ABM Applied Economics Module 4 Evaluating The Viability and Impacts of Business On The Community
ABM Applied Economics Module 4 Evaluating The Viability and Impacts of Business On The Community
ABM Applied Economics Module 4 Evaluating The Viability and Impacts of Business On The Community
Quarter 1 – Module 4:
Determining the Implications of
Market Pricing on Economic
Decision Making
Applied Economics
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 4: Determining the Implications of Market Pricing on Economic
Decision Making
First Edition, 2020
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This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help
learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their
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into real life situations or concerns.
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We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
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What I Need to Know
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master
the nature of Biology. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different
learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of
students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course.
But the order in which you read them can be changed to correspond with the
textbook you are now using.
What I Know
3 6
1 12
2 M I T E O
8 9 T
10 U
4 Y
1 It controls the size of the ration, which is one's allowed portion of the
resources being distributed on a particular day or at a particular time.
3 ________________analysis is the process of using competitive
intelligence to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of a company's
marketplace competitors.
6 The monetary value of a product as established by supply and
demand- is a signal that helps us make our economic choices.
7 In business and economics, it refers to the degree to which
individuals, consumers or producers change their demand or the
amount supplied in response to price or income changes.
9 Relationship between the quantity of a commodity that producers
wish to sell at various prices.
11 It is an amount paid by way of reduction, return, or refund on what
has already been paid or contributed.
12 A ________ leader is a pricing strategy where a product is sold at a
price below its market cost to stimulate other sales of more profitable
goods or services.
13 Or vouchers offering discounts on particular goods or services.
2 It is a transaction related cost.
1 Price
In the previous module lesson 1, we have learned demand from the point of view of the consumer,
which is, demand is how much of something (goods or services) people want and are willing to buy
and consume in a given period of time. While in lesson 2 we have learned about supply from the
point of view of the producer, which is, supply is how much of something a supplier (or firm) have
that are ready and available for sale in a given period of time. Put the two together and there you
have supply and demand curve. And in lesson 3, we hav learned about market equilibrium and factor
affecting market equilibrium. Now, how do we show the relationship between the two (supply and
demand)? And how market equilibrium been useful in determing the market price of goods. One
way is to use the price of something (goods or services). Finally, in this module we will learn about
price and how it serves as a communicator between the two (supply and demand) in their fight to
find equilibrium in the market.
What’s In
What’s New
Photo #3 Photo #4
What is It
We start by thinking about the case where firms set prices, beginning with two
firms selling exactly the same products. A classic example is a two water refilling
station( A & B ) in the same subdivision or community. Each of which has to
choose what price to set for the purified water that it sells. We will first take a look
as the choice of Water Refilling Station A and then study what happens when the
two Water Station interact. Also, we will make a simplyfying assumpotion, which is
reasonable for water refilling station retailers, that marginal cost is constant.
The Pricing Decision of a Water Station.
First we need to know the shape of the demand curve facing Water Station A. We
will look at the pricing decision of A. The owner of this water station can look
across the street and see the price set by Water Refilling Station B. Suppose, for
example, B is selling purified water for 20 pesos per 5 gallon of water container.
What does the demand curve for Water Station A looks like?
We illustrate this demand curve in Graph 3.1 "The Demand Curve Facing Water
station A, Taking as Given the Price Set by a Competitor".
Water Station A
Market Demand
Php20.00 Water Curve
Station B Price
Graph 3.1
50,000 unit demanded
The above graph shows the demand curve facing Water Station A in a market where
two water station are setting their prices per 5gallon of purified water.
If Water Station B sets a price of 20 pesos, what should Water Station A do? As
long as 20 pesos is greater than the marginal cost, Water Station A makes the most
profit if it undercuts Water Station B a little bit. If it sets a price of 19 pesos, it can
capture the entire market, whereas if it sets a price of 20 it gets only half the
market. But exactly the same is true of Water Station B. For any given price that
Water Station A sets, Water Station B would do better to undercut it by a penny.
