Sports Act MT

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S P OR T S [ CAP. 455.

To encourage and promote sport, to provide for the establishment of a national sport
council to exercise the functions relating to sport currently vested in the Department of Youth
and Sport and the Kunsill Malti għall-Isport, to provide for the registration of sport
organisations, and to establish dispute resolution structures.

27th January, 2003;

3rd April, 2009
ACT XXVI of 2002, as amended by Act XXXII of 2007 and Legal Notice 427 of 2007.

Part I Preliminary 1-3
Part II Establishment, functions and conduct of affairs of
the Kunsill Malti għall-Isport 4 - 10
Part III Officers and employees of the Council 11 - 13
Part IV Sports facilities 14 - 19
Part V Directorates and Advisory Committees 20 - 21
Part VI Financial provisions 22 - 34
Part VII Register of Sport Persons 35 - 42
Part VIII Sport dispute resolution 43 - 50
Part IX Miscellaneous 51 - 56
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Short title. 1. The short title of this Act is the Sports Act.
Interpretation. 2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires:
Amended by:
XXXII. 2007.20. "advisory committee" means an advisory committee established
in accordance with article 21;
"Association" or "National Association" means an association of
clubs on a national level who group together for the purpose of
promoting a particular sport or for organising competitive games in
such sport;
"Board" means the Board of Directors of the Council;
"Chairperson" means Chairperson of the Council and includes, in
the circumstances mentioned in article 4(4), the Deputy
Chairperson or other person appointed to act as Chairperson:
Provided that, in relation to articles 18, 20 and 21,
"Chairperson" means the Chairperson of a Management
Committee, Directorate or Advisory Committee, as the case may
"Chief Executive Officer" means the Chief Executive Officer of
the Council appointed in accordance with article 11;
"club" means an association of persons, whether in the form of a
civil partnership, or a commercial partnership or otherwise, in
which individuals constitute themselves in or form part of an
association mainly for the purpose of engaging or organising sport
"Council" means the Kunsill Malti għall-Isport established in
accordance with article 4;
"designated property" means the immovable property referred to
in article 16(1) and (3) or otherwise transferred to the Council;
"directorate" means any directorate established in accordance
with article 20;
"employee" means a person employed by the Council;
"Federation" or "National Federation" means an association
being mainly an association of a number of National Associations
of the same sport activity or of associated sport activities;
"financial year" means a period of twelve months ending on the
31st December:
Provided that the financial year which commenced on the 1st
October, 2007 shall be for a period of fifteen months and shall
terminate on the 31st December, 2008;
"Malta Arbitration Centre" means the Arbitration Centre
Cap. 387. established under the Arbitration Act;
"Malta Olympic Committee" means the Malta Olympic
Committee established on the 9th June 1928 and having the Statute
reproduced in the Second Schedule, as such statute may from time
S P OR T S [ CAP. 455. 3

to time be amended, varied or substituted in accordance with the

terms thereof;
"Maltese" means persons who are citizens of Malta and such
other categories of persons as the Minister may from time to time
"management committee" means a committee established in
accordance with article 18;
"Minister" means the Minister responsible for sports;
"Ordinance" means the Commissioner of Land Ordinance; Cap. 169.

"person" includes a body of persons and any body corporate

established by law;
"prescribed" means prescribed by regulations made by the
Minister under this Act;
"public officer", in relation to article 51, has the same meaning
assigned to it by article 124 of the Constitution but does not include
a judge or a magistrate;
"Register" means the Register of Sport Persons referred to in Part
VII of this Act;
"registered person" means a person registered in the Register of
Sport Persons under Part VII of this Act;
"sport" includes all forms of physical or mental activity which,
through casual or organised participation or through training
activities, aim at expressing or improving physical and mental
wcll-being, forming social relationships or obtaining results in
competition at all levels, but excludes those activities held for
therapeutic or clinical purposes or are part of the activities of
health institutions or health centres, and includes any other activity
as the Minister may from time to time and after consultation with
the Council prescribe;
"sport facilities" means the property, movable and immovable,
including designated property referred to in articles 14, 15 and 16
and any other property, corporeal or incorporeal, that may be used
for the purposes of sport;
"Sports Fund" means the fund referred to in article 19;
"sport school" means an undertaking, organisation or enterprise,
by whomsoever owned or managed, the main function of which is
to educate on a full time or part-time basis in any particular sport
discipline or sport disciplines.
3. (1) Physical Education and Sport shall be taught and Declaration of
practised in all primary and secondary schools as further set out in principles.
laws, regulations, curricula and directives applicable to such
schools and issued under the Education Act. Cap. 327.

(2) The State recognises that no discrimination should be

permitted on the grounds of sex, race, colour, religion or political
opinion or residence within different localities of Malta in the
access to sport facilities or to sport activities.
4 CAP. 455.] SPORTS

(3) The State recognises that everyone should have the

opportunity to take part in sport, and that where necessary,
additional measures shall be taken aimed at enabling and
encouraging women and young gifted people, as well as
disadvantaged or disabled persons or groups of such persons, to
effectively take advantage of such opportunities.
(4) All sport activities shall respect the human dignity and the
health and safety and general welfare of all participants in sport.
All participants in sport activities shall follow the rules of fair play.
All organisations and persons involved in sport activities shall
endeavour to ensure that no unsanctioned use is made in sport of
illegal substances or of performance enhancing drugs or doping
methods in sport.
(5) In the promotion of sport no use shall be made of
promotional material or methods that tend to exploit young people.
(6) The regulation of sport shall be carried out in accordance
with this Act taking also into account the principle of subsidiarity,
both vertical and horizontal.
(7) The provisions of this article shall not be enforceable in any
court, but the principles herein contained shall be of guidance in
the regulation and promotion of sport in Malta.



Establishment and 4. (1) There shall be a body, to be known as the Kunsill Malti
composition of the għall-Isport.
Kunsill Malti
għall-Isport. (2) The affairs and business of the Council shall be the
responsibility of and be conducted by a Board of Directors.
(3) (a) The Board shall consist of not less than seven and not
more than nine members. The members of the Board
shall be appointed by the Minister for a term not
exceeding three years and will be eligible for re-
appointment on the expiration of their term of office.
(b) The members of the Board shall be persons who, in the
opinion of the Minister, have experience in matters
relating to sport.
(c) A member of the Board shall be nominated by the
Malta Olympic Committec and another from among
those persons responsible for sport education within
the Ministry responsible for Education and nominated
by the Minister responsible for Education and another
member shall be nominated by National Associations
responsible for non-Olympic Sports.
(4) The Chairperson of the Board and the Deputy Chairperson
shall be appointed by the Minister from among the members of the
Board. The Board shall be assisted by a secretary appointed by the
S P OR T S [ CAP. 455. 5

(5) Where the Chairperson is absent from Malta or is otherwise

temporarily unable to perform the functions of his office, the
Deputy Chairperson shall act as chairperson and shall exercise all
the powers and functions of the Chairperson.
(6) A person shall not be qualified to be appointed or to hold
office as a member of the Board if he:
(a) is a member of the House of Representatives; or
(b) is ajudge or magistrate; or
(c) is legally incapacitated; or
(d) has been declared bankrupt or has made a composition
or arrangement with his creditors; or
(e) has been convicted of a crime affecting public trust or
theft or fraud or of knowingly receiving property
obtained by theft or fraud; or
(f) has a financial or other interest in any enterprise or
activity which is likely to affect the discharge of his
functions as a member of the Board:
Provided that the Minister may waive the
disqualification of a person under this paragraph if
such person declares the interest and such declaration
and waiver are published in the Gazette.
(7) Subject to the provisions of this article, the office of a
member of the Board shall become vacant:
(a) at the expiration of his term of office, or
(b) if any circumstances arise that, if he were not a
member of the Board, would cause him to be
disqualified for appointment as such.
(8) A member of the Board may be relieved from office by the
Minister on the ground of inability to perform the functions of his
office, whether due to infirmity of mind or body, or to any other
cause, or on the ground of misbehaviour.
(9) A member of the Board may resign his office by means of a
letter to the Minister. If a member resigns or is relieved from office
by the Minister or if the office of a member of the Board is
otherwise vacant, the Minister may appoint a person who is
qualified to be appointed as member of the Board; and any person
so appointed shall continue in office for the remaining period of the
term of office of the person whom he is substituting and shall be
eligible for reappointment.
(10) Any member of the Board who has any direct or indirect
interest in any contract made or proposed to be made by the
Council, not being an interest which disqualifies such member from
remaining a member, shall disclose the nature of his interest at the
first meeting of the Board after the relevant facts have come to his
knowledge, such disclosure shall then be recorded in the minutes of
the Board, and the member having an interest as aforesaid shall
withdraw from any meetings at which such contract is discussed.
Any such disclosure shall be communicated to the Minister without
6 CAP. 455.] SPORTS

delay. Where the interest of the member is such as to disqualify him

from remaining a member, he shall report the fact immediately to
the Minister and, without prejudice to the provisions of the proviso
to subarticle (6)(f), tender his resignation.
(11) The Council shall perform its functions and shall exercise
its powers either directly or through any of the following, namely
(a) management committees, (b) directorates, or (c) any other
persons (including commercial partnerships or foundations,
appointed for the purpose after consultation with the Minister).
(12) Subject to the other provisions of this Act and to any
directions of the Board, the executive conduct of the Council, its
administration and organisation and the administrative control of
its officers and servants, shall be the responsibility of the Chief
Executive Officer, who shall also have such other powers as may
from time to time be delegated to him by the Board. The Chief
Executive Officer shall also be responsible for the implementation
of the objectives of the Council and the exercise of its functions
and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing he shall
develop the necessary strategies, policies and regulations for the
implementation of the objectives of the Council, advise the Board
on any matter it may refer to him or on any matter which he
considers necessary or expedient, and perform such other duties as
the Board may assign to him from time to time.
(13) The Chief Executive Officer shall have the right to attend
all the meetings of the Board. He shall not, however, have a vote or
be counted for the purpose of constituting a quorum.

Objectives of the 5. The objectives of the Council are:

(a) to promote and encourage the development of
increased participation in sport in Malta and the
improved performance by athletes in sport;
(b) to develop and implement programs that promote
equality of access to and participation in sport;
(c) to promote a culture of excellence in sport;
(d) to ensure the provision of resources, services and
facilities for the promotion of sport in Malta;
(e) to promote a culture of participation in sport among
people, especially children and youths, as an aspect of
personal and social development within the context of
government policy on education and health;
(f) to improve the sporting abilities of the Maltese
generally through the improvement of the standard of
sport coaches, administrators and officials;
(g) to foster co-operation in sport with local and
international bodies, entities or other persons for the
encouragement and promotion of the development of
sport programmes, initiatives and activities;
(h) to ensure that all sport activities respect the human
dignity, health and safety of all participants in sport as
S P OR T S [ CAP. 455. 7

well as the rules of fair play and the health and safety
of the spectators; and
(i) to encourage, in furtherance of the principle of
subsidiarity, non-governmental bodies and private
entities or persons and local councils to contribute to
the promotion of sport in Malta.

6. (1) The functions of the Council are: Functions of the

(a) to make recommendations to the Minister on a national
sport policy, or otherwise, in relation to the
development of sport;
(b) to develop and implement programmes that promote
equality of access to, and participation in sport;
(c) to develop and implement policies and strategies for
the furtherance of its objectives and functions, to
initiate, encourage and facilitate research and
development in relations to sport, to promote research
and development related to sport science and sport
medicine and to provide sport science services to such
persons as the Minister may on recommendation of the
Sports Council from time to time prescribe;
(d) to promote and ensure the education and preparation of
coaches, administrators and officials with the required
vocational and professional competencies, and to
promote, organise or assist by whatsoever means,
educational schemes for athletes;
(e) to promote and ensure the establishment, development
and maintenance and proper use of sport facilities,
services and resources for the encouragement and
promotion of sport, and to advise the Minister in
connection with safety measures, including
supervision, sport implements and equipment, within
sport facilities;
(f) when so directed by the Minister, to represent the
Government of Malta internationally or regionally in
matters related to sport as may be designated by the
(g) to provide financial and other assistance by any means
to local councils and to any person, including, without
prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the Malta
Olympic Committee, National Associations and
National Federations, as well as clubs in the promotion
and development of sport;
(h) to collect and distribute information, and provide
advice, on matters related to the activities of the
(i) to keep a register of bona fide sport bodies, entities
and other persons who qualify for registration with the
Council under the provisions of this Act;
(j) to raise money and to administer and expend money
8 CAP. 455.] SPORTS

appropriated by the House of Representatives or

otherwise received from other sources;
(k) to consult and co-operate with local councils and other
persons on matters related to sport;
(l) to consult and co-operate with the Malta Olympic
Committee on matters relating to the promotion and
development of sport and the participation or
representation of Malta at the Olympic Games,
Commonwealth Gamcs, Mediterranean Games, Games
of Small States of Europe, and other international
games which the Council may from time to time
acknowledge as falling under the jurisdiction of the
Malta Olympic Committee;
(m) to provide advice on matters related to sport to
persons, bodies or associations involved in sport;
(n) to co-operate with national and international sporting
organisations with the aim of fostering a sporting
environment that is free from the unsanctioned use of
performance enhancing drugs and doping methods;
(o) to draw up, develop and amend, from time to time, a
Code of Ethics to be followed by athletes, officials,
and sport organisations;
(p) to recognise criteria established by the relevant
National Associations or Federations, and in the
absence of such established criteria, to devise criteria
for determining the status of athletes, coaches and
other officials or administrators as amateur,
professional or otherwise;
(q) to consult and co-operate on a regular basis with all
National Associations and National Federations;
(r) to monitor and keep under review and evaluate all
practices, operations and activities relating to sport
(s) to regulate the activities, levels of service and
standards of sport facilities, including sport schools,
gymnasia, and any type of enterprise or undertaking
providing training services or other sport services;
(t) to regulate the standards of maintenance, management,
safety, levels of service and operation of sport
(u) to do anything in furtherance of its objectives and to
perform such other functions as may devolve upon it
under any other law or as may from time to time be
assigned to it by the Minister.
(2) In the exercise of its function in accordance with subarticle
(1)(g) the Council -
(a) shall establish such criteria, terms and conditions for
the provision of such assistance as it considers
appropriate, and
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(b) may establish different criteria, terms and conditions

in relation to different classes of beneficiaries.
(3) The functions of the Council may be performed within or
outside the Maltese Islands.

