India To Roll Out Many More Vaccines To Help World: PM: Budget Session Set To Be Stormy
India To Roll Out Many More Vaccines To Help World: PM: Budget Session Set To Be Stormy
India To Roll Out Many More Vaccines To Help World: PM: Budget Session Set To Be Stormy
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India to roll out many more
vaccines to help world: PM
NEW DELHI world's largest coronavirus
India has ensured vaccination programme
INDIA will soon make and its speed can be imag-
available many more that it follows its ined from the fact that over
Covid-19 vaccines to other 23 lakh health workers
countries after two Made- global responsibility have been vaccinated in
In-India jabs have already just 12 days. In the next few
been introduced to the by sending Covid-19 months, we would com- Priests conducting installation ceremony for the new idols of Lord
Buddhist monks offer special world, Prime Minister vaccines to many plete our target of vaccinat- Rama, Sita and Lakshamana at Kodandarama temple in
prayers on the occasion of Narendra Modi said on ing 30 crore old people and Ramatheertham on Thursday
‘Paush Purnima’, at Thursday while emphasis- countries people with co-morbidities,
Mahabodhi temple in Bodh ing the country's global re- he said. He said India has
Gaya, on Thursday sponsibility in fighting the ensured that it follows its
pandemic. 2020 that India would be last year, several experts from over 1.3 billion Indi- global responsibility by
In a special address at the worst-affected country and organisations had ans". Modi said, "We trans- sending essential medi-
India flattened
idols reinstalled
the World economic Fo- by Covid-19 and would face made several predictions formed the fight against cines to over 150 countries
rum's online Davos Agenda a "tsunami of corona infec- that India would be most coronavirus into a people's while Covid-19 vaccines are
its Covid graph Summit, Modi also said he tions". "Some had talked affected by the pandemic. movement and today India also being sent to other
NeW DeLHI: India has flat- wants to assure the global about 70-80 crore people Looking at the condition of is among the most success- countries.
tened its Covid-19 graph and146 business community that expected to get infected in countries with better ful countries in saving lives. "In this time of crisis, In- HANS NEWS SERVICE mental inquiry and investiga-
districts have reported no new situation will now change India, while some talked health infrastructure, the We focussed on developing dia has also fulfilled its RAMATEERTHAM tion was conducted under the
case of the viral disease in the last rapidly on the economic about over 20 lakh possible world was right in worrying Covid-specific health infra- global responsibility from (VIZIANAGARAM) supervision of D Bhrama-
seven days, 18 in 14 days, six in 21 front also and invited busi- deaths, but India did not let about us," he said. structure, we trained our the beginning, following ramba, Joint Commissioner
days and 21 districts in the last 28 nesses from all over to par- the disappointment get The Prime Minister, human resources to fight thousands of years old THe Ministry of endow- of endowments. They found
days, Union Health Minister ticipate in the country's better of it," he said. however, said in the midst against this pandemic and prayer of our country -- ments has organised the rein- the damaged idol of Srirama
Harsh Vardhan said on Thurs- growth journey. "When Covid arrived, In- of numerous doubts, he was we made full use of tech for 'Sarvey Santu Niramaya': stallation ceremony of idols in a pond near the Kondan-
day. This has been achieved due Modi said that some had dia had its share of prob- here with "a message of be- testing and tracking." Modi May the whole world be of Sri Seetha Rama Laksh- darama temple at Bodikonda
to pro-active testing with more said in February-March lems. At the beginning of lief, positivity and hope said India has started the healthy," he said. mana in Balalayam at Rama- of the village. The govern-
than 19.5 crore Covid-19 tests teertham of Nellimarla in ment has immediately or-
conducted in the country so far, Vizianagaram district in a tra- dered Tirumala-Tirupati Dev-
Vardhan, who chaired the 23rd
meeting of the high-level Group
of Ministers (GoM) on COVID-
paediatrician CS complains to Centre on ditional way.
The idol of Srirama of Ko-
dandarama temple in Rama-
asthanams to carve new idols
and send them within a
month of the incident oc-
19 through a video-conference,
said, according to a statement is-
sued by the health ministry. The
current testing capacity is 12 lakh
shoots another
doctor & himself
after taking hostage
SEC over orders to IAS officers
HANS NEWS SERVICE officers and to advise the ceedings against Pan- under AIS (D&A) Rules,
teertham was disfigured by
some unidentified miscreants
in December 2020. The inci-
dent became a national issue
curred and the government
has sanctioned Rs 3 crore to
the temple to develop it in all
aspects. As per the instruc-
tests per day, the minister added. HOUSTON AMARAVATI SeC not to exercise power chayat Raj principal sec- 1969. He said the SeC has and leaders from all parties tions, the idols of Seetharama
"With the 'Whole of Govern- that is not in its domain. retary Gopalakrishna written a derogatory letter have visited the place and de- Lakshmana were brought to
ment' and 'Whole-of-society' ap- A 43-year-old Indian-Amer- CHIeF Secretary of In a letter to the Secre- Dwivedi and Commis- against the named officers manded the government to Ramateertham on January 25
proach envisaged by Prime Min- ican paediatrician diag- Andhra Pradesh Aditya tary, Government of India, sioner M Girija Sankar on for the compulsory retire- take action against the cul- and started performing pujas.
ister Narendra Modiji, India has nosed with terminal cancer Nath Das urged the Cen- Department of Personnel the allegation of not up- ment. This step of SeC prits behind the offence. The On Thursday, the idols were
successfully contained the pan- shot dead a woman doctor tre not to accept the cen- and Training, the Chief dating the gram panchayat also doesn’t fall under his government has appointed a installed in Baalaalayam
demic. Less than 12,000 cases and then killed himself after sure proceedings issued Secretary said the Com- electoral rolls as on 1-1- competence and suffers Special Investigation Team (temporary temple) and
were reported in the last 24 taking hostages at a medical by the State election missioner of SeC admin- 2021 without following the from jurisdictional error. (SIT) to probe the incident. started performing all rituals
hours and the active caseload has office in Austin, according to Commission against IAS istered the censure pro- due procedure prescribed Continued on Page 7 Meanwhile, the depart- and poojas. Continued on P7
reduced to just 1.73 lakh," he said. police in the capital city of
the US state of Texas.
