SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook General Information Page No

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SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

General Information Page No.

1.1 Vision 2
1.2 Mission 2
1.3 Autonomy and Autonomous institutions 2
1.4 Administrative Team 3
1.5 Admission 4
1.6 Details of the degrees offered 4
1.7 Course registration 4
1.8 Drop/Withdraw/Audit option 4
1.9 Attendance requirements 5

Evaluation & Assessment

2.1 Continuous Assessment (CA) 5
2.2 End Semester Examination (ESE) 6
2.3 Question paper pattern 6
2.4 Valuation Methodology 6
2.5 Grading scheme 6
2.6 Letter grades & grade point 7
2.7 Earned Credits 7
2.8 Semester Grade Point Average 7
2.9 Cumulative Grade Point Average 7
2.10 Mandatory Learning Course 7
2.11 Promotion Criterion 8
2.12 Ranking/Distinction 8
2.13 Summer Term Course 8
2.14 Important information’s 8

Transfer of students
3.1 Non-autonomous institution to SDMCET 9
3.2 Branch change & Lateral entry 9

Academic Calendar
Odd Semester – 2010 – 11 10

Academic Honesty & Integrity 11

Suggested Plan of Study 12

Detailed Syllabus 14

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

1.1 Vision:
To move forward in Technical Education by setting up a flexible, vigilant and
vibrant system of education and training in order to
a) ensure competitive and contextually relevant educational standards &
b) contribute on a larger scale technical manpower of high caliber to serve our
Nation and Globe.
c) sensitize qualified youth force to societal needs and demands through
enrichment of skills and human values.

1.2 Mission:
a) To establish and ensure robust, adaptive and sensitive Curricula and Syllabi.
b) To promote caring and interactive Teaching Practices in a rejoicing Learning
Ambience with richly supported by all Modern Educational Tools and
c) To enhance and revitalize RESEARCH CULTURE to establish synergy
between Teaching and Research and make it an ENABLER for progress
and reach out
d) To explore and achieve the participation of Industrial expertise for
connecting classroom content to real life situation.
e) To encourage and promote RESOURCE GENERATION among faculty to
achieve self- reliance for research
f) To strive and manage Industry and Corporate world as players and enablers
for high quality technical education.
g) To pursue intensification of soft skills and personality development through
interplay of achievers of all segments of our Society.

1.3 Autonomy and Autonomous Institutions: Autonomy to an academic

institution is like what independence to a nation: it is a hard earned privilege.
The privilege comes with set of responsibilities.
SDMCET was selected by the Government of Karnataka to be a member of the
elite group of World Bank funded TEQIP institutions in 2005. SDMCET gained
academic autonomous status in the year 2007 - 08. In order to “govern” the
institution in this new status and to go beyond, SDMCET has been working
wholeheartedly and has been successful in most of the areas since last two
years. Various processes have been put in place and practices have been
established. One of the prominent areas is the design, development,
implementation of curriculum under autonomy. We have designed frameworks
and established institutional processes to overview the transition to new
systems. Various committees constituted for this purpose have discussed
debated and deliberated areas of their concern and have come out with detailed
policies and procedures. The institution has the responsibility also to implement
the curriculum and to assess the students. This handbook provides a brief but
SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

all the important information about the autonomy policies, norms and
procedures of this institution to all our students and other stake holders.

1.4 Administrative Team:

Prof. Dr. M. N. Sudheendra Rao Dr. Basavraj S Benni
Principal / Director Head, Department of Management
Prof. B. S. Sree Shailan Prof. D. S. Bhat
Dean (Academic Program) Controller of Examinations (COE)
Prof. S. B. Karajgi Prof. Prasanna Bammigatti
Dean (Administration) Deputy Controller of Examinations
Prof. Dr. A. V. Shivapur Dr. Vinayak Bankapur
Dean (Infrastructure, Planning and Sr. Librarian, Central Library
Prof. N S Nadgir Prof. J. V. Vadavi
Dean (Student Welfare) In-charge, Central Computing Facility
Prof. Dr. C. D. Lakkannavar Prof. S. K. Dhulked
Chairman, Under Graduate Admissions & Prof. In-charge, Centre for Industry
First Year Academic Program (UGA-FAP) Institute Interface (C-III)
Prof. S. S. Inamdar Prof. Udayshankar D. Hakari
Head, Chemical Engineering Department Faculty Coordinator, Entrepreneurship
Development Cell (EDC)
Prof. Dr. S. B. Vanakudre Prof. G. M. Shivanagouda
Head, Civil Engineering Department Training & Placement Cell
Prof. S. M. Joshi Prof. Dr. Jagadeesh Pujari
Head, Computer Science & Engineering Prof. In-charge, Software Utilization &
Department Development Cell (SUDC)
Prof. B. Dinesh Ballullaya Prof. Ravindra Dastikop
Head, Electrical & Electronics Engineering Faculty Coordinator, Intellectual Property
Department Right Cell (IPR-C)
Dr. (Ms.) Vijaya C Prof. (Mrs) Pushpalata Nikkam
I/c Head, Electronics & Communication Advisor, Co-curricular Activities
Engineering Department
Prof. V. K. Parvati Prof. A. G. Raikar
Head, Information Science & Engineering Advisor, Cultural Activities
Prof. V. K. Heblikar Prof. S. V. Viraktamath
Head, Mechanical Engineering Department Advisor, Sports
Prof. Dr. Kumar Maddani Dr. A. G. Bujurke
Head, Physics Department Director of Physical Education
Prof. Dr. (Mrs) A. A. Kittur Prof. K. Gopinath
Head (In-charge), Chemistry Department Public Relation Officer (PRO)
Prof. Dr. D. P. Basti Shri. P. V. Gangadhar Rao
Head, Mathematics Department Deputy Registrar

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

1.5 Admission: Admission will be made in accordance with the instructions

received from Ministry of Higher Education, Government of Karnataka and VTU
from time to time. Seats are reserved for candidates belonging to Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes, Physically challenged candidates, children of
defense personnel and other categories as per the guidelines issued by the
Government of Karnataka.

1.6 Details of the Degree offered: Degree offered is Bachelor of Engineering

(B.E) – Credit System in Chemical, Civil, Computer Science, Electrical &
Electronics, Mechanical, Electronics & Communication and Information Science
SDMCET is permanently affiliated to Visveswaraya Technological University
(VTU), Belgaum and the degree is awarded by VTU. The minimum credit
requirement for the B.E degree is 200 and the time allowed is 8 semesters
(minimum) to 16 semesters (maximum). All academic activities are to be
approved by the Academic Council, Governing Council and are as per the
guidelines issued from time to time by VTU.
The academic activity in an academic year is as follows:
a) Odd semester: 19 weeks
b) Inter semester recess: 02 weeks
c) Even semester: 19 weeks
d) Inter semester recess: 02 weeks
e) Summer Term Course (STC): 08 weeks
f) Inter semester recess: 02 weeks
Total: 52 weeks

1.7 Course registration:

a) Subjects are taught as different courses at basic and advanced level as
core, elective theory subject and as laboratory and workshop based courses.
b) Each course is given a certain number of credits, varying from 1 to 4 per
course. Eight to ten courses amounting to approximately 30 credits are
offered in each semester.
c) Every student after consulting his mentor is required to register for the
approved courses at the commencement of each Semester on the days
fixed for such registration and notified in the academic calendar.
d) Every student is required to register for a minimum of 20 credits but to a
Maximum of 30 credits.

