Review Article A Literature Review On Natural Fibers, Its Properties and Influence of Water Absorption On Mechanical Properties of Composites
Review Article A Literature Review On Natural Fibers, Its Properties and Influence of Water Absorption On Mechanical Properties of Composites
Review Article A Literature Review On Natural Fibers, Its Properties and Influence of Water Absorption On Mechanical Properties of Composites
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3 authors:
Atangana Ateba
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Betene Ebanda Fabien, *Noutegomo Boris and Atangana Ateba
Department of Mechanical Engineering of ENSET, Laboratory of Mechanic, University of Douala, Cameroun
Article History: Natural fibers composites are low-cost fibers with high specific properties, low density and eco-
Received 19th January, 2019 friendly. The development of advanced bio composite materials made is increasing in the world. It
Received in revised form will be an alternative way to develop the bio-composites which can be particularly used for daily
16th February, 2019 needs of common people whether it is house hold furniture, house and light weight car components
Accepted 13th March, 2019 and other equipment. This effort to develop bio-composite materials with improved performance for
Published online 30th April, 2019 global applications is an ongoing process. Therefore, it is important to study the water absorption
behavior in order to estimate, not only the consequences that the water absorbed may have, but also
Keywords: the durability of natural fibers composites aged under water, to plan a possible surface treatment in
Natural Fibers, Composites, Chemical order to improve its mechanical properties.
Property, Water Absorption, Hydrophilic
Behavior, Mechanical Properties.
The effect of absorption of moisture leads to the degradation of
In the context of challenging environmental issues and a global fiber-matrix interface region creating poor stress transfer
energy crisis, bio-based materials are attracting increasing efficiencies resulting in a reduction of mechanical and
levels of research interest, from both academia and industry dimensional properties (Yang, 1996), of the main concerns for
because of their numerous advantages. We will have to face the use of the natural fiber reinforced composite materials is
simultaneously with a rarefaction of the fossil resources and their susceptibility to moisture absorption and the effect on
with the ecological risks, in particular the effect of greenhouse. physical, mechanical and thermal properties (Thwe, 2002). It is
The use of the biomass for chemistry, energy and the materials and important therefore that this problem is addressed in order
are one of the answers. This paper gives an overview of the that the natural fiber may be considered as a viable
various studies conducted in the recent past on natural fibers. reinforcement in composite materials. Several studies in the
A lot of researchers have studied the variation of properties of use of natural fiber reinforced polymeric composite have
the natural fibers by varying many parameters. Natural fibers shown that the sensitivity of certain mechanical and thermal
such as hemp, flax, abaca, sisal, jute, henequen (Herrera- properties to moisture uptake can be reduced by the use of
Franco, 2004). kenaf, ramie, sugar palm, oil palm, pineapple coupling agents and fiber surface treatments (Joseph, 1996;
leaf, banana pseudo-stem, sugarcane bagasse, coir, rice husk, Mwaikambo, 2003).
wood, bamboo, chicken feather (Taylor, 1959). Silk and cotton
have been reported as being used as fibers in polymer Plant fibers and their applications: In nature, there is a wide
composites. Recent advances in the use of natural fibers in range of natural fibers which can be distinguished by their
composites have been reviewed by several authors (Fabien origin. Precisely, natural plant fibers could also be classified
Betene Ebanda, 2012; Richard Ntenga, 2007). Natural fiber according to their location in the plant. For example, bast
composites find their application in many industries like fibers as flax, hemp or jute (Summerscales, 2010) are extracted
building construction, furniture, aerospace, automotive and from the stem of the plant whereas other fibers could be
packaging due to some advantages that they offer. However, extracted from seeds (cotton) (Chand, 1988), fruit (coconut,
those promising fibers possess some negative characteristics: pineapple) (Arib, 2004) or even the leaves of the plant (sisal)
they are highly hydrophilic and they can vary a lot in (Li, 2000). Table 1 presents the world production of the natural
properties because of the influence of their growing conditions, fibers. The idea of using cellulose fibers as reinforcement in
fiber processing technique, the fineness of the fiber and sample composite materials is not a new or recent one. Man had used
test-length, which makes accurate predictions of the respective this idea for a long time, since the beginning of our civilization
composite properties difficult. All polymer composites absorb when grass and straw were used to reinforce mud bricks. In the
moisture in humid atmosphere and when immersed in water. past, composites, such as coconut fiber/natural rubber latex
was extensively used by the automotive industry. However,
during the seventies and eighties, cellulose fibers were
*Corresponding author: Noutegomo Boris
Department of mechanical engineering of ENSET, laboratory of mechanic, gradually substituted by newly developed synthetic fibers
university of Douala, Cameroun because of better performance.
