larger amounts of platelets from a donor than can be provided from a
single unit of whole blood.
 A unit of platelets obtained in this way is equivalent to 6 to 8 units of platelets obtained
from six to eight separate donors via standard blood donation methods.
 Platelet donors can have their platelets apheresed as often as every 14 days.
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT)
 therapeutic modality that offers the possibility of cure for some patients with hematologic
disorders such as severe aplastic anemia, some forms of leukemia, and thalassemia.
 It can also provide longer remission from disease even when cure is not possible, such as
in multiple myeloma.
 Hematopoietic stem cells may be transplanted from either allogeneic or autologous
donors. For most hematologic diseases, allogeneic transplant is more effective
Therapeutic Phlebotomy
 Greek roots phleps, "vein," and tomia, "cutting off."
 the act of drawing or removing blood from the circulatory system through a cut (incision)
or puncture in order to obtain a sample for analysis and diagnosis. Phlebotomy is also
done as part of the patient's treatment for certain blood disorders.
 removal of a certain amount of blood under controlled conditions.
 Patients with elevated hematocrits (e.g., those with polycythemia vera) or excessive iron
absorption (e.g., hemochromatosis) can usually be managed by periodically removing 1
unit (about 500 mL) of whole blood.
 Over time, this process can produce iron deficiency, leaving the patient unable to produce
as many erythrocytes.
 The actual procedure for therapeutic phlebotomy is similar to that for blood donation
 This area contains the three vessels primarily used by the phlebotomist to obtain venous
blood specimens: the median cubital, the cephalic and the basilic veins. Although the
veins located in the antecubital area should be considered first for vein selection, there
are alternate sites available for venipuncture.
Blood Component Therapy
 A single unit of whole blood contains 450 mL of blood and 50 mL of an 2465
anticoagulant, which can be processed and dispensed for administration.
 separation of the unit of whole blood into its primary components: erythrocytes, platelets,
and plasma (leukocytes are rarely used; see later discussion). Because the plasma is
removed, a unit of packed red blood cells (PRBCs) is very concentrated (hematocrit
approximately 70%)
 PRBCs are stored at 4°C (39.2°F). With special preservatives, they can be stored safely
for up to 42 days before they must be discarded
 platelets must be stored at room temperature because they cannot withstand cold
temperatures, and they last for only 5 days before they must be discarded, it lasts for 1
year if it remains frozen


Blood Donation
 All donors are expected to meet the following minimal requirements (American Red
Cross, 2015b):
o Body weight should be at least 50 kg (110 lbs) for a standard 450-mL donation.
o People younger than 17 years require parental consent in some states.
o The oral temperature should not exceed 37.5°C (99.6°F).
o The systolic arterial blood pressure should be 80 to 180 mm Hg, and the diastolic
pressure should be 50 to 100 mm Hg.
o The hemoglobin level should be at least 12.5 g/dL.
Directed Donation
 Donation from friends and family of the patient
 These donations are not any safer than those provided by random donors, because
directed donors may not be as willing to identify themselves as having a history of any of
the risk factors that disqualify a person from donating blood.
Standard Donation
 Phlebotomy consists of venipuncture and blood withdrawal.
 Standard precautions are used. Donors are placed in a semi recumbent position. The skin
over the antecubital fossa is carefully cleansed with an antiseptic preparation, a
tourniquet is applied, and venipuncture is performed. Withdrawal of 450 mL of blood
usually takes less than 15 minutes. After the needle is removed, donors are asked to hold
the involved arm straight up, and firm pressure is applied with sterile gauze for 2 to 3
minutes. A 2468 firm bandage is then applied.
 The donor remains recumbent until he or she feels able to sit up, usually within a few
minutes. Donors who experience weakness or faintness should rest for a longer period.
 The donor then receives food and fluids and is asked to remain another 15 minutes.
 The donor is instructed to leave the dressing on and to avoid heavy lifting for several
hours, to avoid smoking for 1 hour, to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages for 3 hours, to
increase fluid intake for 2 days, and to eat healthy meals for at least 2 weeks.