1.8 Drop/Withdraw/Audit option:

a) As a procedure, course registration should get over on a prescribed date,
before the commencement of the semester. However, students are given the
opportunity to register for additional courses if they so wish after the
SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

commencement of the semester but within a stipulated date under late

registration mode.
b) Likewise a student has the option to drop/withdraw some of the courses
registered before the scheduled dates mentioned in the academic calendar.
c) Students can Audit a course meaning he / she can attend the classes but
need not register or write the test and examinations of the course. However,
formal permission of the concerned Instructor / department is necessary for
auditing a course.

1.9 Attendance requirements:

a) A minimum of 85% attendance in each course is a MUST to appear for End
Semester Examination (ESE).
b) Students with shortage of attendance will not be allowed to write the final
examination and this would amount to fail in that subject concerned.
c) Such students have to Reregister and go through the entire course once

2) Evaluation & Assessment

2.1 Continuous Assessment (CA):
1) Purpose:
• To ensure good academic standards well maintained in SDMCET.
• To impart steady and regular study habits so that there will be less/no
pressure of any kind near the semester end.
• To ascertain SDMCET students excel in their academic career and life.

2) Theory Courses: Max. Marks: 50 per course

a) Tests Marks: 40
Test – 1 Test – 2
Test (optional)
Max. Marks 20 20 20
th th th
Timing 7 Week 13 Week 15 Week
Syllabus First 40% Second 40% Second 50%
Duration 1 Hour 1 Hour 1 Hour

• Tests are conducted on three days schedule with proper seating

arrangements announced by the Controller of Examinations.

Test – 1 Test – 2 Makeup/Improvement Test By the end of semester
50% 60% 70% 85%

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

b) Teacher Impression Marks (TIM): 10

• Class room interaction – weightage 2 Marks
• Announced and unannounced Quiz – weightage 4 Marks
• Assignment(s) for I & II Year
OR – weightage 4 Marks
Case study/Term paper for III & IV year

c) Minimum of 20 marks in CA is a must for attending to ESE.

3) Practical Courses: Max. Marks: 100 per course

• Interaction, preparation, journal writing, viva etc., in each lab session
amounting to a maximum of 50 marks.
• Final Lab exam at the end of the semester as per the schedule announced
by the COE for a maximum of 50 marks.

2.2 End Semester Examination (ESE) will be conducted for theory courses only at
the end of the semester after completion of course works. The duration of
examination is 3 hours and maximum marks are 100. Attendance to the ESE
exam is mandatory.

2.3 Question paper pattern:

The question paper pattern for CA and ESE are as follows:
a) PART–A: [Max. Marks: 5 in CA & 20 in ESE]
Questions could be of multiple choices, fill in the blanks, match the
following, True / False and make corrections.
b) PART–B: [Max. Marks: 5 in CA & 20 in ESE]
Analytical and problem oriented questions demanding thorough knowledge
and appreciation of the concepts learnt.
c) PART–C: [Max. Marks: 10 in CA & 60 in ESE]
Standard questions are to be framed on the entire syllabus that can be
evaluated objectively. There could one or two built-in choice questions.

2.4 Valuation methodology: Each answer script of ESE is valued by two faculty
members independently and the better score is considered. If the difference in
the score is greater than 10%, one more valuation of the script will be carried
out by a new examiner and this score is considered as final. Revaluation is not
allowed in view of this fair and careful procedure adopted.

2.5 Grading scheme:

a) Relative grading scheme is adopted in SDMCET as practiced in many
leading autonomous institutions around the world.

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

b) Raw scores obtained by a student will be converted to letter grades using

statistical approach using mean and standard deviation.
c) Arithmetic mean is fixed as D grade and the remaining grades are fixed in
multiples of standard deviation added to the mean.
d) Grade Finalization Committee of the institution studies the grades carefully
and its decision is final.

2.6 Letter grades and grade points:

Letter grades Grade points Remarks
S 10 Outstanding
A 09 Excellent
B 08 Very Good
C 07 Good
D 05 Average
E 04 Poor
F 00 Fail

2.7 Earned Credits: A student passing a course in any of the grade ‘S’, ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’,
‘D’ & ‘E’ earns the credits prescribed for that course.

2.8 Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) indicates performance level (caliber)
of the student at the end of each semester. It is calculated as follows:
Σ (Course Credit × Grade po int)
Σ Course Credit
[This takes into account all the registered courses and grades including F
obtained by a student in that semester]

2.9 Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is an indicator of changes in the

performance level of a student with their progress of study [1st to 2nd semester;
2nd to 3rd Semester and so on…]. It is calculated as follows:
Σ (Course Credit × Grade po int)
Σ Course Credit
[Course(s) with F grade are not included in the calculation]

2.10 Mandatory Learning Courses (MLC): VTU stipulates the following as

Mandatory Learning Course:
1) Functional English
SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

2) Kannada Kali
3) Constitution of India & Professional Ethics (CIPE)
4) Environmental Studies (ES)
Even though, these courses carry no credits, passing them is COMPULSARY.
An attendance criterion is applicable. Examinations are conducted and getting
grade ‘PP’ (Meaning Pass) is a must to get the degree.

2.11 Promotion Criterion:

The prescribed standards for promotion shall be as follows:
1) Maximum number of ‘F’ grades that can be carried at any point of time is
FOUR only.
2) Minimum CGPA shall be 5.00.

2.12 Ranking/Distinction is decided by CGPA. Best student has the highest CGPA.

2.13 Summer Term Course (STC): This arrangement is primarily to assist weak
and / or failed students to clear their backlogs. STC is offered during summer
vacation. In this format, duration of the course is reduced to 8 weeks but the
number of contact hours per week is doubled. Examination pattern remains the
same. A minimum of TEN registered candidates is necessary to offer the
course. A student can register for a maximum of 12 credits only.

2.14 Important information’s:

1) There will be no re-examination for any course. However, student can
register once again either in a main or summer term course.
2) If a student fails (obtaining grade F) in any course THREE TIMES, he / she
becomes ineligible to continue and will be asked to leave the program.
However, such a student may seek admission to the program at the college
afresh going through the process of selection, all over again.
3) A minimum CGPA of 5.00 is very important to smoothly continue with the
studies at the college. Warning will be given to students performing below this
level. However, a student failing to secure a minimum CGPA of 5.00 on three
consecutive occasions would be asked to discontinue the program and leave
the college.
4) Absenting from classes for long is a serious deterrent. A student who remains
absent from the classes for more than six weeks at a time in a semester
without leave of absence being granted by the competent authorities would be
asked to discontinue the program and leave the college.
5) Students shall conduct themselves within and outside the premises of the
college, in a manner befitting to the students of an institution of national
importance and character. Any deviation to this by students will be dealt
seriously and the decision of the principal of the college is final.
SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

6) Students are expected to maintain a good academic record of CGPA greater

than 7.00 so as to be eligible for on-campus placement. A Training &
Placement office at the college has been providing an excellent service since
five years.

