Covid-19: Découvrez Les Règlements Figurant Dans Le Consolidated Regulations

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to the Government Gazette of Mauritius No. 152 of 1 October 2021

Government Notice No. 245 of 2021

Regulations made by the Minister under section 13
of the Quarantine Act 2020
1. Short title
These regulations may be cited as the Consolidated COVID-19
Regulations 2021.
2. Interpretation
In these regulations –
“Act” means the Quarantine Act 2020;
“chronic disease” includes –
(a) uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure and
ischaemic heart disease;
(b) chronic respiratory disease, including severe asthma and
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
(c) chronic renal failure;
(d) cirrhosis of liver;
(e) mental disorder;
(f) a disability which renders self-confinement
impracticable; or
(g) such other chronic illness as a Government medical
practitioner may assess;
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“COVID-19” means the virus known as the novel coronavirus

(2019-n CoV) or SARS CoV2;
“COVID-19 test” means any COVID-19 test;
“COVID-19 vaccination centre” means such health institution
or such other specified area as the Minister may designate;
“COVID-19 vaccine” means such vaccine as listed in the First
“eligible person” means a person who –
(a) is examined by a Government medical officer or a medical
practitioner of a private health institution and found to be
medically eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine; and
(b) meets such eligibility criteria as the Minister may
determine, having regard, inter alia, to the specifications
of the COVID-19 vaccine, availability of the COVID-19
vaccine in Mauritius, the priority groups to be vaccinated
and other relevant considerations;
“infected”, in relation to COVID-19, means suffering from, or
in the incubation stage of, or contaminated with, COVID-19;
“mild symptoms” includes –
(a) fever, provided that body temperature is less than 38.5
degrees Celsius;
(b) dry cough and no difficulty in breathing, no fatigue, no
rash, no diarrhea or no throat pain;
(c) such other mild symptoms as a Government medical
practitioner may assess;
“private health institution” has the same meaning as in the
Private Health Institutions Act;
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“quarantine period” means the period declared under section

4(1)(b) of the Act;
“RT-PCR test” means the COVID-19 Reverse Transcriptase
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test;
“self-confined person” means a person who is self-confined at
his place of residence.

3. Application of regulations
(1) Subject to regulation 2, these regulations shall not apply to
the Island of Agaléga, St. Brandon and the Chagos Archipelago.
(2) Regulation 15 shall not apply to the Island of Rodrigues,
the Island of Agaléga, St. Brandon and the Chagos Archipelago.

4. Wearing of protective mask

(1) Every person shall, in any place, other than in his ordinary
place of residence –
(a) wear a protective mask over his nose and mouth;
(b) ensure that every child aged 5 and above in his
company, wears a protective mask over the child’s
nose and mouth.

(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply –

(a) when a person travels alone in a private vehicle or
where the driver and every other passenger in the
private vehicle ordinarily live together in the same
place of residence;
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(b) when lawfully directed by another person to remove

the protective mask in order to ascertain the identity
of the person or child;
(c) when carrying out, in the course of his employment,
an activity that requires that no protective mask may
be worn, or that it shall be removed in order that other
equipment may be worn or used, to carry out that
(d) premises, places and during such activities as may be
listed by Notice in the Gazette.
5. Social and physical distancing rules
(1) Every person shall in any place, other than in his ordinary
place of residence, strictly observe the social and physical distancing
rules specified in this regulation.
(2) Every person shall, at all times on any premises including
commercial premises, offices and buildings, keep a distance of at
least one metre from any other person, except where the person is in
company of child under the age of 12.
(3) No person shall, without reasonable excuse –
(a) sit on a seat that is not fixed to the floor and that is less
than one metre away from another seated person in a
public place;
(b) sit on a fixed seat in a public place which is demarcated
as not to be occupied; or
(c) stand in a queue less than one metre away from any
other person in the queue in a public place.
(4) Every employer shall ensure that appropriate measures
are in place to implement the social and physical distancing rules
specified in this regulation.
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6. Good hygiene practices

Every person shall, whether in his ordinary place of residence,
in a public place, at his workplace and any other premises, ensure
that he disinfects his hands regularly using an alcohol-based hand
sanitaser, where same is available.

7. Hygiene products, cleaning and waste disposal

(1) At any place of work, every employer shall –
(a) provide to his employees –
(i) hygiene products; and
(ii) rubbish bins for the disposal of waste;
(b) ensure that waste is regularly disposed of; and
(c) ensure that the place of work, including used surfaces
such as benchtops, desks and doorknobs, is regularly
cleaned and disinfected.
(2) In this section –
“hygiene products” includes soap, hand sanitisers and
tissue paper.

8. Vaccination procedures
(1) Any eligible person who wishes to be vaccinated with a
COVID-19 vaccine shall –
(a) attend such hospital, private health institution, or
such other place as the Minister may designate for the
administration of the vaccine;
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(b) sign the Registration and Consent Form for COVID-

19 Vaccination as set out in the Second or Third
Schedule, as the case may be; and
(c) undertake to abide by all the terms and conditions
specified in the Registration and Consent Form for
COVID-19 Vaccination.
(2) The Minister shall give public notice of any place
designated under paragraph (1)(a).
(3) Any eligible person who wishes to be vaccinated with a
COVID-19 vaccine in a private health institution shall be vaccinated
on payment of such fee, being a fee that excludes the cost of the
vaccine, as the private health institution may determine.
(4) Any Registration and Consent Form for COVID-19
Vaccination under the revoked Public Health (COVID-19 Vaccines
for Emergency Use) Regulations 2021 shall be deemed to have been
made under these regulations.
9. Interpretation of Part IV
In this Part –
“fully vaccinated” means a person who is vaccinated with a
COVID-19 vaccine, provided that where he is vaccinated with –
(a) the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, 28 days have lapsed after
the single dose of the vaccine having been administered; or
(b) any other COVID-19 vaccine, 14 days have lapsed after
the second dose of the vaccine having been administered.
10. Requirements for self-confinement
Where a person is tested as being infected with COVID-19, the
quarantine officer may order that person to be self-confined at his
place of residence, provided that –
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(a) he is not more than 65 years of age;

