Exercise: C. Sea D. Get B. Shows B. Selfishness C. Incapable D. Conclusion

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friend (n) Attractively (adv)

Make friend (phrase) 16. changeable (a)
Friendship (n) Unchangeable (a)
Friendliness (n) – Friendly (a) – unfriendly (a) 17. Uncertain (a)
2. acquaintance (n) Certain (a)
Acquaint(v) WITH s.o Certainty (n)
Be/ get acquainted with Uncertainty (n)
3. be incapable of (a) – be capable of (a) Certainly (adv)
4. close (a) 18. loyalty (n)
5. lasting (a) Disloyalty (n)
6. quality (n) Loyal (a) TO s.o
7. unselfishness(n) – selfishness(n) Disloyal (a)
Selfish(a) – unselfish(a) 19. suspicion (n)
8. be concerned with Suspicious (a)
9. two-sided affair 20. rumour (n)
10. give-and-take (n) 21. gossip (n)
11. constancy (n) – constant (a) – constantly (adv) 22. influence (v) ON
12. take up…with s.th 23. trust (n)
13. enthusiasm (n) 24. mutual (a)
enthusiast(n) 25. secret (n)
enthusiastic (a) Keep a secret
enthusiastically (adv) 26. sympathy (n) WITH
14. be tired of 27. sorrow (n)
15. attract (v) 28 . exist (v)
Attraction (n) Existence (n)
Attractive (a) Existent (a)

I. Pick out the word pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. show B. sugar C. sea D. fish
2. A. dangerous B. village C. passenger D. get
3. A. closets B. shows C. rats D. weeks
II. Pick out the word which has different stress syllable from the rest or
4. A. acquaintance B. selfishness C. enthusiast D. suspicion
5. A. quality B. sympathy C. incapable D. constancy
6. A. interesting B. satisfy C. influence D. conclusion
Choose the best answer to complete each sentence:
1. She found it difficult to get ____________ with new friends.
A. acquaint B. acquainted C. acquaintance D. acquaints
2. My friend often shows her ___________ whenever I have troubles.
A. sympathy B. sympathize C. sympathetic D. sympathetically
3. He doesn’t know much about the project but he is very ____________.
A. enthusiastic B. enthusiast C. enthusiasm D. enthusiastically
4. Daisy is so ___________. She only cares about herself, not about other people.
A. helpful B. selfish C. loyal D. talkative
5. She is not determined and often changes her ideas. What a/an _____________ girl she is.
A. uncertain B. mutual C. suspicious D. changeable
6. _________ is the quality of being faithful and loyal to a particular person or belief.
