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Ricardo Tapia Cesena: Java Solution Architect / SR FULL STACK Java Developer

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Ricardo Tapia Cesena

Java Solution Architect / Sr FULL STACK Java Developer

[email protected]
(201) 448-9989

Professional Summary

● Strong 18 years of IT Experience, focusing on Java and J2EE technologies in various industries like telecommunications,
educational, government, bank, retail, material, industrial, Health Care, Technology and Transportation
● Solid 5+ years’ experience as a Java Architect , primarily with Java, NodeJS, ReactJS, HTML5, SWT, AWT, Shell script,
Database, Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Aurora.
● Used J2EE for 12 years to create web applications and distributed application Design and create different patterns like MVC,
ADD, MVVM pattern, Multi-layers pattern, client-server Pattern, Broker Pattern, Interpreter Pattern and Blackboard Pattern.
● 2 years’ experience with newer JS frameworks like Angular ReactJS and NodeJS
● Strong experience creating Web components in ReactJS and consumed a web service in NodeJS application, connecting
with Relational database (PostgreSQL) and no relational database (MongoDB) others component connecting with web
service to Spring boot Application.
● 6 years with JSP and servlet, created some monolithic web applications for different industries like bank and retail,
connecting to different Database like MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Oracle deploy these applications in different
container like Tomcat, WebLogic, WebSphere. connecting with JDBC Connection and Data source Connection in the
container side.
● Extensive 12 years building microservices, developed Web service with SOAP and REST protocol, building client and server
side, use different technologies like JWSDP, Axis 2, Jax-WS, Jax-RS, Spring boot, Spring REST, integrating with JPA and
hibernate to access data in database Oracle, SQL Server, MongoDB, used Gradle and Maven to integrate libraries and
automatizations of build, implementing YAML and create Pipeline.
● 3 years with Cloud technologies experience in products of AWS like EC2, Lambda, Elastic Beanstalk ECS, S3, Aurora, RDS
PostgreSQL, MariaDB for 2 years and 1 year using Azure.
● Strong 16+ experience in translating requirements to digital solutions and provide solutions, with different artifacts like
User Stories, Uses cases, UML diagrams.
● 4 years with Struts 1+ and 2+ versions to create MVC application the layer presentation; using a taglib in JSP, connecting
with Database SQL Server and Oracle with JDBC; and created my own pool connection; deployed in Tomcat and WebLogic
containers, storing source code in a version controller SVN and CSV.
● 10+ years with RIA (Rich Internet Application) Frameworks, Designed and created in ZK of ZKOOS, integrated with Spring
Core, Spring Security, Spring Data, Spring MVC, Spring Web, Spring Boot, created other applications with HTM5, and Java
FX integrate with different layers of persistence like Hibernate or MyBatis, deployed applications in Tomcat, TomEE,
WebLogic, Lambdas in AWS.
● Solid Experience building API, designing, and creating different APIs with different Technologies, creating Distributed services
in different contexts and different environments to be consumed by different clients like Mobile, Web, sockets, Brokers, and
● Good experience with onshore and offshore coordination with teams placed across the globe.
● 6+ Years Technical lead, leading teams of 10 to 30 members; tasks allocations, monitoring, ensuring best coding practices
and code quality, code reviews, manage the teams KPIs and pair programming.
● Created and designed different Architecture like SOA application for 5 years in the front use HTML5 and Ajax events like
jQuery, in the back used a Broker like ActiveMQ to send every message to Service like Jax-RS, used Json Messages (this is the
controller of all and connect to Hibernate persistence, then connect like Oracle), deployed all different Services in BEA
WebLogic container, create security layer in proxy to consume all services and create headers with tokens.
● For the last 10 years, I have used the SOLID principle to develop my components or modules.
● Have participated in all stages of the software development life cycle, in the analysis I used the Enterprise Architect tool to
create artifacts such as a UC, UH or UML diagram. In the design I used Microsoft tools (Visio, PowerPoint, project) or
Draw.io. In Development we used different Technologies and other IDEs such as Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ, JDeveloper. In
the Quality area of functional tests (Unit, components, smoke tests, Integration, Regression, Acceptance, black box, Security,
Interoperability) and non-functional (Performance, Load, Stress, Usability, Maintainability, Portability)
● Last 4 years used GitLab and configured CI and CD integrated with Docker, Jenkins, and Junit, Spring Test.