International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research 4791
Table 1. Natural fibers in the world and their world production In 1986, Satyanarayana et al. (1986) reported that
(Faruk, 2012). coir/polyester composites have been used to produce helmet
and roof, mirror casing, voltage stabilizer cover, paper weights,
Fiber source World production (103ton) projector cover, mail-box. Natural fiber composites have also
Bamboo 30.000 been used to develop load-bearing elements such as beam,
Sugar cane bagasse 75.000 roof, multipurpose panel, water tanks and pedestrian bridge in
Jute 2.300
Kenaf 970 structural applications and infrastructure applications. Figure 3
Flax 830 and 4 show some different applications of natural fibers
Grass 700
Sisal 375 Chemical Compositions and Properties of Natural Fibers:
Hemp 214
Coir 100 The chemical composition of natural fibers greatly depends on
Ramie 100 the type and nature of fiber. The overall properties of each
Abaca 20 fiber are influenced by the properties of each constituent
(Saheb, 1999). The variation in chemical composition from
plant to plant, and within different parts of the same plant is
quite obvious (Faruk, 2012). The main and prime constituent
of all cell walls are sugar based polymers as cellulose and
hemicellulose chiefly on dry basis (Faruk, 2012). The cell
structure and chemical composition of natural fibers are quite
complicated. Chemical composition of some important natural
fibers is illustrated in Table 3. Natural fibers themselves
regarded as the naturally occurring composites comprising
mainly of helically wound cellulose micro fibrils, embedded in
amorphous lignin matrix. Cellulose (a-cellulose), lignin,
pectins, hemicellulose and waxes are the major components of
natural fibers. The component hemicellulose present in the
natural fibers is regarded to be a compatibilizerbetween lignin
Figure1. Classification of natural fibers [14] Hemi cellulose is responsible for thermal degradation,
moisture absorption, and biodegradation of the fiber as it
Since then, the use of cellulose fibers has been limited to the shows least resistance but lignin is thermally stable and is
production of rope, string, clothing, carpets and other greatly accountable for the UV degradation (Saheb, 1999).
decorative products. Over the past few years, there has been a Phenylpropane derivative constitutes the lignin and it is an
renewed interest in using these fibers as reinforcement amorphous natural polymeric material that regulates the
materials to some extent in the plastics industry. This transference of fluid in the plant (Majeed et al., 2013).
resurgence of interest is due to the increasing cost of plastics Bismark et al. (2005) studied the chemical content of various
and also because of the environmental aspects of using natural fibers. The study shows that the strength of the
renewable and biodegradable materials. During last years, the composite is mainly influenced by the cellulose content of the
prices of natural fibers were not stable and particularly for flax fiber.
fibers generally produced in Europe countries (France,
Belgium…). Tanzania and Brazil are the largest producers of Mechanical properties of natural fiber composites: The
sisal. The henequen is produced in Mexico, the Manila hemp mechanical properties of a natural fiber composite materials
to the produced in Mexico, the Manila hemp to the Philippines. depend on the fiber orientation, fiber volume fraction, fiber
Larger jute producers are India, China and Bangladesh geometry, the nature of the matrix and mainly on the adhesion
(Richard Ntenga, 2007). Natural fibers are divided into three between fiber and the polymer matrix. Natural fibers generally
categories including animal fibers, mineral fibers and plant have poor mechanical properties compared to their synthetic
fibers (Figure 1). counterparts. Table 4 shows the mechanical properties of some
natural fibers. The fiber volume fraction plays a significant
Plant fibers are composed of cellulose while animal fibers role in deciding the mechanical properties of natural fiber
consist of proteins (hair, silk, and wool). Plant fibers are composite materials. The augmented percentage of fiber
derived from renewable resources and are classified according content in the composite improves the mechanical properties of
to their origin as bast or soft fiber, leaf or hard fibers, seed, the material. In addition, the maximum volume fraction is
fruit, wood, cereal straw, and other grass fibers. In the present governed by the fiber orientation and packaging arrangement
paper we will focus on this last group. Traditionally, especially of fibers (Laranjeira, 2006). The second main factor affecting
in rural developing countries, natural fibers have been the performance of natural fiber composite material is fiber
cultivated and used extensively for nonstructural applications matrix interface strength (Betiana et al., 2007). The interface
such as multipurpose rope, bag, broom, fish net and filters. The serves transfer of applied loads to the fibers via shearstresses
fibers have also been used for applications in housing as roof over the interface between the fiber and matrix. In general,
material and wall insulation. Figure 2 shows natural fibers strong interfacial adhesion delivers high strength. Interfacial
produced by plants. More interest is now shown in the strength is essential if stresses are to be transferred properly to
investigation of the suitability ofnatural fiber composites in the fibers and to provide the necessary function. Weaker
structural and infrastructure applications where moderate interfacial adhesion causes fiber pullout and energy absorption
strength, lower cost and environmental friendly features are through particular mechanism of failure. Interfacial bond
required. The application of natural fiber composites has between the matrix and the fiber determines the effectiveness
started in automotive industries and productions of non- of stress transfer mechanism from the matrix to fiber when the
structural elements. matrix tends to crack under load (Christopher et al., 1994).
