Cyberpunk 2020 - Net - Rules - Interlock Psionics by Michael Straus

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Michael L Straus

The following optional rules fore the Interlock © Role Playing

System from R.Talsorian games is based on ideas that appeared Psionics are the powers of the mind. The ability to effect reality
in Mekton Empire, from R.Talsorian Games. Mekton Plus, from with but a thought, not everyone can call upon this power and
R.Talsorian Games. Nights Edge, from Ianus games. Cyber even less can sue it wisely. It is a fine and dangerous road to
Generation, from R.Talsorian Games. walk, to be a Psy
In additition many of these abilities are based on original ideas
created by Mathew Keating, Sean Marshal and myself. Also one 2:The "Psychic Control" Stat: If you allow an individual to
can not put a psionic system to print with out tiping a hat to Star have Psionic powers then you must give them a new stat to add
wars and the ideas of the Force by George Lucas. to their other stats. This new stat is known as Psionic Control or
PC and is the characters raw ability to control his Psychic
Psionics, Powers of the Mind. Telepathy, Telekinesis, the Force, powers. Like all other stats in Interlock the player will roll 1d10
the Flow, the Way, Chi. These are all names for the ability to use and place that number in his PC stat.
the powers of your mind to effect reality around you, while
magic is drawn from an external source. Psionics are drawn from When using a Psychic ability he will roll 1d10 and add that
your own mind and it's unfathomed abilities. The average human Number to his PC stat plus his Rank with the Psychic power he
uses only 10 - 15 % of the potential of his brain, what wonders is using.
wait us when we learn to harness the rest of this amazing mussel.
3: How many skills: A starting Psychic character has Ten (10)
The Interlock© Role Playing System is perhaps one of the best Ranks he can assign to any psychic ability. he could take One (1)
RPG system son the market, sadly it's true potential has never power at rank Ten (10) or Ten powers at rank One (1) or Two
been met and although Mekton and Cyber Punk are two great (2) at Rank Five (5) or divide it any way he see's fit. As long as
games. Interlock has the capability to be used in other genres. It
is truly a generic system waiting to be taped. This articil will he only has no more and no less then a total of Ten
discuss the rules for creating and using psychic powers in your ranks to begin with.
interlock game. telepathy in Cyber Punk. Telekinesis in Mekton.
Why not? And that's only the beginning. As play progresses he may learn new Psychic powers or increase
his Ranks in his Psy Skills through experience.
it is no mystery to fans of this game that Interlock is heavily
influenced by Japanese Animation and the Oriental culture in 4: Range: The range for all psychic powers unless the
general. While there are many schools of thought regarding description of the power says otherwise is Line of sight.
Psychic powers, we will be using one that is very ANIME in
nature. Akira, Psi Mu Gundam, Tokyo Babylon, Lens Man. 5: Duration: Unless the description of the power in question
These are some of the role models that we used in creating this says otherwise then the duration of a Psychic ability is as long as
system. you are concentrating on it. If you are using a psychic power
then that pretty much takes up all your attention and to attempt
The following is an addition to the existing Psionic rules as they to do anything else would be made at a Difficulty Modifier of
appear in Mekton Z. I have added several new ability to better +12
show all the verity of ways the Psionics can appear.
6: Targets: Most Psychic abilities only effect One (1) target at a
time. For every additional target you wish to effect you must
spend an additional Three (3) Ki over and above the total Ki cost
Rules and notes. of the power.
1: What are Psionics : While magic is the ability to tap in to an
external source of power and manipulate it for desired results, 7:Drain and Recovery: Each Psychic individual draws his
Psionics are the ability to tap in to an internal source of energy Psychic energy from his own untapped energy potential. What is
and use it to attain desired results. Magic is more broad and known in Martial Arts and Anime as KI.
flashy, while Psionics are more refined and specialized.
We only use 10% to 15% of our potential brain energy. There is
A starting Psychic will have an amount of Ki equal to his
so much possibility that we as a people have yet to tap, but what
EMPATHY plus his COOL plus 1d10. This total may be
of those that can ?
increased through the course of play if the GM so desires ( like
History and the media is filled with stories of individuals who
after you spend two months training with Yoda©)
can read minds and bend spoons. True 99.9% of those have been
fake, but there is still more in heaven and on earth then we can
ever hope to explain.
Each Psychic ability costs an amount of Ki energy to use it. In truth. Every time you use a Dark Side power you lose ONE
When you are out of Ki energy you can still use your Psychic (1) point of EMPATHY. EVERY TIME!
abilities but the cost now comes off your BODY (And yes you Should your EMPATHY ever drop to Zero (0) you have "fallen
can kill yourself doing this) to the dark side" . Hand your character over to the GM and roll
up a new one.
Ki energy is regained at a rate of Three points per hour of Rest.
After using your psychic abilities you MUST rest for at least Six Once the fall to the Dark Side has started it is hard to stop, but
(6) hours. This does not mean you have to be asleep, just not lost EMPATHY can be regained. There are a few Psychic
doing anything more stressful then walking and talking and powers that can heal this loss and there are places that are so
shopping. NO matter if you only use One (1) psychic power or pure and empowered with the "Light" (Lothlorian, Minbari,
Twenty (20) psychic powers a day, you MUST rest at least Six Dagoba) that staying there can also heal you. Still it is just far
(6) hours. better to avoid the Dark Side all together.