7. (1) The Council shall be a body corporate having a distinct Powers of the
legal personality. Council.

(2) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Council has the
power to do all things necessary or convenient to be done in
connection with the performance of its functions and shall be
capable, subject to the provisions of this Act, of entering into
contracts, of acquiring, holding and disposing of any kind of
property for the purposes of its functions, of suing and being sued,
and of doing all such things and entering into all such transactions
as are incidental or conducive to the exercise or performance of its
functions under this Act, including the lending or borrowing of
(3) The legal and judicial representation of the Council shall be
vested in the Chairperson, or in any other person under such terms
and conditions and with such powers as the Board may from time to
time by resolution determine.
(4) Any document purporting to be an instrument made or
issued by the Council and signed by the Chairperson or by the
Secretary of the Board shall be received in evidence and shall, until
the contrary is proved, be deemed to be an instrument made or
issued by the Council.
(5) The Council may engage or employ persons to perform
services for the Council and may enter into any agreement to
exercise any of its functions through the agency or services of any
(6) The Council may:
(a) obtain commercial sponsorship for the Council and
participate in marketing arrangements involving the
endorsement by the Council of products and services
associated with sport;
(b) arrange for the manufacture and distribution (whether
for profit or otherwise) of any article or thing bearing a
mark, symbol or writing that is associated with the
Council; and
(c) provide (whether for profit or otherwise) goods and
services to persons using, or otherwise attending at,
facilities of the Council.
(7) The Council may charge or impose such reasonable fees in
respect of:
(a) access to, or use of, any of its resources or facilities;
(b) the provision by it of programs, services, information
or advice;
(c) the admission of persons to events or activities
10 CAP. 455.] SPORTS

conducted by it.

Meetings of the 8. (1) The Board shall meet as often as may be necessary or
Board. expedient, but in no case less frequently than once a month. The
meetings of the Board shall be convened by the Chairperson either
on his own initiative or at the request of any four of the other
(2) The Board shall not act unless a quorum consisting of not
less than half the number of members is present.
(3) The meetings of the Board shall be chaired by the
Chairperson or, in his absence, by the Deputy Chairperson.
(4) Decisions of the Board shall be taken by a simple majority
of the votes of the members present and voting. In the case of an
equality of votes, the Chairperson or in his absence the Deputy
Chairperson shall have and exercise a second or casting vote.
(5) Without prejudice to the other provisions of this Act, no
decision shall be valid which is not supported by at least four
members of the Board.
(6) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Board may
regulate its own proceedings.
(7) Any vacancy among the members of the Board, and any
participation therein by a person not entitled so to do, shall not
invalidate the proceedings of the Board.
(8) All acts done by any person acting in good faith, as a
member of the Board, shall be valid as if he were a member
notwithstanding that some defect in his appointment or
qualification may afterwards be discovered. No act or proceeding
of the Board shall be questioned on the ground of the
contravention, by a member, of the provisions of article 4(10).

Relations between 9. (1) The Minister may, after consultation with the Council,
the Minister and from time to time give to the Council such directives in writing as
the Council.
he may deem appropriate and not being inconsistent with the
provisions of this Act, and the Council shall, as soon as may be,
comply with and give effect to all such directives and shall conduct
its affairs accordingly.
(2) The Council shall afford to the Minister the necessary
facilities for obtaining information with respect to the property and
activities of the Council and furnish him with returns, accounts and
o t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n w i t h respec t the r eto, a nd afford him the
necessary facilities for the verification of information furnished, in
such manner and at such times as he may reasonably require.

Strategic and 10. (1) For the purposes of this Act the Council shall submit
operational plans. to the Minister for his approval, a three-year strategic plan that
establishes the objectives and targets that it proposes to attain
during the said period in fulfilment to its functions under this Act.
(2) The aforementioned strategic plan shall be presented to the
Minister for his approval not less than three months before the
commencement of the period to which the strategic plan relates,
S P OR T S [ CAP. 455. 11

and shall come into force on the day on which it is approved by the
Minister or the day of commencement of the period to which it
relates, whichever is the latter:
Provided that the first strategic plan shall be prepared by
the Council and submitted to the Minister for approval within six
weeks from the date of appointment of the Council.
(3) The Council shall also from time to time during the period
in respect of which a strategic plan is in force, consider and
propose to the Minister any necessary variations to the said plan
and, following approval by the Minister, vary the said plan.
(4) The Council shall at the beginning of each year in respect
of which a strategic plan is in force, prepare an operational plan
that articulates the programmes, initiatives and activities that it will
undertake in fulfilment of the objectives defined in the said
strategic plan for the said year.
(5) For the purpose of consulting and co-operating on a regular
basis with national associations and federations and non-
governmental bodies in the drawing up of a national strategy for
sport and the evaluation thereof, the Council shall at least once a
year hold a forum or fora of national associations and federations
and non-governmental bodies. Such fora shall be chaired by the
Chairperson of the Council.



11. (1) Subject to the provisions of the Constitution and of Staff appointments.
any other enactment applicable thereto, including this Act, the
Council, acting with the concurrence of the Minister, may appoint
a n d e m p l o y s u c h o ff i c i a l s a n d o t h e r e m p l o y e e s w i t h s u c h
remuneration and upon such terms and conditions as the Council
may, from time to time, determine.
(2) The Chief Executive Officer shall be appointed for a period
not exceeding three years and such period may be extended for
further periods not exceeding three years each:
Provided that until the first Chief Executive Officer is so
appointed the Minister may for a period not exceeding six months
detail a public officer to perform the functions of Chief Executive

12. (1) The Prime Minister may, at the request of the Council Status of public
made with the concurrence of the Minister, from time to time direct officers detailed
for duty with the
that any public officer be detailed for duty with the Council in such Council.
capacity and with effect from such date and for such duration as
may be specified in the Prime Minister’s direction.
(2) Where any officer is detailed for duty with the Council
under any of the provisions of this article, such officer shall, during
the time in which such direction has effect in relation to him, be
under the administrative authority and control of the Council but he
shall for other intents and purposes remain and be considered and
12 CAP. 455.] SPORTS

treated as a public officer.

(3) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, an
officer detailed for duty as aforesaid -
(a) shall not during the time in respect of which he is so
detailed -
(i) be precluded from applying for a transfer to a
department of the Government in accordance
with the terms and conditions of service attached
to the appointment under the Government held
by him at a date on which he is so detailed for
duty; or
(ii) be so employed that his remuneration and
conditions of service are less favourable than
those which are attached to the appointment
under the Government held by him at the date
aforesaid or which would have become attached
to such appointment, during the said period, had
such officer not been detailed for duty with the
Council; and
(b) shall be entitled to have his service with the Council
considered as service with the Govemment for the
purposes of any pension, gratuity, or benefit under the
Cap. 93. Pensions Ordinance and the Widows’ and Orphans’
Cap. 58. Pensions Act and of any other right or privilege to
which he would be entitled, and liable to any liability
to which he would be liable, but for the fact of his
being detailed for duty with the Council.
(4) Where an application is made as provided in subarticle
(3)(a)(i) the same consideration shall be given thereto as if the
applicant had not been detailed for service with the Council.
(5) The Council shall pay to the Government such
contributions as may from time to time be determined by the
Minister responsible for finance in respect of the cost of pensions
and gratuities earned by an officer detailed for duty with the
Council as aforesaid during the period in which he is so detailed.

Offer of permanent 13. (1) The Council may, with the approval of the Prime
employment with Minister, offer to any officer detailed for duty with the Council
the Council to
public officers under the provisions of article 12 permanent employment with the
detailed for duty Council at a remuneration and on terms and conditions not less
with the Council.
favourable than those enjoyed by such officer at the date of such
(2) The terms and conditions comprised in any offer made as
aforesaid shall not be deemed to be less favourable merely because
they are not in all respects identical with or superior to those
enjoyed by the officer concerned at the date of such offer, if such
terms and conditions, taken as a whole, in the opinion of the Prime
Minister, offer substantially equivalent or greater benefits.
S P OR T S [ CAP. 455. 13

(3) Every officer who accepts permanent employment with the

Council offered to him under the provisions of subarticle (1) shall
for all purposes other than those of the Pensions Ordinance and of Cap. 93.
the Widows’ and Orphans’ Pensions Act, be deemed to have ceased Cap. 58.
to be in service with the Government and to have entered into
service with the Council on the date of his acceptance, and for the
purposes of the said Ordinance and of the said Act, so far as
applicable to him, service with the Council shall be deemed to be
service with the Government within the meanings thereof
(4) Every such officer as aforesaid who, immediately before
accepting permanent employment with the Council was entitled to
benefit under the Widows’ and Orphans’ Pensions Act, shall Cap. 58.
continue to be so entitled to benefit thereunder to all intents as if
his service with the Council were service with the Government.
(5) The Council shall pay to the Government such
contributions as may from time to time be determined by the
Minister responsible for finance in respect of the cost of pensions
and gratuities earned by an officer who has accepted permanent
employment with the Council as aforesaid during the period
commencing on the date of such officer’s acceptance.
(6) For the purpose of the Pensions Ordinance the pensionable Cap. 93.
emoluments of such public officer on retirement shall be deemed to
be the pensionable emoluments payable to an officer in
Govemment se rvice in a grade a n d a t a n i n c r e m e n t a l l e v e l
coiresponding to the post and incremental level at which the officer
retires from the Council.
(7) (a) For the purposes of this article posts and salary grades
with the Council shall be classified in the most nearly
corresponding grades and incremental levels in the
service under the Government of Malta by reference to
job description, skills, responsibilities and other
analogous factors.
(b) The classification referred to in paragraph (a) shall be
carried out by a board composed of a Chairperson
appointed by the Ministry responsible for finance and
two other members, one appointed by the Ministry
responsible centrally for personnel policies in the
public service and one appointed by the Council. The
classification shall be subject to the final approval of
the Minister responsible for finance.
(c) Such classification shall take place within three
months of any adjustment of salaries of employees in
Government service and, or, of employees of the
(d) No post shall be classified in a grade higher than that
of a Grade 3 in the service of the Government or such
other grade that the Minister responsible for finance
may from time to time by notice in the Gazette
14 CAP. 455.] SPORTS

(e) Without prejudice to article 113 of the Constitution, no

person may, following a classification as aforesaid, be
Cap. 93. entitled to rights under the said Pensions Ordinance
less favourable than those to which he would have
been entitled prior to such classification.