A. Acquaintance B. Constancy C. Sympathy D. Sorrow
7. He is not good ___________ Maths. He is incapable _____________ calculating.
A. at/of B. on/for C. for/of D. with/in
8. Two friends should be loyal _________ each other.
A. on B. with C. over D. to
9. My close friend is often concerned ___________ all problems that I mention.
A. over B. with C. above D. into
10. He was so ___________ that he distrusted all his friends.
A. suspect B. suspicion C. suspicious D. suspiciously
11. Friendship offers us great _____________ in life.
A. please B. pleasant C. pleasure D. pleased
12. He is always _____________ in word and deed.
A. loyal B. loyalty C. loyally D. loyalist
13. My father took __________ an interest in collecting stamps.
A. on B. up C. in D. over
14. True friendship should be based __________ understanding each other.
A. out B. at C. on D. over
15. I don’t want to listen to you. I am tired __________ your criticisms.
A. of B. in C. for D. with
16. The father is the one that I can share both joys and sorrows.
A. feelings of happiness B. intention C. great eagerness D. feelings of distress.
17. He has only one ___________ in life – to become rich.
A. quality B. feeling C. aim D. secret
18. There are 5 most important ___________ which are necessary for true friendship to exist.
A. quantities B. qualities C. characteristics D. grades
19. The differences ____________ your best friend and you are significant.
A. between B. in C. of D. on
20. She seems to very acquainted ______________ the works of Shakespeare.
A. to B. with C. of D. by
21. The women gossip _________ their neighbors’ family day by day.
A. with B. to C. about D. of
22. Loyalty is the third important quality.
A. Truth B. Faithfulness C. Strength D. Sureness
23. Two friends must know each other so well that there can be no suspicions between them.
A. types B. gaps C. differences D. doubts
IV. Error Identification
1. My brother didn’t let me to go fishing with him.
2. We saw him opening the door and go into the house.
3. She was made stay at home all day to look after the children.
4. We are happy knowing that you have won a scholarship to study abroad.
I. Phonetics
A. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest
1. A. change B. children C. machine D. church
2. A. Guitarist B. passenger C. generous D. village
3. A. mutual B. residential C. natural D. culture
B. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest
4. A. patient B. eager C. capable D. sincere 
5. A. number B. friendship C. special D. affair 
II. Vocabulary and Grammar
Choose from the four options given (marked A, B, C, and D) one best answer
6. He does not know much about the project but he is very ____________.
A. enthusiast B. enthusiastic C. enthusiasm  D. enthusiastically
7. Jane is so ___________. She only cares about herself, not about other people.
A. selfish B. unselfishness C. selfishness D. selfishly
8. Why are ___________ and uncertain people incapable of true friendship?
A. changed B. unchanged C. changeable D. unchangeable
9. She found it difficult to get ________ with new friends.
A. acquaint B. acquainted  C. acquaintance D. acquaints
10. My friend often shows her ________ when I have troubles.
A. sympathy B. sympathize C. sympathetic D. sympathetically
11. I hear you are preparing ________ for New York.
A. to come      B. to leave C. to go    D. to arrive
12. She did not let Peter _______ into the room. She made him __________ outside
A. come / wait B. coming / to wait C. came / waited D. to come / waiting
13. I’d rather __________ at home than __________ out.
A. arrive / put B. stay / go C. to stay / to go D. to arrive / to put 
14. The children were eager _________ their old friends.
A. to see B. watching C. seeing D. to watch 
15. Her father refused _________ her _________ his car to the countryside.
A. to allow /  driving B. allow /  to drive     C. to allow /  to drive      D. allowing /  to drive
16. Daniel doesn’t know __________ the video.
A. to repair B. how to repair C. way to repair D. repairing
17. I noticed him __________ the fence.
A. was climbing B. to climb C. being climbed D. climbing  
18. He wouldn’t have failed his exams ___________ he hadn’t been ill.
A. unless B. if C. in case D. although
19. He refused to give up work, ___________ he’d won a million pounds.
A. despite B. however C. even though D. as though
20. Mr. Watson retired from his job early ___________ his ill health.
A. because of B. therefore C. although D. because
21. They __________ good friends, but they’ve fallen out recently.
A. used to be B. would be C. were D. are
22. I found it difficult at first, but now I ___________ working on the computer.
A. use to B. used to C. am use to D. am used to
23. A fridge is __________ keeping things cold.
A. used to B. used C. used for D. to use
24. I wish I _________ on another diet.
A. could live B. can live C. will live D. am living
25. Despite _________ very rich, she is often generous to the poor.
A. is not B. not being C. not to be D. not be
26. My friend is often concerned ________ all problems that I mention.
A. over B. with C. above D. into
27. Two friends should be loyal ________ each other.
A. with B. by C. with D. to
28. _________ friend in need is _________ friend indeed.
A. The / the B. ⦸ / the C. A / a D. ⦸ / ⦸ 
29. _ “_________ did they arrive?” _ “10 minutes ago.”
A. How long B. How much time C. How many minutes D. When
30.  _ “What are you doing?” _ “_________.”
A. No B. Neither C. None D. Nothing
31. _ “I miss my old cat. I wish __________. I had it for years.”
      _ “Have you thought of getting a new one?”
A. I hadn’t sold it B. I had a better one C. I hadn’t gotten it D. I had it repaired
32. Mr. Davy is a noted chemist ____________.
A. as well as an effective teacher B. and too a very effective teacher
C. but he teaches very good in addition D. however he teaches very good also
33. The manager was angry because ___________.
A. somebody had allowed the photographers to enter the building
B. somebody had let the photographers to enter into the building
C. somebody had permitted the photographers entering the building 
D. somebody had carried the photographers into the building
34. _____________, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded.
A. Although his legs to be broken B. Although his legs are broken
C. Despite his legs were broken D. Despite his broken legs 
35. When I was young, ____________.
A. I wasn’t used to smoke or drink B. I never used to smoke or drink
C. I didn’t used to smoking or drinking D. I not used to smoking or drinking
III. Find the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected
36. If (A) you have  a friend  you  will realize (B)  that  there is  another  human being which (C) you can  trust
completely (D).
37. True friendship (A) can offer a gentle haven (B) where (C) you can be relaxed and feeling safe (D).
38. A friend can (A) help (B) you solve problems and to share (C) the grief times along with the great times (D). 
39. Two close (A) friends can spend time to be together (B) without (C) needing to (D) pretend.
40. It took her (A) a long time getting used (B) to the new environment and make (C) friends with (D) other
IV. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answers
Friendship is a big statement. Lots of people are lovers but are not friends. Lots of people are relatives but
are not friends. Lots of people who work together are not friends. You can appreciate or admire someone, but that
does not mean you make him or her a friend.