Competition provides a strong incentive for firms to cut their prices.
Market Equilibrium
We have discussed so far was how one business will respond to the price of other,
but we don’t yet know where these business will end up. We do not yet know what
the equilibrium will look like. In the previous chapter, we have learned that the word
equilibrium in the context of supply and demand, denoting the point where the supply
and demand curves intersect. In a free or open economy the idea of equilibrium goes
beyond this, however: it denotes a situation of balance in which no one has any
desire to change what is being done (John Nash – Nash Equilibrium, a mathematician
who won a Nobel Prize in Economics for this and other contribution).
The two water station will continue to choose prices. So far, we have seen that –
taking B’s price is given – A will want to set a lower price. For example, if B sets a
price of 20 pesos, A will set a price of 19 pesos. B would still like to do something
different, B will set the price of 18, and so on. This process will stop only when the
purified water prices equal marginal cost. Thus we can make an educated guess: in
the Nash equilibrium theory, each firm sets its price equal to the marginal cost of
production. In this equilibrium, both firms earn no profits.
Applied to the real world, economists use the Nash equilibrium to predict how
companies will respond to their competitors' prices. Two large companies setting
pricing strategies to compete against each other will probably squeeze customers
harder than they could if they each faced thousands of competitors.
What is Price Then?
Price is a major determinant of the market demand for an item. In a free or open
economy, the market determines the price of a good. So, what is price? Price is the
amount of money that has to be paid to acquire something or a given
product/services. Insofar as the amount of people are prepared to pay for a
product represents its value, in this way price is also a measure of value.
The monetary value of a product as established by supply and demand- price acts
as a signal for shortages and surpluses which help firms and consumers respond
to changing market conditions..
1. Neutral
Does not favor consumer or producer.
The more competition the more efficient
2. Flexible
Can absorb shock. War, disasters, weather. People adapt and adjust
consumption & production.
When unforeseen events occur, price adjusts
3. Freedom of Choice
There are Substitutions.
Freedom to decide to buy.
4. No Administrative Cost
No government cost, No bureaucrats.
Competitive markets find their own prices.
Price adjusts peoples buying habits.
5. Efficient
People naturally understand prices
Price is firm and speaks every language. Everyone understands it and
Without prices, another system must be used to decide who gets what. One method
is RATIONING- a system under which an agency such as government decides
everyone’s fair share. Each person receives a ration coupon. Rationing was used
during WWII to allocate needed supplies to the war effort. It was also used in the
1970s when Oil supplies were severely restricted.
The pricing system allows us to allocate our resources most efficiently. Remember,
the problem of scarcity is fundamental. Resource allocation is crucial to a strong
economy. Prices not only help individuals in specific markets, they serve as signals
that help allocate resources between markets. Everyone who participates has a
hand in determining prices- that’s why economists consider prices neutral and
This can be all be shown in relation to supply and demand of the product or service
and how
Market Equilibrium – occurs when prices are stable and the quantity
of goods/services supplied is equal to the quantity demanded.
Surplus – situation in which the quantity supplied is greater
than the quantity demanded at a given price. Price tends to
drop as a result of surplus. Small Surplus = Small drop in price;
Large Surplus = Large drop in price.
What’s More
In this exercise, you are presented with eight product alternatives, as you would
find in a supermarket environment. As you will see, price is simply one aspect of
the consumer’s perception of value. So review the following list of pasta sauces,
which one would you buy?
Brand Positioning/Marketing Price
convincingly. Sometimes he or she goes off on a tangent and
includes irrelevant details. At times, it does not seem that the
writer understands or has control over the sources and opinions
used. If called upon to use outside sources, the writer quotes,
paraphrases, summarizes only somewhat effectively.