8:Limitations and Times per day: You can use your Psychic
powers as may times a day as you have Ki points to spend. Ki Formula
The only two limitations on Psychic powers is that A) you must EMP+COOL+1d10
be able to visually see your opponent when using a Psychic
attack and have a general idea where a target is when using any
other type of Psychic ability. Psionic Categories

And B) Psychic powers will almost never function on or near a Telepathy.

Dragon Line or Node (see the Interlock magic rules also by this Powers of the mind and communication.
author for a description of these things). This is due to the fact
that the energy given off by a Dragon Line is so great that it acts 1:Animal Empathy
like Psychic static, drowning out the abilities of the Psy. Cost: Two (2) Ki per Skill level
There are a few powerful Psychics (Yoda) who have learned to The ability to communicate with animals.
attune themselves to this static and who remain unaffected by it.
Level Effect
9:Types of Psy: There are Six (6) known types of psychic 1: Sense all animals within a 100 foot radios.
categories or Ways. They are... 2: Sense/Locate specific animal within a 500 foot radios.
3: Sense all animals of a specific type within a 1 mile radios.
Telepathy. Ability's that effect an individuals mind or perception 4: Summon all animals within 500 foot radios.
of reality. 5: Summon specific animal type within a 1 mile radios.
6: Influence animals, transmitting emotions and base ideas.
Telekinesis.The ability to effect external events and individuals. 7: Summon all animals within a 2 mile radios
8: Communicate with specific animal type
9: Communicate with all animals
Projection: the ability to project your senses or body beyond the
10: See through animals eyes.
normal human range, this would include astral travel.
Body Control. Abilities that allow you to internalize your
psychic energy to preform super human feats, like shape 2:Empathy
changing or flight. Cost: Three (3) Ki per skill level
The ability to "read" the emotions of others.
Technology. The ability to effect and control technological Level Effect
1: Get a basic feeling from the target.
2: Gets a detailed feeling from the target
3: Can perceive complex emotional patterns and their reasons.
10:The "Dark side" of the Force:
"Is the dark side more powerful?" 4: Can make sight modifications on existing emotions (Hate to
"No, quicker. Easier. Not more powerful."
5: Can make moderate modifications on existing emotions
Psionics are energy and energy is neither good nor evil, it is the
(Hatred to neutrality)
will of those that use that energy that makes it evil or good. We
all have a dark side and the sue of some of these powers reflect 6: Massive modifications to existing emotions (Like to
that dark side. Some of these powers could be considered "Evil" passionate love)
7: Implant simple emotions (Like me)
in their use and are noted as "DARK SIDE" powers.Like in
8: Implant moderate emotions ( Trust me)
anything else, it is a lot easier just to take short cuts and go for
9: Implant intense emotions (Love me)
the quick power then spend time and effort learning the slower,
10: Effect multiple targets at once. +5 difficulty per target.
more complicated tasks. Taking the quick way, using powers
that are dangerous or "Evil" in nature can be a deadly road to
It would seem at first sight that the Dark Side powers are more
powerful and cheeper to sue then any of the other powers and
that is true. BUT, that's what the Dark Side wants you to think.
3:Morpheus 7: My "trade" your personality with Targets. Trapping target in
Cost: Four (4) Ki points per skill level your body while you are in control of the target's body.
* Must know Telepathy at rank Four (4) before you can 8: Can make mind transfer permanent.
learn/use this skill. 9: Can switch minds of two targets.Placing your personality in
The psychic ability to effect the sleep patterns of others. one target, placing that targets personality in a second targets
Level Effect and placing the second targets personality in your body.
1: Awaken any one from light sleep by touch. 10: Can permanently transfer between two people.
2: Awaken anyone from deep sleep by touch.
3: Make target drowsy:-1 to all rolls for 1d10 rounds 7: Telepathic Assault
4: Make subject exhausted:-4 to all roles for next 1d10 rounds. Cost: Three (3)Ki points per skill level.
5: Cause subject to fall asleep for 1d10 rounds. Can be The ability to project bolts of pure Telepathic force.
awakened. Level Effect
6: Cause subject to fall asleep for 1d10 hours. Can be awakened. 1: -3 to targets next action