Pakistan gets GI
tag for Basmati rice
The armed man was
identified as Dr Bharat
Narumanchi, who was re-
Budget session Farmers told to vacate protest sites
set to be stormy
cently diagnosed with ter-
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has minal cancer, police said, GHAZIABAD
received the Geographical Indi- adding that he had recently
cator (GI) tag for its Basmati, been turned down for a vol- THe Uttar Pradesh govern-
paving the way for creating a lo-
cal registry for the particular
unteer position at the med-
ical facility. Police received
16 Opposition parties to ment has ordered the district
administrations to get all the
strain of rice and making a case
in the international market, as
a call on Tuesday saying a
man walked into the offices
boycott President’s address farmers protest site on the
state's borders with Delhi va-
the country fights a case in the of Children's Medical NEW DELHI manded a probe into the cated, officials said on Thurs-
eU against India's move to get Group (CMG) with a gun violence on Republic day. The orders came two days
Basmati rice registered as its and was holding hostages THe Budget session of Day in Delhi. Opposition after violence during the I’ll commit
product. A GI tag is a sign used inside the building, the Parliament beginning parties include the Con- 'Kisan Gantantra parade' on suicide but won’t
on products that have a specific CNN reported, citing Friday is poised to be gress, the NCP, Shiv the occasion of the Republic
geographical origin and possess Austin Police Department stormy with the Opposi- Sena, DMK, Trinamool Day at several locations in the quit: Tikait
origin-based qualities and repu-
tation in the region. Pakistan is
fighting a case in the 27-mem-
press release.
Initially several hostages
were being held, police said,
tion set to attack the gov-
ernment over the three
new farm legislations,
Congress, CPI, CPI-M
and RJD.
With a view to having a
national capital.
The farmers at the Delhi-
Uttar Pradesh Ghazipur bor-
Heavy police deployment near the site of farmers' ongoing
protest against the new farm laws, at Ghazipur border in
B haratiya Kisan Union
(BKU) spokesperson
Rakesh Tikait con-
ber european Union against In- but several escaped and amid an ongoing agita- paperless Budget, all the der had been sitting on protest New Delhi on Thursday demned the Uttar
dia's move to get Basmati rice others were allowed to tion by farmers. documents and the eco- against the three farm laws Pradesh government and
registered as its product. leave, except a paediatrician The session will begin nomic Survey would be since November 26 last year, police for the move. "I
named Katherine Dodson. with the address of the made available online demanding the repeal of the will commit suicide but
The hostages who escaped President to the joint sit- soon after the authenti- three farm laws and ensuring won't end protest until
the office told officers on ting of the two Houses cated copies are laid on the minimum support price the farm bills are re-
the scene that the man was on Friday morning fol- the Table of the House, (MSP) for their produce. A pealed," Tikait said in a
armed with a pistol and lowed by the presenta- the Lok Sabha Secre- senior police official wishing message to PTI, claiming
what appeared to be a shot- tion of the Union Budget tariat has said. Like the not to be named told IANS: threat to his life. He also
gun, police said. He also had on February 1. A total of last time, in this session "Yes, we have received orders alleged that armed goons
two duffel bags. Dr Naru- 16 Opposition parties too Covid-19 protocols from the government to get all were sent to the protest
manchi had visited the have announced a boy- will be in place and Rajya the farmers protest site on the site. In a separate state-
CMG office a week prior to cott of the President's Sabha and Lok Sabha will borders of the state vacated." ment issued by BKU me-
the shooting and applied for address in solidarity meet in shifts of five earlier in the day, there was dia in charge Dharmendra
a volunteer position. The with the farmers hours each -- with the up- heavy deployment of security Malik, Tikait was quoted
suspect had terminal can- protesting the new farm per house meeting in the personnel, comprising the Ut- as saying that the Uttar
cer and had only been given laws, senior Congress morning and the lower tar Pradesh and Delhi Police, Pradesh Police was trying
weeks to live, Austin police leader Ghulam Nabi house in the evening. Due the Central Reserve Police to arrest protestors even
Lt. Jeff Greenwalt told re- Azad said on Thursday. to the pandemic, the Force and the Rapid Action when the Supreme Court
porters on Wednesday. The 16 Opposition Winter session was not Force at the Ghazipur protest has found peaceful
Continued on Page 7 parties have also de- held. Continued on Page 7 site. Continued on Page 7 Farmers load their material on a truck on Thursday protests legitimate.