(b) he is fully vaccinated; and
(c) he is asymptomatic, has mild symptoms or does not suffer
from a chronic disease as assessed by a Government
medical practitioner.
11. Period of self-confinement
(1) A person referred to in regulation 9 shall, subject to
paragraph (2), be self-confined for a period of at least 10 days from
the day he has been tested to be infected with COVID-19.
(2) Where a self-confined person becomes symptomatic during
the period of self-confinement, he shall be self-confined for such
additional period as the quarantine officer may, in the circumstances,
12. Conditions during period of self-confinement
A self-confined person shall, during his period of confinement –
(a) be under the supervision of the quarantine officer;
(b) not leave his place of residence without the authority of the
quarantine officer;
(c) comply with the instructions of the quarantine officer;
(d) comply with the requirements specified in the Fourth
13. Restriction of access
(1) For the purpose of section 4(2)(a) of the Act, no person
shall, subject to paragraph (2), have access to a specified institution,
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place or premises as described and specified in the second and third

column of the Fifth Schedule, respectively, unless –
(a) being a citizen or resident of Mauritius, he produces –
(i) (A) his COVID-19 vaccination card, in the form set
out in the Sixth Schedule or in such electronic
format as the Minister may approve, certifying
that he has been vaccinated with at least one
dose of COVID-19 vaccine; and
(B) his National Identity Card or passport;
(ii) (A) in case he has not been vaccinated with a
COVID-19 vaccine, an RT-PCR test result slip,
in the form set out in the Seventh Schedule,
certifying a negative result dating back to not
more than 7 days from the date of the RT-PCR
test was undertaken; and
(B) his National Identity Card or passport; or
(iii) (A) a documented medical certificate (certificat
médical detaillé), duly certified by a panel of 2
Government medical officers that, by reason of
his medical conditions, he cannot be vaccinated
with a COVID-19 vaccine; and
(B) his National Identity Card or passport; or
(b) being a tourist or visitor to Mauritus, he produces –
(i) his foreign COVID-19 vaccination card, including in
electronic format; and
(ii) his National Identity Card or passport.
(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to –
(a) such person as described in the fourth column of the
Fifth Schedule;
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(b) a member of the Police Force who has to have access

to a specified institution, place and premises, other
than his place of work, for the purposes of maintaining
and preserving law and order;
(c) an officer of the Mauritius Fire and Rescue Service
who has to have access to a specified institution,
place and premises, other than his place of work, for
the purposes of preventing and suppressing fire and
protecting life, property and the environment in case
of emergency;
(d) a medical personnel who has to have access to a
specified institution, place and premises, other than
his place of work, for the purpose of providing urgent
medical treatment;
(e) such other person who has to have access to a
specified institution, place and premises in case of an
(3) Where, pursuant to paragraph (1)(a)(iii)(A), a person is
certified by a panel of 2 Government medical officers that he cannot
be vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine, the panel of 2 medical
officers or any other panel of 2 Government medical officers may
require that person to undergo an RT-PCR test at such interval as they
may determine.
14. Exempted specified institution, place or premises
The Minister may, by Notice published in the Gazette, exempt –
(a) a specified institution, place or premises; and
(b) a specified class of persons on the basis of specific medical
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from the application of this Part for a specific purpose and for a
specified period.
15. Closure and prohibition of activities
For the purpose of section 4(2)(b) of the Act –
(a) the premises specified in Part I of the Eighth Schedule shall
be opened to the public subject to the conditions specified
(b) the events or activities specified in Part II of the Eighth
Schedule shall be carried out subject to the conditions
specified therein;
(c) the places specified in Part III of the Eighth Schedule shall
be opened to the public subject to the conditions specified
(d) the places specified in Part IV of the Eighth Schedule shall
remain closed.
16. Interpretation of Part VII
In this Part –
“airport” means the Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International
“designated hotel” means a hotel designated by the Minister
for the confinement of incoming passengers who are not fully
“fully vaccinated” means a person who –
(a) is vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine, provided that
where he is vaccinated with –
Government Notices 2021 2287

(i) the single dose of Johnson & Johnson vaccine, 28

days have, on the date of departure to Mauritius,
lapsed after the single dose of the vaccine having been
administered; or
(ii) any other COVID-19 vaccine, 14 days have, on the
date of departure to Mauritius, lapsed after a second
dose of the vaccine having been administered; or
(b) (i) has recovered from COVID-19; and
(ii) has, after such recovery, been vaccinated with a
COVID-19 vaccine, provided that 14 days have, on
the date of departure to Mauritius, lapsed after a single
dose of the vaccine being administered;
“Public Health Passenger Locator Form” means such form as
the Minister may approve;
“registered hotel” means a hotel licensed as such under the
Tourism Authority Act;
“transit passenger” means a passenger in transit for less than 24
hours and holding an onward reservation on the same aircraft or
interlining at the airport, provided that the passenger does not
check out at the airport.
17. Sanitary requirements for incoming passengers
(1) No person shall travel to Mauritius unless, at the point of
departure, he –
(a) being fully vaccinated –
(i) produces, subject to paragraph (2), documentary
evidence that he is fully vaccinated;
(ii) produces an RT-PCR test certificate certifying
a negative result, provided that the COVID-19
2288 Government Notices 2021

test was undertaken within 72 hours prior to the

date of departure;
(iii) produces, subject to paragraph (3), documentary
evidence that he has a health insurance covering
COVID-19; and
(iv) duly fills in the Public Health Passenger Locator
Form; or
(b) being not fully vaccinated –
(i) produces documentary evidence that he
has booked and paid a 15 days in-room stay
package at a designated hotel, including airport
hotel transfers and 3 RT-PCR tests;
(ii) produces an RT-PCR test certificate certifying
a negative result, provided that the COVID-19
test was undertaken within 72 hours prior to the
date of departure;
(iii) produces, subject to paragraph (3), documentary
evidence that he has a health insurance covering
COVID-10; and
(iv) duly fills in the Public Health Passenger Locator
(2) Paragraph (1)(a)(i) shall not apply to a person under the
age of 18.
(3) Paragraph (1)(a)(iii) and (b)(iii) shall not apply to a citizen
of Mauritius or a resident of Mauritius.
(4) This regulation shall not apply to a member of an airline
crew and to a transit passenger.
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18. Fully vaccinated incoming passengers