7: Cause subject to fall asleep for 1d10 hours. Can not be 2: Target loses next action
awakened. 3: Target loses next turn
8: Can send telepathic messages to target through their dreams. 4: Target loses next two turns
9: Can communicate with a target through their dreams. 5: Target loses next three turns.
10: Can create dreams/nightmares in target. 6: Target takes 1 point of damage. Loses next three turns.
7: Targets head takes 2 points of damage. Lose 3 turns
4:Telepathic Illusion 8: Target's head takes 1d6: Lose 3 turns.
Cost: Four (4) Ki points per Skill level 9: Targets head takes 1d6+2:Lose 3 turns 1
The ability to create realistic illusions. 10: Targets head takes 2d6. If target is still alive make stun save
Level Effect to avoid going in to coma.
1: Create simple visual illusions
2: Create complex visual illusions 8: Telepathic Shield
3: Create simple audio illusions Cost: Two (2) Ki points per skill level.
4: Create complex audio illusions The ability to block Telepathic probes and ability's
5: Create illusions with both sight and sound Level Effect.
6: Create simple illusion of smells 1: Block any level One skill
7: Create complex illusion of smells. Create illusions with taste 2: Block any level 2 skill
8: Create complex 3d illusions with sight, smell, audio and taste 3: Block any level 3 skill
. 4: Block any level 4 skill.
9: Create tactile illusions. 5: Block level 5:
10: Create programed illusions. 6: Block level 6
7: Block level 7
5: Mind Lock 8: Block level 8
Cost: Five (5) Ki per skill level 9: Up to level 9
The ability to freeze anthers mind and keep them from acting. 10: Up to level 10
Level Effect
1: Target frozen for one action 9:Suggestion
2: Target frozen for 1 round Cost:Three (3) per level.
3: Target frozen for 1d6 rounds * Must have Telepathy at rank Three (3) before you can
4: Target frozen for 1/2 an hour learn/use this skill.
5: Target frozen for an hour The ability to implant suggestions and alter a targets memories.
6: Target frozen for 1d6 hours Level Effect
7: Target frozen for One (1) day 1: Modify a minor memory (You are looking for a blue droid)
8: Target frozen for 1d6 days 2: Modify larger memory.( you are looking for Three droids)
9: Target frozen for a week 3: Minor modification to important memory (You are supposed
10: Target frozen for 1d6 weeks to look for the droids tomorrow)
4: Major modification to an important memory (You are looking
6:Possession for Druids not Droids)
Cost: Four(4 )points per level 5: Slight implanted memory (You just saw the droids)
The character can assume control of another subjects mind. This 6: Sizable implanted memory (These are not the droids you are
is a Dark Side power. looking for)
Level Effect 7: Massive modification of important memory.( You like droids)
1: See through targets eyes 8: Able to place small "ideas" that go against the basic nature of
2: Can sense all the sensations that the target is sensing. the target( You already found them)
3: Can take control of targets voice 9: Place large or important memories in the target. ( You love
4; Can take control of target. Movements are sluggish. droids and want to help them)
5: Can take control of targets body. Movements normal 10: The ability to place any idea or memory in the target.(You
6: Can assume enough control to act and sound just like the are a droid)
target. Has access to targets memories.
10:Telepathy 3 :Cool 10 feet of mater by four degrees.
Cost: Two (2) Ki points per Skill level 4: Can freeze light liquids:
The legendary ability to read minds. 5: Can freeze dense liquids
Level Effect 6: Can freeze soft matter.
1: May send simple thoughts. 7: Can freeze hard matter.
2: May receive simple thoughts. 8: Can freeze dense matter.
3: May send and receive simple thoughts. 9: Can quick freeze all matter.
4: Send complex patterns of thought. Up to Two ( 2 )minds at 10: Can freeze flesh 3d6
5: Send and receive complex patterns of thought. 3:Levitation.
6: As above. Four (4) minds at once Cost: Two (2) Ki points per skill level
7: Transmit large amounts of data(ten minutes of speech in one * must know Telekinesis at rank Two (2) before you can
action) Up to Six (6) minds at once. learn/use this skill.
8: Revive large amounts of data. The ability to use Telekinesis to Fly.
9: Send and receive huge amounts of data (an hours worth of Level Effect.
information in one action). 1: Lift own weight up to 5 feet off ground
10: As above. Up to Eight (8) minds at once 2: Lift own weight up to 10 feet off ground
3: Flight: MA of 3
11:Psychometry 4: Flight: MA of 4
Cost:Three (3) Ki points per Skill Level 5: Flight: MA=6
