17-Punch List Letter For NURFC

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March 30, 2007

Sandra Mills
National Underground Railroad Freedom Center
50 East Freedom Way
Cincinnati, OH 45202

Re.: National Underground Railroad Freedom Center Improvements

Project Assessment Punch List

Dear Sandra:

The Commission staff has completed a preliminary assessment of your capital project. There are
some issues we need you to resolve prior to your project being placed on a quarterly Commission
meeting agenda. The next Commission meeting is March 15, 2006 and in order to recommend
that your project be placed on that agenda, we need to receive the following information:

Basic eligibility requirements

‰ Confirmation of your organization’s registration with the Office of the Attorney General –
Charitable Law Division. You can contact that office at 614-466-3180 for more information.

Supplemental Information needed for project assessment:

‰ Clarification of Section 5: Project Cost Summary on the on-line Detail form. The project costs
do not balance with the Project Funding Sources Summary;
‰ A plan to revise the project scope should the organization not receive the anticipated
additional state appropriation;
‰ A signed copy of the resolution from your board approving the execution of agreements and
contracts (the one we received was unsigned);
‰ A letter from your insurance carrier indicating that the levels of insurance carried by your
organization are commercially reasonable (since the levels do not meet the Commission’s
minimum coverage levels). If you would prefer, this can be facilitated through a conference
call with your insurance carrier.
‰ Clarification on several of the “yes” answers on the Environmental Transaction Screening;
‰ Cash flow schedule for the duration of construction activities;
‰ More detailed explanations of the assumptions used to determine the revenue and expense
lines on the five year proforma submitted previously; and
‰ Clarification of the property value of the Monument. The insurance valuation appears to be
for the Monument and the Museum;

These items are part of the list of requirements found in your Project Sponsor Resource Guide
(PSRG). The above information will assist us in the assessment of your project however, the

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material may generate subsequent questions and you may be asked to provide additional

Please note that your financial statements are currently under review. Once the review is
completed, if there any additional questions, they will be forwarded to you. I would also like to
schedule a conference call with your construction administration team to ask a few questions
regarding their approach to construction administration. Please contact me to discuss.

The earliest meeting for which your project could be considered is March 15, 2007, however, your
timeliness with submittals, the results of future assessments and your ability to resolve punch list
issues will determine the final date of your Commission meeting appearance. If, for some reason
you are not able to submit these items by November 30, 2006, we will work toward your project
being on the May 24, 2007 Commission meeting agenda.

Keep in mind that there are additional steps, after the Commission meeting, which are necessary
in order for your project to be able to be reimbursed. During the Documents Phase, the
Cooperative Use Agreement and Cultural Facility Construction Administration and Funding
Agreement, will need to be drafted, reviewed and executed. After the legal documents have been
fully executed, your project would be eligible for reimbursement. The following documents will
need to be submitted in order to satisfy the remaining phases after the Commission Meeting.

Documents Phase

Supplemental Information needed (in addition to the list above) to complete legal documents:

‰ Insurance information including but not limited to a builder’s risk policy or an installation
floater to cover your risks during construction, if needed (refer to pp. 33-34 in PSRG);
‰ Updated financial information; and
‰ Completed “Declaration Regarding Material Assistance/Non-Assistance to a Terrorist
Organization” form. This is required by the Department of Homeland Security for those
organizations receiving state funds.

Reimbursement Phase

Supplemental Information needed prior to the reimbursement of funds:

‰ A completed IRS form W-9 for your organization. An original signature is required;
‰ A completed Electronic Transfer of Funds form. We will forward a copy for you to complete;
‰ A copy of contractor contract(s) for our review. Include indemnification language in all
contracts (refer to Cultural Facility Construction Administration and Funding Agreement,
Article V, Contracting);
‰ Construction set of drawings/specifications, preferably in a .pdf format;
‰ Copies of all written, signed, approved change orders;
‰ Periodic reports during construction; and
‰ Request for payment (refer to the Cultural Facility Construction Administration and Funding
Agreement, Exhibit 1).

Near the end of construction:

‰ Recognition plan (refer to pp. 28-29 in PSRG);

‰ Emergency procedures manual; and
‰ Occupancy permit (as applicable)

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Please keep me informed of any changes to the project. Please also let me know how I can assist
you further, or if I can answer any questions. I can be reached by phone at 614-728-8931 or by
e-mail at [email protected].


Samantha Cothern
Project Manager

Enclosures: IRS Form W-9

Authorization Agreement for Automatic Deposit of State Warrants
Declaration Regarding Material Assistance/Non-Assistance to a Terrorist

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