(1) A fully vaccinated person shall, on arrival, undergo a
COVID-19 test.
(2) Where a fully vaccinated person –
(a) stays at a registered hotel, he shall, on the fifth day,
excluding the day of his arrival, undergo a COVID-19
test; or
(b) does not stay at a registered hotel, he shall, on the fifth
day, excluding the day of his arrival, undergo a self-
administered COVID-19 test.
19. Non-fully vaccinated incoming passengers
(1) A person who is not fully vaccinated shall –
(a) on arrival, undergo an RT-PCR test;
(b) on the seventh day, excluding the day of his arrival,
undergo a second RT-PCR test; and
(c) on the fourteenth day, excluding the day of his arrival,
undergo a third RT-PCR test.
(2) The Ministry shall make appropriate arrangements for
the RT-PCR tests to be conducted on the person referred to in
paragraph (1).
20. Interpretation of Part VIII
In this Part –
“laboratory reagents company” means a company registered
with the Ministry to import laboratory reagents;
“pharmacy” has the same meaning as in the Pharmacy Act;
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“private laboratory” means a laboratory registered with the

“registered medical practitioner” has the same meaning as in
the Medical Council Act;
“registered nurse” has the same meaning as in the Nursing
Council Act;
“Self-Testing Kit” means the COVID-19 Antigen based test kit
with nasal, nasopharyngeal or saliva swabs, as approved by the
World Health Organisation, the Food and Drug Administration
or the European Union;
“wholesale pharmacy” has the same meaning as in the Pharmacy
Act and is a wholesale pharmacy which holds a written
authorisation from the Ministry to import Self-Testing Kits.
21. Sale of Self-Testing Kit
(1) A wholesale pharmacy shall not sell any Self-Testing Kit
to any person other than to –
(a) the Ministry;
(b) private health institutions;
(c) medical practitioners;
(d) private laboratories;
(e) laboratory reagents companies;
(f) retail pharmacies; and
(g) the Mauritius Duty Free Paradise, the Rodrigues Duty
Free Paradise and the Christian Decotter Cruise Jetty.
(2) Every sale of a Self-Testing Kit shall be recorded in a
Government Notices 2021 2291

(3) Every user shall keep a record of every Self-Testing Kit

that has been used, including the name and contact details of the
person on which the Self-Testing Kit has been used.
(4) Any register kept under this Part shall, on demand, be
produced to the Ministry.
22. Duty to inform Quarantine Authority
Where a person is tested to be COVID-19 positive by means
of a Self-Testing Kit, the user shall forthwith inform the Quarantine
23. Guidelines
The Ministry may, for the purposes of these regulations, issue
such guidelines as it may deem appropriate.
24. Offences
(1) A self-confined person who –
(a) leaves his place of residence during his self-
confinement period without the authority of the
quarantine officer;
(b) fails to comply with any instruction of the quarantine
(c) fails to comply with the requirements specified in the
Fourth Schedule,
shall commit an offence.
(2) A person who –
(a) without lawful excuse, is in a specified institution,
place and premises without –
2292 Government Notices 2021

(i) his COVID-19 vaccination card certifying

that he has been vaccinated with a COVID-19
(ii) an RT-PCR test result slip certifying a negative
result dating back to not more than 7 days from
the date of the RT-PCR test was undertaken; or
(iii) a documented medical certificate (certificat
médical detaillé), duly certified by a panel of 2
Government medical officers that, by reason of
his medical conditions, he cannot be vaccinated
with a COVID-19 vaccine;
(b) without lawful excuse, allows another person to have
access in a specified institution, place and premises
without that other person being in possession of –
(i) his COVID-19 vaccination card certifying
that he has been vaccinated with a COVID-19
(ii) an RT-PCR test result slip certifying a negative
result dating back to not more than 7 days from
the date of the RT-PCR test was undertaken; or
(iii) a documented medical certificate (certificat
médical detaillé), duly certified by a panel of 2
Government medical officers that, by reason of
his medical conditions, he cannot be vaccinated
with a COVID-19 vaccine; or
(c) is in possession of a forged vaccination card or RT-
PCR test result slip,
shall commit an offence.
(3) Any person who –
Government Notices 2021 2293

(a) fails to wear a protective mask;

(b) fails to wear a protective mask over his mouth and
(c) willfully provides false or misleading information
in a Registration and Consent Form for COVID-19
Vaccination; or
(d) otherwise contravenes these regulations,
shall commit an offence.
(4) Any person who commits an offence shall, on conviction,
be liable to a fine not exceeding 500,000 rupees and to imprisonment
for a term not exceeding 5 years.
25. Revocation
(1) The following regulations are revoked –
(a) COVID-19 (Preventive and Sanitary Measures)
Regulations 2021;
(b) COVID-19 (Self-Confinement) Regulations 2021;
(c) COVID-19 (Restriction of Access to Specified
Institutions) Regulations 2021;
(d) COVID-19 (Closing Down of Premises and
Restriction of Activities) (No. 3) Regulations 2021;
(e) COVID-19 (Quarantine) Regulations 2021;
(f) Public Health (COVID-19 Vaccines for Emergency
Use) Regulations 2021;
(g) Quarantine (Control of Sale and Use of COVID-19
Home Self-Testing Kit) Regulations 2021.
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(2) The regulations revoked under paragraph (1) shall not

affect the previous operation of the revoked regulations or any
process or anything duly done under the revoked regulations.