A little photoshoot never
hurt anyone
on-surgical cosmetic cosmetic
RANI DEVALLA treatment which are the treatments support
minimally invasive pro- an individual in
passionate classical cedure aim to improve a person's
dancer, Ameya Lagudu appearance, self-esteem and enhancing self-
aims at taking Indian art self-confidence. Every individual confidence and
and culture on to global plat- wish to look good and have an also lead to
forms through the medium of improved version of themselves, psychological
dance to make the skin look flawless,
Not many are able to find their having the perfect lips, getting benefits for an
calling until late in their life. But rid of the facial fats and acne free individual
Ameya Lagudu, a Visakhapat- skin.
nam-based girl, is determined to Cosmetologist Dr Monica Ja-
take classical dance forms to cob says: “These treatments sup- a way it also leads to psychologi- them it becomes vital to opt for
newer heights, make their pres- port an individual in enhancing cal benefits for an individual. We these services. Additionally, they
ence felt at global platforms and self-confidence as it is truly said, have noticed that many people are under heavy make-up most
pass on to future generations. ‘confidence is the best outfit’. In who opt for non-surgical treat- of the time which leads to caus-
Kuchipudi and Bharatanatyam ments like facial contouring, sig- ing skin hair damage. Hence, for
mean the world to the Class VIII nature clean-ups, dermal vita- them it becomes crucial.
girl of Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar. min infusion and radio It is observed that not just the
Bagging the Pradhan Mantri frequency. Some people who are glamour world, but today’s office
Rashtriya Bal Puraskar – 2021 unsatisfied with their looks fre- goers and the common public
under the art and culture cate- quently struggle with anxiety also pamper themselves with
gory, she says that dance has be- Ameya Lagudu performing and depression. Indulging in these services, right from
come an integral part of her life classical dance at a programme these treatments helps you align teenage group to the senior citi-
as it gives her immense joy and your natural appearance with zens, she points out.
makes her stay focussed. “I spend my dreams,” recalls Ameya. tation with 6,117 participants and on to a global platform through your desired appearance boost- She adds, “However, one needs
an hour a day practising dance. I Having left their jobs, Ameya’s Asia Book of Records for perform- the medium of dance and pass ing your self-esteem. You are to guide them with the right
feel more at peace when I dance,” parents made sure that their only ing Bharatanatyam on a clay pot the skill to future generations. more inclined to socialise due to products and right treatment
shares the 12-year-old with the daughter received the best of and a brass plate, holding lamps. Ahead of the Republic Day, your improved state of mind re- with an affordable package
Womenia. training from gurus located in far- When asked how she is able to Prime Minister Narendra Modi garding how you feel towards which will be suitable to every
Ameya says she is grateful to flung areas across South India. strike a balance between dance interacted with Ameya and her yourself.” member. Though, the percent-
her parents for extending uncon- “Since I was exposed to different and studies, she replies, “My parents virtually through a video Dr Jacob is an anti-aging spe- age in India is lower as compared
ditional support to her endeav- gurus, I could not only fine tune school has been largely support- conference. The Government of cialist and Aesthetic physician to the other countries. Neverthe-
our. “They spotted my skills my skills in both Kuchipudi and ive in encouraging me to unravel India has been presenting Prad- and was seen in the show ‘Fabu- less, in the coming year, cosme-
when I was just four-year old. Bharatanatyam but also experi- my creative pursuits. Apparently, han Mantri Rashtriya Bal lous Life of Bollywood’ wives tologist is an ever-emerging field
While my father L.T. Murthulu ment with diverse styles,” says dance never stopped me from fo- Puraskar annually under various performing anti-ageing treat- in science of medicine to deal
left a plum job in a multinational Ameya, who bagged eight inter- cussing on my studies in which I categories to children with ex- ment on the actress Neelam. with the beauty with rapid ad-
company to become an engineer- national, nine national and 18 am equally good at,” says a confi- ceptional abilities and outstand- Talking about actresses opting vancements and technology.
ing consultant, my mother L. Ka- state-level awards. She also en- dent Ameya. Drawn towards per- ing accomplishments in the areas about taking these services, Dr With the affordable prices, peo-
mala bid adieu to her teaching tered into 10 world records, in- forming arts ever since her child- of innovation, scholastics, sports, Jacob says that actors are more ple opting for non-surgical cos-
profession to don the role of a cluding Guinness World Records hood, Ameya says she aims at arts, culture, social service and prone to camera lights, the day- metic transformation is looking
homemaker and help me realise for the largest Kuchipudi presen- taking the Indian art and culture bravery. night shoot schedules etc and for very bright indeed.”
an’t deal of an individual’s personality conditioning is the answer. Apply ing, you will not get split ends. So regular
with exces- and style. oil for 5 minutes daily before wash. haircut and preconditioning to control split
sive hair There are various causes for Use Mustard oil for this treatment hair.
fall? Dry hair? Dull hair? hair loss, ranging from medica- Mustard oil is the best for hair and Dandruff is common and gets severe if not
Dandruff? Is there no hair tion, hormonal imbalance, the preconditioning with it controls treated on time. To treat dandruff, it’s impor-
product that you haven’t tried? kind of diet you consume work dryness very well. It is also impor- tant to keep hair clean all the time. Wash hair lar with haircut and cleaning. Preconditioning
Minor hair fall is a common stress. Going natural is the best tant to keep your body hydrated, daily without fail. Mix turmeric (Haldi) with & daily wash is the most helpful in hair fall.
phenomenon among men and solution for hair problems if you drink plenty of fluids, especially water and apply it on the scalp for 10 minutes Apply oil to hair for 5 minutes daily before
women. An average adult has about are suffering from Alopecia—a water. Avoid direct heat with hot before washing once in 15 days. Haldi is very wash and use normal hair shampoo. If your
100,000 to 150,000 hair strands and los- condition that leads to loss of Shahnaz Husain styling tools and sun. good for treating dandruff but the daily wash hair is clean, it will not fall. Haircut takes off
ing between 50 to 100 strands a day is hair in some parts of the head. The dullness of hair happens is a must. In case you find oily dandruff in hair, the extra weight from the scalp also makes
considered normal. Therefore, finding Simple alterations in your diet, hair care routine when it is not maintained well during winters wash hair frequently and do not apply any hair ends healthy which work for hair fall. No med-
a few stray hairs on your hairbrush is and lifestyle choices can slow down hair fall. especially if it is chemically treated. If your care pack on the scalp. Consulting a doctor in icine or treatment works better than precon-
not necessarily a cause for alarm. Dryness, dullness, split ends, dandruff and hair texture is oily or normal, you can apply the case of oily dandruff is a must. ditioning, wash and cut for hair fall.
