Wordlist Focus 3 Chronological

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Wordlist Focus 3 (chronological)

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0.1 Home sweet home
apart from 4 prep phr əˈpɑːt frəm außer jemandem à part qn a parte, oltre a Who lives in your house, apart from you?
somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi
do the cooking 4 v phr ˌduː ðə ˈkʊkɪŋ kochen, die Mahlzeiten préparer les repas cucinare Who usually does the cooking in your family?
go abroad 4 v phr ˌɡəʊ əˈbrɔːd ins Ausland gehen aller à l'étranger andare all'estero I’ve been abroad several times, but never in South America.
in the suburbs 4 adv phr ɪn ðə ˈsʌbɜːbz am Stadtrand, in der en banlieue in periferia Don’t you get bored living out here in the suburbs?
move house 4 v phr ˌmuːv ˈhaʊs umziehen déménager traslocare, cambiare casa We used to live in Brooklyn, but last year we moved house and now we live in
take 4 v teɪk benötigen prendre impiegare It takes me thirty minutes to get to the city centre.
0.2 National dishes
a few 5 det ə ˈfjuː ein paar quelques qualche Chop a few onions and fry them in a little olive oil.
a little 5 det ə ˈlɪtl ein wenig, etwas un peu de qualche Chop a few onions and fry them in a little olive oil.
a lot of 5 det ə ˈlɒt əv viel beaucoup de tanto, molto You should eat a lot of fruit and vegetables and drink a lot of mineral water.

barbecued steak 5 n phr ˌbɑːbɪkjuːd ˈsteɪk Steak vom Grill steak grillé bistecca Nothings better in the summer than a barbequed steak with grilled onions and
be on a diet 5 v phr ˌbi ɒn ə ˈdaɪət auf Diät sein être au régime fare la dieta I don’t eat any sweets because I’m on a diet.
cereal 5 n ˈsɪəriəl Müsli, Zerealien céréales cereali Do you add milk or yoghurt to your breakfast cereal?
chips 5 n tʃɪps Pommes frites frites patatine Few people can resist the most popular American dish: a big hamburger with
lots of chips and tomato sauce.
cod 5 n kɒd Kabeljau cabillaud, morue merluzzo A cod is a large sea fish with white flesh that lives in the North Atlantic.
dish 5 n dɪʃ Gericht, Essen plat piatto This dish is very simple – all you need to do is beat some eggs and fry them.

lots of 5 det ˈlɒts əv viel beaucoup de tanto, molto You should eat lots of fruit and vegetables and drink lots of mineral water.
many 5 det ˈmeni viele beaucoup de, de tanto, molto It’s hard to choose one national dish for this huge country because there are so
nombreux many regional dishes.
much 5 det mʌtʃ viel beaucoup tanto, molto There isn’t much milk left in the fridge.
resist 5 v rɪˈzɪst widerstehen résister à resistere a Few people can resist the most popular American dish: a big hamburger with
lots of chips and tomato sauce.
roast beef 5 n ˌrəʊst ˈbiːf Roastbeef, Rinderbraten rôti de boeuf roast-beef, arrosto di Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding is a popular dish for Sunday lunchtime in
manzo England.
stew 5 n stjuː Eintopf ragoût stufato Some people add carrots or other vegetables to the stew.
0.3 Flashmob
choose 6 v tʃuːz aussuchen, auswählen choisir scegliere I haven’t chosen the music for the party yet.
just 6 adv dʒʌst gerade venir juste de appena I’ve just arrived at the Central mall now and I’ve already heard about the
flashmob – everybody’s talking about it!

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miss 6 v mɪs verpassen manquer perdersi (qualcosa) We were home late and missed the beginning of the film.
plenty of 6 pron ˈplenti əv reichlich plein de, beaucoup de un sacco di, parecchio Don’t worry, we have plenty of time.
yet 6 adv jet bisher encore ancora, finora I haven’t seen a flashmob yet, but my friends saw one last summer.
0.4 Money, money, money
actually 7 adv ˈæktʃuəli tatsächlich en fait in effetti, in realtà Actually, I think my sister is the meanest person I know!
as soon as 7 conj əz ˈsuːn əz sobald dès que (non) appena My brother spends his birthday money as soon as he gets it.
attitude 7 n ˈætətjuːd Einstellung, Haltung attitude rapporto We asked young people about their attitudes to money and shopping.
be good with money 7 v phr bi ˌɡʊd wɪð ˈmʌni gut mit Geld umgehen gérer bien son argent saperci fare con i soldi If you want to be good with money, here are some financial habits to start
können forming – starting today.
careful with 7 adj ˈkeəfəl wɪð achtsam, gewissenhaft im prudent avec essere attento a I’m more careful with money than my brother.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ Umgang mit
item of clothing 7 n phr ˌaɪtəm əv ˈkləʊðɪŋ Kleidungsstück vêtement capo d'abbigliamento, What is the most valuable item of clothing you have?
lend 7 v lend leihen prêter (qc. à qn.) prestare My brother never lends me money because he is mean.
mean 7 adj miːn geizig, kleinlich avare cattivo, meschino Actually, I think my sister is the meanest person I know!
sociable 7 adj ˈsəʊʃəbəl gesellig sociable socievole I don’t go out much – Tom says I’m not sociable enough, but I just like staying at
spend money 7 v phr ˌspend ˈmʌni Geld ausgeben dépenser de l'argent spendere soldi My brother spends his birthday money as soon as he gets it.
tie 7 n taɪ Krawatte cravate cravatta I have to wear a suit and tie to work every day.
to be honest 7 adv phr tə ˌbi ˈɒnəst um ehrlich zu sein pour être honnête siceramente, a essere To be honest, I think my brother is stupid with his money.
valuable 7 adj ˈvæljuəbəl wertvoll précieux, de valeur prezioso What is the most valuable item of clothing you have?
working conditions 7 n ˈwɜːkɪŋ kənˌdɪʃənz Arbeitsbedingungen conditions de travail condizioni di lavoro I buy expensive clothes because people who make cheap clothes have the worst
working conditions in the world.
worry 7 v ˈwʌri sich Sorgen machen s'inquiéter preoccuparsi di Don’t worry if you can’t finish all the questions.
0.5 At the movies
advert 8 n ˈædvɜːt Werbung publicité pubblicità Did you know that you can actually get discounts for watching adverts on your
mobile phone?
bridesmaid 8 n ˈbraɪdzmeɪd Brautjungfer demoiselle d'honneur damigella Kate Middleton’s bridesmaid was her sister Pippa.
detective novel 8 n dɪˈtektɪv ˌnɒvəl Detektivroman roman policier giallo, poliziesco Agatha Christie wrote sixty-six detective novels and fourteen short story
diary 8 n ˈdaɪəri Terminkalender calendrier, agenda agenda Did you put the meeting date in your diary?
documentary 8 n ˌdɒkjəˈmentəri Dokumentarfilm documentaire documentario A local film crew is making a documentary about volcanoes.
get a lift with 8 v phr ˌɡet ə ˈlɪft wɪð von jemandem être emmené par qn. andare con un passaggio ‘How did you get here?’ ‘I got a lift with my dad.’
somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi mitgenommen werden,
gefahren werden
get married 8 v phr ˌɡet ˈmærid heiraten se marier sposarsi My grandparents got married just after World War II.
pick somebody up 8 phr v ˌpɪk ˌsʌmbɒdi ˈʌp jemanden abholen, aller chercher qn., passer venire/andare a prendere We’ll pick you up on the way to the cinema, OK?
mitnehmen prendre qn.
seat 8 n siːt Platz, Sitzplatz place posto a sedere We want to get to the cinema early because we want good seats.
song lyrics 8 n ˈsɒŋ ˌlɪrɪks Songtext paroles de chanson testo He wrote some great music, but the song lyrics weren’t that good.
textbook 8 n ˈtekstbʊk Lehrbuch manuel scolaire, manuel libro di testo My English textbook is called ‘Focus Three’.
0.6 My technology
addicted to 9 adj əˈdɪktəd tə sich stark interessieren für, féru de essere dipendente da Do you think you are addicted to technology?
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ begeistert sein von
device 9 n dɪˈvaɪs Gerät appareil apparecchio /dispositivo If you had to give up one of your devices (laptop, phone, etc.), which one could
elettronico you live without?
do the dishes 9 v phr ˌduː ðə ˈdɪʃɪz das Geschirr spülen faire la vaisselle lavare i piatti I cooked dinner, so you can do the dishes.

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give something up 9 phr v ˌɡɪv ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈʌp auf etwas verzichten renoncer à qc rinunciare a If you had to give up one of your devices (laptop, phone, etc.), which one could
you live without?
privacy 9 n ˈprɪvəsi Privatsphäre intimité privacy If you use social networking, you’ll lose your privacy.
social networking 9 n phr ˌsəʊʃəl ˈnetwɜːkɪŋ soziale Netzwerke réseau social social network You won’t have any real friends if you use social networking.
speakers 9 n ˈspiːkəz Lautsprecher haut-parleur amplificatore You don’t need to set up these speakers – just plug them in into a USB port in
your computer.
switch on your 9 v phr swɪtʃ ˌɒn jə den Desktop-Computer allumer son ordinateur du accendere il computer When I switched on my desktop computer this morning, there was a blank
desktop computer ˌdesktɒp anschalten bureau screen.
time travel 9 v ˈtaɪm ˌtrævəl zeitreisen voyage dans le temps andare indietro nel tempo If you could time travel, what time would you travel to?

win the lottery 9 v phr ˌwɪn ðə ˈlɒtəri im Lotto gewinnen gagner à la loterie vincere alla lotteria If I won the lottery, I’d go on a trip around the world.
0.7 Growing up
be allowed to do 10 v phr bi əˌlaʊd tə ˈduː etwas tun dürfen avoir le droit de faire qc permettere, concedere Their children are allowed to do more or less whatever they want.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
call somebody by 10 v phr ˌkɔːl ˌsʌmbɒdi baɪ jemanden mit dem appeler qn par son chiamare con il proprio Non-traditional parents allow their children to call them by their first names
their first name ðeə ˈfɜːst neɪm Vornamen ansprechen prénom nome instead of ‘Mum’ and ‘Dad’.
call something out 10 phr v ˌkɔːl ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈaʊt herausrufen crier qc, s'écrier dire ad alta voce When the teacher asks a question, you’re not allowed to call out the answer –
you have to put your hand in the air.
can do something 10 v phr ˌkæn ˈduː ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas tun können pouvoir faire qc poter fare At our school children don’t have to follow many rules – they can usually make
their own decisions.
can’t do something 10 v phr ˌkɑːnt ˈduː ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas nicht tun können / ne pas pouvoir faire qc non poter fare Overprotective parents say their children can’t do anything dangerous.
don’t have to do 10 v phr ˌdəʊnt ˌhæv tə ˈduː etwas nicht tun müssen ne pas devoir faire qc. non dover fare At our school children don’t have to follow many rules – they can usually make
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ their own decisions.
don’t need to do 10 v phr ˌdəʊnt ˌniːd tə ˈduː etwas nicht zu tun ne pas avoir besoin de non dover fare My parents are cool – they say I don’t need to be top of the class.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ brauchen faire qc.
drama 10 n ˈdrɑːmə Theater théâtre teatro Our Drama teacher is a well-known actress.
follow rules 10 v phr ˌfɒləʊ ˈruːlz Regeln einhalten respecter les règles seguire le regole At our school children don’t have to follow many rules – they can usually make
their own decisions.
learn the violin 10 v phr ˌlɜːn ðə ˌvaɪəˈlɪn Geige spielen lernen apprendre à jouer le violon studiare/imparare a Do you have to learn the violin?
suonare il violino
must do something 10 v phr ˌmʌst ˈduː ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas tun müssen devoir faire qc. dovere Overprotective parents say their children must call them regularly when they are
not at home
mustn’t do 10 v phr ˌmʌsənt ˈduː etwas nicht tun dürfen ne pas devoir faire qc. non poter fare Overprotective parents say their children mustn’t do anything dangerous.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
need to do 10 v phr ˌniːd tə ˈduː etwas tun müssen il faut que … dovere You need to show more respect for elderly people.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
needn’t do 10 v phr ˌniːdnt ˈduː etwas nicht zu tun ne devoir (au présent) pas non essere necessario, My parents are cool – they say I needn’t be top of the class.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ brauchen non dover fare
non-traditional 10 adj ˌnɒntrəˈdɪʃən‿əl unkonventionell non-traditionnel anticonformisti, alternativi Non-traditional parents allow their children to call them by their first names
instead of ‘Mum’ and ‘Dad’.
on time 10 adv phr ˌɒn ˈtaɪm pünktlich à l'heure, ponctuellement puntuale You have to do your homework, but you don’t need to do it exactly on time.

overprotective 10 adj ˌəʊvəprəˈtektɪv überfürsorglich, trop protecteur iperprotettivo, apprensivo Overprotective parents generally want to protect their children from harm,
überängstlich unhappiness, pain, bad experiences and rejection.
P.E. 10 n ˌpiː ˈiː Sport sport educazione fisica P.E. is my least favourite subject because I don’t like doing sports.
parenting 10 n ˈpeərəntɪŋ Erziehung, Erziehungs… éducation des enfants competenze genitoriali The program aims to teach young men parenting skills.

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practise 10 v ˈpræktəs üben pratiquer fare esercizio You need to practise your violin today.
put your hand in the 10 v phr ˌpʊt jə ˌhænd ɪn ði sich melden lever le doigt alzare la mano When the teacher asks a question, you have to put your hand in the air.
air ˈeə
strengths and 10 n phr ˌstreŋkθs ənd Stärken und Schwächen les points forts et les punti di forza e debolezze You should be aware of your own strengths and weaknesses.
weaknesses ˈwiːknəsɪz points faibles
subject 10 n ˈsʌbdʒɪkt Thema sujet argomento The subject of today’s lesson is Central America.
usefulness 10 n ˈjuːsfəlnəs Nutzen utilité utilità There are doubts as to the usefulness of this invention.
0.8 Young entrepreneurs
business studies 11 n ˈbɪznəs ˌstʌdiz Betriebswirtschaftslehre gestion (des entreprises) scienze economiche There’s a college in my city where you can do business studies.
cooperative 11 n kəʊˈɒpərətɪv Kooperative coopérative cooperativa Louis Barnett works with a cooperative in the Caribbean where they run all their
machinery with solar power.
damage the 11 v phr ˌdæmɪdʒ ði der Umwelt schaden nuire à l'environnement danneggiare l'ambiente Louis Barnett is interested in environmental protection, so he never uses
environment ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt ingredients that damage the environment.
do overtime 11 v phr ˌduː ˈəʊvətaɪm Überstunden machen faire des heures fare gli straordinari He’s been doing a lot of overtime recently.
enjoyable 11 adj ɪnˈdʒɔɪəbəl angenehm, erfreulich plaisant piacevole I have a job that’s fun and enjoyable – I’m a water slide tester!
entrepreneur 11 n ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜː Unternehmer entrepreneur imprenditore By the age of fifteen Louis had become a qualified chocolatier and one of the
youngest entrepreneurs in the world.
environmental 11 n ɪnˌvaɪrənˌmentl Umweltschutz protection de tutela dell'ambiente Louis Barnett is interested in environmental protection, so he never uses
protection prəˈtekʃən l'environnement ingredients that damage the environment.
essential 11 adj ɪˈsenʃəl wesentlich essentiel fondamentale, essenziale There are plenty of colleges where you can learn business skills, but there is one
essential quality that they can’t teach you in college: passion!
follow the crowd 11 v phr ˌfɒləʊ ðə ˈkraʊd der Herde folgen faire comme tout le seguire la corrente Entrepreneurs take risks and don’t follow the crowd.
food industry 11 n ˈfuːd ˌɪndəstri Nahrungsmittelindustrie industrie agroalimentaire industria alimentare Jeanie is a qualified chef, but she doesn’t want to work in the food industry.

have a passion for 11 v phr ˌhæv ə ˈpæʃən fə eine Leidenschaft für éprouver de la passion avere la passione per Louis Barnett is a twenty-three-year-old entrepreneur from England who has a
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas haben pour qc. passion for chocolate.
have difficulties at 11 v phr ˌhæv ˌdɪfɪkəltiz ət Schulprobleme haben rencontrer des difficultés avere difficoltà a scuola When he was eleven, he was having difficulties at school, so his parents found a
school ˈskuːl scolaires tutor who could teach him at home.
include 11 v ɪnˈkluːd einschließen, dazugehören comprendre, inclure comprendere One day I’d like to get a job which includes foreign travel.

life skills 11 n ˈlaɪf skɪlz Lebenskompetenzen compétences essentielles strategie di vita Future young entrepreneurs often have problems at school which teach them
important life skills.
long hours 11 n ˌlɒŋ ˈaʊ‿əz lange Arbeitszeiten, horaires prolongés lavorare oltre orario Many hospital staff have to work long hours.
part-time job 11 n ˌpɑːt taɪm ˈdʒɒb Teilzeitstelle emploi à temps partiel part time, a tempo parziale I only want to work a couple of hours a day, so I’m looking for a part-time job.

qualified 11 adj ˈkwɒləfaɪd qualifiziert, ausgebildet qualifié qualificato By the age of fifteen Louis had become a qualified chocolatier and one of the
youngest entrepreneurs in the world.
set up a company 11 v phr set ʌp ə ˈkʌmpəni eine Firma gründen créer une entreprise fondare un'azienda He learnt about different ways of making chocolate and at the age of twelve he
set up a company which he called ‘Chokolit’.
solar power 11 n ˌsəʊlə ˈpaʊə Solarkraft énergie solaire energia solare Solar power components transform sunlight into electricity that can power
appliances, lights, TVs, stereos and more.
start a business 11 v phr ˌstɑːt ə ˈbɪznəs eine Firma gründen lancer une entreprise fondare un'azienda The programme offers free advice to young people wanting to start a business.

successful 11 adj səkˈsesfəl erfolgreich prospère di successo There are many successful entrepreneurs who start life with little money or

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take risks 11 v phr ˌteɪk ˈrɪsks Risiken auf sich nehmen, prendre des riques correre il rischio Entrepreneurs take risks and don’t follow the crowd.
etwas riskieren
turn something into 11 phr v ˌtɜːn ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈɪntə etwas in etwas verwandeln transformer qc. en qc. trasformare qualcosa in Entrepreneurs are people who can turn dreams into reality.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ qualcos'altro
water slide 11 n ˈwɔːtə slaɪd Wasserrutsche toboggan aquatique acquascivolo At 168 feet 7 inches, the Verrückt in the Schlitterbahn Waterpark in Kansas City
is currently the tallest water slide in the world.
way 11 n weɪ Art, Weise façon modo, maniera He learnt about different ways of making chocolate.
Unit 1 Looks
1.1 Vocabulary
adorable 13 adj əˈdɔːrəbəl bezaubernd, hinreißend adorable adorabile The two older children are quite rude, but the youngest is absolutely adorable.

adventurous 13 adj ədˈventʃərəs abenteuerlustig, waghalsig aventureux avventuroso Ron isn’t an adventurous sailor.

angle 13 n ˈæŋɡəl Perspektive point de vue prospettiva You can just see one eye or a mouth or part of the face from an unusual angle.

appearance 12 n əˈpɪərəns Äußeres apparence aspetto You shouldn’t criticise other people’s appearance.
attractive 13 adj əˈtræktɪv attraktiv attractif attraente Women seem to find him attractive.
bangle 13 n ˈbæŋɡəl Armreif bracelet rigide bracciale (rigido) I’m wearing vintage sunglasses, my favourite silver ring and some bangles from
blond 12 adj blɒnd blond blond biondo I’m blond now and I think it suits me!
bracelet 13 n ˈbreɪslət Armband bracelet bracciale Many women like wearing gold bracelets but I prefer Indian bangles.
brave 13 adj breɪv mutig courageux coraggioso Only Gary was brave enough to stand up and say what he thought.
caring 12 adj ˈkeərɪŋ fürsorglich bienveillant premuroso, amorevole My grandfather was a warm and caring person.
casual clothes 13 n phr ˌkæʒuəl ˈkləʊðz Freizeitkleidung vêtements décontractés vestiti casual Jean felt more comfortable in casual clothes.
charming 13 adj ˈtʃɑːmɪŋ charmant charmant affascinante, piacevole, Harry can be very sweet and charming.
cheeky 13 adj ˈtʃiːki frech, vorlaut insolent sfacciato Now, don’t be cheeky to your elders, young woman.
childish 13 adj ˈtʃaɪldɪʃ kindisch puéril infantile Greg’s really childish. I think boys are more immature than girls at that age.
close-up 13 n ˈkləʊs ʌp Nahaufnahme gros plan, de près scatto in primo piano I managed to take a stunning close-up of Rihanna when she was visiting my
date 13 n deɪt Verabredung rendez-vous appuntamento I’ve got a date with Andrea tomorrow night.
desert 13 n ˈdezət Wüste désert deserto If you’re mountain climbing, scuba diving, bungee jumping or riding a camel in
the desert in your profile photo, you probably want to say that you’re dynamic
and adventurous and you like taking risks.
do your hair 13 v phr ˌduː jə ˈheə sich frisieren se coiffer farsi i capelli I didn’t have time to do my hair this morning, so it looks very untidy.
extreme case 13 n phr ɪkˌstriːm ˈkeɪs Extremfall cas extrême addirittura Some people choose the romantic shot for their profile photo: two people with
their arms around one another (or in extreme cases, kissing).
fascinating 13 adj ˈfæsəneɪtɪŋ faszinierend fascinant affascinante, ammaliante I found him quite fascinating.

fleece 13 v fliːs Vliespullover polaire, laine polaire pile Camping at night can be cold, so in the evening I get changed into trousers and a
formal clothes 13 n phr ˌfɔːməl ˈkləʊðz förmliche Kleidung vêtements formels abbigliamento formale We’re wearing formal clothes because it’s the end of school party.
get changed 13 v phr ˌɡet ˈtʃeɪndʒd sich umziehen se changer cambiarsi Do you get changed when you get home from school?
get dressed 13 v phr ˌɡet ˈdrest sich anziehen s'habiller vestirsi How long does it take you to get dressed for a party?
get undressed 13 v phr ˌɡet ˌʌnˈdrest sich ausziehen se déshabiller spogliarsi I got undressed and went to bed.
go out with 13 phr v ˌɡəʊ ˈaʊt wɪð mit jemandem ausgehen / sortir avec qn. uscire con qualcuno Tina used to go out with my brother.
somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi zusammensein

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gorgeous 13 adj ˈɡɔːdʒəs wunderschön, umwerfend magnifique meraviglioso, splendido Daisy was gorgeous, with her black hair and dark eyes.

hard-working 12 adj ˌhɑːd ˈwɜːkɪŋ  fleißig, hart arbeitend studieux diligente Many colleges reward their most hard-working and creative students with prizes
or scholarships.
hiking boots 13 n ˈhaɪkɪŋ buːts Wanderstiefel bottes de randonnée scarpe da trekking When you go hiking, comfortable hiking boots are essential.
imaginative 13 adj ɪˈmædʒənətɪv fantasievoll, einfallsreich imaginatif fantasioso Hey, I’m creative and imaginative, but I’m also cool, sophisticated and stylish.

immature 13 adj ˌɪməˈtʃʊə unreif immature immaturo I think boys are more immature than girls at that age.
jealous 13 adj ˈdʒeləs eifersüchtig jaloux invidioso Kerry was jealous when she saw all the girls in their new dresses.
look (1) 13 v lʊk aussehen paraître, sembler sembrare Even the teachers looked elegant!
look (2) 13 v lʊk schauen look guardare Look, I used to be cute and adorable and I still am!
look at somebody 13 v ˈlʊk ət ˌsʌmbɒdi jmd. anschauen regarder qn. guardare qualcuno Look at me – I’m gorgeous, fascinating and mischievous!
look into the camera 13 v phr ˌlʊk ˌɪntə ðə in die Kamera schauen regarder la caméra guardare l'obiettivo They do their hair, put their make-up on, look straight into the camera and ‘click’.
looks 12 n lʊks Aussehen look, style bell'aspetto Fiona’s got everything – looks, money and youth.
match 13 v mætʃ passen zu associer abbinare Do you try to buy clothes that match the colour of your eyes or hair?
mischievous 13 adj ˈmɪstʃəvəs boshaft, spitzbübisch malicieux dispettoso Their sons are noisy and mischievous.
mittens 13 n ˈmɪtənz Fausthandschuhe moufles manopola (guanto) I still wear thick tights, but not pink ones, and my mittens aren’t attached to my
coat now.
outgoing 12 adj ˌaʊtˈɡəʊɪŋ kontaktfreudig, extraverti, sociable estroverso We’re looking for someone with an outgoing personality.
put your make-up 13 v phr ˌpʊt jə ˈmeɪkʌp ɒn sein Make-up auflegen, se maquiller truccarsi They do their hair, put their make-up on, look straight into the camera and ‘click’.
on sich schminken
reveal 13 v rɪˈviːl preisgeben, enthüllen révéler svelare, rivelare Did you know that you reveal something about your personality each time you
choose a new profile photo?
ride 13 v raɪd reiten monter cavalcare If you’re mountain climbing, scuba diving, bungee jumping or riding a camel in
the desert in your profile photo, you probably want to say that you’re dynamic
and adventurous and you like taking risks.
scarf (plural: 13 n skɑːf/skɑːvz Schal foulard sciarpa Angie often wears a colourful scarf in her hair.
scuba dive 13 v ˈskuːbə daɪv tauchen faire de la plongée fare immersioni If you’re mountain climbing, scuba diving, bungee jumping or riding a camel in
the desert in your profile photo, you probably want to say that you’re dynamic
and adventurous and you like taking risks.
shot 13 n ʃɒt Aufnahme, Foto photo scatto, foto Some people choose the romantic shot for their profile photo: two people with
their arms around one another (or in extreme cases, kissing).
sophisticated 13 adj səˈfɪstəkeɪtəd niveauvoll, gebildet, raffiné, élégant sofisticato, elegante Hey, I’m creative and imaginative, but I’m also cool, sophisticated and stylish.
suit (1) 12 n suːt Anzug costume abito da uomo I have to wear a suit and tie to work every day.
suit (2) 13 v suːt jmd. stehen aller (bien) à qn. stare bene a, donare a Which colours and styles do you think suit you best?
take a photo of 13 v phr ˌteɪk ə ˈfəʊtəʊ əv jemanden fotografieren prendre une photo de qn. fotografare qualcuno Girls often take photos of themselves.
somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi
tights 13 n taɪts Strumpfhose collants calze, calzamaglia, collant I still wear thick tights, but not pink ones, and my mittens aren’t attached to my
coat now.
trainers 12 n ˈtreɪnəz Trainingsschuhe chaussures de sport scarpe da ginnastica I wore my new trainers for jogging this morning, and they weren’t very
vintage 13 adj ˈvɪntɪdʒ alt, altehrwürdig, erlesen rétro vintage I’m wearing vintage sunglasses, my favourite silver ring and some bangles from

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waistcoat 13 n ˈweɪskəʊt Weste gilet gilè I took my jacket, waistcoat and tie off, and at the end of the party I couldn’t find
woollen hat 13 n phr ˌwʊlən ˈhæt Wollmütze bonnet de laine berretto di lana I love the woollen hat I’m wearing – it matches my winter coat.
1.2 Grammar
dress 14 v dres sich kleiden s'habiller vestirsi My aunt is an adorable person, but she really doesn’t know how to dress.
fashion editor 14 n ˈfæʃən ˌedətə Moderedakteur/in rédacteur/rédactrice de redattore di moda In the future Mia would like to work as a fashion editor for ‘Vogue’.
look (1) 14 n lʊk Erscheinung, Aussehen look look What is the ‘festival look’ this year?
look (2) 14 v lʊk aussehen sembler, paraître stare bene a, donare a Oh, it looks great!
look for something 14 phr v ˈlʊk fə ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas suchen chercher qc. cercare I’m looking for a festival programme.
pair of trainers 14 n phr ˌpeər əv ˈtreɪnəz Paar Trainingsschuhe, une paire de chaussures scarpe da ginnastica/da I need a new pair of trainers.
Sportschuhe de sport tennis
report on something 14 v rɪˈpɔːt ɒn ˌsʌmθɪŋ über etwas berichten couvrir qc. fare un servizio su Hi! I’m reporting on festival fashion for ‘HIP’ magazine.

skinny 14 adj ˈskɪni dünn maigre magro My legs are very skinny and so I never wear shorts, even in summer.
1.3 Listening
be always there for 15 v phr bi ˌɔːlwəz ˈðeə fə immer da sein für être toujours là pour qn. esserci sempre per That’s what I loved about my father – he was always there for me.
somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi jemanden qualcuno
fall out 15 phr v ˌfɔːl ˈaʊt sich mit jemandem se brouiller avec qn. litigare If you fall out with a friend, you stop seeing them.
entzweien, verkrachen
get on with 15 phr v ˌɡet ˈɒn wɪð mit jemandem s'entendre (bien) andare d'accordo I get on well with boys, but I think girls understand one another better.
somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi auskommen
hang out 15 phr v ˌhæŋ ˈaʊt zusammen sein, Zeit passer du temps passare del tempo insieme Jon and Kevin often hang out together at weekends.
miteinander verbringen
have a good 15 v phr ˌhæv ə ˌɡʊd zu jemandem ein gutes avoir de bonnes relations avere un buon rapporto Jenny has a good relationship with all her online friends.
relationship with rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪp wɪð Verhältnis haben avec qn. con qualcuno
somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi
have a lot in 15 v phr ˌhæv ə ˌlɒt ɪn mit jemandem viel avoir beaucoup en avere molto in comune I found I had a lot in common with these people.
common with ˈkɒmən wɪð gemeinsam haben commun avec con qualcuno
somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi
have an argument 15 v phr ˌhæv ən ˈɑːɡjəmənt Streit haben, sich streiten se disputer litigare, avere una Friends sometimes stop seeing each other when they’ve had an argument.
lose touch with 15 v phr ˌluːz ˈtʌtʃ wɪð den Kontakt zu jemandem perdre qn. de vue perdersi di vista I lost touch with Julie after we moved.
somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi verlieren
reliable 15 adj rɪˈlaɪəbəl verlässlich fiable affidabile A good friend is always reliable in a crisis.
socialise with 15 v ˈsəʊʃəl-aɪz wɪð mit jmd. Umgang pflegen voir qn., fréquenter qn. frequentarsi My closest friends are the ones I socialise with.
somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi
1.4 Reading
ancestor 16 n ˈænsəstə Vorfahr ancêtre antenato You may look like your mum or dad, or you may resemble one of your ancestors,
for example, a great-great-grandparent.
bald 17 adj bɔːld kahl chauve calvo Fifty percent of men with bald fathers will lose their hair.
baldness 17 n ˈbɔːldnəs Kahlköpfigkeit calvitie calvizie The gene for baldness can come from the mother’s family, too – boys should
look at their mother’s father.
be like somebody 16 v phr ˈbi laɪk ˌsʌmbɒdi jemandem ähnlich sein ressembler à qn. essere come qualcuno Do people say you’re just like your father or just like your mother?
be the image of 17 v phr ˌbi ði ˈɪmɪdʒ əv das Abbild von jemandem être l'image de qn. essere la copia di Hayleigh looks exactly like her black father and Lauren is the image of her white
somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi sein mother.
blue-eyed 17 adj ˌbluː ˈaɪd mit blauen Augen aux yeux bleus con gli occhi azzurri It’s common for two brown-eyed parents to have a blue-eyed child, but unusual
for two blue-eyed parents to have a brown-eyed child.

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brother-in-law 16 n ˈbrʌðər‿ɪn ˌlɔː Schwager beau-frère cognato My sister got married in Hawaii and I’ve never met my brother-in-law.
common 16 adj ˈkɒmən häufig vorkommend, courant, fréquent comune, frequente It’s common for two brown-eyed parents to have a blue-eyed child, but unusual
üblich for two blue-eyed parents to have a brown-eyed child.
dark-haired 16 adj ˌdɑːk ˈheəd dunkelhaarig aux cheveux foncés con i capelli scuri Two dark-haired parents can have a blond or red-headed child.
dark-skinned 17 adj ˌdɑːk ˈskɪnd dunkelhäutig à la peau foncée con la pelle/carnagione Usually, a black and a white parent have dark-skinned children because black is
scura a dominant gene.
daughter-in-law 16 n ˈdɔːtər‿ɪn ˌlɔː Schwiegertochter belle-fille nuora We never argue with our daughter-in-law; in fact, we love our son’s wife a lot.

determine 17 v dɪˈtɜːmən bestimmen, festlegen déterminer determinare Your genes determine what you look like.
diet 17 n ˈdaɪət Ernährung alimentation alimentazione It is important to have a balanced, healthy diet.
dimple 17 n ˈdɪmpəl Grübchen fossette fossetta If you are left-handed or if you have dimples in your cheeks or chin, you can
thank your genes.
exception 17 n ɪkˈsepʃən Ausnahme exception eccezione We have one player who is only fourteen, but he’s an exception.
eyesight 17 n ˈaɪsaɪt Sehvermögen vue vista As well as eye colour, you can inherit poor eyesight from your parents.
fair-haired 16 adj ˌfeə ˈheəd mit hellem Haar blond con i capelli chiari Susie has red hair, but both her sisters are fair-haired.
father-in-law 16 n ˈfɑːðər‿ɪn ˌlɔː Schwiegervater beau-père suocero Despite the divorce, I still keep in touch with my father-in-law.
freckles 16 n ˈfrekəlz Sommersprossen taches de rousseur lentiggini It is common for red-headed children to have freckles.
gene 16 n dʒiːn Gen gène gene Finally, if you are left-handed or if you have dimples in your cheeks or chin, you
can thank your genes.
give birth to 17 v phr ˌɡɪv ˈbɜːθ tə jemanden zur Welt donner naissance à qn. mettere alla luce Most families share the same skin colour, but black parents can give birth to a
somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi bringen lighter-skinned child if they have pale-skinned ancestors.
go bald 17 v phr ˌɡəʊ ˈbɔːld kahl werden devenir chauve perdere i capelli, diventare Men who go bald sometimes inherit baldness from their mother’s side.
healthy lifestyle 17 n phr ˌhelθi ˈlaɪfstaɪl gesunde Lebensweise mode die vie sain stile di vita sano Children are getting taller thanks to improved diets and healthier lifestyles.
identical twins 16 n aɪˌdentɪkəl ˈtwɪnz eineiige Zwillinge vrais jumeaux gemelli omozigoti The only people who have exactly the same genes are identical twins.
inherit something 16 v ɪnˈherət ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas von jemandem hériter qc. de qn. ereditare qualcosa da As well as eye colour, you can inherit poor eyesight from your parents.
from somebody frəm ˌsʌmbɒdi erben qualcuno
left-handed 17 adj ˌleft ˈhændɪd Linkshänder sein gaucher mancino Finally, if you are left-handed or if you have dimples in your cheeks or chin, you
can thank your genes.
lighter-skinned 17 adj ˌlaɪtəˈ skɪnd mit hellerer Haut à la peau plus foncée di carnagione (più) chiara Black parents can give birth to a lighter-skinned child if they have pale-skinned
long-haired 17 adj ˌlɒŋ ˈheəd langhaarig, mit langem à cheveux longs con i capelli lunghi I think you’ll look more beautiful as a long-haired bride.
member of the 16 n phr ˌmembər əv ðə Familienmitglied membre de la famille membro della famiglia But even if you are like other members of your family, you are unique.
family ˈfæməli
middle-aged 17 adj ˌmɪdəl ˈeɪdʒd mittleren Alters d'âge mûr di mezza età More and more middle-aged people sign up for Facebook, with the 40–54-year-
olds becoming particularly interested in it.
pale-skinned 17 adj ˌpeɪl ˈskɪnd hellhäutig à la peau claire di carnagione chiara Black parents can give birth to a lighter-skinned child if they have pale-skinned
poor 16 adj pɔː schlecht mauvais cattivo As well as eye colour, you can inherit poor eyesight from your parents.
red-headed 16 adj ˌred ˈhedəd rothaarig aux cheveux roux con i capelli rossi It is common for red-headed children to have freckles.
relative 17 n ˈrelətɪv Verwandte/r parent parente Her boyfriend is a distant relative of mine.
resemble 16 v rɪˈzembəl ähneln, ähnlich sehen ressembler à assomigliare Who do you resemble more, your mum or your dad?
share 17 v ʃeə gemeinsam haben avoir en commun avere in comune Most families share the same skin colour, but black parents can give birth to a
lighter-skinned child if they have pale-skinned ancestors.
short 17 adj ʃɔːt klein petit basso Chris was short and stocky, with broad shoulders.
short-haired 17 adj ˌʃɔːt ˈheəd kurzhaarig aux cheveux courts con i capelli corti Jo is a short-haired brunette.
short-sighted 17 adj ˌʃɔːt ˈsaɪtəd kurzsichtig myope miope If you are short-sighted, you have to wear glasses or contact lenses.

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sister-in-law 16 n ˈsɪstər‿|ɪn ˌlɔː Schwägerin belle-soeur cognata My best friend and her sister-in-law, her husband’s sister Isabelle, got pregnant
at the same time.
skin colour 17 n ˈskɪn ˌkʌlə Hautfarbe couleur de peau colore della pelle Most families share the same skin colour, but black parents can give birth to a
lighter-skinned child if they have pale-skinned ancestors.
son-in-law 16 n ˈsʌn ɪn ˌlɔː Schwiegersohn beau-fils genero I don’t like the way my son-in-law is treating my daughter.
spot 17 n spɒt Punkt tache puntino Freckles are small brown spots on the skin.
stepbrother 16 n ˈstepbrʌðə Stiefbruder demi-frère *fratellastro My mum got married again, and her second husband’s son Noah became my
stepdaughter 16 n ˈstepdɔːtə Stieftochter belle-fille *figliastra ‘I don’t have a stepdaughter; I have a daughter who happened to be born before
I met her,’ my stepmum used to say.
stepfather 16 n ˈstepfɑːðə Stiefvater beau-père *patrigno After my parents’ divorce, my mother got married again, but I never liked my
stepfather very much.
stepmother 16 n ˈstepmʌðə Stiefmutter belle-mère *matrigna After her father had died, Olivia was brought up by her stepmother – her father’s
second wife.
stepsister 16 n ˈstepsɪstə Stiefschwester demi-soeur *sorellastra Armstrong told the court that his stepsister was treating his mother very badly.

stepson 16 n ˈstepsʌn Stiefsohn beau-fils *figliastro My future stepson is coming to meet me this afternoon.
take after somebody 16 phr v ˌteɪk ˈɑːftə nach jemandem geraten être le portrait craché de aver preso da qualcuno Do people say you’re just like your father or just like your mother or that you
ˌsʌmbɒdi qn. take after your grandparent in every way?
tall 16 adj tɔːl groß grand alto Julia is tall with dark hair.
well-built 16 adj ˌwel ˈbɪlt kräftig, gut gebaut robuste corpulento Is Graham well-built like his dad or slim like his mum?
well-dressed 16 adj ˌwel ˈdrest gut gekleidet bien habillé ben vestito The shop assistant was an attractive, well-dressed young woman.
1.5 Grammar
introduce somebody 18 v ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs jemanden jemandem présenter qn. à qn. presentare qualcuno a Let me introduce you to my mother, Theresa.
to somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi tə vorstellen qualcuno
look after 18 phr v ˌlʊk ˈɑːftə sich kümmern um s'occupter de qn./qc. prendersi cura di I’ve been working at the Louvre Museum in Paris for twenty-one years and I’ve
somebody/somethi ˌsʌmbɒdi/ˌsʌmθɪŋ jemanden/etwas qualcuno, occuparsi di been looking after the ‘Mona Lisa’ for nearly ten.
ng qualcuno
queue 18 n kjuː (Warte-)Schlange queue fila We’ve been standing in this queue for about twenty minutes.
1.6 Speaking
boots 19 n buːts Stiefel bottines, bottes stivali When you go hiking, comfortable hiking boots are essential.
flying jacket 19 n ˈflaɪ-ɪŋ ˌdʒækət Fliegerjacke blouson bombardier bomber A flying jacket is in fashion now because it makes a practical and stylish winter
formal occasion 19 n ˌfɔːməl əˈkeɪʒən förmlicher Anlass occasion solennelle occasione formale You should definitely wear a long evening dress for this formal occasion.
high-heeled 19 adj ˌhaɪ ˈhiːəld hochhackig,mit hohen à talons hauts tacchi alti Julia Roberts caused a scandal at the Cannes Film Festival by taking off her high-
Absätzen heeled shoes and stepping onto the red carpet barefoot.
patterned 19 adj ˈpætənd gemustert à motifs con un motivo I prefer brightly patterned dresses to dull plain ones.
shop for something 19 v ˈʃɒp fə ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas einkaufen acheter qc. fare spese Do you enjoy shopping for clothes?

skinny 19 adj ˈskɪni eng anliegend maigre aderente Did you know that wearing skinny jeans can be really bad for your health?
1.7 Writing
attached 20 adj əˈtætʃt beigefügt, angehängt ci-joint allegato Watch the video (attached) and let me know what you think.
be about 21 v phr bi əˌbaʊt etwa im gleichen Alter sein être à peu près au même essere all'incirca l'età di My new neighbour is in her late teens – about my age.
somebody’s age ˌsʌmbɒdiz ˈeɪdʒ wie jemand âge que qualcuno
be in your early 20 v phr ˌbi ɪn jər ˌɜːli Anfang zwanzig sein être dans le début de la sulla ventina When she started writing, Rachel was in her early twenties, and by the time she
twenties ˈtwentiz vingtaine was twenty-five, she had already published three books.

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be in your late 21 v phr ˌbi ɪn jə ˌleɪt Ende zwanzig sein être à la fin de la vingtaine sulla trentina Savannah is in her late twenties – she’ll be thirty soon, can you believe it?
twenties ˈtwentiz
be in your mid 21 v phr ˌbi ɪn jə ˌmɪd Mitte zwanzig sein être dans la mi-vingtaine sui venticinque anni The witnesses who saw the robber said he was probably in his mid twenties
twenties ˈtwentiz
be in your teens 21 v phr ˌbi ɪn jə ˈtiːnz Teenager sein à l'adolescence essere When my mum and dad first met, they were still in their teens.
be into something 20 v phr ˌbi ˈɪntə ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas mögen, auf etwas faire qc., aimer faire qc. appassionato di She’s into all sorts of music, from classical to punk.
build 21 n bɪld Körperbau anatomie stazza You’re a surprisingly strong swimmer for one of such a slender build.
career change 20 n kəˈrɪə tʃeɪndʒ Berufswechsel changement de carrière cambiamento di carriera I met a physiotherapist who wanted to make a career change by becoming an
curly hair 21 n phr ˌkɜːli ˈheə lockiges Haar cheveux bouclés capelli ricci Long, curly hair is gorgeous but it can be really hard to deal with.
don’t care 20 v phr ˌdəʊnt ˈkeə keinen Wert legen auf être égal à qn. non dare importanza a Matt is really scruffy – he doesn’t care what he wears.
dress casually 21 v phr ˌdres ˈkæʒu‿əli sich leger kleiden s'habiller de manière vestirsi in modo casual Some employers allow their employees to dress casually to work.
dress in black 21 v phr ˌdres ɪn ˈblæk sich schwarz kleiden s'habiller de noir vestirsi di nero There’s a boy in my class who has a few tattoos and dresses in black.
dress smartly 21 v phr ˌdres ˈsmɑːtli sich schick kleiden s'habiller de façon vestirsi in modo elegante I dressed smartly in a shirt, trousers and black leather shoes and drove to the
élégante airport.
dress well 21 v phr ˌdres ˈwel sich gut kleiden s'habiller bien vestirsi bene Knowing a few basic rules makes it easy to dress well every day.
easy-going 20 adj ˌiːzi ˈɡəʊɪŋ unbeschwert décontracté alla mano She’s very easy-going and she has a great sense of humour.
fail an exam 20 v phr ˌfeɪl ən ɪɡˈzæm durch das Examen fallen échouer à son examen non superare un esame He failed his Maths exam but passed all his other subjects.
fairly 21 adv ˈfeəli ziemlich assez abbastanza She speaks English fairly well.
fashionable 21 adj ˈfæʃənəbəl modisch à la mode alla moda I like wearing comfortable clothes – I don’t care if they are fashionable.
fashionably 20 adv ˈfæʃənəbli modisch à la mode alla moda She dresses fashionably, though usually in black.
forget your manners 20 v phr fəˌɡet jə ˈmænəz keine Manieren haben manquer de tenue dimenticare le buone Ellie sometimes forgets her manners. She needs to be more polite.
general impression 21 n phr ˌdʒenərəl allgemeiner Eindruck impression générale impressione generale First give your general impression, then a detailed description.
get on 20 phr v ˌɡet ˈɒn miteinander auskommen bien s'entendre andare d'accordo The two boys get on well most of the time.

glamorous 20 adj ˈɡlæmərəs glamourös glamour glamour The girls are wearing designer dresses – they look so glamorous!
have a great sense 20 v phr ˌhæv ə ˌɡreɪt ˌsens sehr humorvoll sein avoir un grand sens de avere molto senso She’s very easy-going and she has a great sense of humour.
of humour əv ˈhjuːmə l'humour dell'umorismo
height 21 n haɪt Größe taille altezza Sam’s about the same height as his sister now.
kind 21 adj kaɪnd freundlich, lieb aimable gentile I can still remember my grandma’s kind face and nice smile.
kind of 21 phr ˈkaɪnd əv irgendwie assez, plutôt abbastanza She looks kind of cool.
look forward to 21 phr v ˌlʊk ˈfɔːwəd tə sich auf etwas freuen avoir hâte de faire qc. non vedere l'ora di fare I’m really looking forward to meeting your sister when she comes to London in
doing something ˌsʌmθɪŋ qualcosa the summer.
make 20 v meɪk sein, ergeben être sarebbe I think she’d make a great singer for the band.
mature 20 adj məˈtʃʊə reif mûr maturo Ken is a mature student who is back at university because he wants a career
medium height 20 adj phr ˌmiːdiəm ˈhaɪt mittelgroß taille moyenne di media altezza She’s about medium height and slim.
mysterious 21 adj mɪˈstɪəriəs geheimnisvoll mystérieux misterioso I decided to find out more about my mysterious new neighbour.
overweight 20 adj ˌəʊvəˈweɪt übergewichtig en surpoids sovrappeso Ryan is a little overweight. He doesn’t do much exercise.
rude 20 adj ruːd unhöflich impoli maleducato I didn’t mean to be rude, but I had to leave early.
scruffy 20 adj ˈskrʌfi ungepflegt, verlottert peu soigné, négligé trasandato, sciatto One day we were due to fly to Tampa, and a group of really scruffy passengers
got on the plane.