26. Commencement
(1) Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), these regulations shall
come into operation on 1 October 2021.
(2) The Fifth Schedule insofar as it relates to items 11, 12, 13,
14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21 and 22 shall come into operation on 15 October
(3) The Eighth Schedule insofar as it relates to items 5, 6 and
7 of Part I shall come into operation on 15 October 2021.

Made by the Minister on 30 September 2021.

Government Notices 2021 2295

[Regulation 2]
1. AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria or Covishield)
2. Covaxin
3. Moderna
4. Pfizer BioNTech
5. Sinopharm
6. Sinovac
7. Sputnik V
8. Johnson & Johnson
2296 Government Notices 2021

[Regulation 8(1)(b)]


Recipient name National Identity Card no./Passport no.

Date of birth Gender Married/Unmarried

Age Details pertaining to parent/guardian

Address Details pertaining to next of kin

Occupation Email address

Parent/guardian (if applicable) Phone no. Preferred language

Name of COVID-19 Vaccination Centre

Emergency Use Authorisation

The Ministry of Health and Wellness has made the COVID-19 vaccine available
following regulatory approval of its use in the United States, United Kingdom,
India and other countries as circumstances justify its use in an emergency such
as the COVID-19 pandemic. This vaccine has not completed the same type of
review and process in those countries as would have been the case in normal
circumstances and the Ministry of Health and Wellness is making the vaccine
available due to existence of a public health emergency and on the basis of the
totality of scientific evidence available for the time being, showing that known
and potential benefits of the vaccine outweigh the known and potential risks.


1. I have been provided with and have read/have been explained in my own
language*, the explanations regarding the nature of and implications of the
vaccine, the fact sheet about the said vaccine which has been provided to me. I
understand that if this vaccine requires 2 doses, the 2 doses of this vaccine shall
be administered (given) in order for it to be effective. I have been given an
opportunity to ask questions which were answered to my satisfaction/have
ensured that the person named above for whom I am authorised to provide
consent was also given a chance to ask questions*. I understand the benefits
and risks of the vaccine.

Government Notices 2021 2297

2. I request that the vaccine be administered to me/the person named above

for whom I am authorised to make this request and provide consent*. I
understand there will be no cost to me for this vaccine. I have been informed
that after administration of the vaccine, I will be kept under observation for a
period of at least 30 minutes. I authorise release of all information needed,
including but not limited to medical records, such information provided by me
for the purposes of this form as may be required for other public health
purposes, including reporting to any public health institution.

Waiver, Release and Hold Harmless Agreement

3. I, together with my parent or guardian, if I am under the age of 18 or under

a legal disability, represent, covenant and agree, on behalf of myself and my
heirs, assigns, and any other person claiming by, under or through me, as
follows –

(a) I acknowledge that as a result of the vaccination, certain risks are

involved and that any adverse event following immunisation which
might include injuries and death could occur to me. I accept and
voluntarily incur and assume all risks of any adverse event
following immunisation, including injuries and death that arise
during or result from the administration of the vaccine;

(b) without limiting my assumption of the general risks described

above, I specifically understand and acknowledge the following
with regard to the novel coronavirus, COVID-19 –

(i) COVID-19 has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the

World Health Organization;

(ii) COVID-19 is an infectious virus that is extremely contagious

and spreads easily through person-to-person contact and/or
by contact with contaminated surfaces and objects, and even
possibly in the air;

(iii) those infected with COVID-19 may show no symptoms and

still spread the disease, including through interpersonal
communications and sharing spaces with others;

(iv) COVID-19 can cause serious and potentially life threatening

illness and even death;

(v) COVID-19 has recently shown signs of mutation in several

countries like the United Kingdom, Brazil, South Africa and

4. Notwithstanding the foregoing, I hereby choose to accept, and freely and

voluntarily assume, the risks set out in this Form.

2298 Government Notices 2021

5. I waive all claims against the State of Mauritius, the Global Health
Partnership also known as GAVI Alliance, donor States or organisations,
manufacturers of the vaccine and their agents or preposés, any vaccinator, any
hospital or private health institution authorised by the Minister, to administer
the vaccine for any adverse event following immunisation, including injuries
and death, whether known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen, which arise
from/during or as a result of the vaccine, regardless of whether or not caused,
in whole or in part, by the negligence or other fault on their part, I release and
forever discharge them from all claims.

6. I agree to indemnify and hold the above parties harmless from and
against any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs or expenses, including but
not limited to reasonable attorneys' fees and other litigation costs and expenses
incurred by any of these parties as a result of any claims or suits that I (or anyone
claiming by, under or through me) may bring against any of them to recover any
losses, liabilities, costs, damages, or expenses that arise during or result from
the vaccine.

7. I have carefully read and reviewed this Waiver, Release and Hold
Harmless Agreement/The above has been carefully explained to me in my own
language* and given assistance in responding to questions set out in the fact

8. I have read and fully understand the contents of this Form/have been
explained in my own language* and fully understand the contents of this Form
and I execute it voluntarily.

9. I undertake to –

(a) attend the same vaccination centre on the date scheduled for the
second dose as specified in this Form and in such COVID-19
Vaccination Record Card as may be provided to me;

(b) attend the same vaccination centre where the vaccine was
administered in case any adverse event following immunisation;

(c) bring and produce the COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card provided
to me.

……………………………...… ……………………………… ………………………………….