Access to facilities. 14. The Council shall, to the extent that it is practicable to do
so having regard to the objects for which it is established and its
functions, develop policies to allow individuals, groups within the
community, sport clubs and associations to have access to, and
make use of, the resources, services and facilities of the Council,
whether or not for purposes related to sport.
Transfer of 15. The property, other than immovable propelrty, owned by
movable property the Government and administered or managed by the Department
to the Council.
of Youth and Sport or Kunsill Malti għall-Isport and immediately
before the date of the coming into force of this Part of this Act used
or intended for use by it for the purpose of any of the functions
which by this Act are being transferred to or vested in the Council
and "Skola Sport" operated by the Ministry for Education shall, on
the date aforesaid, by virtue of this Act and without further
assurance, be transferred to and vested in the Council under the
same title by which they were held by the Government immediately
before the said date.
Transfer of rights 16. (1) The enjoyment, possession, use and management of all
and liabilities in rights and obligations (other than obligations arising under the
respect of
immovable Land Acquisition (Public Purposes) Ordinance) vested in the
property. Government over or in respect of the immovable property listed in
Cap. 88. the First Schedule (hereinafter called "designated property") in
respect of designated property shall, on the coming into force of
this Part of this Act, by virtue of this Act and without further
assurance, be transferred and vested in the Council.
(2) The President acting on the advice of the Minister
respon sibl e for land may from tim e to ti me make an O rder
designating such immovable property belonging to or possessed,
held or otherwise administered by the Government and that may be
used for the purposes of sport or for any function which by this Act
are being vested in the Council. Any such Order shall be published
in the Gazette.
(3) Where an Order has been made under the provisions of this
article, the enjoyment, use, management and administration of the
immovable property designated in the Order (hereinafter also
called "designated property") shall, with effect from such day as
may be specified in the Order and by virtue of this Act and without
further assurance, be transferred and vested in the Council.
(4) The transfer and vesting aforesaid shall extend to the whole
of such property and undertakings and, without prejudice to the
generality aforesaid, shall include all plant, equipment, apparata,
buildings, structures, installations, land, roads, works, powers,
S P OR T S [ CAP. 455. 15

rights, privileges and remedies and all things necessary or ancillary

thereto which are held or enjoyed in connection with or
appertaining thereto, as well as all obligations affecting or relating
to any of the aforesaid property or undertaking or other thing
included therein as aforesaid.
(5) All rights vested in or exercisable by Government arising
under or pursuant to any contract entered into by Government with
third parties in respect of designated property shall, on the coming
into force of this Part of this Act and without further assurance be
transferred and vested in the Council.
(6) Any transfer or vesting of designated property shall be
subject to all those terms and conditions that the Minister may
deem necessary to ensure that such property is used in accordance
with the provisions of this Act.
(7) Notwithstanding the provisions of the Ordinance, in respect
of such immovable property that is listed in the First Schedule or
that may from time to time be specified in an Order of the President
published in the Gazette or that is otherwise transferred to the
C o u n c il ( s u c h l a nd a n d pr op e r t y h e r e i n a f t e r r e f e r r e d to a s
"designated property"), the Council shall exercise the rights and
responsibilities refemed to in article 2 of the Ordinance, and the
provisions of the Land (Compulsory Eviction) Act, and the Cap. 228.
Disposal of Government Land Act, shall for the purpose of any Cap. 268.
such designated property be read and construed as if any reference
therein to the Commissioner of Land were a reference to the
Chairperson of the Council, and the provisions of article 181,
Subtitle VI of Title VIII of Part I of Book Second, article 590(2),
article 627, article 637(3), article 742 and article 873 of the Code at
Organization and Civil Procedure shall apply, in relation to such Cap. 12.
designated property, to the Council and the Chairperson of the
Council, as the case may be, provided that for the purpose of this
Part of the Act the Chairperson of the Council may from time to
time delegate any of his powers to the Chief Executivc Officer or
Management Committees.
(8) The provisions of articles 1576A to 1576D of the Civil Cap. 16.
Code shall apply to designated property and the Council shall be
vested with all rights and obligations of a lessor arising thereunder.

17. (1) In respect of any designated property, when anything Transitory

has been commenced by or under the authority of the Govemment provisions.
prior to the Order of the President referring to such designated
property or, in the case of designated property referred to in article
16(1), to the coming into force of this Part of this Act, as the case
may be, and such thing relates to a designated property or any right
or liability transferred to the Council by or under this Act, such
thing may be carried on and completed by or as authorised by the
(2) Where immediately before the coming into force of this
Part of this Act, any legal proceedings are pending to which the
Government is or is entitled to be a party, and such proceedings
relate to designated property or any right or liability transferred by
or under this Act, the Council shall, as from the date of the relevant
16 CAP. 455.] SPORTS

President’s Order, be substituted in such proceedings for the

Government or Commissioner of Land, as the case may be, or shall
be made a part thereto in like manner as the Government or
Comxnissioner of Land could have become.
(3) The Minister may by order make such incidental,
consequential and supplemental provisions as he may deem
necessary or expedient for the purpose, as appropriate, the assets
transferred to the Council by or under this Act and securing and
giving full effect to the transfer of any property or undertaking or
any right or liability to the Council by or under this Act and make
such orders as may be necessary to make any powers and duties
exercisable by the Government in relation to any of the transferred
property or undertakings exercisable by or on behalf of the
(4) Where under a contract entered into by Government with
third parties in respect of designated property prior to the coming
into force of this Act a discretion is to be exercised or a state of fact
is to be established or determined by the Kunsill Malti għall-Isport
referred to in such contract, then such discretion or the right to
establish or determine that state of fact shall be vested and
exercisable by the Council without any further assurance other than
by virtue of this Act.
(5) The provisions of subarticles (1) and (2) shall not apply to
those acts, rights and obligations exercisable by or vested in or
binding upon Government in accordance with the provisions of the
Cap. 88. Land Acquisition (Public Purposes) Ordinance or to proceedings
instituted before the Land Arbitration Board in accordance with the
provisions of the said Ordinance or before any other competent
court in matters relating to the acquisition by government of
immovable property under the provisions of the said Ordinance.

Management of 18. (1) The Council shall consistently with the aims and
sport facilities. objectives of this Act and in accordance with the provisions of this
Act and any regulations as may be prescribed, have the power to
manage and administer sport facilities.
(2) The Council may with the authority in writing of the
Minister, in concurrence with the Minister responsible for land,
enter, by public deed, into a contract with any local council and
registered person whereby designated property may be granted for
a term not exceeding five years to such local council and registered
person under a title of lease or other personal title, including that of
management, administration or custody, for a consideration payable
to the Council in accordance with the provisions of this Act and of
such regulations as may from time to time be prescribed and
subject to such local council or conditions not inconsistent
therewith as may be contained in the deed, provided that such
conditions shall include the prohibition of sub-letting of the
designated property and of assignment of rights by the local council
and registered person, as the case may be.
(3) For the purpose of enjoying, administering and managing
any of the sport facilities and designated property the Council may
delegate any of its powers to one or more management committees
S P OR T S [ CAP. 455. 17

set up for the purpose. Such committees shall observe such policies
and directives as the Council may from time to time determine and
shall be accountable to the Council. Such management committees
are vested with a separate distinct legal personality.
(4) The management committees mentioned in subarticle (3)
shall be established by the Minister after consultation with the
Council, with such functions and powers as the Minister may in his
discretion determine. Such management committees shall be
composed of such persons as the Minister shall deem fit and such
persons shall hold office for such period and on such terms and
conditions as the Minister may deem appropriate. The Minister
shall also designate any member of such committees to act as
chairperson thereof.
(5) The management committees shall keep a record of all their
proceedings and shall forward copies of such records to the
(6) The provisions of article 4(6) to (10) shall apply mutatis
mutandis to the management committees.
(7) The Council may, for the purpose of providing or ensuring
the provision of services that are complimentary with the use of
sport facilities, grant to third parties for a term nor exceeding five
years the operation and management of particular areas within such
sport facilities after a call for tenders for specified purposes.
(8) Any contract and agreement entered into by the Council in
accordance with the provisions of this article shall, for the purposes
of the Disposal of Government Land Act, be deemed to be a Cap. 268.
disposal made in accordance with the provisions of such Act. The
Minister shall, however, within four weeks after the publication of
such deed as is referred to in subarticle (2), or if the House of
Representatives is not then in session, within four weeks of the date
when the House next meets, lay a copy thereof on the Table of the
House, and the deed shall only be valid and binding if, after that a
copy thereof has been laid before the Table of the House of
Representatives, the House does not, within the period of twenty-
eight days after that copy has been so laid, resolve that the
agreement or deed of disposal be rescinded.
(9) Any property subject to a deed referred to in subarticlc (2)
shall not by virtue thereof be transferred to the registered person or
local council with whom it is entered.
(10) Not later than six weeks after the lapse of three years from
the date of a deed referred to in subarticle (2) and subsequently
every three years the registered person with whom such deed is
entered shall transmit to the Council a report of its activities in
relation to the property that is object of the deed and on the way
that such property has been utilised.
(11) The Minister may, on the advice of the Council, make
regulations, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act:
(a) regulating, restricting or prohibiting entry onto or into
any sport facilities owned by, or under the control of,
the Council, regulating the conduct of persons on or in
18 CAP. 455.] SPORTS

any such land or building, and providing for the

removal of persons from such land or building;
(b) regulating, restricting or prohibiting admission to and
behaviour in, any sport facilities, as well as the right of
search by the Police of any person gaining admission
to, while inside or while leaving any sport facility;
(c) regulating the standards of maintenance, management,
safety, level of service and operations of sport
facilities including the prohibition of the use of sport
facilities that do not meet the prescribed standards and
(d) generally prescribing rules to regulate the deeds
referred to in subarticles (2) and (7).
Revenue from 19. (1) The fund that immediately prior to the coming into
sport facilities and force of this Act was denominated "Sports Fund" and administered
the Sports Fund.
by the Kunsill Malti għall-Isport shall he vested in the Council and
shall continue to be denominated "Sports Fund".
(2) All ground rents and rent payable to Government or to the
Council in furtherance of a resolution passed by the House of
Representatives in accordance with the provisions of the Disposal
Cap. 268. of Government Land Act in respect of sport facilities before as well
as after the coming into force of this Act, and the consideration
arising from any deed entered into in accordance with article
18(2)and (7) from sport facilities shall be vested in the Council to
be utilised in accordance with the provisions of this Act. Such
revenue shall be deposited in the Sports Fund.
(3) The Sports Fund shall be utilised for the purpose of
development and maintenance of sport facilities and for such other
purposes falling within the functions of the Council as the Minister
may from lime to time authorise.



Directorates within 20. (1) The Council may, with the concurrence of the Mnister,
the Council. establish separate directorates within the Council for the purpose of
ensuring the better performance by the Council of any or all of its
functions. Such directorates shall be accountable to the Council and
shall be subject to the overall supervision and control of the Chief
Executive Officer. Each of any such directorates shall be headed by
a person appointed by the Council with the concurrence of the
Minister for a period not exceeding three years and such period
may be extended for further periods not exceeding three years each.
(2) The Council may delegate to such directcrates and require
them to perform such of its functions under such conditions as the
Council may deem appropriate. The Council may at any time
withdraw, in whole or in part, any such delegation of functions.
(3) Subject to the foregoing provisions of this article and to any
rules made from time to time by the Council, the directorates may
regulate their own proceedings.
S P OR T S [ CAP. 455. 19

21. (1) The Minister may, from time to time by Order in the Advisory
Gazette appoint an advisory committee or committees as may be committees.
specified in such Orders. An advisory committee shall, for the
better carrying out of the provisions of this Act, advise the Council
on such matters as the Minister may specify in the Order.
(2) The members of the advisory committee shall be appointed
by the Minister and shall hold office for such period and on such
terms and conditions as the Minister may deem appropriate. Each
advisory committee shall consist of one member representing the
Council as Chairperson and such other members as the Minister
may deem fit to appoint.
(3) The provisions of article 4(6) to (10) shall mutatis mutandis
apply to the advisory committees.
(4) Each advisory committee shall keep a record of all its
meetings and shall forward copies of such records to the Council.
Subject to the provisions of this Act, each advisory committee can
regulate its own procedures.

22. (1) Without prejudice to the following provisions of this Council to meet
article, the Council shall so conduct its affairs that the expenditure expenditure out of
required for the proper performance of its functions shall, as far as
practicable, be met out of its revenue.
(2) Any excess of revenue over expenditure shall, subject to
such directives as the Minister, after consultation with the Minister
responsible for finance, may from time to time give, be applied by
the Council to the formation of reserve funds to be used for the
purposes of the Council; and without prejudice to the generality of
the powers given to the Minister by this subarticle, any directive
given by the Minister as aforesaid may order the transfer to the
Government, or the application in such manner as may be specified
in the directive, of any part of the fees, rates and other payments
levied in accordance with this subarticle or any such excess as
(3) Any funds of the Council not immediately required to meet
expenditure may be invested in such manner as may from time to
time be approved by the Minister after consultation with the
Minister responsible for finance.

23. The Minister responsible for finance may, after Advances from
consultation with the Minister, make advances to the Council of Government.
such sums as he may agree to be required by the Council for
carrying out any of its functions under this Act, and may make such
a d v a n c e s o n s u c h t e r m s a n d c o n d i t i o n s a s h e m a y, a f t e r
consultation as aforesaid, deem appropriate. Any such advance may
be made by the Minister respon sible for finance out of the
Consolidated Fund, and without further appropriation other than
this Act, by warrant under his hand authorising the Accountant
General to make such advance.
20 CAP. 455.] SPORTS

Funds from public 24. The Minister responsible for finance may by regulation
lotteries. under this article provide that such portion of the proceeds of
public lotteries as may be prescribed shall be paid to the Council,
and the Accountant General shall, without any further
appropriation other than this Act, regularly appropriate such funds
to the Council on receipt of a warrant from the Minister responsible
for finance.
Power to borrow or 25. (1) For the purpose of carrying out any of its functions
raise capital. under this Act, the Council may, with the approval in writing of the
Amended by:
L.N. 427 of 2007. Minister, given after consultation with the Minister responsible for
finance, borrow or raise money in such manner, from such person,
body or authority, and under such terms and conditions as the
Minister, after consultation as aforesaid, may in writing approve.
(2) Thc Council may also, from time to time, borrow, by way of
overdraft or otherwise, such sums as it may require by way of
working capital for carrying out its functions under this Act:
Provided that for any facility in an amount exceeding sixty-
nine thousand and eight hundred and eighty-one euro and twenty
cents (69,881.20), there shall be required the approval of the
Minister in writing.