Technical Skills

Front End Technologies HTML5, JavaScript, Angular, ReactJS, Webpack, jQuery, CSS, Bootstrap, JSF, PrimeFaces, taglib,
Velocity, ZK, Material-UI, Typescript
Back End Technologies Java J2EE, VBA, Spring, NodeJS, Express, Core, Hibernate, JPA, MyBatis.
Cloud Technologies AWS, Azure, Oracle Cloud
CI CD and Dev Ops Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, SonarQube, Gitlab
Databases Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, MongoDB
Information JSON, XML, XSD, Jasper, Crystal Report
Application Servers Tomcat, WebLogic, WebSphere, TomEE, Glassfish
Other Enterprise Architect, Project, Visio, Draw.IO, Oracle EBS, Oracle Cloud
Versioning SVN, CVS, GitLab, GitHub
Documentation UML, Jira, Confluence, Javadoc
Methodology Waterfall, Agile SCRUM, Agile Kanban, PMP
O.S. Unix, Windows 10, Windows Server 2012, Linux, OpenShift, Red Hat, Ubuntu, Fedora


Technological Institute of Zacatepec Morelos 1999 - 2004

Bachelors in Computer Systems Engineering


Languages JAVA, JavaScript, C++,

Web Technologies HTML, XML, XSD, CSS, Java Script, Angular, React, AJAX, JSP, jQuery, JMS.
J2EE Technologies Servlets, JSP, JSF, Servlets, JMS, JNDI, JDBC, SOAP, RMI, Webservice SOAP and Rest
Methodology UML, MVC, Agile, Scrum, Waterfall

Work Experience

Client: Photon/UNFI Jersey City NJ March 2021 – Jun 2021

Role: Software Architect / Lead Java Developer

Description: Photon is a consulting company that provides IT services to UNFI (Retail), this company United Natural Foods, Inc. is
a Providence, R.I.-based natural and organic food company. This company has a migration project, where you must interface and
create your own ETL to interact with other systems.
● Designed the solution, created a technical diagram of architecture of the solution and different platforms.
● Defined a microservice Architecture, Defined Standards, and good practice for developers.
● Used Spring boot, Spring Cloud, JPA, Hibernate, Spring Data, utilities, Oracle, SQL Server, SOAP, REST.
● Developed Rest web services with Spring Boot as microservices that were implemented to read input File, transform data
and send it to the Database Oracle.
● Created microservice to Send an email with Spring-mail.
● Created functionality to read with FileSystemWatcher on Spring boot.
● Developed MQ listener to send message and read message with javax.jms.
● Code review, build coverage and code Smell
● Solved technical problems of the development teams, suggest solutions, create prototypes and mocks to test any method.
● Created the document all features, and User Stories, criterial acceptance and others flows of process in Jira.
● Participate in Sprint Review, Daily standup, Sprint planning, Spring retrospective.
● I Used Maven for these microservices.
● Configured all the logs in Json and plain format.

Environment: Java EE, Spring, Spring Data, Spring boot, IntelliJ, GitLab, REST, SOAP, Oracle, SQL Server, Java 11, Lambdas,
Stream, Generics, JPA, Hibernate, Elastic Beanstalk, Kubernetes, Docker, SonarQube, Confluence, Jira, Eureka, GCP, AWS.

Client: C-Renta May 2020 – March 2021

Role: Software Architect / Lead Java Developer

Description: Tapias Technologies is a consulting company that provides IT services to C-Renta México (Retail), this company rents
cars and sells its service to local clients, because it has different policies, not only by credit card. With this client a problem and
different requirement of their operational processes were taken, I suggested some ideas to solve the operational problems,
calculated and defined the infrastructure and converted the solutions into a Digital solution.
The school "El Despertar", other client, worked the project in parallel, is a private school in Mexico. It has a kindergarten, primary
and secondary school. For them I created a school control system developing the student modules, for the Administrative and
Accounting areas, group control modules, Control of Subjects, qualification of subjects, assignment of students to subjects and
groups to subjects.