However, excessive hair loss can be most importantly hair fall are most common henna mixed with water and a spoon of curd. Hair fall is something you get in every sea- Complicated treatments are not always ef-
a troublesome problem, often causing problems our hair faces during winters. Hair & This gives good control to oily scalp and adds son, but it increases majorly in winters and fective, hair care should be easy which you
worry and affecting self-esteem, espe- skin mostly get dehydrated and lifeless during a natural gloss to the colour of hair. It adds rains. It happens because of excessive dryness can regular maintain. Also do not follow others
cially for women. Your hair is said to winters and dealing with these problems is not bounce also to flat hair. Henna should be ap- and dehydration during winters. You must work in hair care, everyone has different hair needs
be crowning glory, a direct expression difficult if you know your hair texture and con- plied only for 15 minutes before wash. on a healthy diet having lots of fluids, be regu- and require different treatments.
Across Down Shalmali on cyber bullies: The
1 Texas shrine (5) 2 Chinese fruit (6)
6 Twitter update (5) 3 Crazes (6) consistent judging needs to stop
9 Deductive (reasoning) 4 Choose (3) inger Shalmali recently coloured her hair silver for a new look. However,
the constant trolling that followed has forced the artiste to speak up
(1,6) 5 Sacred book (5) against cyber bullies.
6 One of the smaller states She says, "What ticked me off was the consistent judging and that needs to
10 Not plentiful (5) stop not just for celebrities, for everyone. We are free to colour our hair in
11 Gold bar (5) of North East India (7) whatever colour want, at whatever length. And the same goes for every boy
or girl out there who wants to experiment with their looks. We need to stop
12 Slant (5) 7 Fermented grape
confining ourselves within
juice (4) stereotypical norms. It's
13 Fiasco (7) about time that hair
8 Acts poorly (6)
15 Besides (3) colour, length, skin colour,
12 Bent (5) weight should not become
17 Long fish (4) parameter for people's
13 Demise (5) judgement.”
18 Extol the virtues of (6)
14 Brief advertisement (5) While the singer is not
19 Paganini's birthplace (5) pleased with the pesty at-
15 Give up (5)
Ny form of violence in a laws. second farmer in the mains: how does it feel being an In-
structured and functional Negotiations don’t work this
democracy is a crime, but way. Any legitimate negotiation
country is indebted. An dian farmer? here’s how the
quintessential agriculturist would
protest is not. In a parliamen- should lead to a final resolution average Indian farmer probably have put it - Five points of
tary democracy protest and ex- through concessions from both earns Rs 6,426 per my life you need to know as you cele-
pression of dissent is fundamen- sides, for a fair outcome. An ef- voked physical attacks on police
tal to the functioning of a state. fective negotiation process If protesters lose focus of their core have exhibited the wrong-track-
month while the brate republic day and why we are on
the streets.
In India, the Constitution pro- should ensure a win-win for ing of the farmers protest, with- expenditure is Rs 6,223.
vides for right to free speech and both parties in the negotiation, objective, there is nothing credible to out any credible leadership lead- Also, only 15 per cent of
expression. Article 19 (1) (a) pro- at least it should ensure all par-
discuss for the other party, in this case ing it in the right direction. farmers earn 91 per cent
vides for right to express sub- ties feel that way eventually. Leadership deficit is fatal for I am one of the smallest farmers in
ject to reasonable restriction. however, the negotiations the government. Nothing justifies the any protest. of the total agricultural the world. The average landholding in
Peaceful protest is a constitu- with farmer groups so far, were income amid India is 1.08 hectares; it would typically
tional right in India and it unusually one-sided, where gov- reason and purpose of the scale of Negotiations can’t continue overwhelming inequality sustain eight persons. Smallholders
should be used with reasonable ernment is extending all conces- Who should government en- now cultivate 42 per cent of operated
restraint. sions and farmer unions are ex- violence and vandalism unleashed by gage in discussions with in fu- land and constitute 83 per cent of total landholdings.
Few farmer groups have ini-
tiated a dissent programme for
tending none. Negotiations like
this rarely succeed and culmi-
the protestors on that infamous day. ture? Where is the credibility of
farmer-union leaders? What is
But I have two big and critical responsibilities that you might not
have: I sustain myself and also feed the country, one of the world’s largest
the last two months at the delhi nate in a win-win situation. The deviant anti-social behaviour has the guarantee of implantation of consumers of food grains.
borders, which were peaceful As I analyse, below are the agreed resolution, when leaders India’s food self-sufficiency is because of me. In the last six years, I
and democratic until the other three big mistakes made by no co-relation to the objective of have zero control over protest- have been ensuring a bumper harvest of food grains non-stop.
day. The conduct of Modi gov- farmer unions, which have led ing groups? These are some Of the eight industry types, agriculture is the only sector has grown
ernment was exemplary, which their protests into a wrong-track farmers protest in the first place. questions government will pon- in 2020-21 despite the novel coronavirus disease (COVId-19) pandemic.
did not consider those protest-
ing as obstructionists. The gov-
and a ‘point-of-no-return’: The consequences of shunning der, before they invite anyone
for further discussions, as I see.
