Workshop Title - Workshop Setup Guide A1 - 1

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Workshop Setup Guide

This document contains information for setting up an Ubuntu 12.04 host computer to run the lab
exercises of the “Introduction to Embedded Linux One-Day Workshop.”

It consists of 4 required sections:

 Installing Ubuntu 12.04

 Installing Code Composer Studio
 Installing Lab Files
 Configuring Ubuntu Static IP

After completing these installation steps, you will have everything needed to run the lab exercises
on your system.

Additionally, a number of steps were taken to make the environment more user friendly
(“Installing Gnome3 and Standard Scrollbars”) and to set up the lab files toolchain and target
filesystem. These comprise the three optional sections. There is no need to go through the
optional sections in order to run the lab exercises, but if you would like to know the steps that
were required to set up that portion of the lab environment, the steps are shown in these optional

The lab files that you will need to install are located on the workshop wiki page at:

Workshop Title - Workshop Setup Guide A1 - 1

Installing Ubuntu 12.04

Chapter Topics
Workshop Setup Guide .............................................................................................................. 1-1
Installing Ubuntu 12.04 ............................................................................................................. 1-3
Installing Code Composer Studio v. ...................................................................... 1-4
Installing Lab Files .................................................................................................................... 1-6
Configuring Ubuntu Static IP ..................................................................................................... 1-8
(Optional) Installing Gnome3 and Standard Scrollbars ............................................................ 1-9
(Optional) Installing Angstrom Cross-compile Tools ............................................................... 1-10
(Optional) Modifying Angstrom Filesystem ............................................................................. 1-12

A1 - 2 Workshop Title - Workshop Setup Guide

Installing Ubuntu 12.04

Installing Ubuntu 12.04

There are many tutorials available for installing Ubuntu, so this section will not go through great
detail on the actual installation; however, it provides an optional section for removing the user
password and setting automatic login, as is done in the workshop image.

1. Begin by downloading an Ubuntu 12.04 image and burning onto an installation

2. Install Ubuntu 12.04 on your computer.
Other versions of Ubuntu may also work, but version 12.04 is what has been tested for
this workshop.
If you select “automatic login” on the user setup screen, you can skip step 3.
Be sure to write down the password that you set! The following steps will show you how
to remove the password, but you will need to know the old one.
3. Open a terminal
4. Select automatic login (If you forgot to select in step 2)
# sudo gedit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
Enter the password from step 2 when prompted.
Add the following four lines under the section header “[SeatDefaults]”
5. Allow null passwords for sudo
# sudo gedit /etc/sudoers
Enter the password from step 2 if prompted.
Locate the line that reads:
%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL
And change to read
6. Allow null passwords for authorization (i.e. login)
# sudo gedit /etc/pam.d/common-auth
Locate the line that contains “nullok_secure” and change “nullok_secure” into just “nullok”
7. Remove user password
# sudo passwd –d user
8. Reboot to test
# sudo shutdown –h now
When Ubuntu reboots, open a terminal and try the sudo command:
# sudo ls
If everything has worked correctly, the list operation should complete without prompting
for a password.

Workshop Title - Workshop Setup Guide A1 - 3

Installing Code Composer Studio v.

Installing Code Composer Studio v.

You can download CCS from:

and selecting the “Linux” download button.

Also, because older versions of CCS are not always archived, the exact version used in the
workshop is also available from the wiki page.

9. Download CCS from the above listed link

10. Add executable permission to the installer
# chmod a+x ccs_setup_5.3.0.00090.bin
11. Run the installer program
# ./ccs_setup_5.3.0.00090.bin
Note: do not run the installer with root (i.e. sudo) permissions.
The installer will give you a message that Emulation drivers can only be installed with
root permissions, but we will not be using emulation drivers, so this is not an issue.
12. Read and accept the license agreement.
13. Accept the default install directory: /home/user/ti
14. Choose custom install
15. Select “AMxx Cortex-A and ARM9 processor” from the Processor Support window
16. In “Select Components” window, select nothing.
17. Deselect all emulator support except “TI Emulators” on the next screen
The workshop does not use “TI Emulators” but there is no way to deselect in the installer.
18. Press “Next” on the next two screens to begin the installation
19. Select “Create Desktop Shortcut” on final screen (Should be selected by default.)
20. Start Code Composer Studio
21. Select the Free License Agreement
The License Agreement selection will come up upon first start.

If for some reason the License Setup Wizard does not automatically launch, you can
access it via:

A1 - 4 Workshop Title - Workshop Setup Guide

Installing Code Composer Studio v.