The ability to telepathically see see the past of an area or object. 6: MA=8
Level Effect 7: MA=10
1: Simple sensory impressions (A color) 8: MA=12
2: Multiple sensory impressions(A sound) 9: MA=16
3: Simple emotional impressions 10: Flight: MA of 20
4: Complex emotional impressions
5: Simple conceptual associations 4:Matter Alteration
6: Complex conceptual associations Cost: Five(5) per level.
7: Simple history The ability to alter matter.
8: Involved history Level Effect
9: Complex history and biography 1: Can alter the shape of any handheld inorganic matter.
10: Complete understanding. 2: Can alter the mass/density of any handheld matter by +/- 10%
3: Can create one handful of inorganic goop.
4: Can alter the size and density of inorganic materiel by +/-
Telekinesis 5: Can destroy any handheld inorganic matter
The ability to effect the environment around you. To cause 6 :Can alter the mass of handheld matter by +/- 20%
objects to move by will alone and to alter the energy effecting an 7: Can alter the mass of matter by +/- 20%.
object. 8: Can destroy up to 5X 5 of inorganic matter
9: Can create up to 5X5 of inorganic goop
1:Creation 10: Can alter the shape of up to 5X5 of mater
Cost:Seven (7) Ki points per skill level
The legendary ability to create organic matter (food and water) 5:Pyrokinesis
and life. Cost: Three (3 )per level.
Level Effect The ability to create heat and flame.
1: Can alter the shape of any handheld organic matter. Level Effect
2: Can alter the mass/density of any handheld matter by +/- 10% 1: Can start fires in easily flammable objects.
3: Can create one handful of organic goop. 2: Can ignite easily flammable objects.
4: Can alter the size and density of organic materiel by +/- 10% 3: Can burn easily flammable objects.
5: Can destroy any handheld organic matter 4: Can ignite flammable objects.
6: Can alter the mass of handheld matter by +/- 20% 5: Can burn flammable objects.
7: Can alter the mass of matter by +/- 20%. 6: Can ignite less flammable objects.
8: Can destroy up to 5X 5 of organic matter 7: Can burn less flammable objects.
9: Can create up to 5X5 of organic goop 8: Can heat up nonflammable objects.
10 Can animate up to 5X5 of organic matter. 9: Can melt nonflammable objects.
10: Can burn flesh. 3d6
Cost: Four(4 )per level 6:Telekinesis
The ability to cause items to freeze. Cost: Three (3) points per skill level.
Level Effect The ability to move objects with your mind.
1: Cool one foot of matter by one degree. Level Effect
2: Cool 5 feet of mater by 2 degrees. 1: Effect up to 5 lbs
2: Effect up to 10 lbs 1:Astral Projection.
3: Effect up to 15 lbs Cost:Three (3) Ki per skill level
4: Effect up to 20 lbs This is the ability to depart your physical body and enter the
5: Effect up to 40 lbs astral plane.
6: Effect up to 80 lbs Level Distance
7: Effect up to 100 lbs 1: Travel up to 100 feet from body
8: Effect up to 500 lbs 2: Travel up to 500 feet from body
9: Effect up to 800 lbs 3: Travel One Mile from body
10: Effect up to 1000 lbs 4: Travel Five (5) miles from body
5: Travel 10 miles
7:Telekinetic Shield 6: 50 miles
Cost: Two (2) per skill level 7: 100 miles
The ability to create a field of force that will protect you from 8: 500 miles
damage much the same way Armor does 9: 1000 Miles
Level Stopping Points Provided 10: Anywhere you know of .
1: 2 SP
2: 4 SP 2:Clairvoyance
3: 6 SP Cost:Three (3) Ki points per level.
4: 8 SP The ability to "far See".Getting a mental picture of events
5: 10 SP happening far away.
6: 12 SP Level Range
7: 14 SP 1: Events involving a known person or location.One Mile away
8: 16 SP 2: As above, 2 miles away.
9: 18 SP 3: As above, 4 miles away. See events involving a Familiar
10: 20 SP person or location up to 1 mile away.
4: Known person/location up to 7 miles. Familiar
8: Telekinetic Blade person/location up to 2 miles
Cost: Three (3) points per skill level 5: Known up to 11 miles. Familiar up to 4 miles. See events
The ability to create a blade or sword of solid telekinetic energy. involving unknown person or location up to 1 mile away.
Level Damage 6: Known up to 16 miles.Familiar up to 7 miles. Unknown up to
1: 1d6/2 2 miles.
2: 1d6 7: Known up to 22 miles. Familiar up to 11 miles. Unknown up
3: 1d6+1 to 4 miles.
4: 1D6+2 8: Known up to 29 miles.Familiar up to 16 miles. Unknown up
5: 2D6 to 7 miles.
6: 2D6+1 9: Known up to 37 miles. Familiar up to 22 miles. Unknown up
7: 2D6+2 to 11 miles
8: 3D6 10: Known person or location up to 47 miles. Familiar person or
9: 3D6+1 location up to 29 miles. Unknown person or location up to 16
10: 3D6+2 miles.