1 point It is difficult to determine the writer's main point in the
essay. The writer does not explain points effectively, if at
all. Facts uses are inaccurate, out of date, or irrelevant The
writer even resorts to copying and quoting chunks of info from
other writers without explanation or analysis. He or she seems
only interested in getting something down on paper and handing it
What I Can Do
The world is facing a global pandemic. All nations around the world are experiencing
lockdown because of the emerging new virus that causes the death of millions of the
population in every country. At the same time, world economy is spiraling downward
causing an exponential growth of unemployment. Government now decreases their
ability to provide needs to the people. Thus, Japan has considered closing school and
changing the way they work, using remote working and moving businesses online,
to keep the economy running. They will also need to deal with changing family
relationships as more people work from home.
The Philippine government is also confronted with the same issues like limited
resources because of the ever growing unemployment in the country’s. Because of
that, numerous crimes had been reported. If you were the government, what can you
possibly do to secure an efficient allocation of resources to the population? Will you
control the influx of population? If yes, how? If no, what other solutions can be done
to assure that all Filipinos will be given the chance to meet their needs and even
wants? Explain your answer and cite examples.
5 points The student has created an essay that addresses the
given assignment and purpose. He or she focuses on one main idea
or thesis statement and supports this generalization with
appropriate and relevant specific details, examples, facts, and
evidence, either from personal experience or other sources. No
crucial points are overlooked, and there is no padding with
irrelevant details. Whe required, effective and accurate
documentation is evident, with no plagiarism of sources.
3 points The student has a clear main idea, but the support for it is
uneven. He or she does not explain all points very clearly or
convincingly. Sometimes he or she goes off on a tangent and
includes irrelevant details. At times, it does not seem that the
writer understands or has control over the sources and opinions
used. If called upon to use outside sources, the writer quotes,
paraphrases, summarizes only somewhat effectively.
1 point It is difficult to determine the writer's main point in the
essay. The writer does not explain points effectively, if at
all. Facts uses are inaccurate, out of date, or irrelevant The
writer even resorts to copying and quoting chunks of info from
other writers without explanation or analysis. He or she seems
only interested in getting something down on paper and handing it
Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. Market is a place where the consumers and producers meet and interact. What
do you call the price where both of them agreed to buy and sell goods and services?
A. Equilibrium Quantity
B. Equilibrium Point
C. Equilibrium Price
D. Equilibrium Schedule
2. Economic activity refers to the processes involved in the economy. Which of the
following involves the use of economic resources to create goods and services in an
a. Production
b. Consumption
c. Distribution
d. Exchange
4. Opportunity Cost is one of the main concepts in the study of Economics. Which
of the following BEST described it?
a. It is the value of the best alternatives or choices given to a certain economic
b. It is the value of the next best possible alternatives or choices given to a certain
economic problem.
c. It is what a person chose among the given alternatives or choices.
d. It is what the person accepted to solve an economic problem.
5. Economics deals with choosing the best possible decision out of the wide range
of choices or alternatives that we have in life. Which of the following situations
show the BEST economic decision?
a. Gloria saw a dress which is sale for 50% -off at SM Megamall. She decided to buy
2 of the said dress.
b. Cecile bought a buy 1 take 1 burger along the street.
c. Marian decided to buy a strawberry shake in the next barangay which is 1-peso
cheaper than the price of her 14eighbour.
d. Kim purchased a cellphone with an original price of Php. 7,599.00 less her free
10% voucher.
8. Producers of Walkmans are able to lower the wage rate that they pay to their
workers. Walkman Watch asks you to predict the effect on the Walkmans. You
predict that the
A) quantity supplied will decrease. B) price will rise.
C) supply curve will shift leftward. D) supply curve will shift rightward
9. In how it is produced, what are the two techniques used for an efficient and
effective production?
a. Capital intensive and machine intensive technique
b. None of these are correct
c. Artificial intelligence and robot technique
d. Labor intensive and capital intensive technique
Additional Activities
Do your notecards.
Commodities and their peak, market, and marginal prices