International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research 4792
Advantages Disadvantages
Low cost Hydrophilic behavior
recyclable Dimensional instability
Zero fingerprint CO2 Low thermal resistance
Biodegradability Biodegradability
Renewable resources Variability
Low density Anisotropic behavior
High specific mechanical properties Discontinuous
Good thermal and acoustics isolation
Non abrasive
Table 3. The chemical composition of some selected plant fibers [4, 20, 21]
Fiber Cellulose (%) Hemicellulose (%) Lignine (%) Ash (%) Pectin (%) Silica (%)
Jute 45-71,5 13,6-21 12-26 0,5-2 0,2 0,5-2
Ramie 68,6-91 5-16,7 0,6-0,7 - 1,9 -
Kenaf 31-57 21,5-23 15-19 2-5 - 2,2
Abaca 56-63 15-17 7-9 3 - 1,1
Hemp 57-77 14-22,4 3,7-13 0.8 0,9 -
henequen 77,8 4-8 13 - - -
Sisal 47-78 10-24 7-11 0.5-1 10 0,5
Pineapple 73,4 7,1 10,5 2 - -
Banana 44,2 12,1 32,8 2,2 - -
RC 68,2 10 -24 15,6 - 2 -
Fibre Density (g/cm3) Tensile strength (MPa) Yong’s modulus (GPa) Elongation at break %)
OPEFB 0,7-1,55 248 3.2 2,5
Flax 1,4 88-1500 60-80 1,2-1,6
Hemp 1,48 550-900 70 1,6
Jute 1,46 400-800 10-30 1,8
Ramie 1,5 500 44 2
Coir 1,25 220 6 15-25
Sisal 1,33 600-700 38 2-3
Abaca 1,5 980 - -
Cotton 1,51 400 12 3-10
Kenaf (bast) 1,2 295 - 2,7-6,9
Kenaf (core) 0,21 - - -
Bagasse 1,2 20-290 19,7-27,1 1,1
Henequen 1,4 430-580 - 3-4,7
Pineapple 1,5 170-1672 82 1-3
Banana 1,35 355 33,8 53
RC 0,947 377 7 24,2
Figure 5. a) Matrix cracking, b) Fracture running along the interface, c) Fiber/matrix debondingdue to attack
by water molecules [31].
Hydrophilic behaviors of plant fibers: For their use as to their shrinkage. These swelling and shrinkage of the fibers
reinforcement, the hydrophilic nature of plant fibers has to be surrounded by the matrix generate internal stresses at the
considered with carefulness for several reasons. First, during fiber/matrix interface and can eventually lead to the damage of
the life cycle of the material, water absorption could induce a the latter and to a significant degradation of the initial
volume change of the fibers inside the composite, leading to properties of the composite. Assarar et al. (2011) deal with
the development of internal stresses. On the other hand, during water sorption of composites reinforced by bio-based fibers.
the polymerization process of the matrix above 100°C, a For example, in their work on the water uptake of a flax fiber
vaporization of water trapped inside fibers could occur, leading composite material they showed an increase of the water
International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research 4794
Table 5. The equilibrium moisture content of different natural The curves of all humidities don’t obey to the Fick’s model
fiber at 65% relative humidity (RH) and 21°C [3, 13] and the diffusion coefficients have been deduced. We observed
that the diffusion coefficient increase with the relative
Fibers Equilibrium moisture content (%) humidity. Dhakal et al. (2007) showed an increase in moisture
Sisal 11 absorption with the volume fraction of fiber, for composite
Hemp 9
Jute 12 polyester/hemp immersed in water at 25 °C. Table 5 presents
RC 7.5 the equilibrium moisture content of different natural fibers.
