A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 9 - Classification of Volcanoes

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in

Science 9
(Differentiation Between Active and
Inactive Volcanoes)

Prepared By:
Pre-Service Teacher
I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the learners should be able to:
a.) Classify volcanos as active and inactive based on their behavior
or historical records of eruptions
b.) Differentiate active, inactive and extinct volcanoes through a
creative visualization
c.) Examine the benefits of the Eruption of Volcanos

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Differentiation Between Active and Inactive Volcanoes
B. Sub-Topic: Classification of Volcanoes based on Periodicity of
C. Reference: Science – Grade 9; Support Material for Independent
Learning Engagement (SMILE); Quarter 3 – Module 1:
Types of Volcanoes and Volcanic Edition, 2021; pp 3
D. Materials: Powerpoint, Pictures
E. Teaching Strategy: Learner-centered, Constructivist, Collaborative,
Spiral Progression Approach, Developmentally
Appropriate, Responsive and Relevant
F. Time Allotment: 60 minutes

III. Learning Procedure

a. Preliminary
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
1. Classroom Conditioning
(Play a music for 3 minutes)
(As the music plays, the students
1 – mute their microphone
2 – prepare their own selves
2. Prayer 3 – are now ready to pray
Let us pray.
(The students will pray)
3. Greetings
Good morning, class!

Good morning sir. Its nice to see you.

Thank you sir

4. Checking of Attendance
As I call your name please
open your camera and turn it off
Who is not present on this
Is there anyone who I did not
in the meeting today?
None sir

5. Checking of Assignments
Class, do we have an
None, sir

b. Recall
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Last Friday, we discussed about
Volcano and for our review, let us
have a simple game which I call “Pass
the Message”. I have here three
envelops here on my screen, I will
play a music and while its playing,
the envelopes will move. When I stop
music, I will also play the wheel of
fortune. The name that will appear on
the wheel will have to answer the
question in one of the envelopes. The
chosen student can answer the
question by arranging the jumbled
letters. Is that clear? Yes, sir.

Are you ready? Yes, sir.


- vent that directly connects

magma to the surface of the

- mixture of rock, mineral and

glass particles erupted during
volcanic eruption

- underground passage where

magma travels through

Do you have any clarifications on our None, sir

previous topic?

Very good! This time, let us now

proceed to our new topic

c. Motivation
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Before we start discussing, I a news

Watch and Listen carefully to the

news video

Yes, sir.

(The student will watch and listen to

the video presented)

Thank you for watching and listening

What can you say about the video

The video is about the three

volcanoes specially the eruption of
Mount Mayon in Albay
Very good! Based on your responses
and to the video that we have
watched, we can conclude that
volcanoes may or may not erupt. So,
anyone who can tell what topic we
will discussed today?

Classification of Volcanoes based on

Perfect! Periodicity of Eruptions

d. Lesson Proper
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
1. Pre-Activity:
Volcanoes are classified as active
and inactive based on their behavior
or historical records of eruptions. The
accounts of the eruption are
documented and analyzed based only
on datable materials. The oxygen-
carbon dioxide cycle shows the
interdependence among organisms
for this important gas. Now, let us
find out the three different types of
volcanoes based on their periodicity
of eruptions by having this very
simple activity which I called “Which
is Which!” I will flash three examples
of Volcanoes in the Philippines then I
want you to analyze and determine
which among the three volcanoes are
active, inactive or extinct. Did you get

Yes sir

Very good! Let us start.


Good Job

Matutum is a symmetrical
stratovolcano located in southern
Mindanao, NW of Sarangani Bay and
30 km NNW of General Santos City.
The mountain, a popular hiking
destination, has a well-preserved
summit cone and a 320 m wide and a
vegetated 120 m deep summit crater.
The crater is breached by 3 large



Mayon is located on the Ring of Fire,

the chain of volcanoes that sits along
the edge of the Pacific Ocean. There
are several subduction zones of
various ages colliding slowly together
near the Philippines, so volcanic
activity is frequent there.

Very good! How about the last one?



Taal volcano is in a caldera system

located in southern Luzon Island and
is one of the most active volcanoes in
the Philippines. It has produced
around 35 recorded eruptions since
3,580 BCE, ranging from VEI 1 to 6,
with the majority of eruptions being a
VEI 2.