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show somebody 21 phr v ˌʃəʊ ˌsʌmbɒdi jemandem eine Stadt faire qn. visiter une ville portare qualcuno in giro I can show your sister round the city when she comes to London in the summer.
round a city ˈraʊnd ˌsʌmθɪŋ zeigen per la città
straight hair 20 n phr ˌstreɪt ˈheə glattes Haar des cheveux raides capelli lisci Straight hair is easier to manage that wavy or curly hair.
Focus Review 1
accept an invitation 22 v phr əkˌsept ən eine Einladung annehmen accepter une invitation accettare un invito Should I accept or reject her invitation on Facebook?
ask somebody out 22 phr v ˌɑːsk ˌsʌmbɒdi ˈaʊt jemanden zum Ausgehen inviter qn. à sortir chiedere a qualcuno di He wanted to ask Betty out on a date, but he was too shy.
einladen uscire
be aware of 23 v phr ˌbi əˈweər əv etwas bewusst avoir pleine conscience de essere consapevole di Stella’s parents taught her to be aware of nature.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ wahrnehmen qc. qualcosa
challenging 23 adj ˈtʃæləndʒɪŋ anspruchsvoll, schwierig exigeant, ambitieux, impegnativo Thinking about these questions makes designing more challenging and more
stimulant interesting.
child labour 23 n ˈtʃaɪld ˌleɪbə Kinderarbeit travail des enfants lavoro minorile Child labour deprives millions of children of their childhood, health and
close friend 22 n kləʊz frend enge/r Freund/in ami/e proche amica/amico stretto Jenny has about five or six close friends and 313 online friends.
community 23 n kəˈmjuːnəti Gemeinde communauté populazione, comunità The programme provides work for poor communities in Kenya.
create 23 v kriˈeɪt kreieren créer creare Most fashion houses just create new designs season after season.
create a profile 22 v phr kriˌeɪt ə ˈprəʊfaɪl ein Profil anlegen créer un profile creare un profilo If your parents haven’t created a Facebook profile yet, they will probably do so in
the near future.
date 22 n deɪt Verabredung rendez-vous appuntamento He wanted to ask Betty out on a date, but he was too shy.
determination 23 n dɪˌtɜːməˈneɪʃən Entschlossenheit détermination determinazione For Stella, becoming a success took hard work, determination and, of course,
develop a 23 v phr dɪˌveləp ə sich einen Ruf erwerben se gagner une réputation crearsi una reputazione Stella’s fashion house has developed a reputation as a fashion company with a
reputation ˌrepjəˈteɪʃən difference.
disadvantaged 23 adj ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒd benachteiligt défavorisé svantaggiato So far, 160 people in disadvantaged areas have been involved in the production.

eco-friendly 23 adj ˈiːkəʊ ˌfrendli umweltfreundlich écologique ecologico She has been experimenting with eco-friendly materials and production
processes for some time.
ethical 23 adj ˈeθɪkəl ethisch korrekt éthique etico Ethical fashion covers issues such as working conditions, child labour, fair trade
and responsible production that does not harm the environment.
exchange emails 23 v phr ɪksˌtʃeɪndʒ E-Mails austauschen, sich échanger des emails scambiarsi e-mail My best friend Ryan would like to exchange emails with someone from your
ˈiː meɪəlz E-Mails schreiben country.
fabric 23 n ˈfæbrɪk Stoff tissu stoffa, materiale The fabric she prefers is organic cotton.
fair trade 23 n ˌfeə ˈtreɪd Fairer Handel commerce équitable mercato equo-solidale By buying fair trade products, we help to provide fair opportunities for
producers around the world.
family resemblance 22 n ˈfæməli Familienähnlichkeit ressemblance familiale somiglianza Is Mariah your cousin? There isn’t much family resemblance.
fancy somebody 22 v ˈfænsi für jemanden schwärmen craquer sur qn. piacere, trovare attraente All the girls fancied him.
fashion label 23 n ˈfæʃən ˌleɪbəl Modemarke marque de mode marchio di moda Stella launched her own fashion label and showed her first collection in 2001.

follow somebody’s 22 v phr ˌfɒləʊ ˌsʌmbɒdiz jemandes Profil folgen suivre le profil de qn. seguire il profilo di When your parents join Facebook, they will probably want to be your online
profile ˈprəʊfaɪl qualcuno friends and follow your profile!
fur 23 n fɜː Pelz fourrure pelliccia As a lifelong vegetarian, Stella does not use any natural leather or fur in her
grow up 23 phr v ˌɡrəʊ ˈʌp aufwachsen grandir crescere When Stella was growing up on a farm, her parents taught her to respect

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harmful to the 23 adj phr ˌhɑːmfəl tə ði umweltschädlich nocif pour dannoso per l'ambiente The process used by the fabrics factory to colour their fabrics was very harmful
environment ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt l'environnement to the environment.
have a good 22 v phr ˌhæv ə ˌɡʊd zu jemandem ein gutes avoir de bonnes relations avere un buon rapporto If you have a good relationship with your parents and tell them everything about
relationship with rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪp wɪð Verhältnis haben avec qn. con qualcuno your life, you may say yes to their Facebook invitation.
somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi
have a look at 22 v phr ˌhæv ə ˈlʊk ət einen Blick auf etwas jeter un coup d'oeil à qc., dare un'occhiata a Can you have a look at this picture?
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ werfen examiner qc. qualcosa
human being 23 n ˌhjuːmən ˈbiːɪŋ Mensch être humain essere umano Human beings share the planet with other creatures.
impact 23 n ˈɪmpækt Wirkung, Auswirkung impression, impact ripercussione, These beliefs have had a huge impact on her.
look as though 22 v phr ˈlʊk əz ðəʊ aussehen als ob avoir l'air de qc. sembra/sembrerebbe che It looks as though you could help me.

luxurious 23 adj lʌɡˈzjʊəriəs luxuriös luxueux lussuoso Famous designers create luxurious, beautiful items that people want to buy.

make something out 22 phr v ˌmeɪk ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈaʊt etwas erkennen, sich discerner, voir riuscire a fare qualcosa Can you have a look at this picture? I can’t make out what it shows.
organic cotton 23 n phr ɔːˌɡænɪk ˈkɒtn Öko-Baumwolle coton de culture cotone organico Organic cotton is grown from non genetically modified plants without the use of
biologique any synthetic chemicals.
polluted 23 adj pəˈluːtəd verschmutzt contaminé inquinato The project’s aim is to clean up polluted land.
pretend 22 v prɪˈtend vorgeben, so tun als ob faire semblant de fare finta, fingere You can’t pretend you haven’t seen the invitation.
range 23 n reɪndʒ Auswahl, Bandbreite gamme linea, gamma Stella has created a range of cloth bags.
refuse to do 23 v rɪˈfjuːz sich weigern, etwas zu tun refuser de faire qc. rifiutarsi di fare qualcosa Stella refused to work with the fabrics factory because the process used by it to
something colour the fabrics was very harmful to the environment.
reject an invitation 22 v phr rɪˌdʒekt ən eine Einladung ablehnen décliner une invitation declinare un invito Should I accept or reject my mum’s invitation on Facebook?
respect 23 v rɪˈspekt respektieren respecter rispettare When Stella was growing up on a farm, her parents taught her to respect
responsible 23 adj rɪˈspɒnsəbəl verantwortungsvoll responsable responsabile Ethical fashion covers issues such as working conditions, child labour, fair trade
and responsible production that does not harm the environment.
school reunion 22 n ˌskuːl riːˈjuːnjən Schultreffen réunion d'école rimpatriata scolastica Now twenty years later they met again at the school reunion.
season 23 n ˈsiːzən Saison saison stagione Most fashion houses just create new designs season after season.
shy 22 adj ʃaɪ schüchtern timide timido He wanted to ask Betty out on a date, but he was too shy.
succeed 23 v səkˈsiːd Erfolg haben réussir riuscire He succeeded with the help of his parents.
working conditions 23 n ˈwɜːkɪŋ kənˌdɪʃənz Arbeitsbedingungen conditions de travail condizioni di lavoro Ethical fashion covers issues such as working conditions, child labour, fair trade
and responsible production that does not harm the environment.
Use of English 1
according to WS 2 prep ə ˈkɔːdɪŋ tə jemandem zufolge selon qn. secondo qualcuno According to her mother, Angie, Mayhem decided that she didn’t like the
somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi princess dresses in the stores and started to make her own from cotton scarves
and sheets of paper.
at an early age WS 2 adv phr ət ən ˌɜːli ˈeɪdʒ in jungen Jahren à un âge précoce nei primi anni di vita It’s not unusual for children to become fashion-conscious at an early age.
award show WS 2 n əˈwɔːd ʃəʊ Preisverleihungsveranstalt remise des prix premiazione Angie gave Mayhem pictures of celebrities wearing designer dresses at award
ung shows and Mayhem copied them.
celebrity WS 2 n səˈlebrəti Star vedette Star, Vip Angie gave Mayhem pictures of celebrities wearing designer dresses at award
shows and Mayhem copied them.
designer dress WS 2 n dɪˌzaɪnə ˈdres Designerkleid robe haute couture vestiti di alta moda Angie gave Mayhem pictures of celebrities wearing designer dresses at award
shows and Mayhem copied them.
fashion chain WS 2 n ˈfæʃən tʃeɪn Modekette chaîne de mode catena di moda Now she has her own ideas and an important fashion chain likes them a lot.

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fashion-conscious WS 2 adj ˌfæʃən ˈkɒnʃəs modebewusst qui suit la mode attento alla moda It’s not unusual for children to become fashion-conscious at an early age.
get interested in WS 2 v phr ˌɡet ˈɪntrəstəd ɪn beginnen, sich für etwas commencer à s'intéresser cominciare ad interessarsi When did you start to get interested in clothes?
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ zu interessieren à a
go a step further WS 2 v phr ˌɡəʊ ə ˌstep ˈfɜːðə einen Schritt weiter gehen aller un peu plus loin fare/compiere un passo However, it looks as though one little girl in the USA has gone a step further.
have a clear idea of WS 2 v phr ˌhæv ə klɪər aɪˈdɪə eine klare Vorstellung von avoir une idée précise de avere le idee chiare su Most under-fives have a fairly clear idea of what they like to wear and what
something əv ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas haben qualcosa colours they want.
nowhere near WS 2 adj phr ˌnəʊweə ˈnɪə nicht annähernd loin de neppure lontanamente Angie says that she herself is completely unfashionable and nowhere near as
creative as her daughter.
sheet of paper WS 2 n phr ˌʃiːt əv ˈpeɪpə Blatt Papier feuille de/en papier foglio di carta Mayhem decided that she didn’t like the princess dresses in the stores and
started to make her own from cotton scarves and sheets of paper.
store WS 2 n stɔː Laden, Geschäft magasin negozio Mayhem decided that she didn’t like the princess dresses in the stores and
started to make her own from cotton scarves and sheets of paper.
under-five WS 2 n ˌʌndə ˈfaɪv unter Fünfjährige les moins de cinq ans al di sotto dei cinque anni Most under-fives have a fairly clear idea of what they like to wear and what
colours they want.
unfashionable WS 2 adj ʌnˈfæʃənəbəl unmodisch démodé fuori moda Angie says that she herself is completely unfashionable and nowhere near as
creative as her daughter.
Word in Focus: look
changing room WS 3 n ˈtʃeɪndʒɪŋ ruːm Umkleidekabine cabine d'essayage camerino, spogliatoio I decided to try this dress on and went to the changing room.
look as if WS 3 v phr ˈlʊk əz ɪf aussehen, als ob on dirait que … sembra che She looks as if she is asking the man something.
look like something WS 3 v ˈlʊk laɪk ˌsʌmθɪŋ wie etwas aussehen ressembler à qc. sembrare It looks like a word in my language.

look out! WS 3 phr v ˌlʊk ˈaʊt Pass auf! fais attention! Attento! Look out! There’s a car coming.
look something up WS 3 phr v ˌlʊk ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈʌp etwas nachschlagen, chercher qc., rechercher cercare, controllare Look the word up in your dictionary.
nachsehen qc.
Unit 2 Just do it!
2.1 Vocabulary
athletics track 25 n phr æθˈletɪks træk Laufbahn piste d'athlétisme pista d'atletica Everyone is able to train at one of the many athletics tracks in Kent.
badminton racket 25 n ˈbædmɪntən Badmintonschläger raquette de badminton racchetta da badminton The players took their badminton rackets and went back to the badminton
ˌrækət court.
baseball bat 25 n ˈbeɪsbɔːl bæt Baseballschläger batte de base-ball mazza da baseball A baseball bat is made of wood or metal and it’s used to hit the ball when the
pitcher throws it.
basketball court 25 n ˈbɑːskətbɔːl kɔːt Basketballplatz terrain de base-ball campo da baseball Basketball is played on a basketball court.
boxing ring 25 n ˈbɒksɪŋ rɪŋ Boxring ring de boxe ring The competition took place in the boxing ring at the back of the stadium.
break a world 25 v phr ˌbreɪk ə ˌwɜːld einen Weltrekord brechen battre un record du superare un record During his career, Sergey Bubka broke the world record in the pole vault thirty-
record ˈrekɔːd monde mondiale five times.
bronze medal 25 n ˌbrɒnz ˈmedl Bronzemedaille médaille de bronze medaglia di bronzo In the 2012 Summer Olympics in London the USA won the most medals – 46
gold medals, 28 silver medals and 29 bronze medals.
coach 25 n kəʊtʃ Trainer, Coach coach, entraîneur allenatore, coach A coach trains you or your team.
come first 25 v phr ˌkʌm ˈfɜːst auf den ersten Platz finir premier arrivare per Max came first and Aaron came second in the 200 metres.
kommen, als erster ins Ziel primo/raggiungere il primo
kommen posto
compete against 25 v kəmˈpiːt əˌɡenst gegen jemanden antreten rivaliser avec qn. competere contro He’ll be competing against the world’s best.
somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi qualcuno
competitive sport 25 n kəmˌpetətɪv ˈspɔːt Wettbewerbssport sport de compétition sport competitivo Competitive sports encourage children to work together as a team.

cricket bat 25 n ˈkrɪkət bæt Cricketschläger batte de criquet mazza da cricket A cricket bat looks a bit like a flat wooden club.
cricket pitch 25 n ˈkrɪkət pɪtʃ Cricket-Spielfeld terrain de criquet campo da cricket Cricket is played on a cricket pitch.

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cycle track 25 n ˈsaɪkəl træk Radrennbahn piste cyclable pista per biciclette Cycle tracks are usually located in special stadiums called velodromes.
do athletics 24 v phr ˌduː æθˈletɪks Leichtathletik machen faire de l'athlétisme praticare l'atletica leggera Ethan doesn’t want to do athletics at school because he doesn’t like running or
do boxing 24 v phr ˌduː ˈbɒksɪŋ boxen faire de la boxe praticare la box Muhammad Ali started doing boxing at the age of twelve.
equipment 25 n ɪˈkwɪpmənt Ausrüstung, Ausstattung équipement attrezzature All sports equipment is kept in this room, including footballs, basketballs, hockey
sticks, pucks and badminton rackets.
football pitch 25 n ˈfʊtbɔːl pɪtʃ Fußballplatz terrain de football campo da calcio Football is played on a football pitch.
go canoeing 24 v phr ˌɡəʊ kəˈnuːɪŋ Kanufahren gehen faire du canoë praticare la canoa Before you go canoeing, it’s a good idea to practise your balance by kneeling
down in the canoe and gently rocking it from side to side.
go cycling 24 v phr ˌɡəʊ ˈsaɪklɪŋ Radfahren gehen faire du vélo correre in bicicletta When I go cycling, I usually stay away from busy roads and cycle paths and take
the most remote routes.
golf course 25 n ˈɡɒlf kɔːs Golfplatz terrain de golf corso da golf Golf is played on a golf course.
hit the ball 24 v phr ˌhɪt ðə ˈbɔːl auf den Ball schlagen frapper la balle colpire la palla In baseball, the batter tries to hit the ball with a bat.
hockey pitch 25 n ˈhɒki pɪtʃ Hockeyfeld terrain de hockey campo da hockey Hockey is played on a hockey pitch.
hockey stick 25 n ˈhɒki stɪk Hockeyschläger crosse de hockey mazza da hockey Both field hockey and ice hockey are team sports in which players use hockey
sticks to hit a puck (in ice hockey) or a rubber ball (in field hockey).
ice rink 25 n ˈaɪs rɪŋk Eisbahn patinoire pista da ghiaccio In winter our outdoor ice rink offers 10,000 square feet of real ice.
individual sport 25 n ˌɪndəˈvɪdʒuəl spɔːt Individualsport sport individuel sport individuale Examples of individual sports include: swimming, skiing and boxing.

keep fit 25 v phr ˌkiːp ˈfɪt sich fit halten se tenir en forme tenersi in forma I swim twice a week to try and keep fit.
keep in shape 25 v phr ˌkiːp ɪn ˈʃeɪp sich in Form halten rester en forme, garder sa mantenersi in forma Mum has bought an exercise bike to keep in shape.
kit 25 n kɪt Spielkleidung, Ausrüstung tenue kit Team-mates wear the same kits.

lose a game 25 v phr ˌluːz ə ˈɡeɪm ein Spiel verlieren perdre un jeu perdere una partita Their team didn’t lose any games and won the league championship.
motor racing track 25 n ˈməʊtə ˌreɪsɪŋ træk Motorsport-Rennstrecke course automobile circuito motociclistico Residents keep complaining about the noise generated by the local motor racing
opponent 25 n əˈpəʊnənt Gegner/in adversaire avversario Serena Williams’ opponent in today’s final will be Garbiñe Muguruza.
opposing team 25 n əˌpəʊzɪŋ ˈtiːm gegnerisches Team équipe adverse squadra avversaria I’ve seen men cry when the opposing team scores a goal!
pass the ball 24 v phr ˌpɑːs ðə ˈbɔːl den Ball weitergeben passer le ballon passare la palla Mignolet threw the ball to Balotelli, who then passed it to Origi.
racket 25 n ˈrækət Schläger raquette racchetta Some tennis coaches believe it’s better for beginners to start playing with a
heavy racket.
referee 25 n ˌrefəˈriː Schiedsrichter arbitre arbitro When the referee blew the final whistle, the spectators began to cheer.
rubber 25 adj ˈrʌbə Gummi gomme gomma Both field hockey and ice hockey are team sports in which players use sticks to
hit a puck (in ice hockey) or a rubber ball (in field hockey).
score a goal 25 v phr ˌskɔːr ə ˈɡəʊl ein Tor erzielen marquer un but segnare, fare goal René Vandereycken scored a goal for Belgium.
score a point 25 v phr ˌskɔːr ə ˈpɔɪnt einen Punkt machen marquer un point segnare un punto He has scored 12 points so far this season.
ski resort 25 n ˈskiː rɪˌzɔːt Skiort centre de ski resort sciistico If you’re looking for a nice ski resort in the Alps, the possibilities are endless.

spectator 25 n spekˈteɪtə Zuschauer/in spectateur spettatore When the referee blew the final whistle, the spectators began to cheer.
sporting event 25 n ˈspɔːtɪŋ ɪˌvent Sportereignis événement sportif evento sportivo The key sporting events of 2016 were Euro 2016 and the Summer Olympics.

sportsperson 25 n ˈspɔːtsˌpɜːsən Sportler/in, Persönlichkeit sportif/sportive sportivo Muhammad Ali was a great sportsperson and a very brave individual.
des Sports

squash court 25 n ˈskwɒʃ kɔːt Squashcourt court de squash campo da squash Squash is played on a squash court.
squash racket 25 n ˈskwɒʃ ˌrækət Squash-Schläger raquette de squash racchetta da squash A squash racket is lighter and smaller than a tennis racket.

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table tennis 25 n ˈteɪbəl ˌtenəs Tischtennis tennis de table ping-pong, tennis da Jean-Michel Saive learned playing table tennis from his parents, who were both
tavolo table tennis champions.
table tennis bat 25 n ˈteɪbəl ˌtenəs bæt Tischtennisschläger raquette de tennis de racchetta da ping-pong You play table tennis with a table tennis bat, which is usually made of wood and
table rubber.
take part 24 v phr ˌteɪk ˈpɑːt teilnehmen, mitmachen participer partecipare The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win, but take part.

team-mate 25 n ˈtiːm meɪt Teamkollege coéquipier/ère compagno di squadra He finished just ahead of his Ferrari team-mate.
tennis court 25 n ˈtenəs kɔːt Tennisplatz court/terrain de tennis campo da tennis Tennis is played on a tennis court.
tennis racket 25 n ˈtenəs ˌrækət Tennisschläger raquette de tennis racchetta da tennis A squash racket is lighter and smaller than a tennis racket.
tournament 25 n ˈtʊənəmənt Turnier tournoi torneo I feel I can win this tournament.
training session 25 n ˈtreɪnɪŋ ˌseʃən Training entraînement sessione di allenamento Our coach organised a training session before the spring championships.
volleyball court 25 n ˈvɒlibɔːl kɔːt Volleyballplatz terrain de volley campo da pallavolo Volleyball is played on a volleyball court.
whistle 25 n ˈwɪsəl Pfeife sifflet fischietto A referee carries a whistle, a red card and a yellow card.
win a game 25 v phr ˌwɪn ə ˈɡeɪm ein Spiel gewinnen gagner une partie vincere una partita They finally won the game by a final score of 6–5.
win a point 25 v phr ˌwɪn ə ˈpɔɪnt einen Punkt machen marquer un point segnare un punto Djokovic won five points in a row.
win a prize 25 v phr ˌwɪn ə ˈpraɪz eine Prämie gewinnen gagner un prix vincere un premio Venus won the gold medal and a prize worth £3000.
yellow card 25 n ˌjeləʊ ˈkɑːd gelbe Karte carte jaune cartellino giallo, The player who gets a yellow card can continue playing.
2.2 Grammar
at high speed 26 adv phr ət ˌhaɪ ˈspiːd bei hohem Tempo à grande vitesse a tutta velocità After three kilometres, he was leading when suddenly a local runner overtook
him at high speed.
athlete 26 n ˈæθliːt Leichtathlet, Sportler athlète atleta My grandfather used to be a professional athlete and he’s still very sporty.
beat 26 v biːt schlagen battre battere, sconfiggere Trautmann helped his team to beat Birmingham City 3–1.
blow the whistle 26 v phr ˌbləʊ ðə ˈwɪsəl pfeifen siffler fischiare The referee blew his whistle and the game started.
carry on doing 26 v phr ˌkæri ˌɒn ˈduːɪŋ weiter etwas tun continuer à faire qc. continuare a fare qualcosa After Trautmann dived for the ball, he knew that he had hurt himself, but he
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ carried on playing
chase after 26 phr v ˈtʃeɪs ˌɑːftə jemandem nachjagen pourchasser qn. dare la caccia a qualcuno He looked round and saw that a large rhinoceros had crashed through the trees
somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi next to the road and it was chasing after them!
crash through 26 phr v ˈkræʃ θruː ˌsʌmθɪŋ durch etwas briser par qc. andare a sbattere contro He looked round and saw that a large rhinoceros had crashed through the trees
something hindurchbrechen qualcosa next to the road and it was chasing after them!
cycle race 26 n ˈsaɪkəl reɪs Radrennen course cycliste competizione ciclistica Paula was leading the cycle race when she fell off her bike.
dive for the ball 26 v phr ˌdaɪv fə ðə ˈbɔːl dem Ball nachhechten plonger pour capter tuffarsi sulla palla After Trautmann dived for the ball, he knew that he had hurt himself, but he
carried on playing
fall off something 26 phr v ˌfɔːl ˈɒf ˌsʌmθɪŋ von etwas herunterfallen tomber de cadere da qualcosa Paula was leading the cycle race when she fell off her bike.
football match 26 n ˈfʊtbɔːl mætʃ Fußballspiel match de football partita di calcio Sue and Jenny were excited because they hadn’t been to a football match before.

get injured 26 v phr ˌɡet ˈɪndʒəd verletzt werden être blessé ferirsi, farsi male, What position was Trautmann playing when he got injured?
goalkeeper 26 n ˈɡəʊlˌkiːpə Torwart gardien de but portiere Simon Mignolet is a goalkeeper for Liverpool F.C. and for the Belgium national
hurt yourself 26 v ˈhɜːt jɔːˌself sich verletzen se blesser farsi male, ferirsi After Trautmann dived for the ball, he knew that he had hurt himself, but he
carried on playing.
lead 26 v liːd führen mener essere in testa After three kilometres, he was leading when suddenly a local runner overtook
him at high speed.
look round 26 phr v lʊk raʊnd sich umblicken regarder autour de soi voltarsi a guardare He looked round and saw that a large rhinoceros had crashed through the trees
next to the road.
overtake 26 v ˌəʊvəˈteɪk überholen dépasser superare, sorpassare A local runner overtook Chris at high speed.
pitch 26 n pɪtʃ Spielfeld terrain campo Did Trautmann stay on the pitch for the whole game?

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race 26 n reɪs Rennen course corsa Three athletes were competing in a twenty-kilometre race in Kenya.
score (1) 26 n skɔː Spielstand score punteggio Who won the 1956 FA Cup final and what was the score?
score (2) 26 v skɔː erzielen, treffen marquer segnare un punto I’ll never forget the time I scored the winning goal for our school team.
ski 26 v skiː skifahren skier sciare Jeff broke his leg when he was skiing.
speed up 26 phr v ˌspiːd ˈʌp beschleunigen accélérer accelerare He knew his rival would get tired later in the race, so he didn’t speed up.
sports event 26 n ˈspɔːts ɪˌvent Sportereignis événement sportif evento sportivo The key sports events of 2016 were Euro 2016 and the Summer Olympics.
winning goal 26 n ˌwɪnɪŋ ˈɡəʊl Siegtreffer but gagnant goal decisivo I’ll never forget the time I scored the winning goal for our school team.
2.3 Listening
admire 27 v ədˈmaɪə bewundern admirer ammirare Although Jackie is two years younger, she has always admired Rachel.
become a member 27 v phr bɪˌkʌm ə ˌmembə Mitglied eines Clubs devenir membre d'un club diventare membro di Jackie and Rachel both became members of a children’s sailing club when they
of a club əv ə ˈklʌb werden un'associazione sportiva were young.
copy 27 v ˈkɒpi nachahmen copier emulare, imitare When I was a child, I always copied my older brother.
courage 27 n ˈkʌrɪdʒ Mut courage coraggio Sue showed great courage throughout her illness.
court 27 n kɔːt Platz terrain campo The players took their badminton rackets and went back to the badminton
determined 27 adj dɪˈtɜːmənd entschlossen résolu determinata Robert Kubica inspires young people because he’s so courageous and
draw 27 n drɔː Unentschieden égalité, match nul pareggio The match ended in a draw.
encourage 27 v ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ ermutigen encourager incoraggiare Jackie’s mum encouraged her when she took up rowing.
enter a competition 27 v phr ˌentər ə an einem Wettbewerb participer à un concours partecipare ad una gara When Jackie’s mum was a teenager, she entered windsurfing competitions
ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃən teilnehmen herself.
generosity 27 n ˌdʒenəˈrɒsəti Großzügigkeit générosité generosità I shall never forget the generosity shown by the people of Bastaisk.
generous 27 adj ˈdʒenərəs großzügig généreux generoso Federer has always been passionate about tennis, but he’s also a caring and
generous human being.
get into something 27 phr v ˌɡet ˈɪntə ˌsʌmθɪŋ mit etwas beginnen, in se mettre à faire qc. interessarsi a qualcosa We did lots of sailing and then we got into rowing.
etwas geraten
inspired 27 adj ɪnˈspaɪəd inspiriert inspiré inspirato Liverpool F.C. delivered an inspired performance and secured a place in the
Champions League knockout stages.
join a club 27 v phr ˌdʒɔɪn ə ˈklʌb einem Club beitreten se joindre à un club entrare a far parte di I used to go sailing with Rachel and then we joined a children’s sailing club.
un'associazione sportiva
look up to 27 phr v ˌlʊk ˈʌp tə zu jemandem aufsehen admirer qn. ammirare, guardare a Rachel’s two years older than me and I’ve always looked up to her.
somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi qualcuno con
modest 27 adj ˈmɒdəst bescheiden modeste modesto Ennis is an Olympic champion, but she’s also very modest – she says there are
things she dislikes about herself when she looks in the mirror, and everybody
can relate to that.
modesty 27 n ˈmɒdəsti Bescheidenheit modestie modestia Anyone else would have done the same thing,’ he said with typical modesty.

personal qualities 27 n phr ˌpɜːsənəl ˈkwɒlətiz persönliche Qualitäten qualités personnelles qualità/caratteristiche I think I take after my mum – I hope I have some of the same personal qualities
personali anyway.
realistic about 27 adj rɪəˈlɪstɪk əˌbaʊt realistisch im Hinblick auf réaliste quant à essere realistico riguardo a She’s a brilliant athlete, but she’s also a normal, lovely person who is realistic
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ qualcosa about life
rowing 27 n ˈrəʊɪŋ Rudern aviron remare I’m glad I took up rowing because it made my arms strong, and that helped my
serve 27 n sɜːv Aufschlag service servizio Federer missed the first serve.
take something up 27 phr v ˌteɪk ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈʌp mit etwas beginnen se mettre à qc. iniziare qualcosa Jackie’s mum encouraged her when she took up rowing.
2.4 Reading
archery 28 n ˈɑːtʃəri Bogenschießen tir à l'arc tiro con l'arco For archery you need a bow and arrows.

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beat your personal 29 v phr ˌbiːt jə ˌpɜːsənəl seine persönliche Bestzeit battre son record battere il proprio record She didn’t win, but she did beat her personal best time and set a new American
best time ˌbest ˈtaɪm übertreffen personnel personale record.
benefit 28 n ˈbenəfɪt Nutzen, Vorzüge avantage, bénéfice beneficio He believed passionately in the benefits of competitive sport for his patients.

career choice 28 n kəˈrɪə tʃɔɪs Berufswahl choix de carrière scelta professionale Becoming an actress was a very brave career choice for Katy, who was a disabled
compete in 28 v kəmˈpiːt ɪn antreten (Wettkampf, concourir à qc. gareggiare per qualcosa There were 400 athletes from twenty-three countries, competing in nine events.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ Wettbewerb)
devastated 28 adj ˈdevəsteɪtəd am Boden zerstört abattu, accablé de chagrin affranto, distrutto After the accident Katy was devastated and gave up running for two years.

disability 28 n ˌdɪsəˈbɪləti Behinderung handicap disabilità Only seventeen percent of disabled people were born with their disabilities.

disabled 28 adj dɪsˈeɪbəld behindert handicapé disabile How many disabled people use wheelchairs?
disabled games 28 n dɪsˈeɪbəld ɡeɪmz Paralympics les jeux pour les giochi paralimpici How many athletes took part in the first disabled games in 1948?
personnes handicapées
do a degree 28 v phr ˌduː ə dɪˈɡriː einen Abschluss machen obtenir un diplôme prendere la laurea She did a degree in theatre and then moved to Los Angeles, where she has
played roles in theatre, television and film.
fall over 28 phr v ˌfɔːl ˈəʊvə hinfallen, stürzen tomber (par terre) cadere During training she fell over and missed the chance to compete in the 2008
Beijing Paralympic Games.
feel lucky 28 v phr ˌfiːl ˈlʌki sich glücklich schätzen s'estimer chanceux sentirsi fortunata She feels lucky because her family treated her in just the same way as her other
fulfill your ambitions 28 v phr fʊlˌfɪl jər sich seinen Traum erfüllen, réalisier ses ambitions realizzare le proprie Being deaf hasn’t stopped Karen fulfilling her ambition to be an athlete.
æmˈbɪʃənz sein Ziel erreichen ambizioni

give something up 28 phr v ˌɡɪv ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈʌp etwas aufgeben abandonner qc. rinunciare a qualcosa After the accident Katy was devastated and gave up running for two years.
go for something 28 phr v ˈɡəʊ fə ˌsʌmθɪŋ sich für etwas einsetzen, viser qc. affrontare con Katy has a positive outlook on life – she thinks that if you believe you can do
etwas als Ziel setzen determinazione, puntare something, you should go for it.
un obiettivo
grow in importance 28 v phr ˌɡrəʊ ɪn ɪmˈpɔːtəns an Bedeutung zunehmen croître en importance crescere d'importanza Since 1960 the games have grown in size and importance.

grow in size 28 v phr ˌɡrəʊ ɪn ˈsaɪz an Größe zunehmen grandir crescere di portata Since 1960 the games have grown in size and importance.
gym 28 n dʒɪm Fitnessstudio salle de sport palestra She liked to be active and kept up with her siblings at the gym
have a positive 28 v phr ˌhæv ə ˌpɒzətɪv eine positive avoir une perspective guardare alla vita in Katy has a positive outlook on life – she thinks that if you believe you can do
outlook on life ˌaʊtlʊk ɒn ˈlaɪf Lebenseinstellung haben positive sur la vie positivo something, you should go for it.
injury 28 n ˈɪndʒəri Verletzung blessure ferita Beckham has missed several games because of his injury.
inspiration behind 28 n phr ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃən Idee, Inspirationsquelle la source d'inspiration de fonte di ispirazione Who was the ‘inspiration’ behind the Paralympic Games?
something bɪˌhaɪnd ˌsʌmθɪŋ
keep up with 28 phr v ˌkiːp ˈʌp wɪð mit jemandem mithalten suivre qn. essere all'altezza di She liked to be active and kept up with her siblings at the gym and the
somebody/somethi ˌsʌmbɒdi/ˌsʌmθɪŋ qualcosa/qualcuno swimming pool.
make something up 28 phr v ˌmeɪk ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈʌp sich etwas ausdenken inventer qc. inventarsi Katy enjoyed making up stories because she thought it was boring to say, ‘I’ve
been like this all my life.’
make up your mind 28 v phr meɪk ˌʌp jə ˈmaɪnd sich entscheiden se décider decidersi a fare qualcosa Before the play was over, Katy had made her mind up to be an actor.

motivational 28 n ˌməʊtɪˌveɪʃən‿əl Motivationsredner orateur motivant counselor motivazionale Katy Sullivan is an actor, an athlete, a motivational speaker and a person who
speaker ˈspiːkə refuses to accept the words ‘no’ or ‘I can’t’.
occupation 28 n ˌɒkjəˈpeɪʃən Beschäftigung occupation attività Katy chose two occupations that are difficult, even with both legs.

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overcome your 28 v phr ˌəʊvəˌkʌm jə seine Behinderung surmonter son invalidité superare la disabilità Her family, friends and fans think Katy has overcome her disability.
disability ˌdɪsəˈbɪləti überwinden
passionately 29 adv ˈpæʃən‿ətli leidenschaftlich passionnément appassionatamente He believed passionately in the benefits of competitive sport for his patients.

percentage 29 n pəˈsentɪdʒ Prozentsatz pourcentage percentuale What percentage of the UK population are disabled?
play 29 n pleɪ Theaterstück pièce pezzo teatrale Before the play was over, Katy had made her mind up to be an actor.
play a role 29 v phr ˌpleɪ ə ˈrəʊl eine Rolle spielen jouer un rôle recitare un ruolo She loves acting, but she hasn’t played any roles on television.
positive attitude 29 n phr ˌpɒzətɪv ˈætətjuːd positive Einstellung attitude positive atteggiamento positivo People with a good sense of humour and a positive attitude to life are said to
live longer.
prosthetic leg 29 n prɒsˌθetɪk ˈleɡ Beinprothese jambe prothétique protesi alla gamba, gamba She was born without the lower half of her legs and has worn prosthetic legs all
prostetica her life.
prosthetist 29 n ˈprɒsθətɪst Prothetiker prothésiste protesista Katy’s prosthetist asked her if she’d like to try running.
put something on 29 phr v ˌpʊt ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈɒn etwas anlegen mettre qc. indossare When Katy was a child, she didn’t like to put her prosthetic legs on because she
was much faster without them.
qualify for 29 v ˈkwɒləfaɪ fə sich für etwas qualifizieren se préqualifier pour qualificarsi per qualcosa Katy qualified for the final of the 100 metres in the 2012 London Paralympics.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
represent 29 v ˌreprɪˈzent vertreten représenter rappresentare 164 countries were represented in the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
role model 29 n rəʊl ˈmɒdl Vorbild modèle esempio Many disabled people look up to Katy as an impressive role model.
sense of humour 29 n ˌsens əv ˈhjuːmə Sinn für Humor sens de l'humour senso dell'umorismo People with a good sense of humour and a positive attitude to life are said to
live longer.
set a new record 29 v phr ˌset ə ˌnjuː ˈrekɔːd einen neuen Rekord établir un nouveau record stabilire un record In the London 2012 Paralympics, in the 100 metres, Katy set a new world record.
set out on 29 phr v ˌset ˈaʊt aufbrechen zu partir à iniziare, dare inizio She was given a pair of running legs and set out on a new chapter of her life.

sibling 29 n ˈsɪblɪŋ Geschwister frère / soeur fratelli Most young smokers are influenced by their friends’ and older siblings’ smoking
software developer 29 n ˈsɒftweə dɪˌveləpə Software-Entwickler développeur de logiciel programmatore Software developers write the codes that allow programs to run.

spinal injury 29 n ˈspaɪnl ˌɪndʒəri Spezialist für médecin spécialiste de specialista della colonna I hurt my back and had to see a spinal injury specialist.
specialist ˌspeʃələst Rückenverletzungen lésions médullaires
stay in shape 29 v phr ˌsteɪ ɪn ˈʃeɪp in Form bleiben garder la forme, rester en mantenersi in forma She took up running because she wanted to stay in shape.
take place 29 v phr ˌteɪk ˈpleɪs stattfinden avoir lieu svolgersi The first Paralympic Games took place in Rome in 1960.
track 29 n træk Bahn piste percorso To run a mile, you have to run four circuits of the track.
treat (1) 29 v triːt behandeln (ärztlich) traiter curare Guttmann treated soldiers with terrible injuries from the Second World War.

treat (2) 29 v triːt behandeln traiter trattare She feels lucky because her family treated her in just the same way as her other
wheelchair 29 n ˈwiːltʃeə Rollstuhl fauteuil roulant sedia a rotelle, carrozzina Fewer than ten percent of disabled people need wheelchairs.

2.5 Grammar
advise somebody to 30 v phr ədˌvaɪz ˌsʌmbɒdi jemandem raten, etwas zu conseiller à qn. de faire qc. consigliare qualcosa a Before an important event, I advise athletes to visit the stadium.
do something tə ˈduː ˌsʌmθɪŋ tun qualcuno
allow somebody to 30 v phr əˌlaʊ ˌsʌmbɒdi tə jemandem erlauben etwas permettre à qn. de faire concedere qualcosa a Visiting the stadium allows the athletes to visualise the day of the competition.
do something ˈduː ˌsʌmθɪŋ zu tun qc. qualcuno
avoid doing 30 v phr əˌvɔɪd ˈduːɪŋ vermeiden etwas zu tun éviter de faire qc. evitare di fare qualcosa Athletes need to prepare for their competitions physically: they should get
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ plenty of sleep, remember to drink lots of fluids and avoid drinking alcohol.

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be happy to do 30 v phr bi ˌhæpi tə ˈduː glücklich sein etwas zu tun être heureux de faire qc. essere felice di fare I’m happy to lend my bike to my friends.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ qualcosa
can’t afford to buy 30 v phr ˌkɑːnt əˌfɔːd tə ˈbaɪ sich nicht leisten können, ne pas avoir les moyens non potersi permettere di I can’t afford to buy new trainers.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas zu kaufen d'acheter qc. comprare qualcosa
can’t help doing 30 v phr ˌkɑːnt ˌhelp ˈduːɪŋ nicht umhin können etwas ne pas pouvoir s'empêcher non poter evitare di fare Even top athletes can’t help feeling nervous, especially when they find
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ zu tun de faire qc. qualcosa themselves standing next to last year’s champion!
concentrate on 30 v ˈkɒnsəntreɪt ɒn sich auf etwas se concentrer sur qc. concentrarsi a fare I force them to concentrate on the times when they won.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ konzentrieren qualcosa/concentrarsi su
control your nerves 30 v phr kənˌtrəʊl jə ˈnɜːvz seine Nerven im Griff contrôler ses nerfs tenere i nervi saldi It’s a simple fact that if they manage to control their nerves, they tend to do
haben better.
decide to do 30 v phr dɪˌsaɪd tə ˈduː beschließen etwas zu tun décider de faire qc. decidere a/di fare The referee decided to add ten minutes to the game.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ qualcosa
encourage 30 v phr ɪnˌkʌrɪdʒ ˌsʌmbɒdi jemanden ermutigen, encourager qn. à faire qc. incoraggiare qualcuno a I encourage athletes to talk to themselves before a big race.
somebody to do tə ˈduː ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas zu tun fare qualcosa
expect to do 30 v phr ɪkˌspekt tə ˈduː erwarten etwas zu tun s'attendre à ce que qn. si aspettano di fare Good athletes want to win, but top athletes expect to win.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ fasse qc. qualcosa
fluid 30 n ˈfluːəd Flüssigkeit liquide liquidi Athletes need to prepare for their competitions physically: they should get
plenty of sleep, remember to drink lots of fluids and avoid drinking alcohol.

focus on something 30 v ˈfəʊkəs ɒn ˌsʌmθɪŋ sich auf etwas concentrer ses efforts sur concentrarsi su qualcosa I focus on three areas: visualisation, positive thinking and relaxation.
konzentrieren qc.
force somebody to 30 v phr ˌfɔːs ˌsʌmbɒdi tə jemanden zwingen, etwas forcer qn. à faire qc. costringere qualcuno a I force them to concentrate on the times when they won.
do something ˈduː ˌsʌmθɪŋ zu tun fare qualcosa
get plenty of sleep 30 v phr ˌɡet ˌplenti əv ˈsliːp reichlich Schlaf bekommen dormir suffisamment dormire molto Athletes need to prepare for their competitions physically: they should get
plenty of sleep, remember to drink lots of fluids and avoid drinking alcohol.

help somebody to 30 v phr ˌhelp ˌsʌmbɒdi tə jemandem helfen etwas zu aider qn. à faire qc. aiutare qualcuno a fare I work with top athletes and I help them to prepare for important competitions.
do something ˈduː ˌsʌmθɪŋ tun qualcosa
hope to do 30 v phr ˌhəʊp tə ˈduː etwas zu tun hoffen espérer faire qc. sperare di fare qualcosa I hope to learn how to skate one day.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
imagine doing 30 v phr ɪˌmædʒən ˈduːɪŋ sich vorstellen etwas zu imaginer de faire qc. immaginarsi di fare When they visit the stadium, the athletes can imagine the smells and the sounds
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ tun qualcosa in it, and they imagine winning the competition.
intend to do 30 v phr ɪnˌtend tə ˈduː etwas zu tun avoir l'intention que qn. voler fare qualcosa I don’t intend to take up jogging.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ beabsichtigen fasse qc.
it’s all in the mind 30 phr ˌɪts ˌɔːl ɪn ðə es spielt sich alles im Kopf c'est dans la tête è tutta una questione di It’s a simple fact that if they manage to control their nerves, they tend to do
ˈmaɪnd ab testa better. Winning – it’s all in the mind!
let somebody do 30 ˌlet ˌsʌmbɒdi ˈduː jemanden etwas tun laisser qn. faire qc. far fare qualcosa a I let them talk to me about their worries, but on the day of the competition,
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ lassen qualcuno negative thoughts are not allowed!
make somebody do 30 v phr ˌmeɪk ˌsʌmbɒdi jemanden dazu faire faire qc. à qn. far fare qualcosa a After the athletes have spent time preparing their body, I make them relax and
something ˈduː ˌsʌmθɪŋ veranlassen/zwingen, qualcuno prepare the mind.
etwas zu tun
manage to do 30 v phr ˌmænɪdʒ tə ˈduː schaffen etwas zu tun arriver à faire qc. riuscire a fare qualcosa It’s a simple fact that if they manage to control their nerves, they tend to do
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ better.
mind 30 n maɪnd Geist, Verstand esprit mente After athletes have spent time preparing their body, I make them relax and
prepare the mind.

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negative thoughts 30 n phr ˌneɡətɪv ˈθɔːts negative Gedanken pensées négatives pensieri negativi I let them talk to me about their worries, but on the day of the competition,
negative thoughts are not allowed!
not mind doing 30 v phr nɒt ˌmaɪnd ˈduːɪŋ nichts dagegen haben, ne voir pas d'objection à non infastidirsi a, non I don’t mind lending my bike to my friends.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas zu tun faire qc. dispiacersi a
physically 30 adv ˈfɪzɪkli körperlich physiquement fisicamente Athletes need to prepare for their competitions physically: they should get
plenty of sleep, remember to drink lots of fluids and avoid drinking alcohol.

positive thinking 30 n phr ˌpɒzətɪv ˈθɪŋkɪŋ positives Denken pensée positive pensiero positivo I focus on three areas: visualisation, positive thinking and relaxation.
prepare 30 v prɪˈpeə vorbereiten préparer preparare After the athletes have spent time preparing their body, I make them relax and
prepare the mind.
should do 30 v phr ˌʃəd ˈduː ˌsʌmθɪŋ sollte(n) etwas tun devrai(en)t faire qc. dovrebbe(ro) fare qualcosa Athletes should get plenty of sleep, remember to drink lots of fluids and avoid
something drinking alcohol.
skate 30 v skeɪt eislaufen patiner (sur glace) pattinare The children skated on the frozen pond.
smell 30 n smel Geruch odeur odore When athletes visit the stadium, they can imagine the smells and the sounds in
it, and they imagine winning the competition.
sound 30 n saʊnd Geräusche, Lärm bruit suono, rumore When athletes visit the stadium, they can imagine the smells and the sounds in
it, and they imagine winning the competition.
spend time doing 30 v phr ˌspend ˌtaɪm eine gewisse Zeitlang consacrer du temps à qc. trascorrere del tempo After the athletes have spent time preparing their body, I make them relax and
something ˈduːɪŋ ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas tun facendo qualcosa prepare the mind.
sports psychologist 30 n ˈspɔːts Sportpsychologe psychologue du sport psicologo dello sport I’m a sports psychologist – I work with top athletes and I help them to prepare
saɪˌkɒlədʒəst for important competitions.
stadium 30 n ˈsteɪdiəm Stadion stade stadio Visiting the stadium allows athletes to visualise the day of the competition.
stay out 30 phr v ˌsteɪ ˈaʊt ausgehen sortir tard, rester dehors stare fuori My parents won’t allow me to stay out all night with my friends.
stop doing 30 v phr ˌstɒp ˈduːɪŋ aufhören etwas zu tun arrêter de faire qc. smettere di fare qualcosa Athletes need to tell the negative voice in their head to stop talking.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
talk to yourself 30 v ˈtɔːk tə jɔːˌself Selbstgespräche führen parler tout seul parlarsi I encourage athletes to talk to themselves before a big race.
teach somebody to 30 v phr ˌtiːtʃ ˌsʌmbɒdi tə jemandem beibringen, enseigner qc. à qn. insegnare qualcosa a My uncle taught me to swim.
do something ˈduː ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas zu tun qualcuno
tend to do 30 v phr ˌtend tə ˈduː dazu neigen, etwas zu tun avoir tendance à faire qc. tendere a fare qualcosa It’s a simple fact that if they manage to control their nerves, they tend to do
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ better.
top athlete 30 n phr ˌtɒp ˈæθliːt Spitzensportler meilleur athlète campione I’m a sports psychologist – I work with top athletes and I help them to prepare
for important competitions.
try to do something 30 v phr ˌtraɪ tə ˈduː versuchen etwas zu tun essayer de faire qc. cercare di fare qualcosa When the day of the competition arrives, athletes try to recreate the success
ˌsʌmθɪŋ they imagined.
visualisation 30 n ˌvɪʒʊəlaɪˈzeɪʃən Visualisierung image/représentation visualizzazione I focus on three areas: visualisation, positive thinking and relaxation.
want to do 30 v phr ˌwɒnt tə ˈduː etwas tun wollen vouloir faire qc. voler fare qualcosa Good athletes want to win, but top athletes expect to win.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
waste time doing 30 v phr ˌweɪst ˌtaɪm ˈduːɪŋ Zeit damit verschwenden perdre de temps à faire qc. perdere tempo a fare I wasted a lot of time trying to learn windsurfing.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas zu tun qualcosa

worry 30 n ˈwʌri Sorge souci preoccuparsi I let them talk to me about their worries, but on the day of the competition,
negative thoughts are not allowed!
2.6 Speaking
absolutely 31 adv ˈæbsəluːtli vollkommen richtig! absolument, tout à fait assolutamente ‘I think boxing should be banned. It’s too dangerous.’ ‘Absolutely!’
agree 31 v əˈɡriː zustimmen être d'accord essere d'accordo I’m sorry, I don’t agree with you.
are you kidding? 31 phr ˌɑː jə ˈkɪdɪŋ machst du Witze? vous plaisantez? stai scherzando? Carlotta is 39? Are you kidding?