● Designed the solution, created a diagram of architecture of the solution and different platforms.
● Defined an MVC Architecture and process of development, Defined Standards, and good practice for developers.
● Used Primefaces for administrative modules for the rent.
● Developed Rest web services with Spring Boot as microservices which implemented any creational information like client,
suppliers, Cars, Invoice, contracts, update and get information.
● Integrate Spring Security and create Roles, profiles, define the security of modules.
● Integrate JPA and Hibernate to connect a database with PostgreSQL.
● Developed modules for students in ReactJS and consume Web Service REST building with Spring boot.
● Developed administrative modules for the School with Primefaces.
● Managed requirement and the processes for its automation.
● Solved the operational problems, suggest digital solutions, create prototypes and mocks to operate the process.
● Created the documentation of the raising of the problem, document all features, and User Stories, criterial acceptance and
others flows of process.
● The system of School I deployed in Elastic Beanstalk all the components in the tomcat container and integrate with
PostgreSQL in AWS.
● Participate in User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and define these tests with the final user.
● I Used Gradle for these microservices and web application 2 projects.

Environment: Java EE, Spring, Spring Data, Spring Security, Spring boot, Eclipse, GitLab, REST, Bootstrap, PostgreSQL, Java 12 and
java 11, Lambdas, Stream, Generics, ReactJS, Material-UI, JPA, Hibernate, Elastic Beanstalk.

Client: Randstad SA de CV November 2019 - April 2020

Role: Software Architect / Lead Java Developer
Description: Randstad is a Consulting of Human Resources, make up a payroll of many companies, this company uses some
different customized applications, some of these are payroll, CMR, BI, ETS and ETL. I was in charge of creating new modules and
maintaining all these applications.

● Took the requirement and converted to technical design to create a diagram of architecture.
● Created the documentation of the requirement, documented all features, and User Stories, criteria acceptance and others
flows of process.
● Designed the solutions, created a diagram of architecture of the solutions in different platforms and used Enterprise
● Defined an MVC Architecture and multilayers architecture depending on the requirement and interfaces, Defined
Standards and good practice for developers.
● used HTML5 and java 8, for payroll Modules.
● Developed Rest web services with Spring Boot as microservices integrate with SQL Server.
● Created the security of the application with LDAP of active Directory.
● Integrated JPA and Hibernate to connect a database with SQL SERVER.
● Developed some process of payroll in SWT with java 1.7 and consumed stored procedure in SQL Server. I built some
package and stored procedure, Integrate C3p0 with JDBC connection.
● I defined some API with Spring boot to consume for a Mobile native application (IOS, Android), created Web Application
with Html5 and bootstrap. The same way some components were built in ReactJS.
● Created Interface with Java Threads using and connecting with SQL Server to Sap Business Object.
● Lead an IT team of 14 members with 4 Sr developers, 5 Jr developers, 1 Server Administrator, 3 Middle Developers, 1
● Implementing Scrum in the software process.
● Managed 23 Servers in AWS.
● Configured different Environments depending on the system of the number of environments, I had 3 environments Develop,
QA and production, we controlled for the Genexus and version control too.
● Used for the test of the service JUnit.
● Created all User Stories, and document criteria’s acceptance in Jira.
● Defined stress test for some components, functional test acceptance and transactional.
● Created some interface with spring quartz for creating bash process to transfer information for some Service.
● Deployed some applications in a WebLogic container.
● Deployed some applications in IAS.
● Deployed some applications in Tomcat.
● Defined Models of data design ER and created a plan of backup.
● Managed the database.
● Build a process of software for the Company, this process affects the new modules and existing modules.
● Configure some clients to consume Web Service of type in SOAP protocol with JWSDP technologies.
● Led the work meetings and moderate the participants.
● Participate as an active member in work meetings.

Environment: Java EE, Spring, Spring Data, Spring Security, Spring boot, Spring Web, GeneXus, Eclipse, REST, SOAP, Bootstrap,
JWSDP, Java 8 and java 7, Lambdas, Stream, Generics, ReactJS, Material-UI, Hibernate, EC2, S3, RDS SQL Server.
Client: USAA Mexico
Company: TCS April 2019 - October2019
Role: Software Architect / Lead Java Developer

Description: Tata is a consulting company that provides IT services to many clients. I was in a project to create web applications
and microservices. Also, developed in IntelliJ.