Name Relationship to patient, if other
Signature of than recipient

…………………………………. ………………………………….
Date Time

Government Notices 2021 2299


First dose vaccine

Date Brand of vaccine**

Other □
Dosage given AstraZeneca □ (please specify)
Time of vaccination
Pfizer □
Batch no.
Date of expiry

I have reviewed the contents of this Registration and Consent Form with
patient/parent of patient/guardian of patient*.

I confirm that the patient/parent of patient/guardian of patient* was given an

opportunity to ask questions about the vaccine, and I have, to the best of my
ability, answered all the questions asked by them.

I confirm that recipient of the vaccine is an eligible person.

…………………………………. ………………………………….
Name of recipient/parent/guardian Signature of recipient/parent/guardian

…………………………………. ………………………………….
Name of Doctor who explained the above Signature of Doctor who explained the

…………………………………. ………………………………….
Name of Vaccinator Signature of Vaccinator

…………………………………. ………………………………….
Name of witness Signature of witness


2300 Government Notices 2021

Observation Period at Vaccination Centre

(To be filled by health care personnel)

Observation period at Vaccination Centre Time in Time out

Adverse Event Following Immunisation noted

Expected date of second dose

Second dose vaccine

Date Brand of vaccine**

Other □
Dosage given AstraZeneca □ (please specify)
Time of vaccination
Pfizer □
Batch no.
Date of expiry

I have reviewed the contents of this Registration and Consent Form with
patient/parent of patient/guardian of patient*.

I confirm that the patient/parent of patient/guardian of patient*was given an

opportunity to ask questions about the vaccination, and I have, to the best of my
ability, answered all the questions asked by them.

I confirm that recipient of the vaccine is an eligible person.

…………………………………. ………………………………….
Name of recipient/parent/guardian Signature of recipient/parent/guardian

…………………………………. ………………………………….
Name of Doctor who explained the above Signature of Doctor who explained the

…………………………………. ………………………………….
Name of Vaccinator Signature of Vaccinator

…………………………………. ………………………………….
Name of witness Signature of witness


Government Notices 2021 2301

Observation Period at Vaccination Centre

(To be filled by health care personnel)

Observation period at Vaccination Centre Time in Time out

Adverse Effect Following Immunisation noted

* Delete as appropriate
** Tick as appropriate

2302 Government Notices 2021

[Regulation 8(1)(b)]





Recipient name National Identity Card no./Passport no.

Date of birth Gender Married/Unmarried

Age Details pertaining to parent/guardian

Address Details pertaining to next of kin

Occupation Email address

Parent/guardian (if applicable) Phone no. Preferred language

Name of COVID-19 Vaccination Centre


1. The Ministry of Health and Wellness has made the COVID-19 vaccine
available following regulatory approval of its use in the United States, United
Kingdom, India and other countries as circumstances justify its use in an
emergency such as the COVID-19 pandemic. This vaccine has not completed
the same type of review and process in those countries as would have been the
case in normal circumstances and the Ministry of Health and Wellness is making
the vaccine available due to existence of a public health emergency and on the
basis of the totality of scientific evidence available for the time being, showing
that known and potential benefits of the vaccine outweigh the known and
potential risks.

2. Furthermore, some countries such as United Kingdom and France, have

approved the administration of additional doses of COVID-19 vaccines in certain

Government Notices 2021 2303


1. I have been provided with and have read/have been explained in my own
language*, the explanations regarding the nature of and implications of the
vaccine, the fact sheet about the said vaccine which has been provided to me. I
have been given an opportunity to ask questions which were answered to my
satisfaction/have ensured that the person named above for whom I am
authorised to provide consent was also given a chance to ask questions*. I
understand the benefits and risks of the vaccine.

2. I confirm that I have already been vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine(s)

as specified herewith –

Date of Vaccine Brand Name of Vaccination Centre

Dose 1

Dose 2 (if applicable)


3. With a view to enhancing the immunity of persons already vaccinated, the

administration of additional dose(s) of COVID-19 vaccines has been authorised..
I therefore request that an additional dose of COVID-19 vaccine be administered
to me/the person named above for whom I am authorised to make this request
and provide consent*. I understand there will be no cost to me for this vaccine.
I have been informed that after administration of the vaccine, I will be kept under
observation for a period of at least 30 minutes. I authorise release of all
information needed, including but not limited to medical records, such
information provided by me for the purposes of this form as may be required
for other public health purposes, including reporting to any public health


4. I, together with my parent or guardian, if I am under the age of 18 or under

a legal disability, represent, covenant and agree, on behalf of myself and my
heirs, assigns, and any other person claiming by, under or through me, as
follows –

(c) I acknowledge that as a result of the vaccination, certain risks are

involved and that any adverse event following immunisation which
might include injuries and death could occur to me. I accept and
voluntarily incur and assume all risks of any adverse event
following immunisation, including injuries and death that arise
during or result from the administration of the vaccine;

2304 Government Notices 2021

(d) without limiting my assumption of the general risks described

above, I specifically understand and acknowledge the following
with regard to the novel coronavirus, COVID-19 –

(vi) COVID-19 has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the

World Health Organization;

(vii) COVID-19 is an infectious virus that is extremely contagious

and spreads easily through person-to-person contact and/or
by contact with contaminated surfaces and objects, and even
possibly in the air;

(viii) those infected with COVID-19 may show no symptoms and

still spread the disease, including through interpersonal
communications and sharing spaces with others;

(ix) COVID-19 can cause serious and potentially life threatening

illness and even death;

(x) COVID-19 has recently shown signs of mutation in several

countries like the United Kingdom, Brazil, South Africa,
Japan and India.

5. Notwithstanding the foregoing, I hereby choose to accept, and freely and

voluntarily assume, the risks set out in this Form.

6. I am already vaccinated and I fully understand that this additional dose is

being administered to me to enhance my immunity.