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Word Page Part of Pronunciation German French Italian Example
ban 31 v bæn verbieten interdire essere bandita Boxing should be banned because it’s too dangerous.
convinced 31 adj kənˈvɪnst überzeugt convaincu essere convinto I’m not convinced that they’re doing the right thing.
deserve 31 v dɪˈzɜːv verdienen mériter meritare Only a few players earn that much and they deserve it.
disagree 31 v ˌdɪsəˈɡriː nicht übereinstimmen mit ne pas être d'accord non essere d'accordo, I’m afraid I completely disagree with you.
essere in disaccordo
earn a salary 31 v phr ˌɜːn ə ˈsæləri ein Gehalt bekommen toucher un salaire guadagnare uno stipendio I think female athletes should earn the same salary as male athletes.

extreme sport 31 n ɪkˌstriːm ˈspɔːt Extremsport sport extrême sport estremo Examples of extreme sports include: bungee jumping, ice climbing and
play sports 31 v phr ˌpleɪ ˈspɔːts Sport treiben faire du sport praticare uno sport Playing team sports is much better.
save lives 31 v phr ˌseɪv ˈlaɪvz Leben retten sauver des vies salvare vite umane Doctors and surgeons save people’s lives.
surgeon 31 n ˈsɜːdʒən Arzt chirurgien chirurgo This wound should be assessed by a surgeon.
2.7 Writing
ache 32 v eɪk wehtun, schmerzen faire mal dolere, fare male The following morning, our legs were aching and tired, but we didn’t give up.

announcement 33 n əˈnaʊnsmənt Ankündigung annonce annuncio Look, I’ve just seen this announcement on an international students’ website.

be involved 33 v phr ˌbi ɪnˈvɒlvd beteiligt sein être impliqué essere coinvolto I’m afraid your son’s been involved in an accident.
competitor 33 n kəmˈpetətə Wettkampfteilnehmer concurrent concorrente, avversario On the first morning seventy-six competitors met at the start and at 8 a.m. the
race began.
complete a race 33 v phr kəmˌpliːt ə ˈreɪs ein Rennen absolvieren terminer une course completare una corsa Last weekend, after three months of training, my friends and I completed our
first 100-kilometre walking race.
enjoy yourself 32 v phr ɪnˈdʒɔɪ jɔːˌself Spaß haben s'amuser bien divertirsi After three days of snowboarding lessons, we felt more confident and we were
really starting to enjoy ourselves.
eventually 33 adv ɪˈventʃuəli schließlich finalement magari Eventually, she got a job and moved to London.
exhausted 32 adj ɪɡˈzɔːstəd erschöpft épuisé esausto By the end of the first day, we were exhausted.
fall in love with 32 v phr ˌfɔːl ɪn ˈlʌv wɪð sich in jemanden/etwas tomber amoureux de innamorarsi di By the end of the week, we’d both fallen in love with snowboarding and we didn’t
somebody/somethi ˌsʌmbɒdi/ˌsʌmθɪŋ verlieben qn./qc. qualcuno/qualcosa want to go home.
feel confident 32 v phr ˌfiːl ˈkɒnfədənt sich sicher fühlen se sentir à l'aise sentirsi sicuro di sé After three days of snowboarding lessons, we felt more confident and we were
really starting to enjoy ourselves.
finally 33 adv ˈfaɪnəl-i schließlich finalement, enfin finalmente, alla fine After several delays we finally took off at six o’clock.
hire 32 v haɪə mieten louer noleggiare We’d booked some snowboarding lessons before we arrived and on the first
morning we hired our helmets, boots and boards.
require 32 v rɪˈkwaɪə erfordern demander richiedere Snowboarding requires determination, but I’d definitely recommend it.
rest stop 33 n ˈrest stɒp Rastplatz aire de repos sosta After six hours, our group reached the very first rest stop.
slope 32 n sləʊp Piste piste discesa On the fourth day, we tried a more difficult slope and I’m proud to say I got all
the way to the bottom without falling over.
start to do 32 v phr ˌstɑːt tə ˈduː anfangen etwas zu tun commencer à faire qc. iniziare a fare qualcosa After three days of snowboarding lessons, we felt more confident and we were
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ really starting to enjoy ourselves.
take the lift 32 v phr ˌteɪk ðə ˈlɪft den Lift nehmen prendre l'ascenseur prendere la funivia We were both feeling quite nervous, but very excited as we took the lift up the
try doing something 32 v phr ˌtraɪ ˈduːɪŋ versuchen etwas zu tun essayer de faire qc. cercare di fare qualcosa Last month my friend and I went to Austria and tried snowboarding.
walking race 33 n ˈwɔːkɪŋ reɪs Wettkampf im Gehen marche athlétique gara di camminata veloce Running in a walking race automatically disqualifies a competitor.

Focus Review 2

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Word Page Part of Pronunciation German French Italian Example
according to 35 prep əˈkɔːdɪŋ tə zufolge, entsprechend selon secondo qualcuno According to sports experts, girls at school are still not encouraged to go into
attract 35 v əˈtrækt anziehen, anlocken attirer attrarre Women’s football used to be very popular in England at the end of the
nineteenth century and in the beginning the matches attracted more spectators
than the men’s matches did.
avoid doing 34 v phr əˌvɔɪd ˈduːɪŋ vermeiden etwas zu tun éviter de faire qc. evitare di fare qualcosa The local football team coach avoids talking to the press after his team loses a
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ match.
bounce the ball 34 v phr ˌbaʊns ðə ˈbɔːl den Ball prellen faire rebondir la balle palleggiare First, practise bouncing a basketball with your right hand; then, stop and
continue with your left hand.
brilliant 35 adj ˈbrɪljənt brillant, hervorragend brillant brillante, eccellente Last weekend I watched a brilliant sports event at Wembley stadium.
can’t help doing 34 v phr ˌkɑːnt ˌhelp ˈduːɪŋ nicht umhin können, ne pouvoir s'empêcher de non poter evitare di fare I can’t help laughing when I see that video of me trying to learn to ski.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas zu tun faire qc. qualcosa
club 34 n klʌb Schläger club, bâton mazza A cricket bat looks a bit like a flat wooden club.
come a long way 35 v phr ˌkʌm ə ˌlɒŋ ˈweɪ es weit bringen progresser beaucoup progredire, migliorarsi, The Football Association then started to help develop the game and women’s
andare avanti football has come a long way in the last twenty years.
complete 34 v kəmˈpliːt absolvieren achever, terminer completare The athletes completed the run and were getting ready for the swimming race.

course 34 n kɔːs Platz terrain, parcours corso When I got to the golf course, I realised that I had left my golf clubs at home.

defeat 35 n dɪˈfiːt Niederlage défaite sconfitta, disfatta This was the twentieth defeat by Germany in a row!
do exercise 34 v phr ˌduː ˈeksəsaɪz Sport machen faire de l'exercice allenarsi The best way to keep fit is to do some exercise every day.
do sports 35 v phr ˌduː ˈspɔːts Sport machen faire du sport praticare uno sport Why do you think some people enjoy doing dangerous sports?
enjoy doing 35 v phr ɪnˌdʒɔɪ ˈduːɪŋ etwas mit Freude tun aimer faire qc. divertirsi a fare qualcosa Why do you think some people enjoy doing dangerous sports?
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
enter a sports 35 v phr ˌentər ə ˈspɔːts an einem Wettkampf participer à une gareggiare Is it a good idea for young children to enter sports competitions?
competition ˌkɒmpəˌtɪʃən teilnehmen compétition sportive
even 35 adv ˈiːvən sogar même persino, addirittura There wasn’t much money given to develop the game and even in 1993 there
were only eighty girls’ teams, no professional players and not much training.

expect somebody to 34 v phr ɪkˌspekt ˌsʌmbɒdi von jemandem erwarten, s'attendre à ce que qn. aspettarsi qualcosa da Everyone at the stadium expected their team to win the match.
do something tə ˈduː ˌsʌmθɪŋ dass er etwas tut fasse qc. qualcuno

gain weight 34 v phr ˌɡeɪn ˈweɪt zunehmen (Körpergewicht) prendre du poids ingrassare Tim tends to gain weight easily, so he has to be very active to stay in shape.

get ready for 34 v phr ˌɡet ˈredi fə sich bereit machen für se préparer à/pour qc. prepararsi a/per qualcosa The athletes completed the run and were getting ready for the swimming race.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas
give a reason 35 v phr ˌɡɪv ə ˈriːzən einen Grund angeben motiver sa décision, dare una motivazione The reason they gave was that football was ‘unsuitable’ for women because it
donner une raison wasn’t good for their health!
go into something 35 phr v ˌɡəʊ ˈɪntə ˌsʌmθɪŋ mit etwas beginnen se lancer dans qc. avvicinarsi a qualcosa According to sports experts, girls at school are still not encouraged to go into
good for 35 adj phr ˌɡʊd fə ˌsʌmbɒdiz gut für jemandes bon pour la santé de qn. buono per la salute The reason they gave was that football was ‘unsuitable’ for women because it
somebody’s health ˈhelθ Gesundheit wasn’t good for their health!
ground 35 n ɡraʊnd Gelände terrain terreno, campo The Football Association (the FA) decided to ban all women’s football matches
on the FA’s clubs’ grounds.
grow up 34 phr v ˌɡrəʊ ˈʌp erwachsen werden grandir crescere When she turned eighteen, Eva decided it was time to grow up and give up
certain childish habits.
habit 34 n ˈhæbət Gewohnheit habitude abitudine When she turned eighteen, Eva decided it was time to grow up and give up
certain childish habits.

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Word Page Part of Pronunciation German French Italian Example
half (plural: halves) 34 n hɑːf/hɑːvz Hälfte moitié metà The referee showed two red cards during the first half of the match.
help do something 35 v phr ˌhelp ˈduː ˌsʌmθɪŋ helfen etwas zu tun aider (qn.) à faire qc. aiutare a fare qualcosa The Football Association then started to help develop the game and women’s
football has come a long way in the last twenty years.
in a row 35 adv phr ˌɪn ə ˈrəʊ in Serie de suite di seguito This was the twentieth defeat by Germany in a row!
kick the ball 34 v phr ˌkɪk ðə ˈbɔːl den Ball kicken frapper le ballon avec le tirare la palla Can you kick the ball in American football?
leisurely 34 adv ˈleʒəli gemächlich, geruhsam tranquillement tranquillamente I was swimming leisurely when suddenly someone jumped into the pool.
let somebody do 34 v phr ˌlet ˌsʌmbɒdi ˈduː jemanden etwas tun laisser qn. faire qc. consentire a qualcuno di I don’t think my parents will let me go to the rugby championship on my own.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ lassen fare qualcosa
nearly 35 adv ˈnɪəli fast presque quasi Whatever the reason, women’s football nearly disappeared completely.
professional league 34 n prəˌfeʃənəl ˈliːɡ Profiliga ligue professionnelle lega professionistica Mark’s second wife was a goalkeeper in a women’s professional league.

professional sport 34 n prəˌfeʃənəl ˈspɔːt Profisport sport professionnel sport professionistico The doctor has advised to give up professional sport if I don’t want to get injured
pursue 34 v pəˈsjuː nachgehen, betreiben, poursuivre seguire Students should pursue their own interests, as well as do their school work.
receive a prize 35 v phr rɪˌsiːv ə ˈpraɪz einen Preis/eine Prämie recevoir un prix ricevere un premio We’re running a competition for articles about sporting events and the top five
erhalten entries will receive a prize!
recommend 35 v ˌrekəˈmend empfehlen recommander raccomandare Lily recommends swimming because it isn’t an expensive sport.
ridiculous 35 adj rɪˈdɪkjələs lächerlich ridicule ridicolo Professional women football players’ earning can be as low as £20,000 a year,
and it’s ridiculous when you compare it to professional men footballers’
enormous salaries!
run 34 n rʌn Lauf course corsa The athletes completed the run and were getting ready for the swimming race.

run a competition 35 v phr ˌrʌn ə ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃən einen Wettbewerb organiser un concours indire un concorso We’re running a competition for articles about sporting events and the top five
veranstalten entries will receive a prize!
salary 35 n ˈsæləri Gehalt salaire stipendio Professional women football players’ earnings can be as low as £20,000 a year,
and it’s ridiculous when you compare it to professional men footballers’
enormous salaries!
set out 34 phr v ˌset ˈaʊt beginnen partir pour iniziare She was given a pair of running legs and set out on a new chapter of her life.

skating 34 n ˈskeɪtɪŋ Eislaufen patinage sur glace pattinare Figure skating is my favourite sport to watch on TV.
sports star 35 n ˈspɔːts stɑː Sportstar vedette sportive star dello sport Some people say that sports stars – like football players – earn too much money.

stick 34 n stɪk Schläger crosse mazza Both field hockey and ice hockey are team sports in which players use sticks to
hit a puck (in ice hockey) or a rubber ball (in field hockey).
swimming race 34 n ˈswɪmɪŋ reɪs Schwimmwettkampf concours de natation gara di nuoto The athletes completed the run and were getting ready for the swimming race.

take up a sport 34 v phr teɪk ˌʌp ə ˈspɔːt mit einem Sport beginnen commencer à faire du iniziare uno sport John is thinking about taking up a sport: rugby or squash.
tend to do 34 v phr ˌtend tə ˈduː dazu neigen, etwas zu tun avoir tendance à faire qc. tendere a fare qualcosa Tim tends to gain weight easily, so he has to be very active to stay in shape.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
the Football 35 n ðə ˈfʊtbɔːl Fußballverband Fédération de Football associazione calcistica The Football Association (the FA) decided to ban all women’s football matches
Association (the FA) əˌsəʊsiˌeɪʃən/ðə ˌef on the FA’s clubs’ grounds.
the high jump 34 n ðə ˈhaɪ dʒʌmp Hochsprung le saut en hauteur salto in alto Javier Sotomayor, born in 1967 in Cuba, is the current record holder in men’s
high jump.

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Word Page Part of Pronunciation German French Italian Example
the long jump 34 n ðə ˈlɒŋ dʒʌmp Weitsprung le saut en longueur salto in lungo To do well in the long jump, the athlete has to balance technique, strength and
the press 34 n ðə ˈpres die Presse la presse giornalisti, giornali The local football team coach avoids talking to the press after his team loses a
turn eighteen 34 v phr ˌtɜːn ˌeɪˈtiːn achtzehn werden venir d'avoir, atteindre diventare maggiorenne When she turned eighteen, Eva decided it was time to grow up and give up
l'âge de 18 certain childish habits.
unsuitable 35 adj ʌnˈsuːtəbəl ungeeignet inapproprié inidoneo, inadatto The reason they gave was that football was ‘unsuitable’ for women because it
wasn’t good for their health!
waste time 34 v phr ˌweɪst ˈtaɪm Zeit verschwenden perdre son temps sprecare del tempo You really should stop wasting your time at table tennis practice.
whatever 35 det wɒtˈevə was auch immer quoi que a prescindere da, qualsiasi Whatever the reason, women’s football nearly disappeared completely.

World Cup 35 n ˌwɜːld ˈkʌp Weltmeisterschaft Coupe du monde Campionati del mondo, i In 1966, when England won the World Cup, people started getting interested in
Mondiali women’s football again.
Use of English 2
advise WS 4 v ədˈvaɪz raten conseiller consigliare Peter advised me to spend more time at the gym.
aerobics class WS 4 n eəˈrəʊbɪks klɑːs Aerobics-Unterricht cours d’aérobic corso di aerobica She went to classes at a gym where her mother was doing aerobics classes and
discovered that she loved the sport.
association WS 4 n əˌsəʊsiˈeɪʃən Verband association associazione In fact, women’s boxing was banned by the Amateur Boxing Association in 1996.

compete WS 4 v kəmˈpiːt an einem disputer competere, concorrere The 2012 Olympics in London were the first games that allowed women boxers
Wettkampf/Wettbewerb to compete and that was when Nicola Adams became the first female gold
teilnehmen medal winner.
competition WS 4 n ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃən Wettkampf/Wettbewerb compétition gara Success, however, wasn’t easy for Nicola as there were very few competitions for
discover WS 4 v dɪsˈkʌvə entdecken découvrir scoprire She went to classes at a gym where her mother was doing aerobics classes and
discovered that she loved the sport.
fall down WS 4 phr v ˌfɔːl ˈdaʊn hinunterfallen tomber cadere giù She had fallen down the stairs a year before and her back was still giving her a
lot of pain.
follow WS 4 v ˈfɒləʊ verfolgen, ausüben suivre seguire Female boxers have always found following their sport particularly hard.
football match WS 4 n ˈfʊtbɔːl mætʃ Fußballspiel match de football partita di calcio Mike broke his ankle during the football match.
Olympic sport WS 4 n əˌlɪmpɪk ˈspɔːt olympische Sportart discipline olympique sport olimpico Then, after lots of discussions, women’s boxing became an Olympic sport.
Olympics WS 4 n əˈlɪmpɪks Olympische Spiele Jeux olympiques olimpiadi The 2012 Olympics in London were the first games that allowed women boxers
to compete and that was when Nicola Adams became the first female gold
medal winner.
on top form WS 4 adj phr ɒn ˌtɒp ˈfɔːm in Topform en forme della forma ideale Nicola qualified for the British team although she wasn’t on top form.
spend time at the WS 4 v phr spend ˌtaɪm ət ðə öfter ins Fitnessstudio passer du temps au andare in palestra Peter advised me to spend more time at the gym.
gym ˈdʒɪm gehen gymnase
the rest is history WS 4 phr ðə ˌrest ɪz ˈhɪstəri der Rest ist Geschichte le reste appartient à tutto il resto è storia But Nicola is a real fighter, and the rest is history.
Word in Focus: just
footballer WS 5 n ˈfʊtbɔːlə Fußballspieler footballeur calciatore I just don’t think footballers are good role models.
just (1) WS 5 adv dʒʌst genauso exactement esattamente, proprio He’s just as fast as she is.
just (2) WS 5 adv dʒʌst nur juste, seulement solo, soltanto, solamente ‘Can I help you?’ ‘I’m just looking.’

just (3) WS 5 adv dʒʌst soeben juste (venir juste de) appena Ronaldo’s just scored a fantastic goal.
just (4) WS 5 adv dʒʌst genauso de la même manière proprio, esattamente Her family treated her in just the same way.
just (5) WS 5 adv dʒʌst einfach tout simplement semplicemente I just don’t think they are good role models.
Unit 3 Going places

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Word Page Part of Pronunciation German French Italian Example
3.1 Vocabulary
advantages and 37 n phr ədˌvɑːntɪdʒɪz ən Vor- und Nachteile des avantages et des vantaggi e svantaggi There are both advantages and disadvantages to this type of lifestyle.
disadvantages ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒɪz inconvénients
air travel 37 n ˈeə ˌtrævəl Flugreise voyages aériens viaggio aereo Air travel is growing rapidly.
baggage reclaim 37 n ˌbæɡɪdʒ ˈriːkleɪm Gepäckausgabe retrait des bagages ritiro bagagli When you change planes, you usually don’t have to collect your luggage in the
baggage reclaim between the two flights.
belongings 37 n bɪˈlɒŋɪŋz Besitz, Eigentum affaires effetti personali He sold his belongings and set off on a journey with one bag that fits into the
overhead locker on a plane.
board a ferry 37 v phr ˌbɔːd ə ˈferi an Bord einer Fähre gehen monter à bord d'un ferry imbarcarsi sul traghetto Passengers were standing on the dock, waiting to board the ferry.

board a plane 37 v phr ˌbɔːd ə ˈpleɪn an Bord eines Flugzeugs monter dans l'avion imbarcarsi sull'aereo After the passengers boarded the plane, suddenly a storm broke over the
gehen airport, so the aircraft had to wait for almost an hour on the runway before it
could take off.
board a ship 37 v phr ˌbɔːd ə ˈʃɪp an Bord eines Schiffs monter à bord d'un imbarcarsi sulla nave Charley crossed Europe by train and boat, and boarded a cargo ship to cross the
gehen vaisseau Arabian Sea.
boarding pass 37 n ˈbɔːdɪŋ pɑːs Boardkarte carte d'embarquement carta d'imbarco You get your boarding pass at the check-in desk and then you show it to the
airport staff before you get onto a plane.
book a flight 37 v phr ˌbʊk ə ˈflaɪt einen Flug buchen réserver un vol prenotare un volo The first thing you should do is book your flights.
book a hotel room 37 v phr ˌbʊk ə həʊˈtel ruːm ein Hotelzimmer buchen réserver une chambre prenotare una stanza I’ll book a hotel room for you at the Hilton.
d'hôtel d'albergo
book a ticket 37 v phr ˌbʊk ə ˈtɪkət ein Ticket buchen réserver un billet prenotare un biglietto I don’t think you should book return tickets because we don’t know when we’re
coming back.
by boat 37 adv phr ˌbaɪ ˈbəʊt mit dem Boot en bateau con la barca Some of the beaches can only be reached by boat.
by helicopter 37 adv phr ˌbaɪ ˈheləkɒptə mit dem Helikopter par hélicoptère con l'elicottero In India he rowed a boat down the Ganges and flew over the Himalayas by
by train 36 adv phr ˌbaɪ ˈtreɪn mit dem Zug en train con il treno I don’t like travelling by train because it’s expensive and slow.
cargo ship 37 n ˈkɑːɡəʊ ʃɪp Frachtschiff navire de charge nave cargo Consider travelling as a passenger on a cargo ship – it’s a unique experience.

catch a bus 37 v phr ˌkætʃ ə ˈbʌs einen Bus prendre/attraper le bus prendere un autobus Colin doesn’t stay over somewhere for a few days, see the sights and then catch
nehmen/erreichen the first train, bus or plane to the next destination. He stays in each location for
four months.
catch a plane 37 v phr ˌkætʃ ə ˈpleɪn ein Flugzeug prendre l'avion prendere un aereo Colin doesn’t stay over somewhere for a few days, see the sights and then catch
nehmen/erreichen the first train, bus or plane to the next destination. He stays in each location for
four months.
catch a train 37 v phr ˌkætʃ ə ˈtreɪn einen Zug prendre le train prendere un treno He arrived just in time to catch an express train for the twenty-four-hour journey
nehmen/erreichen to Malaysia.
check-in desk 37 n ˈtʃek ɪn desk Check-in-Schalter réception banco check-in Make sure you’re at the airport check-in desk by 5.30.
collect your luggage 37 v phr kəˌlekt jə ˈlʌɡɪdʒ das Gepäck holen récupérer ses bagages rititare il proprio bagaglio When you change planes, you usually don’t have to collect your luggage in the
baggage reclaim between the two flights.
cross a river 37 v phr ˌkrɒs ə ˈrɪvə einen Fluss überqueren traverser une fleuve traversare un fiume I’ve never crossed a river in a small boat.
cross Europe 37 v phr ˌkrɒs ˈjʊərəp quer durch Europa reisen traverser l'Europe attraversare l'Europa He crossed Europe by train and boat, and boarded a cargo ship to cross the
Arabian Sea.
cross the sea 37 v phr ˌkrɒs ðə ˈsiː über das Meer fahren traverser la mer traversare il mare/i mari He crossed Europe by train and boat, and boarded a cargo ship to cross the
Arabian Sea.
deal with something 37 v ˈdiːl wɪð ˌsʌmθɪŋ mit etwas umgehen régler gestire qualcosa Are you good at dealing with unexpected situations?

departure lounge 37 n dɪˈpɑːtʃə laʊndʒ Abflughalle salle d'embarquement lounge partenze You can wait for your flight in the departure lounge or go directly to your gate.

© Pearson 2016 25
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destination 37 n ˌdestəˈneɪʃən Reiseziel destination destinazione The traveller wasn’t sure where his next destination was.
double-decker bus 37 n ˌdʌbəl ˌdekə ˈbʌs Doppeldeckerbus bus à deux étages bus a due piani London’s red double-decker bus has almost become a British national symbol.

exile 37 n ˈeksaɪl Exil exil esilio He went into exile to escape political imprisonment.
experience 37 n ɪkˈspɪəriəns Erfahrung expérience esperienza Colin writes a blog called ‘Exile Lifestyle’ about his experiences.
express train 37 n ɪkˈspres treɪn Expresszug express treno veloce Is it really worth paying extra for an express train if it stops at every station
fasten your seat belt 37 v phr ˌfɑːsən jə ˈsiːt belt den Sicherheitsgurt attacher sa ceinture de allacciare la cintura di Before the plane takes off, you have to fasten your seat belt.
anlegen sécurité sicurezza
fishing boat 37 n ˈfɪʃɪŋ bəʊt Fischerboot bateau de pêche peschereccio At the start of his journey, he sailed from Ireland to England by fishing boat and
drove a red double-decker bus from London to Dover.
fit into something 37 phr v ˌfɪt ˈɪntə ˌsʌmθɪŋ in etwas hineinpassen renter dans qc. entrare He set off on a journey with one bag that fits into the overhead locker on a
full-time 37 adj ˌfʊl ˈtaɪm Vollzeit à temps complet a tempo pieno, full-time At the age of twenty-six Colin started his own company and became a full-time
traveller, running his business from a laptop.
get off the plane 37 v phr ɡet ˌɒf ðə ˈpleɪn aus dem Flugzeug steigen descendre de l'avion sbarcare dall'aereo Call me as soon as you get off the plane.

go away 37 phr v ˌɡəʊ əˈweɪ weggehen, wegfahren partir andare via Colin Wright and Charley Boorman don’t need to go away for holidays abroad –
for them, travelling is a job.
go through passport 37 v phr ˌɡəʊ θruː ˈpɑːspɔːt die Passkontrolle passer par le contrôle des passare il controllo Every time they go through passport control, they get another stamp in their
control kənˌtrəʊl passieren passeports passaporti overused passports.
go through security 37 v phr ˌɡəʊ θruː sɪˈkjʊərəti die Sicherheitskontrollen passer par le contrôle de passare i controlli di Before you go through security, get your boarding pass at the check-in desk.
passieren sécurité sicurezza
luggage 37 n ˈlʌɡɪdʒ Gepäck bagages bagaglio They searched his luggage for illegal drugs.
means of transport 36 n ˌmiːnz əv Transportmittel moyen de transport mezzo di trasporto The travellers used different means of transport – they travelled by train, by
ˈtrænspɔːt plane and by car.
move on to 37 phr v ˌmuːv ˈɒn tə weiterziehen passer à autre chose / proseguire, spostarsi He stays in each location for four months, writing a blog called ‘Exile Lifestyle’
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ reprendre la route about his experiences, and then he moves on to a new country.
on land 36 adv phr ˌɒn ˈlænd auf dem Land sur terre su terra This vehicle can travel either on land or in water.
overhead locker 37 n ˌəʊvəˌhed ˈlɒkə Gepäckfach coffre à bagages scomparto bagagli, He set off on a journey with one bag that fits into the overhead locker on a
cappelliera plane.
overused 37 adj ˌəʊvəˈjuːzd überbeansprucht surutilisé consumato Every time they go through passport control, they get another stamp in their
overused passports.
passport control 37 n ˈpɑːspɔːt kənˌtrəʊl Passkontrolle contrôle de passeports controllo passaporti Every time Colin and Charley go through passport control, they get another
stamp in their overused passports.
route 37 n ruːt Route itinéraire tragitto, percorso Do you know which route on the map the travellers took?
row 37 v rəʊ rudern ramer remare In India he rowed a boat down the Ganges and flew over the Himalayas by
run your business 37 v phr ˌrʌn jə ˈbɪznəs sein Geschäft betreiben gérer son entreprise mandare avanti la propria At the age of twenty-six Colin started his own company and became a full-time
attività traveller, running his business from a laptop.
seat 37 n siːt Sitz siège posto This suitcase won’t fit under the seat in front of you, but you can put it in the
overhead locker.
see the sights 37 v phr ˌsiː ðə ˈsaɪts die Sehenswürdigkeiten voir les attractions fare il giro turisico In the afternoon, you’ll have a chance to relax or see the sights of Copenhagen.
sehen/anschauen touristiques
set off 37 phr v ˌset ˈɒf aufbrechen partir, se mettre en route partire On school days, what time do you set off in the morning?

stamp 37 n stæmp Stempel cachet timbro Every time they go through passport control, they get another stamp in their
overused passports.

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start your own 37 v phr ˌstɑːt jər ˌəʊn seine eigene Firma lancer votre propre fondare la propria azienda At the age of twenty-six Colin started his own company and became a full-time
company ˈkʌmpəni gründen entreprise traveller, running his business from a laptop.
stay over 37 phr v ˌsteɪ ˈəʊvə übernachten passer la nuit pernottare When was the last time you stayed over at a friend’s house?
stop over 37 phr v ˌstɒp ˈəʊvə Zwischenhalt machen faire escale pour la nuit fare sosta In his TV series ‘By Any Means’, Charley Boorman travels from Ireland to
Australia, stopping over at twenty-four countries and using any means of
transport he can find.
take off 37 phr v ˌteɪk ˈɒf abheben décoller decollare Before the plane takes off, you have to fasten your seat belt.
traffic jam 37 n ˈtræfɪk dʒæm Stau, Verkehrsstau embouteillage ingorgo, coda In Bangkok the traffic jams are so bad that he nearly misses his train.
turn up 37 phr v ˌtɜːn ˈʌp auftauchen apparaître imbucarsi Have you ever turned up at a party that you weren’t invited to?
unexpected 37 adj ˌʌnɪkˈspektəd unerwartet inattendu inaspettato Are you good at dealing with unexpected situations?
vote for something 37 v ˈvəʊt fə ˌsʌmθɪŋ abstimmen für voter pour votare per qualcosa Colin says he’ll book a ticket to anywhere his readers vote for.
3.2 Grammar
cheetah 38 n ˈtʃiːtə Gepard guépard ghepardo A cheetah has long legs and black spots on its fur, and can run extremely fast.

could 38 v kʊd könnte pourrait potrebbe The plane landed ten minutes ago. Bill could still be in baggage reclaim.
domestic animal 38 n dəˌmestɪk ˈænəməl Haustier animal domestique animale domestico Domestic animals, such as dogs and cats, are usually not allowed in national
escape 38 v ɪˈskeɪp entkommen s'enfuir evadere, fuggire The police are sure a lion escaped from a zoo.
holidaymaker 38 n ˈhɒlɪdeɪˌmeɪkə Urlauber/in vacancier / vacancière vacanziere The seaside resort was full of holidaymakers.
land 38 v lænd landen atterrir fare atterrare Flight 846 landed five minutes ago.
may 38 v meɪ könnte, mag il se peut que può darsi che I can’t find Jo. She may have gone home.
might 38 v maɪt könnte il se pourrait que potrebbe The lion might have escaped from the zoo.
must 38 v mʌst müssen devoir dovere They’re not at home. They must have gone away for the weekend.
pet 38 n pet Haustier animal domestique animale domestico Rabbits can make very good pets.
puma 38 n ˈpjuːmə Puma puma puma Pumas are large brown wild cats from the mountains of Western North America
and South America.
roar 38 n rɔː Brüllen (Tier) rugissement ruggito I heard a loud roar at 10.00 p.m. It must have been a lion because no other
animal can roar like that.
seaside resort 38 n ˈsiːsaɪd rɪˌzɔːt Badeort station/cité balnéaire villaggio turistico sul mare The seaside resort was full of holidaymakers.

3.3 Listening
beach holiday 39 n ˈbiːtʃ ˌhɒlɪdeɪ Strandurlaub vacances à la plage vacanze al mare It’s time to leave ordinary beach holidays behind and take a trip that you will
remember for the rest of your life.
business trip 39 n ˈbɪznəs trɪp Geschäftsreise voyages d'afffaires viaggio d'affari On a business trip you usually don’t have much time to yourself.
campsite 39 n ˈkæmpsaɪt Campingplatz camping campeggio We couldn’t stay at a campsite because we didn’t have a tent.
car journey 39 n ˈkɑː ˌdʒɜːni Autoreise voyage en voiture viaggio in macchina A long car journey with a toddler can be a real challenge.
foreign country 39 n ˌfɒrən ˈkʌntri Ausland, anderes Land pays étranger estero, paese straniere Have you ever stayed in a youth hostel in a foreign country?
put up a tent 39 v phr pʊt ˌʌp ə ˈtent ein Zelt aufbauen monter sa tente montare la tenda Putting a tent up in this weather is horrible.
return journey 39 n rɪˌtɜːn ˈdʒɜːni Heimreise voyage retour viaggio di ritorno We had a brilliant skiing holiday, and this time dad bought some snow tyres for
the return journey.
school trip 39 n ˈskuːl trɪp Klassenfahrt voyage scolaire gita scolastica In June we’re going on a school trip to Amsterdam.
skier 39 n ˈskiːə Skifahrer/in skieur/skieuse sciatore Skiers in Megève have good skiing conditions now.
three-star hotel 39 n ˌθriː ˌstɑː həʊˈtel Drei-Sterne-Hotel hôtel trois étoiles hotel a tre stelle Here at Loco Bay Resort, you can find five-star quality in a three-star hotel.
tour guide 39 n ˈtʊə ɡaɪd Reiseführer guide touristique guida turistica Our tour guide in Pompeii provided us with an unbelievable amount of
information about the ancient Roman city.
tour leader 39 n ˈtʊə ˌliːdə Tourenführer guide guida turistica Our tour leaders will take care of you and make sure you have everything you

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travel agent 39 n ˈtrævəl ˌeɪdʒənt Reisevermittler agent de voyage agente di viaggi Alan’s grandfather and uncle used to be travel agents, so his family always got
an extra discount for their holiday.
travel company 39 n ˈtrævəl ˌkʌmpəni Reiseveranstalter voyagiste operatore turistico With our travel company you will see the real world.
youth hostel 39 n ˈjuːθ ˌhɒstl Jugendherberge auberge de jeunesse ostello della gioventù They spent the night in a youth hostel and in the morning they set off again.

3.4 Reading
admire the view 40 v phr ədˌmaɪə ðə ˈvjuː die Aussicht bewundern admirer la vue ammirare la vista While he was admiring the view, Dad crashed into our canoe and knocked us
into the water.
amazing 40 adj əˈmeɪzɪŋ erstaunlich incroyable, stupéfiant formidabile, splendida When I went to Croatia for the first time, I was really impressed by the fantastic
beaches, amazing views and very friendly local people.
amusing 40 adj əˈmjuːzɪŋ amüsant amusant, drôle divertente My sister thought it was so amusing – she cheered up!
at that moment 41 adv phr ət ˌðæt ˈməʊmənt in jenem Augenblick à ce moment-là in quel momento At that moment, I learnt something: humans created the Internet and
spaceships, but we are helpless in the face of nature.
bad-tempered 40 adj ˌbæd ˈtempəd schlecht gelaunt, gereizt grognon, de mauvaise irascibile, suscettibile My dad is bad-tempered and gets annoyed easily.
bathe 41 v beɪð baden se baigner fare il bagno We saw elephants, giraffes, zebras, buffalo bathing in a lake and a family of lions.

be left 41 v phr ˌbi ˈleft übrig sein être le seul qui reste essere rimasto At every stop, passengers got off until we were the only two left.
be lucky 41 v phr ˌbi ˈlʌki Glück haben avoir de la chance essere fortunato If we were lucky, we could watch the sunset over the city.
bench 40 n bentʃ Sitzbank banc panca We sat on a bench overlooking the sparkling lights of the city far below.
blood-red 40 adj ˌblʌd ˈred blutrot rouge sang rosso sangue We had no idea where we were, but we didn’t care because we got our perfect
view of a blood-red sunset over Barcelona.
buffalo (plural: 41 n ˈbʌfələʊ/ˈbʌfələʊz Büffel bison bufalo Buffalo resemble cows, but they have long curved horns.
buffalo or buffaloes)

bus trip 40 n ˈbʌs trɪp Busreise voyage en bus viaggio in autobus The bus trip was very long and boring.
cascade 40 v kæˈskeɪd herabstürzen (Wasserfall) tomber en cascade cascare, cadere On the other side, a waterfall cascaded down the hillside into the lake.

cheer up 40 phr v ˌtʃɪə ˈʌp bessere Laune bekommen retrouver le sourire tirare su il morale di My sister thought it was so amusing – she cheered up!
covered in 41 adj ˈkʌvəd ɪn ˌsʌmθɪŋ mit etwas bedeckt sein recouvert de qc. ricoperto di qualcosa Safari parks in South Africa are covered in trees and bushes.
crash into 40 phr v ˌkræʃ ˈɪntə ˌsʌmθɪŋ in etwas krachen s'écraser dans qc. schiantarsi contro/su Dad crashed into our canoe and knocked us into the water.
something qualcosa
cub 41 n kʌb Junges, Jungtier petit cucciolo Not far away sat two small leopard cubs.
dense 40 adj dens dicht dense fitto All around us were dense forests and steep hills.
eagle 41 n ˈiːɡəl Adler aigle aquila Bald eagle is the national bird of the US.
embarrassment 40 n ɪmˈbærəsmənt Peinlichkeit gêne imbarazzo Fortunately, we survived the cold and the embarrassment.
entertaining 41 adj ˌentəˈteɪnɪŋ unterhaltsam amusant, divertissant divertente Children’s TV nowadays is much more entertaining.
entry 40 n ˈentri (eingereichter) Beitrag candidature contributo Your competition entry must be 200 words or fewer.
extremely 40 adj ɪkˈstriːmli extrem extrêmement estremamente It was cold – extremely cold.
flash 41 n flæʃ Blitz éclair bagliore Suddenly, there was a noise close to the jeep, and then we saw a flash of yellow
and heard a loud roar.
fortunately 40 adv ˈfɔːtʃənətli glücklicherweise heureusement fortunatamente Fortunately, he wasn’t hurt in the accident.
gaze at something 40 v ˈɡeɪz ət ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas anschauen contempler qc. fissare, avere lo sguardo I couldn’t wait to gaze at the stunning views over Barcelona.
gentle hills 40 n phr ˌdʒentl ˈhɪlz sanfte Hügel douces collines dolci colline, pendii The cottages are built on the side of gentle hills, amongst trees.

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globetrotter 40 n ˈɡləʊbtrɒtə Weltenbummler globe-trotter / globe- giramondo Globetrotters spend a lot of their time travelling to many different countries.
grumpy 40 adj ˈɡrʌmpi mürrisch, grantig grincheux scontroso Mina’s always a bit grumpy first thing in the morning.
guidebook 41 n ˈɡaɪdbʊk Reiseführer guide de voyage guida turistica We looked through a Spanish guidebook in our youth hostel.
hillside 40 n ˈhɪlsaɪd Hang, Abhang flanc de coteau lungo il pendìo On the other side, a waterfall cascaded down the hillside into the lake.
improvement 40 n ɪmˈpruːvmənt Verbesserung amélioration miglioramento There’s been a big improvement in the children’s behaviour.
in the face of 41 adv phr ɪn ðə ˈfeɪs əv angesichts, gegenüber face à qc. di fronte a Humans created the Internet and spaceships, but we are helpless in the face of
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ nature.
in the wild 40 adv phr ˌɪn ðə ˈwaɪld in freier Wildbahn dans la nature stato brado, selvatico There are very few pandas living in the wild now.
include 41 v ɪnˈkluːd beifügen joindre comprendere, includere Include lots of creative description in your competition entry.
knock somebody 40 phr v ˌnɒk ˌsʌmbɒdi ˈɪntə jemanden in etwas stoßen pousser qn. dans qc. scaraventare, andare Dad crashed into our canoe and knocked us into the water.
into something ˌsʌmθɪŋ addosso a qualcosa
lively 40 adj ˈlaɪvli belebt animé movimentato The hotel is situated next to the lively bustling port.
look through 40 phr v ˌlʊk ˈθruː ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas durchschauen regarder qc., parcourir dare uno sguardo a Before the trip we looked through a Spanish guidebook in our youth hostel.
something qualcosa
main square 41 n ˌmeɪn ˈskweə Hauptplatz place principale piazza principale We set off by bus from the main square.
memorable 40 adj ˈmemərəbəl unvergesslich mémorable indimenticabile, We want to make this a truly memorable holiday for the children.
mood 40 n muːd Stimmung, Laune humeur umore, animo The good weather put him in an excellent mood for breakfast.
move a muscle 41 v phr ˌmuːv ə ˈmʌsəl sich rühren bouger muovere un dito There was a flash of yellow and a loud roar – nobody moved a muscle.
neighbourhood 41 n ˈneɪbəhʊd Viertel, Nachbarschaft quartier, voisinage vicinato Is there a hill overlooking your neighbourhood where you can get a good view?

on the other side of 41 adv phr ˌɒn ði ˌʌðə ˈsaɪd əv auf der anderen Seite von de l'autre côté de qc. aldilà, d'altra parte di The driver pointed to a mountain on the other side of the valley.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas qualcosa
ostrich 41 n ˈɒstrɪtʃ Strauß autruche struzzo Ostriches, which are native to Africa, are big birds that run very fast but cannot
overcrowded 40 adj ˌəʊvəˈkraʊdəd überfüllt bondé sovraffollato We never spend summer holidays in popular seaside resorts because we don’t
like overcrowded beaches.
overlook 40 v ˌəʊvəˈlʊk blicken über donner sur, avoir vue sur guardare su We sat on a bench overlooking the sparkling lights of the city far below.
pale 40 adj peɪl blass, hell pâle chiaro The curtains in the room were pale blue, so light could shine right through them.

peacefully 41 adv ˈpiːsfəli friedlich paisiblement pacificamente We saw a family of lions sleeping peacefully under a tree.
plains 40 n pleɪnz Steppe plaine pianura Is it easy to spot wild animals on the plains of South Africa?
point to something 41 v ˈpɔɪnt tə ˌsʌmθɪŋ auf etwas zeigen montrer (du doigt) indicare qualcosa The driver pointed to a mountain on the other side of the valley.
put up with 40 phr v ˌpʊt ˈʌp wɪð etwas dulden/ertragen endurer sopportare, tollerare Dad shared the canoe with my sister and had to put up with her bad mood.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
ranger 41 n ˈreɪndʒə Parkaufseher, Ranger garde-forestier guardia forestale Our safari rangers were really good at finding the animals amongst the trees and
rhinoceros (plural: 41 n raɪˈnɒsərəs/raɪˈnɒs Nashorn rhinocéros rinoceronte Rhinoceros, which are native to Africa and Asia, have thick skin and either one or
rhinoceros or ərəsɪz two horns on their noses.
scenery 40 n ˈsiːnəri Landschaft paysage paesaggio, scenario When we were enjoying the beautiful scenery, we suddenly heard a loud
spaceship 41 n ˈspeɪsˌʃɪp Raumschiff vaisseau spatial astronave Humans created the Internet and spaceships, but we are helpless in the face of
sparkling 40 adj ˈspɑːklɪŋ funkelnd étincelant scintillante We sat on a bench overlooking the sparkling lights of the city far below.
spoil 40 v spɔɪl verderben gâcher rovinare Mosquitoes spoiled our camping holiday.
spot 40 v spɒt entdecken, erspähen apercevoir individuare Is it easy to spot wild animals on the plains of South Africa?

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stay 40 v steɪ übernachten séjourner pernottare Have you ever stayed in a hotel in a foreign country?
steep 40 adj stiːp steil escarpée ripido All around us were dense forests and steep hills.
stunning 40 adj ˈstʌnɪŋ atemberaubend, stupéfiant mozzafiato, stupendo I couldn’t wait to gaze at the stunning views over Barcelona.
terrified 41 adj ˈterəfaɪd in Angst und Schrecken effrayé terrorizzato The leopard ran back into the bush and left us feeling terrified.
the bush 41 n ðə ˈbʊʃ der Busch le bush selva, foresta The leopard ran back into the bush and left us feeling terrified.
tolerate 40 v ˈtɒləreɪt dulden tolérer, permettre tollerare, sopportare I’m not going to tolerate this kind of behaviour.
unspoilt 40 adj ˌʌnˈspɔɪəlt unberührt préservé, intact incontaminato I remember the holiday as a series of images: the cold blue ocean, funny
penguins, miles of unspoilt beaches, lively cafés and friendly people.
wear a smile 40 v phr ˌweər ə ˈsmaɪl lächeln sourire sorridere My sister wore a smile for the rest of the holiday.
weather conditions 40 n ˈweðə kənˌdɪʃənz Wetterbedingungen conditions climatiques condizioni meteorologiche The climbers reached the top, in spite of bad weather conditions.

wolf (plural: wolves) 41 v wʊlf/wʊlvz Wolf loup lupo Dogs evolved from wolves thousands of years ago.

3.5 Grammar
aristocracy 42 n ˌærəˈstɒkrəsi Adel aristocratie aristocrazia Before the French Revolution, the aristocracy used to travel on the left and poor
people would stay on the right.
follow a map 42 v phr ˌfɒləʊ ə ˈmæp nach Straßenkarte fahren suivre une carte routière consultare una cartina, GPS didn’t exist in the 1960s, so people would follow maps.
seguire una mappa
French Revolution 42 n ˌfrentʃ ˌrevəˈluːʃən Französische Revolution Révolution française Rivoluzione francese Before the French Revolution, the aristocracy used to travel on the left and poor
people would stay on the right.
including 42 prep ɪnˈkluːdɪŋ einschließlich y compris incluso More than fifty countries including the UK, Australia, Japan and India still drive
on the left today.
join 42 v dʒɔɪn sich anschließen se joindre à unirsi a After the Revolution, the aristocracy joined the poor people on the right and
driving on the right became the new law.
revolutionary 42 n ˌrevəˈluːʃənəri Revolutionär révolutionnaire rivoluzionario/-a Napoleon changed this rule because he was a revolutionary.
Roman 42 adj ˈrəʊmən römisch romain romano In Roman times, roads used to be dangerous and travellers would carry swords
in their right hands.
rule 42 n ruːl Regel, Gesetz règle, loi regola Napoleon changed this rule because he was a revolutionary.
security check 42 n sɪˈkjʊərəti tʃek Sicherheitschecks contrôle de sécurité controllo di sicurezza In the 90s airports didn’t use to have so many security checks.
traffic pollution 42 n ˈtræfɪk pəˌluːʃən Verkehrsverschmutzung la pollution due à la inquinamento urbano Long-term exposure to traffic pollution can cause lung problems.
it used to 42 v ˈjuːst tuː es war üblich autrefois era solito fare, un tempo The flight from London to New York takes longer now than it used to.
3.6 Speaking
earphones 43 n ˈɪə fəʊnz Ohrhörer écouteurs auricolari Don’t forget your earphones for the iPod.
form of transport 43 n phr ˌfɔːm əv ˈtrænspɔːt Transportart moyen de transport mezzo di trasporto Which form of transport do you prefer for long journeys?

make sure 43 v phr ˌmeɪk ˈʃɔː sicherstellen s'assurer de qc. assicurarsi You ought to make sure you have a warm winter coat.
pack 43 v pæk einpacken mettre dans une mettere in valigia If I were you, I’d pack lots of warm clothes.
valise/dans un sac
phone charger 43 n ˈfəʊn ˌtʃɑːdʒə Telefonladegerät chargeur de cellulaire caricabatterie I forgot my phone charger at my hotel room and they sent it back to me in the
mail for no extra cost!
pillow 43 n ˈpɪləʊ Kissen oreiller cuscino I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
snow boots 43 n ˈsnəʊ buːts Schneestiefel bottes de neige stivali da neve Snow boots are indispensable in snowy winter weather.
tissue 43 n ˈtɪʃuː Papiertaschentuch mouchoir en papier fazzoletto di carta I’ve got hay fever. Have you got a tissue?
travel insurance 43 n ˈtrævəl ɪnˌʃʊərəns Reiseversicherung assurance voyage assicurazione di viaggio You must remember to get some travel insurance – just to be on the safe side.

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3.7 Writing
at last 45 adv phr ət ˈlɑːst schließlich enfin, finalement finalmente It had come at last – the morning I had waited for, for so long.
cabin 44 n ˈkæbən Hütte cabane baita A family holiday for Christmas in Sweden, in a cabin in the middle of a forest.
Sounds amazing, doesn’t it?
car lights 44 n ˈkɑː laɪts Autolichter phares d'automobiles fanali On the long road to the forest it was completely dark, apart from our car lights.

cold as ice 45 adj phr ˌkəʊld əz ˈaɪs eiskalt glacé freddo come il ghiaccio I touched her hands and they were cold as ice.
easily 44 adv ˈiːzəli unschwer, mühelos, leicht facilement, aisément indubbiamente It was easily the scariest journey I’ve ever been on.

family holiday 44 n ˌfæməli ˈhɒlɪdeɪ Familienurlaub vacances en famille vacanza in famiglia A family holiday for Christmas in Sweden, in a cabin in the middle of a forest.
Sounds amazing, doesn’t it?
in addition 44 adv phr ɪn əˈdɪʃən außerdem de plus inoltre In addition to this, the car kept sliding from one side of the road to the other!

in the middle of 44 adv phr ɪn ðə ˈmɪdl əv mitten in etwas au milieu de qc. nel bel mezzo di qualcosa A family holiday for Christmas in Sweden, in a cabin in the middle of a forest.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ Sounds amazing, doesn’t it?
nightmare 44 n ˈnaɪtmeə Alptraum cauchemar incubo Traffic has been a nightmare this morning.
port 44 n pɔːt Hafen port porto It was the middle of the night and there was a snowstorm when we started
driving from the port to the cabin.
scary 44 adj ˈskeəri furchteinflößend effrayant, terrifiant spaventoso It was easily the scariest journey I’ve ever been on.
slide 44 v slaɪd rutschen glisser scivolare In addition to this, the car kept sliding from one side of the road to the other!

snow tyres 44 n ˈsnəʊ ˌtaɪəz Winterreifen pneu neige pneumatici invernali Dad bought some snow tyres for the return journey.
snowstorm 44 n ˈsnəʊstɔːm Schneesturm tempête de neige tempesta di neve It was the middle of the night and there was a snowstorm when we started
driving from the port to the cabin.
sound 44 v saʊnd klingen sembler suonare A family holiday for Christmas in Sweden, in a cabin in the middle of a forest.
Sounds amazing, doesn’t it?
unprepared 44 adj ˌʌnprɪˈpeəd unvorbereitet pas préparé impreparato We were completely unprepared for the journey.
Focus Review 3
at your convenience 46 adv phr ət jə kənˈviːniəns wie es Ihnen beliebt quand il te/vous plaira a proprio piacimento Passengers travelling in business class can board the plane at their convenience.

boarding card 46 n ˈbɔːdɪŋ kɑːd Bordkarte carte d'embarquement carta d'imbarco Only passengers with a valid boarding card are allowed to go through security.

cabin 46 n ˈkæbən Abteil, Kabine cabine cabina ‘I must have left my passport it in the cabin, I’m sure,’ Adrian said convinced.

camping holiday 47 n ˈkæmpɪŋ ˌhɒlɪdeɪ Campingurlaub les vacances de camping vacanza in campeggio Mosquitoes spoiled our camping holiday.
city holiday 47 n ˈsɪti ˌhɒlɪdeɪ Städteurlaub vacances en ville vacanza in città City holidays are becoming more and more popular because they’re educational
and relatively cheap.
collect 46 v kəˈlekt zusammensuchen, récupérer raccogliere We collected our belongings and looked for a campsite.
collect your suitcase 46 v phr kəˌlekt jə ˈsuːtkeɪs seine Koffer holen récupérer ses bagages ritirare il bagaglio We’re still waiting to collect our suitcases at the baggage reclaim.

cover 46 v ˈkʌvə bedecken couvrir ricoprire Thick forest used to cover most of the island until the late Middle Ages.
crowded 46 adj ˈkraʊdəd voll besetzt bondé affollato A train ticket will cost more, but I’ll avoid the crowded bus again.
cruise 46 n kruːz Kreuzfahrt croisière crociera The prize money wasn’t enough to cross the Atlantic, but it was sufficient for me
and my boyfriend, Adrian, to go on a cruise.
delayed 46 adj diˈleɪd verspätet retardé in ritardo Many flights are delayed today and the airport staff are finding it difficult to deal
with the situation.