Farmers like me make up the economy of rs 20.13 lakh crore. Over
half of Indians are into farming; every fourth voter is a farmer. That is
ernment has exhibited unprece- Violence yields zero results responsibility are quite expensive for If protesters lose focus of the reason, I feel, you all love raising the slogan: ‘Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan’.
dented restraint in the last two Mahatma Gandhi was a smart their core objective, there is But you must have seen us more on the streets, either protesting or
months, even as protesters protester while he led the free- leadership, and farmer union leaders nothing credible to discuss for dumping our produce for not being able to get a fair price. In 2020, farm-
blocked the vital roads leading dom fight for India. he had for- the other party, in this case the ers from 22 states organised 71 protests. did you ever raise the question:
to the national capital. The long- mulated a success formula for are no exception. Lack of control and government. Nothing justifies Why are farmers protesting?
drawn blockades have not just
created massive financial losses
protests and coined it as ‘Non-
violent protests’, which had
accountability lowers the power of the reason and purpose of the
scale of violence and vandalism
due to clogged logistics and found traction to fight a long bat- leadership unleashed by the protestors on II
transportation for many busi- tle with British for freedom, but that infamous day. The deviant My contribution to India’s gross domestic product (GdP) is on the
nesses, but also caused serious also has become a successful desecration of a national mon- being a land mark national anti-social behaviour has no co- decline. That is why economists say I am losing importance in the
inconvenience to the general model for protests across the ument and its historic pride. event. Farmers unions and its relation to the objective of farm- economy, and also for politicians.
public. world for individual and national They have actually lost the cause leaders [if they are any] should ers protest in the first place. But more and more households depend on agriculture for survival.
Modi Government has been rights. Mahatma Gandhi under- by losing out on their non-vio- have respected it and carried out The consequences of shun- My contribution to GdP has gone down from 51 per cent in the 1950s
proactive in engaging with the stood very early in time that vi- lent, peaceful-protest track. their rally peacefully. It would ning responsibility are quite ex- to around 16 per cent currently. But 70 million households depended
protesting farmer groups since olence defeats the very purpose More importantly they have lost have strengthened their cause, pensive for leadership, and on agriculture in 1951, which has now gone up to 120 million. In 1951,
the initial days of their protest. of a protest and side-tracks the the massive rising support base, if they actually had any real- farmer union leaders are no ex- there were 22 million agricultural labourers; currently there are 144
Over ten lengthy negotiation central objective, and allows the across India for their protest. cause. ception. Lack of control and ac- million.
meetings were organised to opponent to besmirch. Most of what they have lost, is The objective of protest has countability lowers the power of
thaw out differences and to dis- In a structured democracy, irrevocable. no correlation to the unpro- leadership.
cuss farmers concerns on the protest is the fundamental in- voked vandalism and violence It is time for the protesting III
newly reformed farm laws. Sen- strument of dissent. however, Leadership deficit exposed by the protesting farmer groups groups to accept the resolution We all celebrate when data shows that India is emerging as one of
ior Ministers like Narendra this instrument cannot be used Leadership is all about ac- on the republic day. offered in the last negotiation the fastest growing economies of the world. But this growth has not
Singh Tomar and Piyush Goyal to unleash civic disorder, vio- countability. It’s about owning One uncontrolled event is meeting with the central gov- impacted us.
were engaging with farmer lead- lence, vandalism and desecra- up action and its consequences. enough to highlight the lack of a ernment and return home to every second farmer in the country is indebted. An average Indian
ers in all these negotiations. tion. In a constitutional democ- The unruly episode of mayhem sincere and common objective re-engage with their occupa- farmer earns rs 6,426 per month while the expenditure is rs 6,223.
during multiple engagements racy, where law and order have on the republic day in delhi, for a protesting group. The tion, instead of continuing with Also, only 15 per cent of farmers earn 91 per cent of the total agri-
with farmer union leaders, Modi laws protecting its enforcement, has exposed lack of credible protest has visibly been hijacked their protest which has lost its cultural income amid overwhelming inequality.
government has agreed on many violent protests yield ‘zero re- leadership for the protests. by anti-social, anti-national, op- cause, objective, purpose and An analysis shows that a farmer earns only rs7,639 from a hectare
demands raised by farmer sults’. If agreements are not re- portunist political and sepa- credibility. of wheat against the production cost of rs 32,644. This is a huge
groups since November 2020. In Farmer unions have made a spected, leadership has no ratist elements. It was there on (The author is the chief loss of rs 25,005 per ha.
fact, every time the government biggest mistake in allowing a meaning. Modi government has TV screens all day for every one spokesperson of the BJP Telan- I don’t have much to spend. But over 90 per cent of the country’s
would agree and concede to the peaceful dissent programme de- given permission to the farmers across the nation to see. The gana State, an organisational GdP comes from my consumption. Close to 50 per cent of the con-
farmer unions demands, farmer rail into violence, vandalism and tractor-rally despite January 26 shocking rampage and unpro- strategist & a leadership coach) sumers in the country are wither farmers or from households that
earn primarily from agriculture.
It means a sector already in crisis is holding the fort of the “fastest
growing economy” of the world. Will it be able to sustain it? A big
LETTERS surge ahead to protect the interest of in-
vestors by sharing its Communication of
In the vicinity of 35 per cent ACs sold
in India were improved as fully built units
Murder most foul no and that is the severe warning for the overall economy.