10:Telekinetic Bolt 3:Precognition

Cost: Four (4) Ki per skill,level Cost: Four (4) Ki per skill level
The ability to project a bolt of solid telekinetic force The ability to get a glimpse in to the possible future. You can
Level Damage only use this ability once per day
1: 1d6/2 Level Effect
2: 1d6 1: Receive One (1 )very vague Vision per day
3: 1d6+1 2: One (1 )rather vague Vision per day
4: 1D6+2 3: One simple Vision per day
5: 2D6 4: One easy to interpret Vision per day.
6: 2D6+1 5: One clear Vision per day.
7: 2D6+2 6: One obvious Vision per day
8: 3D6 7: Receive Two Visions per day (1 obvious, 1 vague)
9: 3D6+1 8: Three Visions per day.(1 obvious.2 vague)
10: 3D6+2 9: Two obvious flashes per day.
10: Receive up to Three obvious visions per day

The ability to project your senses and conscious across space
and time
4:Retrocognition amount of rounds equal to your COOL stat
Cost: Four (4) Ki per skill level 4: You can ignore the effects of Hunger for an amount of days
The ability to get a mental glimpse in to the past. equal to your COOL stat
Level Effect 5: You can ignore the effects of thirst for an amount of days
1: Can see 6 hours in to the past equal to your COOL stat
2: Can see 1 day back in time. 6: You can hold your breath for an amount of rounds equal to
3: Can see 1 week back in time. your COOL stat
4: Can see 1 month back in time. 7: Can Figen Death. Placing your self in to a comatose like state
5: Can see 1 year back in time. for up to COOL hours. During this time you will not take any
6: Can see 5 years back in time. damage from blood loss or the effects of any toxin in your
7: Can see 10 years back in time. system as your body is Mostly dead.
8: Can see 20 years back in time 8: Emptiness:You may place your self in a state of total
9: Can see 50 years back in time. meditation for an amount of rounds equal to your COOL. When
10: Can see 100 years back in time. you exit this state you will be +_4 to all rolls for that same
amount of time.
5:Teleportation 9: Can walk/Run/Swim or preform any other task of labor for an
Cost: Six (6) Ki per Skill level amount of Hours equal to your COOL.
The very rare ability to instantly transport mass across space. 10: Character gets TWO hero saving throws when ever he is at
Level Range deaths door.
1:Teleport self up to one mile
2: Up to 2 miles. 3:Cure
3: Teleport self 4 miles. Cost: Three(3 )Ki points per skill level
4: Self and One other up to 7 miles. The ability to purge your body of toxins and impurity, you may
5: Self and One other up to 11 miles. use this skill on others by placing your hands on them.
6: Self and 2 others up to 16 miles. Level Effect
7: Self and 2 others up to 22 miles. 1: Purge subject of the effects of alcohol
8: Self and 3 others up to 30 miles. 2: Purge the subject of the effects of any chemicals or drugs in
9: Self and 3 others up to 60 miles. the system.
10: Self and 4 others up to 100 miles. 3: Purge the subject of the effects of any natural venom or toxin
in the system.
4: Cure the subject of any minor disease (A cold)
5: Purge the subject of the effects of any poisons in the systems
Body Control 6: Cure the subject of the effects of any major disease (Small
The ability to mental control your body and to some extent the pox)
body of another individual by touch. 7: Restore up to 1d6 years of lost youth to a subject
8: Restore up to 1d6 lost Ki to a subject
9: Restore up to 1d6 lost BOD to a subject
1:Aura Viewing
10: Restore up to 1d6 lost EMP to a subject
Cost:Two (2) Ki per Skill level.
The ability to View another Aura or personal energy signature.
Level Effect 4:Danger Sense
1: Tell age, sex, physical health of target. Cost: Two (2) Ki per level
2: Tell mental health of target When ever the character is in a life threatening situation the GM
3: Tell if the target has Psionic potential may roll 1d10. If the result is equal to or lower then the
4: Tell if target is an active or latent Psy characters Danger Sense level they will get a warning flash of