Excellent, class!

Did you enjoy the activity?

Yes sir

Do you have any clarifications?

None sir

To learn more about Classification of

Volcanoes based on their periodicity
of eruptions, let us have a group
activity. I prepared envelopes for each
group containing the materials and
procedures. Before we proceed to our
activity, let us discuss first the
rubrics for the activity.
5 4 3 2 1
For concept:
5 – concept is clearly evident;
contains all necessary information
4 – concept is evident; contains most
of the necessary information
3 – concept is acceptable; contains
some necessary information
2 – concept is limited; insufficient
necessary information
1 – lack of concept; does not contain
necessary information
For cooperation:
5 – all members of the group
cooperate well with each other
4 – only 5-6 members cooperate with
each other
3 – only 3-4 members cooperate with
the each other
2 – only 2 members cooperate with
each other
1 – only 1 member of the group do
the work
For presentation:
5 – executes the work competently;
4 – executes the work adequately;
3 – executes the work fairly;
somewhat prepared
2 – executes the work incompetently;
1 – executes the work poorly;
Do you have any clarification on our

None sir

I will now divide you into different

rooms and do the task given into you.

You are given 10 minutes to work for

your activity.

2. Activity Proper
Using the given graphic organizer, fill
in the missing parts, description, and
functions to complete the entire

3. Post-Activity
Are you ready for presentation?

Yes sir

Students will present their work

Very good, class! Give yourself a:
1. Amazing clap
2. Mommy Dionisia clap
3. Kiss Your Brain clap
4. PakBet clap

The class will return to the main

4. Discussion:
Based on the activity, how can you
differentiate or classify volcanoes?

Phreatic or hydrothermal,
Phreatomagmatic, Strombolian,
Vulcanian, and Plinian

How will you differentiate the five?

Phreatic or hydrothermal
It is a stream-driven eruption as the
hot rocks come in contact with water.

A violent volcanic eruption due to the
contact between water and magma
and can be very explosive.

A periodic weak to violent eruption
characterized by fountain lava, the
explosions usually occur every few
minutes at regular or irregular

This type of eruption results from the
fragmentation and explosion of a lava
plug in a volcanic conduit or from the
rupture of a lava dome (viscous lava
that piles up over a vent).

It is described as an excessively
explosive and violent type of eruption
where gases boiling out of gas-rich
magma generate massive and nearly
continuous spurting blasts that core
out the magma conduit and rip it

Very good! Volcanoes can also be

classified on how they erupt.

Any questions?

None sir
5. Generalization:
This time, let us play a game entitled
“Fact or Bluff”. I will give you sets of
statements and you‟re going to
analyse it whether it is true or not. If
it is true, raise the paper with the
word „fact‟ and „bluff‟ if otherwise. Is
that clear?

Are you ready?

Yes sir
1. Active volcanoes are volcanoes who
has not erupt for 20 years
2. Plinian type of eruption results
from the fragmentation and explosion
of a lava plug in a volcanic conduit
3. Mount Mayon is an example of
inactive or dormant volcano
4. An inactive volcano being dormant
is sometimes called a "sleeping
5. Taal Volcano in Batangas has this
type of hydrothermal eruption.

Any questions so far?

None sir
6. Application
As one of the youths how will you
able to preserve the Mount Taal and
Mount Mayon?

When visiting it, leave no waste just


Answers may varies

7. Valuing
In your own point of view, what Ashes from volcanic eruptions can
benefits can you get from the serve as fertilizers
eruption of volcano
Answers may varies

IV. Evaluation:
Read each statement carefully. Select the correct term from the word bank and
write your answer in the blank space provided.

1. ____________ stream-driven eruption as the hot rocks come in contact with

2. ____________ being dormant is sometimes called a "sleeping volcano" that has
not erupted for a very long time but may erupt at a future time.
3. ____________ periodic weak to violent eruption characterized by fountain
lava, the explosions usually occur every few minutes at regular or irregular
4. ____________ violent volcanic eruption due to the contact between water and
magma and can be very explosive.
5. ____________ eruption results from the fragmentation and explosion of a lava
plug in a volcanic conduit or from the rupture of a lava dome

V. Assignment
Have an advance reading and research on Classifications of Volcanoes base on

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