Further the governments should en- tions so then can export to world's second the curtains down on a four-year prison away shouting the name of Lord Shiva. I
courage all the listed companies to commit largest market, India. We must bear this sentence. Sasikala is being treated for hope the parents would be punished for V
to United Nations Global Compact Pro- in mind that FTAs are embedded with "in- Covid-19 at the Trauma Care Centre in cold blooded murder so that it can be les- My fellow farmers are growing restless. Our Census 2011 says every
gram through robust voluntary nomina- verted duty structure", it means that fin- Victoria hospital. her release must glad- son for others who involve in such heinous day 2,000 farmers give up farming. Income from farming has already
tion drives. As a best practice the enrol- ished goods like ACs won't attract hefty den the hearts of her supporters, many of act either on their own or on the advice of lost the prime spot in our total household total earnings.
ment to UN Global Compact Program will duties but it local manufacturers import whom arrived at the hospital to celebrate Tantriks. In 1970, three-fourths of a rural household’s income came from
have a positive impact on the stakeholders raw materials like compressor and then her release. It will be interesting to see N Nagarajan, hyderabad farm sources. After 45 years, in 2015, it is less than one-third. Most
including retail investors and the compa- make products, it will meet with heavy du- how she charts her political career post- of the households now earn more out of non-farm sources. In fact a
nies can ensure complete fairness and ties. There was no ray of hope local manu- release. [email protected] daily wager earns more than a farmer.
transparency. The organizations should factures competing with ASeAN goods. N J Ravi Chander, Bengaluru (Courtesy: Down To Earth)
We are committed to work with young entrepreneurs of global public debt is estimated to touch 98% of gDP at the Euro 92.84 African Rand 5.52
the private sector to establish India as a global tech garage. end of 2020, International Monetary Fund said on thursday in
the private sector in India develops innovative solutions and the its latest fiscal monitor update, according to which India's UAE Dirham 21.87 Hong Kong Dollar 10.83
government's strength has been its reach. Both need to be government debt is expected to remain elevated at 83 per Thai Baht 2.8 Japanese Yen 0.81
leveraged together. cent of gDP. the Covid-19 pandemic has posed a severe
— Amitabh Kant, CEO, Niti Aayog challenge to public finances. British Pound 103.82 New Zealand Dollar 54.67
Australian Dollar 58.39 Saudi Riyal 21.41
Canadian Dollar 59.67 Swedish Krona 10.05
Swiss Franc 85.34 Singapore Dollar 57.59
biz briefs
India’s gold demand Markets recoil
MobiKwik, Home
Credit in pact amid global sell-off
MOBIKWIK, on thursday an-
nounced a partnership with
home Credit India, to launch
‘home Credit Money’. A mobile
down 35% in 2020
FM to present
application-based wallet pro- In the fourth quarter of 2020, the festive Survey today
vides integrated end-to-end digi- iNDiA’s gold demand dropped by MUMBAI near zero and vowed to maintain its
tal experience to its customers over a third in 2020 settling at period and the ensuing wedding season HANS BUSINESS bond buying program. Asian and
for their daily life payments and 446.4 tonne on the back of pan- revived hopes and drew in HYDERABAD Equity indices nosedived for the European bourses too wilted under
borrowing needs. the app is de- demic-induced lockdowns and fifth straight session on thursday selling pressure amid unabated rise
veloped for all payment use lifetime high prices, but a rebound jewellery demand worth 137.3 uNiON Minister for Finance as investors took money off the in Covid-19 cases.
cases like eCommerce payments, this year is most likely, as nor- tonnes, the strongest Nirmala Sitharaman will table table amid foreign fund outflows "Market turned cautious after
QR payments, bill payments and malcy returns and steady course the Economic Survey for and heavy selling in global markets. the unidirectional upside of the
money transfer. home Credit of reforms strengthen the indus- quarter in the year 2020-21 in Parliament on Fri- Participants also preferred to re- last 10 months due to ambiguity
money enables users to avail in- try, according to the World Gold day. this annual account of main in a risk-averse mode ahead ahead the Budget and profit book-
stant interest-free loan ranging Council (WGC). india’s economic landscape is of the union Budget next week, ing in the global market due to
from Rs 1,500 to Rs 10,000. the india’s gold demand fell keenly watched and dissected traders said. the 30-share BSE Sen- over-enthusiasm. "Global risk pa-
app has received almost 100,000 by 35.34 per cent to 446.4 hallmarking in June as it comes amid an unprece- sex skidded 535.57 points or 1.13 per rameters increased despite the uS
downloads on google Play Store tonne in 2020. in 2019, 2021, establishment of dented economic crisis trig- cent to finish at 46,874.36. Similarly, Fed maintaining its supportive
in three months. Marko Carevic, the total gold demand the international bul- gered by the Covid-19 pan- the broader NSE Nifty tumbled policy, due to high speculation in
CeO, home Credit India, said: was 690.4 tonne, accord- lion exchange in GiFt demic in india and around the 149.95 points or 1.07 per cent to the equity market and likely drop
“Our goal is to empower our cus- ing to the WGC’s 2020 Gold city and Retail Code of world. As india’s economy is 13,817.55. the Sensex has now lost in fiscal and monetary liquidity in
tomers by offering credit facili- Demand trends report. Gold conduct under the aegis of projected to register a steep 2,917.76 points in five days, while the future,"said Vinod Nair, Head
ties that are seamlessly inte- demand in value terms in 2020, the industry steering committee, contraction in the current fi- the Nifty has retreated 827.15 of Research at Geojit Financial