 Specimens from the donated blood are tested to detect infections and to identify the
specific blood type
Autologous Donation
 patient’s own blood may be collected for future transfusion; this method is useful for
many elective surgeries where the potential need for transfusion is high (e.g., orthopedic
 Preoperative donations are ideally collected 4 to 6 weeks before surgery. Iron
supplements are prescribed during this period to prevent depletion of iron stores.
Typically, 1 unit of blood is drawn each week
 The primary advantage of autologous transfusions is the prevention of viral infections
from another person’s blood. Other advantages include safe transfusion for patients with
a history of transfusion reactions, prevention of alloimmunization, and avoidance of
complications in patients with alloantibodies
Intraoperative Blood Salvage
 This transfusion method provides replacement for patients who cannot donate blood
before surgery and for those undergoing vascular, orthopedic, or thoracic surgery.
 During a surgical procedure, blood lost into a sterile cavity (e.g., hip joint) is suctioned
into a cell-saver machine.
 The whole blood or PRBCs are washed, often with saline solution; filtered; and then
returned to the patient as an IV infusion.
 About 1 to 2 units of blood are removed from the patient through a venous or arterial line
and simultaneously replaced with a colloid or crystalloid solution.
 The blood obtained is then reinfused after surgery.
 The advantage of this method is that the patient loses fewer erythrocytes during surgery,
because the added IV solutions dilute the concentration of erythrocytes and lower the

Complications of Blood Donation

 Excessive bleeding at venipuncture site due to technique error: laceration of the vein,
excessive tourniquet pressure, or failure to apply enough pressure after the needle is
 Fainting
 Hypotension and syncope due to loss of blood volume. A donor who appears pale or
complains of faintness should immediately lie down or sit with the head lowered below
the knees. He or she should be observed for another 30 minutes
 Anginal chest pain may be precipitated in patients with unsuspected coronary artery
 Seizures can occur in donors with epilepsy, although the incidence is very low.
Blood Processing
 Each donation is tested for antibodies to human immune deficiency virus (HIV) types 1
and 2, hepatitis B core antibody (anti-HBc), hepatitis C virus (HCV), human T cell
lymphotropic virus type I (anti-HTLV-I/II), hepatitis B surface antigen (HbsAG), and
 Equally important is accurate determination of the blood type. More than 200 antigens
have been identified on the surface of RBC membranes. Of these, the most important for
safe transfusion are the ABO and Rh systems. The ABO system identifies which sugars
are present on the membrane of a person’s erythrocytes: A, B, both A and B, or neither A
nor B (type O).

Patient History
 determine the history of previous transfusions as well as previous reactions to
 should include the type of reaction, its manifestations, the interventions required,
and whether any preventive interventions were used in subsequent transfusions.
 assesses the number of pregnancies a woman has had, because a high number can
increase her risk of reaction due to antibodies developed from exposure to fetal
Physical Assessment
 baseline vital signs and fluid status are important before transfusing any blood
 The respiratory system should be assessed, including careful auscultation of the
lungs and the patient’s use of accessory muscles.
 Cardiac system assessment should include careful inspection for any edema as
well as other signs of heart failure (e.g., jugular venous distention)
 The skin should be observed for rashes, petechiae, and ecchymoses.
 The sclera should be examined for icterus. In the event of a transfusion reaction,
a comparison of findings can help differentiate between types of reactions.
Transfusion of Packed Red Blood Cells
Pre procedure
1. Confirm that the transfusion has been prescribed.
2. Check that patient’s blood has been typed and cross-matched.
3. Verify that patient has signed a written consent form per institution of agency policy and
agrees to procedure.
4. Explain procedure to patient. Instruct patient in signs and symptoms of transfusion
reaction (itching, hives, swelling, shortness of breath, fever, chills).
5. Take patient’s temperature, pulse, respiration, blood pressure and assess fluid volume
status (e.g., auscultate lungs, assess for jugular venous distention) to serve as a baseline
for comparison during transfusion.