3) Transfer of students
3.1 The following procedures are adopted for fixing the grade and grade points of
each course that are completed successfully by the student in the non-
autonomous programs:
a) Courses (in non-autonomous program) equivalent to autonomous courses
shall be identified semester wise.
b) Credits are assigned to the above identified theory and practical courses
successfully completed by the student in the VTU (non-autonomous)
examinations shall be same as in the autonomous courses.
c) Grades shall be awarded for the above identified equivalent courses as per
the following table:
Level Outstanding Excellent Good Average Poor Fail
Grade S A B C D E F
Grade points 10 09 08 07 05 04 00
% Marks
obtained in
VTU (non- >= 90 75 to 89 60 to 74 50 to 59 45 to 49 40 to 44 < 40

d) CGPA is calculated in the same way as done for autonomous courses.

e) Promotion criterion will now be same as in autonomous courses.

3.2 Branch Change and Lateral Entry: At the end of the first year, some students
can change their branch provided i) they are top performers with highest CGPA
and ii) a clear vacancy in the change of branch sought exists. Dean (Academic
Program) will notify the details regarding this at the appropriate time. Diploma
passed candidates is allowed to join the degree program at the third semester.
Rules and Regulations for this are as per VTU.

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

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SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

5) Academic Honesty & Integrity

I) Introduction: SDMCET is committed to upholding honesty, integrity and
fairness in both academic and co-curricular activities. A student of SDMCET
shall accept and abide by the academic stipulations of the institution. It is the
student’s responsibility to be aware of policies pertaining to academic
II) Academic dishonesty: Academic values and standards are the shared
responsibility of students, faculty and supporting staff. Academic dishonesty is
any action or practice that provides the potential for an unfair advantage to an
individual or a group of students.
• Help to someone for an act of academic dishonest is as serious as
receiving the help itself.
• A student who cheats, gain an unfair advantage over honest
• Knowingly not reporting the dishonest act to the authorities is a crime and
will hurt the institution.
• Some Examples:
1) Copying with or without the other person’s knowledge during an exam.
2) Giving or receiving answers by use of signals during an exam.
3) Doing class assignments for someone else.
4) Obtaining an unauthorized copy of a question paper in advance.
5) Using unauthorized notes during an exam.
6) Collaborating with other students on assignments when it is not
7) Stealing class assignments from other students and submitting them as
one’s own.
8) Destroying work of other students.
9) Giving proxy attendance to someone else.
10) Making proxy phone calls on behalf of parents.
11) Producing forged letters as though written by the parents.
12) Producing false certificates for an academic advantage.

III) Sanctions for academic dishonesty:

1) Awarding zero marks for the test under consideration and denying
him/her the permission to take remaining tests.
2) Publicizing the details of the student on the notice board for the act
committed with photograph.
3) Punitive grading like giving a lower or failing grade for the course.
4) Punishment like suspension or expulsion for periods up to one year.
5) Dismissal from the college.

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

6) Suggested plan of study

VII Semester B.E.

Course L-T-P Course

Course Title
Code (Hrs/Week) Credits
EC400 Embedded System Design 3-0-0 3
EC401 Computer Communication Networks 4-0-0 4
EC402 CCN Laboratory 2-0-0 1
EC403 Project – Phase 1 0-0-4 4
Elective 4-0-0 4
Elective 4-0-0 4
Elective 4-0-0 4
Total 25 24

Elective Courses

Course L-T-P Course

Course Title
Code (Hrs/Week) Credits
EC420 Satellite Communication 4-0-0 4
EC421 Analog & Mixed Mode VLSI Design 4-0-0 4
EC422 Wavelet Transforms and Applications 4-0-0 4
EC423 Radar Systems 4-0-0 4
EC424 ARM Processors * 4-0-0 4
EC425 Digital Image Processing 4-0-0 4
EC426 Operating System ** 4-0-0 4
EC427 Power Electronics 4-0-0 4

* Inter disciplinary elective between E&E, E&C, CSE & ISE Departments
** Inter disciplinary elective between CV, ME, E&E, E&C, CSE, CH & ISE

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

VIII Semester B. E.

Course L-T-P Course

Course Title
Code (Hrs/Week) Credits
EC450 Seminar 0-0-2 2
EC451 Project – Phase 2 0-0-8 10
Elective 4-0-0 4
Elective 4-0-0 4
Elective 4-0-0 4
Total 22 24

Elective Subjects

Course L-T-P Course

Course Title
Code (Hrs/Week) Credits
EC470 Optical Fiber Communication 4-0-0 4
EC471 ASIC Design 4-0-0 4
EC472 Pattern Recognition * 4-0-0 4
EC473 Micro Strip Antenna 4-0-0 4
EC474 Real-Time Operating System 4-0-0 4
EC475 Adaptive Signal Processing 4-0-0 4
EC476 RF MEMS for Wireless Communication 4-0-0 4
EC477 Cryptography and Network Security * 4-0-0 4

* Inter disciplinary elective between E&E, E&C, CSE & ISE Departments

Total Credits offered for the Fourth year: 48

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

7) Detailed Syllabus

VII Semseter B.E.

EC400 Embedded System Design (3-0-0) 3

1) Hardware considerations: Introduction-Overview of embedded systems,

embedded system design challenges, common design metrics and optimizing
them. Survey of different embedded system design technologies, trade-offs.
4 Hrs.
2) Single Purpose Processor: Introduction, Combinational logic, Sequential logic,
Custom single purpose processor design, RT Level custom single purpose
processor design and optimizing custom single purpose processors. 8 Hrs.
3) Standard Single Purpose-Peripherals: Introduction, Timers, counters and
Watch dog timers, UART, PWM, LCD, Keypad controller and stepper motor
controllers, A to D converters. 6 Hrs.
4) Memory: Introduction, memory write ability and storage performance, common
memory types, composing memory, memory hierarchy, Memory management
unit, advanced memories. 5 Hrs.
5) Interrupts: Basics, Shared Data Problem, Interrupt latency. Survey of Software
Architecture-Round Robin, Round Robin with Interrupts, Function Queues–
scheduling and RTOS architecture. 7 Hrs.
6) Introduction to RTOS: Tasks, states, Data, Semaphores and shared data.
Operating systems services - Message Queues, Mail Boxes, Timers, Events,
Memory Management, interrupts. Basic Design Using RTOS-Principles, an
example encapsulating semaphores and Queues. 7 Hrs.
7) Basic Design Using RTOS: Hard real-time scheduling considerations, Saving
Memory space and power. Hardware software co-design aspects in embedded
systems. 5 Hrs.