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discount 46 n ˈdɪskaʊnt Preisnachlass remise sconto Alan’s grandfather and uncle used to be travel agents, so his family always got
an extra discount for their holiday.
dream holiday 47 n ˌdriːm ˈhɒlɪdeɪ Traumurlaub vacances de rêve vacanza dei sogni My dream holiday would be in the Maldives.
embassy 46 n ˈembəsi Botschaft ambassade ambasciata The embassy didn’t have good news: without a passport, my boyfriend couldn’t
continue the cruise.
family room 46 n ˈfæməli ruːm Vierbettzimmer chambre familiale camera per famiglie There were no single rooms available, so they put me in a family room with two
large beds.
find something 46 v phr ˌfaɪnd ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas schwierig finden trouver qc. difficile avere difficoltà a fare Many flights are delayed today and the airport staff are finding it difficult to deal
difficult ˈdɪfɪkəlt qualcosa with the situation.
fit 46 v fɪt passen rentrer starci, entrare This suitcase won’t fit under the seat in front of you, but you can put it in the
overhead locker.
get stuck in a traffic 47 v phr ɡet ˌstʌk ɪn ə im Stau stecken bleiben être bloqué dans un restare imbottigliato nel We got stuck in a traffic jam for two hours.
jam ˈtræfɪk dʒæm embouteillage traffico
guest bedroom 46 n ˈɡest ˌbedrʊm Gästezimmer chambre d'amis stanza per gli ospiti You can stay over at my place if you want. I’ve got a guest bedroom.
location 46 n ləʊˈkeɪʃən Ort lieu luogo Colin stays in each location for four months.
lost luggage office 47 n ˌlɒst ˈlʌɡɪdʒ ˌɒfəs Gepäckfundstelle service objets trouvés ufficio bagagli smarriti Thankfully, someone had handed my bag into the lost luggage office.
missing 46 adj ˈmɪsɪŋ verloren, nicht vorhanden disparu smarrito We were returning from a walk around Malmö, when Adrian realised his
passport was missing.
noise 46 n nɔɪz Lärm bruit rumore I didn’t use to like travelling by train as a child – I was afraid of the noise trains
reach your 46 v phr ˌriːtʃ jə sein Reiseziel erreichen atteindre sa destination raggiungere la propria We reached our destination just in time to board the ship before it left for
destination ˌdestəˈneɪʃən destinazione Tallinn in Estonia.
return ticket 46 n rɪˌtɜːn ˈtɪkət Rückfahrkarte billet aller-retour biglietto di ritorno I don’t think you should book return tickets because we don’t know when we’re
coming back.
safari holiday 47 n səˈfɑːri ˌhɒlɪdeɪ Safari-Urlaub voyage safari vacanza safari They went on a safari holiday to Kenya.
snorkelling 46 n ˈsnɔːkəlɪŋ Schnorcheln plongée libre snorkeling Going to the beach every day was great, but the real highlight of the trip was
spread 46 v spred ausbreiten écarter spiegare That bird must be an eagle – its wings spread two metres across.
staff 46 n stɑːf Belegschaft personnel personale Many flights are delayed today and the airport staff are finding it difficult to deal
with the situation.
sufficient 46 adj səˈfɪʃənt genug suffisant sufficiente The prize money wasn’t enough to cross the Atlantic, but it was sufficient for me
and my boyfriend, Adrian, to go on a cruise.
the Middle Ages 46 n ðə ˌmɪdl ˈeɪdʒɪz das Mittelalter le Moyen Âge Medioevo Thick forest used to cover most of the island until the late Middle Ages.
travel abroad 47 v phr ˌtrævəl əˈbrɔːd ins Ausland reisen voyager à l'étranger viaggiare all'estero Some people say it’s better to learn a lot about places in your own country
before travelling abroad.
travel by car 47 v phr ˌtrævəl baɪ ˈkɑː mit dem Auto reisen voyager en voiture viaggiare in macchina The travellers used different means of transport – they travelled by train, by
plane and by car.
valid 46 adj ˈvæləd gültig valable valido Only passengers with a valid boarding card are allowed to go through security.

wing 46 n wɪŋ Flügel aile ala That bird must be an eagle – its wings spread two metres across.
winter sports 47 n ˈwɪntə spɔːts Wintersportferien vacances aux sports vacanza sulla neve We’re going on a winter sports holiday in Aspen this year.
holiday ˌhɒlɪdeɪ d'hiver
Use of English 3
field WS 6 n fiːld Feld champ campo I look out across fields and trees and in the distance I can see the mountains.

in sight WS 6 adv phr ɪn ˈsaɪt in Sicht en vue in vista There isn’t another holidaymaker in sight!
in the distance WS 6 adv phr ɪn ðə ˈdɪstəns in der Ferne au loin in lontananza I look out across fields and trees and in the distance I can see the mountains.

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look out WS 6 phr v ˌlʊk ˈaʊt hinausschauen regarder par la fenêtre guardare fuori I look out across fields and trees and in the distance I can see the mountains.

overcome WS 6 v ˌəʊvəˈkʌm überwinden vaincre vincere We carried on and overcame our tiredness.
passion WS 6 n ˈpæʃən Leidenschaft passion passione He spoke with considerable passion about the importance of art and literature.

passionate about WS 6 adj ˈpæʃənət əˌbaʊt etwas mit Leidenschaft tun passionné par qc. appassionato di qualcosa My brother, Hal, is passionate about climbing.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
pick something up WS 6 phr v ˌpɪk ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈʌp etwas abholen passer prendre andare a prendere I reminded my sister to pick up her passport.
remember to do WS 6 v phr rɪˌmembə tə ˈduː daran denken, etwas zu penser à faire qc. ricordarsi di fare qualcosa I told my sister she should remember to pick up her passport.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ tun
remind somebody WS 6 v phr rɪˌmaɪnd ˌsʌmbɒdi jemanden daran erinnern, rappeler à qn. de faire qc. ricordare a qualcuno di I reminded my sister to pick up her passport.
to do something tə ˈduː ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas zu tun fare qualcosa

straight WS 6 adv streɪt direkt directement dritto I’m sure that Micky was very tired because he went straight to bed.
tiredness WS 6 n ˈtaɪədnəs Müdigkeit fatigue stanchezza We carried on and overcame our tiredness.
be worth WS 6 adj wɜːθ wert sein valoir che vale The view from the top was worth all the hard work!
Word in Focus: go
go abroad WS 7 v phr ˌɡəʊ əˈbrɔːd ins Ausland gehen/reisen aller à l'étranger andare all'estero Have you ever been abroad?

go backpacking WS 7 v phr ˌɡəʊ ˈbækˌpækɪŋ mit dem Rucksack voyager sac au dos viaggiare con lo zaino in They went backpacking last year.
unterwegs sein spalla
go on holiday WS 7 v phr ˌɡəʊ ɒn ˈhɒlɪdeɪ in Urlaub gehen partir en vacances andare in vacanza We’re going on holiday next month.
go skiing WS 7 v phr ˌɡəʊ ˈskiːɪŋ Skifahren gehen aller faire du ski andare a sciare I’d like to go skiing this winter.
go to school WS 7 v phr ˌɡəʊ tə ˈskuːl zur Schule gehen aller à l'école andare a scuola She goes to school by bus.
let WS 7 v phr ˌlet etwas/jemanden freilassen relâcher qc./qn. lasciare andare It was just a baby fish, so we let it go.
something/somebo ˌsʌmbɒdi/ˌsʌmθɪŋ qualcosa/qualcuno
dy go ˈɡəʊ
Unit 4 Eat up
4.1 Vocabulary
allergic to 49 adj əˈlɜːdʒɪk tə allergisch gegen etwas allergique à qc. allergico a qualcosa I eat all vegetables now, except for beetroot, tomatoes and red peppers – I’m
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ allergic to them.
bad reaction 49 n phr ˌbæd riˈækʃən schlimme Reaktion mauvaise réaction brutta reazione He has a bad reaction when he eats red vegetables because he’s allergic to
beetroot 49 n ˈbiːtruːt rote Bete betterave barbabietola I eat all vegetables now, except for beetroot, tomatoes and red peppers – I’m
allergic to them.
boiled egg 49 n phr ˌbɔɪəld ˈeɡ gekochtes Ei oeuf dur uovo sodo Do you know how long to properly cook a boiled egg?
Brussels sprouts 49 n ˈbrʌsəlz spraʊts Chicoree choux de Bruxelles cavolini di Bruxelles Brussels sprouts are usually served cooked, but they are equally tasty raw in a
cabbage 49 n ˈkæbɪdʒ Kohl chou cavolo I was a very fussy eater – I hated green beans and refused to eat all other green
vegetables: broccoli, cabbage, spinach and especially Brussels sprouts.

chilli 49 n ˈtʃɪli Chili piment chili Now my favourite is hot Mexican food with lots of chillis!
choice 48 n tʃɔɪs Alternative choix scelta, possibilità As a child, my family’s menu consisted of two choices: take it or leave it.
consist of 48 v kənˈsɪst əv bestehen aus consister en consistere di As a child, my family’s menu consisted of two choices: take it or leave it.
crisps 49 n krɪsps Chips chips patatine On my way home I bought a bottle of coke a few packets of crisps.
crispy 49 adj ˈkrɪspi knusprig croustillant croccante My favourite meal is a big juicy steak with crispy chips and a fresh green salad.

dessert 49 n dɪˈzɜːt Nachspeise dessert dolce What are we having for dessert?

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disgusting 49 adj dɪsˈɡʌstɪŋ ekelhaft dégoûtant disgustoso I used to think the texture of very ripe bananas was disgusting.
eat up 48 phr v ˌiːt ˈʌp aufessen finir son assiette mangiare tutto Come on, eat up, there’s a good girl.
eating habits 48 n ˈiːt ɪŋ ˌhæbɪts Essgewohnheiten habitudes alimentaires abitudini alimentari Fussy eaters usually copy their family’s eating habits.
favourite (1) 49 n ˈfeɪvərət Favorit, Lieblings- préféré, favori preferito/-a I love all fish: tuna, sardines and salmon are my favourites.
favourite (2) 49 adj ˈfeɪvərət Lieblings- préféré, favori preferito My favourite meal is a big juicy steak with crispy chips and a fresh green salad.

feel hungry 49 v phr ˌfiːl ˈhʌŋɡri hungrig sein avoir faim avere fame If you don’t have a good breakfast, you’ll probably feel hungry by mid-morning
and eat fattening snacks.
flavour 48 n ˈfleɪvə Geschmack saveur gusto Which flavour do you want – chocolate or vanilla?
fussy about 48 adj ˈfʌsi əˌbaʊt wählerisch bei etwas difficile/exigeant sur di gusti difficili, schizzinoso Children are usually fussy about the same food: vegetables, meat and fruit.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ riguardo a qualcosa

grease 49 n ɡriːs Fett graisse grasso You can use the leftover grease in the pan to fry the vegetables.
greasy 49 adj ˈɡriːsi fetthaltig, fettreich gras grasso Fried eggs are really greasy.
green beans 49 n ˌɡriːn ˈbiːnz grüne Bohnen haricots verts fagiolini I was a very fussy eater – I hated green beans and refused to eat all other green
vegetables: broccoli, cabbage, spinach and especially Brussels sprouts.

Indian curry 49 n ˌɪndiən ˈkʌri indisches Curry curry indien curry indiano I tried an Indian curry once, but it was too spicy for me.
jar 48 n dʒɑː Glas, Gefäß bocal vasetto, barattolo Put the jam jar on the breakfast table, please.
juicy steak 49 n phr ˌdʒuːsi ˈsteɪk saftiges Steak steak juteux bistecca succosa My favourite meal is a big juicy steak with crispy chips and a fresh green salad.

keen on something 49 adj ˈkiːn ɒn ˌsʌmθɪŋ auf etwas versessen sein fan de qc., amateur de qc. appassionato di qualcosa For me all fish have to be cooked – I’m not keen on raw fish in sushi, for
limited selection 48 n phr ˌlɪmətəd səˈlekʃən begrenzte Auswahl choix limité selezione limitata Fussy eaters eat a limited selection of food.
main course 49 n ˌmeɪn ˈkɔːs Hauptgang plat principal portata principale Let’s have fish for the main course.
menu 48 n ˈmenjuː Speisekarte menu, carte menù As a child, my family’s menu consisted of two choices: take it or leave it.
mild 49 adj maɪld mild doux delicato When I was younger, I didn’t like anything spicy. I only liked mild flavours.
mushroom 48 n ˈmʌʃruːm Pilz champignon fungo For most kids, mushrooms have a horrible texture, fish is smelly and the taste of
red meat is too strong.
pasta sauce 49 n ˈpæstə sɔːs Nudelsauce sauce pour pâtes sugo per la pasta I love mushrooms in everything – they’re delicious on pizzas and in pasta sauces.

poison 48 v ˈpɔɪzən Gift poison veleno In early human history, these types of food could be dangerous and might
poison you!
prawn 49 n prɔːn Garnele crevette gamberetto I hate prawns and all kinds of shellfish.
put somebody off 48 phr v ˌpʊt ˌsʌmbɒdi ˈɒf jemanden abschrecken dégoûter qn. scoraggiare, dissuadere The texture and smell of food often puts children off.
raw 48 adj rɔː roh cru crudo For me all fish have to be cooked – I’m not keen on raw fish in sushi, for
ripe 49 adj raɪp reif mûr maturo I don’t like bananas that are too ripe. I prefer them to be white and firm.
rotten 49 adj ˈrɒtn verfault pourri marcio The apples went rotten very quickly.
salmon 49 n ˈsæmən Lachs saumon salmone I love all fish: tuna, sardines and salmon are my favourites.
sardines 49 n ˌsɑːˈdiːnz Sardinen sardines sardine I love all fish: tuna, sardines and salmon are my favourites.
scrambled egg 49 n ˌskræmbəld ˈeɡ Rührei oeuf brouillé uova strapazzate For perfect scrambled eggs, add a little milk to the egg mixture.
sensitive to 48 adj ˈsensətɪv tə leicht reagierend auf, sensible à qc. sensibile a qualcosa Fussy eaters may be more sensitive to strong flavours.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ empfindlich
shellfish 49 n ˈʃelˌfɪʃ Meeresfrüchte fruits de mer frutti di mare I hated prawns and all kinds of shellfish.
smell 48 n smel Geruch odeur odore The texture and smell of food often puts children off.

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smelly 48 adj ˈsmeli übelriechend qui sent fort/mauvais puzzolente For most kids, mushrooms have a horrible texture, fish is smelly and the taste of
red meat is too strong.
spicy 49 adj ˈspaɪsi würzig épicé piccante I tried an Indian curry once, but it was too spicy for me.
stale 48 adj steɪl fade, abgestanden, alt, rassis raffermo As a child, I only ate raw carrots and white bread, even old stale white bread!
strong flavour 48 n phr ˌstrɒŋ ˈfleɪvə kräftiger Geschmack saveur intense sapore forte Fussy eaters may be more sensitive to strong flavours.
sushi 49 n ˈsuːʃi Sushi sushi sushi For me all fish have to be cooked – I’m not keen on raw fish in sushi, for
taste (1) 49 n teɪst Geschmack goûts gusto Are your tastes in food similar or different?
taste (2) 48 n teɪst Geschmack goût sapore For most kids, the taste of red meat is too strong.
taste (3) 48 v teɪst schmecken avoir un bon goût sapere di, avere un I think fresh vegetables taste better than frozen or tinned vegetables.
buon/cattivo sapore
tasty 49 adj ˈteɪsti schmackhaft, lecker savoureux gustoso, saporito Your biscuits are really tasty.
texture 48 n ˈtekstʃə Konsistenz texture, consistance consistenza This soup has a lovely creamy texture.
tin 48 n tɪn Dose boîte de conserve lattina, scatola I’m not going to cook anything for lunch – I’ll just open a tin of soup.
tinned 49 adj tɪnd in Dosen en conserve in scatola I think fresh vegetables taste better than frozen or tinned vegetables.
tuna 49 n ˈtjuːnə Thunfisch thon tonno I love all fish: tuna, sardines and salmon are my favourites.
unripe 49 adj ˌʌnˈraɪp unreif vert, pas mûr acerbo Unripe avocados taste terrible.
veggie 49 adj ˈvedʒi vegetarisch végétarien vegetariano Do you know any good veggie restaurants or bars in Brighton?
wide selection 48 n phr ˌwaɪd səˈlekʃən große Auswahl grand choix grande scelta We offer a wide selection of shellfish.
4.2 Grammar
as long as 50 conj əz ˈlɒŋ əz solange tant que finché As long as you have a balanced diet, you’ll get all the vitamins you need.
balanced diet 50 n phr ˌbælənst ˈdaɪət ausgewogene Ernährung régime équilibré dieta equilibrata As long as you have a balanced diet, you’ll get all the vitamins you need.
bloodstream 50 n ˈblʌdstriːm Blutkreislauf système sanguin flusso sanguigno As soon as sugar goes out of your bloodstream, you’ll feel tired again.
boost 50 n buːst Schub coup de fouet spinta, carica Actually, when you need an energy boost, a banana will work better than sugar.

brain 50 n breɪn Gehirn cerveau cervello Fish is certainly good for you and it contains Omega-3, which is important for the
cause 50 v kɔːz verursachen causer, provoquer causare Garlic won’t prevent colds because colds are caused by viruses.
cold 50 n kəʊld Erkältung rhume raffreddore My granny used to say, ‘As long as you eat garlic, you won’t get a cold!’
common belief 50 n phr ˌkɒmən bəˈliːf verbreiteter Glaube idée répandue credenza comune Another common belief is that you’ll get more energy if you eat sugar.
contain 50 v kənˈteɪn enthalten contenir contenere Carrots contain Vitamin A and this is important for healthy eyes.
fattening 50 adj ˈfætnɪŋ dick machend qui fait grossir che fa ingrassare If you don’t have a good breakfast, you’ll probably feel hungry by mid-morning
and eat fattening snacks.
have a snack 50 v phr ˌhæv ə ˈsnæk eine Kleinigkeit essen casser la croûte mangiare uno spuntino As soon as I get home today, I’ll have a snack.
healthy lifestyle 50 n phr ˌhelθi ˈlaɪfstaɪl gesunde Lebensführung mode de vie sain stile di vita salutare You won’t live longer unless you have a healthy lifestyle and long living genes.

lose weight 50 v phr ˌluːz ˈweɪt abnehmen perdre du poids perdere peso Some people think that missing breakfast can help them lose weight.
lunch 50 n lʌntʃ Mittagessen déjeuner pranzo Breakfast is just as important as lunch and dinner.
mid-morning 50 n ˌmɪd ˈmɔːnɪŋ in der Mitte des milieu de la matinée metà mattina If you don’t have a good breakfast, you’ll probably feel hungry by mid-morning
Vormittaggs and eat fattening snacks.
miss 50 v mɪs auslassen, weglassen manquer/ ne pas saltare Some people think that missing breakfast can help them lose weight.
(faire/avoir) qc.
prevent 50 v prɪˈvent vorbeugen prevenire Garlic won’t prevent colds because colds are caused by viruses.
unless 50 conj ʌnˈles wenn nicht, es sei denn sauf si a meno che Fish won’t make you more intelligent unless you also study a lot.
4.3 Listening
animal product 51 n ˈænəməl ˌprɒdʌkt tierisches Produkt produit animal prodotto animale Vegans don’t use any animal products.
animal rights 51 n ˌænəməl ˈraɪts Tierrechte droits des animaux diritti degli animali Brigitte Bardot supports animal rights.

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based on something 51 adj ˈbeɪst ɒn ˌsʌmθɪŋ basierend auf se baser sur basato su qualcosa His diet is based on fresh local produce.

cauliflower 51 n ˈkɒlɪˌflaʊə Blumenkohl chou-fleur cavolfiore To me, raw cauliflower is too firm to eat, but some people like it.
fattening diet 51 n phr ˌfætnɪŋ ˈdaɪət dick machende Ernährung régime d'engraissement dieta ingrassante If you want to gain some weight, you can put on some extra pounds with a
fattening diet.
fizzy drink 51 n ˌfɪzi ˈdrɪŋk kohlensäurehaltiges boisson gazeuse, soda bevanda gassata I don’t eat too much sugar (e.g. in sweets and fizzy drinks).
fussy eater 51 n phr ˌfʌsi ˈiːtə wählerischer Esser mangeur difficile persona dai gusti difficili When I was a child, I was a very fussy eater. I refused to eat any cooked food.

grape 51 n ɡreɪp Weintraube raisin uva I put a bunch of grapes on the table.
healthy diet 51 n phr ˌhelθi ˈdaɪət gesunde Ernährung alimentation saine dieta sana It is important to have a balanced, healthy diet.
heavy meal 51 n phr ˌhevi ˈmiːl schweres Essen repas lourd pasto pesante Before bedtime, just have a light snack, not a heavy meal.
involve 51 v ɪnˈvɒlv beinhalten, erfordern impliquer qc. implicare I’d like a diet that doesn’t involve any cooking.
lettuce 51 n ˈletəs (Kopf-)Salat salade, laitue lattuga Contrary to popular belief, real Greek salad does not ever contain lettuce.
light meal 51 n phr ˌlaɪt ˈmiːl leichte Mahlzeit repas léger pasto leggero Before the exam, have a light meal with protein so as to stay alert.
Mediterranean 51 adj ˌmedətəˈreɪniən Mittelmeer… méditerranéen mediterraneo Our diet is based on Mediterranean produce.
nutritionist 51 n njuːˈtrɪʃənəst Ernährungsberater/in nutritionniste nutrizionista A nutritionist gives advice on healthy eating.
produce 51 n ˈprɒdjuːs Erzeugnis produits prodotto His diet is based on fresh local produce.
skin 51 n skɪn Haut peau pelle I look well – my skin and my hair look healthy.
spinach 51 n ˈspɪnɪdʒ Spinat épinards spinaci Spinach can be eaten raw, cooked in curries, baked in pies and bread rolls,
mixed with pasta or blended in soups.
support 51 v səˈpɔːt unterstützen soutenir sostenere Brigitte Bardot supports animal rights.
sweet (1) 51 n swiːt Süßigkeit bonbon dolci I don’t eat too much sugar (e.g. in sweets and fizzy drinks).
sweet (2) 51 adj swiːt süß sucré dolce My friend likes anything sweet; she particularly loves ice cream and chocolate.

unhealthy 51 adj ʌnˈhelθi ungesund malsain non salutare Sugary fizzy drinks are very unhealthy.
variety 51 n vəˈraɪəti Auswahl, Vielfalt variété varietà I have a balanced diet – I eat a variety of different kinds of fresh food.
vegetarian diet 51 n phr ˌvedʒəˌteəriən vegetarische Ernährung régime végétarien dieta vegetariana A balanced vegetarian diet can lower the risk of heart disease and help you lose
ˈdaɪət weight.
vegetarian food 51 n phr ˌvedʒəˌteəriən vegetarisches Essen régime végétarien cibo vegetariano Do you have any vegetarian food?
4.4 Reading
aim 53 n eɪm Ziel but, objectif obiettivo The aim of the event ‘Feeding the 5,000’ was to make people think about how we
use food.
apple pulp 52 n ˈæpəl pʌlp Apfelfruchtfleisch pulpe de pomme polpa di mela ‘Friends of the Earth’ brought along four pigs to eat up the leftover apple pulp
from the apple pressing.
ask yourself a 52 v phr ˌɑːsk jɔːˌself ə sich eine Frage stellen se poser une question porsi una domanda So it’s time to ask ourselves a simple question: how can we continue to waste
question ˈkwestʃən food in a world where people are hungry and natural resources are
billion 52 n ˈbɪljən Milliarde milliard miliardo As of June 2016, the world population was 7.5 billion people.
blame 52 v bleɪm beschuldigen tenir responsable, blâmer accusare Consumers are blamed for overbuying or refusing to buy ‘wonky’ vegetables

boil 53 v bɔɪl kochen faire bouillir bollire Heat some milk in a small saucepan. Don’t boil it.
bring somebody’s 52 v phr ˌbrɪŋ ˌsʌmbɒdiz jemanden auf etwas attirer l'attention de qn. richiamare l'attenzione di Tristram Stuart wanted to bring people’s attention to the problem of food waste.
attention to əˈtenʃən tə ˌsʌmθɪŋ aufmerksam machen sur qc. qualcuno su qualcosa
cannot afford 52 v phr ˌkænət əˈfɔːd sich etwas nicht leisten ne pouvoir assumer le non potersi permettere In Africa and Asia, people cannot afford the high food prices and they go without
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ können coût de qc. qualcosa food.

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charity 52 n ˈtʃærəti Wohltätigkeit charité istituto di beneficenza We invited charities, government organisations, chefs, farmers and the general
chef 52 n ʃef Koch, Chefkoch chef chef We invited charities, government organisations, chefs, farmers and the general
continue to do 52 v phr kənˌtɪnjuː tə ˈduː weiterhin etwas tun continuer à faire qc. continuare a fare qualcosa So it’s time to ask ourselves a simple question: how can we continue to waste
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ food in a world where people are hungry and natural resources are
cream 52 n kriːm Sahne crème crema In addition to this, black bananas, which people quickly throw away, can be fried
in brown sugar and eaten with cream for a tasty dessert.
crust 52 n krʌst Kruste croûte crosta One UK sandwich factory throws away four slices of fresh bread, including the
two crusts, from every loaf – that’s a total of 13,000 slices a day.
disappear 52 v ˌdɪsəˈpɪə verschwinden disparaître scomparire So it’s time to ask ourselves a simple question: how can we continue to waste
food in a world where people are hungry and natural resources are
donate 52 v dəʊˈneɪt spenden donner donare All the ingredients for the curry and apple juice were donated by UK farmers.

dried fruit 53 n phr ˌdraɪd ˈfruːt getrocknetes Obst, fruits secs frutta secca Put the slices of stale bread and butter in a dish with some dried fruit.
edible 52 adj ˈedəbəl essbar mangeable commestibile People united under the same message: throwing away perfectly good, edible
food is crazy.
feed 52 v fiːd ernähren nourrir sfamare He wanted to bring people’s attention to the problem of food waste and show
how we can help to feed the world and protect the environment.
filling 52 n ˈfɪlɪŋ Belag, Füllung farce, garniture ripieno Most of us sit down to a roast chicken on Sundays and the rest can be used to
make a delicious risotto or a great filling for a sandwich.
force 52 v fɔːs zwingen, erzwingen forcer costringere We are forcing global food prices to go up because we buy more than we need
and throw it away.
freeze 53 v friːz einfrieren congeler congelare Get some advice on the Internet about what types of food you can freeze.
freezer 52 n ˈfriːzə Gefrierfach, congélateur congelatore Leftover potatoes can be mashed or fried for another meal, or even put in the
Gefrierschrank, freezer.
fry 52 v fraɪ braten faire frire friggere The crusts of the sandwiches can be cut up, fried in a little olive oil, then
chopped up and put in salads and soups.
general public 52 n ˌdʒenərəl ˈpʌblɪk Öffentlichkeit public, grand public opinione pubblica We invited charities, government organisations, chefs, farmers and the general
go up 52 phr v ˌɡəʊ ˈʌp steigen augmenter aumentare We are forcing global food prices to go up because we buy more than we need
and throw it away.
go without 52 phr v ˌɡəʊ wɪðˈaʊt etwas entbehren, nicht se passer de qc. fare a meno di qualcosa, In Africa and Asia, people cannot afford the high food prices and they go without
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ haben sopravvivere senza food.
government 52 n ˈɡʌvəmənt Regierungsorganisation organisation ente governativo We invited charities, government organisations, chefs, farmers and the general
organisation ˌɔːɡənaɪˈzeɪʃən gouvernementale public.
heat 53 v hiːt erhitzen chauffer riscaldare Heat some milk in a small saucepan. Don’t boil it.
highlight a problem 52 v phr ˌhaɪlaɪt ə ˈprɒbləm die Aufmerksamkeit auf souligner un problème evidenziare un problema We organised our ‘Feeding the 5,000’ event in London to highlight this problem.
ein Problem lenken
ingredient 52 n ɪnˈɡriːdiənt Zutat ingrédient ingrediente All the ingredients for the curry and apple juice were donated by UK farmers.

leftover 52 adj ˈleftəʊvə übrig geblieben restant resti, avanzi We also gave tips about other ways to use up our leftover food.

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loaf (plural: loaves) 52 n ləʊf/ləʊvz Laib pain pagnotta One UK sandwich factory throws away four slices of fresh bread, including the
two crusts, from every loaf – that’s a total of 13,000 slices a day.
mash 52 v mæʃ pürieren écraser, réduire en purée passare Leftover potatoes can be mashed or fried for another meal, or even put in the
natural resources 52 n ˌnætʃərəl rɪˈzɔːsɪz natürliche Ressourcen ressources naturelles risorse naturali So it’s time to ask ourselves a simple question: how can we continue to waste
food in a world where people are hungry and natural resources are
oven 53 n ˈʌvən Ofen four forno Pour the mixture over the bread and fruit and cook in the oven for forty-five
overbuy 52 v ˌəʊvəˈbaɪ zu viel kaufen acheter trop acquistare in quantità Consumers are blamed for overbuying or refusing to buy ‘wonky’ vegetables
pour 53 v pɔː gießen verser versare Pour the mixture over the bread and fruit and cook in the oven for forty-five
press 52 v pres pressen presser spremere For drinks we pressed a few thousand fresh apples to make juice.
protect the 52 v phr prəˌtekt ði die Umwelt schützen protéger l'environnement proteggere l'ambiente He wanted to bring people’s attention to the problem of food waste and show
environment ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt how we can help to feed the world and protect the environment.
raise 53 v reɪz sammeln récolter, collecter raccogliere The campaigners were raising money for food charities.
realise 52 v ˈrɪəlaɪz sich bewusst machen se rendre compte de accorgersi People don’t realise how many meals we can get from one chicken.
recipe 53 n ˈresəpi Rezept recette ricetta Try our delicious, protein-packed recipes for vegetarian meals for each night of
the week.
reject 52 v rɪˈdʒekt ablehnen rejeter rifiutare Supermarkets are blamed for rejecting ‘ugly’ fruit and vegetables.
rise 53 v raɪz ansteigen augmenter aumentare World food prices are rising because we buy too much food.
roast 53 v rəʊst braten rôtir arrostire My mum taught me how to roast a chicken.
roast chicken 52 n ˌrəʊst ˈtʃɪkən gebratenes Huhn poulet rôti pollo arrosto Most of us sit down to a roast chicken on Sundays and the rest can be used to
make a delicious risotto or a great filling for a sandwich.
sadly 52 adv ˈsædli Leider malheureusement sfortunatamente Sadly, this is not far from the truth.
serve 52 v sɜːv servieren servir servire At the event, we served more than 5,000 portions of fresh hot vegetable curry.

shape 53 n ʃeɪp Form forme forma We shouldn’t avoid buying vegetables with unusual shapes.
slice (1) 52 n slaɪs Scheibe tranche fetta One UK sandwich factory throws away four slices of fresh bread, including the
two crusts, from every loaf – that’s a total of 13,000 slices a day.
slice (2) 53 v slaɪs in Scheiben schneiden couper en tranches affettare Slice the stale bread and put butter on it.
solve a problem 52 v phr ˌsɒlv ə ˈprɒbləm ein Problem lösen résoudre un problème risolvere un problema We are all responsible for solving the problem of wasting food.
soya 52 n ˈsɔɪə Soja soja soia Soya contains lots of proteins, vitamins, minerals and fibre.
tonne 52 n tʌn Tonne tonne tonnellata We import millions of tonnes of soya which is grown on land where rainforests
used to be.
uncover 52 v ʌnˈkʌvə aufdecken mettre au jour rivelare Tristram Stuart is the author of ‘Waste – uncovering the global food scandal’.

unite 52 v juːˈnaɪt sich vereinen, s'unir unirsi People united under the same message: throwing away perfectly good, edible
zusammentun food is crazy.
use something up 52 phr v ˌjuːz ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈʌp verbrauchen, aufbrauchen utiliser consumare qualcosa We also gave tips about other ways to use up our leftover food.

volunteer 52 n ˌvɒlənˈtɪə Freiwillige/r volontaire volontario/-a More than 300 volunteers helped to chop up vegetables and cook the curry.

waste (1) 52 n weɪst Verschwendung gâchis, gaspillage spreco The solution to food waste is simple: buy good food, enjoy it and eat everything
on your plate instead of throwing it away!
waste (2) 52 v weɪst verschwenden gâcher, gaspiller sprecare UK homes waste twenty percent of all the food they buy.

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wonky 52 adj ˈwɒŋki schief, nicht ganz in biscornu imperfetto Consumers are blamed for overbuying or refusing to buy ‘wonky’ vegetables
4.5 Grammar
apple pie 54 n ˈæpəl paɪ Apfelkuchen tarte aux pommes torta di mele My grandmother used to bake delicious cakes and biscuits and a delightful apple
basic 54 adj ˈbeɪsɪk grundlegend élémentaire basilare At Cook Camp we believe that basic cooking skills are an important life skill, but
many young people will be leaving school and home without these skills.

basics 54 n ˈbeɪsɪks Grundlagen l'essentiel basi We’ll teach you the kitchen basics: chopping, peeling, cleaning, etc.
biscuit 54 n ˈbɪskət Keks biscuit biscotto My grandmother used to bake delicious cakes and biscuits.
camp 54 n kæmp Camp, (Trainings-)Lager camp campo At Cook Camp we believe that basic cooking skills are an important life skill, but
many young people will be leaving school and home without these skills.

feed yourself 54 v ˈfiːd jɔːˌself sich ernähren se nourrir nutrirsi Will you know how to feed yourself?
field work 54 n ˈfiːld wɜːk Feldarbeit travail de terrain lavoro sul campo We’ll be doing some field work, such as planting and gardening.
graduate from 54 v phr ˌɡrædʒueɪt frəm einen Schulabschluss finir l'école diplomarsi In a few years, you will have graduated from school and will probably be living in
school ˈskuːl machen a student house with other people your age.
guest speaker 54 n ˌɡest ˈspiːkə Gastredner orateur invité oratore/oratrice ospite In the afternoon we’re going to listen to a talk by a guest speaker.
leave home 54 v phr ˌliːv ˈhəʊm das Elternhaus verlassen partir de chez soi andarsene di casa At Cook Camp we believe that basic cooking skills are an important life skill, but
many young people will be leaving school and home without these skills.

peel 54 v piːl schälen éplucher sbucciare Could you peel the potatoes, please?
planting 54 n ˈplɑːntɪŋ Anpflanzen, Pflanzen plantation semina We’ll be doing some fieldwork, such as planting and gardening.
supper 54 n ˈsʌpə Abendessen dîner cena Would you like to have something small for supper?
4.6 Speaking
bill 55 n bɪl Rechnung addition, facture conto Could I have the bill, please?
chocolate mousse 55 n ˈtʃɒklət muːs Schokoladenmousse mousse au chocolat mousse al cioccolato Chocolate mousse is a very nourishing dessert.
delicious 55 adj dɪˈlɪʃəs köstlich délicieux delizioso The pasta sauce is a delicious salmon sauce.
dessert menu 55 n dɪˈzɜːt ˌmenjuː Dessertkarte carte des desserts menù dei dolci Would you like to see the dessert menu?
ham 55 n hæm Schinken jambon prosciutto Would you like a ham or a cheese sandwich?
ice cream 55 n ˌaɪs ˈkriːm Eis(krem) glace gelato My friend likes anything sweet; she particularly loves ice cream and chocolate.

order (1) 55 n ˈɔːdə Bestellung commande ordine May I take your order?
order (2) 55 v ˈɔːdə bestellen passer une commande ordinare Excuse me. Can I order, please?
4.7 Writing
accommodation 57 n əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃən Unterkunft hébergement, logement alloggio Could you confirm whether travel and accommodation are also free for my
available 56 adj əˈveɪləbəl verfügbar disponible disponibile Could you confirm which levels are available?
clothing 56 n ˈkləʊðɪŋ Kleider, Bekleidung vêtements vestiario, abbigliamento I do not have my own special clothing or kitchen equipment.
confirm 57 v kənˈfɜːm bestätigen confirmer confermare Could you confirm whether travel and accommodation are also free for my
confirmation 57 n ˌkɒnfəˈmeɪʃən Bestätigung confirmation conferma I would like to ask you for confirmation that my friend won’t have to cover her
travel and accommodation expenses.
cookery 56 n ˈkʊkəri Kochen, Koch- cuisine cucina, di cucina Include details of any cookery experience you may have so that we can place you
in the correct group.
cookery course 56 n ˈkʊkəri kɔːs Kochkurs cours de cuisine corso di cucina Your prize is a place on one of our ‘Teen Cuisine’ weekend cookery courses for
teenagers at the Manchester School of Cookery.

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cover the expenses 57 v phr ˌkʌvə ði ɪkˈspensɪz für die Ausgaben couvrir les frais coprire le spese I would like to ask you for confirmation that my friend won’t have to cover her
aufkommen travel and accommodation expenses.
cuisine 56 n kwɪˈziːn Küche cuisine cucina Your prize is a place on one of our ‘Teen Cuisine’ weekend cookery courses for
teenagers at the Manchester School of Cookery.
delighted 56 adj dɪˈlaɪtəd erfreut ravi lieto We are delighted to inform you that you have won first prize in our ‘Ideal School
Meals Competition’.
enquire about 57 v phr ɪnˈkwaɪər əˌbaʊt etwas erfragen, nach se renseigner sur qc. chiedere informazioni su I am writing to enquire about the date of the visit.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas fragen qualcosa
exciting 56 adj ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ aufregend, interessant passionnant, génial entusiasmante The menu you suggested represents an ideal combination of healthy and
exciting food.
factory 57 n ˈfæktəri Fabrik usine fabbrica Your prize is a visit for you and a friend to our factory in Switzerland.
Yours faithfully 57 adv ˈfeɪθfəli Hochachtungsvoll Veuillez agréer, distinti saluti Yours faithfully, …
Monsieur/Madame, mes
salutations distinguées
get in touch 56 v phr ˌɡet ɪn ˈtʌtʃ sich wenden an, Kontakt entrer en contact, contattare I’m getting in touch to invite you to my birthday party next Saturday.
aufnehmen mit contacter
hear from 56 phr v ˈhɪə frəm ˌsʌmbɒdi von jemandem hören avoir des nouvelles de qn. avere notizie di qualcuno I hope to hear from you soon.
kitchen equipment 56 n ˈkɪtʃən ɪˌkwɪpmənt Küchenausstattung matériel de cuisine utensili da cucina I do not have my own special clothing or kitchen equipment.

look forward to 57 v phr ˌlʊk ˌfɔːwəd tə sich auf etwas freuen dans l'attente de qc. … non vedere l'ora di fare I look forward to hearing from you soon.
doing something ˈduːɪŋ ˌsʌmθɪŋ qualcosa
place 56 v pleɪs platzieren placer, mettre mettere, collocare Include details of any cookery experience you may have so that we can place you
in the correct group.
prize 56 n praɪz Preis, Auszeichnung prix premio We are delighted to inform you that you have won first prize in our ‘Ideal School
Meals Competition’.
query 57 n ˈkwɪəri Frage question, requête domanda Do contact us with any queries about the visit.
receive 57 v rɪˈsiːv erhalten, bekommen recevoir ricevere I look forward to receiving your reply soon.
reply 57 n rɪˈplaɪ Antwort réponse risposta I look forward to receiving your reply soon.
represent 56 v ˌreprɪˈzent darstellen représenter rappresentare The menu you suggested represents an ideal combination of healthy and
exciting food.
school meal 56 n ˌskuːl ˈmiːl Schulessen repas scolaire pasto scolastico We are delighted to inform you that you have won first prize in our ‘Ideal School
Meals Competition’.
Yours sincerely 57 adv sɪnˈsɪəli Mit freundlichen Grüßen Je vous prie d'agréer, cordiali saluti Yours sincerely, …
l'expression de mes
salutations distinguées
stuff 56 n stʌf Sachen, Zeug trucs, affaires cose, roba Have you packed all the kitchen stuff yet?
travel arrangements 57 n ˈtrævəl Reiseorganisation préparatifs de voyage programma di viaggio You must write to them to ask about dates, travel arrangements and
əˌreɪndʒmənts accommodation.
win a competition 56 v phr ˌwɪn ə einen Wettbewerb remporter un concours vincere una gara Thank you for your letter informing me that I have won the competition.
ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃən gewinnen
winner 57 n ˈwɪnə Sieger vainqueur vincitore/vincitrice Thank you for choosing my suggestion as the winner.
write back 56 phr v ˌraɪt ˈbæk zurückschreiben réécrire rispondere Write back soon.
Focus Review 4
advertise 59 v ˈædvətaɪz werben faire de la publicité fare pubblicità Many companies will only advertise in the Sunday paper.
area 59 n ˈeəriə Bereich espace area All areas used to prepare food must be cleaned well every night.
avoid 58 v əˈvɔɪd vermeiden éviter evitare I avoid animal products in my diet, for example, eggs.

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bring something to 58 v phr ˌbrɪŋ ˌsʌmθɪŋ tə jemanden auf etwas porter qc. à l'attention de portare qualcosa It’s the first time someone has brought this issue to my attention.
somebody’s ˌsʌmbɒdiz əˈtenʃən aufmerksam machen qn. all'attenzione di qualcuno
chop something up 58 phr v ˌtʃɒp ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈʌp etwas kleinhacken hacher qc. tagliare a pezzetti Can you chop up some carrots and peppers?

cook (1) 58 n kʊk Koch cuisinier/cuisinière cuoco/cuoca Who is the best cook in your family?
cook (2) 58 v kʊk kochen préparer cucinare What dishes can you cook?
cooker 59 n ˈkʊkə Herd cuisinière fornello Make sure all cookers, fryers and ovens are turned off at the end of the night.

cookery competition 59 n ˈkʊkəri Kochwettbewerb concours de cuisine gara di cucina We are really glad that you are interested in entering our cookery competition.
cooking 58 n ˈkʊkɪŋ Kochen cuisine cucina On this cookery course you’ll learn the basics of cooking.
cooking competition 58 n ˈkʊkɪŋ Kochwettbewerb concours de cuisine gara di cucina Tomorrow at 8 o’clock we’ll be watching a cooking competition. It’s the final
ˌkɒmpəˌtɪʃən episode.
cutting board 59 n ˈkʌtɪŋ bɔːd Schneidebrett planche à découper tagliere Use separate knives, cutting boards, etc. to prepare raw and cooked food.
dairy products 58 n ˈdeəri ˌprɒdʌkts Milchprodukte produits laitier latticini We can prepare this dish without milk if you are allergic to dairy products.
defrost 59 v ˌdiːˈfrɒst auftauen, abtauen, dégivrer scongelare All fridges should be kept at a temperature of 4°C to keep food fresh, unless you
entfrosten are defrosting.
diet 58 n ˈdaɪət Diät régime dieta I hope to lose a lot of weight on this diet.
dishwasher 59 n ˈdɪʃˌwɒʃə Geschirrspüler lave-vaisselle lavastoviglie Ensure that all dishes are clean when you take them out of the dishwasher.

drawer 58 n drɔː Schublade tiroir cassetto Will you be using this knife? If not, please wash it and put it in the drawer.
eat out 59 phr v ˌiːt ˈaʊt auswärts essen sortir dîner mangiare fuori If good service is important to you when you eat out, you’ll love The Big Fish.

embarrass yourself 59 v ɪmˈbærəs jɔːˌself sich blamieren se mettre dans l'embarras fare una figuraccia What if I embarrass myself?

engagement 59 n ɪnˈɡeɪdʒmənt Verlobung fiançailles fidanzamento ufficiale We went to a restaurant to celebrate Emma’s engagement.
ensure 59 v ɪnˈʃʊə überprüfen, sicherstellen assurer assicurarsi Ensure that all dishes are clean when you take them out of the dishwasher.

episode 58 n ˈepəsəʊd Episode, Teil épisode episodio Tomorrow at 8 o’clock we’ll be watching a cooking competition. It’s the final
fridge 59 n frɪdʒ Kühlschrank réfrigérateur frigorifero All fridges should be kept at a temperature of 4°C to keep food fresh, unless you
are defrosting.
fries 58 n fraɪz Pommes frites frites patatine fritte Can I have fries with that?
frozen 58 adj ˈfrəʊzən gefroren surgelé, congelé congelato In winter, when there aren’t many fresh vegetables, I usually eat frozen ones.

fryer 59 n ˈfraɪə Friteuse, Brater friteuse friggitrice Make sure all cookers, fryers and ovens are turned off at the end of the night.

give instructions 59 v phr ˌɡɪv ɪnˈstrʌkʃənz Anweisungen geben donner des instructions dare istruzioni Did the doctor give you any instructions on what to eat?
glad 59 adj ɡlæd froh content felice We are really glad that you are interested in entering our cookery competition.

go out 58 phr v ˌɡəʊ ˈaʊt ausgehen sortir uscire Do you want to order takeaway or go out?
handle 59 v ˈhændl anfassen toucher à toccare Wash hands well before and after handling food.
have dinner 58 v phr ˌhæv ˈdɪnə zu Abend essen dîner cenare Sorry, we won’t have dinner until John arrives.
impressed by 59 adj ɪm ˈprest baɪ von etwas beeindruckt impressionné par colpito da qualcosa I was greatly impressed by the presentation.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
knife (plural: knives) 58 n naɪf/naɪvz Messer couteau coltello Will you be using this knife? If not, please wash it and put it in the drawer.