6. Note if signs of increased fluid overload present (e.g., heart failure, contact primary
provider to discuss potential need for a prescription for diuretic, as warranted.
7. Use hand hygiene and wear gloves in accordance with standard precautions.
8. Use appropriately sized needle for insertion in a peripheral vein. Use special tubing that
contains a blood filter to screen out fibrin clots and other particulate matter. Do not vent
blood container.
1. Obtain packed red blood cells (PRBCs) from the blood bank after the IV line is started.
(Institution policy may limit release to only 1 unit at a time.)
2. Double-check labels with another nurse or physician to ensure that the ABO group and
Rh type agree with the compatibility record. Check to see that number and type on donor
blood label and on patient’s medical record are correct. Confirm patient’s identification
by asking the patient’s name and checking the identification wristband.
3. Check blood for gas bubbles and any unusual color or cloudiness. (Gas bubbles may
indicate bacterial growth. Abnormal color or cloudiness may be a sign of hemolysis.)
4. Make sure that PRBC transfusion is initiated within 30 minutes after removal of PRBCs
from blood bank refrigerator.
5. For the first 15 minutes, run the transfusion slowly—no faster than 5 mL/min. Observe
patient carefully for adverse effects. If no adverse effects occur during the first 15
minutes, increase the flow rate unless patient is at high risk for circulatory overload.
6. Monitor closely for 15–30 minutes to detect signs of reaction. Monitor vital signs at
regular intervals per institution or agency policy; compare results with baseline
measurements. Increase frequency of measurements based on patient’s condition.
Observe patient frequently throughout the transfusion for any signs of adverse reaction,
including restlessness, hives, nausea, vomiting, torso or back pain, shortness of breath,
flushing, hematuria, fever, or chills. Should any adverse reaction occur, stop infusion
immediately, notify primary provider, and follow the agency’s transfusion reaction
7. Note that administration time does not exceed 4 hours because of increased risk of
bacterial proliferation.
8. Be alert for signs of adverse reactions: circulatory overload, sepsis, febrile reaction,
allergic reaction, and acute hemolytic reaction.
9. Change blood tubing after every 2 units transfused to decrease chance of bacterial
Post procedure
1. Obtain vital signs and breath sounds; compare with baseline measurements. If signs of
increased fluid overload present (e.g., heart failure), consider obtaining prescription for
diuretic as warranted.
2. Dispose of used materials properly.
3. Document procedure in patient’s medical record, including patient assessment findings
and tolerance to procedure.
4. Monitor patient for response to and effectiveness of procedure. If patient is at risk,
monitor for at least 6 hours for signs of transfusion associated circulatory overload
(TACO); also monitor for signs of delayed hemolytic reaction.
Transfusion of Platelets or Fresh-Frozen Plasma
Pre procedure
1. Confirm that the transfusion has been prescribed.
2. Verify that patient has signed a written consent form per institution or agency policy and
agrees to procedure.
3. Explain procedure to patient. Instruct patient in signs and symptoms of transfusion
reaction (itching, hives, swelling, shortness of breath, fever, chills).
4. Take patient’s temperature, pulse, respiration, blood pressure, and assess fluid status, and
auscultate breath sounds to establish a baseline for comparison during transfusion.
5. Note if signs of increased fluid overload present (e.g., heart failure), contact primary
provider to discuss potential need for a prescription for diuretic, as warranted; this is
particularly important when plasma is also infused.
6. Use hand hygiene and wear gloves in accordance with standard precautions.
7. Use a 22-gauge or larger needle for placement in a large vein, if possible. Use appropriate
tubing per institution policy (platelets often require different tubing from that used for
other blood products).
1. Obtain platelets or fresh-frozen plasma (FFP) from the blood bank (only after the IV line
is started.)
2. Double-check labels with another nurse or physician to ensure that the ABO group
matches the compatibility record (not usually necessary for platelets; here only if
compatible platelets are ordered). Check to see that the number and type on donor blood
label and on patient’s medical record are correct. Confirm patient’s identification by
asking the patient’s name and checking the identification wristband.