1) Frank Vahid, Tony Givargis “Embedded System Design: A Unified
Hardware/Software Introduction”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2002
2) David E. Simon “An Embedded software Primer”, Pearson Education, 1999.
3) Raj Kamal “Embedded Systems: Architecture and Programming”, TMH,
4) Barnett, Cox & O’cull “Embedded C programming”, Thomson (2005)

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

EC401 Computer Communication Networks (4-0-0) 4

1) Introduction: Layered tasks, OSI Model, Layers in OSI model, TCP?IP Suite,
Addressing, Telephone and cable networks for data transmission, Telephone
networks, Dial up modem, DSL, Cable TV for data transmission. 6 Hrs.
2) Data Link Control: Framing, Flow and error control, Protocols, Noiseless
channels and noisy channels, HDLC. 7 Hrs.
3) Multiple Accesses: Random access, Controlled access, Canalization. 6 Hrs.
4) Wired lan: Ethernet, IEEE standards, Standard Ethernet. Changes in the
standards, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, Wireless LAN IEEE 802.11. 7 Hrs.
5) Connecting LANs: Backbone and Virtual LANs, Connecting devices, Back bone
Networks, Virtual LANs. 6 Hrs.
6) Network Layer: Logical addressing, Ipv4 addresses, Ipv6 addresses, Ipv4 and
Ipv6 Transition from Ipv4 to Ipv6. 7 Hrs.
7) Delivery, Forwarding, Unicast Routing Protocols, Multicast Routing protocols.
6 Hrs.
8) Transport layer: Process to process Delivery, UDP, TCP, Domain name
system, Resolution. 7 Hrs.

1) B Forouzan -Data Communication and Networking, 4th edition, TMH 2006
2) James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross - Computer Networks, Pearson education, 2nd
edition, 2003
3) Wayne Tomasi - Introduction to Data communication and Networking, Pearson
education 2007

EC402 CCN Lab (0-0-2) 1

1) Write a C program to simulate bit stuffing and destuffing in data frames.

2) Write a C program to simulate Character stuffing and destuffing in data frames.
3) Write a C program to simulate shortest path algorithm.
4) Write a C program to implement Sliding Window protocol.
5) Write a C program to implement Pipelining protocol which allows multiple
outstanding frames.
6) Write a C program to compute the polynomial cyclic redundancy check code
(CRC Code checksum) for CRC-CCITT.
7) Write a C program to encrypt a given text message and decrypt it using
substitution method.
8) Write a C program to simulate a positive acknowledgement with retransmission
9) Write a C program for congestion control using leaky bucket algorithm.

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

10) Write a C program for hamming code (error detection and error correction).
11) Write a C program ,a client and server program to make
a) Client sends the name of the file.
b) Server to send back the contents of the requested file if present else sent
appropriate message.
Using FIFO or message queue as the IPC channel (processes are running on
the same machine.
12) Simulate point-to-point network using switch and hub and analyze the drop
packets and throughput.
13) Simulate a four node point-to-point network and connect the link as follows.
Apply a TCP agent between N0 and N3 and apply UDP agent between N1 and
N3. Apply relevant applications over TCP and UDP agents changing a
parameter and determine the number of packets sent by two agents.
14) Simulate Wireless network of four nodes and compare the performance with
15) Simulate Ethernet LAN using 6 nodes, change error rate and data rate and
compare throughput, delay and response time.

EC420 Satellite Communication (4-0-0) 4

1) Introduction: Origin and brief history of satellite communications, an overview of

satellite system engineering, satellite frequency bands for communication. 2 Hrs.
2) Orbital theory: Orbital mechanics, locating the satellite in the orbit w.r.t. earth
look angle determination. Azimuth & elevation calculations. 12 Hrs.
3) Spacecraft systems: Attitude and orbit control system, telemetry, tracking and
command (TT&C), Communications subsystems, transponders, spacecraft
antennas. 8 Hrs.
4) Satellite link design: Basic transmission theory, noise figure and noise
temperature, C/N ratio, satellite down link design, satellite uplink design. 8 Hrs.
5) Modulation, Multiplexing, Multiple access Techniques: Analog telephone
transmission, Fm theory, FM Detector theory, analog TV transmission, S/N ratio
Calculation for satellite TV linking, Digital transmission, base band and band pass
transmission of digital data, BPSK, QPSK, FDM, TDM, Access techniques:
6) Encoding & FEC for Digital satellite links: Channel capacity, error detection
coding, linear block, binary cyclic codes, and convolution codes. 6 Hrs.
7) Satellite Systems: Satellite Earth station Technology, satellite mobile
communication, GPS, VSAT technology, Direct Broadcast by satellite (DBS).
8 Hrs.

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

1) Timothy Pratt, Charles W. Bostian “Satellite communication”, John Wiley &
sons Publication, 2003.
2) Dennis Roody “Satellite Communications”, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill
International edition, 2006.
3) J.J. Spilker “Digital Communication by satellite”, PHI Publication, 1997.
4) J. Martin “Communication satellite systems”, PHI publication, 2001.

EC421 Analog & Mixed Mode VLSI Design (4-0-0) 4

1) Introduction to analog Design: Introduction to MOS, MOS V/I characteristics,

second order effects, MOS device models. 6 Hrs.
2) Single stage amplifiers: Basic concepts, common source stage: common
source stage with resistive load, CS stage with diode connected load, CS stage
with current –source load, CS stage with triode load, CS stage with source
degeneration, source follower, common gate stage, cascode stage. 2 Hrs.
3) Passive and Active Current Mirrors: Basic Current Mirrors, Cascode Current
Mirrors, Active current mirrors: Large signal analysis, small signal analysis,
common mode properties. 6 Hrs.
4) Operational Amplifiers: Single stage Op-Amps, two stage Op-Amps, gain
boosting, comparison, common mode feedback, slew rate, power supply
rejection ratio. 8 Hrs.
5) Data Converter fundamentals: Introduction, sample and hold characteristics,
digital to analog converter(DAC) specifications, analog to digital converter(ADC)
specifications, mixed signal layout issues. 8 Hrs.
6) Data converter architectures: DAC architectures: Resistor string, R-2R ladder
network, Charge scaling DACs, ADC architectures: Pipeline ADC, Successive
approximation ADC, over sampling ADC. 12 Hrs.

1) Behzad Razavi, “Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits”, Tata McGraw-
Hill Edition 2008.
2) R. Jacob Baker, Harry W. LI, David E. Boyce “CMOS Circuit Design, lay out
and Synthesis”, IEEE press, 2005.
3) Phillip E. Allen & Douglas R. Holberg “CMOS Analog Circuit Design”, 2nd
edition, New York Oxford, Oxford University Press 2004.

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

EC422 Wavelet Transforms and Applications (4-0-0) 4

1) Introduction: Overview of Time Frequency Representation 5 Hrs.

2) Continuous Wavelet Transform: Continuous Time Wavelets, Definition of
CWT, the CWT as Correlation, Constant Q-Factor Filtering Interpretation and
Time-Frequency Resolution, CWT as Operator. 5 Hrs.
3) DWT and Orthogonal Wavelet decomposition: introduction, Approximations of
Vectors in Nested Linear Vector Spaces, Example of MRA, Problems. 10 Hrs.
4) MRA, Orthogonal Wavelets, and Their Relation to Filter Banks: Introduction,
Formal Definition of MRA, Construction of a general Orthonormal MRA, Wavelet
Basis for MRA, Digital Filtering Interpretation, Examples of Orthogonal Basis
Generation Wavelets, Interpreting Orthonormal MRA for Discrete Time Signals,
Generation Scaling Functions and Wavelets from Filter Coefficients. 10 Hrs.
Alternative Wavelet Representations: Introduction, Biorthogonal Wavelet
Bases, Filtering Relationship for Biorthogonal Filters, Examples of Biorthogonal
Scaling Functions and Wavelets. 6 Hrs.
5) Wavelet Transforms and Data Compression: Introduction, Transform Coding,
DTWT For Image Compression, Audio Compression. 10 Hrs.
6) Applications of Wavelet Transforms: Introduction, Wavelet Denoising, Speckle
Removal, Edge Detection and Object Isolation, Image Fusion, Object Detection
by Wavelet Transforms of Projections. 6 Hrs.