Borrowing from 26. (1) The Ministcr responsible for finance may, for any
Government. requirements of the Council of a capital nature, contract or raise
loans, or incur liabilities, for such periods and on such terms and
conditions as he may deem appropriate; and any sums due in
respect of or in connection with any such loan or liability shall be a
charge on the Consolidated Fund.
(2) Notice of any loans, liabilities or advances made or
incurred under the foregoing provisions of this article shall be
given to the House of Representatives as soon as practicable.
(3) Pending the raising of any such loan as is mentioned in
subarticle (1), or for the purpose of providing the Council with
working capital, the Minister responsible for finance may, by
warrant under his hand, and without further appropriation other
than this Act, authorise the Accountant General to make advances
to the Council out of the Treasury Clearance Fund under such terms
as may be specified by the Minister upon the making thereof.
(4) The proceeds of any loan raised for the purposes of making
advances to the Council, and any other moneys to be advanced to
the Council under this article, shall be paid into a fund specially
established for the purpose and which shall be known as the
"Kunsill Malti għall-Isport (Loan) Fund".
(5) Sums received by the Accountant General from the Council
in respect of advances made to the Council under subarticle (3)
shall be paid, as respects of amounts received by way of repayment
into the Treasury Clearance Fund and, as respects amounts received
by way of interest into the Consolidated Fund.

Estimates of the 27. (1) The Council shall cause to be prepared in every
Council. financial year, and shall not later than six weeks after the end of
each such year adopt, estimates of the income and expenditure of
S P OR T S [ CAP. 455. 21

the Council for the next following financial year:

Provided that the estimates for the first financial year of the
Council shall be prepared and adopted within such time as the
Minister may by notice in writing to the Council specify.
(2) In the preparation of such estimates the Council shall take
account of any funds and other monies that may be due to be paid
to it out of the Consolidated Fund during the relevant financial
year, whether by virtuc of this Act or an appropriation Act or of any
other law; and the Council shall so prepare the said estimates as to
ensure that the total revenues of the Council are at least sufficient
to meet all sums properly chargeable to its revenue account
including, but without prejudice to the generality of that
expression, depreciation.
(3) The estimates shall be made out in such form and shall
contain such information and such comparison with previous years
as the Minister responsible for finance may direct.
(4) A copy of the estimates shall, upon their adoption by the
Council, be sent forthwith by the Council to the Minister and to the
Minister responsible for finance. The Minister shall at the earliest
opportunity and not later than six weeks after he has received a
copy of the estimates from the Council, after consultation with the
Minister responsible for finance, approve the same with or without
amendment. The Minister shall as soon as practicable cause such
approved estimates to be laid on the Table of the House.

28. (1) No expenditure shall be made or incurred by the Expenditure to be

Council unless provision therefor has been made in the estimates according to
approved as provided in article 27. estimates.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subarticle (1) -
(a) until the expiration of six months from the beginning
of a financial year, or until the approval of the
estimates for that year by the Minister, whichever is
the earlier date, the Council may make or incur
expenditure for carrying on its functions under this Act
not exceeding in the aggregate one-half of the amount
approved by the Minister for the preceding financial
(b) expenditure approved in respect of a head or sub-head
of the estimates may, with the approval of the Minister
given after consultation with the Minister responsible
for finance, be made or incurred in respect of another
head or sub-head of the estimates;
(c) in respect of the first financial year, the Council may
make or incur expenditure not exceeding in the
aggregate such amounts as the Minister responsible for
finance may, after consultation with the Minister,
(d) if in respect of any financial year it is found that the
amount approved by the Minister is not sufficient or a
need has arisen for expenditure for a purpose not
22 CAP. 455.] SPORTS

provided for in the estimates, the Council may adopt

supplementary estimates for approval by the Minister,
and in any such case the provisions of this Act
applicable to the estimates shall as near as practicable
apply to the supplementary estimates.

Publication of 29. All estimates and supplementary estimates of the Council

approved shall, as soon as practicable, be published in the Gazette.
Accounts and 30. (1) The Council shall cause to be kept proper accounts and
audit. other records in respect of its operations, and shall cause to be
prepared a statement of accounts in respect of each financial year.
(2) The accounts of the Council shall be audited by an auditor
or auditors to be appointed by the Council and approved by the
Provided that the Minister responsible for finance may,
after consultation with the Minister, require the books and accounts
of the Council to be audited or examined by the Auditor General
who shall for the purpose have the power to carry out such physical
checking and other verifications as he may deem necessary.
(3) After the end of each financial year, and not later than the
date on which the estimates of the Council are forwarded to the
Minister under article 27, the Council shall cause a copy of the
statement of account duly audited to be transmitted to the Minister
and to the Minister responsible for finance together with a copy of
any report made by the auditors on that statement or on the
accounts of the Council.
(4) The Minister shall, as soon as practicable, cause a copy of
every such statement and report to be laid on the Table of the House
of Representatives.

Deposit of 31. (1) All monies accruing to the Council shall be paid into a
revenues and bank or banks appointed as bankers of the Council by a resolution
payment by the
Council. of the Council. Such monies shall, as far as practicable, be paid into
any such banks from day to day, except for such sum as the Council
may authorise to be retained to meet petty disbursements and
immediate cash payments.
(2) All payments out of the funds of the Council, other than
petty disbursements not exceeding a sum as from time to time may
be fixed by the Council, shall be made by such officer or officers of
the Council as the Council shall appoint or designate for that
(3) Cheques against and withdrawals from any bank account of
the Council shall be signed by such officer of the Council as may
be appointed or designated by the Council for that purpose and
shall be countersigned by the Chairperson, or such other member or
officer of the Council as may be authorised by the Council for that
(4) The Council shall also make provision with respect to:
(a) the manner in which and the officer or officers by
S P OR T S [ CAP. 455. 23

whom payments are to be authorised or approved;

(b) the title of any account held with the bank or banks
into which the monies of the Council are to be paid,
and the transfer of funds from one account to the other;
(c) the method to be adopted in making payments out of
funds of the Council and generally with respect to any
matter which is relevant to the proper keeping and
control of the accounts and books, and the control of
the finance, of the Council.

32. Without prejudice to any directive communicated by the Contracts of supply

Minister under article 9, the Council shall not, except with the or work.
Amended by:
approval of the Minister granted for special reasons and after L.N. 427 of 2007.
consultation with the Minister responsible for finance, award or
enter into any contract for the supply of goods or materials or for
the execution of works, or for the rendering of services, to or for
the benefit of the Council, which is estimated by the Council to
exceed six thousand and nine hundred and eighty-eight euro and
twelve cents (6,988.12) in value, or such other amount as the
Minister responsible for finance may by regulations under this
article prescribe, except after notice of the intention of the Council
to enter into the contract has been published and competitive
tenders have been issued.
33. The Council shall, not later than six weeks after the end of Annual report.
each financial year, make and transmit to the Minister and to the
Minister responsible for finance a report dealing generally with the
activities of the Council during that financial year and containing
such information relating to the proceedings and policy of the
Council as either of the said Ministers may from time to time
require. The Minister shall cause a copy of every such report to be
laid on the Table of the House as soon as practicable.
34. The Council shall be exempt from any liability for the Exemption from
payment of any tax on income, from customs duty and from any tax.
duty on documents and transfers.


35. (1) No person, association of persons, partnership, civil or Requirement of
commercial, or other entity recognised according to law shall be registration.
entitled under this Act to any assistance or benefit or to make use of
or acquire under any title any sport facilities unless it is registered
in the Register of Sport Persons in accordance with the provisions
of this Part of this Act and complies with such regulations as may
from time to time be prescribed.
(2) Registration under this Part of this Act may be effected by
submission to the Council of an application form for registration in
the form as may be prescribed with the following accompanying
(a) in the case of an association, partnership or other
moral entity (in this Part of the Act also referred to as
24 CAP. 455.] SPORTS

"organisation"), an updated copy of the statute or

constitutive act with all binding regulations and bye-
laws (together called "the statute"), certified as true
and correct by the official authorised by the statute for
the purpose to effect such certification;
(b) a statement indicating who the officials of the
organisation are;
(c) a statement as to where the office of the registrant is;
(d) a statement as to the individuals in whom
representation of the organisation is vested;
(e) if the organisation has already been in existence for at
least one calendar year, or if the applicant has been
involved or engaged in activities connected to sport,
the annual report, if required by its statute, and
accounts as may be prescribed; and
(f) such other documents as may from time to time be
(3) The Council shall, on submission of the required
application form and accompanying documents, and on being
satisfied that the applicant is eligible for registration, register the
applicant in the Register of Sport Persons. The Register may
consist of such parts as the Council may from time to time
determine for the purpose of distinguishing the nature of the
registered person.
(4) Upon registering the applicant, the Council shall, through
the Secretary of the Board, issue a certificate of registration to the
registered person. Registration in the Register shall not exempt the
registered person from complying with any other provision of law.
(5) The Council may refuse to register an applicant in the
Register if it appears to the Council that the applicant does not
satisfy the requirements under this Act, and in so doing shall state
the reasons for the refusal.
(6) When the applicant for registration is a national association
or federation claiming to represent a particular sport discipline or
associated sport disciplines, the Council shall, before registering
the applicant, ensure that such association or federation is
recognised as such by the international organisation representing
such sport discipline or disciplines.
(7) When registering an organisation in the appropriate register
of national associations or federations, reference shall be made to
the predominant nature of the organisation.

Malta Olympic 36. (1) The Malta Olympic Committee shall be registered
Committee and immediately in the Register without any further formality.
other National
Associations or (2) The Minister may from time to time on the recommendation
of the Council designate such federations or associations that shall
be registered in the Register, without any further formality. Any
federation and association so designated shall be registered by the
Council in the Register without any further formality. A list of such
S P OR T S [ CAP. 455. 25

federations and associations so registered shall be published

without delay in the Government Gazette.

37. (1) All national associations and federations shall be non- Statutes of sport
profit making. Subject to the provisions of this Act and to any organisations.
regulations made thereunder, clubs, associations and federations, as
well as such other entities that are or may be required to be
registered with the Council under this Act shall be regulated by
their statute. All clubs, associations and federations shall be
o rg a n i s e d i n a d e m o c r a t i c m a n n e r i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h e
provisions of their statute that shall ensure the equal access of
participation in sport.
(2) For the propose of this article an organisation shall be
deemed to be "non-profit making" if:
(a) the organisation does not have a systematic aim to
make profit;
(b) the statute of the organisation prohibits the distribution
of any of its assets (whether of a capital nature or of a
revenue nature or otherwise) to its members, founders,
sponsors, donors, and except by way of bona fide
salary, wages or honorarium, to its administrators; and
(c) in the case where the organisation carries out an
economic activity, this is done as an ancillary activity
for the purpose or in connection with assisting the
organisation to carry out its main objects and purposes
in accordance with its statute.
38. (1) All organisations shall upon registration in the Legal personality
Register be deemed to be vested with legal personality and shall be of sport
organisations and
capable of entering into all legal acts. other matters.
(2) Subject to the provisions of articles 35, 36 and 37, nothing
in this Act shall be interpreted as divesting persons or entities that
are not registered or registerable in the Register from any rights
under any other applicable law. Non-registration of any such person
or entity shall not exempt such person or entity from any provision
of this Act that may be applicable to him or it.
(3) Subjcct to the provisions of this article, an organisation
registered in the Register, as well as the liability of its members and
administrators, shall be governed and regulated by those
dispositions of law that would, but for this Act, govern the

39. The Minister may, after consultation with the Council, Regulations under
make regulations for the purposes of giving effect to this Part of this Part of the Act.
this Act, and may without prejudice to the generality of the
aforesaid by such regulations provide for:
(a) those categories of persons, partnerships or other
entities that may be registered in the appropriate part
or parts of the Register;
(b) the requirements for any person, partnership or other
entity to qualify for registration;
26 CAP. 455.] SPORTS

(c) the conditions to be complied with by any such

persons, partnerships or entities so qualifying for
continued registration;
(d) subject to the provisions of any applicable law relating
to the protection of personal data, the power of the
Council to require such information, including
information relating to organisations registered or
affiliated with registered associations and federations
and their officials, and in so far as this may be useful
in the formulation of a national sport policy and
inventory, information relating to athletes;
(e) the power of the Council to suspend, terminate or
withdraw the registration at any time, of the body,
entity or other person that is in breach of any
regulations under this Act, or where circumstances
arise where such body, entity or other person would
have not qualified for registration;
(f) the filing by registered persons of annual accounts
(containing a balance sheet and other financial
statements indicative of the operations and financial
standing of such registered person) in such form and
with such content as may be prescribed;
(g) the filing with the Council of any amendments to the
statute of a registered person, and any returns
notifying any changes in the management or
administration, representation and offices of such
registered person; and
(h) the requirements for any registered person to benefit
under this Act.