3. Check blood product for any unusual color or clumps (excessive redness indicates
contamination with larger amounts of red blood cells).
4. Make sure that platelets or FFP units are given immediately after they are obtained.
5. Infuse each unit of FFP over 30–60 minutes per patient tolerance; be prepared to infuse
at a significantly lower rate in the context of fluid overload. Infuse each unit of platelets
as fast as patient can tolerate to diminish platelet clumping during administration.
Observe patient carefully for adverse effects, especially circulatory overload. Decrease
rate of infusion if necessary.
6. Observe patient closely throughout transfusion for any signs of adverse reaction,
including restlessness, hives, nausea, vomiting, torso or back pain, shortness of breath,
flushing, hematuria, fever, or chills. Should any adverse reaction occur, stop infusion
immediately, notify primary provider, and follow the agency’s transfusion reaction
7. Monitor vital signs at the end of transfusion per institution policy; compare results with
baseline measurements. Flush line with saline after transfusion to remove blood
component from tubing.
Post procedure
1. Obtain vital signs and auscultate breath sounds; compare with baseline measurements. If
signs of increased fluid overload present, consider obtaining prescription for diuretic, as
2. Dispose of used materials properly.
3. Document procedure in patient’s medical record, including patient assessment findings
and tolerance to procedure.
4. Monitor patient for response to and effectiveness of procedure. A platelet count may be
ordered 1 hour after platelet transfusion to facilitate this evaluation.
5. If patient is at risk for transfusion-associated circulatory overload (TACO), monitor
closely for 6 hours after transfusion if possible.
Complications of Transfusion
a. Febrile Nonhemolytic Reaction
 caused by antibodies to donor leukocytes that remain in the unit of blood or blood
component; it is the most common type of transfusion reaction
 It occurs more frequently in patients who have had previous transfusions
(exposure to multiple antigens from previous blood products) and in Rh-negative
women who have borne Rh-positive children (exposure to an Rh-positive fetus
raises antibody levels in the untreated mother)
b. Acute Hemolytic Reaction
 The most dangerous, and potentially life-threatening, type of transfusion reaction
occurs when the donor blood is incompatible with that of the recipient
 The most common causes of acute hemolytic reaction are errors in blood
component labeling and patient identification that result in the administration of
an ABO-incompatible transfusion.
 Symptoms consist of fever, chills, low back pain, nausea, chest tightness,
dyspnea, and anxiety
c. Allergic Reaction
 Some patients develop urticaria (hives) or generalized itching during a
transfusion; the cause is thought to be a sensitivity reaction to a plasma protein
within the blood component being transfused. Symptoms of an allergic reaction
are urticaria, itching, and flushing
 Giving the patient antihistamines or corticosteroids before the transfusion may
prevent future reactions.
d. Transfusion-Associated Circulatory Overload (TACO)
 If too much blood is infused too quickly, hypervolemia can occur. This condition
can be aggravated in patients who already have increased circulatory volume
(e.g., those with heart failure, renal dysfunction, advanced age, acute myocardial
 If the administration rate is sufficiently slow, circulatory overload may be
 For patients who are at risk for, or already in, circulatory overload, diuretics are
given prior to the transfusion or between units of PRBCs.
 can develop as late as 6 hours after transfusion
 Monitoring vital signs, auscultating breath sounds, and assessing for jugular
venous distention should be included in patient monitoring.
e. Bacterial Contamination
 Contamination can occur at any point during procurement or processing but often
results from organisms on the donor’s skin. Many bacteria cannot survive in the
cold temperatures used to store PRBCs, but some organisms can do so.
 Platelets are at greater risk of contamination because they are stored at room
 The signs of bacterial contamination are fever, chills, and hypotension. These
manifestations may not occur until the transfusion is complete, occasionally not
until several hours after the transfusion. As soon as the reaction is recognized, any
remaining transfusion is discontinued
f. Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury (TRALI)
 a potentially fatal, idiosyncratic reaction that is defined as the development of
acute lung injury occurring within 6 hours after the blood transfusion.