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lack 59 v læk fehlen manquer de mancare di Unfortunately, it wasn’t what I had expected as it lacked flavour.
make somebody 59 v phr ˌmeɪk ˌsʌmbɒdi ˌfiːl dafür sorgen, dass jemand voir à ce que qn. se sente far sentire qualcuno a casa From the moment you walk in and sit at your table, the staff make you feel
feel welcome ˈwelkəm sich willkommen fühlt le/la bienvenu(e) welcome.

mixed 58 adj mɪkst gemischt, vermischt mélangé mischiato, mescolato Stir the eggs and sugar until they are well mixed together.
nut 58 n nʌt Nuss noix noce Please remember that Emma is allergic to nuts and milk.
nutrition clinic 58 n njuːˈtrɪʃən ˌklɪnɪk Ernährungsklinik clinique de nutrition centro di nutrizione Will John have opened his own nutrition clinic by the end of the year?
panic 59 v ˈpænɪk in Panik geraten paniquer entrare nel panico That’s when I started to panic.
patiently 59 adv ˈpeɪʃ əntli geduldig patiemment pazientemente My waiter patiently explained the menu and recommended the salmon pie with
spinach, which I ordered.
pay attention to 59 v phr peɪ əˈtenʃən tə auf etwas achtgeben faire attention à qc. prestare attenzione a Pay attention to the above at all times.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ qualcosa
pie 59 n paɪ Kuchen, Torte tourte torta My waiter patiently explained the menu and recommended the salmon pie with
spinach, which I ordered.
plate 58 n pleɪt Teller assiette piatto He’s eaten a whole plate of French fries.
poisonous 58 adj ˈpɔɪzənəs giftig vénéneux velenoso I’m not sure if this mushroom is edible. It might be poisonous.
prepare 58 v prɪˈpeə zubereiten préparer preparare We can prepare this dish without milk if you are allergic to dairy products.
pull something out 59 phr v ˌpʊl ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈaʊt etwas herausziehen retirer qc. tirare indietro qualcosa A waiter pulled out my chair for me.
sell out 58 phr v ˌsel ˈaʊt sich ausverkaufen (tout) vendre vendere tutto, esaurire This bakery is very popular. I’m sure they will have sold out by lunchtime.
separate 59 adj ˈsepərət verschieden séparé, différent differente Use separate knives, cutting boards, etc. to prepare raw and cooked food.
settle into 59 phr v ˈsetl ˌɪntə ˌsʌmθɪŋ sich in etwas niederlassen s'installer dans qc. accomodarsi, sistemarsi As I settled into my seat, I noticed all the different knives, forks and spoons for
something each guest.
share a flat 59 v phr ˌʃeər ə ˈflæt sich eine Wohnung teilen partager un appartement condividere un We used to share a flat as university students.
starter 58 n ˈstɑːtə Vorspeise hors-d'oeuvre antipasto The starters are delicious, but what’s the main course today?
stir 58 v stɜː umrühren mélanger mescolare Stir the eggs and sugar until they are well mixed together.
takeaway 58 n ˈteɪkəweɪ Essen zum Mitnehmen plat à emporter cibo da asporto Do you want to order takeaway or go out?
walk in 59 phr v ˌwɔːk ˈɪn hineingehen entrer entrare From the moment you walk in and sit at your table, the staff make you feel
wonder 59 v ˈwʌndə sich fragen se demander chiedersi ‘What if I embarrass myself?’ I wondered.
work of art 59 n ˌwɜːk əv ˈɑːt Kunstwerk oeuvre d'art opera d'arte My dish resembled a work of art on the plate and I didn’t know whether to eat it
or look at it!
Use of English 4
brown bread WS 8 n ˌbraʊn ˈbred Vollkornbrot pain bis pane integrale I just squeezed a couple of fresh oranges and then toasted a slice of brown
bread – very healthy.
get back in shape WS 8 v phr ɡet ˌbæk ɪn ˈʃeɪp wieder in Form kommen retrouver la ligne rimettersi in forma I really need to get back in shape for my summer holiday.
give something up WS 8 phr v ˌɡɪv ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈʌp etwas streichen, auf etwas renoncer à qc. rinunciare a qualcosa I’ve given up chocolate, biscuits, potatoes and everything else that’s yummy.
go without WS 8 phr v ˌɡəʊ wɪðˈaʊt ohne etwas auskommen se passer de qc. fare a meno di qualcosa Last week I tried to go without breakfast completely, but it didn’t work.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
loads of WS 8 det ˈləʊdz əv jede Menge, viel plein de, tas de un sacco di I was so hungry by lunch that I ate loads of fattening things!
slim WS 8 adj slɪm schlank mince magro Agatha is tall and slim.
spend time doing WS 8 v phr ˌspend ˌtaɪm Zeit aufwenden, um etwas consacrer du temps à qc. trascorrere il tempo I didn’t spend a lot of time preparing the meal.
something ˈduːɪŋ ˌsʌmθɪŋ zu tun facendo qualcosa
squeeze WS 8 v skwiːz auspressen presser spremere I just squeezed a couple of fresh oranges and then toasted a slice of brown
bread – very healthy.
three-course meal WS 8 n ˌθriː kɔːs ˈmiːl dreigängige Mahlzeit repas de trois plats pasto di tre portate So, a three-course meal at Mario’s and nothing healthy on the menu?

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toast WS 8 v təʊst toasten faire griller, toaster tostare I just squeezed a couple of fresh oranges and then toasted a slice of brown
bread – very healthy.
yummy WS 8 adj ˈjʌmi lecker délicieux squisito I’ve given up chocolate, biscuits, potatoes and everything else that’s yummy.

Word in Focus: up
it is up to somebody WS 9 v phr bi ˈʌp tə ˌsʌmbɒdi es steht jemandem frei c'est à qn. de dipendere da qualcuno, ‘Do you want to get a takeaway or go out?’ ‘It’s up to you.’
stare a qualcuno
cut something up WS 9 phr v ˌkʌt ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈʌp in Stücke schneiden, couper qc. tagliare a pezzetti Can you cut the meat up? / Can you cut up the meat?
stand up WS 9 phr v ˌstænd ˈʌp sich aufrichten se tenir droit alzarsi in piedi Stand up straight and don’t slouch!
what’s up? WS 9 phr ˌwɒts ˈʌp was ist los? Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Che succede? What’s up? Why are you crying?
Unit 5 One world
5.1 Vocabulary
across 60 prep əˈkrɒs quer durch à travers attraverso The river flows for 5,464 kilometres from the glaciers of Tibet, across northern
and central China and along the foothills of the Himalayas.
active volcano 60 n phr ˌæktɪv vɒlˈkeɪnəʊ aktiver Vulkan volcan actif vulcano attivo Vesuvius is an active volcano and it has erupted many times.
bank 60 n bæŋk Ufer / Damm rive riva, sponda I live in Zhengzhou on the banks of the Yellow River.
bay 61 n beɪ Bucht baie baia, golfo Naples is situated on the Bay of Naples and the famous volcano, Mount
Vesuvius, overlooks the city.
burst 60 v bɜːst bersten, platzen éclater far esplodere, provocare Our government is building twenty-six dams to control the river and reduce the
la rottura di risks, but I’m still worried that it will burst its banks and flood my city

capital city 61 n ˌkæpətl ˈsɪti Hauptstadt capitale capitale The capital city of my country is on the coast.
cattle 61 n ˈkætl Vieh bétail bestiame The drought continues in Texas. Cattle are dying and milk production has fallen
by fifty percent.
crack 61 n kræk Riss, Spalte crevasse spaccatura, crepa During an earthquake the ground shakes and cracks appear.
crops 61 n krɒps Feldfrüchte, Ernte cultures raccolto Without rain, farmers can’t produce crops to feed the animals.
dam 60 n dæm Staudamm barrage diga Our government is building twenty-six dams to control the river and reduce the
risks, but I’m still worried that it will burst its banks and flood my city.

destroy 60 v dɪˈstrɔɪ zerstören détruire distruggere 100 years ago, there was a major earthquake in San Francisco – it killed 3,000
people and destroyed eighty percent of the city.
drought 60 n draʊt Dürre sécheresse siccità At the moment, the worst thing is the drought because without rain, farmers
can’t produce crops to feed the animals.
earthquake 60 n ˈɜːθkweɪk Erdbeben tremblement de terre terremoto We get small earthquakes all the time, but scientists think a major earthquake
will strike in the next thirty years.
erupt 61 v ɪˈrʌpt ausbrechen entrer en éruption eruttare Vesuvius is an active volcano and it has erupted many times.
eruption 61 n ɪˈrʌpʃən Ausbruch éruption eruzione The worst eruption of Vesuvius was in 79AD and it destroyed the Roman cities of
Pompeii and Herculaneum.
evacuate 61 v ɪˈvækjueɪt evakuieren évacuer evacuare It would take seventy-two hours to evacuate Naples and the surrounding cities.

evacuation 61 n ɪˌvækjuˈeɪʃən Evakuierung évacuation evacuazione Police ordered the evacuation of the building.
experience 60 v ɪkˈspɪəriəns erleben connaître sperimentare Have you ever experienced a drought, a hurricane or an earthquake?
explode 61 v ɪkˈspləʊd explodieren exploser esplodere A volcano is a mountain that can explode and send out hot rocks.
extinct volcano 61 n phr ɪkˌstɪŋkt vɒlˈkeɪnəʊ erloschener Vulkan volcan éteint vulcano inattivo An extinct volcano does not erupt any more.

flood (1) 60 n flʌd Überschwemmung inondation inondazione The worst flood was in 1931 – four million people died.
flood (2) 60 v flʌd über die Ufer treten déborder inondare The Yellow River is dangerous because it floods a lot.

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flow 60 v fləʊ fließen couler scorrere The river flows for 5,464 kilometres from the glaciers of Tibet, across northern
and central China and along the foothills of the Himalayas.
foothills 60 n ˈfʊt hɪlz Vorgebirge, Ausläufer contreforts collina ai piedi di una The river flows for 5,464 kilometres from the glaciers of Tibet, across northern
montagna and central China and along the foothills of the Himalayas.
forecaster 61 n ˈfɔːˌkɑːstə Prognostiker/Meteorologe prévisionniste meteorologo/-a Forecasters are predicting that the summer will be hotter and drier than usual.

geographical 61 n phr ˌdʒiːəˌɡræfɪkəl geographische Merkmale caractéristiques caratteristiche geografiche What are the main geographical features of Belgium?
features ˈfiːtʃəz géographiques
glacier 60 n ˈɡlæsiə Gletscher glacier ghiacciaio The river flows for 5,464 kilometres from the glaciers of Tibet, across northern
and central China and along the foothills of the Himalayas.
ground 61 n ɡraʊnd Boden terre terra During an earthquake the ground shakes and cracks appear.
heavy rain 61 n phr ˌhevi ˈreɪn Starkregen fortes pluies pioggia torrenziale The Chinese weather centre have predicted more floods after more heavy rain.

hurricane 60 n ˈhʌrəkən Hurrikan ouragan uragano Hurricane Katrina, which struck the Gulf Coast on August 29, 2005, was the
largest and third most intense hurricane ever recorded in the US.
local area 61 n phr ˌləʊkəl ˈeəriə nähere Umgebung les alentours area circostante A river can burst its banks and flood the local area.
be located 60 v ləʊˈkeɪt liegen être situé essere situato San Francisco is located on a peninsula, so it is surrounded by water.
major 60 adj ˈmeɪdʒə groß, bedeutend majeur serio, importante 100 years ago, there was a major earthquake in San Francisco – it killed 3,000
people and destroyed eighty percent of the city.
mountain range 61 n ˈmaʊntən reɪndʒ Bergkette chaîne de montagnes catena montuosa Are the foothills of the nearest mountain range very far away?
natural disaster 60 n ˌnætʃərəl dɪˈzɑːstə Naturkatastrophe catastrophe naturelle disastro naturale Four people tell us what it’s like to live in a place where natural disasters have
happened before and will probably happen again.
one day 61 adv phr ˌwʌn ˈdeɪ eines Tages un jour un giorno It’s possible that an earthquake will strike one day.
peninsula 60 n pəˈnɪnsjələ Halbinsel péninsule penisola San Francisco is located on a peninsula, so it is surrounded by water.
predict 61 v prɪˈdɪkt vorhersagen prédire prevedere It’s impossible to predict when Vesuvius will erupt again.
prediction 61 n prɪˈdɪkʃən Vorhersage prédiction previsione The data can be used to make useful economic predictions.
reduce 60 v rɪˈdjuːs reduzieren, senken réduire ridurre Our government is building twenty-six dams to control the river and reduce the
risks, but I’m still worried that it will burst its banks and flood my city.

reduction 61 n rɪˈdʌkʃən Senkung réduction riduzione We discussed the new strategies for noise reduction.
scientist 60 n ˈsaɪəntəst Wissenschaftler/in scientifique scienziato/-a We get small earthquakes all the time, but scientists think a major earthquake
will strike in the next thirty years.
send something out 61 phr v ˌsend ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈaʊt auswerfen émettre gettare fuori, lanciare in A volcano is a mountain that can explode and send out hot rocks.
shake 61 v ʃeɪk beben trembler tremare During an earthquake the ground shakes and cracks appear.
be situated 61 v ˈsɪtʃueɪt liegen être situé essere situato Naples is situated on the Bay of Naples and the famous volcano, Mount
Vesuvius, overlooks the city.
strike 60 v straɪk zuschlagen, auftreten frapper colpire, abbattersi We get small earthquakes all the time, but scientists think a major earthquake
will strike in the next thirty years.
surround 60 v səˈraʊnd umgeben entourer circondare San Francisco is located on a peninsula, so it is surrounded by water.
tornado 61 n tɔːˈneɪdəʊ Tornado tornade tornado Here in Dallas, Texas, we get tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and droughts.
tsunami zone 60 n tsʊˈnɑːmi zəʊn Tsunami-Gebiet région frappée par les zona a rischio tsunami I live on the coast in a tsunami zone.
weather forecast 61 n ˈweðə ˌfɔːkɑːst Wettervorhersage météo previsioni del tempo The weather can be extreme, so we just have to check the weather forecast
5.2 Grammar
across 62 prep əˈkrɒs überall auf/auf der sur tout …, dans tout … su tutto Across the globe there are 27 megacities.

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common 62 adj ˈkɒmən häufig vorkommend courant, fréquent comune Megacities are more common in Asia, particularly in India and China.
countryside 62 n ˈkʌntrisaɪd Land (Ggs. zu Stadt) campagne campagna For the first time in history, more people live in cities than in the countryside.

economic growth 62 n ˌekəˌnɒmɪk ˈɡrəʊθ Wirtschaftswachstum croissance économique crescita economica Because of economic growth, food has improved, health care has improved and
people are living longer.
education 62 n ˌedjʊˈkeɪʃən Schulbildung l'éducation istruzione In our country education and health care are free.
grow (1) 62 v ɡrəʊ wachsen augmenter, croître crescere During the twentieth century, the population of the world grew from 1.65 billion
to 6 billion.
grow (2) 62 v ɡrəʊ anbauen cultiver, faire pousser coltivare The tiny country has very little space to grow food.
health care 62 n ˈhelθ keə Gesundheitsvorsorge santé, services de santé assistenza sanitaria Because of economic growth, food has improved, health care has improved and
people are living longer.
improve 62 v ɪmˈpruːv sich verbessern s'améliorer migliorare Because of economic growth, food has improved, health care has improved and
people are living longer.
industrial area 62 n ɪnˌdʌstriəl ˈeəriə Industriegebiet zone industrielle area industriale Some people think pollution is only a problem in major industrial areas.
inhabitant 62 n ɪnˈhæbətənt Einwohner habitant/e abitante Across the globe there are 27 megacities – cities with more than 10 million
innovation 62 n ˌɪnəˈveɪʃən Innovation innovation innovazione One small country may have found a solution: Singapore is a country which is
famous for innovation.
invent 62 v ɪnˈvent erfinden inventer inventare Jack Ng, a farmer, has invented a vertical farm.
provide 62 v prəˈvaɪd bereitstellen fournir fornire The biggest problem that megacities have is how to provide food and water for
their inhabitants.
public transport 62 n ˌpʌblɪk ˈtrænspɔːt öffentlicher Verkehr transports en commun trasporti pubblici More and more people travel on public transport to work.
solution 62 n səˈluːʃən Lösung solution soluzione One small country may have found a solution: Singapore is a country which is
famous for innovation.
space 62 n speɪs Platz surface, espace spazio This tiny country has very little space to grow food.
tiny 62 adj ˈtaɪni winzig minuscule minuscolo, molto piccolo This tiny country has very little space to grow food.
vertical 62 adj ˈvɜːtɪkəl vertikal vertical verticale Jack Ng, a farmer, has invented a vertical farm.
world population 62 n ˌwɜːld ˌpɒpjəˈleɪʃən Weltbevölkerung population mondiale popolazione mondiale What was the world population in 1900?

5.3 Listening
admit 63 v ədˈmɪt zugeben admettre ammettere Did you know that two-thirds of British teenagers admit they can do more to
protect the environment?
air quality 63 n ˈeə ˌkwɒləti Luftqualität qualité de l'air qualità dell'aria British teenagers’ top three environmental worries are: poor air quality, global
warming, not enough recycling.
bicycle rack 63 n ˈbaɪsɪkəl ræk Radständer râtelier à vélo portabiciclette There was no bicycle rack in front of the supermarket, so I had to secure my bike
to a road sign.
car park 63 n ˈkɑː pɑːk Parkplatz parking parcheggio It has been decided that the car park next to the city forest will be extended.

climate change 63 n ˈklaɪmət tʃeɪndʒ Klimaveränderung changement climatique cambiamento climatico In our Science lessons we’ll focus more on environmental issues like climate
change and global warming.
concentrate on 63 phr v ˈkɒnsəntreɪt ɒn sich auf etwas se concentrer sur qc. concentrare l'attenzione Science and Technology lessons will concentrate a lot on environmental issues.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ konzentrieren su qualcosa
environmental 63 adj ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentl Umwelt…, die Umwelt écologique ambientale Our government is not interested in environmental issues.
environmentally 63 adj phr ɪnˌvaɪərənˌmentəli umweltfreundlich écologique, bon pour rispettoso dell'ambiente We want to make environmentally friendly changes to schools.
friendly ˈfrendli l'environnement
fast food canteen 63 n ˈfɑːst fuːd kænˌtiːn Schnellkost-Kantinen cantine pour un repas mensa fast food We have numerous fast food canteens selling hot dogs, fish and chips, burgers,
rapide bacon sandwiches, fizzy drinks and more.

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global warming 63 n ˌɡləʊbəl ˈwɔːmɪŋ Erderwärmung réchauffement planétaire riscaldamento globale British teenagers’ top three environmental worries are: poor air quality, global
warming, not enough recycling.
issue 63 n ˈɪʃuː Thema, Frage question, sujet problema, questione Science and Technology lessons will concentrate a lot on environmental issues.

low-energy light 63 n phr ˌləʊ ˌenədʒi ˈlaɪt energiesparende ampoule à faible lampadina a risparmio Everybody should use low-energy light bulbs to save electricity.
bulb bʌlb Glühbirnen consommation d'énergie energetico
organic 63 adj ɔːˈɡænɪk ökologisch bio biologico, ecologico Thanks to the vegetable garden, our school dinners will be very organic and
recycle 63 v ˌriːˈsaɪkəl recyceln, wiederverwerten recycler riciclare British teenagers say they could recycle more, turn off unnecessary lights and
spend less time in the shower.
recycling bin 63 n riːˈsaɪklɪŋ bɪn Recyclingtonne bac de recyclage contenitore per la raccolta There aren’t enough recycling bins in my area.
renewable energy 63 n rɪˌnjuːəbəl ˈenədʒi erneuerbare Energie énergie renouvelable energia rinnovabile Governments should support renewable energy such as solar power or wind
Science 63 n ˈsaɪəns Wissenschaft science scienza Does your school have Science lessons on global warming?
secondary school 63 n ˈsekəndəri skuːl weiterführende Schule établissement scuola superiore Our ‘Friends of the Planet’ group has members from six other secondary schools.
solar panel 63 n ˌsəʊlə ˈpænl Solarmodul panneau solaire pannello solare We have solar panels on the roof of the school – there are fifty panels altogether.

Technology 63 n tekˈnɒlədʒi Technik technologie tecnologia Does your school have Technology lessons on renewable energy?
turn something off 63 phr v ˌtɜːn ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈɒf etwas ausschalten éteindre qc. spegnere qualcosa British teenagers say they could recycle more, turn off unnecessary lights and
spend less time in the shower.
two-thirds 63 n ˌtuː ˈθɜːdz zwei Drittel deux tiers due terzi Did you know that two-thirds of British teenagers admit they can do more to
protect the environment?
5.4 Reading
affect 64 v əˈfekt betreffen, Auswirkungen affecter interessare Deforestation affects the global community as well as Amazonian tribes.
haben auf
air pollution 64 n ˈeə pəˌluːʃən Luftverschmutzung pollution de l'air inquinamento atmosferico Air pollution from traffic fumes affects mostly big cities.

bring a story to the 65 v phr ˌbrɪŋ ə ˌstɔːri tə ðə der Weltgemeinschaft eine familiariser la portare una storia He looked for ways to bring the story of his people to the global community and
global community ˌɡləʊbəl Sache bekannt machen communauté mondiale all'attenzione della raise awareness of their problems.
kəˈmjuːnəti avec une histoire comunità internazionale
bring something 64 v phr ˌbrɪŋ ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas zum Leben donner vie à vivacizzare Teachers sometimes use Google Earth to bring lessons alive.
alive əˈlaɪv erwecken
canyon 65 n ˈkænjən Schlucht canyon canyon With Google Earth, you can travel through the valleys of the Grand Canyon.

combine 65 v kəmˈbaɪn kombinieren combiner combinare, unire They combined modern technology with the tribe’s traditional knowledge of the
come across 64 phr v ˌkʌm əˈkrɒs stoßen auf tomber sur qc. imbattersi in qualcosa I use Google Maps to look at places I’ve come across in books or films.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
cut the grass 64 v phr ˌkʌt ðə ˈɡrɑːs den Rasen mähen couper l'herbe tagliare l'erba Google employs 200 goats to cut the grass at Google headquarters.
cute 64 adj kjuːt niedlich mignon carino Google employs 200 goats to cut the grass at Google headquarters – much cuter
than lawn mowers!
deforestation 64 n diːˌfɒrəˈsteɪʃən Abholzung der Wälder déforestation deforestazione Google Earth can inform people about environmental issues, such as
deforestation, endangered species and climate change.
elect 65 v ɪˈlekt wählen élire eleggere They elected Chief Almir as one of the leaders of the tribe.

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employee 64 n ɪmˈplɔɪiː Angestellte/r, employé/e dipendente Google employees are allowed to use twenty percent of their working time on
Mitarbeiter/in their own projects.
endanger 64 v ɪnˈdeɪndʒə gefährden menacer d'extinction essere a rischio di We should do everything to save endangered plants and wildlife.
endangered species 64 n ɪnˌdeɪndʒəd gefährdete Art espèce en voie d'extinction specie a rischio di Google Earth can inform people about environmental issues, such as
ˈspiːʃiːz estinzione deforestation, endangered species and climate change.
explore 65 v ɪkˈsplɔː erkunden explorer esplorare With Google Earth, you can even learn how the Romans lived by exploring
Pompeii in southern Italy.
goat 64 n ɡəʊt Ziege chèvre capra Google employs 200 goats to cut the grass at Google headquarters.
headquarters 64 n ˈhedˌkwɔːtəz Firmenzentrale siège social sede centrale Google employs 200 goats to cut the grass at Google headquarters.
help somebody do 65 v phr ˌhelp ˌsʌmbɒdi ˈduː jemandem helfen, etwas aider qn. à faire qc. aiutare qualcuno a fare When Google Earth first appeared, nobody could have imagined that an
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ zu tun qualcosa Amazonian tribe would use this tool to help them protect their environment and
their culture.
imagine doing 64 v phr ɪˌmædʒən ˈduːɪŋ sich vorstellen, etwas zu s'imaginer faire qc. immaginare di fare Now anybody can ‘visit’ anywhere on earth – places you never imagined visiting,
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ tun qualcosa such as Antarctica and the Sahara Desert.
invade 65 v ɪnˈveɪd eindringen in envahir invadere Then illegal loggers started to invade their land and destroy the forest.
knowledge of 65 n phr ˈnɒlɪdʒ əv ˌsʌmθɪŋ Wissen über etwas une connaissance de qc. conoscenza di qualcosa They combined modern technology with the tribe’s traditional knowledge of the
something rainforest.
lawn mower 64 n ˈlɔːn ˌməʊə Rasenmäher tondeuse (à gazon) tagliaerba Google employs 200 goats to cut the grass at Google headquarters – much cuter
than lawn mowers!
local community 64 n ˌləʊkəl kəˈmjuːnəti Gemeinde/Gemeinschaft communauté locale comunità locale The tribal chief wanted to show the effects of deforestation, not only on his local
vor Ort community, but on a global scale too.
logger 65 n ˈlɒɡə Holzfäller bûcheron taglialegna Then illegal loggers started to invade their land and destroy the forest.
logging 64 n ˈlɒɡɪŋ Abholzung, Holzfällung abattage disboscamento Illegal logging is big business in Brazil and the wood is exported all over the
mathematical 64 adj ˌmæθəˈmætɪkəl mathematisch mathématique matematico The name Google is based on googol – a mathematical term that means ‘1
followed by 100 zeros’.
modern technology 65 n phr ˌmɒdn tekˈnɒlədʒi moderne Technik technologie moderne tecnologia moderna They combined modern technology with the tribe’s traditional knowledge of the
outside world 64 n phr ˌaʊtsaɪd ˈwɜːld Außenwelt monde extérieur mondo esterno The Surui tribe didn’t have regular contact with the outside world before 1969.

overpopulation 64 n ˌəʊvəpɒpjəˈleɪʃən Überbevölkerung surpeuplement sovrappopolazione Overpopulation is a global problem.

rainforest 64 n ˈreɪnˌfɒrəst Regenwald forêt tropicale foresta pluviale The Surui tribe live in the middle of the Amazon rainforest of Brazil.
raise awareness of 64 v phr ˌreɪz əˈweənəs əv Bewusstsein schaffen für sensibiliser qn. à qc. sensibilizzare qualcuno su Chief Amir wanted to raise awareness of his tribe’s problems.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ qualcosa
satellite technology 64 n ˈsætəlaɪt Satellitentechnik technologie des satellites tecnologia satellitare Google Earth is possible because of satellite technology.
species (plural: 64 n ˈspiːʃiːz Art espèce specie Seven species of birds of prey have been observed.
take action 64 v phr ˌteɪk ˈækʃən aktiv werden, handeln agir agire Without the forest, the Surui community would not survive and they knew they
had to take action.
tool 65 n tuːl Werkzeug outil strumento When Google Earth first appeared, nobody could have imagined that an
Amazonian tribe would use this tool to help them protect their environment and
their culture.
tribe 64 n traɪb (Volks-)Stamm tribu tribù Chief Almir, a leader of the Surui tribe, found Google Earth on the Internet and
asked them for help.
wildlife 64 n ˈwaɪldlaɪf Tierwelt faune fauna selvatica The tribal chief understood that deforestation was destroying plants and wildlife
and causing global warming.

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5.5 Grammar
brush 66 v brʌʃ streicheln frôler accarezzare For the rest of the day she watched over him, brushing him gently with her trunk
every so often.
cage 66 n keɪdʒ Käfig cage gabbia The toddler wanted a better view of the gorillas, so he climbed a wall and fell six
metres into the gorilla cage.
every so often 66 adv phr ˌevri səʊ ˈɒfən hin und wieder de temps à autre ogni tanto For the rest of the day she watched over him, brushing him gently with her trunk
every so often.
feed 66 v fiːd stillen, füttern nourrir, allaiter dar da mangiare, allattare A female gorilla was feeding her baby.

herd 66 n hɜːd Herde troupeau gregge A rancher, who was working in the bush, came across a small herd of about
twenty elephants.
injured 66 adj ˈɪndʒəd verletzt blessé ferito The dolphins had surrounded the injured surfer and were protecting him from
the shark.
let go of something 66 v phr ˌlet ˈɡəʊ əv etwas loslassen lâcher qc. lasciar andare, mollare Suddenly, the shark let go of his leg.
ˌsʌmθɪŋ qualcosa
lift 66 v lɪft hochheben soulever sollevare The rancher told his rescuers that the elephant had lifted him with her trunk and
placed him under a tree.
make a complete 66 v phr ˌmeɪk ə kəmˌpliːt sich vollständig erholen se récupérer guarire completamente The boy spent four days in hospital, where he made a complete recovery.
recovery rɪˈkʌvəri complètement
off 66 prep ɒf vor au large de al largo di, davanti It was a perfect day for surfing off the coast of California.
owe something to 66 v ˈəʊ ˌsʌmθɪŋ tə jemandem etwas schulden devoir qc. à qn. dovere qualcosa a An American boy owes his life to a gorilla at Brookfield Zoo.
somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi qualcuno
protect somebody 66 v prəˈtekt ˌsʌmbɒdi jemanden vor etwas protéger qn. de qc. proteggere qualcuno da The dolphins had surrounded the injured surfer and were protecting him from
from something frəm ˌsʌmθɪŋ schützen qualcosa the shark.
rancher 66 n ˈrɑːntʃə Viehzüchter rancher, propriétaire d'un allevatore/allevatrice A rancher, who was working in the bush, came across a small herd of about
ranch twenty elephants.
rescuer 66 n ˈreskjuːə Retter/in sauveteur/sauveteuse soccorritore/soccorritrice Later, rescuers found the rancher, whose leg was broken.
toddler 66 n ˈtɒdlə Kleinkind tout-petit bambino/-a piccolo/-a The toddler wanted a better view of the gorillas, so he climbed a wall and fell six
metres into the gorilla cage.
trunk 66 n trʌŋk Rüssel trompe proboscide The rancher told his rescuers that the elephant had lifted him with her trunk and
placed him under a tree.
unconscious 66 adj ʌnˈkɒnʃəs bewusstlos sans connaissance, privo di sensi The gorilla went over to the boy, who was unconscious.
watch over 66 phr v ˌwɒtʃ ˈəʊvə über jemanden wachen veiller sur qn. vegliare su qualcuno, For the rest of the day she watched over him, brushing him gently with her trunk
somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi badare a qualcuno every so often.
whale 66 n weɪl Wal baleine balena Todd’s friend saw the huge shark and at first thought it was a whale.
5.6 Speaking
attractive 67 adj əˈtræktɪv ansprechend, schön joli attraente, accattivante These logos are attractive and amusing.
clear-up 67 n ˈklɪər ʌp Reinigung, Aufräumen remise en ordre pulizia The teacher is planning to take students to a beach clear-up.
effective 67 adj ɪˈfektɪv wirkungsvoll efficae efficace This logo is clever and effective.
put up posters 67 v phr ˌpʊt ʌp ˈpəʊstəz Plakate aufhängen coller des affices affiggere manifesti We could put up posters in the classrooms.
recycling plant 67 n riːˈsaɪklɪŋ plɑːnt Recyclingwerk usine de retraitement impianto di riciclaggio A visit to a recycling plant would help students understand environmental
weather expert 67 n ˈweðər ˌekspɜːt Wetterexperte/-expertin météorologue esperto/-a meteorologo/-a Let’s organise a talk by a weather expert.

5.7 Writing
amazed 68 adj əˈmeɪzd erstaunt étonné sorpreso They would probably be amazed to learn about modern technology and life in
other parts of the world.

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attraction 68 n əˈtrækʃən Attraktion attraction attrazione Many tribal people become beggars or tourist ‘attractions’.
be found 69 v phr ˌbi ˈfaʊnd vorkommen exister trovarsi Some species which used to be wild are now only found in zoos.
benefit from 68 v ˈbenəfɪt frəm von etwas profitieren bénéficier de qc. beneficiare di qualcosa The young people of the tribes could go to school and benefit from a modern
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ education.
choose to do 68 v phr ˌtʃuːz tə ˈduː sich entscheiden, etwas zu choisir de faire qc. scegliere di fare qualcosa The tribal people chose to make contact with the outside world.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ tun
die from something 68 v ˈdaɪ frəm ˌsʌmθɪŋ an etwas sterben mourir de qc. morire di qualcosa After contact, many tribal people suffer and die from diseases that don’t exist in
the forests where they live.
disease 68 n dɪˈziːz Krankheit maladie malattia After contact, many tribal people suffer and die from diseases that don’t exist in
the forests where they live.
first of all 68 adv phr ˌfɜːst əv ˈɔːl zuallererst tout d'abord prima di tutto First of all, the people in these tribes could enjoy a better standard of living.

furthermore 68 adv ˌfɜːðəˈmɔː des Weiteren de plus inoltre Furthermore, the young people of the tribes could go to school and benefit from
a modern education.
genetics 69 n dʒəˈnetɪks Genetik génétique genetica We have learnt more about genetics from studying zoo animals.
get access to 68 v phr ˌɡet ˈækses tə Zugang zu etwas accéder à qc. avere accesso a qualcosa They could get access to electricity and running water.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ bekommen
high technology 68 n phr ˌhaɪ tekˈnɒlədʒi Hochtechnologie haute technologie alta tecnologia Nowadays, many of us live in a world of high technology and instant
instant 68 adj ˌɪnstənt Sofortkommunikation communication comunicazione istantanea Nowadays, many of us live in a world of high technology and instant
communication kəˌmjuːnəˈkeɪʃən instantanée communication.
keep animals in 69 v phr ˌkiːp ˌænɪməlz ɪn Tiere in Zoos halten détenir des animaux dans tenere gli animali negli zoo I can’t think of many arguments for keeping animals in zoos.
zoos ˈzuːz les zoos
leave somebody 68 v phr ˌliːv ˌsʌmbɒdi jemanden in Ruhe lassen laisser qn. tranquille lasciare solo qualcuno Some people think that we should make contact with such groups, but others
alone əˈləʊn believe they should be left alone.
make contact with 68 v phr ˌmeɪk ˈkɒntækt wɪð zu jemandem Kontakt entrer en contact avec entrare in contatto con Some people think that we should make contact with such groups, but others
somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi aufnehmen qualcuno believe they should be left alone.
on the one hand 68 adv phr ˌɒn ðə ˈwʌn hænd auf der einen Seite d'une part da un lato On the one hand, there are several arguments for making contact.
on the other hand 68 adv phr ˌɒn ðə ˈʌðə hænd auf der anderen Seite d'autre part dall'altro lato On the other hand, there are also many arguments against making contact.

opportunity for 69 n ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti fə Gelegenheit für etwas occasion de opportunità per qualcosa There are opportunities for research.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
recreate 69 v ˌriːkriˈeɪt nachbilden recréer ricreare It is very difficult to recreate the animals’ natural environments.
running water 68 n ˌrʌnɪŋ ˈwɔːtə fließendes Wasser eau courante acqua corrente They could get access to electricity and running water.
standard of living 68 n ˌstændəd əv ˈlɪvɪŋ Lebensstandard niveau de vie tenore di vita The people in these tribes could enjoy a better standard of living.

suffer 69 v ˈsʌfə leiden souffrir soffrire Do you realise that most animals suffer in zoos?
suffer from 68 v ˈsʌfə frəm ˌsʌmθɪŋ an etwas erkranken souffrir de qc. essere affetto da qualcosa Firstly, after contact, many tribal people suffer and die from diseases that don’t
something exist in the forests where they live.
to sum up 68 adv phr tə ˌsʌm ˈʌp zusammengefasst en conclusion ricapitolando, in sintesi To sum up, there are clearly strong arguments for and against making contact
with these people.
tribal people 68 n ˌtraɪbəl ˈpiːpəl Stammesvölker populations tribales popoli tribali Firstly, after contact, many tribal people suffer and die from diseases that don’t
exist in the forests where they live.
way of life 68 n ˌweɪ əv ˈlaɪf Lebensweise mode de vie stile di vita Personally, I think these tribes should be left alone to continue their traditional
way of life.
Focus Review 5
activity 70 n ækˈtɪvəti Aktivität activité attività Scientists agree that certain human activities, such as cutting down trees, can
cause floods in many regions of the world.

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adopt 71 v əˈdɒpt sich anschaffen, zulegen adopter adottare I’ve been thinking about adopting a pet.
agriculture 71 n ˈæɡrɪˌkʌltʃə Landwirtschaft agriculture agricoltura Farmers shouldn’t use too many chemicals in agriculture.
animal shelter 71 n ˈænəməl ˌʃeltə Tierheim refuge, fourrière rifugio per animali Is it important for animal shelters to ask people to prove they have space and
time to look after a new pet?
ash 70 n æʃ Asche cendre(s) cenere In 79AD, Vesuvius buried the city of Pompeii with ash and lava.
authorities 70 n ɔːˈθɒrətiz Behörden autorités autorità Japanese authorities are looking for new projects that could reduce the risk of
bury 70 v ˈberi begraben enterrer seppellire In 79AD, Vesuvius buried the city of Pompeii with ash and lava.
chemical 71 n ˈkemɪkəl Chemikalie produit chimique prodotto chimico Farmers shouldn’t use too many chemicals in agriculture.
concerned about 70 adj kənˈsɜːnd əˌbaʊt besorgt sein wegen etwas préoccupé par preoccupato per qualcosa People in Liverpool are concerned about the environment.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
consequence 70 n ˈkɒnsəkwəns Folge conséquence conseguenza It’s not clear whether anyone can predict the consequences of global warming
cruel to somebody 71 adj ˈkruːəl tə ˌsʌmbɒdi grausam zu jemandem cruel envers qn. crudele con qualcuno We should report people who are cruel to animals.

cut something down 70 phr v ˌkʌt ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈdaʊn etwas abholzen abattre qc. abbattere qualcosa Scientists agree that certain human activities, such as cutting down trees, can
cause floods in many regions of the world.
destruction 70 n dɪˈstrʌkʃən Zerstörung destruction distruzione We didn’t oppose the destruction of wildlife habitats as it was part of progress.

donate to 71 v dəʊˈneɪt tə jemandem spenden donner à qn. donare a qualcuno I often donate money to animal charities.
somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi
drop 70 v drɒp sinken, fallen baisser abbassarsi If the temperature doesn’t drop tonight, most of the snow will melt quickly.
ecologist 70 n ɪˈkɒlədʒəst Umweltschützer/in écologiste ambientalista An ecologist has climbed up the tallest tree in the park.
energy source 70 n ˈenədʒi sɔːs Energiequelle source d'énergie risorsa energetica It took us many years to realise that we won’t be able to survive as a species
without having clean renewable energy sources, like solar power, or without
stopping global warming.
exotic 71 adj ɪɡˈzɒtɪk exotisch exotique esotico Why do you think some people keep exotic, and often dangerous, animals as
habitat 70 n ˈhæbətæt Lebensraum habitat habitat We didn’t oppose the destruction of wildlife habitats as it was part of progress.

hedgehog 70 n ˈhedʒhɒɡ Igel hérisson riccio When I heard a noise in the garden, I thought it was a hedgehog.
help out 71 phr v ˌhelp ˈaʊt aushelfen donner un coup de main aiutare Our students help out at animal sanctuaries.
hit 70 v hɪt treffen frapper colpire Scientists expect a major earthquake to hit Los Angeles soon.
hurt 70 v hɜːt wehtun faire mal ferire A friend of mine who has a few snakes says that it doesn’t hurt much when a
snake bites you.
industrial city 70 n ɪnˌdʌstriəl ˈsɪti Industriestadt ville industrielle città industriale Before the 1992 Olympic Games, Barcelona used to be a typically industrial city
and few tourists visited it.
interactive map 70 n ˌɪntərˌæktɪv ˈmæp interaktive Landkarte carte interactive mappa interattiva Chief Almir knew that the interactive maps on Google Earth could help him.

keep doing 70 v phr ˌkiːp ˈduːɪŋ weiterhin etwas tun continuer à faire qc. continuare a fare qualcosa The government kept focusing on economic growth.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
lava 70 n ˈlɑːvə Lava lave lava In 79AD, Vesuvius buried the city of Pompeii with ash and lava.
litter 70 n ˈlɪtə Müll détritus rifiuti There were no recycling bins in my town, so we would put all our litter in one
bag and throw it away.
make a donation 71 v phr ˌmeɪk ə dəʊˈneɪʃən spenden faire un don à fare una donazione Help the hedgehog sanctuary. Make a donation today!

make a full recovery 70 v phr ˌmeɪk ə ˌfʊl sich vollständig erholen se récupérer guarire completamente I hope it is not too late for our planet to make a full recovery after all the damage
rɪˈkʌvəri complètement we have done to it.

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megacity 70 n ˌmeɡəˈsɪti Metropole mégapole megalopoli Tokyo, which is the capital of Japan, is a megacity.
melt 70 v melt schmelzen fondre sciogliersi If the temperature doesn’t drop tonight, most of the snow will melt quickly.
meteorologist 70 n ˌmiːtiəˈrɒlədʒɪst Meteorologe météorologue meteorologo/-a Meteorologists have warned of strong winds in northern England this weekend.

migrate 71 v maɪˈɡreɪt wandern migrer migrare Monarch butterflies migrate from the US to Mexico in winter.
milkweed 71 n ˈmɪlkwiːd Seidenpflanzengewächs laiteron asclepiade The monarch butterfly depends on a plant called milkweed to survive.
monarch butterfly 71 n ˈmɒnək ˌbʌtəflaɪ Monarchfalter monarque farfalla monarca The monarch butterfly is recognised by its unique orange and black pattern.

northern 70 adj ˈnɔːðən Nord-, nördlich du nord settentrionale Meteorologists have warned of strong winds in northern England this weekend.

operate on a global 70 v phr ˌɒpəreɪt ɒn ə weltweit tätig sein opérer à l'échelle operare su scala mondiale The company, which operates on a global scale, has been accused of illegal
scale ˌɡləʊbəl ˈskeɪl mondiale logging.
oppose 70 v əˈpəʊz Widerstand leisten gegen s'opposer à opporsi a qualcosa We didn’t oppose the destruction of wildlife habitats as it was part of progress.

park ranger 70 n ˈpɑːk ˌreɪndʒə Parkaufseher garde forestier guardiano/-a del parco We were going to start climbing a steep mountain when we saw a park ranger on
a horse.
pet 71 n pet Haustier animal domestique animale domestico I’ve been thinking about adopting a pet.
plant (1) 71 n plɑːnt Pflanze plante pianta The monarch butterfly depends on a plant called milkweed to survive.
plant (2) 71 v plɑːnt pflanzen planter piantare The monarch is becoming more common in Bermuda because people are
planting milkweed in their gardens.
progress 70 n ˈprəʊɡres Fortschritt développement, progrès progresso We didn’t oppose the destruction of wildlife habitats as it was part of progress.

rescue centre 71 n ˈreskjuː ˌsentə Rettungsstation centre de secours centro di recupero per People should adopt pets from rescue centres.
sanctuary 71 n ˈsæŋktʃuəri Asyl, Zufluchtsort refuge, asile riserva, area protetta Help the hedgehog sanctuary. Make a donation today!
snake 70 n sneɪk Schlange serpent serpente A friend of mine who has a few snakes says that it doesn’t hurt much when a
snake bites you.
strong wind 70 n phr ˌstrɒŋ ˈwɪnd starker Wind vent violent vento forte Meteorologists have warned of strong winds in northern England this weekend.

survive 70 v səˈvaɪv überleben survivre sopravvivere It took us many years to realise that we won’t be able to survive as a species
without having clean renewable energy sources, like solar power, or without
stopping global warming.
temperature 70 n ˈtemprətʃə Temperatur température temperatura If the temperature doesn’t drop tonight, most of the snow will melt quickly.
threat 71 n θret Bedrohung menace minaccia Climate change is a threat to the environment.
throw something 70 phr v ˌθrəʊ ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas wegwerfen jeter qc. buttar via qualcosa There were no recycling bins in my town, so we would put all our litter in one
away əˈweɪ bag and throw it away.
tribal chief 70 n ˌtraɪbəl ˈtʃiːf Stammeshäuptling chef de tribu capotribù The tribal chief, who studied in Paris, wants to raise awareness of the outside
worry about 70 v ˈwʌri əˌbaʊt sich über etwas Sorgen s'inquiéter pour qc. preoccuparsi per qualcosa People didn’t use to worry about the environment much when I was a child.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ machen
Use of English 5
after all WS 10 adv phr ˌɑːftə ˈɔːl letztlich après tout dopotutto After all, unless we do something now, we won’t have any lights or power in a
few decades’ time.
amount WS 10 n əˈmaʊnt Menge quantité quantità The town won’t flood again as long as we don’t get enormous amounts of rain in
a short time.
be in trouble WS 10 v phr ˌbi ɪn ˈtrʌbəl in Schwierigkeiten sein avoir des problèmes essere in difficoltà We all know that environmental problems are getting worse and we need to
solve them or the planet will be in big trouble in the future.

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coal fire WS 10 n ˈkəʊl faɪə Kohlenfeuer feu de charbon fuoco alimentato a In the past people used to have coal fires in their homes.
complain about WS 10 v kəmˈpleɪn əˌbaʊt sich über etwas beklagen se plaindre de qc. lamentarsi di qualcosa The man whose land was near the wind farm complained about it.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
decade WS 10 n ˈdekeɪd Jahrzehnt décennie decennio Unless we do something now, we won’t have any lights or power in a few
decades’ time.
electricity WS 10 n ɪˌlekˈtrɪsəti Elektrizität électricité elettricità We can recycle things and save water and electricity.
get power WS 10 v phr ˌɡet ˈpaʊə Strom beschaffen se procurer de l'énergie procurarsi la corrente Scientists have developed clever ways to get power.
local people WS 10 n phr ˌləʊkəl ˈpiːpəl die Menschen vor Ort la population locale gente del luogo The trouble is that local people, who don’t want to look at ugly wind farms or
solar panels, often object to the plans.
object to something WS 10 v əbˈdʒekt tə etwas ablehnen s'opposer à qc. opporsi a qualcosa The trouble is that local people, who don’t want to look at ugly wind farms or
ˌsʌmθɪŋ solar panels, often object to the plans.
politician WS 10 n ˌpɒləˈtɪʃən Politiker/in homme/femme politique politico/-a Should we leave it to governments and politicians?
pollution levels WS 10 n pəˈluːʃən ˌlevəlz Verschmutzungsgrad niveaux de pollution livelli di inquinamento Pollution levels can’t have dropped recently because scientists still talk about
them all the time.
save electricity WS 10 v phr ˌseɪv ɪˌlekˈtrɪsəti Strom sparen économiser de l'électricité risparmiare elettricità We can recycle things and save water and electricity.

solve a problem WS 10 v phr ˌsɒlv ə ˈprɒbləm ein Problem lösen résoudre un problème risolvere un problema We all know that environmental problems are getting worse and we need to
solve them or the planet will be in big trouble in the future.
source of power WS 10 n phr ˌsɔːs əv ˈpaʊə Stromquelle source d'électricité fonte di energia Because of this, we don’t have enough alternative sources of power.
wind farm WS 10 n ˈwɪnd fɑːm Windpark parc éolien parco eolico The trouble is that local people, who don’t want to look at ugly wind farms or
solar panels, often object to the plans.
Word in Focus: one
face WS 11 v feɪs gegenüberstehen, faire face à affrontare, fronteggiare Which are the most important issues facing your country?
konfrontiert sein mit
leader WS 11 n ˈliːdə Anführer chef leader, capo They elected Chief Almir as one of the leaders of the tribe.
one (1) WS 11 num wʌn ein/eine un/e uno/-a There is one question I don’t understand.
one (2) WS 11 pron wʌn eine celui/celle uno/-a, quello/-a Out of these three photos, number 2 is the one I like best.
one another WS 11 pron ˌwʌn əˈnʌðə sich / einander se/nous/vous l'uno con l'altro We have known one another since school.
one or two WS 11 phr ˌwʌn ə ˈtuː das eine oder andere une/e ou deux un paio di I’ve got one or two things to sort out.
sort something out WS 11 phr v ˌsɔːt ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈaʊt klären, eine Lösung finden régler sistemare, risolvere I’ve got one or two things to sort out.
für, in Ordnung bringen qualcosa

Unit 6 Get well

6.1 Vocabulary
bottom 72 n ˈbɒtəm Po, Hintern derrière sedere I just sat on my bottom and slid down.
break 73 n breɪk Bruch fracture frattura There was a small break in the collarbone.
break a rib 73 v phr ˌbreɪk ə ˈrɪb sich eine Rippe brechen se casser une côte rompersi una costola Daniel Craig insured his body after he broke a rib and cut his hand.
break somebody’s 73 idiom ˌbreɪk ˌsʌmbɒdiz jemandem das Herz briser le coeur de qn. spezzare il cuore a Mark and Naomi broke up. I think Naomi broke Mark’s heart.
heart ˈhɑːt brechen qualcuno
bruise (1) 73 n bruːz Bluterguss, blauer Fleck bleu, contusion livido, ematoma Football’s a dangerous game, isn’t it? You don’t just get a few cuts and bruises.

bruise (2) 73 v bruːz prellen contusionner farsi un livido She fell off her bike and bruised her knee.
bruised elbow 73 n phr ˌbruːzd ˈelbəʊ geprellter Ellbogen coude contusionnée gomito contuso I’ve got a bruised elbow from rock climbing.
burn (1) 73 n bɜːn Verbrennung brûlure ustione She was taken to the hospital with serious burns.
burn (v) 73 v bɜːn sich verbrennen se brûler ustionarsi I’ve just burnt my tongue drinking tea.