HelpCode Composer Studio Licenscing InformationUpgrade TabLaunch Licensing

22. Close CCS

Workshop Title - Workshop Setup Guide A1 - 5

Installing Lab Files

Installing Lab Files

Note that the Code Composer Studio project files that have been set up for the workshop expect
for the labs folder to be extracted into the “/home/user” directory. If you have a previous Ubuntu
installation with a different user name, it is recommended that you create a new user named
“user” and install the lab files into this user’s directory. You should then run the lab exercises
when logged in as “user.”

23. Update the Aptitude package manager

ubuntu$ sudo apt-get update
24. Install the sg3-utils package
ubuntu$ sudo apt-get install sg3-utils
25. Install python 2.6 (used by arm-arago-linux-gnueabi-gdb)
ubuntu$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fkrull/deadsnakes
ubuntu$ sudo apt-get update
ubuntu$ sudo apt-get install python2.6 python2.6-dev
26. Download lab files
ubuntu$ firefox
browse to:
Download “bbb_linux_oneday_labs.tar.gz” and “Angstrom_host_tools.tar.gz”
27. Install lab files
ubuntu$ tar -zxf bbb_linux_oneday_labs.tar.gz –C /home/user
28. Install Angstrom toolchain
ubuntu$ cd /home/user/labs/lab00_toolchain
ubuntu$ sudo ./angstrom-eglibc-i686-armv7a-vfp-neon-v2012.12-

NOTE: be certain to accept the default installation location,


The location of standard header files and libraries is hard coded into the gcc and g++
executables. If you relocate them to a location other than the default as listed above, they
will not work correctly, specifically they will not be able to locate libraries without the
addition of a “—sysroot=<dir>” directive.
29. Create tools link
Open Embedded/Yocto is of necessity very organized, and reaches this organization
through the use of many layers of subdirectories. This makes the cross compiler location
a little difficult to find.
The cross-compiler build tools are not relocatable because the include headers and
libraries need to be in a specific location for the compiler to find them. A good solution
then is to create a soft link to the tools folder at a location that is easy to find, the user’s
home directory.

ubuntu$ sudo ln –s /usr/local/oecore-686/i686-angstromsdk-


Note that this is all on one line and has the following two components:
Separated by a space from

The code composer studio files that have been provided reference /home/user/armv7a-
vfp-neon-angstrom-linux-gnueabi, so if this link is left off, the projects will not build.

A1 - 6 Workshop Title - Workshop Setup Guide

Installing Lab Files

30. Copy the gnu debugger to the toolchain directory

ubuntu$ cp /home/user/labs/lab00_toolchain/arm-arago-linux-
gnueabi-gdb /home/user/armv7a-vfp-neon-angstrom-linux-gnueabi
31. Copy .gdbinit to home directory
ubuntu$ cp /home/user/labs/lab00_toolchain/gdbinit

Note that the destination must be “.gdbinit” which is preceded with a period. The name
was used without a prepended period in the toolchain directory because files that begin
with a period are hidden.

Workshop Title - Workshop Setup Guide A1 - 7

Configuring Ubuntu Static IP

Configuring Ubuntu Static IP

The “auto” setting for usb0 in /etc/network/interfaces is a workaround. It would be better specified
as “allow-hotplug” however, there are known issues with this in Ubuntu 12.04. The web
recommends using udev as an alternate solution, but the workshop developer was unable to
make this approach work.

Using “auto usb0” works well, but with the disadvantage that if no ethernet-over-usb connection is
available when Ubuntu starts up, the message “waiting on network configuration…” will appear
and will require about 2 minutes to timeout. This extra 2 minutes of boot time may be
circumvented by attaching the beaglebone so that the interface is present.

Users who dislike this 2 minute boot time may remove “auto usb0” in which case the usb0 will
have to be manually configured each time the Beaglebone is attached using “#sudo ifup usb0”

32. Open /etc/network/interfaces file

# sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces
33. Add an “eth0” entry (or modify current entry.) Entry should be as follows:
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

auto usb0
iface usb0 inet static

Note: “address” and “netmask” entries preceded by tab.

34. Save and save and close
35. Remove Gnome networking settings
# sudo nm-connection-editor
Any connection that appears under the “wired” or “wireless” tab should be deleted.
36. (Optional) Reboot and use “ifconfig” to verify new setting
# ifconfig
37. Open /etc/hosts
# sudo gedit /etc/hosts
38. Add static IP addresses for hosts on the network
(At the end of the file, add the following)

A1 - 8 Workshop Title - Workshop Setup Guide

(Optional) Installing Gnome3 and Standard Scrollbars

(Optional) Installing Gnome3 and Standard Scrollbars

Ubuntu 12.04 ships with a desktop manager called Unity. One feature that a lot of people do not
prefer in Unity is that the drop-down lists that would normally appear at the top of a window
(including CCS) now appear at the top of the desktop. Additionally, Unity uses a new type of
scrollbar called overlay scrollbars that, while saving a little space on the screen that can be used
for other things, are a little more difficult to use.