 Onset is abrupt (usually within 6 hours of transfusion, often within 2 hours). Signs
and symptoms include acute shortness of breath, hypoxia (arterial oxygen
saturation [SaO2] less than 90%; partial pressure of arterial oxygen [PaO2] to
fraction of inspired oxygen [FIO2] ratio of less than 300), hypotension, fever, and
eventual pulmonary edema.
 Diagnostic criteria include hypoxemia, bilateral pulmonary infiltrates (seen on
chest x-ray), no evidence of cardiac cause for the pulmonary edema, and no other
plausible alternative cause within 6 hours of completing transfusion.
g. Delayed Hemolytic Reaction
 usually occur within 14 days after transfusion, when the level of antibody has
been increased to the extent that a reaction can occur. The hemolysis of the
erythrocytes is extravascular via the RES and occurs gradually.
 Signs and symptoms of a delayed hemolytic reaction are fever, anemia, increased
bilirubin level, decreased or absent haptoglobin, and possibly jaundice. Rarely,
there is hemoglobinuria.
h. Disease Acquisition
 Hepatitis (Viral Hepatitis B, C)
 Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
 Graft-versus-Host Disease (GVHD) - Transfused lymphocytes engraft in recipient
and attack host lymphocytes or body tissues; signs and symptoms are fever,
diffuse reddened skin rash, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
 Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) - rare, fatal disease that causes irreversible brain
Nursing Management for Transfusion Reactions
1. Stop the transfusion. Maintain the IV line with normal saline solution through new IV
tubing, given at a slow rate.
2. Assess the patient carefully. Compare the vital signs with baseline, including oxygen
saturation. Assess the patient’s respiratory status carefully. Note the presence of
adventitious breath sounds; the use of accessory muscles; extent of dyspnea; and changes
in mental status, including anxiety and confusion. Note any chills, diaphoresis, jugular
vein distention, and reports of back pain or urticaria.
3. Notify the primary provider of the assessment findings, and implement any treatments
prescribed. Continue to monitor the patient’s vital signs and respiratory, cardiovascular,
and renal status.
4. Notify the blood bank that a suspected transfusion reaction has occurred.
5. Send the blood container and tubing to the blood bank for repeat typing and culture. The
patient’s identity and blood component identifying tags and numbers are verified.
If a hemolytic transfusion reaction or bacterial infection is suspected, the nurse does
the following:
1. Obtains appropriate blood specimens from the patient
2. Collects a urine sample as soon as possible to detect hemoglobin in the urine
3. Documents the reaction according to the institution’s policy


 epoetin alfa [Epogen, Procrit]; darbopoietin [Aranesp]
 effective alternative treatment for patients with chronic anemia secondary to diminished
levels of erythropoietin, as in chronic renal disease. This medication stimulates
 The use of erythropoietin can also enable a patient to donate several units of blood for
future use
 The medication can be administered IV or subcutaneously, although plasma levels are
better sustained with the subcutaneous route
Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor (G-CSF)
 filgrastim [Neupogen, Zarxio, Granix]
 cytokine that stimulates the proliferation and differentiation of myeloid stem cells; a rapid
increase in neutrophils is seen within the circulation.
 The primary side effect is bone pain; this probably reflects the increase in hematopoiesis
within the marrow.
Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor (GM-CSF)
 sargramostim [Leukine]
 a cytokine that is naturally produced by a variety of cells, including monocytes and
endothelial cells. It works either directly or synergistically with other growth factors to
stimulate myelopoiesis
 Thrombopoietin (TPO) is a cytokine that is necessary for the proliferation of
megakaryocytes and subsequent platelet formation.
 Nonimmunogenic second-generation thrombopoietic growth factors (romiplostim
[Nplate]; eltrombopag [Promacta]) are used for the treatment of idiopathic
thrombocytopenic purpura
 Eltrombopag is also approved for use in certain situations for patients with aplastic
anemia and in patients requiring hepatitis C treatment that can cause significant

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