Abaca 15 The loss of mechanical properties in bending with the amount
Ramie 9 of water absorbed. According to them, the moisture absorption
Pineapple 13
Coir 10 leads to swelling of the fiber, resulting in the occurrence of
Bagasse 9.8 micro cracks in the matrix. Then, as the composite cracks and
Bamboo 9.9 gets damaged, capillarity and transport viamicro cracks
Flax 7 become active. The capillaritymechanism could involve the
flow of water molecules along fiber/matrix interfaces as well
as a process of diffusion through the bulk matrix. This could
result in a debonding of the fiber and the matrix as shown on
figure 5. Noutegomo et alb., (2017) studied the modelling
moisture sorption isotherms of Rhecktophyllumcamerunense
vegetable fiber.The maximum moisture content was calculated.
Their isotherms were modelled by interpolating the
experimental data of the maximum water content as a function
of the relative humidity with the BET, GAB and DLP
equations. The isotherms presented the sigmoid shape of
typeII. The parameters of those mathematical models were also
deduced and the goodness of fit have been evaluated. The DLP
Figure 6. Water uptake variation as a function of the square model gave an excellent adjustment.
rout of time of the neat matriceand hemp PP composites
exposed to humid atmosphere (80%RH) at various Influence of water absorption on mechanical properties:
temperatures. Solid lines fits based on Fick’s law [40]. Concerning the influence of water on the mechanical
properties, several authors showed a relationship between
moisture and mechanical properties of plant fibers. Although
this influence has been clearly demonstrated, the different
results of the literature are not consistent altogether as
presented in table 3. Despite their attractiveness, natural fiber
reinforced polymer matrix composites are very sensitiveto
influences from external environmental agents such as water in
the liquid or vapor phases, relative humidity. Moisture in any
form is deleterious to polymer composites, especially to those
reinforced by natural fibers.
Plant fibers are hydrophilic and fiber moisture not only acts a
plasticizer but makes polymer impregnation more difficult,
Figure 7. Effect of sample dimension and temperature in the causing weak adhesion on the polymer matrix-fiber interface,
water sorption of Macambira fiber reinforced unsaturated which leads to internal tensions, porosity and premature failure
polyester composites [44]. of the system Davies et Bruce (Noutegomo, 2019) also
observed experimentally a tendency to a decrease of the
content absorbed, compared to a material consisting of the Young's modulus with increasing relative humidity for flax
same matrix reinforced with glass fibers. Betene et al., (2018) and nettle fibers (decrease of the Young modulus of flax fibers
study the diffusion behavior of water vapor sorption in natural about 23 % when relative humidity varies from 30 to 80 %).
fiber: Rhecktophyllumcamerunenseon the relative humidities This trend is also highlighted by Symington et al. (1998) for
of 23%, 54% and 75% at 23°C.The results show that the flax. Generally, bio-composites display lower mechanical
kinetic adsorption is rapid at the first moments no matter the properties than synthetic fiber-reinforced composites as water
relative humidity and begin saturation at the seventh hour. The sorption adversely affects the performance, physical and
maximum moisture content increases with the relative mechanical integrity of the composites. Thus, knowing the
humidity. The curve of all moistures obeys to the Fick model effect of moisture on the composite properties is fundamental
and the diffusion coefficients have been deduced. They for outdoor applications. The incompatibilities between natural
observed that the diffusion coefficient was an increasing linear fiber reinforced composites and water may be diminished by
function of the relative humidity. For the same relative surface modification (chemical treatment) of the fiber or the
humidities, Noutegomo et al., (2019) study the diffusion matrix. The mechanical properties of vegetable fiber reinforced
behavior of water vapor sorption in natural fiber composite: composites significantly improve at high fiber content.
Plaster/Rhecktophyllumcamerunense and the results show that However, when fibrous polymer composites absorb moisture
the kinetic adsorption is also rapid at the first hours no matter they suffer swelling, plasticizing, dissolving, leaching and/or
the relative humidity and begin saturation after 28 hours. The hydrolyzing, resulting in discoloration, embrittlement, lower
maximum moisture content increases with the relative resistance to heat and weathering and lower mechanical
humidity. properties.