● Participated in the scrum daily process.
● I Designed the solutions, created a diagram of architecture of the solutions in different platforms.
● I defined Model of data in a relational Oracle Database and MongoDB
● I create the objects DAO and beans Integrating JPA and hibernate.
● I Developed Rest web services with Spring Boot as microservices
● I took different User Stories, designed the structure of the package, and provided tools to facilitate development.
● Configure Gradle for the microservice.
● I Used for the test of the service Junit and GitLab.
● I set the pipeline in GitLab for CI/CD
● I created components in ReactJS configured a linter(esLint), used material-UI, axios, jest, route, redux.
● I created all User Stories, and document criteria’s acceptance in Jira.
● I defined functional test acceptance, unit test and transactional.
● I used OpenShift.
● Migrate Angular components of version 7 to 9

Environment: Spring core, Spring Data, Spring Web, Spring boot, Spring REST, IntelliJ, REST, Bootstrap, Java 11 and java 12,
Lambdas, Stream, Generics, ReactJS, Material-UI, Route, Redux, Axios, Jest, JPA, Hibernate, Oracle, Gitlab, MongoDB, OpenShift,
Tomcat, Angular.

Client: CMR SAB Mexico September 2015 - April 2019

Role: Java Architect / Lead Java Developer
Description: CMR belongs to a restaurant group and manages the operation of the entire restaurant chain, this company have
many customs applications and different commercial systems like Oracle EBS (modules Payroll, AP, AR, FI, CASH, MTL, PO), JDA,
Micros, Simphony, QlikView.
● I took the requirement and converted to technical design to create a diagram of architecture.
● Created the documentation of the requirement, documented all features and User Stories, criterial acceptance and others
flows of process, I used draw.io for creating diagrams.
● Designed the solutions, created a diagram of architecture of the solutions in different platforms and used Enterprise
● Defined a High-Level Pattern like Architecture Patterns like connector or interfaces, list of software or tools, Middle Level
Patterns, Design Patterns like Low Level Patterns, defined Standards, and good practice for developers.
● Chose the most appropriate styles and patterns that allow to achieve the expected quality: based on Recognized
Architectures Patterns, Consider the size of the target application.
● Used Primefaces and Java 8, for internal web applications.
● Developed Rest web services with Jax-RS as microservices integrate with SQL Server with some components in the CRM or
Invoice portal
● I Created the security of the application with LDAP in Active Directory, integrated all platforms with single SignOn for all
the users and applications.
● Integrated Mybatis to connect a database with SQL SERVER.
● Developed some process with sockets build these with java 6 because the clients in the restaurant and versions of micros is
old and have old windows in the SO.
● Defined some API with spring boot to consume for a Mobile native application (IOS, Android), Created Web Application with
Html5 and bootstrap for the system loyalty program.
● Created Interface with Java Threads using and connecting with SQL Server to JDA with Quartz and Spring and use C3P0 for
pooling and data source in tomcat.
● Lead an IT team of 19 members with 5 Sr Full stack developers, 1 DBA, 5 Middle Full stack developers, 10 BPM Analyst, 4
tester of QA, 4 4 documenters.
● Implementing Scrum in the software process.
● Managed 6 Servers in on premise, 2 in AWS, 2 in oracle cloud.
● Configured different Environments, depending on the system is the number of environments, I had 3 environments Develop,
QA and production, we controlled for the Gitlab and other with Subversion, Jenkins (only for Invoice system).
● Used for the test of the service JUnit.
● Created all User Stories, and acceptance criteria in a template to monitor the speed of the developers, this file gets a
burndown and burnup diagrams.
● Defined stress test for some components, functional test acceptance and transactional
● Deploy All applications in Tomcat.
● Defined Models of data design ER and created a plan of backup.
● Managed the database.
● Built a process of software for the Company, this process affects the new software and existing software.
● Configured some Servers and clients to consume Web Service of type in SOAP protocol with JWSDP technologies.
● Configured dashboard in QlikView, and integrate Database SQL Server with Model in QlikView, create different interfaces
with Java 12 and Quartz.
● Created Maintenance with PL SQL and Oracle forms in oracle EBS.
● Lead the work meetings and moderate the participants.
● Participate as an active member in work meetings.

Environment: J2EE, Spring core, Spring Data, Spring Web, jax-RPC, jax- RS, SOAP, spring security, Eclipse, REST, Bootstrap, Java 6,
8, 11, Lambdas, Stream, Generics, ReactJS, Material-UI, Axios, Jest, Mybatis, SQL Server, Gitlab, SVN, MongoDB, Oracle cloud, PL
SQL, Oracle Forms, Tomcat, AWS, Jenkins

Client: Santander Mexico

Company: Operadora de personal Incoraxis October 2012 - September 2015
Role: Sr Java Architect / Java Developer

Description: Santander is a bank in Mexico. I was in the business intelligence area, in this area financial campaigns were created,
my first position was Developer Sr in the first year, then I became Java Architect.