1) Raghuveer M. Rao, Ajit S. Bopardikar, “Wavelet Transforms introduction to
Theory and Applications”, Addison-Wesley, 2001
2) Stephane Mallat, “A wavelet Tour of Signal Processing”, 2nd edition, Academic
3) K.P Soman & K.I. Ramachandran, “Insight in to Wavelet : From Theory to
Practice”, PHI 2 edition

EC423 Radar Systems (4-0-0) 4

1) Nature of Radar: Basic forms of radar equation, Radar block diagram and
operation, Radar frequencies, Applications of radar. 6 Hrs.
2) The radar equation: Prediction of range performance, Minimum detectable
signal, Receiver Noise, Integration of radar pulses, Radar cross section of
targets, Transmitter power, Pulse repetition frequency and range ambiguities.
8 Hrs.
3) Radar transmitter: Magnetron oscillator klystron amplifiers, TWT, CFA,
Modulators Solid-State transmitters. 7 Hrs.

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

4) Receivers, Displays & Duplexers – Radar receiver, Noise figure, mixers low
noise front ends, Displays, Duplexers and radio protectors. 6 Hrs.
5) CW and Frequency Modulated radar: The Doppler affect CW radar, FMCW
radar, airborne Doppler navigation, multiple frequency CW radar. 6 Hrs.
6) MTI and Pulse Doppler radar: Delay line cancellers, Multiple or staggered pulse
repetition frequencies, Range gated Doppler filters, Pulse Doppler radar. 7 Hrs.
7) Tracking Radar: Tracking with radar, sequential lobing, Conical scan,
Monopulse tracking radar. 6 Hrs.
8) Detection of radar signal in noise: Matched filter receiver, correlation,
Detection, Detection criteria, Automatic detection, constant false alarm receiver.
6 Hrs.

1) Meril. I. Skolnik “ Introduction to Radar Systems”, 3rd edition, TMH, 2001
2) Edde B “Radar Principle ; Technology & Applications” Prentice Hall PTR
3) M. Kulkarni “Microwave and Radar Engineering” 3rd edition, UME.
4) West Cott Taylor “Principles of Radar” 2nd edition, Cambridge University Press,

EC424 ARM Processor (4-0-0) 4

1) ARM Embedded Systems: Introduction to RISC Design Philosophy and ARM

Design Philosophy, Embedded System Hardware, Embedded System Software.
8 Hrs.
2) ARM Processor Fundamentals: Registers, Current Program Status Register,
Pipeline, Exceptions, Interrupts, and the Vector Table, Core Extensions,
Architecture Revisions, ARM Processor Families. 6 Hrs.
3) ARM Instruction Set: Data Processing Instructions, Branch Instructions, Load-
Store Instructions, Software Interrupt Instruction, Program Status Register
Instructions, Loading Constants, ARMv5E Extensions, Conditional Execution.
8 Hrs.
4) Thumb Instruction Set: Thumb Register Usage, ARM-Thumb Interworking,
Other Branch Instructions, Data Processing Instructions, Single-Register Load-
Store Instructions, Multiple-Register Load-Store Instructions, Stack Instructions,
Software Interrupt Instruction. 7 Hrs.
5) C Programming: Overview of C Compilers and Optimization, Basic C Inline
Functions and Inline Assembly, Portability Issues. 11 Hrs.
6) ARM Assembly Code: Writing Assembly Code, Profiling and Cycle Counting,
Instruction Scheduling, Register Allocation, Conditional Execution, Looping
Constructs, Bit Manipulation, Efficient Switches 1976.9 Handling Unaligned Data.
7 Hrs.

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

7) Exception and Interrupt Handling: Exception Handling, Interrupts, Interrupt

Handling Schemes. 5 Hrs.

1. Andrew Sloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright, “ARM System Developer’s
Guide: Designing Optimizing System Software”, Morgan Kaufmann, 2004.
2. Steve Furber, “ARM System-on-Chip Architecture”, 2nd edition, Pearson
Education, 2000.

EC425 Digital Image Processing (4-0-0) 4

1) Introduction: Digital Image Processing, Fundamental Steps in Digital Image

Processing, Components of Digital Image Processing Systems. 4 Hrs.
2) Digital Image Fundamentals: Elements of Visual Perception, Image Sensing
and Acquisition, Image Sampling and Quantization, Basic Relationship Between
Pixels, Linear and Non linear Operations. 8 Hrs.
3) Image Enhancement in Spatial Domain: Basic Gray Level Transformation,
Histogram Processing, Enhancement Using Arithmetic and Logic Operations,
Spatial Filtering, Smoothing and Sharpening Spatial Filters. 9 Hrs.
4) Image Enhancement in Frequency Domain: Smoothing Frequency Domain
Filters, Sharpening Frequency Domain Filters, Homomorphic Filtering. 9 Hrs.
5) Image Restoration: Noise Models, Restoration in the presence of noise-only
Spatial Filtering, Periodic Noise reduction by Frequency Domain Filtering, Linear
Position invariant Degradation, Estimating Degradation Function, Inverse
Filtering, Minimum Mean Square Error Filtering, Constrained Least Squares
Filtering, Geometric Mean Filter, Geometric Transformations. 8 Hrs.
6) Color Image Processing: Color Fundamentals, Color Models, Pseudo color
Image processing, Basics of Full color Image Processing, Color Transformations,
Smoothing and Sharpening. 8 Hrs.
7) Image Segmentation: Detection of Discontinuities, Edge Linking and Boundary
Detection, Thresholding, Region-Based Segmentation. 6 Hrs.

1) C Gonzalez and Richard E Woods, Rafael “Digital Image Processing”, 2nd
edition, Pearson Education, 2005.
2) Anil K Jain “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing”- Pearson Education,
PHI, 2001
3) B Chanda and D Dutta Majumdar “Digital Image Processing and Analysis”,
PHI, 2003

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

EC426 Operating Systems (4-0-0) 4

1) Introduction to operating systems: Introduction to OS, user view, system view,

Classification of OSs, features and applications. 3 Hrs.
2) Operating system structures: System components, OS Services, System calls,
System programs, System structure, Virtual machines. 3 Hrs.
3) Process Scheduling: Process concept, Process scheduling, Operation on
processes, cooperating processes, Inter process communication. Threads
overview, CPU scheduling- Basic concepts, scheduling criteria, Scheduling
algorithms, multiple processor scheduling, Real time scheduling. 4 Hrs.
4) Process issues: The Critical section problem, Synchronization hardware,
Semaphores, problems of synchronization, Critical regions, monitors. Deadlock -
System model, Deadlock characterization, Methods for handling deadlocks -
Deadlock prevention, deadlock avoidance, Deadlock detection and solution for
deadlock. 12 Hrs.
5) Storage Management: Overview, Main memory management- Background,
Swapping, Contiguous allocation, Paging, Segmentation, Segmentation with
paging. 5 Hrs.
6) Virtual memory - Background, Demand paging, Process creation, Page
replacement algorithms, Allocation of frames, thrashing.
File System interface - File concept, Access methods, Directory structure, File
system mounting, File system implementation, Directory implementation,
Allocation methods, Free space management.
Mass storage structures – Disk structure, Disk scheduling methods, Disk
management, Swap space management. 12 Hrs.
7) OS Security: Goals of protections, the security issues, Authentication, System
threats, Securing systems and facilities, Intrusion detection. 6 Hrs.
8) Case Study - Linux operating system: Features of Linux, applications, Linux
and Windows OS installation procedure, Inter-process communication. 5 Hrs.