grated with their purchase witnessed a decline of 14 per cent industry growth will be qualita- nancial year, the Survey au- points. Services. BSE realty, it, FMCG,
journeys. Our partnership with and stood at Rs 1,88,280 crore, the fourth tively superior underpinned by thored by Chief Economic Ad- HuL was the top loser in the Sen- teck, auto and healthcare indices
MobiKwik is a significant step to- compared to Rs 2,17,770 crore in quarter (October-De- global ambitions and strong visor Krishnamurthy sex pack on thursday, shedding lost up to 2.07 per cent, while oil
wards taking customer engage- 2019, according to the WGC data. cember) of 2020, saw improved awareness of trust and trans- Subramanian is expected to 3.65 per cent, followed by Maruti, and gas, telecom, bankex and con-
ment to a new level.” Meanwhile, the total jewellery consumer sentiments as gold de- parency,” he said. From the con- come out with an economic HDFC Bank, PowerGrid, Kotak sumer durables managed to close
demand in volume terms in 2020 mand was down by only 4 per cent sumers’ perspective, there is ac- growth forecast for the next fi- Bank, indusind Bank, HCL tech in the green. the broader BSE
was down by 42 per cent at 315.9 at 186.2 tonne, compared to over- ceptance of the current high price nancial year i.e. 2021-22. and Bajaj Finserv. On the other midcap and smallcap indices
Koo ties up with tonne, compared to 544.6 tonne all demand in the same quarter of level as the new normal, he stated. it’s a general practice that hand, Axis Bank, SBi, ONGC, iCiCi slipped up to 0.46 per cent. Accord-
Republic TV in 2019, while in terms of value it 2019 at 194.3 tonne. “in the fourth in addition, current high stock in- the Economic Survey is tabled Bank and ultratech Cement were ing to traders, recent foreign fund
dipped by 22.42 per cent to Rs quarter of 2020, the festive period dices and low interest rates will in the Parliament a day before among the gainers, jumping up to outflows from the domestic capital
MICRO-BlOggIng platform 1,33,260 crore, from Rs 1,71,790 and the ensuing wedding season add significant weightage to gold the union Budget is pre- 6.16 per cent. On the global markets are also weighing on mar-
‘Koo’ announced its tie up with crore largely on account of Covid- revived hopes and drew in jew- amidst inevitable return of cele- sented. this time, the Survey front, Wall Street ket momentum. Foreign portfolio
Republic tV to further reach and related restrictions. the country’s ellery demand worth 137.3 tonnes, brations and festivities, he said. is coming out three days be- posted its biggest investors (FPis) offloaded shares
encourage Indian audiences to net gold imports dipped by 47 per the strongest quarter in the year. “We could see a strong spurt in fore the Budget as a weekend one-day percent- worth a net Rs 1,688.22 crore on
express their thoughts and opin- cent during 2020 to 344.2 tonne investment demand also showed gold demand for the next few separates both the events. age drop in three Wednesday, according to provi-
ions on everyday trending news. compared to 646.8 tonne in 2019, significant resilience, growing 8 years, a repeat of what happened As always, the latest Eco- months amid a sional exchange data.
As part of the partnership, Re- it added. However, as lockdown per cent to 48.9 tonnes,” Soma- after a sharp drop in 2009. in such nomic Survey, described as the wave of profit-
public Bharat will use the Koo eased and normalisation efforts sundaram PR said. a scenario, the current high tax on central government’s report booking, even
platform to trend daily hashtags were phased in, imports during He pointed out that this can be gold increases the lure of smug- card on the economy, also dis- as the uS Fed
and encourage their followers on the last quarter rose 19 per cent expected to continue into 2021 as gling, so duty cut to reasonable cusses the State of economy in left the
Koo to express their thoughts year-on-year, pointing to the pos- further normalcy returns and levels is absolutely necessary, threadbare, dwells on the pol- benchmark
and opinions on these topics. the itive impact of pent-up demand, steady course of reforms along with tax concessions for re- icy challenges and the changes interest
best koos will get featured on Re- according to WGC Managing Di- strengthen the industry. “With cycling gold, innovations and dig- that are required and dishes rate un-
public tV. Aprameya Radhakr- rector, india, Somasundaram PR. the implementation of mandatory ital interventions,” he said. out sectoral overviews. changed
ishna, Co-Founder and CeO of
Koo, said: “We firmly believe that
Freedom of Speech digitally
should be irrespective of lan-
guage preferences. today the in-
SBI asset quality remains ED begins probe against Jio ranked
world’s 5th
ternet has a majority of thoughts
healthy: Chairman Khara strongest brand
e-com major Amazon
and opinions from the english au-
dience. the tie-up with Republic NEW DELHI
Bharat will help bring awareness MUMBAI economic situation is not the same
about expressing oneself on so- as it was in April, and with the ease BiLLiONAiRE Mukesh Am-
cial media among the hindi tHE asset quality situation at State in restrictions post lockdown, we NEW DELHI ternal trade (DPiit) that func- bani's four-year-old telecom
speaking audiences as well.” Bank of india (SBi) remains have seen a recovery process which tions under the Commerce Min- venture Reliance Jio has been
healthy and the faster-than-ex- led to growth in different pockets, tHE Enforcement Directorate istry. it had forwarded a repre- ranked the fifth strongest
SBI gets pected economic recovery may
limit the impact to lenders' balance
he said. He acknowledged that the
macro-economy had seen difficul-
(ED) has initiated a probe against
e-commerce giant Amazon for al-
sentation made by the
Confederation of All india
brand globally behind the likes
of Ferrari and Coca-Cola.