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burn your tongue 73 v phr ˌbɜːn jə ˈtʌŋ sich die Zunge verbrennen se brûler la langue scottarsi la lingua I’ve just burnt my tongue drinking tea.

burnt finger 73 n phr ˌbɜːnt ˈfɪŋɡə Verbrennungen am Finger doigt brûlé dito ustionato Dad’s got a burnt finger because he touched the oven door.

calf 72 n kɑːf Wade mollet polpaccio Lewandowski injured his calf during the first match of the season.
calf injury 72 n ˈkɑːf ˌɪndʒəri Wadenverletzung blessure au mollet infortunio al polpaccio Most common injuries are sprained ankle, thigh, knee and calf injuries, broken
bones and head injuries.
can’t believe your 73 idiom ˌkɑːnt bəˌliːv jər seinen Augen nicht trauen n'en croire pas ses yeux non poter credere ai When I looked in the bag, I couldn’t believe my eyes.
eyes ˈaɪz propri occhi
career 72 n kəˈrɪə Karriere carrière carriera Football injuries are common and can end a career.
cut (1) 73 n kʌt Schnittwunde coupure taglio, ferita da taglio Football’s a dangerous game, isn’t it? You don’t just get a few cuts and bruises.

cut (2) 73 v kʌt sich schneiden se couper tagliarsi Jo fell and cut her lip.
dislocate your 73 v phr ˌdɪsləkeɪt jə ˈʃəʊldə sich die Schulter se luxer l'épaule slogarsi una spalla When you go skiing, you can easily dislocate your shoulder if you fall and your
shoulder auskugeln arm gets stuck in the snow.
dislocation 73 n ˌdɪsləˈkeɪʃən Verrenkung, Auskugelung luxation slogatura Shoulder dislocation is extremely painful.

elbow 72 n ˈelbəʊ Ellbogen coude gomito I hurt my elbow playing tennis.

film studio 72 n ˈfɪlm ˌstjuːdiəʊ Filmstudio studio de cinéma studio cinematografico If a celebrity couldn’t work or if his or her appearance changed, then football
clubs, record companies, film studios and advertisers would lose a lot of money.

fingernail 72 n ˈfɪŋɡəneɪl Fingernagel ongle unghia My nervous habit is to bite my fingernails.

forehead 72 n ˈfɒrəd Stirn front fronte There was sweat on his forehead.
get a few bruises 73 v phr ˌɡet ə fjuː ˈbruːz ɪz sich ein paar blaue Flecke avoir quelques bleus farsi un paio di lividi Football’s a dangerous game, isn’t it? You don’t just get a few cuts and bruises.
get well 72 v phr ˌɡet ˈwel sich erholen, sich se rétablir guarire I hope you get well again soon.
give somebody a 73 idiom ˌɡɪv ˌsʌmbɒdi ə jemandem helfen donner un coup de main à dare una mano a qualcuno Oh dear, this homework’s really hard. Can you give me a hand?
hand ˈhænd qn.
guitarist 73 n ɡɪˈtɑːrəst Gitarrist guitariste chitarrista Imagine a singer who loses her voice or her attractive image, or a guitarist who
cannot use his hands. Their career would be over.
heel 72 n hiːl Ferse talon tallone My heels are sore after the hiking trip.
insist on doing 73 v phr ɪnˌsɪst ɒn ˈduːɪŋ darauf bestehen, etwas zu persister à faire qc. insistere nel fare qualcosa Acting is not dangerous like football, except when the actor insists on doing his
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ tun own stunts.
insure 72 v ɪnˈʃʊə versichern assurer assicurare Many celebrities insure different parts of their bodies.
jaw 72 n dʒɔː Kiefer mâchoire mascella He punched Ron on the jaw.
laugh your head off 73 idiom ˌlɑːf jə ˈhed ɒf sich kaputtlachen rire aux larmes sbellicarsi dalle risate It was so funny. I laughed my head off.

lips 72 n lɪps Lippen lèvres labbra His bottom lip was swollen.
lose money 72 v phr ˌluːz ˈmʌni Geld verlieren perdre de l'argent perdere denaro If a celebrity couldn’t work or if his or her appearance changed, then football
clubs, record companies, film studios and advertisers would lose a lot of money.

lose your image 73 v phr ˌluːz jər ˈɪmɪdʒ sein Image einbüßen ruiner sa réputation perdere la propria Imagine a singer who loses her voice or her attractive image. Her career would
immagine be over.
lose your voice 73 v phr ˌluːz jə ˈvɔɪs seine Stimme verlieren perdre sa voix perdere la voce Imagine a singer who loses her voice or her attractive image. Her career would
be over.
minor 72 adj ˈmaɪnə geringfügig mineur, petit minore He escaped with only minor injuries
neck 72 n nek Hals cou collo Jean wore a string of pearls around her neck.

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on the tip of your 73 idiom ɒn ðə ˌtɪp əv jə ˈtʌŋ auf der Zunge sur le bout de la langue sulla punta della lingua Oh, you know. What’s her name? Oh dear, it’s on the tip of my tongue. It begins
tongue with K.
over 73 adv ˈəʊvə vorbei terminé finito, terminato Imagine a singer who loses her voice or her attractive image. Her career would
be over.
part of the body 72 n phr ˌpɑːt əv ðə ˈbɒdi Körperteil partie du corps parte del corpo Nick had bruises on all parts of his body.
proverb 72 n ˈprɒvɜːb Sprichwort proverbe proverbio Do you know any wise proverbs?
pull somebody’s leg 73 idiom ˌpʊl ˌsʌmbɒdiz ˈleɡ jemanden an der Nase faire marcher qn. prendere in giro qualcuno I haven’t won, have I? You’re pulling my leg.
record company 72 n ˈrekɔːd ˌkʌmpəni Plattenfirma maison de disques casa discografica If a celebrity couldn’t work or if his or her appearance changed, then football
clubs, record companies, film studios and advertisers would lose a lot of money.

scratch (1) 73 n skrætʃ Kratzer égratignure graffio She only got a few scratches in the accident.
scratch (2) 73 v skrætʃ zerkratzen égratigner graffiare She ran at him and scratched his face.
sprain (1) 73 n spreɪn Verstauchung, Verrenkung entorse, foulure slogatura, storta I thought my wrist might be broken, but it was just a bad sprain.

sprain (2) 73 v spreɪn verstauchen, verrenken se fouler qc. slogarsi I fell down the steps and sprained my wrist and my knee.
sprain your ankle 73 v phr ˌspreɪn jər ˈæŋkəl sich das Fußgelenk se faire une entorse à la slogarsi la caviglia When you play football, you can break your leg or sprain your ankle.
verstauchen cheville
sprained ankle 72 n phr ˌspreɪnd ˈæŋkəl verstauchtes Fußgelenk entorse de la cheville caviglia slogata I thought my leg might be broken, but it was just a sprained ankle.
stunt 73 n stʌnt Stunt cascade acrobazia Acting is not dangerous like football, except when the actor insists on doing his
own stunts.
waist 72 n weɪst Taille taille girovita The skirt was too big around the waist.
wrist 72 n rɪst Handgelenk poignet polso She had a gold watch on her wrist.
6.2 Grammar
antihistamine 74 n ˌæntɪˌhɪstəmiːn Antihistamintabletten comprimés antistaminici If a bee stung me, I’d take some antihistamine tablets.
tablets ˈtæbləts antihistaminiques
bee 74 n biː Biene abeille ape If a bee stung me, I’d take some antihistamine tablets.
bee sting 74 n ˈbiː stɪŋ Bienenstich piquûre d'abeille puntura d'ape You shouldn’t put a plaster on a bee sting.
bleed 74 v bliːd bluten saigner sanguinare If I cut my finger and it was bleeding, I’d wash it, dry it and put a plaster on.
blood 74 n blʌd Blut sang sangue When you cut your finger, you shouldn’t tie anything around your wrist to stop
the blood flowing.
clumsy 74 adj ˈklʌmzi schwerfällig, unbeholfen maladroit goffo I dropped a saucepan on my foot yesterday and it hurts. I wish I wasn’t so
eye drops 74 n ˈaɪ drɒps Augentropfen gouttes ophtalmiques gocce per gli occhi Don’t put eye drops in a black eye – they could make it worse.
feel well 74 v phr ˌfiːl ˈwel sich gut fühlen se sentir bien sentirsi bene If I didn’t feel well at school, I’d go home.
first aid 74 n ˌfɜːst ˈeɪd erste Hilfe premiers soins primo soccorso Being given first aid at the scene of the accident probably saved his life.
flow 74 v fləʊ fließen couler scorrere When you cut your finger, you shouldn’t tie anything around your wrist to stop
the blood flowing.
flu 74 n fluː Grippe rhume influenza If I had flu, I wouldn’t go to school.
hay fever 74 n ˈheɪ ˌfiːvə Heuschnupfen rhume des foins febbre da fieno If I had hay fever, I’d get some antihistamine tablets.
if only 74 phr ɪf ˈəʊnli wenn nur nicht si seulement se solo If only I wasn’t so clumsy.
mosquito 74 n məˈskiːtəʊ Mücke moustique zanzara If I heard a mosquito in my room, I wouldn’t be able to sleep.
nosebleed 74 n ˈnəʊzbliːd Nasenbluten saignement de nez perdita di sangue dal naso If I had a nosebleed, I’d hold my nose and look down.

plaster 74 n ˈplɑːstə Pflaster pansement cerotto You shouldn’t put a plaster on a bee sting.
sting (1) 74 n stɪŋ Stich piqûre puntura You shouldn’t put a plaster on a bee sting.
sting (2) 74 v stɪŋ stechen piquer pungere If a bee stung me, I’d take some antihistamine tablets.
tablet 74 n ˈtæblət Tablette comprimé compressa, pastiglia If a bee stung me, I’d take some antihistamine tablets.

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take a shower 74 v phr ˌteɪk ə ˈʃaʊə duschen prendre une douche farsi la doccia I’d take a cold shower if I had sunburn.
tap 74 n tæp Wasserhahn robinet rubinetto If I burnt my hand, I’d hold it under the cold water tap.
tie 74 v taɪ binden, wickeln enrouler legare, fasciare When you cut your finger, you shouldn’t tie anything around your wrist to stop
the blood flowing.
twist your ankle 74 v phr ˌtwɪst jər ˈæŋkəl sich das Fußgelenk se tordre la cheville storcersi la caviglia If I twisted my ankle, I’d put ice on it very quickly – ice is fantastic for ankles and
verrenken other muscle injuries.
6.3 Listening
amount 75 n əˈmaʊnt Betrag somme importo The average amount is £10.
average 75 adj ˈævərɪdʒ durchschnittlich moyen in media The average amount is £10.
black eye 75 n ˌblæk ˈaɪ blaues Auge oeil au beurre noir occhio nero If I got a black eye, I’d put ice on it.
charity event 75 n ˈtʃærəti ɪˌvent Wohltätigkeitsveranstaltun événement caritatif evento di beneficenza The school previously organised a charity event for a children’s hospital.
comedian 75 n kəˈmiːdiən Komiker comique comico/-a Twelve million viewers watch a TV ‘telethon’ organised by British comedians.

complete 75 v kəmˈpliːt durchführen achever completare Most people will complete the ride in about six hours.
cycle (1) 75 n ˈsaɪkəl Radrennen course cycliste bicicletta London to Brighton Cycle has raised over £50 million for the British Heart
cycle (2) 75 v ˈsaɪkəl radfahren faire de la bicyclette andare in bicicletta There are people of all ages here, from fourteen to seventy-five, ready to get on
their bikes and cycle to the coast.
die of something 75 v ˈdaɪ əv ˌsʌmθɪŋ an etwas sterben mourir de qc. morire di qualcosa Rob’s grandfather died of a heart attack.
donate money to 75 v phr dəʊˌneɪt ˈmʌni tə Geld für etwas spenden donner de l'argent pour donare denaro a Did you know that people donate more than £10 billion to UK charities every
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ qc. qualcosa/qualcuno year?
fundraising event 75 n ˈfʌndˌreɪzɪŋ ɪˌvent Spendenveranstaltung collecte de fonds evento di raccolta fondi Have you ever taken part in a fundraising event?

get on your bike 75 v phr ˌɡet ɒn jə ˈbaɪk auf sein Fahrrad steigen monter sur son vélo montare in bicicletta There are people of all ages here, from fourteen to seventy-five, ready to get on
their bikes and cycle to the coast.
go for a run 75 v phr ˌɡəʊ fər ə ˈrʌn Laufen gehen aller courir andare a correre Rob is training for the event by going for a run.
go to the gym 75 v phr ˌɡəʊ tə ðə ˈdʒɪm ins Fitnessstudio gehen aller au gym andare in palestra There’s no time to go to the gym.
heart attack 75 n ˈhɑːt əˌtæk Herzinfarkt crise cardiaque infarto Rob’s grandfather died of a heart attack.
helmet 75 n ˈhelmət Helm casque casco You need a new, brightly coloured helmet.
illness 75 n ˈɪlnəs Krankheit maladie malattia The terrible illness, Ebola, is affecting thousands and thousands of people in
participant 75 n pɑːˈtɪsəpənt Teilnehmer/in participant/e partecipante 130,000 participants run a marathon around London.
pass 75 v pɑːs übertragen transmettre trasmettere This illness isn’t passed to other people through the air.
people of all ages 75 n phr ˌpiːpəl əv ɔːl ˈeɪdʒɪz Menschen jeden Alters des gens de tous les âges persone di tutte le età There are people of all ages here, from fourteen to seventy-five.

population 75 n ˌpɒpjəˈleɪʃən Bevölkerung population popolazione Over half the adult population donate money to charities.
raise (1) 75 v reɪz sammeln, einwerben récolter, collecter raccogliere How much do UK charities raise every year?
raise (2) 75 v reɪz zusammenbringen récolter, collecter raccogliere The event has raised over £50 million for the British Heart Foundation.
raise money 75 v phr ˌreɪz ˈmʌni Geld sammeln récolter/réunir de l'argent raccogliere denaro Have you ever raised money for your school?

rib 75 n rɪb Rippe côte costola Daniel Craig insured his body after he broke a rib and cut his hand.
ride (1) 75 n raɪd Fahrt course corsa The London to Brighton Cycle ride is about to begin.
ride (2) 75 v raɪd fahren faire percorrere in bicicletta 25,000 participants ride 100 kilometres.
run a marathon 75 v phr ˌrʌn ə ˈmærəθən einen Marathon laufen oourir un marathon correre una maratona 130,000 participants run a marathon around London.
set up a webpage 75 v phr set ˌʌp ə eine Webseite einrichten créer une page web creare una pagina web He set up a webpage and asked his friends to sponsor him.
sponsor 75 v ˈspɒnsə sponsorn sponsor sponsor He set up a webpage and asked his friends to sponsor him.

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take part in 75 v phr ˌteɪk ˈpɑːt ɪn an etwas teilnehmen prendre part à qc. prendere parte a qualcosa Have you ever taken part in a fundraising event?
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
train for something 75 v ˈtreɪn fə ˌsʌmθɪŋ für etwas trainieren s'entraîner pour qc. allenarsi per qualcosa Rob is training for the event by going for a run.

viewer 75 n ˈvjuːə Zuschauer spectateur spettatore/spettatrice Twelve million viewers watch a TV ‘telethon’ organised by British comedians.

6.4 Reading
absent from school 77 adj ˌæbsənt frəm ˈskuːl in der Schule fehlen absent de l'école assente a scuola Hope had been absent from school for several weeks and we were worried.

appetite 77 n ˈæpətaɪt Appetit appétit appetito Hope had no appetite.

at this point 77 adv phr ət ˌðɪs ˈpɔɪnt an diesem Punkt à ce stade a questo punto At this point, I was sure she had malaria, but I didn’t know what to do.
bite 76 v baɪt stechen piquer pungere Mosquitoes bite mainly at night.
catch an illness from 76 v phr ˌkætʃ ən ˈɪlnəs frəm eine Krankheit von attraper und maladie de contrarre una malattia da You can only catch malaria from a female mosquito.
somebody/somethi ˌsʌmbɒdi/ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas/jemandem qn. qualcuno/qualcosa
ng bekommen

condition 77 n kənˈdɪʃən Zustand, Befinden état stato, condizioni Her condition began to get worse and she developed new symptoms.
contagious 76 adj kənˈteɪdʒəs ansteckend contagieux contagioso We weren’t worried about catching the disease – we knew that malaria was not
cure (1) 76 n kjʊə Heilmittel remède cura There is still no cure for AIDS.
cure (2) 76 v kjʊə heilen guérir guarire Doctors can give you an injection and prescribe you medicine that will cure you.

cure (3) 76 v kjʊə behandeln, kurieren guérir curare We can cure malaria.
deadly 76 adj ˈdedli tödlich mortel mortale Malaria is a deadly disease.
develop symptoms 76 v phr dɪˌveləp ˈsɪmptəmz Symptome ausbilden développer des sviluppare i sintomi You develop symptoms such as headaches, fever and vomiting.
diagnose 76 v ˈdaɪəɡnəʊz die Diagnose erhalten diagnostiquer diagnosticare She was diagnosed with breast cancer.
diagnosis 76 n ˌdaɪəɡˈnəʊsəs Diagnose diagnostic diagnosi An exact diagnosis can only be made by obtaining a blood sample.
examine 76 v ɪɡˈzæmən untersuchen examiner visitare Did a doctor examine you?
fall ill with 76 v phr ˌfɔːl ˈɪl wɪð ˌsʌmθɪŋ an etwas erkranken être atteint d'une maladie ammalarsi di qualcosa If you fall ill with malaria, you need medicine immediately.
find something out 77 phr v ˌfaɪnd ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈaʊt etwas herausfinden découvrir qc. scoprire qualcosa We decided to go to her village and find out what was wrong.

get higher 77 v phr ˌɡet ˈhaɪə ansteigen monter aumentare The fever got higher and she started vomiting.
get ill with 76 v phr ˌɡet ˈɪl wɪð ˌsʌmθɪŋ an etwas erkranken contracter qc. ammalarsi di qualcosa If you get ill with malaria, you need medicine immediately.
get malaria 76 v phr ˌɡet məˈleəriə Malaria bekommen contracter la malaria contrarre la malaria You can only get malaria from a female mosquito.
get somebody 76 v ˈɡet ˌsʌmbɒdi jemandem etwas geben donner qc. à qn. dare qualcosa a qualcuno Doctors can give you an injection and get you medicine that will cure you.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
get symptoms 76 v phr ˌɡet ˈsɪmptəmz Symptome bekommen présenter des symptômes avere i sintomi You get symptoms such as headaches, fever and vomiting.

get worse 77 v phr ˌɡet ˈwɜːs schlimmer werden s'aggraver peggiorare Her condition began to get worse and she developed new symptoms.
give somebody an 76 v phr ˌɡɪv ˌsʌmbɒdi ən jemandem eine Spritze faire une piqûre à qn. fare un'iniezione a Doctors can give you an injection and prescribe you medicine that will cure you.
injection ɪnˈdʒekʃən geben qualcuno
go on 77 phr v ˌɡəʊ ˈɒn weitergehen continuer continuare This went on for a few days.
herbal medicine 76 n phr ˌhɜːbəl ˈmedsən pflanzliche Medizin médecine à base de farmaci vegetali My husband gave Hope some herbal medicine, but it didn’t help.
hot 77 adj hɒt heiß / mit hohem Fieber chaud caldo, che scotta One evening, Hope was really hot and had terrible headaches.

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ill 76 adj ɪl krank malade malato Hope was very ill.
inject 76 v ɪnˈdʒekt spritzen, injizieren injecter qc. à qn. iniettare The drug is injected directly into the base of the spine.
injection 76 n ɪnˈdʒekʃən Spritze, Injektion injection iniezione The doctor gave Hope an injection.
lose a child 77 v phr ˌluːz ə ˈtʃaɪld ein Kind verlieren perdre un enfant perdere il bambino She didn’t want to lose another child.
mainly 76 adv ˈmeɪnli hauptsächlich avant tout soprattutto Mosquitoes bite mainly at night.
mosquito net 76 n məˈskiːtəʊ net Moskitonetz moustiquaire zanzariera Help us to raise money to educate kids about malaria and buy medicine and
mosquito nets!
prescribe somebody 76 v phr prɪˌskraɪb jemandem Medikamente prescrire des prescrivere medicinali a Doctors can give you an injection and prescribe you medicine that will cure you.
medicine ˌsʌmbɒdi ˈmedsən verschreiben médicaments à qn. qualcuno

prescription 76 n prɪˈskrɪpʃən Rezept ordonnance ricetta, prescrizione I need a prescription for sleeping pills.
prevention 76 n prɪˈvenʃən Vorbeugung prévention prevenzione You know what they say, prevention is better than cure.
recover from a 76 v phr rɪˌkʌvə frəm ə sich von einer Krankheit se remettre d'une maladie guarire da una malattia We know that she was very lucky to recover from this disease that kills one baby
disease dɪˈziːz erholen every sixty seconds.
recovery 76 n rɪˈkʌvəri Genesung guérison guarigione Doctors expect him to make a full recovery.
serious 77 adj ˈsɪəriəs ernst grave serio We were shocked – we knew how serious malaria could be.
sick with something 76 adj ˈsɪk wɪð ˌsʌmθɪŋ an etwas erkrankt sein malade de qc. malato di qualcosa Hope was sick with malaria.

symptom 76 n ˈsɪmptəm Symptom symptôme sintomo You develop symptoms such as headaches, fever and vomiting.
take somebody to a 76 v phr ˌteɪk ˌsʌmbɒdi tə ə jemanden ins emmener à l'hôpital portare qualcuno Her mother took Hope to the hospital.
hospital ˈhɒspɪtl Krankenhaus bringen all'ospedale
treatment 76 n ˈtriːtmənt Behandlung traitement trattamento, cura The best treatment for a cold is to rest and drink lots of fluids.
upset 77 adj ˌʌpˈset aufgebracht contrarié, upset adirato So we were upset to see that Hope was sleeping without a mosquito net.
vomit 76 v ˈvɒmət sich übergeben vomir vomitare Her parents realised that Hope had malaria when she began to vomit.
6.5 Grammar
alive 78 adj əˈlaɪv am Leben en vie vivo Yates wouldn’t have left Simpson on the mountain if he had known he was still
badly 78 adv ˈbædli schlimm mal gravemente As they were coming down the mountain, Simpson fell and broke his leg badly.

base camp 78 n ˈbeɪs kæmp Basislager camp de base campo base Yates returned to base camp alone.
be in trouble 78 v phr ˌbi ɪn ˈtrʌbəl in Schwierigkeiten sein avoir des problèmes essere in difficoltà Another competitor, Rafael Dinelli, was in trouble and Goss’s boat was the only
one in the area.
cliff 78 n klɪf Klippe falaise rupe Simpson fell and was hanging over a cliff.
climber 78 n ˈklaɪmə Bergsteiger/in grimpeur/-euse scalatore/scalatrice Joe Simpson and Simon Yates were the first climbers to climb the west face of
the Siula Grande Mountain in the Andes.
crash 78 v kræʃ abstürzen s'écraser precipitare The plane crashed 3,600 metres up in the Andes.
cut something off 78 phr v ˌkʌt ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈɒf etwas abschneiden couper qc. tagliare qualcosa He cut off his own arm.
disaster 78 n dɪˈzɑːstə Katastrophe catastrophe catastrofe, sciagura Then disaster struck again.
emergency call 78 n ɪˈmɜːdʒənsi kɔːl Notruf appel d'urgence chiamata d'emergenza During a terrible storm, he got an emergency call.
face 78 n feɪs Seite versant, flanc parete Joe Simpson and Simon Yates were the first climbers to climb the west face of
the Siula Grande Mountain in the Andes.
just in time 78 adv phr ˌdʒəst ɪn ˈtaɪm gerade rechtzeitig juste à temps appena in tempo He arrived back at base camp just in time. Yates would have already left if
Simpson had arrived a few hours later.
lose a race 78 v phr ˌluːz ə ˈreɪs ein Rennen verlieren perdre une course perdere una corsa Goss turned back. He saved Dinelli’s life but lost the race.
make a decision 78 v phr ˌmeɪk ə dɪˈsɪʒən eine Entscheidung treffen prendre une décision prendere una decisione Yates had to make a terrible decision: should he leave his friend or should he try
to get him down the mountain?

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miraculously 78 adv məˈrækjʊləsli wundersamerweise miracouleusement, miracolosamente Miraculously, Simpson didn’t die.
comme par miracle
miscalculate your 78 v phr mɪsˌkælkjəleɪt jə seine Position falsch mal calculer sa position valutare male la propria The pilot miscalculated his position and crashed 3,600 metres up in the Andes.
position pəˈzɪʃən berechnen posizione
penknife 78 n ˈpen-naɪf Taschenmesser canif coltello tascabile He found his penknife and decided to cut the rope.
rescue team 78 n ˈreskjuː tiːm Rettungsmannschaft équipte de sauvetage squadra di soccorso The plane was white and the rescue teams couldn’t see it.
rope 78 n rəʊp Seil corde corda Yates tied himself to Simpson with a rope.
round-the-world 78 adj ˌraʊnd ðə ˈwɜːld um die Welt du monde intorno al mondo In 1996, Pete Goss was leading a round-the-world yacht race.
save somebody’s life 78 v phr ˌseɪv ˌsʌmbɒdiz jemandem das sauver la vie de qn. salvare la vita di qualcuno Goss turned back. He saved Dinelli’s life but lost the race.
ˈlaɪf Lebenretten
strike 78 v straɪk zuschlagen frapper colpire, abbattersi Then disaster struck again.
survivor 78 n səˈvaɪvə Überlebende/r survivant/e sopravvissuto/-a There was no food and the survivors had to eat their dead team-mates.
trap 78 v træp in eine Falle geraten, piéger intrappolare, incastrare He trapped his arm under a rock and couldn’t move.
turn back 78 phr v ˌtɜːn ˈbæk zurückgehen revenir sur ses pas tornare indietro Goss turned back. He saved Dinelli’s life but lost the race.
6.6 Speaking
breathe in 79 phr v ˌbriːð ˈɪn einatmen inspirer inspirare Now … Breathe in and out for me.
breathe out 79 phr v ˌbriːð ˈaʊt ausatmen expirer espirare Now … Breathe in and out for me.
diet 79 n ˈdaɪət Diät régime dieta I think you’ve got indigestion, so you need to go on a diet.
fall ill 79 v phr ˌfɔːl ˈɪl krank werden tomber malade ammalarsi I fell ill and went to see a doctor.
feel dizzy 79 v phr ˌfiːl ˈdɪzi sich schwindlig fühlen être pris de vertige avere il capogiro, le The heat made him feel dizzy.
get a pain 79 v phr ˌɡet ə ˈpeɪn Schmerzen haben ressentir de la douleur avere dei dolori I get this pain in the evening after dinner and sometimes after lunch.
give advice 79 v phr ˌɡɪv ədˈvaɪs Rat geben donner des conseils consigliare The nurse found out about my symptoms and gave me advice.
go on a diet 79 v phr ˌɡəʊ ɒn ə ˈdaɪət eine Diät machen se mettre au régime mettersi a dieta I think you’ve got indigestion, so you need to go on a diet.
have a cough 79 v phr ˌhæv ə ˈkɒf Husten haben avoir une toux avere la tosse I have a sore throat, a cough and a runny nose, so I probably just have a cold.

have a pain in your 79 v phr ˌhæv ə ˌpeɪn ɪn jə Schmerzen im Rücken avoir des douleux au dox avere mal di schiena I’ve had a pain in my back around the upper left shoulder for about a week.
back ˈbæk haben
have a rash 79 v phr ˌhæv ə ˈræʃ einen Ausschlag haben avoir une éruption avere un'eruzione cutanea She had a nasty rash on her arm.
have a runny nose 79 v phr ˌhæv ə ˌrʌni ˈnəʊz eine laufende Nase haben avoir le nez qui coule avere il naso che cola I have a sore throat, a cough and a runny nose, so I probably just have a cold.

have a sore throat 79 v phr ˌhæv ə ˌsɔː ˈθrəʊt Halsschmerzen haben avoir mal de gorge avere mal di gola The singer had a sore throat after Wednesday’s show.
have a temperature 79 v phr ˌhæv ə ˈtemprətʃə Fieber haben avoir de la fièvre avere la febbre Susie has a temperature and has gone to bed.

lie down 79 phr v ˌlaɪ ˈdaʊn sich hinlegen s'allonger riposarsi Now lie down, please. If I push here, does it hurt?
make an 79 v phr ˌmeɪk ən einen Termin vereinbaren prendre rendez-vous fissare un appuntamento I’m going to make an appointment for you in a month.
appointment əˈpɔɪntmənt
open wide 79 v phr ˌəʊpən ˈwaɪd weit aufmachen ouvrir grand la bouche spalancare Now, open wide – hmm, that looks fine.
press 79 v pres drücken appuyer, presser premere If I press here, does it hurt?
sickness 79 n ˈsɪknəs Übelkeit nausée nausea Liam had suffered violent sickness and diarrhoea.
sore 79 adj sɔː wund, schmerzend douloureux infiammato, dolente My feet are sore after the hiking trip.
swollen 79 adj ˈswəʊlən geschwollen enflé gonfio His eyes were swollen from crying.
take somebody’s 79 v phr ˌteɪk ˌsʌmbɒdiz bei jemandem Fieber prendre la température de misurare la febbre a I’m just going to take your temperature.
temperature ˈtemprətʃə messen qn. qualcuno
6.7 Writing
addict 81 n ˈædɪkt Fan, Anhänger, Süchtiger accro appassionato/-a I’m a real medical soap addict.

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admire 80 v ədˈmaɪə bewundern admirer ammirare I admire him very much.
as well as this 80 phr əz ˌwel əz ˈðɪs außerdem de même inoltre As well as this, we have a doctor of our own to ask about any medical problems
we have.
can’t stand 80 v phr ˌkɑːnt ˈstænd etwas nicht ertragen ne pas supporter qc. non sopportare qualcosa I can’t stand the sight of blood and I get dizzy if I have an injection.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ können
care about 80 v ˈkeər əˌbaʊt für jemanden sorgen, sich se soucier de qn. preoccuparsi per I think Micky will make an excellent doctor because he is patient and
somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi um jemanden kümmern qualcuno, tenerci a understanding and he cares a lot about people.
do an operation 80 v phr ˌduː ən ˌɒpəˈreɪʃən eine Operation faire une opération fare un'operazione He’s already helped at car accidents and done some minor operations.
enormously 80 adv ɪˈnɔːməsli enorm énormément tantissimo, estremamente After studying for an enormously long time, my brother has now graduated and
we are very lucky to have a doctor in the family!
get promotion 81 v phr ˌɡet prəˈməʊʃən befördert werden avoir une promotion ottenere una promozione I think she’s the best doctor in the hospital – in my opinion she should get
graduate 80 v ˈɡrædʒueɪt einen Abschluss machen être diplômé, obtenir une laurearsi After studying for an enormously long time, my brother has now graduated and
licence we are very lucky to have a doctor in the family!
have an injection 80 v phr ˌhæv ən ɪnˈdʒekʃən eine Spritze bekommen avoir une injection ricevere un'iniezione I can’t stand the sight of blood and I get dizzy if I have an injection.

make an excellent 80 v phr ˌmeɪk ən ˌeksələnt einen ausgezeichneten être un excellent médecin diventare un ottimo I think Micky will make an excellent doctor because he is patient and
doctor ˈdɒktə Arzt abgeben medico understanding and he cares a lot about people.
medical field 80 n phr ˌmedɪkəl ˈfiːld medizinisches Gebiet domaine médical campo medico As you know, every week we publish articles about people in different
professions and this week it’s the turn of the medical field.
Medicine 80 n ˈmedsən Medizin médecine medicina No one in the family has ever taken Medicine as a subject before.
medicine 81 n ˈmedsən Medizin, Medikament médecine medicinale, farmaco The medicine was expensive, but he still bought it.
minor 80 adj ˈmaɪnə kleiner mineur, petit minore He’s already helped at car accidents and done some minor operations.
nurse 81 n nɜːs Krankenschwester infirmière infermiere/-a We are looking for articles about people’s favourite TV doctor or nurse.
the sight of 80 n phr ðə ˈsaɪt əv ˌsʌmθɪŋ den Anblick von etwas la vue de qc. la vista di qualcosa I can’t stand the sight of blood and I get dizzy if I have an injection.
understanding 80 adj ˌʌndəˈstændɪŋ Verständnis compréhension comprensivo I think Micky will make an excellent doctor because he is patient and
understanding and he cares a lot about people.
visiting hours 81 n ˈvɪzɪtɪŋ ˌaʊəz Besuchsstunden heures de visite orari di visita Because visiting hours at the hospital finished at 4.30, we couldn’t see my mum.

Focus Review 6
abandon 83 v əˈbændən verstoßen, aussetzen abandonner abbandonare In India children with this defect are often abandoned at birth because their
parents feel ashamed of them or cannot afford the surgery that will improve
their lives.
adopt 83 v əˈdɒpt adoptieren adopter adottare Luckily for her, she was found hungry and crying by a passenger who took her
home and adopted her.
all aboard! 83 phr ˌɔːl əˈbɔːd alle von Bord! tout le monde à bord! tutti a bordo! ‘All aboard!’ called out the captain.
ambulance 82 n ˈæmbjələns Notarzt ambulance ambulanza If you feel a pain in your chest, call an ambulance immediately – it might be a
heart attack.
attempt 82 n əˈtempt Unternehmung, Versuch, tentative tentativo I want to go to New York to run the marathon. I wish someone sponsored my
Bestreben attempt.
be concerned about 82 v phr ˌbi kənˈsɜːnd besorgt um être aux petits soins pour essere preoccupato per Even today, I wish my mum hadn’t been so concerned about me.
somebody əˌbaʊt ˌsʌmbɒdi qn. qualcuno
call an ambulance 82 v phr ˌkɔːl ən ˈæmbjələns den Notarzt rufen appeler une ambulance chiamare l'ambulanza If you feel a pain in your chest, call an ambulance immediately – it might be a
heart attack.

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campaign 82 n kæmˈpeɪn Kampagne campagne campagna If you want to express your support for the campaign, donate some money or
second-hand clothes.
change something 83 v phr ˌtʃeɪndʒ ˌsʌmθɪŋ fə etwas zum Besseren changer en mieux cambiare qualcosa in This doctor has changed many lives for the better.
for the better ðə ˈbetə verändern meglio
cope with a problem 83 v phr ˌkəʊp wɪð ə mit einem Problem gérer, faire face à superare un problema Families are often unable to cope with the problem.
ˈprɒbləm fertigwerden
dedicated 83 adj ˈdedəkeɪtəd vorgesehen für dédié dedicato a Smile Train is a charity that is dedicated to helping the millions of children
around the world, including India, who suffer from a specific facial defect.
driving licence 82 n ˈdraɪvɪŋ ˌlaɪsəns Führerschein permis de conduire patente If only I could get a driving licence at the age of sixteen.
express your 82 v phr ɪkˌspres jə səˈpɔːt seiner Unterstützung für exprimer son soutien à qc. esprimere il proprio If you want to express your support for the campaign, donate some money or
support for fə ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas Ausdruck geben sostegno per qualcosa second-hand clothes.
facial defect 83 n ˈfeɪʃəl dɪˌfekt Entstellung des Gesichts malformation faciale difetti del viso Smile Train is a charity that is dedicated to helping the millions of children
around the world, including India, who suffer from a specific facial defect.
feel ashamed of 83 v phr ˌfiːl əˈʃeɪmd əv sich für jemanden/etwas avoir honte de qn./qc. vergognarsi di In India children with this defect are often abandoned at birth because their
somebody/somethi ˌsʌmbɒdi/ˌsʌmθɪŋ schämen qualcuno/qualcosa parents feel ashamed of them or cannot afford the surgery that will improve
ng their lives.
first aid course 82 n ˌfɜːst ˈeɪd kɔːs Erste-Hilfe-Kurs cours de secourisme corso di primo soccorso You would’ve learnt how to treat a cut if you had done a first aid course.
form 83 v fɔːm sich ausformen se former formarsi The defect occurs when a baby’s top lip or mouth doesn’t form properly before
formulate a concept 82 v phr ˌfɔːmjəleɪt ə ein Konzept formulieren formuler un concept elaborare un concetto It was a Polish-born scientist, Kazimierz Funk, who formulated the concept of
ˈkɒnsept vitamins in 1912.
free of cost 83 adj phr ˌfriː əv ˈkɒst kostenlos gratuit gratuito Every year I go to India, where I have performed hundreds of surgeries free of
cost through Smile Train.
good news 83 n phr ˌɡʊd ˈnjuːz gute Nachrichten de bonnes nouvelles buone notizie The good news is that the surgery which can change a child’s life forever is not
government 82 n ˈɡʌvəmənt Regierung gouvernement governo The government want to lower speed limits as part of a new road safety
handful of 82 n ˈhændfʊl əv Handvoll poignée de manciata di I would spend hours looking at the handful of peas on my plate.
have a cold 83 v phr ˌhæv ə ˈkəʊld eine Erkältung haben avoir un rhume essere raffreddato What do you do to get better when you have a cold?
honoured 83 adj ˈɒnəd geehrt fier, honoré onorato I felt honoured to perform the surgery.
indigestion 82 n ˌɪndɪˈdʒestʃən Verdauungsstörung, indigestion indigestione She wouldn’t let me go even when I held my stomach and said I had indigestion.
isolation 83 n ˌaɪsəˈleɪʃən Isolierung isolement isolamento After years of living their lives in isolation, the children can finally go to school
and be happy.
joy 83 n dʒɔɪ Freude joie gioia I cannot describe the satisfaction and joy I feel when I help a child.
lower 82 v ˈləʊə senken baisser diminuire The government want to lower speed limits as part of a new road safety
make a diagnosis 82 v phr ˌmeɪk ə eine Diagnose erstellen établir un diagnostic effettuare una diagnosi It’s too early to make an absolutely certain diagnosis – we’re waiting for more
ˌdaɪəɡˈnəʊsəs test results.
make a difference 83 v phr ˌmeɪk ə ˈdɪfərəns einen Unterschied machen faire bouger les choses, fare la differenza I know that I am making a real difference in the world and that is more
changer qc. important than making money all the time.
make money 83 v phr ˌmeɪk ˈmʌni Geld verdienen gagner de l'argent fare soldi, guadagnare I know that I am making a real difference in the world and that is more
important than making money all the time.
medical 83 adj ˈmedɪkəl medizinisch médical sanitario, medico The charity raises money to buy medical supplies and finds the right medical
volunteers to perform the surgery.

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occur 83 v əˈkɜː auftreten se produire verificarsi The defect occurs when a baby’s top lip or mouth doesn’t form properly before
peas 82 n piːz Erbsen petits pois piselli I would spend hours looking at the handful of peas on my plate.
perform a surgery 83 v phr pəˌfɔːm ə ˈsɜːdʒəri eine Operation réaliser une intervention fare un'operazione The charity raises money to buy medical supplies and finds the right medical
durchführen chirurgicale volunteers to perform the surgery.
properly 83 adv ˈprɒpəli richtig, korrekt correctement correttamente The defect occurs when a baby’s top lip or mouth doesn’t form properly before
provide 83 v prəˈvaɪd sorgen für/finanzieren financer fornire The charity provides free surgery, which gives these children a new smile and
with it, new hope and a new beginning.
relax 83 v rɪˈlæks sich entspannen se détendre rilassarsi What do you do to relax after a stressful day?
road safety 82 n ˈrəʊd ˌseɪfti Kampagne für campagne de sécurité campagna sulla sicurezza The government want to lower speed limits as part of a new road safety
campaign kæmˌpeɪn Straßensicherheit routière stradale campaign.
sadly 83 adv ˈsædli leider, traurigerweise malheureusement purtroppo Although many sufferers are accepted by their families, sadly, others are not.

satisfaction 83 n ˌsætəsˈfækʃən Befriedigung satisfaction soddisfazione I cannot describe the satisfaction and joy I feel when I help a child.
save somebody’s life 82 v phr ˌseɪv ˌsʌmbɒdiz jemandem das Leben sauver la vie de qn. salvare la vita di qualcuno We’ll be able to save his life unless he develops new symptoms tonight.
ˈlaɪf retten
science 82 n ˈsaɪəns Wissenschaft science scienza A few days ago, I found a book about the history of science.
second chance at 83 n phr ˌsekənd ˈtʃɑːns ət zweite Chance für etwas deuxième chance de seconda occasione di A Smile Train doctor from the UK said, ‘Each child who has surgery is given a
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ qualcosa second chance at life.’
shame 83 n ʃeɪm Scham honte vergogna The family no longer feels shame.
share 83 v ʃeə teilen mit / mitteilen partager condividere Experienced doctors like me share our skills with local doctors.
shocking 83 adj ˈʃɒkɪŋ schockierend choquant scioccante Some of the stories I have heard are quite shocking.
speed limit 82 n ˈspiːd ˌlɪmət Tempolimit limite de vitesse limite di velocità The government want to lower speed limits as part of a new road safety
stop the bleeding 82 v phr ˌstɒp ðə ˈbliːdɪŋ die Blutung stoppen stopper l'hémorragie fermare l'emorragia If Andy had put some ice on his head, he would have stopped the bleeding.

strict diet 82 n phr ˌstrɪkt ˈdaɪət strenge Diät régime strict dieta ferrea If you hadn’t gone on such a strict diet, you wouldn’t have felt dizzy yesterday.

suffer from 83 v ˈsʌfə frəm ˌsʌmθɪŋ an etwas leiden souffrir de qc. soffrire di qualcosa, affetto Smile Train is a charity that is dedicated to helping the millions of children
something da qualcosa around the world, including India, who suffer from a specific facial defect.
sufferer 83 n ˈsʌfərə Leidende/r personne atteinte d'une malato/-a Although many sufferers are accepted by their families, sadly, others are not.
supplies 83 n səˈplaɪz Bedarf, Waren provisions forniture, attrezzature The charity raises money to buy medical supplies and finds the right medical
volunteers to perform the surgery.
support 82 n səˈpɔːt Unterstützung soutien sostegno, supporto If you want to express your support for the campaign, donate some money or
second-hand clothes.
surgery 83 n ˈsɜːdʒəri Operation opération operazione The charity provides free surgery, which gives these children a new smile and
with it, new hope and a new beginning.
test results 82 n ˈtest rɪˌzʌlts Untersuchungsergebnisse résultats des essais risultati del test It’s too early to make an absolutely certain diagnosis – we’re waiting for more
test results.
volunteer 83 n ˌvɒlənˈtɪə Freiwillige/r volontaire volontario/-a The charity raises money to buy medical supplies and finds the right medical
volunteers to perform the surgery.
Use of English 6
avoid doing WS 12 v phr əˌvɔɪd ˈduːɪŋ vermeiden etwas zu tun éviter de faire qc. evitare di fare qualcosa I avoid eating cheese because I’m allergic to it.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
cheerful WS 12 adj ˈtʃɪəfəl fröhlich joyeux allegro These centres are bright, cheerful places, with friendly and caring staff.

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disability WS 12 n ˌdɪsəˈbɪləti Gebrechen, Behinderung handicap disabilità Others may have a disability or a long-term problem and need to stay in hospital
quite regularly.
disabled WS 12 adj dɪsˈeɪbəld behindert handicapé disabile We have a support group for parents of disabled children.
frighten WS 12 v ˈfraɪtn verängstigen, erschrecken effrayer spaventare She was frightened by the anger in his eyes.

frightening WS 12 adj ˈfraɪtnɪŋ beängstigend, effrayant spaventoso It can be very lonely and frightening without their family.
hospital stay WS 12 n ˈhɒspɪtl steɪ Krankenhausaufenthalt séjour hospitalier degenza ospedaliera Now, a charity called Ronald McDonald is helping to make those hospital stays
less scary.
it’s a shame WS 12 phr ˌɪts ə ˈʃeɪm es ist schade c'est dommage è un peccato It’s a shame that I’m not with my friend right now.
long-term problem WS 12 n phr ˌlɒŋ ˌtɜːm Langzeitproblem problème à long terme problema a lungo termine Some children may have a disability or a long-term problem and need to stay in
ˈprɒbləm hospital quite regularly.
medical equipment WS 12 n ˈmedɪkəl medizinische Ausrüstung équipement médical attrezzature mediche They are in a strange place and surrounded by strange medical equipment.
particularly WS 12 adv pəˈtɪkjələli besonders particulièrement particolarmente Staying in hospital is hard for anyone, but it’s particularly hard for children.
patient WS 12 n ˈpeɪʃənt Patient patient/e paziente The children have the security of their families and are happier patients.
recover WS 12 v rɪˈkʌvə sich erholen, genesen récupérer guarire We know that she was very lucky to recover from this disease that kills one baby
every sixty seconds.
recovery WS 12 n rɪˈkʌvəri Genesung rétablissement guarigione Happier patients mean quicker recovery, so thank you, Ronald McDonald!
stay in hospital WS 12 v phr ˌsteɪ ɪn ˈhɒspɪtl im Krankenhaus sein être hospitalisé stare in ospedale Staying in hospital is hard for anyone, but it’s particularly hard for children.
take somebody’s WS 12 v phr ˌteɪk ˌsʌmbɒdiz jemandes Rat befolgen prendre conseil auprès de seguire il consiglio di I didn’t take the doctor’s advice and I was ill last weekend.
advice ədˈvaɪs qualcuno
Word in Focus: get
get (1) WS 13 v ɡet bekommen obtenir, avoir procurarsi, acquistare You can get a new mosquito net.
get (2) WS 13 v ɡet beschaffen, besorgen procurer procurare I must get you a new helmet.
get (3) WS 13 v ɡet bekommen recevoir ricevere What did you get for your birthday?
get (4) WS 13 v ɡet bekommen faire assez de sport ricevere Young people get enough sport at school.
get (5) WS 13 v ɡet bekommen attraper prendere, beccarsi You can’t get malaria from other people.
get (6) WS 13 v ɡet bekommen souffrir de prendere, beccarsi I’m getting a sore throat.
get better WS 13 v phr ˌɡet ˈbetə gesund werden se rétablir, aller mieux guarire I hope you get better.
get out of WS 13 phr v ˌɡet ˈaʊt əv aus etwas herauskommen, sortir de uscire da, abbandonare He got out of the canyon and walked away.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas verlassen

get up WS 13 phr v ˌɡet ˈʌp aufstehen se lever alzarsi I never get up early on Sundays.
get worse WS 13 v phr ˌɡet ˈwɜːs sich s'aggraver peggiorare Her condition began to get worse.
obtain WS 13 v əbˈteɪn erhalten acquérir ottenere Further information can be obtained from head office.
sore throat WS 13 n ˌsɔː ˈθrəʊt Halsschmerzen mal de gorge mal di gola I have a sore throat, a cough and a runny nose, so I probably just have a cold.

walk away WS 13 v phr ˌwɔːk əˈweɪ weggehen s'éloigner andarsene He got out of the canyon and walked away.
Unit 7 In the spotlight
7.1 Vocabulary
absolutely 85 adv ˈæbsəluːtli vollkommen, total absolument del tutto Ruth Wilson, a media expert, thinks that reality shows are absolutely fascinating.

aged 85 adj eɪdʒd im Alter von de … à … ans dell'età di Auditions take place around the country and are open to anybody aged 15–28.

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appear on 84 v əˈpɪər ɒn ˌsʌmθɪŋ bei etwas erscheinen apparaître dans qc. fare un'apparizione All players receive $10,000 to appear on the reunion show.
around the country 85 adv phr əˌraʊnd ðə ˈkʌntri im ganzen Land dans tout le pays in tutto il paese Auditions take place around the country and are open to anybody aged 15–28.

audition (1) 85 n ɔːˈdɪʃən Vorsingen audtion audizione, provino Auditions take place around the country and are open to anybody aged 15–28.

audition (2) 84 v ɔːˈdɪʃən vorsingen auditionner fare un'audizione How old do you have to be to audition for ‘The X Factor’?
awful 85 adj ˈɔːfəl schrecklich horrible, affreux terribile Sometimes the contestants are absolutely awful.
background 84 n ˈbækɡraʊnd Herkunft milieu provenienza A group of people from different backgrounds are sent to a tropical island and
divided into tribes.
broadcast 85 v ˈbrɔːdkɑːst senden, übertragen diffuser trasmettere A panel of four judges discuss the performances and the results are broadcast
chat show 84 n ˈtʃæt ʃəʊ Talkshow talk show talk show The actress appeared on a number of television chat shows of the 80s.
coach 85 v kəʊtʃ betreuen entraîner preparare Each judge takes one group and coaches them during rehearsals.
contest 85 n ˈkɒntest Wettbewerb concours gara, competizione Anyone aged 15–25 can enter the contest.
contestant 84 n kənˈtestənt Wettbewerbsteilnehmer concurrent concorrente How are contestants eliminated from ‘Survivor’?
current affairs 84 n ˌkʌrənt əˈfeəz aktuelle Nachrichten actualité vicende di attualità What is the most-watched current affairs programme in the UK?
divide into 84 phr v dəˈvaɪd ˌɪntə aufteilen in diviser en dividere in A group of people from different backgrounds are sent to a tropical island and
divided into tribes.
edit 84 v ˈedət herausgeben, bearbeiten éditer modificare The producers of these programmes guarantee entertainment by choosing
interesting people and editing the episodes carefully.
edition 85 n ɪˈdɪʃən Ausgabe édition edizione Did you watch the evening edition of ‘Scotland Today’?
editor 85 n ˈedətə Redakteur/in éditeur redattore/redattrice Janet is a TV script editor.
eliminate a 84 v phr ɪˌlɪməneɪt ə einen éliminer un concurrent eliminare un concorrente How are contestants eliminated from ‘Survivor’?
contestant kənˈtestənt Wettbewerbsteilnehmer
ausscheiden lassen
enjoyable 85 adj ɪnˈdʒɔɪəbəl amüsant, unterhaltsam agréable, plaisant piacevole, divertente Reality shows aren’t as enjoyable as a really good detective series.
essential 85 adj ɪˈsenʃəl sehr wichtig essentiel essenziale A good diet is absolutely essential for everyone.
extremely 85 adv ɪkˈstriːmli extrem extrêmement estremamente Some contestants are extremely talented.
fail a competition 85 v phr ˌfeɪl ə ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃən bei einem Wettbewerb èchouer au concours essere eliminato da una In 1954, Elvis Presley failed a singing competition at a local radio station.
ausscheiden gara
fascinating 85 adj ˈfæsəneɪtɪŋ faszinierend fascinant affascinante Ruth Wilson thinks that reality shows are absolutely fascinating.
female artist 85 n phr ˌfiːmeɪl ˈɑːtəst Künsterlin artiste artista Contestants are divided into four groups: female solo artists under thirty, male
solo artists under thirty, singers over thirty and bands.
final contestant 84 n phr ˌfaɪnəl kənˈtestənt Finalist/in finaliste finalista Contestants vote off tribe members until only one final contestant remains and
wins the title of Sole Survivor and a prize of $1 million.
game show 84 n ˈɡeɪm ʃəʊ Spieleshow jeu télévisé quiz televisivo My dad was once a contestant in a game show.
hilarious 85 adj hɪˈleəriəs urkomisch, rasend hilarant, extrêmenent esilarante, divertente Funny? He’s absolutely hilarious!
komisch drôle
in the spotlight 84 adv phr ˌɪn ðə ˈspɒtlaɪt im Rampenlicht sous le feu des projecteurs sotto i riflettori Britain was in the spotlight that year because of the Diamond Jubilee of the
Queen and the event of the year, the London Olympics.
judge (1) 84 n dʒʌdʒ Jurymitglied juge giudice How many judges are on the panel in American Idol?
judge (2) 85 v dʒʌdʒ beurteilen juger giudicare They discuss and judge the contestants.
low quality 84 adj phr ˌləʊ ˈkwɒləti schlecht, von geringer mauvaise qualité scarsa qualità Most people buy the highest quality television sets, only to watch the lowest
Qualität quality television shows.
music competition 85 n ˈmjuːzɪk Musikwettbewerb concours musical gara musicale ‘The X Factor’ is a music competition to find new talent.