● I was in charge of maintaining the banking CMR system, in the front have JSP and velocity, in the back are Servlets and java
6 and C3P0 for the connections, these consume at all time Stored procedures in Oracle, deployed in a tomcat container.
● Developed new modules with Prime Faces and Spring MVC.
● I made the releases of the new change.
● Took the requirement and converted to technical design to create a diagram of architecture.
● Created the documentation of the requirement, document all features, and User Stories, criterial acceptance and others
flows of process, I used Visio for creating diagrams.
● Designed the solutions, created a diagram of architecture of the solutions.
● Led and participate the work meetings and moderate the participants.
● Lead an IT team of 9 members with 2 Sr developers, 4 Jr developers, 1 Server Administrator, 1 Oracle EBS FI technician, 1
Oracle EBS payroll technician.
● I participated in a migration project where I updated the version of velocity in a SOA version use in the front HTML5, like
middleware JMS in ActiveMQ, in the backend use microservices with jax-RS rest and Hibernate, connecting with Package in
Oracle and use JDeveloper, also an SVN version control.
● Defined Models of data design ER
● I led functional tables with managers.
● Used Design thinking for the migration and created mockups and prototypes for solutions.

Environment: J2EE, Spring MVC, Spring Data, Spring Web, spring security, jax-RS, Eclipse, jQuery, JDeveloper, REST, Bootstrap,
Java 6, 7, 8, Lambdas, Stream, SVN, Oracle cloud, PL SQL, Oracle Database, Tomcat, Erwin

Client: NEC Mexico

Company: Hunkabann June 2012- October 2012
Role: Sr. Full Stack Developer
Description: Santander is a telecom Company in Mexico. The project consisted of capturing alarms from their
telecommunications equipment and presenting them online for exploitation with messages by mail according to some policies.


● Designed a client server architecture, this is a new product of software.

● Designed the solutions, created a diagram of architecture of the solutions in Visio.
● Developed a socket product in java 7 connect with MySQL with JDBC connections, this socket interacted with Versant DB.
● Developed monolithic web applications with structs 2 in the front have a JSP and connected with MySQL.
● Took and created the documentation of the requirement, document all features and politics of system.
● Analyze NEC INC100s to see their functionality with alarms.
Environment: J2EE, Struts2, JDBC, C3P0, Eclipse, Versant DB, sockets, Java 7, Tomcat, JavaMail, MySQL

Client: HSBC Bank Mexico

Company: Hunkabann May 2012 - June 2012
Role: Product Owner

Description: HSBC is a Bank in Mexico. The project consisted of analyzing the process of movements to be invoiced and creating
the entire electronic invoicing process and creating the design of the system architecture.
● Designed a DFD process
● Designed the solutions, created a diagram of architecture of the solutions in Visio.
● Created all the Uses Cases.
● Take all input data sources and convert them to XML File CFD (Digital tax receipt) or CFDI (Digital tax receipt online)
● Create mockups and prototypes for solutions in Java.
● Created clients to consume soap Web Service.
● Read plain file and convert in XML Files with jaxbe, Sax,Javax, Jdom and xerces .
Environment: J2EE, Java 7, Jaxb, xerces, Jax-RS, SAX, JDOM, Javax, Eclipse

Client: Convergente Biz Mexico

Company: Hunkabann March 2011 - April 2012
Role: Technical Lead
Description: Hunkabann is a consulting company that provides IT services to Convergente Biz. I developed project in Java

● Took the requirement Created the documentation of the requirement, document all features and user cases.
● Developed Web application with ZK of Zkoos and Spring with hibernate and PostgreSQL use a JDBC connection and C3p0.
● Develop a process to charge initial data for the project with Java Thread version 6.
● Participate in User Acceptance Test UAT
● Developed process in SWT for charge initial information in the Database, connect in PostgreSQL, used JDBC connections.
● Developed Web Service Server with JWSDP, Jax-WS
Environment: J2EE, Spring, Spring security, Hibernate, PostgreSQL, JDBC, C3P0, Eclipse, sockets, Java 6, Tomcat, SWT, jax-ws

Client: Seguridata, Mexico

Company: Hunkabann September 2010 - February 2011
Role: Sr. Full stack Developer
Description: Hunkabann is a consulting company that provides IT services to Seguridata. Developed project in Java Technologies.