This section is not required for the workshop labs to work properly, but since these changes were
made on the workshop image, they are listed here.
39. Launch a terminal
40. Acquire a WAN (i.e. internet) connection
If you have already set up a static IP address as per the previous section, you can
override the static address using
ubuntu$ sudo ifdown eth0
ubuntu$ sudo dhclient eth0
41. Install gnome-shell Aptitude package
ubuntu$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3
ubuntu$ sudo apt-get update
ubuntu$ sudo apt-get install gnome-shell

42. Log out of the Ubuntu session

There is a gear icon in the top right corner that produces a drop-down menu with the
logout option.
43. Select the Gnome Desktop
Click the Ubuntu icon next to thye username (user) and select Gnome.
44. Press login to log back in
The desktop has only subtly changed, but if you launch CCS, you will notice that the
pulldown menus are now at the top of the CCS window (instead of along the top of the
45. Disable overylay scrollbars
Launch a terminal and type the following (single line, no carriage return)
ubuntu$ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface ubuntu-overlay-
scrollbars false
46. Log out and back in for change to take effect
The “user” dropdown menu in the top right of the desktop can be used to log out.

Workshop Title - Workshop Setup Guide A1 - 9

(Optional) Installing Angstrom Cross-compile Tools

(Optional) Installing Angstrom Cross-compile Tools

NOTE: All of the cross-compile tools built in this section are included in the workshop lab
installation file, and do not need to be rebuilt in order to run the workshop. These steps
are included here as a reference for those who wish to know what was done.

The Angstrom distribution that is used in the workshop provides a set of cross-compile tools.
These can be rebuilt using the bitbake build system of OpenEmbedded.

Note that, at the time of the creation of this document, the version of gdb built in step 54 is
incompatible with the version of eclipse used in Code Composer Studio due to the deprication of
the “python printk-stack off” command as per this link:

While it may be possible to upgrade the eclipse support in CCS as suggested in the article, the
decision was made to instead use the cross-gdb found in the AM335x evm software development
kit, which is based on an earlier gdb version before this command was depricated.

Hence the lab installation file actually uses “arm-arago-linux-gnueabi-gdb” instead of

“arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-gdb.” The build procedure is what was used to procure the build
tools (gcc, g++) used in the labs.

47. Acquire a WAN (i.e. internet) connection

If you have already set up a static IP address as per the previous section, you can
override the static address using
ubuntu$ sudo ifdown eth0
ubuntu$ sudo dhclient eth0
48. Install Bitbake/OE dependencies
ubuntu$ sudo apt-get update
ubuntu$ sudo apt-get install subversion cvs git-core \
build-essential help2man diffstat texi2html texinfo \
libncurses5-dev gawk python-dev python-pysqlite2 \
gnome-doc-utils gettext automake flex chrpath

49. Install git

ubuntu$ sudo apt-get install git
50. “git” Angstrom install scripts
ubuntu$ cd ~
ubuntu$ mkdir Angstrom
ubuntu$ cd Angstrom
ubuntu$ git clone git://
51. Link /bin/sh into /bin/bash (currently it is /bin/dash)
The OpenEmbedded build system requires /bin/bash
ubuntu$ sudo rm /bin/sh
ubuntu$ sudo ln –s /bin/bash /bin/sh
52. Configure OpenEmbedded for beaglebone
ubuntu$ cd setup-scripts
ubuntu$ MACHINE=beaglebone ./ config beaglebone
53. Build the cross-compiler toolchain
ubuntu$ MACHINE=beaglebone ./ bitbake meta-toolchain
54. Build cross gdb (the gnu debugger), which also builds gdbserver
ubuntu$ MACHINE=beaglebone ./ bitbake gdb-cross

A1 - 10 Workshop Title - Workshop Setup Guide

(Optional) Installing Angstrom Cross-compile Tools

55. (Optional) Extract Tools

Located at:
Important that when you extract, you use the default location of /usr/local/oecore-i686 as
this is where the search paths are hard coded to.
56. Insert Beaglebone Black micro-SD card into cardreader and host machine
57. Copy Angstrom sysroot to Beaglebone micro-SD card
ubuntu$ sudo cp –R /home/user/Angstrom/setup-scripts/build/tmp-
angstrom_v2012_12-eglibc/sysroots/beaglebone/* /media/Angstrom
58. Copy gdbserver to Beaglebone micro-SD card
ubuntu$ sudo cp /home/usr/Angstrom/setup-scripts/build/tmp-
59. Eject micro-SD
ubuntu$ sudo eject /media/Angstrom

Workshop Title - Workshop Setup Guide A1 - 11

(Optional) Modifying Angstrom Filesystem

(Optional) Modifying Angstrom Filesystem

NOTE: All of the filesystem modifications listed in this section have already been made to
the filesystem image included in the lab exercises installation file and do not need to be
rebuilt in order to run the workshop. These steps are included here as a reference for
those who wish to know what was done.