1) Abraham silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne “Operating System
Concepts”, 6 edition, Jhon wiley & Sons 2002, 2003.
2) Milan Milankovic “Operating system concepts and design”, 2nd edition,
McGrawHill 1992.
3) Harvey M Deital “Operating systems”, Addison wesley 1990
4) D.M Dhamdhere “Operating systems - A concept based Approach”, Tata,
Mcgrawhill 2002.

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

EC427 Power Electronics (4-0-0) 4

1) Power Semiconductor devices: Introduction, Applications of power Electronics,

Power semiconductor devices, Control characteristics, Types of Power Electronic
circuits, and peripheral effects. 4 Hrs.
2) Power Transistors: Power BJT’s switching characteristics, switching limits,
base-drive control Power MOSFET’s, switching characteristics, gate drive.
IGBT’s di/dt and dv/dt limitations. 6 Hrs.
3) Thyristors: Introduction, characteristics, two transistor model, turn-on and turn-
off, di/dt and dv/dt protection, Series and parallel operation of Thyristors,
Thyristor firing circuits. Dynamic Characteristics, Thyristor gate characteristics.
8 Hrs.
4) Commutation Techniques: Introduction, Natural commutation, Forced
commutations, Self commutation, Impulse commutation, resonant pulse
commutation and complementary commutation. External pulse commutation.
8 Hrs.
5) AC Voltage Controllers: Introduction, Principle of ON_OFF and phase control
technique, single-phase bi-directional controllers with resistive and inductive
loads. 6 Hrs.
6) Controlled Rectifiers: Introduction, Principle of phase controlled converter
operation, single-phase half converters, full converters and dual converters.
6 Hrs.
7) DC Choppers: Introduction, Principle of step-down and step-up choppers, step-
down chopper with RL load, Performance parameters, Chopper classification,
Analysis of Impulse commuted thyristor chopper (only qualitative analysis).8 Hrs.
8) Inverters: Introduction, Principle of operation, performance parameters, single
phase bridge inverters, voltage control of single phase inverters, current source
inverter, variable DC link inverter. 6 Hrs.

1) M H Rashid, “Power Electronics”, 3rd edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,
Pearson (Singapore-Asia) New Delhi, Feb 2002.
2) G K Dubey, S R Doradla, A Joshi & RMK Sinha “Thyristorised Power
Controllers”, New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers, Ninth reprint 1999
3) M D Singh and Khanchandani K B “Power Electronics”, TMH Publishing
Company Limited, reprint 2001.
4) Dr. P. S. Bimbhra “Power Electronics”, 3rd edition, Kanna Publishers, 2001

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

VIII Semester B.E.

EC470 Optical Fiber Communication (4-0-0) 4

1) Overview of Optical Fiber Communication: Introduction, Historical

development, general system, advantages, disadvantages, and applications of
optical fiber communication, optical fiber waveguides, Ray theory, cylindrical
fiber, single mode fiber, cutoff wave length, mode filed diameter. 4 Hrs.
2) Optical Fibers: fiber materials, Manufacturing Techniques, Optical cables
4 Hrs.
3) Transmission characteristics of optical fibers: Introduction, Attenuation,
absorption, scattering losses, bending loss, dispersion, Intra model dispersion,
Inter model dispersion. 5 Hrs.
4) Optical Sources and Detectors: Introduction, LED’s, LASER diodes, Photo
detectors, Photo detector noise, Response time, double hetero junction structure,
Photo diodes, comparison of photo detectors and sources. 6 Hrs.
5) Fiber Couplers and Connectors: Introduction, fiber alignment and joint loss,
single mode fiber joints, fiber splices, fiber connectors and fiber couplers. 7 Hrs.
6) Optical Receiver: Introduction, Optical Receiver Operation, receiver sensitivity,
quantum limit, eye diagrams, coherent detection, Analog receivers. 7 Hrs.
7) Analog and Digital Links: Analog links – Introduction, overview of analog links,
CNR, multichannel transmission techniques, key link parameters, Radio over
fiber links, microwave photonics. Digital links – Introduction, point–to–point links,
System considerations, link power budget, resistive budget, short wave length
band, transmission distance for single mode fibers, Power penalties, nodal noise
and chirping. 7 Hrs.
8) WDM Concepts and Components: WDM concepts, overview of WDM operation
principles, WDM standards, Mach-Zehender interferometer, multiplexer, Isolators
and circulators, direct thin film filters, active optical components, MEMS
technology, variable optical attenuators, tunable optical fibers, dynamic guin
equlizers, optical drop muxs, polarizertion controllers, chromatic dispersion
compensators, tunable light sources. 7 Hrs.
9) Optical Amplifiers and Networks – optical amplifiers, basic applications and
types, semiconductor optical amplifiers, EDFA. Optical Networks: Introduction,
SONET/SDH, Optical Interfaces, SONET/SDH rings, High– speed light –
waveguides. 7 Hrs.

1) Gerd Keiser, "Optical Fiber Communication”, 4th edition, MGH, 2008.
2) John M. Senior, "Optical fiber Communications", Peasrson Edun. 2nd Ed, 2004.
3) Govind P. Agarwal, “Fiber Optic Communication Systems”, 3rd Edn, John
Wiley India.

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

EC471 ASIC Design (4-0-0) 4

1) Introduction: Types of ASICs: Full-Custom ASICs, standard cell based ASICs,

gate array based ASICs, channeled gate array, channel-less gate array,
structured gate array, programmable logic devices, Field –programmable gate
arrays, ASIC Cell Libraries. 6 Hrs.
2) Programmable ASICs: The antifuse, Metal-Metal antifuse, Static-RAM, EPROM
and EEPROM technology, Practical issues-FPGAs in use, Specifications, PREP
benchmarks, FPGA Economics – FPGA pricing, Pricing examples. 8 Hrs.
3) Low-level design entry: Schematic entry-Hierarchical design, the cell library,
names, schematic icons and symbols, nets, schematic entry for ASICs,
connections, vectored instances and buses, edit in place, attributes, back
annotation. 6 Hrs.
4) Verilog HDL: Basics of the Verilog Languages, Operators, Hierarchy,
procedures and assignments, timing controls and delay, tasks and functions,
control statements, logic gate modeling, modeling delay-net and gate delay, pin-
to-pin delay. 10 Hrs.
5) Logic Synthesis: Verilog and logic synthesis-Verilog modeling, delays in
Verilog, blocking and non-blocking assignments, combinational logic in Verilog,
multiplexers in Verilog, the Verilog case statement, decoders, priority encoder,
arithmetic, sequential logic, component instantiation and data path synthesis in
Verilog. Finite-state machine synthesis in Verilog. 8 Hrs.
6) Simulation: Types of simulation, the comparator/MUX example, Logic systems,
How logic simulation works, Cell models, Delay models, Static timing analysis,
Formal verification. 4 Hrs.
7) Floor-planning, placement and routing: Floor-planning: floor-planning goals
and objectives, floorplanning tools, I/O and power planning, clock planning;
Placement: placement goals and objectives, placement algorithms, iterative
placement improvement; Routing: Global routing, detailed routing, Special
routing. 10 Hrs.