5: Base understanding of how powerful target is on a scale of 1- the danger.
10 (10 being Yoda)
6: Tell how many total Ki points target has 5:Healing
7: Can tell what Psionic Skills the target knows. Cost:Three (3) Ki points per skill level
8: Can tell what Skill Levels each of the targets Psionic skills are The ability to heal damage on yourself or another by touch
at. Level Amount healed
9: Can read Three (3) individuals at once. 1: One (1) point
10: Can read Six (6) individuals at once. 2: 1d6/2 points
3: 1d6 points
2:Body Control 4: 1d6+1 points
Cost: Three (3) Ki points per Skill Level 5: 2d6 points
The ability to control functions of your own body 6: 2d6+2 points
Level Effect 7: 3d6 points
1: Second Wind: You are immune to the effects of fatigue rolls 8: 3d6+3 points
for an amount of rounds equal to your COOL stat. 9: 4d6
2: You can ignore pain for an amount of rounds equal to your 10 4d6+4 points
COOL stat.
3: Furry:You do not need to make Stun or Death checks for an
6:Psychic Focus 1: +/-1 to ATT at will.
Cost: Three (3 )per level 2: Alter mass by +/- 10%
The ability to improve the effectiveness of your physical Stats, 3: +/-1d6 to ATT at will.
you can only use this ability to boost your MA, REF, ATT or 4: Alter size/mass by +/- 20%
BOD 5: Alter hair length/color. Alter skin color. Alter eye color.
Level Effect 6: Take on minor aspects of animals. Can grow slight fur, longer
1: +1 to One(1) stat for One (1) action nails or teeth.
2: As above for One (1) round. 7: Dopilganger. Assume the shape of any human you have seen.
3: As above for an amount of rounds equal to your COOL 8: Shape shift. Assume the basic shape of any humanoid you
4: +2 to One(1) stat or +1 to Two(2) for One (1) action. have seen.
5: As above for One round 9: Shape change: Assume the forum of any animal you have
6: As above for an amount of rounds equal to your COOL seen.
7: +3 to One (1) stat or +2 to One stat and +1 to a second stat or 10: Mater shift: Assume any shape you can imagine.
+1 to Three (3) stats for One (1) action
8: As above for One (1) round
9: As above for an amount of rounds equal to your COOL
10: +3 to ALL stats for One (1) round. Technology
The most recent development in psychic powers is the ability to
7:Sensory link psychical manipulate and control technology. As the advent of
Cost:Three (3) Ki per skill level technology is directly opposed to the basic nature of psychic
The ability to enhance your own senses. energy, all these powers are DARK SIDE POWERS
1: +1 your perception roll for an amount of rounds equal to your
COOL 1:Electrokinesis
2: +1 to all your senses for an amount of rounds equal to your Cost: Three (3) Ki per Skill level
COOL The ability to manipulate electricity.
3: Can see objects clearly up to 2 miles away Level Effect
4: Can hear well beyond his normal range. Can listen to a 1: Joy buzzer touch. 1d6 /2
whisper in a crowded room. 2: Emit electrical charge. 1d6
5: Can locate a specific individual within 1000 feet by smell 3: Shield: Can ignore up to Three (3) points of electrical
6: Can tell the ingredients in a substance by taste/smell. Can spot damage.
ingested poison just by taste alone 4: Emit electrical charge. 1d6+1
7: Aware of all individuals within a 100 foot radius. Can not be 5: Can disrupt electrical equipment causing them to act strangely
surprised or snuck up on. or not at all for an amount of rounds equal to your COOL
8: Sense of touch is so sensitive that you can tell the colors on a 6: Can shield self from up to 6 points of electrical damage.
painting just by the amount of warmth they give off. You can 7: Emit electrical charge:2d6
read printed words by touch. 8: Can short out electrical equipment. Making them useless for
9: +2 to perception rolls for an amount of rounds equal to your an amount of hours equal to your COOL or until repaired.
COOL 9: Can shield self from up to 12 points of electrical damage.
10: +2 to all senses for an amount of rounds equal to your COOL 10: Lightning bolt:3d6