Other powers of 40. Where in the opinion of the Council a person fails to
the Council. o bs e rv e a ny o f t he a p pl ica bl e c ri te ri a , t e r m s o r c o nd it i on s
established in connection with any assistance given by the Council
to such person, or in connection with the use of any sport facilities
granted to it by the Government or by the Council, or otherwise
fails to comply with the provisions of this Part of the Act, the
Council may:
(a) withhold any assistance from, or refuse to provide
assistance to, that person;
(b) demand a refund of any financial assistance provided
to that person;
(c) terminate any agreement with regard to any sport
facility; and
(d) exercise any other right or remedy according to law.

Publication of 41. Any document or information required to be filed with the

documents and Council in accordance with article 35 and with regulations under
article 39(f) and (g) shall be available to the public, and any person
may inspect and obtain copies of such documents and may require
them to be certificd by the Secretary of the Council.
S P OR T S [ CAP. 455. 27

42. (1) Thc Council may by letter of authority signed by the Investigation of
Chairperson of the Council appoint one or more inspectors to and assistance to
registered persons.
investieate the affairs of any registered person and to report thereon
in such manner as the Chairperson shall direct in the following
(a) on the specific request of the administrators or
managers of the register person, or following a
resolution of the appropriate organ of the registered
person in accordance with its statute;
(b) where the registered person is not complying with any
conditions or obligations relative to any assistance or
benefit enjoyed by it or arising from any use of any
sport facility granted to it under any title by the
Govemment or by the Council;
(c) where the registered person has not applied funds or
benefits received from the Council for the purposes for
which such funds or benefits were intended;
(d) where the registered person has been dissolved or
wound up according to law.
(2) The Council may also, in the instances referred to in
subarticle (1)(a) to (d), give advice to or otherwise assist the
competent organs of the registered persons and may, moreover,
appoint an administrator or administrators to carry out such
functions and exercise such powers in relation to the administration
of the assets of the registered person as well as in relation to its
operations and management as the Council may direct.
(3) In the case of a demand or request for the voluntary
dissolution or winding up of a registered person the competent
organ of the registered person that is competent to take the decision
to wind up that person shall prior to ordering the dissolution or
resolving to dissolve or wind up that registered person notify the
Council of such demand or request. On being notified with such a
request or demand, the Council shall, through persons appointed
for the purpose, give directions aimed towards the settlement of
disputes and endeavour to find a solution with the purpose of
favouring the continued viable existence of the registered person
and may for such pwpose appoint provisional administrators to
carry out such functions and exercise such powers in relation to the
administration of the assets of the registered person as well as of its
operations and management.
(4) For the purpose of the Council and provisional
administrator and inspectors carrying out their functions in
accordance with the provisions of this article, the Council, the
provisional administrators and the inspectors shall have the right to
request information and obtain documents from any person. The
inspectors shall for such purpose have the right to apply before the
First Hall of the Civil Court to request such court to summon
witnesses to appear before them to give evidence and produce
documents at such time and date and at such place indicated by the
inspectors in their application. The inspectors shall have the power
to administer the oath to any person appearing before them.
28 CAP. 455.] SPORTS

(5) In the case of a demand for the judicial winding up of a

registered person, the court taking cognisance of such demand
shall, prior to ordering the dissolution and winding up of the
registered person give such directions (including where it deems it
necessary or useful, to appoint a provisional administrator) for the
purpose of settling any disputes related to the registered person and
of finding a solution aimed at the continued viable existence of the
registered person. For the purpose of canying out his functions such
administrator may exercise such powers in relation to the
administration of the assets and operations and management of the
registered person as the Court upon his appointment, or
subsequently, may confer upon him.
(6) The Minister may from time to time in consultation with the
Council make regulations pres cribing matters necessary or
convenient to be prescribed for the carrying out or giving fuller
effect to the provisions of this article.



Dispute resolution 43. (1) The Council may, when it becomes aware of a dispute
assistance by the to which a sport organisation or persons connected therewith are
parties, through the Secretary of the Board, provide assistance in
the resolution of such disputes in all matters relating to sport or
where registered persons are involved through:
(a) the provision of mediation services in matters relating
to sport;
(b) assistance to the parties in the dispute to make
reference to arbitration in accordance with the
Cap. 387. provisions of Part IV of the Arbitration Act;
(c) through the facility of advisory opinions.
(2) The Council may, from time to time, draw up panels of
persons to give advisory opinions or act as mediators (hereinafter
in this Part of the Act referred to as "panels"). The panels shall be
composed of persons who in the opinion of the Council are
qualified to carry out the duties and functions of mediators or
advisors in matters relating to sport.
(3) The Council shall, from time to time, advise the Malta
Arbitration Centre in the drawing up of a panel or panels of
arbitrators on matters related to sport.
(4) Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating
to any contract entered into between the Council and any third
party in accordance with article 18(2), (3) and (8), or the breach,
termination or invalidity thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in
accordance with the rules of the Malta Arbitration Centre as may
from time to time be in force.
(5) Without prejudice to the provisions of subarticle (4), in the
case of a dispute, controversy or claim on matters relating to sport
or to which a registered person is a party, the parties may, if they all
so agree (a) refer the matter to the Council for mediation, or (b)
S P OR T S [ CAP. 455. 29

refer the dispute for resolution by arbitration.

44. (1) When the Council receives a reference for mediation Mediation.
or where it considers that a dispute may be resolved through
mediation procedures, it shall propose to the parties a mediator
from the panel of mediators, who if accepted by all parties shall
assist them in the resolution of the matter.
(2) Any party may withdraw from mediation procedures at any

45. (1) When a dispute is submitted to the Malta Arbitration Arbitration.

C e n t r e f o r a r b i tr a t i o n , t h e d is p u t e s h a l l , i n t h e a b s e n c e o f
agreement to the contrary by the parties involved, be determined by
a sole arbitrator to be appointed by the Chairman of the Malta
Arbitration Centre. The parties to the dispute may agree that three
persons shall be appointed to hear and determine the dispute.
Article 15(7) of the Arbitration Act shall not apply to those Cap. 387.
disputes referred to arbitration through the assistance of the
(2) Where the parties to arbitration agree, the arbitral tribunal
may decide a dispute on criteria of equity that are generally
accepted and applied within the sport movement.

46. (1) The Minister shall, after having consulted the Council, Rules for
from time to time prescribe rules governing mediation procedures. mediation and
advisory opinions.
(2) The Council shall from time to time make such rules
governing the giving of advisory opinions.

47. (1) There shall be a Sport Appeals Board, consisting of Sport Appeals
three members, of whom one, who shall be the chairperson, shall be Board.
a person who has practised as an advocate for not less than seven
(2) Thc members of the Board shall be appointed by the
Minister for a period of three years, and shall be re-eligible for
(3) A member of the Board may be challenged or shall abstain
for any reason for which ajudge may be challenged or abstain in
accordance with article 734 of the Code of Organization and Civil Cap. 12.
Procedure. In any such case the Minister shall appoint a person,
having the qualifications of the member challenged or abstaining,
to sit as a member of a Board in substitution of the said member.
(4) A member of the House of Representatives or of a Local
Council shall be disqualified from being appointed or continuing to
be a member of the Board for so long as he holds that office.
(5) The Minister shall also designate a public officer to serve as
secretary to the Board.
48. (1) An appeal shall lie to the Sport Appeals Board from Appeals to the
any decision of the Council taken pursuant to the provisions of Part Sport Appeals
VII of this Act or under article 54 and any regulations made
thereunder, and in such other cases as may from time to time be
prescribed. The right of appeal shall be competent to any person
30 CAP. 455.] SPORTS

aggrieved by such decision or matter:

Provided that the Sport Appeals Board shall not take
cognisance of any matter which according to this Act or otherwise
according to law, is to be referred to arbitration.
(2) An appeal to the Board may be filed on any of the following
(a) that a material error as to the facts has been made;
(b) that there was a material procedural error;
(c) that an error of law has been made;
(d) that there was some material illegality, including
unreasonableness or lack of proportionality;
(e) on any other ground that may from time to time be
(3) The Board shall give reasons for its decisions and shall
cause such decisions to be made public omitting, if it deems it
appropriate for reasons of confidentiality, the names of the persons
(4) In detertnining an appeal under this article the Board may:
(a) dismiss the appeal;
(b) annul, revoke or substitute the decision.
(5) The effect of a decision of the Appeals Board to which an
appeal relates shall not, except where the Board or the Court of
Appeal, as the case may be, so orders, be suspended in consequence
of the bringing of the appeal.

Powers and 49. (1) The Sport Appeals Board shall be competent to hear
procedure of the and decide any appeal made to it in accordance with the provisions
Sport Appeals
Board. of this Act and any regulations made thereunder; and the decisions
of the Board shall be final and conclusive.
(2) For the exercise of its functions, the Board may summon
any person to appear before it and give evidence and procedure
documents; and the chairperson shall have the power to administer
the oath. The Board may also appoint experts to advise the Board
on any technical issue that may be relevant to its decision.
(3) For the purposes aforesaid the Board shall have the same
powers as are competent to the First Hall, Civil Court, according to
(4) The procedure to be followed before the Board, the time
within which and the manner in which an appeal to the Board is to
be made shall be such as may be prescribed; and subject thereto,
and to any other applicable provision to this Act, the Board may
establish its own procedure.

Appeals to the 50. Any party to an appeal to the Sport Appeals Board who
Court of Appeal. feels aggrieved by a decision of the said Board, may on a question
of law decided by the said Board appeal to the Court of Appeal as
Cap. 12. constituted in accordance with article 41(6) of the Code of
Organization and Civil Procedure by means of an application filed
S P OR T S [ CAP. 455. 31

in the registry of that court within thirty days from the date on
which that decision has been notified to him.

51. For the purposes of the Criminal Code and of any Persons deemed
provisions of a penal nature, the members of the Council, and of public officers.
Cap. 9.
any directorate, management committee, advisory committee, as
well as of the Sport Appeals Board and every officer or employee
of the Council, shall be deemed to be public officers.
52. The names of the members of the Council, of the Chief Publication of
Executive Officer, and of the heads of any directorate or members names of members,
of the Council, etc.
of any committee established under this Act and of any member of
the Sport Appeals Board shall be published in the Gazette.
53. (1) The Minister may, after consultation with the Council, Power to make
make regulations prescribing matters required or permitted by this regulations.
Amended by:
Act to be prescribed, or necessary or convenient to be prescribed L.N. 427 of 2007.
for carrying out or giving full effect to the provisions of this Act.
(2) The power of the Minister to make regulations under the
provisions of this Act shall include the power to establish the
penalties in respect of any violation or contravention thereof, or
failure to comply therewith, and the applicability or otherwise of
Cap. 446.
the Probation Act:
Provided that such penalties may not exceed a fine (multa)
of two thousand and three hundred and twenty-nine euro and thirty-
seven cents (2,329.37).
54. (1) Notwithstanding any other law providing for the trial Administrative
and punishment of offences, where the Council believes that a penalties.
Amended by:
person has breached any of the provisions this Act or any L.N. 427 of 2007.
regulations made thereunder, the Council may give notice in
writing to such person describing the breach which the person has
committed and the administrative penalty he is required to pay in
respect of that breach and ordering the said person to remedy the
cause of the breach:
Provided that the Council may not require the payment of a
penalty exceeding one thousand and one hundred and sixty-four
euro and sixty-nine cents (1,164.69).
(2) Where a notice under this article has been given, and the
person named in the notice pays the penalty within the time therein
indicated, he shall be deemed to have accepted responsibility for
the breach specified in the notice unless within twenty-one days of
the service of the notice, he appeals from such notice before the
Sport Appeals Board.
(3) Where the person to whom notice is given under subarticle
(1) fails to pay the administrative penalty imposed or to remedy the
cause of the breach within the time aforesaid, proceedings may be
taken against him for enforcement according to law.
(4) The Minister may, for the purpose of this article, from time
to time make regulations prescribing the administrative fines that
32 CAP. 455.] SPORTS

the Council may impose.