1) M.J.S. Smith - “Application-Specific Integrated Circuits”, Pearson Education.
2) Jose E. France, Yannis Tsividis “Design of Analog –Digital VLSI Circuits for
Telecommunication and signal processing, Prentice Hall.
3) Malcolm R Haskard; Lan C, May “Analog VLSI Design – NMOS and CMOS”,
Prentice Hall, 1998.
4) Mohammed Ismail and Terri Fiez “Analog VLSI Signal and Information
Processing”, McGraw Hill, 1994.

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

EC472 Pattern Recognition (4-0-0) 4

1) Introduction: Applications of pattern recognition, statistical decision theory,

image processing and analysis, probability of events, random variables, Joint
distributions and densities, moments of random variables, estimation of
parameters from samples, minimum risk estimators. 10 Hrs.
2) Statistical Decision Making: Introduction, Baye’s Theorem, multiple features,
conditionally independent features, decision boundaries, unequal costs of error,
estimation of error rates, the leaving-one-out technique. Characteristic curves,
estimating the composition of populations. 12 Hrs.
3) Nonparametric Decision Making: Introduction, histograms, Kernel and window
estimators, nearest neighbor classification techniques, adaptive decision
boundaries, adaptive discriminate Functions, minimum squared error discriminate
functions, choosing a decision making technique. 9 Hrs.
4) Clustering: Introduction, hierarchical clustering, partitioned clustering. 5 Hrs.
5) Artificial Neural Networks: Introduction, nets without hidden layers, Nets with
hidden layers, the back Propagation algorithms, Hopfield nets, an application.
7 Hrs.
6) Processing of Waveforms and Images: Introduction, gray level scaling
transformations, equalization, geometric image and interpolation, Smoothing,
transformations, edge detection, Laplacian and sharpening operators, line
detection and template matching, logarithmic gray level sealing, the statistical
significance of image features. 9 Hrs.

1) Earl Gose, Richard Johnsonburg and Steve Joust “Pattern Recognition and
Image Analysis”, Prentice-Hall of India-2003.
2) Duda and Hart “Pattern recognition (Pattern recognition a scene analysis)”
3) Robert J Schalkoff “Pattern recognition: Statistical, Structural and neural
approaches”, John Wiley

EC473 Micro Strip Antennas (4-0-0) 4

1) Micro-strip Antennas: Introduction, advantages, disadvantages, applications,

Reduction mechanism, various types of micro-strip antennas, excitation
techniques, micro-strip feed, co-axial feed. 10 Hrs.
2) Analysis of MSA: Transmission line model, cavity model, MNM, MOM, FEM,
SDTD method. Design procedure of RMSA, parameters (gain, RL, PIPB) of
RMSA, radiation pattern and their measurements. 10 Hrs.

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

3) Broad band MSA: Methods of broad banding MSA, Broad band Compact MSA,
Tunable and dual band MSA, Broad band circularly polarized MSA, Broad band
panel monopole antenna, and Ferrite-substrate based MSA. 12 Hrs.
4) Practical MSA’s: Polarisation, frequency diversity operation, omni-directoional
microstrip antennas, dielectric coachings of MSA. 12 Hrs.
5) Applications of MSA: Mobile, LAN, WLAN, SAR, etc, their geometric and
response. 8 Hrs.

1) I. J. Bahl & P. Bhartia “Microstrip Antennas”, Artech House, 2003.
2) Girish Kumar, K. P. Ray “Broadband Microstrip Antennas”, Artech House,
3) Balanis C. A. “Antenna Theory” 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc. 1997.

EC474 Real Time Operating Systems (4-0-0) 4

1) Basic concepts: Basic computer architecture, some terminology, Real Time

design issues, Examples of Real Time Systems. 6 Hrs.
2) Specifications & design techniques: Natural languages, Mathematical
specifications, Flow charts, Structural charts, Pseudo code & Programming
design languages, Finite state Automata, Data flow diagrams, Petri nets,
Warnier-Orr Notation, State charts, Exercises. 10 Hrs.
3) Introduction to RTOS: Tasks, States, Data, Semaphores & Shares data,
Operating System Services, Message Queues, Mail boxes, Timers, Events,
Memory Managements, Interrupts, Operating system services, I/o Subsystems,
Network OS, OS Security Issues. 10 Hrs.
4) Task Scheduling models: Cooperative Round Robin scheduling, Cooperative
scheduling of ready tasks using ordered list, Cyclic scheduling with time slicing,
Preemptive scheduling model strategy by a scheduler, Critical section service by
preemptive scheduler, Fixed real time scheduling, Performance metrics in
scheduling models for periodic, sporadic and a periodic tasks. 10 Hrs.
5) Programming tools – Micro C/OS-II & Vx works: Need of a well tested &
debugged Real time OS, Use of MicroC/OS-II, Use of Vx Works. 6 Hrs.
6) Case study: Case study, Chocolate vending machine using MUCOS RTO’s,
Coding for sending Application layer byte streams on TCP/IP network ring, RTOS
Vx-works, Adaptive cruise control system in a car, Smart Card. 10 Hrs.

1) Raj Kamal “Embedded systems Architecture, Programming and design”, TMH,
2) David E. Simon “An Embedded software primer”, Pearson Education, 1999.

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

3) Philip. A. Laplante “Real-Time Systems Design and Analysis- an Engineer’s

“Handbook”- Second edition, PHI Publications.

EC475 Adaptive Signal Processing (4-0-0) 4

1) Adaptive Systems: Definition and characteristics, General properties, Open-and

closed-loop adaptation, Areas of applications. 5 Hrs.
2) The Adaptive Linear Combiner: General description, Input signal and weight
vectors, Desired response and error, the performance function, gradient and
minimum mean-square error, Example of a performance surface, Alternative
expression of the gradient, Decorrelation of error and input components.
8 Hrs.
3) Properties of the Quadratic Performance Surface: Normal of the input
correlation matrix, Eigen values and Eigen vectors of the input correlation matrix,
example with two weights, geometrical significance of eigenvectors and Eigen
values. 8 Hrs.
4) Searching the Performance Surface: Methods of searching the performance
surface, gradient search methods, gradient search algorithm and its solution,
Stability and rate of convergence, The learning curve, Gradient search by
Newton’s method in multidimensional space, Gradient search by the method of
steepest descent, Comparison of learning curves. 7 Hrs.
5) Gradient Estimation and Its Effects on Adaptation: Gradient component
estimation by derivate measurement, the performance penalty, Derivative
measurement and performance penalties with multiple weights, variance of the
gradient estimate, effects on the weight-over solution, excess mean-square error
and time constants, mis adjustment, comparative performance of Newton’s and
steepest-descent methods. 7 Hrs.
6) The LMS Algorithm: Derivation of the LMS algorithm, convergence of the weight
vector, an example of convergence, learning curve, noise in the weight-vector
solution, misadjustment, performance. 5 Hrs.
7) Adaptive Modeling And System Identification: General description, Adaptive
modeling of multipath communication channel, adaptive modeling in geophysical
exploration, Adaptive modeling in FIR digital filter synthesis. 5 Hrs.
8) Adaptive Interfacing Canceling: The concept of adaptive noise canceling,
stationary noise-canceling solutions, effects of signal components in the
reference input, The adaptive interference canceller as a notch filter, The
adaptive interface canceller as a high-pass filter, Effects of finite length and
causality, multiple-reference noise canceling. 7 Hrs.