By default the Angstrom Filesystem used in this workshop uses DHCP to acquire an IP address.
This section demonstrates using the “connman” (connection manager) utility from Angstrom in
order to set a static IP address.

The ethernet over usb gadget driver cannot be configured using connman, so a systemd startup
script is created to launch this driver at each startup. (Angstrom uses systemd instead of sysV as
its startup scripting.)

The starting micro-SD card image is:


Which was downloaded from:

The finished filesystem is provided on the workshop wiki page, but the steps are also listed here.

60. Boot the Beaglebone Black attached to a router that provides access to the wide
area network
61. Browse to the router, log in and determine the IP address of the Beaglebone Black
from the DHCP list of the router.
If you are unsure of the IP address of the router, it is usually either or
If neither of these works, attach an x86 PC, acquire a DHCP address from the router, and
check the gateway address in your IP settings.
62. Force Ubuntu to acquire a DHCP address from the router
This is necessary assuming that you have set the Ubuntu IP address statically as per the
previous section.
ubuntu# sudo ifdown eth0
ubuntu# sudo dhclient eth0
63. From Ubuntu, create a secure shell connection to the Beaglebone Black
ubuntu# ssh [email protected]
You may be told that there is no ssh key for the connection and asked if you would like to
create one, to which say “yes.”
When you log into the Beaglebone Black, there is no password (press enter when
64. On the Beaglebone Black, update the opkg package manager
bbb# opkg update
65. Install connman-tests package
bbb# opkg install connman-tests
66. Change to the connman test script directory
bbb# cd /usr/lib/connman/test
67. List the currently configured connections
bbb# ./get-services
The first line of the output should list something similar to:
[ /net/connman/service/ethernet_405fc276b749_cable ]
(The hexadecimal hash following “ethernet_” will probably be different on your system.)

A1 - 12 Workshop Title - Workshop Setup Guide

(Optional) Modifying Angstrom Filesystem

68. Use set-ipv4-method script to set a static IP address using the connection name
identified in step 67
bbb# ./set-ipv4-method ethernet_405fc276b749_cable manual
(note: above is single line with no carriage return.)
69. Attach the Beaglebone Black to the Ubuntu host using an ethernet crossover
cable, reset both
Note that the network cards of most modern computers will detect a crossover
configuration and automatically switch even with a standard ethernet cable.
70. Use secure shell to create a connection into the Beaglebone Black
ubuntu# ssh [email protected]
71. Change to /lib/systemd/system
bbb# cd /lib/systemd/system
72. Create file “etherusb.service” with vi editor
bbb# vi etherusb.service
Note: if you don’t want to use vi, you can use the MMC card reader to creae this file on
your Ubuntu pc using gedit.
73. Press “i” to enter insert mode
74. Enter the following into the file:
Description=Turn on usb0



75. Press “ESC” key to enter command mode

76. Press “:w” to save the file
77. Press “:q” to exit
78. Create file “” with vi editor
bbb# vi
79. Press “i” to enter insert mode
80. Enter the following into the file:
/sbin/modprobe g_ether
sleep 10
/sbin/ifconfig usb0 netmask
81. Press “:w” to save the file
82. Press “:q” to exit
83. Make executable
bbb# chmod a+x
84. Register etherusb.service with systemd
bbb# systemctl enable etherusb.service
85. Test the startup service
bbb# systemctl start etherusb.service
86. Verify usb0 is set with ifconfig
bbb# ifconfig
You should see an entry for usb0 with address
87. (Optional) Reboot Beaglebone Black and verify usb0 with ifconfig
88. Edit the file “/etc/hosts” with vi editor
bbb# vi /etc/hosts
89. Press “i” to enter insert mode

Workshop Title - Workshop Setup Guide A1 - 13

(Optional) Modifying Angstrom Filesystem

90. Add the following lines at the end of the file:
91. Press “:w” to save the file
92. Press “:q” to exit

A1 - 14 Workshop Title - Workshop Setup Guide

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