Offences. 55. (1) Any person who -

Amended by:
L.N. 427 of 2007. (a) hinders, obstructs, molests or interferes with, or
attempts to hinder, obstruct, molest, or interfere with,
any officer, employee or agent of the Council, or any
inspector or administrator, in the execution of his
duties under the law, or fails to comply with any
reasonable requirement demanded of him by any such
officer, employee, agent, inspector or administrator as
aforesaid or otherwise to assist him in the carrying out
of the said duties, or knowingly furnishes such officer
or employee or agent or inspector or administrator
with false information required for the purpose
aforesaid; or
(b) knowingly makes a declaration or provides
information for any of the purposes of this Act which
is false, misleading or incorrect in any material
shall be guilty of an offence against this Act and shall be liable on
conviction to a fine (multa).
(2) Any person who fails to comply with the provisions of any
regulations providing for anti-doping measures or regulating or
prohibiting the unsanctioned use of prohibited substances or
regulating behaviour in sport facilities shall on conviction be liable
to imprisonment for a term of not less than three months but not
exceeding ten years or to a fine (multa) of not less than four
hundred and sixty-five euro and eighty-seven cents (465.87) but
not exceeding twenty-three thousand and two hundred and ninety-
three euro and seventy-three cents (23,293.73) or to both such
imprisonment and fine.
(3) Any person who fails to comply with the provisions of this
Act or of any regulations made thereunder shall be guilty of an
offence under this Act and shall, unless a particular penalty is
provided for in this Act or is otherwise prescribed be liable, on
conviction, to a fine (multa) of not less than one hundred and
sixteen euro and forty-seven cents (116.47) and not more than one
thousand and one hundred and sixty-four euro and sixty-nine cents
(4) The punishments provided in this Act shall be without
Cap. 9. prejudice to the application of the provisions of the Criminal Code
or of any other law.

Prescription. 56. Notwithstanding any other law, proceedings for an offence

under this Act may be commenced at any time within six years
from the commission of the offence.
S P OR T S [ CAP. 455. 33


(Article 16)
List of facilities allocated to Clubs/Associations/Federations:
Club/Association/Federation Facilities Address
Marsaskala Sports Club Waterpolo pitch and club Triq iż-Żonqor, Marsaskala
Marsaxlokk Aquatic Sports Waterpolo pitch and club Ponta tal-Qrejten,
Club house Marsaxlokk
N e p t u n e s Wa t e r p o l o & Waterpolo pitch and club Triq il-Kbira, St Julians
Swimming Club house
S a n Ġi l j a n A q u a t i c S p o r t s Waterpolo pitch and club Triq Ġorġ Borg Olivier, St
Club house Julians
Barracudas Aquatic Spor ts Waterpolo pitch and club Triq Stella Maris, St Paul’s
Club house Bay
Sirens Aquatic Sports Club Waterpolo pitch and club Xatt il-Lanċa, Triq S.
house Ġeraldu, St Paul’s Bay
Sliema Aquatic Sports Club Waterpolo pitch and club Taħt il-Fonizza, Sliema
Exiles Sports Club Waterpolo pitch and club Triq it-Torri, Sliema
Ta ’ X b i e x A q u a t i c S p o r t s Waterpolo pitch and club Triq ix-Xatt ta’ Ta’ Xbiex,
Club house Ta’ Xbiex
Malta Football Association National Stadium, car park Ta’ Qali
training grounds and a
piece of land
Assoċjazzjoni Sportiva Football pitch and training Sport Complex, Kordin
Hibernians ground (including premises
annexed thereto)
Sports pavilion and
basketball court
Piece of land
7-a-side football pitch Tr i q l - I s q o f B u h a g i a r,
(including premises Kordin
annexed thereto)
Dingli Swallows Football Football pitch and dressing Tr i q C a r m e l o B u g e j a ,
Club rooms Dingli
Marsaxlokk Football Club Football pitch and dressing Tr i q i t - Tr u n ċ i e r a ,
rooms Marsaxlokk
Mellieħa Sports Club Football pitch and dressing Triq Vincenzo Ciappara,
rooms Mellieħa
Mosta Football Club Full size football pitch, Triq Manwella, Mosta
five-a-side football pitch
and dressing rooms
Pietà Hotspurs Football Club Football pitch and club Triq id-Duluri, Pietà
Luxol Sports Club Football pitch (including St Andrews Road,
(St Andrews) all premises annexed St Andrews
Administrative block
2 five-a-sde football
pitches (including all
premises annexed thereto)
34 CAP. 455.] SPORTS

Club/Association/Federation Facilities Address

Santa Lucia Football Club Full size football pitch with D a w r e t i t - To r r i , S a n t a
spectators’ stand and club Luċija
house including dressing
Sirens Football Club Football pitch and dressing Tr i q i l - Wi l e ġ , St P a u l ’s
rooms Bay
Siġġiewi Football Club Full size football pitch l/o Wied Ħesri, Siġġiewi
(including premises
annexed thereto)
Tarxien Rainbows Football Football pitch, club house Triq San Franġisk, Tarxien
Club and dressing rooms
Vittoriosa Stars Football Club Football pitch Tal-Fortini f ’San Dwardu,
Żabbar St Patrick’s Football Football pitch and dressing Barra s-Swar, Żabbar
Club rooms
Żurrieq Football Club Football pitch and dressing Valletta Road, Żurrieq
Scouts Association of Malta Land at Għajn Tuffieħa Għajn Tuffieħa
Mosta Girl Guides Premises at Mosta Triq id-Dwar, Mosta
Birżebbuġia Boċċi Club Boċċi pitch and club house Triq San Patrizju,
Birżebbuġia Aquatic Sports Waterpolo pitch and club Tr i q i l - B a j j a s - S a b i ħ a ,
Club house Birżebbuġia
Lija Boċċi Club Boċċi pitch and club house Triq it-Trasfigurazzjoni,
Lija Tennis Club Tennis court Triq Karlu Darmanin, Lija
Dressing room Triq it-Trasfigurazzjoni,
Marsa Regatta Club Club house Il-Moll tal-Braken, Marsa
Mosta Cycling Club Club house Triq id-Dwar, Mosta
Hockey Association Malta Immovable property Hockey Complex, Kordin
(including 2 hockey pitches
and dressing rooms)
Tennis Club Kordin 4 tennis courts, club house Sport Complex, Kordin
and dressing rooms
Vittoriosa Lawn Tennis Club 4 tennis courts, club house Sport Complex, Kordin
and dressing rooms
Paola Boċċi Club Boċċi pitch and club house Triq il-Wied, Paola
Pawla Wolves Sports Club Boċċi pitch and club house Tri q it -Telgħ a ta’ Raħal
Ġdid, Paola
Malta Judo Federation Land at Pembroke Pembroke
Melita Football Club Football pitch Pembroke
Pembroke Tennis Club 2 tennis courts Triq Tunis, Pembroke
Pembroke Athleta Sports Club Basketball pitch and Pembroke
Malta Tennis Federation Land at Pembroke Pembroke
BMX Association Land at Pembroke Pembroke
Island Radio Model Car Club Land at Pembroke Pembroke
Qormi Hockey Club Hockey pitch and club Triq Manwel Dimech,
house Qormi
S P OR T S [ CAP. 455. 35

Club/Association/Federation Facilities Address

Senglea Boċċi Club Boċċi pitch and club house Tr i q i l- Ħ a b s l - A n t i k ,
Paola/Tarxien Boċċi Club 2 Boċċi pitches and club Triq it-Tempji Neolitiċi,
house Tarxien
Żabbar St Peters Boċċi Club Boċċi pitch and club house Triq San Leonardu, Żabbar
Żabbar Boċċi Club Boċċi pitch and club house Triq il-Kunvent, Żabbar
Żebbuġ Boċċi Club Boċċi pitch and club house Triq Pariżi, Żebbuġ
Żejtun Boċċi Club Boċċi pitch and club house Tr i q i d - D aħ l a ta ’ S a n
Tumas, Żejtun
Guy Boċċi Club Żurrieq Boċċi pitch and club house Triq il-Mitħna, Żurrieq
Sannat Lions Football Club Football pitch, complete Triq il-Marżiena, Sannat,
with spectators’ stand and Gozo
club house
Malta Basketball Association Basketball court, dressing Ta’ Qali
rooms and office
Birkirkara Scout Group Ex-camp site Baħar iċ- Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq
Pembroke/St Andrews Scout Part of Sandhurst School Pembroke
& Pembroke/North District grounds
Girl Guides
South District Scouts Group Part of ex-Rinella WT Daħla tar-Rinella
Hamrun Liberty Sports Club Boċċi pitch and club house Tr i q M i l e E n d c / w Tr i q
Schembri, Ħamrun
Birkirkara Football Club Football pitch and dressing Triq Bontadi ni c/w Tri q
rooms P.P. Castagna, Birkirkara
5-a-side football pitch
Marsa Football Club Football pitch and dressing Triq Diċembru 13, Marsa
Mqabba Football Club Football pitch and dressing Triq il-Madonna tal-Ġilju,
rooms Mqabba
Pembroke Athleta Sports Club Land at Pembroke Pembroke
Qormi Football Club Football pitch and dressing Triq Valletta, Qormi
St. Patrick’s Athletics Club Club house Dawret il-Gudja, Gudja
Birkirkara Tennis Club Land at Birkirkara Għar il-Ġobon, Birkirkara
Rinella Tennis Club Te n n i s c o u r t a n d c l u b E x - R i n e l l a W T St a t i on ,
house Rinella
Malta Sports Council Marsa Sports Complex Marsa according to the
attached plan marked
Schedule 1A
Malta Sports Council Cottonera Regional Sports Cottonera according to the
Complex attached plan marked
Schedule 1B
Malta Amateur Athletic Premises at Marsa 6 a n d 7 Tr i q i t - Ti ġ r i j a ,
Association Marsa
Kirkop Boċċi Club Club house and boċċi pitch Triq Salvu Sacco, Kirkop
Santa Lucia Boċċi Club Club house and boċċi pitch Vjal Oleander, Santa Lucia
Qrendi Boċċi Club Club house and boċċi pitch Tr i q A n t o n i o C h i r c o p ,
San Bastjan Boċċi Club Club house and boċċi pitch Ta’ l-Istabar, Triq Manuel
Dimech, Qormi
36 CAP. 455.] SPORTS

Club/Association/Federation Facilities Address

Pietà Boċċi Club Club house and boċċi pitch Triq Marina, Pietà
Wied il-Għajn Boċċi Club Club house and boċċi pitch T r i q S a n t a Te r e ż a c / w
Pjazza Dun Tarċis Agius,
Wied il-Għajn
Mosta Boċċi Club Club house and boċċi pitch Trejqa tal-Paroċċa, Mosta
Fgura Football Club Football ground and Triq A.M. Valperga, Fgura
dressing rooms
Żejtun Red Stars AFC Club house and store Triq San Girgor, Żejtun
Mellieħa Sports Club Land adjacent to football Triq Qasam Barran i,
ground Mellieħa
Gozo Football Association Footbal ground and Tr i q I - I m ġ a r r, X e w k i j a,
premises Gozo
Birżebbuġa Shooters Club Shooting club and shooting Ħal Far
Regatta Club Cospicua Club house and stores T r i q S a n t a Te r e ż a ,
Għaqda Sajjieda u Dilettanti Land adjacent to Triq il- Buġibba l/o San Pawl il-
Buġibba Knisja Baħar
Rabat Scouts Group Land at Rabat Triq Rudolph Saliba, Rabat
Malta Playing Fields Premises at Ta’ Xbiex Triq ix-Xatt ta’ Ta’ Xbiex.
Association Ta’ Xbiex
Paola Wolves Sports Club Land al Paola Telgħet Raħal Ġdid, Raħal
M a r s a S p o r t s a nd Co u n t r y Land at Marsa Marsa
Young Sailors Club Site at St Paul’s Bay St Paul’s Bay
Assoċjazzjoni Sport Floriana Site at Floriana Sport Co mp lex, Triq
Vincenzo Dimech c/w Triq
il-Mall, Floriana
Floriana Football Club Football grounds and Sport Co mp lex, Triq
dressing rooms/pump Vincenzo Dimech c/w Triq
room il-Mall, Floriana
Young Stars Hockey Club Hockey pitch Sport Co mp lex, Triq
Vincenzo Dimech c/w Triq
il-Mall, Floriana
Floriana Basketball Club Basketball court and Sport Co mp lex, Triq
dressing rooms Vincenzo Dimech c/w Triq
il-Mall, Floriana
Floriana Boċċi Club Club house and boċċi pitch Sport Co mp lex, Triq
Vincenzo Dimech c/w Triq
il-Mall, Floriana
Drag Racing Association Site at Ħal Far Ħal Far
Island Karting Club Site at Ħal Far Ħal Far
Marsa Boċċi Club Club house and boċċi pitch K u m p l e s s s p o r t i v, Tr i q
Diċembru Tlettax, Marsa
St George’s Football Club Club house 1 4 B l o k k A , Tr i q i l -
Pellegrina, Cospicua
Ċentru Boċċi Buġibba Club house and boċċi pitch Islet Promenade, Buġibba
Għaqda Sajjieda Dilettanti Site at Birżebbuġa Birżebbuġa
Birkirkara Scout Group Land at Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq
S P OR T S [ CAP. 455. 37