When I had my near- death illness last year and the following long recuperation, I had a lot of time to think
about what makes someone a friend. If they are scared of you when you need help, sorry, that is not friendship. If
their attitude is “for better or worse”, if they stick to you through troubles and difficulties, it is the time when you
can tell it is true friendship.  I do have some friends, but not as many as I thought. And there was a time, in the late
80s when my friend, Ken, really needed me but I did not come through for him. I remember hanging out in my
happy suburban house in Menlo Park, and not coming to help him through the loss of his wife. Luckily, I got to
apologize for that but Ken said he did not mind.
I do not have a tidy answer about Ken and me and friendship. Sometimes we were friends, and other times,
clearly, not. But I guess there is something remarkable in two people overcoming the barriers to friendship to find
some real communication at some point.
41. According to the writer, ____________.
A. all lovers are friend B. all your relatives are also your friends
C. whoever you admire is your friends D. not all workmates are friends
42. In true friendship, ___________.
A. your friends are always scared of you
B. friends stick to each other through troubles and difficulties
C. we should have as many friends as possible
D. friends are scared of helping each other
43. What happened to the writer last year?
A. His wife passed away . B. He was seriously ill.
C. He had an interesting experience. D. He had got some new friends.
44. We can learn from the text that _____________.
A. the writer had a house in suburb in Menlo Park
B. the writer came to help his friend, Ken, when his friend’s wife died
C. whenever his friend, Ken, had a problem, the writer immediately came to help
D. the writer, And Ken are true friends at all time
45. The writer did not come to help Ken _____________.
A. so Ken was very angry B. and he did not apologize
C. but Ken did not mind D. so they were no longer friends
V. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase
Friendship is not about always being nice, or ____ (46). A friend will tell you when he/she thinks you are
full ____ (47) considerateness. Only your best friend can feel your silent pain and will hold your hand till you
become strong again. For example, I have a friend ____ (48) name is Billy. She has been a friend of mine for about
a decade. She could act as a perfect mirror. At that time I was fussing over a beautiful young girl that I was in love
with, but only a few months later she said goodbye to me. I was almost upset. Billy was often with me. She gave
me some advice, went out with me, and even was willing ____ (49) my unlucky in love. In ____ (50) end I
survived perfectly without the far-away sweetheart. But the lesson of true friendship has stayed with me, vividly.
46. A. agree B. agreement C. agreeable D. agreeably 
47. A. of B. in C. with D. for
48. A. who B. which C. that D. whose
49. A. to share B. share C. sharing D. shared
50. A. a B. an C. the D. some
I. Phonetics
A. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest
1. A. game B. bridge C. against D. garage
2. A. machinery B. march C. cheerful D. merchant
3. A. page B. message C. danger D. ringer
B. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest
4. A. sympathy B. loyalty C. acquaintance D. quality 
5. A. rumor B. believe C. common D. mutual
II. Vocabulary and Grammar
Choose from the four options given (marked A, B, C, and D) one best answer
6. He was so ________ that he distrusted all his friends.
A. suspect B. suspicious C. suspicion D. suspiciously 
7. Friendship offers us great ________ in life.
A. pleasure B. pleasant C. please D. pleased
8. Man is engaged in a ________ struggle with nature.
A. constantly B. constancy C. inconstantly D. constant 
9. __________ is a two-sided affair.
A. Friendly B. Friendship C. Friendliness D. Friend
10. He is always __________ in words and deed.
A. loyalty B. loyally C. loyal D. loyalist
11. Daisy made me _________ him next week.
A. promise calling B. to promise calling C. to promise to call D. promise to call
12. Some companies never allow ________ in their offices
A. to smoke      B. smoke C. smoking    D. smoked
13. They would __________ go by plane than spend a week traveling by train.
A. love B. like C. prefer D. rather
14. I can hear a cat __________ at the window.
A. scratches B. scratching      C. to scratch       D. was scratching  
15. If we leave now for our trip, we can stop __________ lunch at 11:00 sharp.
A. to have B. having C. to have had D. being having 
16. He is very stubborn, so it will be difficult to __________ him to go.
A. make B. suggest  C. let D. persuade 
17. She is busy ___________ for her wedding.
A. shopping B. shop C. to shop D. shopped
18. __________ Mr. Green nor his wife can drive.
A. Not B. Either C. Neither D. Both
19. I couldn’t repair my bicycle, __________ I didn’t have the right tools.
A. although B. because C. because of D. therefore
20. Two of the factories in our small town have closed. ___________, unemployment is high.
A. Consequently B. Because C. So that D. However
21. _ “How can you keep such long hours?”  