International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research 4795
Table 3. Literature review of the moisture absorption influence on the mechanical properties of plant fibers
The amount of water absorbed by a sample varies as a function and 1000 C for different time durations. The tensile and
of its composition, dimensions, void fraction (available free flexural properties of water immersed specimens subjected to
volume), temperature, surface area, surface protection, and both aging conditions were evaluated and compared with dry
exposure time. The effects of moisture and temperature of composite specimens. The percentage of moisture uptake
composites on several performance parameters, such as tensile increased as the fiber volume fraction increased because of the
and shear strengths, elastic moduli, fatigue behavior, creep, high cellulose content of the fiber. The tensile and flexural
rupture stress, response to dynamic impact, and electrical properties of Natural fiber reinforced. Epoxy composite
resistance, has been investigated (Symington et al., 2009). specimens were found to decrease with increase in percentage
UmitHuner (2006) studied the effect of water absorption on the moisture uptake. Moisture induced degradation of composite
mechanical properties of flax fiber reinforced epoxy samples was observed at elevated temperature. The water
composites. Flax fiber reinforced epoxy composites were absorption pattern of these composites at room temperature
subjected to water immersion tests in order to study the effects was found to follow Fickian behavior, whereas the water
of water absorption on the mechanical properties. Epoxy absorption properties at higher temperature did not follow
composites specimens containing 0, 1, 5 and 10% fiber weight Fick’s law. Bouzouita et al., (2011) studied the influence of
were prepared. Water absorption tests were conducted by hygrothermal aging on mechanical behavior of Hemp/ isotactic
immersing specimens in a deionized water bath at 25 °C and polypropylene composites using flexural tests associated to
90°C for different time durations. The tensile and flexural acoustic emission. They reported on figure 6 below that the
properties of water immersed specimens subjected to both (M(t)) moisture absorption variations according to the square
aging conditions were evaluated and compared alongside dry root of time (t½) of the neat matrix (PP) and the hemp/PP
composite specimens. The percentage of moisture uptake composites exposed to 80% relative humidity at 23, 70 and
increased as the fiber volume fraction increased due to the high 90°C. The neat PP matrix is almost inert to moisture. Indeed, it
cellulose content. The tensile and flexural properties of showed very little moisture uptake after moisture aging after
reinforced epoxy specimens were found to decrease with three months whatever the temperature (about 0.02%) while
increase in percentage moisture uptake. Moisture induced moisture absorption levels for composites are in the range 1-
degradation of composite sampleswas significant at elevated 2,5 %, depending on temperatures.
Dhakal et al., (2002) studied the effect of water absorption on
Faiket al. (2015) have reported the effect of water absorption mechanical properties of hemp fiber reinforced of unsaturated
on hardness properties for Epoxy reinforced with glass fibers polyester matrix composites. The composites specimens
in their research article. They used the Epoxy resin as matrix containing 0, 0.10, 0.15, 0.21 and 0.26 fiber volume fraction
reinforced by 0–90° Woven Roving and Random with volume were prepared. Water absorption tests were conducted by
fraction 25%. The shore hardness of all samples investigated immersing specimens in a de-ionized water bath at 25 °C and
before and after immersion in water at room temperature. 100 °C for different time durations. The percentage of
Results of the work show that the value of hardness done at moisture uptake increased as the fiber volume fraction
room temperature decreases with increasing the time of increased due to the high cellulose content. They found that the
immersion in water. Chandramohan et al. (Faik, 2011) studied tensile and flexural properties of composite specimens
the effect of dry and wet conditions on tensile and hardness decrease with increase in percentage moisture uptake. Nóbrega
properties of bio-epoxy composites. In their research, natural (2006) and Nóbrega et al., (2007) conducted several
fibers like Sisal (Agavesisalana), Banana (Musa sepientum) & experiments on the water absorption of caroá fiber reinforced
Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa), Sisal and banana (hybrid), unsaturated polyester composites, whileCruz et al. (2010)
Roselle and banana (hybrid) and Roselle and sisal (hybrid) are conducted similar experiments with macambira fiber
fabricated with bio epoxy resin using molding method. They reinforced unsaturated polyester composites as show on the
studied flexural rigidity and hardness ofSisal and banana figure below 7. The unsaturated polyester was cured with 1%
(hybrid), Roselle and banana (hybrid and Roselle and sisal MEK (methyl ethyl ketone).
(hybrid) composite at dry and wet conditions. Girisha et al.(38)
studied the water absorption and mechanical properties of Conclusion
sisal/coconut Coir Natural Fibers–Epoxy Composites. Natural Composites reinforced with natural fibers have developed
fibers (Sisal and Coconut coir) reinforced Epoxy composites significantly since many years because of their
were subjected to water immersion tests in order to study the biodegradability, low cost, low relative density, high specific
effects of water absorption on the mechanical properties. mechanical properties and renewable nature. These composites
Natural fibers like coconut coir (short fibers) and sisal fibers are welcome to find more and more applications in the near
(long fibers) were used in hybrid combination and the fiber future since a lot of studies are led to understand and improve
weight fraction of 20%, 30% and 40% were used for the their properties. The understanding of the hygroscopic
fabrication of the composite. Water absorption tests were behavior of these materials is a key issue in order to use it in
conducted by immersing specimens in a water bath at 250 C different weathering conditions.
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