● Took the requirement Created the documentation of the requirement, document all features and user cases.
● Designed the Architecture of the system MVC model.
● Developed Web application with Struts2 and JSP used a JDBC connection and C3p0, connect with database Oracle 10g.
● Develop a process to charge initial data for the project with Java Thread version 6.
● Participate in User Acceptance Test UAT.
● Developed Web Service client with axis 2, and servers with Jax-WS.
Environment: J2EE, Struts, Oracle 10 g, JDBC, C3P0, NetBeans, JDBC, Jax-ws, Java 6, Tomcat, Axis.

Client: Saint Gobain Glass Mexico

Company: Hunkabann December 2009 - September 2010
Role: Sr Full stack Developer

Description: IT Consulting company specialized in providing services and projects in Java Technologies and SAP.

● I was maintaining reports in the SAP application.
● I designed new Reports and changes to existing reports.
● Developed reports in Reports Building.
● Developed a stand-alone system with Java Thread version 6 this project is a ETL convert and transform data for reports and
save the new data in database Oracle connect with JDBC and Pool connection.
Environment: Oracle 9g, JDBC, C3P0, Eclipse, JDBC, Java 6

Client: IXE BANK Mexico

Company: Hunkabann June 2009 - November 2009
Role: Sr Full stack Developer
Description: Hunkabann is a consulting company that provides IT services to IXE Bank. Developed projects in Java Technologies
and SAP

● Creation of application with Java SWT for the user interface.
● Developed the back with Spring for the control of the application and Hibernate for the persistence of database with Oracle
all this with a WebSphere and Message Broker and SMS services.
● Creation of WEB applications with interface Flex with Spring, Hibernate and BlazeDS for communication between Spring
with flex.
Environment: Oracle 9 g, BlazeDS, Hibernate, Message Broker, Spring, Flex, SWT, C3P0, Eclipse, JDBC, Java 5

Client: NEC Mexico

Company: Hunkabann January 2009 - May 2009
Role: Sr. Full Stack Developer
Description: Hunkabann is a consulting company that provides IT services to NEC Developed projects in Java Technologies.


● Took the requirement Created the documentation of the requirement, document all features and user cases.
● Designed and implemented a system, Java Stand-Alone, to obtain Telmex layout and send reports via email with Java 5 and
● Creating Web Modules with JSF and configure connection with JDBC connections and send data to PostgreSQL.

Environment: Java 5, JSF, JDBC, PostgreSQL

Client: Prenda MEx Mexico

Company: Hunkabann September 2008 - November 2008
Role: Sr Full stack Developer
Description: Hunkabann is a consulting company that provides IT services to PrendaMex. It is a lending company where they can
pawn their products. Developed projects in Java Technologies.

● System analysis released from asp.net, for data migration from DB to SQL Server,
● Created Design, architecture, data modeling and development of the DB migrant system with Java technology (Struts, JDBC,
derby as DB).
● Developed a Web Application to run the payroll and all the processes in the system.
● Took the requirements and documented the project.
● Defined Models of data design ER Erwin

Environment: Structs, Java5, JDBC, SQL Server, Erwin, Struts 1, c3p0, Derby

Client: Ziphyrus Mexico

Company: Hunkabann March 2008 - August 2008
Role: Sr Full stack Developer
Description: Hunkabann is a consulting company that provides IT services to Ziphyrus. Developed web projects in Java

● Took the requirements and documented the project.
● Creation of Web application for the administration of internal Vehicular fleets (Technology used sockets, Struts as
framework, SQL Server 2005 as DB manager, hybridize as DB persistence, JSRS as user interface libraries).
● Defined Models of data design ER Erwin
● SQL Azure, Windows Azure, IIS

Environment: Structs, Java, JDBC, SQL Server, Erwin, Struts 1, c3p0, Sockets Java, Azure

Client: Azulmex Mexico

Company: Hunkabann January 2008 - October 2008
Role: Java Developer
Description: Hunkabann is a consulting company that provides IT services to Azulmex. Developed projects in Java Technologies.

● Defined Models of data design ER Erwin
● Took the requirements and documented the project.
● Defined Models of data design ER Erwin
● Developed a system to be able to control sales, inventory, basically an ERP report use a Jasper Report, ZK framework to
front, SpringMVC and Spring security in the back, Used Hibernate and connect with PostgreSQL.