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music programme 84 n ˈmjuːzɪk Musiksendung programme de musique programma musicale I heard two journalists on a music programme talking about this singer.
network 85 n ˈnetwɜːk Sender chaîne rete The BBC was the first European network to broadcast in colour in 1966.
open to somebody 85 adj ˈəʊpən tə ˌsʌmbɒdi offen für jemanden ouvert à qn. aperto a qualcuno Auditions take place around the country and are open to anybody aged 15–28.

Oscars ceremony 85 n ˈɒskəz ˌserəməni Oscarverleihung cérémonie des Oscars cerimonia degli Oscar Each rehearsal for an Oscars ceremony is over four hours long.
panel 84 n ˈpænl Jury panel giuria How many judges are on the panel in American Idol?
perform 85 v pəˈfɔːm auftreten jouer esibirsi Chenier and the band are performing at the Silver Palace tomorrow.
performance 85 n pəˈfɔːməns Aufführung, Show représentation esibizione A panel of four judges discuss the performances and the results are broadcast
performer 85 n pəˈfɔːmə Darsteller, Künstler artiste, interprète artista He was a better songwriter than performer.
pop singer 85 n ˈpɒp ˌsɪŋə Popsänger chanteur de musique pop cantante pop The aim of the show is to find the best new solo pop singer.

practice 85 n ˈpræktəs Probe répetition prova The practice for the performance took all afternoon.
present 84 v prɪˈzent zeigen présenter presentare, mostrare Reality television is a type of TV programme that presents situations without
scripts and uses unknown people instead of professional actors.
presentation 85 n ˌprezənˈteɪʃən Präsentation représentation presentazione I’m going to ask each of you to make a short presentation.
presenter 85 n prɪˈzentə Moderator/in présentateur/présentatric presentatore/presentatrice Who is your favourite TV presenter?
producer 84 n prəˈdjuːsə Produzent/in producteur/productrice produttore/produttrice The producers of these programmes guarantee entertainment by choosing
interesting people and editing the episodes carefully.
professional actor 84 n phr prəˌfeʃənəl ˈæktə Berufsschauspieler acteur professionnel attore/attrice Reality television is a type of TV programme that presents situations without
professionista scripts and uses unknown people instead of professional actors.
reality television 84 n riˈæləti ˌteləˌvɪʒən Reality-Fernsehen télévision réalité reality show Reality television is a type of TV programme that presents situations without
scripts and uses unknown people instead of professional actors.
recording contract 85 n rɪˈkɔːdɪŋ ˌkɒntrækt Plattenvertrag contrat d'enregistrement contratto discografico The prize is a one-million-dollar recording contract.

rehearsal 85 n rɪˈhɜːsəl Probe répétition prova Each judge takes one group and coaches them during rehearsals.
script 84 n skrɪpt Drehbuch script, texte copione Reality television is a type of TV programme that presents situations without
scripts and uses unknown people instead of professional actors.
soap opera 84 n ˈsəʊp ˌɒpərə Seifenoper soap soap opera ‘Coronation Street’ is one of the most popular soap operas in the UK.
solo artist 85 n phr ˈsəʊləʊ ˌɑːtəst Solokünstler/in artiste en solo solista Contestants are divided into four groups: female solo artists under thirty, male
solo artists under thirty, singers over thirty and bands.
sports programme 84 n ˈspɔːts ˌprəʊɡræm Sportsendung émission sportive programma sportivo I never watch TV, except for one or two sports programmes every couple of days.

take part in 85 v phr ˌteɪk ˈpɑːt ɪn an etwas teilnehmen participer à qc. prendere parte a qualcosa Have you ever taken part in a performance?
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
talent competition 85 n ˈtælənt Talentwettbewerb concours de talents talent show ‘The X Factor’ is the biggest television talent competition in Europe.
television show 84 n ˈteləˌvɪʒən ʃəʊ Fernsehsendung émission de télévision programma televisivo Most people buy the highest quality television sets, only to watch the lowest
quality television shows.
the news 84 n ðə ˈnjuːz die Nachrichten actualités telegiornale Did you watch the news this morning?
tropical island 84 n phr ˌtrɒpɪkəl ˈaɪlənd Tropeninsel île tropicale isola tropicale A group of people from different backgrounds are sent to a tropical island and
divided into tribes.
TV series 84 n ˌtiː ˈviː ˌsɪəriːz Fernsehserie série télévisée serie TV My favourite TV series is ‘Breaking Bad’.
unpleasant 85 adj ʌnˈplezənt unangenehm désagréable sgradevole, spiacevole Reality shows often have contestants who are rather unpleasant.
vote somebody off 84 phr v ˌvəʊt ˌsʌmbɒdi ˈɒf jmd. hinauswählen décider l'élimination de eliminare qualcuno Contestants vote off tribe members until only one final contestant remains and
qn. wins the title of Sole Survivor and a prize of $1 million.

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win a challenge 84 v phr ˌwɪn ə ˈtʃæləndʒ eine Herausforderung gagner une compétition vincere una sfida The tribes have to win challenges.
7.2 Grammar
art critic 86 n ˈɑːt ˌkrɪtɪk Kunstkritiker critique d'art critico/-a d'arte Art critics pointed out that a child could not produce those paintings.
attitude towards 86 n ˈætətjuːd təˌwɔːdz Einstellung einer Sache attitude à qc. atteggiamento nei We talked about our own attitudes towards art.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ gegenüber confronti di qualcosa
claim 86 v kleɪm behaupten prétendre sostenere, affermare Her critics claimed that this proved someone else finished her paintings.
customer 86 n ˈkʌstəmə Kunde/Kundin client/cliente cliente The customers replied that they didn’t care who had done them – they liked
them anyway.
explain 86 v ɪkˈspleɪn erklären expliquer spiegare They explained that they wanted to prove that Marla was not a fake.
fake 86 n feɪk Fälschung faux, imposteur falso, impostore/-a They explained that they wanted to prove that Marla was not a fake.
film 86 v fɪlm filmen filmer, tourner film A TV channel contacted Marla’s parents and told them that they wanted to film
their daughter the following week.
gallery owner 86 n ˈɡæləri ˌəʊnə Galerist/in galeriste gallerista A gallery owner started showing Marla’s paintings.
genius 86 n ˈdʒiːniəs Genie génie genio The gallery owner told Marla’s parents that their daughter was a genius.
hidden camera 86 n phr ˌhɪdn ˈkæmərə versteckte Kamera caméra cachée telecamera nascosta He added that he was going to use a hidden camera.
in front of 86 adv phr ɪn ˈfrʌnt əv vor etwas devant qc. davanti a qualcosa Marla’s parents said that their daughter would be uncomfortable in front of the
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ cameras.
keep 86 v kiːp behalten garder tenere Marla’s mother wanted to keep the painting, so she told the woman that it cost
point out 86 phr v ˌpɔɪnt ˈaʊt darauf hinweisen souligner far notare Art critics pointed out that a child could not produce those paintings.
prove 86 v pruːv beweisen prouver dimostrare They explained that they wanted to prove that Marla was not a fake.
suggest 86 v səˈdʒest andeuten, suggerieren insinuer suggerire One critic suggested that her father had painted them.
TV channel 86 n ˌtiː ˈviː ˌtʃænl Fernsehsender canal TV canale televisivo A TV channel contacted Marla’s parents and told them that they wanted to film
their daughter the following week.
uncomfortable 86 adj ʌnˈkʌmftəbəl unwohl mal à l'aise a disagio Marla’s parents said that their daughter would be uncomfortable in front of the
7.3 Listening
adapt 87 v əˈdæpt adaptiert adapter adattare Many children buy books after they have been adapted for television.
adaptation 87 n ˌædæpˈteɪʃən Adaption adaptation adattamento He’s working on a screen adaptation of his latest novel.
admit 87 v ədˈmɪt zugeben admettre ammettere The average UK teenager admits he/she is ‘addicted’ to his/her smartphone.

advertising 87 n ˈædvətaɪzɪŋ Werbung publicité pubblicità In the UK over thirty percent of all advertising is online.
at least 87 adv phr ət ˈliːst mindestens au moins come minimo, almeno Most British homes have at least three different devices connected to the
Internet (TV, laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.).
average 87 adj ˈævərɪdʒ durchschnittlich moyen in media The average UK teenager uses his/her smartphone everywhere (including the
become famous 87 v phr bɪˌkʌm ˈfeɪməs berühmt werden devenir célèbre diventare famoso The vlogger became famous because of a video.
become popular 87 v phr bɪˌkʌm ˈpɒpjələ beliebt/populärwerden devenir populaire diventare famoso A viral video becomes popular very quickly.
broadband 87 n ˌbrɔːdbænd Breitbandanschluss connexion haut débit connessione a banda larga Most UK homes have super-fast broadband connections.
connection kəˈnekʃən
click on something 87 v ˈklɪk ɒn ˌsʌmθɪŋ auf etwas klicken cliquer sur qc. fare clic, cliccare su You click on a link to connect to a different web address.
computer file 87 n kəmˈpjuːtə faɪl Computerdatei fichier informatique file digitale You click on a link to connect to a different website.
connect to 87 v kəˈnekt tə ˌsʌmθɪŋ sich mit etwas verbinden se connecter à qc. connettersi a qualcosa Click here to connect to the Internet.
engage emotions 87 v phr ɪnˌɡeɪdʒ iˈməʊʃənz Gefühle ansprechen engager les émotions de coinvolgere le emozioni Usually, viral videos are short, they engage your emotions in some way and tell a
qn. simple story.

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explanation 87 n ˌekspləˈneɪʃən Erklärung explication spiegazione He gave no explanation for what he was doing that evening.
go viral 87 v phr ˌɡəʊ ˈvaɪərəl sich verbreiten se propager diventare virale Nobody knows exactly why online videos go viral.
have something in 87 v phr ˌhæv ˌsʌmθɪŋ ɪn etwas gemeinsam haben avoir qc. en commun avere qualcosa in comune How many things do popular videos have in common?
common ˈkɒmən
highlight 87 v ˈhaɪlaɪt hervorheben souligner evidenziare Use the cursor to highlight the name of the document you want to print.
hit (1) 87 n hɪt Hit succès hit, successo Which band had a hit with ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’?
hit (2) 87 n hɪt Abfrage visite visita, numero di visitatori Videos that get over one million hits are quite rare.

inspire 87 v ɪnˈspaɪə inspirieren inspirer ispirare Inspired by the sunny weather, I decided to explore the woods.
link (1) 87 n lɪŋk Verbindungen rapport collegamento, nesso There are a number of links between the two theories.
link (2) 87 n lɪŋk Link lien link People post videos on social networking sites all the time and then share the
links with their friends.
make a video 87 v phr ˌmeɪk ə ˈvɪdiəʊ ein Video drehen faire un vidéo girare un video Sarah and I talked about a video she would like to make.
parcel 87 n ˈpɑːsəl Paket, Päckchen colis pacchetto The parcel was delivered last week.
population 87 n ˌpɒpjəˈleɪʃən Bevölkerung population popolazione In the UK over sixty percent of the population shop online at least three times a
post (1) 87 v pəʊst in die Post geben, poster imbucare, spedire Did you remember to post the card to my parents?
post (2) 87 v pəʊst veröffentlichen poster postare People post videos on social networking sites all the time and then share the
links with their friends.
rare 87 adj reə selten rare raro Videos that get over one million hits are quite rare.
screen 87 n skriːn Abspielgeräte écran schermo Most UK homes have at least six different types of screen.
share (1) 87 v ʃeə gemeinsam nutzen partager spartire, condividere We don’t have enough books so you’ll have to share.
share (2) 87 v ʃeə teilen partager condividere People share photos and videos online.
shop 87 v ʃɒp einkaufen faire du shopping acquistare In the UK over sixty percent of the population shop online at least three times a
social networking 87 n ˌsəʊʃəl ˈnetwɜːkɪŋ soziales Netzwerk réseau social social network People post videos on social networking sites all the time.
site saɪt
suggestion 87 n səˈdʒestʃən Vorschlag suggestion suggerimento Let me know if you have any suggestions.
super-fast 87 adj ˈsuːpə ˌfɑːst superschnell ultra-rapide velocissimo Most UK homes have super-fast broadband connections.
switch something 87 phr v ˌswɪtʃ ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈɒf etwas ausschalten éteindre spegnere qualcosa The average UK teenager never switches his/her smartphone off.
tell a story 87 v phr ˌtel ə ˈstɔːri eine Geschichte erzählen raconter une histoire raccontare una storia Usually, viral videos are short, they engage your emotions in some way and tell a
simple story.
the net 87 n ðə ˈnet das Internet l'internet la rete, Internet It’s really easy to upload videos to the net.
upload something 87 v phr ʌpˌləʊd ˌsʌmθɪŋ tə etwas ins Internet télécharger quc. à caricare qualcosa in rete It’s really easy to upload videos to the net.
to the net ðə ˈnet hochladen l'internet
view (1) 87 n vjuː Ansicht opinion opinione What’s your view on the subject?
view (2) 87 n vjuː Abruf visite visualizzazione How often does a video get more than one million views?
viral (1) 87 adj ˈvaɪərəl Virus… viral virale You have a viral infection, so you have to stay in bed.
viral (2) 87 adj ˈvaɪərəl viral viral virale A viral video becomes popular very quickly.
viral video 87 n phr ˌvaɪərəl ˈvɪdiəʊ virales Video vidéo viral video virale A viral video becomes popular very quickly.
virus 87 n ˈvaɪərəs Virus virus virus You have a virus infection, so you have to stay in bed.
web address 87 n ˈweb əˌdres Internetadresse adresse Web indirizzo Internet You click on a link to connect to a different web address.
7.4 Reading
a little bit 89 adv phr ə ˈlɪtl bɪt ein wenig un petit peu un po' They became interested in vlogging because they genuinely enjoy what they do
and they are just a little bit funnier and cooler than their audience.
ability 88 n əˈbɪləti Können capacité abilità It takes hard work and natural ability to make it as a professional athlete.

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age group 88 n ˈeɪdʒ ɡruːp Altersgruppe tranche d'âge fascia d'età Many vloggers direct their vlogs at a certain age group.
amusing 89 adj əˈmjuːzɪŋ amüsant amusant divertente She manages to come up with amusing and interesting vlogs.
attend 88 v əˈtend teilnehmen an participer à partecipare a When he attends vlogging events, thousands of fans come so that they can see
‘the real him’.
audience 89 n ˈɔːdiəns Publikum public audience, pubblico They became interested in vlogging because they genuinely enjoy what they do
and they are just a little bit funnier and cooler than their audience.
autobiographical 88 adj ˌɔːtəbaɪəˈɡræfɪkəl autobiographisch autobiographique autobiografico When Lex started out, her vlogs were autobiographical.
based on something 89 adj ˈbeɪst ɒn ˌsʌmθɪŋ auf etwas beruhen être basé à/fondé sur basato su qualcosa Her success is based on her talent, but also her choice of topics that other
teenagers can relate to.
become interested 89 v phr bɪˌkʌm ˈɪntrəstəd sein Interesse für etwas commencer à s'intéresser interessarsi a qualcosa They became interested in vlogging because they genuinely enjoy what they do
in something ɪn ˌsʌmθɪŋ entdecken à qc. and they are just a little bit funnier and cooler than their audience.
bill 89 n bɪl Rechnung facture fattura For a typical smartphone, what would the monthly bill normally come to?
blog 88 n blɒɡ Blog blog blog A blog that uses video is called a vlog.
blogging 88 n ˈblɒɡɪŋ Bloggen blogging blogging, gestione di un ‘Vlogging’ is short for ‘video blogging’.
bored 89 adj bɔːd gelangweilt qui s'ennuie annoiato She got into vlogging because she was bored.
bright 89 adj braɪt intelligent brillant, intelligent brillante Successful vloggers like Charlie, Alex and Lex are bright and creative.
by chance 89 adv phr baɪ ˈtʃɑːns zufällig par hasard casualmente If you find one of their vlogs by chance and then decide to follow them, you are
helping to make them just a little more money.
choice of something 89 n ˈtʃɔɪs əv ˌsʌmθɪŋ Auswahl von etw. choix de qc. scelta di qualcosa Her success is based on her talent, but also her choice of topics that other
teenagers can relate to.
come to something 88 phr v ˈkʌm tə ˌsʌmθɪŋ kommen auf être qc. raggiungere qualcosa Without having a recording contract with a major music label, his first two
royalty cheques came to more than £100,000.
come up with 89 phr v ˌkʌm ˈʌp wɪð sich etwas ausdenken inventer qc. ideare qualcosa But she manages to come up with amusing and interesting vlogs.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
computer 89 n kəmˌpjuːtə Computertechnik technologie informatique tecnologia informatica Are you good at keeping up with new computer technology?
technology tekˈnɒlədʒi
conference 88 n ˈkɒnfərəns Konferenz conférence, congrès conferenza The first vlogger conference was held in New York in January 2005.
cover a topic 88 v phr ˌkʌvər ə ˈtɒpɪk ein Thema behandeln couvrir un sujet trattare un argomento His vlogs cover all sorts of topics, including ‘How to make tea’ and ‘How to speak
create 88 v kriˈeɪt erschaffen, kreieren créer creare Some vloggers use vlogging to advertise something they create.
creative 89 adj kriˈeɪtɪv kreativ créatif creativo Successful vloggers like Charlie, Alex and Lex are bright and creative.
direct something at 88 v dəˈrekt ˌsʌmθɪŋ ət etwas an jemanden s'adresser à qn. rivolgere qualcosa a Many vloggers direct their vlogs at a certain age group.
somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi richten qualcuno
discussion of 89 n dɪˈskʌʃən əv Diskussion über etwas discussion sur qc. discussione su qualcosa But then they became serious discussions of issues.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
earn 88 v ɜːn verdienen gagner guadagnare Vlogs with large numbers of subscribers can earn a lot of money from
earnings 89 n ˈɜːnɪŋz Einkommen revenus, gains stipendio Their earnings can total more than $100,000 a year!
expectations 89 n ˌekspekˈteɪʃənz Erwartungen attente, espérance aspettative Her university course did not live up to her expectations, so she vlogged about it.

feedback 89 n ˈfiːdbæk Reaktion réactions feedback, riscontro Vloggers interact with their audience – they ask them questions and they get
immediate feedback.
for fun 88 adv phr fə ˈfʌn zum Vergnügen pour le plaisir per divertimento He created his YouTube channel ‘Nerimon’ for fun.
genuinely 89 adv ˈdʒenjuɪnli echt, wahrhaftig sincèrement, vraiment veramente, genuinamente They became interested in vlogging because they genuinely enjoy what they do
and they are just a little bit funnier and cooler than their audience.
hard to imagine 89 adj phr ˌhɑːd tə ɪˈmædʒən schwer vorstellbar difficile d'imaginer difficile da immaginare It’s hard to imagine how she keeps up with her studies as she not only vlogs, but
you can also see her on Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook.

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hit single 88 n ˌhɪt ˈsɪŋɡəl Erfolgssingle le single à succès singolo di successo Alex’s hit single, ‘Forever Yours’, reached number four in the UK charts.
housemate 88 n ˈhaʊsmeɪt Mitbewohner/in colocataire coinquilino/-a McDonnell’s friend and housemate is twenty-five-year-old vlogger and talented
singer-songwriter Alex Day.
immediate 89 adj ɪˈmiːdiət unmittelbar, sofortig immédiat immediato Vloggers interact with their audience – they ask them questions and they get
immediate feedback.
interact with 89 v ˌɪntərˈækt wɪð sich mit jemandem interagir avec qn. interagire con qualcuno Vloggers interact with their audience.
somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi austauschen
Internet connection 88 n ˈɪntənet kəˌnekʃən Internetverbindung connexion internet connessione Internet You just need a webcam, an Internet connection and a few hours every day to
keep your vlog updated.
likely to do 89 adv ˌlaɪkli tə ˈduː wahrscheinlich etwas tun y avoir de fortes chances propensi a fare qualcosa If the viewers like the vloggers and their vlogs, they are more likely to share their
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ que videos.
live up to something 89 phr v ˌlɪv ˈʌp tə ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas erfüllen être à la hauteur de qc. essere all'altezza di Her university course did not live up to her expectations, so she vlogged about it.
look 89 v lʊk aussehen paraître sembrare Making good videos is not as easy as it looks.
make money 88 v phr ˌmeɪk ˈmʌni Geld verdienen gagner de l'argent fare soldi, guadagnare Charlie McDonnell made a lot of money from his vlogs.
marketing 88 n ˈmɑːkətɪŋ Marketingabteilung service marketing dipartimento di marketing He did not have the marketing department of a big company behind him, but
department dɪˌpɑːtmənt simply used social networking to publicise his music.
match somebody’s 89 v phr ˌmætʃ ˌsʌmbɒdiz jemandes Erwartungen être à la hauteur des soddisfare le aspettative di They have to work hard to match the expectations of their fans.
expectations ˌekspekˈteɪʃənz erfüllen attentes de qn. qualcuno
music label 88 n ˈmjuːzɪk ˌleɪbəl Musiklabel label de musique etichetta discografica Without having a recording contract with a major music label, his first two
royalty cheques came to more than £100,000.
publicise 88 v ˈpʌbləsaɪz promoten, bekannt promouvoir pubblicizzare Vloggers use social networking to publicise their vlogs.
relate to something 89 phr v rɪˈleɪt tə ˌsʌmθɪŋ nachvollziehen, se sentir proche de immedesimarsi in Her success is based on her talent, but also her choice of topics that other
nachempfinden qualcosa teenagers can relate to.
rise 88 n raɪz Aufstieg ascension aumento The band’s sudden rise to fame took everyone by surprise.
royalty 88 n ˈrɔɪəlti Honorar, Tantiemen royalties diritto d'autore, royalty Without having a recording contract with a major music label, his first two
royalty cheques came to more than £100,000.
songwriter 88 n ˈsɒŋˌraɪtə Songschreiber auteur-compositeur autore/autrice, McDonnell’s friend and housemate is twenty-five-year-old vlogger and talented
compositore/compositrice singer-songwriter Alex Day.

start out 89 phr v ˌstɑːt ˈaʊt anfangen débuter iniziare When she started out, her vlogs were autobiographical.
studies 89 n ˈstʌdiz Studium études studi It’s hard to imagine how she keeps up with her studies.
stuff 89 n stʌf Zeug choses, trucs cose, roba It’s easy to make a vlog, but the successful ones are successful because they
think of good stuff – very good stuff.
subscriber 88 n səbˈskraɪbə Abonnent/in abonné/e abbonato/-a Vlogs with large numbers of subscribers can earn a lot of money from
success 88 n səkˈses Erfolg succès successo His success is because of his musical talent alone.
successful 89 adj səkˈsesfəl erfolgreich prospère, qui a réussi di successo It’s easy to make a vlog, but the successful ones are successful because they
think of good stuff – very good stuff.
talented 88 adj ˈtæləntəd talentiert talentueux talentuoso McDonnell’s friend and housemate is twenty-five-year-old vlogger and talented
singer-songwriter Alex Day.
the more, … the 89 phr ðə ˈmɔː, … ðə je mehr …, desto mehr … plus … plus più..., più… If the viewers like the vloggers and their vlogs, they are more likely to share their
more … ˈmɔː … videos – the more shares a vlogger gets, the more money they will make from
think of something 89 v ˈθɪŋk əv ˌsʌmθɪŋ sich etwas ausdenken trouver, inventer qc. pensare a qualcosa, ideare It’s easy to make a vlog, but the successful ones are successful because they
think of good stuff – very good stuff.
total 89 v ˈtəʊtl sich summieren auf faire la somme de ammontare Their earnings can total more than $100,000 a year!

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update 88 v ʌpˈdeɪt aktualisieren mettre à jour aggiornare You just need a webcam, an Internet connection and a few hours every day to
keep your vlog updated.
upload 88 v ʌpˈləʊd hochladen télécharger, mettre en caricare He uploads songs and music videos and his single, ‘Forever Yours’, reached
ligne number four in the UK charts.
view 88 v vjuː abrufen, anschauen regarder visualizzare Since 2007 his videos have been viewed more than 250 million times.
viewer 88 n ˈvjuːə Zuschauer, Publikum spectateur/spectatrice pubblico Famous vloggers have a chance to meet their viewers.
vlog (1) 88 n vlɒɡ Vlog vlog vlog, videoblog The first vlog was posted by American Adam Kontras in 2000, but vlogging only
became popular after 2005, when YouTube was created.
vlog (2) 88 v vlɒɡ vloggen tenir un vlog vloggare Lex Croucher has changed the sort of thing she vlogs about.
YouTube channel 88 n ˈjuːtjuːb ˌtʃænl YouTube-Kanal chaîne YouTube canale YouTube He created his YouTube channel ‘Nerimon’ for fun.
7.5 Grammar
add 90 v æd hinzufügen ajouter aggiungere But she added that she hadn’t seen the other films yet.
be nominated for 90 v phr ˌbi ˈnɒmɪneɪtɪd fə für etwas nominiert sein être nominé pour essere candidato a We asked her if she was excited about being nominated for an Oscar.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ qualcosa
blow a kiss 90 v phr ˌbləʊ ə ˈkɪs eine Kusshand zuwerfen envoyer un baiser mandare un bacio Blow a kiss at the camera, please.
date 90 v deɪt mit jemandem zusammen sortir avec vedersi, uscire con Who are you dating?
sein / ausgehen

direct 90 v dəˈrekt Regie führen réaliser dirigere, curare la regia She told us she was writing a screenplay, but she hoped she would get the
chance to direct another film.
do an interview 90 v phr ˌduː ən ˈɪntəvjuː ein Interview geben réaliser un interview fare un'intervista Thanks for agreeing to do the interview.
end a relationship 90 v phr ˌend ə rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪp eine Beziehung beenden terminer une relation lasciarsi They asked her if her fiancé had ended their relationship.
excited about 90 adj ɪkˈsaɪtəd əˌbaʊt aufgeregt wegen etwas enthousiasmé par essere entusiasta di We asked her if she was excited about being nominated for an Oscar.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ qualcosa
fashion designer 90 n ˈfæʃən dɪˌzaɪnə Modedesigner/in créateur/créatrice de stilista Vivienne Westwood is a famous fashion designer who helped to shape the 1970s
mode British punk scene.
fiancé 90 n fiˈɒnseɪ Verlobter fiancé fidanzato/-a Why did you split up with your fiancé?
film director 90 n ˈfɪlm dəˌrektə Filmregisseur/in réalisateur/réalisatrice regista My favourite film director is Pedro Almodóvar.
have a good chance 90 v phr ˌhæv ə ˌɡʊd ˈtʃɑːns eine gute Chance haben zu avoir de bonnes chances avere buone possibilità di She told us that she was proud of her film and thought she had a good chance
of something əv ˌsʌmθɪŋ de qualcosa of winning.

help yourself to 90 v phr ˈhelp jɔːˌself tə sich selbst bedienen se servir servirsi, prendere qualcosa Please, help yourself to tea or coffee.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
movie business 90 n phr ˈmuːvi ˌbɪznəs Filmgeschäft industrie industria cinematografica She has been in the movie business for ten years.
photo session 90 n ˈfəʊtəʊ ˌseʃən Fototermin séance photo servizio fotografico Don’t leave before the photo session.
private life 90 n phr ˌpraɪvət ˈlaɪf Privatleben vie privée vita privata We asked her who she was dating, but she asked us not to ask her about her
private life.
proud of something 90 adj ˈpraʊd əv ˌsʌmθɪŋ stolz auf etwas fier de orgoglioso di qualcosa She told us that she was proud of her film.

put on weight 90 v phr ˌpʊt ɒn ˈweɪt zunehmen prendre du poids ingrassare He’s put on weight recently.
screenplay 90 n ˈskriːnpleɪ Drehbuch scénario copione She told us she was writing a screenplay, but she hoped she would get the
chance to direct another film.
split up with 90 phr v ˌsplɪt ˈʌp wɪð sich von jemandem rompre avec qn. lasciarsi con qualcuno Why did you split up with your fiancé?
somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi trennen
7.6 Speaking
Art 91 n ɑːt Kunst art arte Do you mind if we film our Art class today, please?

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ask for permission 91 v phr ˌɑːsk fə pəˌmɪʃən tə um Erlaubnis für etwas demander à qn. la chiedere il permesso di You must ask your teachers politely for permission to film their classes during
to do something ˈduː ˌsʌmθɪŋ fragen permission de faire qc. fare qualcosa the day.
battery 91 n ˈbætəri Batterie pile batteria I’m sorry but the battery is flat.
bother 91 v ˈbɒðə stören déranger disturbare OK, sorry to bother you, sir.
change your seat 91 v phr ˌtʃeɪndʒ jə ˈsiːt den Platz wechseln changer de siège cambiare di posto She made a polite request to change her seat.
copy 91 n ˈkɒpi Exemplar exemplaire copia All students must sign a copy of the document attached.
flat 91 adj flæt schwach, niedrig déchargé scarico I’m sorry but the battery is flat.
go ahead 91 phr v ˌɡəʊ əˈhed nur zu! allez-y! / vas-y! fai pure! ‘Do you mind if we film our Art class today, please?’ ‘No, not at all, go ahead.’

I’m afraid 91 phr ˌaɪm əˈfreɪd ich fürchte, leider J'en ai bien peur temo che, purtroppo Well, I’d like to help, but I’m afraid I’ve got meetings all day.
make a request 91 v phr ˌmeɪk ə rɪˈkwest anfragen soumettre une demande richiedere They have made an urgent request for international aid.
mind 91 v maɪnd etwas dagegen haben déranger qn si qn. fait qc. dispiacersi Do you mind if we film our Art class today, please?

polite 91 adj pəˈlaɪt höflich poli cortese She made a polite request to change her seat.
see 91 v siː sehen voir vedere ‘We were wondering if we could leave early.’ ‘Sure, I don’t see why not.’
sign 91 v saɪn unterschreiben signer firmare All students must sign a copy of the document attached.
suppose 91 v səˈpəʊz vermuten supposer que presumere Well, OK, I suppose so.
tidy something up 91 phr v ˌtaɪdi ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈʌp etwas putzen, mettre qc. en ordre riordinare I’ll go and tidy up the classroom then.
7.7 Writing
article 92 n ˈɑːtɪkəl Artikel article articolo Send us an article reviewing a festival that you attended this season and
suggesting improvements for next year.
beat 92 n biːt Beat rythme ritmo This year, the music was brilliant; from the beats of the Chemical Brothers to the
punk rock of Vampire Weekend.
crowd 92 n kraʊd Menge foule folla The sun was shining on the colourful tents and a DJ had already begun to
entertain the crowd.
day out 93 n phr deɪ aʊt Tagesausflug excursion, journée passée gita di un giorno If you’re looking for a fantastic day out, come to next year’s Charity Fun Day.
disappointed 92 adj ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntəd enttäuscht déçu deluso You won’t be disappointed.
fabulous 92 adj ˈfæbjələs fabelhaft fabuleux favoloso The air was filled with the fabulous smells of Thai, Indian, Mexican and many
other world cuisines.
festival-goer 92 n ˈfestəvəl ˌɡəʊə Festivalbesucher/in festivalier/festivalière frequentatore/frequentatri As all festival-goers know, dancing makes you extremely hungry.
ce di festival
fill 92 v fɪl erfüllen, voll sein mit s'emplir riempire The air was filled with the fabulous smells of Thai, Indian, Mexican and many
other world cuisines.
hold an event 93 v phr ˌhəʊld ən ɪˈvent eine Veranstaltung organiser un événement organizzare un evento What changes would you suggest for the next time the event is held?
homemade 93 adj ˌhəʊmˈmeɪd hausgemacht fait maison fatto in casa I’d recommend the delicious homemade ice cream.
publish 92 v ˈpʌblɪʃ veröffentlichen publier pubblicare The best article will be published on our website.
punk rock 92 n ˌpʌŋk ˈrɒk Punkrock punk rock punk rock This year, the music was brilliant; from the beats of the Chemical Brothers to the
punk rock of Vampire Weekend.
queue 92 v kjuː Schlange stehen faire la queue fare la fila We arrived early, but as we queued to get in, we could already hear the music
and smell the food.
review (1) 92 n rɪˈvjuː Kritik critique recensione Ray published a review of the festival we had been to together.
review (2) 92 v rɪˈvjuː eine Kritik schreiben über faire la critique de recensire Send us an article reviewing a festival that you attended this season and
suggesting improvements for next year.

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rubbish 92 n ˈrʌbɪʃ Müll ordures, déchets rifiuti My friends and I, and the other lucky festival-goers at this year’s Silverfest
festival, drank 25,000 bottles of water, created nearly two tonnes of rubbish and
raised £20,000 for charity.
rubbish bin 92 n ˈrʌbɪʃ bɪn Mülleimer, -tonne poubelle bidone della spazzatura The only thing I’d suggest changing next year is the number of rubbish bins.

sight and sound 92 n phr ˌsaɪt ənd ˈsaʊnd Anblick und Klang la vue et le bruit la vista e il suono I’ll never forget the sight and sound of 10,000 happy people with their arms in
the air.
smell (1) 92 n smel Duft, Geruch odeur odore The air was filled with the fabulous smells of Thai, Indian, Mexican and many
other world cuisines.
smell (2) 92 v smel riechen sentir odorare, sentire l'odore di We arrived early, but as we queued to get in, we could already hear the music
and smell the food.
sound 92 n saʊnd Sound, Klang son sound, suono We’re trying to develop a harder, funkier sound.
suggest doing 92 v phr səˌdʒest ˈduːɪŋ vorschlagen etwas zu tun conseiller de faire qc. suggerire di fare qualcosa The only thing I’d suggest changing next year is the number of rubbish bins.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
taste (1) 93 v teɪst schmecken goûter avere gusto, sapere The food tasted better than it looked.
taste (2) 92 v teɪst probieren, kosten sentir assaggiare It was like nothing I’d ever tasted before.
the best bit 93 n phr ðə ˈbest bɪt das Beste le meilleur, le mieux il/la migliore There were some terrible singers in the competition – that was the best bit!
twice as many 92 adj phr ˌtwaɪs əz ˈmeni doppelt so viele deux fois plus de due volte tanto There should be twice as many rubbish bins.
Focus Review 7
associate 94 v əˈsəʊʃieɪt assoziieren associer qc. avec qc. associare Most viewers still associate reality TV with the highly popular shows from the
1990s and early 2000s, such as ‘Big Brother’ and ‘Survivor’.
behaviour 94 n bɪˈheɪvjə Verhalten comportement comportamento I’m going to install a camera to observe my cat’s behaviour at night.
cable television 94 n ˈkeɪbəl ˈteləˌvɪʒən Kabelfernsehen télévision par câble TV via cavo It cost me fifty pounds to have cable television installed in my apartment.

carnival 95 n ˈkɑːnəvəl Karneval carnaval carnevale I participated in the carnival as a performer.

connected to 94 adj kəˈnektəd tə verbunden mit connecté à connesso a qualcosa Most British homes have at least three different devices connected to the
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ Internet (TV, laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.).
couple 94 n ˈkʌpəl Paar couple coppia Thousands of Americans got addicted to the show and watched the couple end
their relationship and ask for a divorce.
crowd 95 n kraʊd Menschenmenge foule folla I would like to avoid the crowds and noise of the carnival.
divorce 94 n dəˈvɔːs Scheidung divorce divorzio Thousands of Americans got addicted to the show and watched the couple end
their relationship and ask for a divorce.
dress up 95 phr v ˌdres ˈʌp scich verkleiden se déguiser travestirsi My little daughter enjoys dressing up.
get addicted to 94 v phr ɡet əˈdɪktəd tə süchtig werden nach devenir accro de qc. appassionarsi a qualcosa Thousands of Americans got addicted to the show and watched the couple end
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas their relationship and ask for a divorce.
groundbreaking 94 adj ˈɡraʊndˌbreɪkɪŋ bahnbrechend révolutionnaire, novateur rivoluzionario More than forty years ago, it was a groundbreaking programme.

highly popular 94 adj phr ˌhaɪli ˈpɒpjələ höchst beliebt extrêmement populaire molto popolare Most viewers still associate reality TV with the highly popular shows from the
1990s and early 2000s, such as ‘Big Brother’ and ‘Survivor’.
influential 94 adj ˌɪnfluˈenʃəl einflussreich influent influente One of the most influential programmes of this type was ‘An American Family’.

install 94 v ɪnˈstɔːl installieren, aufbauen installer installare I’m going to install a camera to observe my cat’s behaviour at night.
invention 94 n ɪnˈvenʃən Erfindung invention invenzione For many people reality television seems to be a modern invention.
magazine 95 n ˌmæɡəˈziːn Magazin, Zeitschrift magazine rivista Send us your review and you could see it in the magazine and win £500!
observe 94 v əbˈzɜːv beobachten observer osservare I’m going to install a camera to observe my cat’s behaviour at night.
on a deeper level 94 ɒn ə ˌdiːpə ˈlevəl noch stärker à un niveau plus profond a un livello più profondo The show managed to engage the audience’s emotions on a deeper level when
the parents decided to split up.
on stage 95 adv phr ˌɒn ˈsteɪdʒ auf der Bühne sur scène sul palco What instruments do bands often play on stage?

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ordinary 94 adj ˈɔːdənəri normal ordinaire normale The very first programmes showing ordinary people in unscripted situations
were broadcast in the 1940s and they’ve been with us ever since.

participate in 95 v pɑːˈtɪsəpeɪt ɪn an etwas teilnehmen prendre part à qc. partecipare a qualcosa I participated in the carnival as a performer.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
phenomenon 94 n fɪˈnɒmənən Phänomen phénomène fenomeno Reality TV is not a new phenomenon at all.
reply 94 v rɪˈplaɪ antworten répondre rispondere Joan replied that they were going to have a rehearsal there.
take photos 94 v phr ˌteɪk ˈfəʊtəʊz Fotos machen prendre des photos fotografare I saw a man taking photos of our back garden, so I asked him if he had asked for
unscripted 94 adj ˌʌnˈskrɪptəd nicht von einem Drehbuch improvisé, spontané fuori copione, spontaneo The very first programmes showing ordinary people in unscripted situations
festgelegt were broadcast in the 1940s and they’ve been with us ever since.

Use of English 7
go back WS 14 phr v ˌɡəʊ ˈbæk zurückgehen retourner andare indietro It seems that there are some lovely gardens near the theatre, so we’re going
back to explore the area tomorrow.
lovely WS 14 adj ˈlʌvli wunderbar joli, charmant carino It seems that there are some lovely gardens near the theatre, so we’re going
back to explore the area tomorrow.
main character WS 14 n phr ˌmeɪn ˈkærəktə Hauptdarsteller protagoniste protagonista The series has been very successful because of the excellent script and the very
good acting of the main characters.
outdoor WS 14 adj ˌaʊtˈdɔː im Freien dehors all'aperto It’s an outdoor theatre on the coast and the audience has a brilliant view of the
sea behind the actors.
search for WS 14 v ˈsɜːtʃ fə ˌsʌmbɒdi jemanden suchen chercher qn. cercare qualcuno The eight episodes show the parents’ search for Olly when he disappears and
somebody also over the following six years.
set WS 14 v set untergehen se coucher tramontare I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the sun setting across the water during the
performance. It was stunning.
thriller WS 14 n ˈθrɪlə Thriller thriller, film à suspense thriller The popular thriller series ‘The Missing’ finished last night after eight weeks.

tragedy WS 14 n ˈtrædʒədi Tragödie tragédie tragedia The story is about normal people who suddenly experience a terrible tragedy.

view of something WS 14 n phr ˈvjuː əv ˌsʌmθɪŋ Blick auf etwas vue sur qc. vista di qualcosa It’s an outdoor theatre on the coast and the audience has a brilliant view of the
sea behind the actors.
Word in Focus: in
career in something WS 15 n phr kəˈrɪə ɪn ˌsʌmθɪŋ Karriere in carrière dans qc. carriera in qualcosa I’m dreaming about a career in vlogging.

come in WS 15 phr v ˌkʌm ˈɪn hereinkommen entrer entrare Please, come in and make yourself at home.
in (1) WS 15 prep ɪn in à a, in Sandra’s not in school today.
in (2) WS 15 prep ɪn im Jahr en in My mother was born in 1966.
in (3) WS 15 prep ɪn in dans in He’s been in the movie business for ten years.
in fact WS 15 adv phr ˌɪn ˈfækt tatsächlich, in der Tat en fait infatti In fact, some people can be absolutely awful.
interested in WS 15 adj ˈɪntrəstəd ɪn sich interessieren für s'interesser à interessato a qualcosa What are you interested in?
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
join in WS 15 phr v ˌdʒɔɪn ˈɪn sich anschließen, einfallen rejoindre unirsi a He laughed loudly, and Mattie joined in.

Unit 8 Good citizens

8.1 Vocabulary
appreciate 97 v əˈpriːʃieɪt zu schätzen wissen, être reconnaissant pour, apprezzare Thanks ever so much for your help, I really appreciate it.
dankbar sein être sensible à

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appreciation 96 n əˌpriːʃiˈeɪʃən Wertschätzung, reconnaissance apprezzamento To show their appreciation, Sarah Darling and her husband collected money for
Dankbarkeit Harris.
arrive 96 v əˈraɪv kommen venir arrivare The story went viral online and donations arrived from all over the world.
attract 97 v əˈtrækt anziehen attirer attirare l'attenzione The photo went viral and attracted 500,000 likes and 200,000 shares.
barefoot 97 adv ˈbeəfʊt barfuß pieds nus scalzo He walked barefoot across the sand.
be reunited with 96 v phr bi ˌriːjuːˌnaɪtɪd wɪð mit seiner Familie wieder retrouver sa famille ricongiungersi con la He has part-time employment, has been reunited with his family and has a new
your family jə ˈfæməli vereint sein famiglia friendship with the Darlings.
beg 96 v beɡ betteln mendier elemosinare Homeless Billy Ray Harris was begging on the streets of Kansas City.
beggar 97 n ˈbeɡə Bettler/in mendiant/e mendicante There are many beggars on the streets of New York.
citizen 96 n ˈsɪtəzən (Mit-)Bürger/in citoyen/ne cittadino/-a At the time, there were over 2000 British citizens living in Iraq.
coin 96 n kɔɪn Münze pièce de monnaie moneta Sarah Darling walked past and dropped some coins into the beggar’s collection
collect 96 v kəˈlekt sammeln collecter, recueillir collezionare To show their appreciation, Sarah Darling and her husband collected money for
commit 96 v kəˈmɪt vollbringen, begehen faire, commettre compiere Go on, commit a random act of kindness and make someone’s day!
courage 96 n ˈkʌrɪdʒ Mut courage coraggio Sue showed great courage throughout her illness.
courageous 96 adj kəˈreɪdʒəs mutig courageux coraggioso He was wrong, and courageous enough to admit it.
cruel 97 adj ˈkruːəl grausam cruel crudele I hate people who are cruel to animals.
cruelty 97 n ˈkruːəlti Grausamkeit cruauté crudeltà The officer was shocked by the people’s cruelty and stupidity.
disaster 96 n dɪˈzɑːstə Katastrophe catastrophe catastrofe, sciagura The news is often full of tragedy and disaster.
do a good deed 97 v phr ˌduː ə ˌɡʊd ˈdiːd eine gute Tat vollbringen compiere una buona She took a photo of the officer doing a good deed and sent it to the New York
azione City Police Department.
drop 96 v drɒp werfen, fallen lassen laisser, donner lasciar cadere Sarah Darling walked past and dropped some coins into the beggar’s collection
employ 97 v ɪmˈplɔɪ beschäftigen employer dare impiego The factory employs over 2000 people.
employment 96 n ɪmˈplɔɪmənt Anstellung travail lavoro He has part-time employment, has been reunited with his family and has a new
friendship with the Darlings.
get engaged 97 v ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ sich verloben se fiancer fidanzarsi ufficialmente She is engaged to be married.
engagement 96 n ɪnˈɡeɪdʒmənt Verlobung fiançailles fidanzamento ufficiale Their engagement was announced in the paper.
enthusiasm 96 n ɪnˈθjuːziæzəm Begeisterung entousiasme entusiasmo We went along to the local diving club, full of enthusiasm.
enthusiastic 96 adj ɪnˌθjuːziˈæstɪk begeistert enthousiaste entusiasta All the staff are enthusiastic about the project.
feel hopeful 96 v phr ˌfiːl ˈhəʊpfəl Hoffnung verspüren être plein d'espoir essere fiducioso Sarah went back to find Harris, not feeling very hopeful.
final total 96 n phr ˌfaɪnəl ˈtəʊtl Endsumme résultat final, total final somma totale The final total was $185,000.
freezing cold 97 adj phr ˌfriːzɪŋ ˈkəʊld eiskalt froid glacial gelido It was freezing cold that night, and the officer decided to help the man out.
from all over the 96 adv phr frəm ˌɔːl ˌəʊvə ðə aus der ganzen Welt de tous les coins du da tutto il mondo The story went viral online and donations arrived from all over the world.
world ˈwɜːld monde
help somebody out 97 phr v ˌhelp ˌsʌmbɒdi ˈaʊt jmd. helfen, unter die apporter son aide à qn. aiutare qualcuno It was freezing cold that night, and the officer decided to help the man out.
Arme greifen
helpful 97 adj ˈhelpfəl hilfreich utile utile Thank you for your advice; it’s been very helpful.
helpfulness 97 n ˈhelpfəlnəs Hilfsbereitschaft serviabilité, obligeance disponibilità Another police officer was in the neighbourhood that night and she was
impressed by the officer’s kindness and helpfulness.
homeless 96 adj ˈhəʊmləs Obdachlos sans abri senzatetto Homeless Billy Ray Harris was begging on the streets of Kansas City.
honourable 96 adj ˈɒnərəbəl ehrenwert honorable onorato Harris was an honourable man and he kept the ring in case the woman
human quality 96 n phr ˌhuman ˈkwɒləti menschliche Eigenschaft qualité humaine qualità umana Which three human qualities do you value most?
in case 96 phr ˌɪn ˈkeɪs für den Fall, dass au cas où casomai, in caso di Harris was an honourable man and he kept the ring in case the woman
jeweller 96 n ˈdʒuːələ Juwelier joailler gioielliere/-a A jeweller had offered Harris $4,000 for the ring.