7. I waive all claims against the State of Mauritius, the Global Health
Partnership also known as GAVI Alliance, donor States or organisations,
manufacturers of the vaccine and their agents or preposés, any vaccinator, any
hospital or private health institution authorised by the Minister, to administer
the vaccine for any adverse event following immunisation, including injuries
and death, whether known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen, which arise
from/during or as a result of the vaccine, regardless of whether or not caused,
in whole or in part, by the negligence or other fault on their part, I release and
forever discharge them from all claims.

8. I agree to indemnify and hold the above parties harmless from and
against any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs or expenses, including but
not limited to reasonable attorneys' fees and other litigation costs and expenses
incurred by any of these parties as a result of any claims or suits that I (or anyone
claiming by, under or through me) may bring against any of them to recover any
losses, liabilities, costs, damages, or expenses that arise during or result from
the vaccine.

Government Notices 2021 2305

9. I have carefully read and reviewed this Waiver, Release and Hold
Harmless Agreement/The above has been carefully explained to me in my own
language* and given assistance in responding to questions set out in the fact

10. I have read and fully understand the contents of this Form/have been
explained in my own language* and fully understand the contents of this Form
and I execute it voluntarily.

11. I undertake to bring and produce the COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card
provided to me.

…………………………… ……………………………… ………………………………….

Name Relationship to patient, if
Signature of other than recipient

…………………………………. ………………………………….
Date Time



Brand of vaccine
……………………………....…. ………………………………………………………………

Dosage given (specify whether

3rd or other dose)

Time of vaccination

Place of vaccination Batch No.

Date of expiry

2306 Government Notices 2021


Observation Period at Vaccination Centre

(To be filled by health care personnel)

Observation period at Vaccination Centre Time in Time out

Adverse Event Following Immunisation noted

I have reviewed the contents of this Registration and Consent Form with
patient/parent of patient/guardian of patient*.

I confirm that the patient/parent of patient/guardian of patient* was given an

opportunity to ask questions about the vaccine, and I have, to the best of my
ability, answered all the questions asked by them.

I confirm that recipient of the vaccine is an eligible person.

…………………………………. ………………………………….
Name of recipient/parent/guardian Signature of recipient/parent/guardian

…………………………………. ………………………………….
Name of Doctor who explained the above Signature of Doctor who explained the

…………………………………. ………………………………….
Name of Vaccinator Signature of Vaccinator

…………………………………. ………………………………….
Name of witness Signature of witness


*Delete as appropriate.

Government Notices 2021 2307

[Regulation 12(d)]



1. The period of self-confinement of at least 10 days shall be strictly complied

with. A self-confined person will not be allowed to leave his place of residence
under any circumstance. Failure to comply by any instructions of the quarantine
officer of the Ministry shall constitute an offence punishable by law.

2. During the self-confinement period, the self-confined person shall stay in

an isolated room so as to limit contact with other members of the household to
the maximum.

3. If the house setting does not allow the self-confined person to remain
isolated in a specific room, the person shall wear a face mask whenever he is
not alone in a room. All other persons in the same room as the self-confined
person shall also wear their face masks.

4. Face masks are for individual and personal use only and shall not be
shared by more than one person. They shall at all times be correctly placed on
the face of the user, covering the mouth and the nose.

5. A security distance of at least 2 metres shall at all times be observed

between a self-confined person and any other member of the same house.

6. For disposable face masks, they shall be disposed in bin bags placed in
garbage cans with a covering lid.

7. For the self-confined person, if a disposable mask is used, it shall be

disposed in a dedicated bin bag placed in a garbage can with a covering lid. If
the self-confined person is using a washable face mask, he shall himself wash
the mask using hot water and normal detergent.

8. Hand disinfection with water and soap or a hand sanitiser is highly

recommended after such manipulations.

9. No person shall be allowed inside the house where a self-confined person

is home-isolating, except for persons living in the same household and members
of the Domiciliary Monitoring Unit of the Ministry.

10. It is highly recommended to keep the house naturally aerated by keeping

windows open whenever and as often as possible.

2308 Government Notices 2021

11. The self-confined person on self-confinement shall have his meals

isolated from other persons staying in the same house.

12. During the self-confinement period, those living in a same house shall
make sure that they do not mix or share their dishes, cups or any other eating
and drinking utensils.

13. A self-confined person shall not share his bed with any other person living
in the same house.

14. Surfaces like tables, chairs, doorknobs, remote controls, phones and
sanitary wares shall be regularly disinfected.

15. Upon completion of the self-confinement period, the person who was
tested with COVID-19 shall himself seal the bin bag and dispose of it 3 days after
the end of his self-confinement period.

16. In addition to the requirements specified in this Schedule, a self-confined

person shall with such other instructions as the quarantine officer may issue.

Government Notices 2021 2309

[Regulation 13(1)]




1. Educational or training Crèche, day-care Not apply to –

institution centre, a kindergarten,
special education (a) a student under
needs institution, pre- the age of 18 of
primary school, that educational
primary school, or training
secondary school, institution;
tertiary institution,
vocational training (b) the father,
centre and any other mother or
educational or training guardian of a
institution, whether student who
Government-owned accompanies the
or private-owned student in his
educational or
institution for

(c) the father,

mother or
guardian of a
student who has
to have access
to that
educational or
institution in
case of medical
2310 Government Notices 2021

2. Health institution Hospital, mediclinic, Not apply to a

dispensary, private person –
health institution
under the Private (a) under the age of
Health Institutions 18;
Act, area health
centre, community (b) who has to avail
health centre, cabinet himself of
médical and cabinet medical
dentaire treatment from
that health
institution and
one other
him, if any;

(c) who has to

medicine from
that health

3. Residential care home/ (a) residential care Not apply to –

Residential care home as
institutions for children licensed under (a) persons who, by
victims of violence, the Residential reason of old
abuse and Care Homes age,
neglect/Shelters for Act; disablement, a
women victims of physical
domestic violence (b) residential care handicap,
institutions for dependence on
children victims alcohol or drugs
of violence, need personal
abuse and care;
registered with (b) children and
the Ministry of women who
Gender Equality need personal
and Family care;
(c) persons
Government Notices 2021 2311