Environment: Struts, Java5 , JDBC, Oracle, Erwin, Struts 1, c3p0, Sip Servlet, WebLogic, WebLogic Sipservlet, axis

Client: Telmex Mexico

Company: Hunkabann September 2007- February 2008
Role: Java Developer
Description: Hunkabann is a consulting company that provides IT services to Telmex , Developed projects in Java Technologies.

● Creation of Web Service for the provisioning of the Telmex IVR service created with axis, with persistence in hibernate and
an Oracle Db manager, Maintenance of SIP Servlets of the IVR's application migration of WebLogic 8 applications a
● I created the back end for Sky prepaid with WebLogic 9 and Struts framework.
● Took the requirements and documented the project.
● Defined Models of data design ER Erwin

Environment: Struts, Java5, JDBC, Oracle, Erwin, Struts 1, c3p0, Sip Servlet, WebLogic, WebLogic Sipservlet, axis

Client: Comex Mexico

Company: Hunkabann September 2006 - September 2007
Role: Lead Java Developer

Description: Hunkabann is a consulting company that provides IT services to Comex, Paint sales company Developed projects in
Java Technologies.

● Led a team of 12 developers.
● Took the requirements and documented the project.
● Defined Models of data design ER Erwin
● I participated in the development of a point-of-sale system with SWT with IDE Versant connect to Oracle lite.
● Oversaw generating new functionalities and maintenance of the point of sale.
● Of all the satellite developments that were required, such as the synchronization of the versions to be released in each
branch of the store.
● In charge of the application support area, monitoring tickets.
● I defined the process of release and deployments.
● Manage development and QA environments.

Environment: Versant, Java 5 , JDBC, Oracle, Erwin, SWT, c3p0, axis, Oracle Lite, Oracle, VOD, Versant JPA

Client: SÍ vale Mexico

Company: Hunkabann May 2006 - August 2006
Role: Sr. Full stack Developer/Technical Lead Java
Description: Hunkabann is a consulting company that provides IT services to SÍ vale, Developed projects in Java Technologies.

● Implementation of an Architectural model for new internal developments and Creation of reimbursement reports with
Crystal Report.
● Coached the new members of team to use Java and Struts.
● Developed new modules and functionality in Web applications with struts ISE Ide JDeveloper.
● Create some Package with PL SQL in oracle platform.
● Managed development and QA environments.

Environment: Java 5, JDBC, Oracle, Erwin, Struts, JSP, c3p0, Oracle, JDeveloper, PL SQL, Crystal Report

Client: Edutecsa Mexico

Company: Hunkabann February 2006 - April 2006
Role: Sr. Full stack Developer
Description: Hunkabann is a consulting company that provides IT services to Edutecsa, Developed projects in Java Technologies.
● Back-end creation as well as some interfaces and modules of the SIPJ project in the Sun JSF framework (java server faces)
connect with Oracle and JDBC connections.
● Defined Models of data design ER Erwin

Environment: Java 5 , JDBC, Oracle, Erwin, JSF, JSP, c3p0, JDeveloper, eclipse.

Client: Banamex Bank Mexico

Company: Hunkabann November 2005 - May 2006
Role: Sr. Backend Developer
Description: Hunkabann is a consulting company that provides IT services to Banamex. Developed projects in Java Technologies.
● Implementation of an Architectural model for new internal developments and Creation of reimbursement reports.
● Coach the new members of team to use Java and Struts.
● Developed new modules and functionality in Web applications with struts Ise Ide JDeveloper.
● Create some Package with PL SQL in oracle platform.
● Manage development and QA environments.

Environment: Java 5, JDBC, Oracle, Erwin, Struts, JSP, c3p0, Oracle, JDeveloper

Company: Hunkabann May 2004 - October 2006

Role: Lead Technical/ Jr Full stack Developer /Systems analyst
Description: Hunkabann is a consulting company that provides IT services to Different clients. Developed projects in Java

● Layered Web programmer in the Java language (jsp, Servlets, js, JSRS, Jquery) and database administration, technical
support and maintenance of applications.
● Created the integral school control system I was a Project Leader (Developed with jsp, servlets, JavaBeans).
● Developer of the financial business administrator system project with the Jakarta Struts framework.
● Logistics and distribution system project leader with Jakarta Struts framework with Hibernate data persistence connecting
with PostgreSQL.
● Developer of the Consultation system and medical prescriptions project with the Jakarta Struts framework with Hibernate
data persistence connecting with MySQL.

Environment: Java 1.2,1.4 and 1.5, JDBC, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Struts, JSP, c3p0, Eclipse, JDeveloper

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