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

1) Bernard Widrow and Samuel D. Stearns, “Adaptive Signal Processing”,
Pearson Education Asia, 2001.
2) Simon Haykin “Adaptive filter Theory”, 4e, Pearson Education Asia, 2002
3) Jophn R. Treichler C. Richard Johnson, Jr. and Michael G. Larimore “Theory
and Design of Adaptive Filters”, Pearson education / PHI 2002.

EC476 RF MEMS for Wireless Communication (4-0-0) 4

1) Wireless systems: Introduction, spheres of wireless activities, the home and

office. The ground Fixed/mobile platform, the space platform, wireless standards,
systems and architectures, conceptual wireless systems, wireless transceiver
wireless appliances enable ubiquitous connectivity. 10 Hrs.
2) Elements of RF circuit design: physical aspects of RF circuit design, skin effect
transmission lines on thin substrates, self-resonance frequency, quality factor
packaging practical aspects of RF circuit design, DC biasing, Impedance
mismatch effects in RFMEMS. 10 Hrs.
3) RF MEMS: Enabled circuit elements and models- RF / Microwave substrate
properties, Micro machined- enhanced elements- capacitors, Inductors,
Varactors, MEM switch-shunt MEM switch, low voltage hinged MEM switch
approaches, push-pull series switch, folded-beam-springs suspension series
switch, Resonators- transmission line planar resonators, cavity resonators.
micromechanical resonators film bulk acoustics wave resonators. MEMS
modeling -mechanical modeling, electromagnetic modeling. 10 Hrs.
4) Novel RFMEMS: Enabled circuits- reconfigurable circuit-the resonant MEM
switch, capacitors, Inductors, tunable CPW resonator, MEMs microswitch arrays,
Reconfigurable circuits-double-stud tuner, Nth-stub tuner, filters, resonator tuning
system, massively parallel switchable RF front ends true delay phase shifters,
reconfigurable antennas- tunable dipole antennas, tunable micostrip patch-array
antenna. 10 Hrs.
5) RF MEMS based circuit design: phase shifters- fundamentals, X-Band
RFMEMs phase shifter for phased array applications, Ka-Band RF MEMS phase
shifter for radar systems applications Film bulk acoustic wave filters-FBAR filter
fundamentals FBAR filter for PCS applications, RF MEMS filters A Ka band
millimeter-wave Micro machined tunable filter, A High Q 8 MHz MEM Resonators
filter, RF MEMS Oscillators- Fundamentals, A 14 GHz MEM Oscillator. A Ka-
Band Micro machined cavity oscillator, A 2.4 GHz MEMS based voltage
controlled oscillator. 12 Hrs.

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

1) Hector J. De Los Santos “RF MEMS Circuit Design for Wireless
Communications”, Artech House, 2002.
2) Vijaya K.Varaddan K.J Vinay K.A Jose “RF MEMS and their Applications”
John Wiley and sons, Ltd., 2002.
3) Gabriel M. Rebeiz, “RF MEMS Theory, Design & Technology”, Wiley
interscience, 2002.

EC477 Cryptography and Network Security (4-0-0) 4

1) Overview: Services, Mechanisms and attacks, OSI security architecture, Model

for network security. 2 Hrs.
2) Classical Encryption Techniques: Symmetric cipher model, Substitution
techniques, Transposition techniques, Rotor machine, Steganography, Problems.
4 Hrs.
3) Block Ciphers and DES (Data Encryption Standards): Simplified DES, Block
cipher principles, DES, Strength of DES, Block cipher design principles, Block
cipher modes of operation, Problems. 5 Hrs.
4) Public Key Cryptography and RSA: Principles of public key cryptosystems,
RSA algorithm, Problems. 4 Hrs.
5) Other Public Key Crypto Systems and Key Management: Key management,
Diffie-Hellman key exchange, Elliptic curve arithmetic, Elliptic curve cryptography,
Problems. 6 Hrs.
6) Message Authentication and Hash Functions: Authentication requirements,
Authentication functions, Message authentication codes, Hash functions, Security
of hash functions and MAC’s, Problems. 5 Hrs.
7) Digital Signature and Authentication Protocol: Digital signature,
Authentication protocols, Digital signature standard. 5 Hrs.
8) Authentication Applications: Kerberos, X.509 authentication service, Kerberos
encryption technique. 5 Hrs.
9) Electronic Mail Security: Pretty good privacy, S/MIME, Data compression using
ZIP, Radix-64 conversion, PGP random number generator. 6 Hrs.
10) IP Security: Overview, IP security architecture, Authentication header, ESP
(encapsulating security pay load), Security associations, Key management.
5 Hrs.
11) Firewalls: Firewall design principles; trusted systems. 5 Hrs.

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

1) William Stallings, “Cryptography and Network Security,” 3rd edition, Pearson
Education (Asia) Pte. Ltd. / Prentice Hall of India, 2003.
2) C. Kaufman, R. Perlman, and M. Speciner, "Network Security: Private
Communication in a Public World,” 2 edition, Pearson Education (Asia) Pte.
Ltd., 2002.
3) Atul Kahate, “Cryptography and Network Security,” Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003.
4) Eric Maiwald, “Fundamentals of Network Security,” McGraw-Hill, 2003. John
Hershey, “Cryptography Demystified,” McGraw-Hill, 2002.

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

Amendments to Promotion Criteria 2.11 (Page No.8)

Academic Council has amended the promotion criteria in its meeting held on
7 August, 2010 as follows:

# $ % $
& ' ' D! / 0
() )+ ). *$ *) "% ++ $#% ") ,#
( )+ *% *$ *$ "% +- $#) "+ ,%
( ' )+ *% *$ *$ "% +- $#) "+ ,%
$ )+ *$ *$ *% "% +, $#" "* ,$
$ )+ *) *% )- "% ,# $#+ ", ,)
* )+ *% *% *# "% +- $#* "+ ,%
+ ) )+ *) ). *$ "% ,# $#) ", ,%

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook


8:00 to 8:50 to 9:40 to 10:30 to 11:00 to 11:50 to 12:40 to 1:30 to 2:30 to 3.20 to 4.10 to
8:50 AM 9:40 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM 11:50 AM 12:40 PM 1:30 PM 2:30 PM 3:20 PM 4:10 PM 5:00 PM



Lunch Break
Tea Break






8:00 to 8:50 to 9:40 to 10:30 to 11:00 to 11:50 to 12:40 to 1:30 to 2:30 to 3.20 to 4.10 to
8:50 AM 9:40 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM 11:50 AM 12:40 PM 1:30 PM 2:30 PM 3:20 PM 4:10 PM 5:00 PM


Lunch Break
Tea Break






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