_ “Well, now I ___________ at night so it isn’t hard for me.”
A. was used to work B. am used to working C. am used to work D. used to work
22. I ___________ watch TV a lot but I don’t any more.
A. am used to B. use to C. didn’t use to D. used to
23. If only he ___________ some help with the work instead of trying to do it alone.
A. will accept B. may accept C. would accept D. were accept 
24. Jack wishes he ___________ Jane to his birthday party last Sunday.
A. didn’t invite B. wouldn’t invite C. haven’t invited D. hadn’t invited
25. I wish I ___________ some jeans I really like. I must have tried on ten pairs.
A. find B. could find C. can find D. should find  
26. I don’t want to listen to you. I am tired __________ your criticisms.
A. in B. for C. with D. of
27. It was so relaxing to be _________ old friends.
A. among B. around C. between D. in
28. Do you know that ______ Europe and ______ America are separated by ______ Atlantic Ocean?
A. an / an / the B. an / the / ⦸ C. ⦸ / ⦸ / the D. the / the / the
29. _ “Can the machine be repaired?” _ “I hope ___________.”
A. so B. it C. that D. ⦸ 
30. “A party!” she cried. _ “Oh yes, I like ____________ to parties.”
A. be asked B. to be asking C. to ask D. being asked
31. David used to jog a lot.
A. David jogged a lot in the past. B. David is accustomed to jogging a lot. 
C. David never jogged in the past. D. David jogs a lot now.
32. My brother is not interested in tennis and ___________.
A. I don’t, either B. neither am I C. neither do I D. so don’t I 
33. __________ when you were a child?
A. Were you used to eat a lot of ice cream B. Did you use to eating a lot of ice cream
C. Were you using to eating a lot of ice cream D. Did you use to eat a lot of ice cream
34. Although it was raining heavily, ____________.
A. but he went out without a raincoat B. so he went out without a raincoat
C. he went out without a raincoat D. however he went out without a raincoat
35. ____________, he was unhappy in his job.
A. In spite of his good salary B. Although he has a good salary 
C. Despite his poor salary D. Although he had a poor salary
III. Find the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected
36. There are (A) a lot (B) of work (C) to do (D) here. 
37. Good (A) friendship should be (B) basing on (C) mutual understanding (D).
38. Jack finds (A) it hard (B) for making (C) friends with (D) other children. 
39. During a (A) curfew it is not possible walking (B) on (C) the streets after a specified (D) hour.
40. It is educational (A) for children (B) to observe (C) adults to perform (D) their daily tasks.
IV. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answers
Having a best friend to confide in can bring a positive effect on our emotional health. An evening out with the
closest friend may be the best guarantee of a good time. In fact our best friend can prevent us from developing
serious psychological problems such as depression and anxiety.
Best friendship evolves with time- we cannot go out and pick our best friend. We become friends with
people who share common interests – as school or through hobbies, for example.
Best friends have usually known each other for several years and stuck together through good and bad
times. If you have not got one, perhaps you are being too distant from people, or focusing too much on your
41. A best friend can ____________.
A. give us a healthy life B. go out with us in the evening
C. spend much time finding D. share joy and sadness with us
42. Close friends need to ___________.
A. study at the same school B. have the same interests
C. pursue the same hobbies D. spend time together
43. According to the passage, ___________.
A. it takes a lot of time to make close friendship B. we can go out and choose a good friend easily
C. best friends have good and bad times D. it’s difficult to make lasting friendship
44. The word one in the last paragraph refers to ____________.
A. good time B. bad time C. a friendship D. a close friend
45. Which of the following is not mentioned?
A. We often have satisfaction being with a close friend.
B. The ties of close friendship will never be broken.
C. An unsociable person may not have a close friend.
D. Friendship needs time to develop.
V. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase
To many people, their friends are the most important in their life. Really good friends always share joys and
sorrows with you and never turn their backs on you. Your best friend may be someone you have known all your
life or someone you have ______ (46) up with.
There are all sorts of things that can bring about this special relationship. It may be the result of enjoying
the same activities and sharing experiences. Most of us have met someone that we have immediately felt (47)
______ with as if we had known for (48) _______. However, it really takes you years to get to know someone well
(49) _______ to consider your best friend.
To the majority of us, this is someone we trust completely and (50) ______ understands us better than
anyone else. It is the person you can tell him/her your most intimate secrets. 
46. A. caught B. turned C. grown D. lived
47. A. interesting B. relaxed C. enjoyable D. fun
48. A. ages B. time C. century D. long
49. A. too B. such C. so D. enough
50. A. whose B. who C. whom D. which

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