(c) shelters for suffering from

women victims sickness, injury
of domestic or infirmity who
violence need nursing;
registered with
the Ministry of (d) pregnant
Gender Equality women or
and Family women
Welfare immediately
after childbirth
who need
personal care;

(e) persons who

need nursing,
including care,
under medical
treatment, of
suffering, or
appearing to
suffer, from a
mental disorder;

(f) persons in

(g) children victims

of violence,
abuse and

(h) women victims

of domestic

(i) persons under

the age of 18

4. Reform institution Reform institution Not apply to –

2312 Government Notices 2021

under the Reform

Institutions Act such (a) a detainee;
as prison, Correctional
Youth Centre, (b) the father,
Rehabilitation Youth mother or
Centre, the grounds guardian of a
and buildings within detainee under
the reform’s the age of 18
institution enclosure when calling for
(excluding prison visit;
married quarters), all
premises of a (c) a child of the
temporary detention institution’s
centre, and any personnel under
grounds or buildings the age of 18
thereof and used by
detainees, prison
officers, medical
officers, prison
hospital officers and
other official working
for those institutions

5. Probation Hostel for Probation Hostel for Not apply to –

Boys and Girls Boys, Probation Home
for Girls and any other (a) a person under
institution run by the the age of 18;
Mauritius Probation
and Aftercare Service (b) the father,
under the Probation of mother or
Offenders Act guardian of a
detainee under
the age of 18
when calling for

6. Sir Seewoosagur (a) the airport as Not apply to –

Ramgoolam described in the
International Airport First and Third (a) a crew member
Schedules to of an incoming
the Civil or departing
Aviation aircraft, other
(Security) than a crew
Regulations member of Air
Government Notices 2021 2313

2019; and Mauritius Ltd;

(b) includes the (b) a passenger and

terminal one other
buildings and person
car park areas accompanying
of the airport the passenger;

(c) a person under

the age of 18

7. Plaine Corail Airport (a) the airport as Not apply to –

described in the
Second and (a) a crew member
Fourth of an incoming
Schedules to or departing
the Civil aircraft, other
Aviation than a crew
(Security) member of Air
Regulations Mauritius Ltd;
2019; and
(b) a passenger and
(b) includes the one other
terminal person
buildings and accompanying
car park areas the passenger;
of the airport
(c) a person under
the age of 18

8. Port Louis harbour The premises located Not apply to –

in the port area of Port
Louis as described in (a) a crew member
item 1 of the Schedule of an incoming
to the Ports Act, such or a departing
as the Terminal I vessel (other
(Trou Fanfaron than a seafarer);
Fishing Port, Quays A,
B, C, D, E and other (b) a passenger and
facilities), the one other
Terminal II person
(Multipurpose accompanying
Terminal, the the passenger;
Terminal III (Mauritius
2314 Government Notices 2021

Container Terminal), (c) a person under

the Oil Jetty, the the age of 18
Mauritius Freeport
Company Ltd Quay,
the Froid des
Mascareignes Quay
and the buildings and
premises occupied as
office space by the
Mauritius Ports
Authority and Cargo
Handling Corporation

9. Port Mathurin harbour The premises located Not apply to –

in the port area of Port
Mathurin as described (a) a crew member
in item 2 of the of an incoming
Schedule to the Ports or a departing
Act, such as the vessel (other
Granary building than a seafarer);
(State Trading
Corporation), the (b) a passenger and
Quay, the Container one other
stacking area person
(Associated Container accompanying
Services Ltd) and the the passenger;
Port Administration
Building (Mauritius (c) a person under
Ports Authority wing the age of 18

10. Child care services Establishment Not apply to children

establishment providing child care under the age of 18
services under the who are admitted
Child Protection Act therein

11. Police premises Any building premises Not apply to –

occupied by the Police
Force (a) a detainee;

(b) a person under

Government Notices 2021 2315


(c) a complainant or
any person
seeking police

(d) a person under

the age of 18;

(e) any other

person directed
by a Court of
law or member
of the Police
Force to report

12. Fire and Rescue Any building premises Not apply to –

premises occupied by the
Mauritius Fire and (a) a person under
Rescue Service the age of 18;

(b) a complainant or
any person

13. Lodging Any lodging No person exempted

accommodation accommodation
(commonly known as holding a lodging
dormitory) accommodation
permit under the
Occupational and
Safety and Health
(Employees’ Lodging
Regulations 2011

14. Beautician/Aesthetician/ Business premises Not apply to a person

Bridal make-up artist/ listed as classified under the age of 18
Beauty care centre/Hair trades in the Twelfth
dressing saloon Schedule to the Local
2316 Government Notices 2021

Government Act

15. Cinema hall/Multiplex/ Business premises Not apply to a person

Theatre and concert listed as classified under the age of 18
halls trades in the Twelfth
Schedule to the Local
Government Act
Government Notices 2021 2317

16. Restaurant/Snacks/ (a) business Not apply to a person

Pub/Bar/Table d’Hôte premises listed under the age of 18,
as classified where applicable
trades in the
Schedule to the
Act; or

(b) licensed under

the Tourism
Authority Act or
the Rodrigues

17. Private club (not (a) business Not apply to a person

including nightclub) premises listed under the age of 18, if
as classified applicable
trades in the
Schedule to the
Act; or

(b) licensed under

the Tourism
Authority Act or
the Rodrigues

18. Hotel/Guest house (a) business Not apply to a person

premises listed under the age of 18,
2318 Government Notices 2021

as classified where applicable

trades in the
Schedule to the
Act; or

(b) licensed under

the Tourism
Authority Act or
the Rodrigues

19. Health club/Sports (a) business

centre, Sports complex premises listed
and/or Wellness centre as classified
(including gym and trades in the
spa) Twelfth
Schedule to the
Act; or