Club/Association/Federation Facilities Address

Malta Model Aircraft Flying Land at Ta’ Qali Ta’ Qali


L.N. 427 of 2007.
(Article 2)
(as amended on the 7th March 2001 )
1.1 The Organisation shall be called "The Malta Olympic Committee"
hereinafter referred to as the MOC and shall be the supreme and exclusive authority
on matters relating to representation of Malta at the Olympic Games,
Commonwealth Games, Mediterranean Games, Games of Small States of Europe and
other Intemational Games which fall under the jurisdiction of the Malta Olympic
1.2 The MOC is autonomous and shall resist all pressures of any kind
whatsoever, whether political, religious, racial or economic, and commits itself to
taking action against any form of discrimination and violence in sport. Moreover,
this statute shall, at all times, be in accordance with the Olympic Charter. The MOC
undertakes to comply with the rules and bye-laws of the IOC with regards to the
participation of athletes in the Olympic Games.
1.3 The Malta Olympic Emblem is designed as follows: A Red Maltese Cross
above five interlaced rings, known as the "Olympic Rings" - blue, yellow, black,
green and red - arranged in that order from left to right, the blue colour being placed
on the top left hand side. The Flag shall consist of the MOC Emblem on white
background. These have been approved by the International Olympic Committee
(IOC) and are the exclusive property of the MOC. Should an anthem be adopted by
the MOC, this will have to be approved by the IOC. The address of the MOC shall be
at the National Swimming Pool Complex, Gzira, or at any other address as the
Executive Board may from time to time decide.
1.4 The language of the MOC is the Maltese language. The Maltese and English
languages shall be the official languages of the MOC and the administration may for
all official purposes use any of such languages.
2.1 The objectives of the MOC shall be:
2.1.1 To encourage and promote interests in such sports as may form part of the
Olympic Games, Commonwealth Games, Mediterranean Games, Games of the Small
States of Europe as well as any International Games, for which participation falls
under the jurisdiction of the MOC.
2.1.2 To foster and if necessary subsidise the representation for Malta at the
Olympic Games, Commonwealth Games and Mediterranean Games, Games of Small
States of Europe as well as any International Games.
2.1.3 To ensure that preparations by prospective participants are of a standard
that would ensure participation with honour in all events.
38 CAP. 455.] SPORTS

2.1.4 To contribute in any way to the propagation of the Fundamental Principles

of the Olympic Movement. Consequently the MOC shall:
(a) Propagate the fundamental principles of Olympism at national level
within the framework of sports activity and otherwise contribute, among
other things, to the diffusion of Olympism in the teaching programmes
of physical education and sport in schools and university
establishments. The MOC is to see to the creation of institutions, which
devote themselves to Olympic education and in particular to concern
itself with the establishment and activities of National Olympic
Academies, Olympic Museums and cultural programmes related to the
Olympic Movement.
(b) Ensure the observance of the Olympic Charter.
(c) Encourage the development of sport.
(d) Help in the training of sports administrators.
(e) Fight against the use of substances and procedures prohibited by the
IOC or the IFs.
(f) Work to maintain harmonious and cooperative relations with
appropriate governmental bodies. Nevertheless, the MOC shall preserve
its autonomy and resist all pressures of any kind, including those of a
political, religious or economic nature, that may prevent it from
complying with the Olympic Charter.
2.1.5 To offer solutions to the various problems of sport in Malta and to develop
sport in general in Malta.
2.1.6 The Malta Olympic Committee, an organisation belonging to the Olympic
Movement, hereby undertakes to respect the provisions of the Olympic Charter and
the Olympic Movement Anti Doping Code and to abide by the decisions of the IOC.ż
The MOC undertakes, in accordance with its mission and role at national
level, to participate in actions to promote peace and to promote women in sport, and
to support and encourage the promotion of sport ethics, to fight against doping and
to demonstrate a responsible concern for environmental issues.
2.1.7 The mission of the MOC is to develop and protect the Olympic Movement
in Malta in accordance with the Olympic Charter. In order to fulfil its mission, the
MOC may cooperate with governmental or non-governmental bodies. However, the
MOC must never associate itself with any activity, which would be in contradiction
with the Olympic Charter.
3.1 The MOC shall be affiliated to the International Olympic Committee,
Commonwealth Games Federation, Mediterranean Games Organisation and the
Games of the Small States of Europe. The MOC may also affiliate to any other
international sports organisation.
4.1 The MOC shall consist of:
4.1.1 Affiliated Associations / Federations / Sport Unions.
4.1.2 The President and General Secretary of the MOC.
4.1 3 The Maltese member(s) of the IOC.
4.1.4 Olympians as specified in art 5.1.15.
S P OR T S [ CAP. 455. 39

4.1.5 Government or other public authorities shall not designate any members of
an NOC.
4.1.6 The individual members of the MOC, with the exception of those who
devote themselves to the administration of sport, shall accept no salary or bonus of
any kind in consideration for the performance of their functions.
4.1.7 A member, honorary member or any person expelled from the IOC may not
be a member of the MOC.
5.1 All properly constituted active local Associations / Federations / Sport
Unions organising, on a national level, a sport which forms part of the programme of
any Games that fall under the jurisdiction of the MOC, or a sport which is either
recognised by the IOC or any other sport, including traditional sport, shall be
eligible for affiliation to the MOC.
The MOC shall include all national federations affiliated to the IFs
governing sports included in the programme of the Olympic Games or the
representatives designated by them (with a minimum of five such national
federations). Proof must be adduced that these national federations exercise a
specific and real sport activity in their country and internationally, in particular by
organizing and participating in competitions and implementing training programmes
for athletes. The MOC shall not recognize more than one national federation for each
sport governed by such IF.
Athletes or retired athletes having taken part in the Olympic Games;
however, the latter must retire from their posts at the latest by the end of the third
Olympiad after the last Olympic Games in which they took part.
The NOCs may also include as members:
a) National federations affiliated to IFs recognized by the IOC, the sports
of which are not included in the programme of the Olympic Games.
b) Multi-sport groups and other sport-oriented organizations or their
representatives, as well as nationals of the country liable to reinforce
the effectiveness of the MOC or who have rendered distinguished
services to the cause of sport of Olympism.
5.1.1 Each particular sport shall be represented in the Malta Olympic Committee
by one Association/Federation/Sport Unions.
5.1.2 All applications for affiliation shall be examined by the Executive Board
in order to verify whether such applications are in conformity with these Rules. The
Board will then submit its recommendations to the Council for final decision.
5.1.3 If it results to the satisfaction of the MOC Executive Board that any
affiliated Association/Federation/Sport Union is in default in respect of any of the
criteria for affiliation as established in this article, the Executive Board will then
recommend to the Council that such Association/Federation/Sport Union be either
suspended or expelled. The Executive Board may also make such recommendation
for any reason which it deems fit. The Council will then have the power to suspend
for a definite time or expel such Association/Federation/Sport Union.
5.1.4 A motion of removal of an affiliated Association/Federation/Sport Union
or any individual member must appear on the Agenda of the meeting and shall
require the approval of at least two-thirds of the members present at the meeting for
its adoption.
40 CAP. 455.] SPORTS

5.1.5 Any individual may be suspended or otherwise dealt with. He shall be

notified by registered letter within seven days of suspension, the date and period of
5.1.6 An Association/Federation/Sport Union which is suspended shall be
notified by registered letter by not later than seven days of the decision indicating
the date and period of suspension.
5.1.7 A term of suspension commences from the time it is pronounced by the
MOC unless otherwise stipulated and does not expire until the close of the day
named in the decision.
5.1.8 Any properly constituted active local sports Association/Federation/Sport
Union, which is not an MOC affiliated Association/Federation/Sport Union, and
which must have been set up for at least two years, may be accepted by the Council,
with a unanimous vote, as an Associate member of the Malta Olympic Committee.
5.1.9 An Association/Federation/Sport Union which potentially can become a
full member of the MOC requires a two thirds majority vote of the Council to be
5.1.10 One representative of each Associate member shall have the right to attend
Council Meetings, but shall not have the right to vote.
5.1.11 Associate and/or recognised members may benefit from any programme or
project of the Malta Olympic Committee.
5.1.12 The MOC shall recognise the Olympians Club composed of athletes or
retired athletes having taken part in the Olympic Games.
5.1.13 The Olympians Club shall be constituted according to Annex C.
5.1.14 For the purpose of representing of the Olympians Club on the MOC
Council, such athlete will only be eligible up to the third Olympiad after the last
Olympic Games in which he/she took part.
5.1.15 The Olympians Club shall have one representative on the Council.
6.1 The Council shall be the highest organ of the MOC and will be the policy-
making body.
6.1.1 The President of the MOC, the General Secretary of the MOC and the two
representatives of each of the affiliated Associations/Federations/Sport Unions,
whose fees are paid up, shall constitute the Council and shall have voting powers.
The President shall also have a casting vote.
6.1.2 Legal representation of the MOC shall be vested in the person or persons
so appointed for the particular issue by the Management Committee. All Elected
members of the Executive shall assume office immediately after the meeting at
which they are elected and remain in office until the end of their respective term of
office or until they retire. Members will be eligible for re-election.
6.1.3 The Council shall have the power to co-opt not more than four members
from outside the Organisation for a period of not more than one year. However, the
Council may appoint any number of individuals to assist on any specific project
which does not have a direct bearing on the administration of the MOC.
6.1.4 The President and General Secretary of the MOC shall relinquish their post
as President, General Secretary or Treasurer of any affiliated Association/
Federation/Sport Union, if they hold such posts on being elected as officers of the
S P OR T S [ CAP. 455. 41

MOC. The President and General Secretary of the MOC cannot hold the post of
President, General Secretary or Treasurer with any affiliated Association/Federation/
Sport Union.
7.1 The Council shall have the power to administer the affairs of the MOC and
shall consist of the following:
7.1.1 The President of the MOC.
7.1.2 The General Secretary of the MOC.
7.1.3 The Maltese member/s of the IOC.
7.1.4 The co-opted members but without the right to vote.
7.1.5 Two representatives of each of the affiliated Associations/Federations/
Sport Unions.
7.1.6 The members of the Executive Board who are not the Council Members,
but without the right to vote.
7.1.7 Representative of the Olympians Club.
8.1 The Council will meet at least three times in a year, once during January/
March, another time during June/July and the third time during November/
8.2 Documents to be discussed and approved by Council shall be submitted to
all council members at least 30 days prior to the meeting.
8.3 Twenty-five per cent of all the members of the MOC having the right to vote
shall form a quorum at all meetings. If the said quorum is not attained after one hour
from the scheduled time, a second meeting shall be convened not before 7 days and
not later than one month from the date of the first meeting and the quorum shall be
the members present at the second meeting.
8.4.1 The following shall have the right to vote at all meetings:
a) The President;
b) The General Secretary;
c) The Maltese Member/s of the IOC, if any;
d) Two representatives of each of the affiliated Associations/Federations/
Sport Unions.
e) Representative of the Olympians Club.
8.4.2 The President and General Secretary have no vote in respect of the
elections of the Executive Board members.
8.5.1 When dealing with questions relating to the Olympic Games, only the
votes cast by national federations affiliated to IFs governing sports included in the
programme of the Olympic Games are taken into consideration.
8.5.2 The MOC shall not recognise more than one national federation for each
sport governed by such IF.
Furthermore, such national federations or the representatives chosen by
them must constitute the voting majority of the MOC on Olympic matters.
When the representatives do not reach agreement on whether the subject
42 CAP. 455.] SPORTS

discussed is an Olympic matter or otherwise, the President or person chairing the

meeting shall rule on what constitutes an Olympic matter basing his decision on
what is provided in the Olympic Charter. Such ruling shall not be subject to
challenge by Council Members.
8.5.3 Save as specified on Art. 8.8.2 all votes shall be determined by simple
majority of the members present.
8.6 All voting at all council meetings shall be determined by the show of hands
unless a secret vote is called by any member.
8.7 Council meetings shall be summoned by the Secretary General, following a
discussion by the Executive. The Secretary General shall inform all those entitled to
attend by means of a circular to be sent by not later than sixty (60) days prior to the
meeting. The accidental non-receipt of the Agenda or any document attached to it
shall not be considered in any way an infringement of this sub-section.
8.8.1 Amendments to the Statute can be proposed in the first council meeting of
the year, by the Executive Board or by an affiliated Association/Federation/Sports
Unions as long as they are submitted to the Secretary General of the MOC at least
six weeks before the meeting in order to be sent to all members thirty (30) days prior
to the council meeting.
8.8.2 Amendments carried require the approval of two-thirds of the members
present with the right to vote. However amendments to the annexes shall only
require a simple majority for amendments.
8.8.3 Any subsequent change to the statutes as originally approved by the IOC
shall also be communicated to the latter with a request for approval.
8.9.1 In the last meeting in the year of the Olympic Games the Council will elect
the President and the Secretary General of the MOC and the other members of the
Executive Board consisting of the Deputy President, the Director of Finance, the
Director of Sport and eight (8) other directors. This meeting shall be known as the
Elective General Assembly.
8.9.2 Save as provided below, the eight persons polling the highest number of
votes during the Elective General Assembly shall be declared elected. In the case of
a tie for the last elected Director, there will be further elections between the
candidates who obtained the same number of votes.
However, the gentleman and lady obtaining the highest number of votes
f r o m g e n t l e m en o r l a d ie s s t a n d i n g f o r e l ec t i o n , s ha l l b e d e c l ar e d el e c te d
notwithstanding that he/she is not included with the top eight, provided that he/she
shall have obtained a minimum of 10% of the valid votes cast. In this latter case, the
last elected candidate will be replaced by the gentleman/lady as specified in the sub-
section. Should no gentleman/lady be elected as stated above, the Executive shall,
during its first meeting co-opt its eighth director accordingly with full voting rights.
8.10 Notice of resolutions must reach the Secretary General of the MOC at least
six weeks prior to the meeting. Resolutions not notified may not be discussed until
the appropriate procedure is followed.
9.1.1 The Executive Board will be responsible to put into effect the policy as
decided by the Council and to run the affairs of the MOC in conformity with that
9.1.2 The Executive Board will consist of the persons elected as per article 8.
They shall hold office from the moment they are declared elected up to the next
S P OR T S [ CAP. 455. 43