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keep 96 v kiːp behalten garder conservare Harris was an honourable man and he kept the ring in case the woman
laugh at somebody 97 phr v ˈlɑːf ət ˌsʌmbɒdi lachen über, auslachen se moquer de qn. prendere in giro qualcuno, Some people were laughing at a homeless man because he had no shoes on.
deridere qualcuno

loyal 96 adj ˈlɔɪəl loyal loyal fedele The army has remained loyal to the government.
loyalty 96 n ˈlɔɪəlti Loyalität loyauté fedeltà Elizabeth understood her husband’s loyalty to his sister.
make somebody’s 96 v phr ˌmeɪk ˌsʌmbɒdiz jemandem einen rendre qn. heureux rendere migliore la Go on, commit a random act of kindness and make someone’s day!
day ˈdeɪ Glückstag bescheren giornata di qualcuno
materialistic 97 adj məˌtɪəriəˈlɪstɪk materialistisch matérialiste materialista I don’t support the materialistic values of the American society.
pair of boots 97 n phr ˌpeər əv ˈbuːts Paar Stiefel paire de bottes paio di stivali He asked the man for his shoe size and went into a store where he bought a pair
of boots.
part-time 96 adj ˌpɑːt ˈtaɪm Teilzeit… à temps partiel part-time He has part-time employment, has been reunited with his family and has a new
friendship with the Darlings.
police officer 97 n pəˈliːs ˌɒfəsə Polizeibeamte/r policier, officier de police agente di polizia Another police officer was in the neighbourhood that night and she was
impressed by the officer’s kindness and helpfulness.
put a smile on 96 v phr ˌpʊt ə ˈsmaɪl ˌɒn jemandem ein Lächeln ins faire qn. sourire donare un sorriso a These true stories will warm your heart and put a smile on your face.
somebody’s face ˌsʌmbɒdiz feɪs Gesicht zaubern qualcuno
random 96 adj ˈrændəm beliebig aléatoire casuale We looked at a random sample of 120 families.
realise 96 v ˈrɪəlaɪz realisieren, merken se rendre compte accorgersi The next day she realised that her diamond engagement ring had dropped into
the cup with the coins.
return 96 v rɪˈtɜːn zurückgeben rendre qc. restituire But she was surprised when he remembered her and returned the ring.
sensitive 97 adj ˈsensətɪv sensibel, einfühlsam sensible sensibile They put it on their Facebook page to show that police officers can be sensitive
and sympathetic.
shelter 97 n ˈʃeltə Obdach abri riparo Homeless people need food, shelter and kindness.
shocked by 97 adj ˈʃɒkt baɪ ˌsʌmθɪŋ über etwas schockiert choqué par qc. scioccato da qualcosa The officer was shocked by the people’s cruelty and stupidity.
shoe size 97 n ˈʃuː saɪz Schuhgröße pointure numero di scarpe He asked the man for his shoe size and went into a store where he bought a pair
of boots.
show your 96 v phr ˌʃəʊ jər əˌpriːʃiˈeɪʃən seiner exprimer sa mostrare il proprio To show their appreciation, Sarah Darling and her husband collected money for
appreciation Dankbarkeit/Wertschätzun reconnaissance apprezzamento Harris.
g Ausdruck verleihen
sleep rough 96 v phr ˌsliːp ˈrʌf auf der Straße schlafen dormir dans la rue dormire sotto i ponti, No one knows the exact number of people who sleep rough in the streets of
all'aperto London.
stressful 97 adj ˈstresfəl stressig, anstrengend stressant stressante Moving to a new house is a very stressful experience.
sum of money 97 n phr ˌsʌm əv ˈmʌni Geldsumme somme d'argent somma di denaro I send a regular sum of money to charity.
surprised 96 adj səˈpraɪzd überrascht étonné sorpreso But she was surprised when he remembered her and returned the ring.
sympathetic 97 adj ˌsɪmpəˈθetɪk mitfühlend compatissant empatico They put it on their Facebook page to show that police officers can be sensitive
and sympathetic.
the blind 96 n ðə ˈblaɪnd die Blinden les aveugles i non vedenti The actor has also recorded a few talking books for the blind.
the deaf 96 n ðə ˈdef die Tauben les sourds i non udenti I teach English in a school for the deaf.
tragedy 96 n ˈtrædʒədi Tragödie tragédie tragedia The news is often full of tragedy and disaster.
value 97 v ˈvæljuː wertschätzen attacher de l'importance à valutare, stimare Which three human qualities do you value most?

walk past 96 phr v ˌwɔːk ˈpɑːst vorbeigehen passer devant passare davanti Sarah Darling walked past and dropped some coins into the beggar’s collection
warm somebody’s 96 v phr ˌwɔːm ˌsʌmbɒdiz jemandem das Herz réchauffer le coeur de qn. riscaldare il cuore di These true stories will warm your heart and put a smile on your face.
heart ˈhɑːt erwärmen qualcuno

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8.2 Grammar
abolish 98 v əˈbɒlɪʃ abschaffen abolir abolire In the UK, the death penalty was abolished by the government in 1998.
arrest 98 v əˈrest festnehmen arrêter arrestare Police are investigating the robbery but nobody has been arrested yet.
attempted escape 98 n phr əˌtemptɪd ɪˈskeɪp Fluchtversuch tentative de fuite tentativo di fuga The attempted escape in 1962 will probably be remembered as the most
famous one.
body 98 n ˈbɒdi Körper, Leichnam corps corpo The three men may have drowned, but their bodies have never been discovered.

case 98 n keɪs Fall cas caso The case will be kept open until the 100th birthday of the three men.
cell 98 n sel Zelle cellule cella Frank Morris and the Anglin brothers dug a tunnel out of their cells and then
commit a crime 98 v phr kəˌmɪt ə ˈkraɪm ein Verbrechen begehen commettre un délit commettere un crimine 500,000 crimes in the UK are committed by ex-prisoners.
death penalty 98 n ˈdeθ ˌpenlti Todesstrafe peine capitale pena di morte In the UK, the death penalty was abolished by the government in 1998.
dig 98 v dɪɡ graben creuser scavare Frank Morris and the Anglin brothers dug a tunnel out of their cells and then
drown 98 v draʊn ertrinken se noyer annegare The three men may have drowned, but their bodies have never been discovered.

elect 98 v ɪˈlekt wählen élire, voter pour eleggere After a total of twenty-seven years in prison, Mandela was elected as the first
black president of South Africa.
escape (1) 98 n ɪˈskeɪp Flucht évasion, fuite fuga After the escape, a stolen car was found.
escape (2) 98 v ɪˈskeɪp fliehen s'enfuir fuggire Police believe the stolen car could have been used by the three men to escape.

escape attempt 98 n phr ɪˈskeɪp əˌtempt Fluchtversuch tentative de fuite tentativo di fuga Alcatraz was a prison from 1934 to 1963 and during that time there were just
fourteen escape attempts.
go clubbing 98 v phr ˌɡəʊ ˈklʌbɪŋ in die Disco gehen sortir en boîte andare in discoteca, Last time Tina went clubbing, her phone was stolen.
frequentare locali notturni

handwriting 98 n ˈhændˌraɪtɪŋ Handschrift écriture calligrafia Over the years, several postcards in the men’s handwriting have been sent to
their families.
hold 98 v həʊld abhalten organiser, avoir lieu tenere A press conference will be held tomorrow.
imprison 98 v ɪmˈprɪzən inhaftieren mettre en prison imprigionare Nelson Mandela was imprisoned there for eighteen years.
investigate 98 v ɪnˈvestəɡeɪt untersuchen, ermitteln enquêter investigare Police are investigating the robbery but nobody has been arrested yet.
judge 98 n dʒʌdʒ Richter juge giudice Each year in the USA, around 100 prisoners are sentenced to death by judges.

keep a case open 98 v phr ˌkiːp ə ˌkeɪs ˈəʊpən einen Fall nicht laisser un dossier ouvert tenere aperto il caso The case will be kept open until the 100th birthday of the three men.
lock 98 v lɒk einsperren enfermer rinchiudere The prisoners are locked in their cells at 9 p.m. every night.
look back 98 phr v ˌlʊk ˈbæk sich umblicken, regarder en arrière voltarsi, guardare indietro John looked back. He thought he was being followed.
murder 98 n ˈmɜːdə Mord meurtre omicidio Around ten percent of murders in the USA are committed by women.
murderer 98 n ˈmɜːdərə Mörder/in meurtrier/meurtrière omicida On average, murderers are released from UK prisons by the authorities after
sixteen years.
on average 98 adv phr ˌɒn ˈævərɪdʒ im Durchschnitt en moyenne in media On average, murderers are released from UK prisons by the authorities after
sixteen years.
penguin colony 98 n phr ˈpeŋɡwən ˌkɒləni Pinguinkolonie colonie de manchots colonia di pinguini There is a large African penguin colony there now
press conference 98 n ˈpres ˌkɒnfərəns Pressekonferenz conférence de presse conferenza stampa A press conference will be held tomorrow.
prison 98 n ˈprɪzən Gefängnis prison prigione From the seventeenth to the twentieth century, the island was used as a prison.

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prisoner 98 n ˈprɪzənə Gefängnisinsasse/-insassin prisonnier/prisonnière prigioniero/-a During World War II, prisoners were sent to Robben Island.

promote 98 v prəˈməʊt bewerben promouvoir promuovere, pubblicizzare At the moment Robben Island is being promoted as a popular tourist attraction.

question 98 v ˈkwestʃən verhören questionner interrogare As I’m writing this, three suspects are being questioned.
recreation park 98 n ˌrekriˈeɪʃən pɑːk Freizeitpark/Erholungspark parc récréatif parco ricreativo Today, Alcatraz island is used as a recreation park.

release somebody 98 v phr rɪˌliːs ˌsʌmbɒdi jemanden aus dem faire qn. sortir de prison rilasciare qualcuno dal On average, murderers are released from UK prisons by the authorities after
from prison frəm ˈprɪzən Gefängnis entlassen carcere sixteen years.
robbery 98 n ˈrɒbəri Raub vol furto Police are investigating the robbery but nobody has been arrested yet.
sentence somebody 98 v phr ˌsentəns ˌsʌmbɒdi jemanden zum Tode condamner qn. à mort condannare a morte Each year in the USA, around 100 prisoners are sentenced to death by judges.
to death tə ˈdeθ verurteilen qualcuno

tourist attraction 98 n ˈtʊərəst əˌtrækʃən Touristenattraktion attraction touristique attrazione turistica At the moment Robben Island is being promoted as a popular tourist attraction.

tunnel 98 n ˈtʌnl Tunnel tunnel tunnel Frank Morris and the Anglin brothers dug a tunnel out of their cells and then
World War II 98 n ˌwɜːld wɔː ˈtuː der Zweite Weltkrieg Deuxième Guerre Seconda guerra mondiale During World War II, prisoners were sent to Robben Island, but at that time it
mondiale was also being used as a hospital.
8.3 Listening
attend lessons 99 v phr əˌtend ˈlesənz Unterricht besuchen suivre des cours frequentare i corsi Young offenders are paid if they attend lessons in prison.
behave badly 99 v phr bɪˌheɪv ˈbædli sich nicht korrekt se comporter mal comportarsi male When they behave badly, young offenders are not allowed to watch television.
break the law 99 v phr ˌbreɪk ðə ˈlɔː das Gesetz brechen violer la loi violare la legge Should teenagers always go to prison if they break the law?
break the rules 99 v phr ˌbreɪk ðə ˈruːlz die Regeln nicht einhalten enfreindre les règles infrangere le regole Many drivers break the new rules regarding speed limits.

criminal damage 99 n ˌkrɪmənəl ˈdæmɪdʒ Sachbeschädigung dommages occasionnées danno criminale The most common crimes are theft, violence and criminal damage.
par la criminalité

damage (1) 99 n ˈdæmɪdʒ Beschädigung dommage danno The most common crimes are theft, violence and criminal damage
damage (2) 99 v ˈdæmɪdʒ beschädigen endommager danneggiare One of Daniel’s friends damaged a few cars in order to go back to prison.
educate 99 v ˈedjʊkeɪt erziehen, ausbilden éduquer, donner une istruire, educare The government are planning to educate young offenders more effectively.
éducation à
exclude somebody 99 v phr ɪkˌskluːd ˌsʌmbɒdi jemanden aus der Schule exclure de l'école espellere qualcuno da Eighty-eight percent of young offenders have been excluded from school.
from school frəm ˈskuːl ausschließen scuola

in order to 99 phr ɪn ˈɔːdə tə um zu pour affinché One of Daniel’s friends damaged a few cars in order to go back to prison.
investigation 99 n ɪnˌvestɪˈɡeɪʃən Ermittlung enquête indagine The investigation continued for nearly three years.
keep somebody in 99 v phr ˌkiːp ˌsʌmbɒdi ɪn jemanden inhaftieren garder qn. en prison tenere qualcuno in It costs over £100,000 a year to keep a young offender in prison.
prison ˈprɪzən prigione
lock somebody up 99 phr v ˌlɒk ˌsʌmbɒdi ˈʌp jemanden einsperren emprisonner qn. rinchiudere qualcuno Young offenders are locked up in their cells during the night.
make a fool of 99 v phr ˌmeɪk ə ˈfuːl əv jemanden zum Narren se moquer de qn. prendere in giro qualcuno, I suddenly realised that I was being made a fool of.
somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi halten deridere qualcuno

make an example of 99 v phr ˌmeɪk ən an jemandem ein Exempel faire un exemple de qn. punire qualcuno in modo The judge wanted to make an example of the offender, so she gave him the
somebody ɪɡˈzɑːmpəl əv statuieren esemplare highest possible sentence.

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make somebody 99 phr v ˌmeɪk ˌsʌmbɒdi jemanden zu etwas faire qc. de qn. trasformare qualcuno in It’s the best way to make young offenders into better citizens.
into something ˈɪntə ˌsʌmθɪŋ machen qualcun altro
offender 99 n əˈfendə Straftäter délinquant criminale A ‘young offender’ can be anybody aged 10–17 (12–17 in Scotland) who commits
a crime.
offer somebody a 99 v phr ˌɒfə ˌsʌmbɒdi ə jemandem einen Job offrir un emploi à qn. offrire un lavoro a They offered him a very good job, but he turned it down.
job ˈdʒɒb anbieten qualcuno
offer somebody a 99 v phr ˌɒfə ˌsʌmbɒdi ə eine Belohnung aussetzen offrir une récompense à offrire una ricompensa a A reward of $20,000 has been offered.
reward rɪˈwɔːd qn. qualcuno
punish 99 v ˈpʌnɪʃ bestrafen punir punire Some people think young offenders should be punished more.
release somebody 99 v phr rɪˌliːs ˌsʌmbɒdi jemanden aus dem obtenir son congé de rilasciare qualcuno He was released from the hospital yesterday.
from hospital frəm ˈhɒspɪtl Krankenhaus entlassen l'hôpital dall'ospedale
return somebody to 99 v phr rɪˌtɜːn ˌsʌmbɒdi tə jemanden wieder ins être de nouveau rispedire qualcuno in Should young offenders be returned to prison if they commit another crime?
prison ˈprɪzən Gefängnis stecken emprisonné carcere
send somebody to 99 v phr ˌsend ˌsʌmbɒdi tə jemanden ins Gefängnis envoyer en prison spedire qualcuno in Each year, over 3,000 young offenders are sent to young offenders’ prisons.
prison ˈprɪzən stecken carcere
sentence (1) 99 n ˈsentəns Strafe, Strafmaß peine condanna, sentenza The average sentence is three months.
sentence (2) 99 v ˈsentəns verurteilen condamner condannare Should young offenders be sentenced to a longer time in prison?
theft 99 n θeft Diebstahl vol furto The most common crimes are theft, violence and criminal damage.
violence 99 n ˈvaɪələns Gewalttätigkeit violence violenza The most common crimes are theft, violence and criminal damage.
within 99 prep wɪðˈɪn innerhalb dans entro Nearly seventy-five percent of young offenders commit another crime within
twelve months of leaving prison.
young offender 99 n phr ˌjʌŋ əˈfendə jugendlicher Straftäter jeune contrevenant giovane delinquente A ‘young offender’ can be anybody aged 10–17 (12–17 in Scotland) who commits
a crime.
8.4 Reading
bakery 101 n ˈbeɪkəri Bäckerei boulangerie panetteria Uncle Terry operates the slicing machines in a bakery.
behave 100 v bɪˈheɪv sich verhalten se comporter comportarsi Most people would run away from such a scene, but Christopher does not
behave like most people.
blockage 101 n ˈblɒkɪdʒ Blockade, Verstopfung obstruction, bouchon blocco And sometimes the slicer is not working fast enough, but the bread keeps
coming and there is a blockage.
curious 100 adj ˈkjʊəriəs seltsam, merkwürdig curieux, étrange strano It’s curious that she left without saying goodbye.
deal with somebody 100 phr v ˈdiːl wɪð ˌsʌmbɒdi mit jemandem umgehen s'occuper de qn. relazionarsi con qualcuno He is extremely good at Maths and has a logical way of looking at the world
around him, but he sometimes finds it difficult to deal with other people.

different from 101 adj ˈdɪfərənt frəm anders als etwas différent de qc. diverso da qualcos'altro Christopher’s way of seeing the world is different from most people.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
garden fork 100 n ˌɡɑːdn ˈfɔːk Forke fourche à bêcher forca The story begins one night. Christopher finds his neighbour’s dog dead in her
front garden, with a garden fork sticking out of it.
go on 101 phr v ˌɡəʊ ˈɒn vor sich gehen se passer succedere It’s not easy to explain to other people what is going on inside my mind.
good at something 100 adj ˈɡʊd ət ˌsʌmθɪŋ gut in etwas bon en bravo in qualcosa He is extremely good at Maths and has a logical way of looking at the world
around him.
groan 101 v ɡrəʊn stöhnen, ächzen grogner lamentarsi, gemere Christopher made the noise that his father calls ‘groaning’.
halfway between 101 adv phr ˌhɑːfˌweɪ bɪˈtwiːn in der Mitte zwischen à mi-chemin entre qc. a metà strada tra qualcosa He held the radio against his ear and he tuned it halfway between two stations.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas
happen to 100 v ˈhæpən tə geschehen mit jemandem arriver à qn. succedere a qualcuno What has happened to the neighbour’s dog?
somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi
hit 100 v hɪt schlagen frapper picchiare, colpire Did Christopher hit the policeman because he didn’t like him?
in the middle of 101 adv phr ɪn ðə ˈmɪdl əv in der Mitte von etwas au milieu de qc. in mezzo a, al centro di The policewoman had a little hole in her tights on her left ankle and a red
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ qualcosa scratch in the middle of the hole.

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incident 100 n ˈɪnsədənt Vorfall incident incidente A spokesman said it was an isolated incident.
lawn 101 n lɔːn Rasen pelouse prato I rolled back onto the lawn and pressed my forehead to the ground into the
grass again and made the noise that Father calls groaning.
leaf (plural: leaves) 101 n liːf/liːvz Blatt feuille foglia The policeman had a big orange leaf stuck to the bottom of his shoe which was
poking out from one side.
lift somebody onto 101 v phr ˌlɪft ˌsʌmbɒdi ˌɒntə jemandem auf die Beine aider qn. à se remettre sur aiutare qualcuno a The policeman took hold of my arm and lifted me onto my feet.
their feet ðə ˈfiːt helfen les pieds rimettersi in piedi
lift 101 v lɪft heben, anheben soulever sollevare, alzare I lifted my head off the grass.
logical 100 adj ˈlɒdʒəkəl logisch logique logico Christopher is extremely good at Maths and has a logical way of looking at the
world around him.
make a noise 101 v phr ˌmeɪk ə ˈnɔɪz Lärm machen faire du bruit fare rumore Christopher makes a noise when he is stressed.
make a point 101 v phr ˌmeɪk ə ˈpɔɪnt Wert legen auf accorder de la valeur à qc. ritenere doveroso He made a point of spending Saturdays with his children.

make an excuse 101 v phr ˌmeɪk ən ˈɪkˈskjuːs Ausreden vorbringen fournir des prétextes trovare una giustificazione Fay’s always making excuses for her husband’s odd behavior.

make somebody 101 v phr ˌmeɪk ˌsʌmbɒdi jemanden verärgern fâcher qn. far arrabbiare qualcuno Jesse laughed, which made me even angrier.
angry ˈæŋɡri
make somebody 101 v phr ˌmeɪk ˌsʌmbɒdi jemanden glücklich faire plaisir à qn. rendere felice qualcuno I loved her and thought I could make her happy.
happy ˈhæpi machen
make something 101 v phr ˌmeɪk ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas leichter machen faciliter qc. rendere più facile qualcosa Christopher describes his mind as a machine to make it easier to explain.
easier ˈiːziə
make something 101 v phr ˌmeɪk ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas schwieriger machen rendre plus difficile rendere più difficile If you start crying, it’ll make it even harder.
harder ˈhɑːdə qualcosa
make something 101 v phr ˌmeɪk ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas interessanter rendre qc. plus intéressant rendere più interessante The extra challenge made the competition even more interesting.
more interesting ˌmɔːr ˈɪntrəstɪŋ machen qualcosa
mind 101 n maɪnd Verstand esprit, tête mente I sometimes think of my mind as a machine.
narrator 100 n nəˈreɪtə Erzähler/in narrateur/narratrice narratore/narratrice The main character and the narrator of ‘The Curious Incident of the Dog in the
Night-Time’ is Christopher Boone, a fifteen-year-old boy.
owner 100 n ˈəʊnə Besitzer propriétaire proprietario/-a When the dog’s owner, Mrs Shears, sees Christopher with the dog in his arms,
she screams and tells him to put the dog down.
poke out 101 phr v ˌpəʊk ˈaʊt herausragen, sortir, poindre, dépasser spuntare fuori The policeman had a big orange leaf stuck to the bottom of his shoe which was
herausschauen poking out from one side.
precisely 100 adv prɪˈsaɪsli genau précisément precisamente ‘And what, precisely, were you doing in the garden?’ he asked.
properly 100 adv ˈprɒpəli richtig, korrekt correctement correttamente I like policemen too and I wanted to answer the question properly.
put something 100 phr v ˌpʊt ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈdaʊn herunterlassen lâcher mettere giù, posare When the dog’s owner, Mrs Shears, sees Christopher with the dog in his arms,
down qualcosa she screams and tells him to put the dog down.
put your arms 101 v phr ˌpʊt jər ˈɑːmz seine Arme um jemanden prendre qn. dans les bras abbracciare qualcuno The policewoman put her arms round Mrs Shears and led her back towards the
round somebody ˌraʊnd ˌsʌmbɒdi legen house.
put your hands over 100 v phr ˌpʊt jə ˌhændz seine Ohren mit den couvrir ses oreilles avec coprirsi le orecchie con le Why does Christopher put his hands over his ears?
your ears ˌəʊvə jər ˈɪəz Händen bedecken ses mains mani
react to something 100 v riˈækt tə ˌsʌmθɪŋ auf etwas reagieren réagir à qc. reagire a qualcosa Christopher has a unique and sometimes surprising way of reacting to events.

roll 101 v rəʊl sich rollen roule rotolarsi I rolled back onto the lawn and pressed my forehead to the ground into the
grass again and made the noise that Father calls groaning.
scream 100 v skriːm kreischen, schreien crier urlare When the dog’s owner, Mrs Shears, sees Christopher with the dog in his arms,
she screams and tells him to put the dog down.
sit up 101 phr v ˌsɪt ˈʌp sich aufsetzen se redresser mettersi a sedere da I sat up and said, ‘The dog is dead.’

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slicing machine 101 n ˈslaɪsɪŋ məˌʃiːn Schneidemaschine machine à trancher affettatrice Uncle Terry operates the slicing machines in a bakery.
squat down beside 101 phr v ˌskɒwt ˈdaʊn sich neben jemanden s'acroupir près de qn. accovacciarsi accanto a I squatted down beside my little sister because she was crying.
somebody bɪˌsaɪd ˌsʌmbɒdi hocken qualcuno
stack up 101 phr v ˌstæk ˈʌp sich stapeln empiler ammassare They were stacking up in my head like loaves in the factory where Uncle Terry
station 101 n ˈsteɪʃən (Radio-)Sender station de radio stazione radio He held the radio against his ear and he tuned it halfway between two stations.

take hold of 101 v phr ˌteɪk ˌhəʊld əv jemanden am Arm packen serrer très fort le bras de afferrare qualcuno per il The policeman took hold of my arm and lifted me onto my feet.
somebody’s arm ˌsʌmbɒdiz ˈɑːm qn. braccio
take somebody in 100 v phr ˌteɪk ˌsʌmbɒdi ɪn jemanden in die Arme prendre qn. dans ses bras prendere qualcuno in He goes into the neighbour’s garden and takes the dead dog in his arms.
your arms jər ˈɑːmz nehmen braccio
tell lies 100 v phr ˌtel ˈlaɪz Lügen erzählen, lügen raconter des mensonges mentire Dogs do not tell lies because they cannot talk.
tell somebody to do 100 v phr ˌtel ˌsʌmbɒdi tə jemandem sagen, dass er dire à qn. de faire qc. dire a qualcuno di fare When the dog’s owner, Mrs Shears, sees Christopher with the dog in his arms,
something ˈduː ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas tun soll qualcosa she screams and tells him to put the dog down.
tune a radio 101 v phr ˌtjuːn ə ˈreɪdiəʊ einen Radiosender régler la radio sintonizzare la radio He held the radio against his ear and he tuned it halfway between two stations.
turn up the volume 101 v phr tɜːn ˌʌp ðə ˈvɒljuːm die Lautstärke erhöhen, hausser le volume alzare il volume When he turned the volume right up, he couldn’t hear anything else.
lauter machen
unique 100 adj juːˈniːk einzigartig unique unico Christopher has a unique and sometimes surprising way of reacting to events.

way of doing 100 v phr ˌweɪ əv ˈduːɪŋ eine Art, etwas zu tun manière de faire qc. modo di fare qualcosa He is extremely good at Maths and has a logical way of looking at the world
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ around him.
white noise 101 n ˌwaɪt ˈnɔɪz Rauschen bruit blanc rumore bianco When you tune a radio halfway between two stations, all you get is white noise.

8.5 Grammar
builder 102 n ˈbɪldə Bauarbeiter ouvrier, maçon costruttore/costruttrice A builder has been building a bigger wall.
burglar alarm 102 n ˈbɜːɡlər əˌlɑːm Diebstahlalarm alarme anti-intrusion antifurto A security firm is going to install a new burglar alarm.
burglary 102 n ˈbɜːɡləri Einbruch cambriolage furto con scasso According to statistics, the highest number of burglaries happen to detached
carpenter 102 n ˈkɑːpəntə Zimmermann menuisier carpentiere/-a A carpenter changed all our locks.
charge your phone 102 v phr ˌtʃɑːdʒ jə ˈfəʊn das Telefon aufladen recharger votre portable mettere in carica il Don’t forget to charge your phone before the trip.
decorator 102 n ˈdekəreɪtə Maler, Dekorateur peintre, décorateur decoratore/decoratrice, A decorator has just painted the front door.
detached house 102 n dɪˌtætʃt ˈhaʊs freistehendes Haus maison individuelle villetta A detached house is not joined to another building.
electrician 102 n ɪˌlekˈtrɪʃən Elektriker/in électricien/ne elettricista An electrician is putting in new security lights.
fit 102 v fɪt montieren installer installare, montare A carpenter fitted a new door.
front door 102 n ˌfrʌnt ˈdɔː Haustür porte d'entrée ingresso principale A decorator has just painted the front door.
gate 102 n ɡeɪt Tor, Gartentor portail cancello After the burglary they had a sign about their dog put on the gate.
halfway 102 adv ˌhɑːfˈweɪ in der Mitte à mi-chemin a metà strada According to statistics, the highest number of burglaries happen to detached
houses halfway down a street with a purple door and the number eighty-eight!

have a passport 102 v phr ˌhæv ə ˈpɑːspɔːt ein Passfoto machen faire faire une photo farsi fare una fototessera I need to have a passport photo taken.
photo taken ˌfəʊtəʊ ˌteɪkən lassen format passeport
have a tooth taken 102 v phr ˌhæv ə ˈtuːθ einen Zahn ziehen lassen se faire arracher une dent farsi estrarre un dente I’m going to have a tooth taken out the next time I go to the dentist.
out ˌteɪkən aʊt
have the locks 102 v phr ˌhæv ðə ˈlɒks die Schlösser austauschen faire changer les serrures far cambiare le serrature After the burglary they had the locks changed.
changed ˌtʃeɪndʒd lassen

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have your car 102 v phr ˌhæv jə ˈkɑː ˌsɜːvəst das Auto zur Inspektion faire entretenir sa voiture far revisionare l'auto My mother has her car serviced every year.
serviced bringen
have your ears 102 v phr ˌhæv jər ˈɪəz ˌpɪəst sich Ohrlöcher stechen se faire percer les oreilles farsi il buco alle orecchie I’ve never had my ears pierced.
pierced lassen
have your eyes 102 v phr ˌhæv jər ˈaɪz ˌtestɪd einen Sehtest machen faire le test de vision sottoporsi a un esame I had my eyes tested yesterday and I found out that I have to wear glasses.
tested lassen della vista
have your hair 102 v phr ˌhæv jə ˈheə ˌkʌləd sich die Haare färben se faire teindre les farsi fare la tintura I’d like to have my hair coloured.
coloured lassen cheveux
have your hair cut 102 v phr ˌhæv jə ˈheə kʌt sich die Haare schneiden se faire couper les cheveux farsi tagliare i capelli Why don’t you have your hair cut for the summer?
house number 102 n ˈhaʊs ˌnʌmbə Hausnummer numéro de maison numero civico Judy and Mike are going to have the house number changed.
in the countryside 102 adv phr ˌɪn ðə ˈkʌntrisaɪd auf dem Land dans la campagne in campagna I envy people who live in the countryside.
install 102 v ɪnˈstɔːl einbauen, installieren installer installare, montare A security firm is going to install a new burglar alarm.
paint 102 v peɪnt streichen peindre pitturare, verniciare Judy and Mike have had the door painted green.
put something in 102 phr v ˌpʊt ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈɪn etwas einbauen insérer qc., mettre qc. inserire, montare An electrician is putting in new security lights.
redecorate 102 v riːˈdekəreɪt neu streichen repeindre ridipingere We had our house redecorated last year.
security lights 102 n phr sɪˈkjʊərəti laɪts Sicherheitsbeleuchtung lumières de sécurité luci di sicurezza An electrician is putting in new security lights.
semi-detached 102 n ˌsemi dɪˌtætʃt ˈhaʊs Doppelhaushälfte maison jumelée villetta bifamiliare A semi-detached house is joined to another house on one side.
sign 102 n saɪn Zeichen signe segno After the burglary they had a sign about their dog put on the gate.
statistics 102 n stəˈtɪstɪks Statistiken statistique statistiche According to statistics, the highest number of burglaries happen to detached
terraced house 102 n ˈterəst haʊs Reihenhaus maison mitoyenne casa a schiera A terraced house is part of a row of houses that are joined together.
8.6 Speaking
advantage of 103 n phr ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ əv Vorteil von etwas avantage, bénéfice de vantaggio di qualcosa The main advantage of voluntary work is that you can really feel you’re helping
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ someone.
advantage to 103 n phr ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ tə Vorteile von etwas avantage de qc. vantaggio nel fare There are a lot of advantages to doing voluntary work.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ qualcosa
be somebody’s thing 103 v phr ˌbi ˌsʌmbɒdiz ˈθɪŋ jemandes Ding sein être le truc de qn. (non) fare per qualcuno Teaching isn’t my thing at all.

call on somebody 103 phr v ˈkɔːl ɒn ˌsʌmbɒdi bei jemandem passer voir qn. fare un salto da qualcuno Promise to call on an elderly person two or three times a week.
dependent on 103 adj dɪˈpendənt ɒn abhängig von jemandem dépendre de qn. dipendente da qualcuno Another disadvantage of voluntary work is that you don’t earn money, so you are
somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi still dependent on your parents for everything.
disadvantage 103 n ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒ Nachteil inconvénient svantaggio One of the main disadvantages is that it’s really time-consuming.
do voluntary work 103 v phr ˌduː ˌvɒləntəri Freiwilligenarbeit leisten travailler bénévolement fare volontariato If you do voluntary work, you will understand the problems that exist in society.
drawback 103 n ˈdrɔːbæk Nachteil inconvénient, désavantage svantaggio I agree that there are a lot of advantages to doing voluntary work, but I think
there are drawbacks too.
earn money 103 v phr ˌɜːn ˈmʌni Geld verdienen gagner de l'argent guadagnare Another disadvantage of voluntary work is that you don’t earn money, so you are
still dependent on your parents for everything.
elderly 103 adj ˈeldəli älter âgé anziano/-a Elderly people are often lonely.
fortunate 103 adj ˈfɔːtʃənət vom Glück begünstigt chanceux fortunato One benefit is that it makes people think about other people who are less
fortunate than they are.
independent from 103 adj ˌɪndəˈpendənt unabhängig von indépendant de qn. indipendente da qualcuno We should learn to be independent from our parents as soon as possible.
somebody frəm ˌsʌmbɒdi jemandem

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only child 103 n ˌəʊnli ˈtʃaɪld Einzelkind enfant unique figlio/-a unico/-a I was an only child, and I always envied my friends who had brothers and sisters.

patient 103 adj ˈpeɪʃənt geduldig patient paziente If you’re patient, you can help younger students with school subjects.
sale 103 n seɪl Verkauf vente vendita You can organise a sale: second-hand clothes, cakes or books, to raise money for
second-hand 103 n phr ˌsekəndˌhænd gebrauchte Kleidung vêtements de seconde vestiti di seconda mano You can organise a sale: second-hand clothes, cakes or books, to raise money for
clothes ˈkləʊðz main charity.
selfish 103 adj ˈselfɪʃ egoistisch égoïste egoista Another benefit of doing voluntary work is that you become a better person –
less selfish and more generous.
single-sex school 103 n ˌsɪŋɡəl ˌseks ˈskuːl Mädchen- / Jungenschule école unisexe scuola maschile/femminile My sister’s school is a single-sex school – there are no boys.

society 103 n səˈsaɪəti Gesellschaft société società If you do voluntary work, you will understand the problems that exist in society.

stop somebody 103 v phr ˌstɒp ˌsʌmbɒdi jemanden davon abhalten, empêcher qn. de faire qc. impedire a qualcuno di Voluntary work could stop you helping your own family or friends, or take time
doing something ˈduːɪŋ ˌsʌmθɪŋ etwas zu tun fare qualcosa away from your studies.
take up 103 phr v ˌteɪk ˈʌp in Anspruch nehmen prendre, demander occupare, prendere One of the disadvantages of voluntary work is that it can take up a lot of time.

the elderly 103 n ði ˈeldəli die älteren Menschen les personnes âgées gli anziani Help the elderly in your community.
8.7 Writing
as far as I am 104 adv phr əz ˌfɑːr əz ˈaɪ əm was mich betrifft à mon avis per quanto mi riguarda, a Next, as far as I am concerned, most young people are not lazy.
concerned kənˌsɜːnd mio avviso
aware of something 105 adj əˈweər əv ˌsʌmθɪŋ sich einer Sache bewusst conscient de qc. consapevole di qualcosa Most young people are aware of the importance of being a good citizen.
have no idea 104 v phr ˌhæv ˌnəʊ aɪˈdɪə keine Ahnung haben n'avoir aucune idée non avere idea We live in a nation of lazy, Internet-addicted young people who have no idea
how to really enjoy life.
importance 105 n ɪmˈpɔːtəns Notwendigkeit importance importanza Most young people are aware of the importance of being a good citizen.
in my view 104 adv phr ˌɪn ˈmaɪ vjuː aus meiner Sicht à mon avis dal mio punto di vista In my view, these comments are incorrect and unfair.
in summary 104 adv phr ˌɪn ˈsʌməri zusammengefasst en résumé riassumendo, in sintesi In summary, I do not think the politician who made these comments
understands today’s young people.
influence 105 n ˈɪnfluəns Einfluss influence influenza There is no doubt that the influence of TV and films is immense.
Internet-addicted 104 adj ˈɪntənet əˌdɪktəd internetsüchtig accro d'internet dipendente da Internet We live in a nation of lazy, Internet-addicted young people who have no idea
how to really enjoy life.
lastly 104 adv ˈlɑːstli zuguterletzt, schließlich enfin infine Lastly, it seems to me that the majority of young people do enjoy life.
make the most of 104 v phr ˌmeɪk ðə ˈməʊst əv das Beste aus etwas profiter de qc. trarre il meglio da Moreover, plenty of these activities involve spending time with friends and
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ machen qualcosa making the most of our beautiful country.
manners 105 n ˈmænəz Umgangsformen manières maniere In my English class we have been talking about politeness and manners.
minority 105 n maɪˈnɒrəti Minderheit minorité maggioranza Only a minority of people support these new laws.
moreover 104 adv mɔːrˈəʊvə darüberhinaus de plus inoltre Moreover, plenty of these activities involve spending time with friends and
making the most of our beautiful country.
of no interest 104 adj phr əv ˌnəʊ ˈɪntrəst nicht von Interesse ne pas être intéressant di nessun interesse If something isn’t available in a three-minute YouTube video or can’t be liked on
Facebook, then it is of no interest to anyone under the age of eighteen.

opinion of 104 n əˈpɪnjən əv Meinung zu etwas opinion sur qc. opinione su qualcosa What is your opinion of the politician’s comments?
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
plenty of 104 det ˈplenti əv viele beaucoup de, plein de molto, tanto Moreover, plenty of these activities involve spending time with friends and
making the most of our beautiful country.
politeness 105 n pəˈlaɪtnəs Höflichkeit politesse buone maniere, cortesia In my English class we have been talking about politeness and manners.
put another way 104 adv phr ˌpʊt əˈnʌðə weɪ anders ausgedrückt en d'autres termes in altre parole Put another way, we are too busy to be lazy.

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simple pleasures 104 n phr ˌsɪmpəl ˈpleʒəz einfache Freuden des plaisirs simples semplici piaceri Today’s teenagers have forgotten the simple pleasures of life such as
conversation with friends and family, and time spent outdoors in our beautiful
spend time 104 v phr ˌspend ˌtaɪm Zeit draußen verbringen passer du temps à trascorrere del tempo Today’s teenagers have forgotten the simple pleasures of life such as
outdoors ˌaʊtˈdɔːz l'extérieur all'aperto conversation with friends and family, and time spent outdoors in our beautiful
to begin with 104 adv phr tə bɪˈɡɪn wɪð zuallererst tout d'abord anzitutto To begin with, I would like to point out that not all young people are addicted to
the Internet.
well-mannered 105 adj ˌwel ˈmænəd gute Umgangsformen bien élevé beneducato My parents taught me to be well-mannered.
youngster 104 n ˈjʌŋstə junge Leute jeune i giovani Many youngsters communicate and share interests online, but most of us do not
spend all our free time there.
Focus Review 8
adopt 107 v əˈdɒpt adoptieren adopter adottare When they are strong and healthy, they are adopted by loving families.
burglar alarm 106 n ˈbɜːɡlər əˌlɑːm Alarmanlage alarme anti-intrusion antifurto My uncle decided to install a burglar alarm in his shop after had been robbed
burgle a house 107 v phr ˌbɜːɡəl ə ˈhaʊs in ein Haus einbrechen cambrioler une maison svaligiare casa What is the right thing to do when you suspect your house has been burgled?

change 106 n tʃeɪndʒ Kleingeld monnaie spiccioli, monete A beggar asked me for spare change.
city monitoring 107 n phr ˌsɪti ˈmɒnɪtərɪŋ Überwachungssytem in système de surveillance de sistema di monitoraggio Do you think that a city monitoring system would make your town or city a safer
system ˌsɪstəm der Stadt la ville della città place to live?
collect money 107 v phr kəˌlekt ˈmʌni Geld sammeln recueillir de l'argent raccogliere denaro The money that is collected will be used to pay for medical treatment that some
families cannot afford.
community service 107 n kəˈmjuːnəti ˌsɜːvəs gemeinnützige Arbeit travaux d'intérêt général servizio civile Our school has a long history of community service that we are very proud of.

continue a tradition 107 v phr kənˌtɪnjuː ə eine Tradition fortsetzen perpétuer une tradition continuare una tradizione Let’s continue that fine tradition on Sunday.
deserve 107 v dɪˈzɜːv verdienen mériter meritare All dogs deserve love.
develop a good 107 v phr dɪˌveləp ə ˌɡʊd ein gutes Verhältnis zu établir de bonnes relations costruire un buon How can you develop a good relationship with your neighbours?
relationship with rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪp wɪð jemandem entwickeln avec qn. rapporto con qualcuno
somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi
disappearance 106 n ˌdɪsəˈpɪərəns Verschwinden disparition scomparsa A private detective is investigating the disappearance of the princess.
do a good deed 106 v phr ˌduː ə ˌɡʊd ˈdiːd eine gute Tat tun faire une bonne action compiere una buona They do so because it’s a fun and easy way of doing a good deed.
each other’s 107 n phr ˌiːtʃ ˌʌðəz ˈkʌmpəni die Gesellschaft des se retrouver compagnia reciproca It’s where they can meet to enjoy each other’s company and never feel lonely.
company anderen
fine 107 adj faɪn schön, gut beau bello, buono Let’s continue that fine tradition on Sunday.
follow somebody’s 106 v phr ˌfɒləʊ ˌsʌmbɒdiz jemandes Rat befolgen suivre le conseil de qn. seguire il consiglio di I follow my dentist’s advice and I have my teeth checked twice a year.
advice ədˈvaɪs qualcuno
give generously 107 v phr ˌɡɪv ˈdʒenərəsli großzügig spenden donner généreusement dare, donare con If you are unable to run, please give generously to those who are going to
generosità compete.
go along 107 phr v ˌɡəʊ əˈlɒŋ mitgehen suivre, être d'accord avec andare avanti For such a worthy cause, go along and support the Youth Club as they support
our senior citizens.
impress 106 v ɪmˈpres beeindrucken impressionner impressionare The lawyer’s speech has impressed the jury.
jumper 106 n ˈdʒʌmpə Pullover pull pullover Almost everyone in the UK has got a Christmas jumper.
jury 106 n ˈdʒʊəri die Geschworenen jury, jurés giuria The lawyer’s speech has impressed the jury.
lawyer 106 n ˈlɔːjə Rechtsanwalt/-anwältin avocat/e avvocato/avvocatessa The lawyer’s speech has impressed the jury.

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make a fool of 106 v phr ˌmeɪk ə ˈfuːl əv sich lächerlich machen se ridiculiser rendersi ridicolo I’m sorry I behaved badly yesterday – I made a fool of myself!
yourself jɔːˌself
mechanic 106 n mɪˈkænɪk Mechaniker/in mécanicien/ne meccanico/-a John is going to have his car serviced by a mechanic.
member of the 107 n phr ˌmembər əv ðə Mitglied der Gemeinschaft membre de la membro della comunità The club has been welcoming elderly members of the community for over fifty
community kəˈmjuːnəti communauté years.
pay the rent 106 v phr ˌpeɪ ðə ˈrent die Miete zahlen payer le loyer pagare l'affitto When I was a student and I couldn’t pay the rent, my parents helped me out a
few times by sending some money.
political prisoner 106 n phr pəˌlɪtɪkəl ˈprɪzənə politischer Gefangener prisonnier politique prigioniero/-a politico/-a The government will release five political prisoners.
press conference 106 n ˈpres ˌkɒnfərəns Pressekonferenz conférence de presse conferenza stampa Journalists from all major TV stations are going to attend the president’s press
conference tomorrow.
prison guard 106 n ˈprɪzən ɡɑːd Gefängniswärter guardien de prison guardia carceraria A prison guard took John to his new cell.
private detective 106 n ˌpraɪvət dɪˈtektɪv Privatdetektiv détective privé investigatore/investigatrice A private detective is investigating the disappearance of the princess.
protect something 107 v prəˈtekt ˌsʌmθɪŋ jemanden vor etwas protéger qc. de qc. proteggere qualcosa da How can you protect your home from theft?
from something frəm ˌsʌmθɪŋ schützen qualcuno
regarding 106 prep rɪˈɡɑːdɪŋ hinsichtlich à propos de relativo a Many drivers break the new rules regarding speed limits.
rob 106 v rɒb rauben cambrioler derubare My uncle decided to install a burglar alarm in his shop after it had been robbed
running shoes 107 n ˈrʌnɪŋ ʃuːz Laufschuhe chaussures de course scarpe da corsa Next Sunday put your running shoes on and help raise money for children with
serious illnesses.
save 106 v seɪv retten sauver salvare The idea is that people should wear a special Christmas jumper on this day and
donate at least £1 to Save the Children, the charity organising the event.

security alarm 107 n phr sɪˈkjʊərəti əˌlɑːm Einbruchalarm alarme de sécurité allarme di sicurezza Is it a good idea to put in security alarms and cameras in your home?
security camera 107 n phr sɪˈkjʊərəti ˌkæmərə Bewachungskamera caméra de sécurité telecamera di sicurezza Is it a good idea to put in security alarms and cameras in your home?

spare 106 adj speə Rest…, übrig de rechange d'avanzo, in più A beggar asked me for spare change.
speech 106 n spiːtʃ Rede discours, speech discorso The lawyer’s speech has impressed the jury.
suffer cruelty 107 v phr ˌsʌfə ˈkruːəlti grausame Erlebnisse endurer des souffrances soffrire crudeltà Some have been found injured or have been abandoned by their owners, some
haben have suffered cruelty.
tend to do 106 v phr ˌtend tə ˈduː dazu neigen, etwas zu tun avoir tendance à faire qc. tendere a fare qualcosa On average, women tend to donate more money to charities than men.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
valuable 107 adj ˈvæljuəbəl wertvoll de valeur prezioso Always hide your valuable things when you’re out.
vet 107 n vet Tierarzt vétérinaire veterinario/-a At our place we provide the dogs with food and our experienced vets look after
any medical issues.
victim 106 n ˈvɪktəm Opfer victime vittima When the police officer interviewed him, the man claimed that he had never
seen the victim.
well-mannered 106 adj ˌwel ˈmænəd mit guten Manieren bien élevé beneducato Jenny is a very well-mannered young lady – she always knows how to behave.

worth every penny 107 adj phr ˌwɜːθ ˌevri ˈpeni jeden Cent wert valoir son prix vale ogni centesimo At only £10 a ticket for a great show, it’s worth every penny.
worthy cause 107 n phr ˌwɜːði ˈkɔːz wichtiges Anliegen grande cause degna causa For such a worthy cause, go along and support the Youth Club as they support
our senior citizens.
Use of English 8
agree to do WS 16 v phr əˌɡriː tə ˈduː einverstanden sein, etwas accepter de faire qc. acconsentire a qualcosa Dave agreed to help with the police search.
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ zu tun
bring somebody WS 16 v phr ˌbrɪŋ ˌsʌmbɒdi jemanden rassembler qn. riunire, mettere insieme They would like to bring crime professional and students together to talk about
together təˈɡeðə zusammenbringen the problem.
burgle WS 16 v ˈbɜːɡəl einbrechen bei jmd. cambrioler derubare We’ve been burgled three times.

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corridor WS 16 n ˈkɒrədɔː Gang, Korridor couloir, corridor corridoio The school had new security cameras put up in the corridors.
electrician WS 16 n ɪˌlekˈtrɪʃən Elektriker/in électricien/ne elettricista The school paid electricians to put up new security cameras in the corridors.

help with something WS 16 v ˈhelp wɪð ˌsʌmθɪŋ bei etwas helfen aider qn. à faire qc. dare una mano per/con Dave agreed to help with the police search.
in particular WS 16 adv phr ˌɪn pəˈtɪkjələ insbesondere en particulier in particolare In particular, they want students’ advice about how to stop young people from
becoming criminals.
increase in WS 16 n ˈɪŋkriːs ɪn ˌsʌmθɪŋ Zunahme von augmentation de qc. aumento di qualcosa People have reported more burglaries in the last year than ever before and
something there has also been an increase in fights using knives.
police search WS 16 n pəˈliːs sɜːtʃ polizeiliche Suche enquête policière, ricerca della polizia, Dave agreed to help with the police search.
recherche policière perquisizione
regret WS 16 v rɪˈɡret bedauern regretter rimpiangere I didn’t lock the door when I went out and now I regret it.
rise WS 16 v raɪz zunehmen augmenter aumentare Everyone who lives in Moorston knows that crime is rising quickly in the area.

sign up WS 16 phr v phr ˌsaɪn ˈʌp sich anmelden s'inscrire registrarsi So, if anyone would like to join the project and come to the series of discussions,
please go online and sign up.
Word in Focus: good
good (1) WS 17 adj ɡʊd gut bon buono Your English is very good.
good (2) WS 17 adj ɡʊd schön bon piacevole Did you have a good holiday?
good luck! WS 17 phr ˌɡʊd ˈlʌk viel Glück! bonne chance! buona fortuna! Good luck in this enormous project you are undertaking.
good news WS 17 n phr ˌɡʊd ˈnjuːz gute Nachrichten bonnes nouvelles la buona notizia The good news is that tomorrow will be fine and sunny.
look good WS 17 v phr ˌlʊk ˈɡʊd gut aussehen être joli avere un bell'aspetto You look really good in this blue suit.
seem good WS 17 v phr ˌsiːm ˈɡʊd gut zu sein scheinen sembler être bon sembrare buono This solution seems quite good.
smell good WS 17 v phr ˌsmel ˈɡʊd gut riechen sentir bon avere un buon odore Mm! Something smells good!
sound good WS 17 v phr ˌsaʊnd ˈɡʊd gut klingen résonner bien, sembler suonare bene Jordan’s idea sounds good to me.

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