(b) falling under

the aegis of the
Ministry of
Sports and
Recreation, or
falling under
the aegis of a
local authority,
or falling under
the aegis of the
Government Notices 2021 2319

20. Casino/Gaming house Business premises No person exempted

licensed under the
Gambling Regulatory

21. Multi-purpose hall, Business premises Staff only not

including wedding hall/ listed as classified exempted
Funeral parlour trades in the Twelfth
(undertaker) Schedule to the Local
Government Act

22. Tourist residences and Licensed under the Staff only not
Domaines Tourism Authority Act exempted
or the Rodrigues
Regional Assembly
(Tourism) Regulations
2320 Government Notices 2021

[Regulation 13(1)(a)(i)]


Republic of Mauritius
Ministry of Health and Wellness

Place of immunisation. Serial no. ..................................


Name Mr/Mrs/Miss

National Identity Card no. /Passport no.**

Sex M F Date of birth Age ................................. yrs


Address Tel No.


Mob (5):

Occupation Next to kin:

Mob (5):

Food Specify ........................................................

Medications Specify

Others Specify

Government Notices 2021 2321

VACCINE First Dose Second Dose Remarks

Name of Vaccine

Batch Num:

DATE ……../……../20… ………/………./20...

DOSAGE ………………. ML …………………



NEXT DOSE SCHEDULED …..../………/20… ……../………../20...




Seal of Ministry of Health

and Wellness

Please keep record card which includes medical information about the vaccine
you have received


1) Wearing of Face Mask properly

2) Maintain safe distance (1 meter)
3) Use of Hand Sanitizers
4) Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth
5) Cover nose and mouth with bent of elbow when coughing or
6) Stay at home if feeling unwell
7) If you have fever, cough and difficulty to breath seek medical

2322 Government Notices 2021


LA CAVERNE HPU – 6975120 IVC – 2108583

L'ESCALIER HPU – 6368310 St. Pierre –
2459268 4182390
FLACQ HEALTH CLUB- 4137221 Rose Belle
Rose-Hill -

CDCU – 2012739
HPU HEADQUARTERS – 2149176, 2012179

Please contact HOTLINE 8924 in case of queries (24/7)

Ministry of Health and Wellness
8th Floor, Emmanuel Anquetil Building,
Tel: 201 1929
Fax: 212 3770

Government Notices 2021 2323

[Regulation 13(1)(b)(i)]


Name of laboratory ................................................................................................

Address of laboratory .............................................................................................

Name(s) and Surname of person tested


Gender Male/Female*

National Identity Card No./Passport No. .....................................................................

Address ...............................................................................................................

Telephone no. .............................. Mobile No. .......................................

Occupation ...........................................................................................................

Swab performed by ...............................................................................................

Date swab performed ....................................... Time .............................................

Type of swab** Nasopharynx Oropharynx

Result** Detected Not detected

This result slip shall be valid from .................................. (date/month/year) to

.................................. (date/month/year).

............................................... .......................................
Name of Virologist/Microbiologist/Clinical Signature
Laboratory Technologist*

..................................... ....................................
Date Seal of Laboratory
* Delete as appropriate
** Tick as appropriate

2324 Government Notices 2021

[Regulation 15]
1. Health club/sports centre, sports complex and/or wellness centre
(including gym and spa) provided that –
(a) only one person is allowed in an area of 4 square metres;
(b) the maximum to be allowed thereat is affixed at the
(c) it is, as far as possible, ventilated
2. Social hall/village hall/Municipal hall/community centre/social
welfare centre/youth centre/Citizens Advice Bureau, for persons
aged not less than 18 years, strictly on allocated days as indicated
hereunder and provided that not more than 50 persons at a time –
Surname starting from –
A-F (Monday and Thursday)
G-N (Tuesday and Friday)
O-Z (Wednesday and Sunday)
3. Place of worship, provided that –
(a) not more than 100 persons are in attendance at a time;
(b) physical distancing of at least one metre is observed by
every person thereat;
(c) it is, as far as possible, ventilated
4. Restaurants/food courts/fast foods/snacks/table d’hôte/bar/pub,
provided that –
(a) a distance of at least 2 metres is maintained between every
2 tables; and
Government Notices 2021 2325

(b) there is adequate ventilation

5. Casino and gaming house, provided that –
(a) the maximum to be allowed thereat is affixed at the
(b) physical distancing of at least one metre is observed by
every person thereat;
(c) it is, as far as possible, ventilated
6. Cinema hall, concert hall and theatre, provided that –
(a) the maximum to be allowed thereat is affixed at the
entrance, the maximum number being not more than half
of its maximum seating capacity;
(b) physical distancing of at least one metre is observed by
every person thereat;
(c) it is, as far as possible, ventilated
7. Private club (not including nightclub), provided it is, as far as
possible, ventilated
8. Markets, subject to the control of entry and exit of persons to
avoid crowding
1. Religious event/ceremony, provided that –
(a) not more than 100 persons are in attendance at a time;
(b) physical distancing of at least one metre is observed by
every person thereat;
(c) it is, as far as possible, ventilated
2. Weddings/funerals, provided that –
(a) not more than 100 persons are in attendance at a time;
2326 Government Notices 2021

(b) physical distancing of at least one metre is observed by

every person thereat;
(c) it is, as far as possible, ventilated
3. Cultural/social event or any other gathering, provided that –
(a) not more than 100 persons are in attendance at a time;
(b) physical distancing of at least one metre is observed by
every person thereat;
(c) it is, as far as possible, ventilated
4. Horse racing (in camera)
Public beach/sea, provided that picnics will be authorised up to a
maximum of 30 persons per group

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