8:Reduce Injury 2:Radikinesis

Cost: Two (2) points per skill level. Cost: Four(4) Ki points per skill level.
The "Selfish" ability to reduce the amount of damage you take The ability to effect radiation.
from a blow, this is not armor but rather you simply ignore the Level Effect
damage. This drastic altering of probability is a Dark Side 1: Can receive radio waves.
power. 2: Can receive and interpret TV signals.
Level Effect 3: Can broadcast radio waves.
1: Ignore Two (2) points of damage 4: Can jam and disrupt radio waves within a 100 foot radios.
2: Ignore Four (4) points of damage 5: Can shield self from up to 6 points of radiation damage.
3: Ignore Eight (8) points of damage 6: Can project 1d6 worth of gamma waves.
4: Ignore Ten (10) points of damage 7: Can jam and disrupt TV broadcasts within a 100 foot radios.
5: Ignore Twelve (12) points of damage 8: Can broadcast TV
6: Ignore Sixteen (16) points of damage 9: Can shield self from up to 12 points of radiation damage
7: Ignore Twenty (20) points of damage 10: Can project 2d6 worth of gamma waves.
8: Ignore Twenty Five (25) points of damage
9: Ignore Thirty Two (32) points of damage
10: Ignore Forty (40) points of damage

Cost: Five (5) Ki points per skill level.
The rare ability to alter your shape.
Level Effect
Cost:Three (3) points per skill level
The ability to communicate with machines much the same way a
telepathy communicates with a mind.
1: May send simple commands.
2: May receive simple thoughts.
3: May send and receive simple thoughts.
4: Send complex patterns of thought. Up to Two ( 2 )machines at
5: Send and receive complex patterns of thought.
6: As above. Four (4) machines at once
7: Transmit large amounts of data(ten minutes of speech in one
action) Up to Six (6) machines at once.
8: Revive large amounts of data.
9: Send and receive huge amounts of data (an hours worth of
information in one action).
10: As above. Up to Eight (8) machines at once

4:Force Lighting
Cost: Two (2) Ki points per skill level
The "Dark Side" ability to project bolts of pure force energy
Level damage
1: 1d6
2: 1d6+2
3: 2d6
4: 2d6+2
5: 3d6
6: 3d6+3
7: 4d6
8: 4d6+4
9: 5d6
10: 5d6+5

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