Elective General Assembly. The Executive shall appoint from amongst its members,
directors responsible for the various duties mentioned in 9.2 below or any other duty,
which it feels fit to assign.
9.1.3 The Maltese IOC member/s shall be ex officio member/s of the Executive
9.1.4 The duties of the Executive Board, inter alia, are the following:
a) Deal with all business of the MOC (not policy);
b) Deal with urgent business of the MOC on behalf of the MOC. These
decisions are to be ratified later at the first Council Meeting;
c) Raise funds and take charge of teams representing Malta.
9.1.5 The Executive Board is summoned by the President or Secretary General
at least ten times a year or at the request of two members. Six members shall form a
9.1.6 There shall be a Management Committee of the MOC. This shall consist of
the President, Deputy President, Secretary General, Director of Finance and Director
of Sports.
9.1.7 The Management Committee shall be responsible for the day to day
management of the MOC according to the policy established by the Council.
9.1.8 The Management Committee shall meet as often as required. Three shall
constitute a quorum.
9.1.9 The minutes of the Management Committee shall be approved by the
Management Committee. However, they shall be circulated to all Executive
Committee Members.
9.1.10 The Management Committee shall not borrow or enter into any loan
agreements totalling more than fifty-eight thousand and two hundred and thirty-four
euro and thirty-three cents (€58,234.33) without the prior approval of the Council. It
cannot hypothecate MOC property without the prior approval of Council.
9.1.11 Once every six months the Management Committee shall hold a meeting
with the Presidents of the Associations/Federations/Sports Unions whose sports is
included in the next Olympiad, and of the other Sports Associations/Federations/
Sports Unions separately. In special cases, if the President of an Association/
Federation/Sports Union cannot attend, his/her Deputy President or his/her Secretary
General can attend instead of him/her.
9.2 Specific Duties
9.2.1 The duties of Executive Board members are the following:
9.2.2 The President will chair all meetings of the Council, the Executive Board
and the Management Committee. The President shall be ultimately responsible for
all matters and he has the right to exercise the casting vote.
9.2.3 The Deputy President will perform all the duties of the President in his
absence. He will be responsible for the functioning of all the commissions of the
MOC and also to act as coordinator in respect of such MOC Commissions.
9.2.4 The Secretary General will be responsible for the running of the secretariat
and the day to day running of the MOC. He will also be responsible for the relations
with member Associations/Federations/Sport Unions.
9.2.5 Director of Finance will be responsible for finance and will also present a
yearly budget for approval to the Executive Board. The Director of Finance will
44 CAP. 455.] SPORTS

present professionally audited accounts of the preceding year during the first
Council Meeting of each year, except for the first Council Meeting of the
Quadrennial. He shall present the pr ofessionally audited accounts for the
Quadrennial, during the Elective General Assembly.
9.2.6 Director of Sport will be responsible for the sports programme and
technical programme of the MOC. He will co-ordinate with member Associations/
Federations/Sport Unions as far as technical matters are concerned. He will also be
responsible for sports facilities. He will act as chairman of the sports commission.
He will be responsible for all matters connected with the Olympic Games,
Mediterranean Games, Commonwealth Games, Games of the Small States of Europe
and the European Youth Olympic Days.
Other duties of members elected on the Executive Board, could include
that of
9.2.7 Deputy Secretary General who will work in close collaboration with the
Secretary General and will deputise for him in his absence.
9.2.8 Director of Marketing who will be responsible for the planning and
execution of a marketing programme. He will be responsible for the relations with
sponsors. He will safeguard the emblem and marks of the International Olympic
Committee and of the Malta Olympic Committee.
9.2.9 Director of Media and Public Relations who will be responsible to project
the right image of the MOC and to inform the public on all activities organised by
the MOC. He will be responsible for all MOC publications and ancillary matters.
9.2.10 Director of Youth Programme who will be responsible to formulate a
policy on young athletes and on the role of sport in education at all levels. He will be
responsible for the organisation of the Log?ob g?a?-?g?a?ag? (Malta Olympic Youth
Sports Fest) and for all matters connected with the European Youth Olympic Days
and Giochi della Gioventù.
9.2.11 Director of the Olympic Academy who will be responsible to set up the
Academy and to hold regular courses and seminars for the promulgation of the
Olympic Ideals and he will also be responsible for the Sports Library and the
9.2.12 Director of Relations with Government who shall be responsible to discuss
and improve the relations with Government Departments (eg. Income Tax, VAT) and
Authorities (Planning, Tourism), in order to improve the position of MOC, its
affiliated federations, and sports Associations/Federations/Sport Unions in general
in Malta.
9.2.13 Director responsible for Sport for All.
9.2.14 Director responsible for Ethics.
9.2.15 The Executive is empowered to assign the above-mentioned duties as well
as other duties to be decided upon, to anyone of the Executive Directors, including
members of the Management Committee, and may assign more than one of the
above-mentioned duties to the same director, as well as assign part of these duties to
one director and part to another director.
9.3 Vacancies
9.3.1 Vacancies of executive Board Members must be filled not later than two
months from the date that the Council meets and acknowledges a resignation, or
other reason that creates a vacancy. Meetings called for the purpose of election of
officers must be notified to all members at least fifteen days in advance.
S P OR T S [ CAP. 455. 45


10.1 The last Council meeting held in the year of the Olympic Games will be
deemed as the Elective General Assembly. The Agenda shall only include the
a) Address by the President.
b) Review of activities by Directors.
c) Approval of audited accounts.
d) Election of the President, the Deputy President, the Secretary General,
the Director of Finance, the Director of Sport and eight (8) other
e) Appointment of a qualified Auditor.
10.2 Nomination for any post must be duly proposed by any one Association/
Federation/Sport Union and seconded by another member Association/Federation/
Sport Union. The nominated candidate must signify his acceptance even if this is
done by fax. All nominations are to be acknowledged in writing.
10.3 These nominations are to be submitted to the MOC secretariat at least 42
days in the case of the President and 28 days in the case of the other Directors prior
to the Elective General Assembly or any Council Meeting where elections are to be
made and will be circulated to all member federations ten days before such meetings.
11.1 Extraordinary Council Meetings shall be called any time they are requested
by the President, or by the Executive Board or by at least one fourth of all member
Associations/Federations/Sport Unions have the right to vote. The objectives of
calling such a meeting must be clearly stated. No item other than that/those specified
on the Agenda shall be decided. "Any other matter" is not to be considered as a
specific item.
12.1 The Executive Board shall nominate the following commissions and any
other commission as the Board may deem fit:
a) Medical;
b) Legal;
c) Athletes;
d) Women;
12.1.1 The Chairman of each Commission are to attend in an observer capacity to
the Executive Board meetings whensoever they shall be called upon to do so.
12.1.2 The President, the Deputy President and General Secretary will be ex
officio members on all commissions.
12.1.3 All reports shall be presented to the Executive Board in writing. These
reports will be presented also to the Council.
13.1 Sub-committees and/or special committees may be appointed by the Council
to consider and report upon any question that may be referred to them. The number
to form a special committee or sub-committee and the number to form a quorum
shall be determined by the Council.
46 CAP. 455.] SPORTS

13.2 The President, the General Secretary and Deputy President shall be ex
officio members on all committees. All reports shall be presented to the Council in
writing and after having been read and adopted shall be noted in the minutes.
14.1 Any decision taken by a Disciplinary Tribunal set up by the Malta Olympic
Committee may be submitted exclusively by way of appeal to the Court of
Arbitration for Sports in Lausanne, Switzerland, which will resolve the dispute
definitely in accordance with the Code of Sports-Related Arbitration. The time limit
for appeal is twenty-one days after reception of the decision concerning the appeal.
15.1 Executive board members failing to attend three (3) consecutive meetings or
a total of five (5) out of (9) meetings without justified reasons or fail to do their
duties according to the terms of reference as stated in Rule 9.2, shall be considered
as not in good standing. Such persons shall be considered as having resigned if they
do not justify their case at the first Council Meeting after such default.
15.2 A registered letter should be sent to such persons to attend this Council
16.1 A resolution shall not be rescinded unless the counter resolution has the
support of two-thirds of the members present.
17.1 All matters discussed at MOC meetings shall be deemed as privileged.
However, the MOC may from time to time inform any member Association/
Federations/Sports Union, or the media about its decision.
18.1 Any business or motion not dealt with by the closing of the meeting shall be
adjourned and given priority at the next meeting.
19.1 The financial year of the MOC will be from the beginning of November till
the end of October.
20.1 Matters relating to international participation and not provided for in the
statute shall be dealt with in accordance with the IOC rules, or rules governing the
international event at the ti me. Shou ld there be any dou bt concerni ng the
interpretation of this constitution or omissions or discrepancies between it and the
provisions of the "Olympic Charter", the latter shall prevail.
20.2 The MOC shall constitute, organise and lead its delegation at the Olympic
Games and at the regional, continental or world multi-sports competitions patronised
by the IOC. The MOC shall be responsible for the behaviour of the members of its
20.3 The Malta Olympic Committee shall have the exclusive powers for the
representation of Malta at the Olympic Games and at the regional, continental or
world multi-sports competitions patronized by the IOC.
The Malta Olympic Committee has the authority to apply to organize
International Games in Malta. The MOC shall comply with rules 31 - 35 and the bye-
laws to Rules 31 and 32 of the Olympic Charter.
S P OR T S [ CAP. 455. 47

21.1 Any member not conforming with any directive given by the Chairman
during any meeting may be suspended by the Chairman.
22.1. The MOC Council shall have the power to grant the status of Associate
member to any Association/Federation/Sport Union. Such associate member may
attend Council Meetings but shall not have the right to vote. However, the President
may grant the representative of such Association/Federation/Sports Union, the right
to address the Council.
22.2 The MOC Council shall have the power to give recognition to the National
Associations/Federations/Sports Union. A recognised Association/Federation/Sports
Union may attend council meetings but shall not have the right to vote.
22.3 All affiliated associated, or recognised Associations/Federations/Sports
Unions must inform the Malta Olympic Committee whenever they hold a general
meeting, at least fifteen days prior to the date of such General Meeting. The MOC
shall appoint a delegate to attend such General Meeting and to report on business
conducted thereat.
22.4. All decisions taken at any General Meeting of an affiliated Association/
Federation/Sport Union are to be notified to the Malta Olympic Committee within
fifteen days.
23.1 The Annual subscription Fee shall be of fifty-eight euro and twenty-three
cents (€58.23) to be paid in advance by the 31st January of each year. A list of all
Associations/Federations/Sport Unions affiliated to the MOC will be circulated
during the first week of February and before the first Council Meeting. Associations/
Federations/Sport Unions who are in arrears for two months shall after notice of
such action be suspended. Such Associations/ Federations/Sport Unions may
however be reinstated should they bring their subscription up to date and pay a fine
which the MOC may deem fit, but not exceeding two hundred and thirty-two euro
and ninety-four cents (€232.94).
24.1 1n the event of the MOC being dissolved or disbanded the assets shall be
divided equally between the affiliated Associations/Federations/ Sports Unions.
25.1 The MOC is the sole interpreter of these rules but should there be any doubt
concerning the interpretation of this Constitution or omission or discrepancies
between it and the provisions of the "Olympic Charter", the latter shall prevail.

...................................................... ..................................................
Mr. Justice Lino Farrugia Sacco Joseph Cassar
President Secretary General

48 CAP. 455.] SPORTS

Index by Subject
Article Subject
18 Adjournment
3 Affiliation
14 Appeals
12 Commissions
4 Constitution
7 The Council
8 Council Regulations
24 Dissolution
5 Eligibility for Affiliation
11 Extraordinary Council Meetings
19 Financial Year
6 Governing Body
25 Interpretation of the Rules
9 MOC Executive Board
1 Name
2 Objectives
20 Olympic Rules
17 Privileged Matters
10 Elective General Assembly
22 Recognition of National Associations/Federations
15 Resignations
16 Resolutions
9.2 Specific Duties
13 Sub-Committees
23 Subscription Fees
5.1.6, 21.1 Suspension of Association
9.3 Vacancies
1.3 Emblem
5.1.4 Removal of Affiliated Fed.
5.1.5 Suspension of Individual
8.8 Amendments

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