new MDs sheets, the bank's Chairman Di- ties at a point of time and the cash leged violation of the foreign ex- traders (CAit) alleging that ma- the Brand Finance's Global
the country's largest lender nesh Kumar Khara said on thurs- flows for the corporates had also change law and rules of the coun- jor e-commerce players like Flip- 500 ranking of the strongest
State Bank of India, on thurs- day. He, however, did not share de- been impacted. try, official sources said on kart and Amazon violated FEMA brands globally, which deter-
day said Swaminathan J and tails on the Covid-related loan Better treatment for Covid-19 thursday. conflation of agreements it has and FDi rules. mined the relative strength of
Ashwini Kumar tewari have restructuring for SBi citing the patients and the arrival of vaccines the probe is being conducted with an unlisted unit of the indian CAit had alleged that these e- brands, is topped by WeChat,
taken charge as managing di- silent period ahead of the results. have also improved confidence under various sections of the For- company will be considered as vi- commerce companies were in vi- according to its annual report
rectors (MDs). they would be it can be noted that in the bi-annual which is pushing economic recov- eign Exchange Management Act olative of the FEMA and foreign olation of FEMA and FDi rules on most valuable and
holding this position for up to Financial Stability Report (FSR) re- ery, he said. Hinting that the cash (FEMA) after the central probe direct investment (FDi) rules. by adopting illegal structuring/in- strongest global brands. "De-
three years, the lender said in a leased last month, the RBi had ex- flows for the corporates have im- agency recently received a com- When contacted, an Amazon vestments and practices. Flipkart, spite only being founded in
release. Before this, Swami- pected banks' non-performing as- proved because of interventions munication from the Commerce spokesperson said it was "not at that time, had said it was "fully 2016, Jio has quickly become
nathan was the Deputy Manag- sets to deteriorate further because like the ones the government has Ministry seeking ‘necessary ac- aware of any new case by the ED compliant with all applicable laws the largest mobile network op-
ing Director (Finance) at the of the pandemic and asked taken, Khara answered a spe- tion’ against e-commerce players against Amazon india". and FDi regulations in the coun- erator in india and the third-
bank, where he was overseeing them to be cautious. cific question on asset qual- like Amazon and Flipkart per- Sources said the agency is look- try". in the second instance being largest mobile network oper-
budgeting, capital planning, fi- "i would also mention ity saying, "these are the taining to certain multi-brand re- ing to "investigate into the entire investigated by the ED that in- ator in the world, with almost
nancial reporting, taxation, au- that the asset quality book positives which we have tail businesses and an observa- issue and will seek details from volves Amazon, the Delhi High 400 million subscribers," it
dit, economic research, in- of the bank remains seen. this gives the con- tion made by the Delhi High Amazon and other stakeholders". Court had made observations on said. Jio was Mukesh Am-
vestor relations, and secretarial healthy," Khara told fidence that perhaps Court in relation to Amazon. the in the first instance under the ED the uS e-commerce firm object- bani's re-entry into the tele-
compliance. tewari served SBI reporters on the side- situation may not HC had said that said the attempt scanner is a recent communica- ing to the Rs 24,713 crore Future com business, offering free
Card as Managing Director and lines of an event turn out to be as made by the uS-based firm to tion sent to it by the Department Group-Reliance deal that was voice calling and dirt cheap
Chief executive Officer before here. the macro- Dinesh Kumar Khara, bad." control Future Retail through a for Promotion of industry and in- signed in August last year. data for mobile phones.
he was appointed as MD of the SBI, chairman "Renowned for its incredibly
bank. In October last year, the affordable plans, Jio took in-
from tomorrow NEW DELHI zip not sexual assault Continued from P1
The Question hour also
makes a comeback in this ses-
sion. Due to paucity of time,
BhARATIyA Kisan Union NAGPUR there was no Question hour in
AHMEDNAGAR ers. The government is not sen- (BKU) leader Rakesh Tikait on the previous session. The Mon-
sitive to the plight of farmers. So Thursday broke down at the THE Nagpur bench of the Bombay soon session also saw the two
SOCIAL Crusader Kisan Babu- I will start a fast from the ya- Delhi-Uttar Pradesh Ghazipur high court has ruled that holding the houses working on Saturdays
Pak SC releases rao alias Anna hazare on Thurs- davbaba Temple in Ralegan-Sid- farmers protest site, alleging hands of a minor girl and opening of and Sundays. But this time,
day lamented that the Centre is dhi on January 30, the anniver- that the administration was try- Parliament will not sit on week-
Daniel Pearl’s ignoring all his pleas on the sary of Mahatma Gandhi's ing to crush their movement.
the zip of pants does not fall under
the purview of 'sexual assault' or ends. Private Members' busi-
killer Omar farmers' demands, compelling
him to go on another hunger
assassination," hazare an-
Tikait, who has been named
in the Delhi Police FIR in con-
'aggravated sexual assault' of the
Protection of Children from Sexual
ness which usually takes place
on Friday afternoons has also
LAHORE strike from January 30. Detailing his struggles, haz- nection with the violence at sev- Offences (POCSO) Act. The observa- made a comeback in the Budget
The 83-year-old anti-graft ac- are said he had launched a eral parts of the city during tion was made by a single bench of session, according to Lok Sabha
PAKISTAN'S Supreme Court on tivist said that he had been agi- hunger strike in Delhi on March the 'Kisan Gantantra parade' on Justice Pushpa Ganediwala on Janu- secretariat. In the previous ses-
Thursday ordered the release of tating for the farmers since four 23, 2018 after which the PMO Republic Day, made his appear- ary 15 while passing an order on an sion, the Private Members'
British-born Al Qaeda terrorist years and in past three months gave a written assurance on ance at the protest site two days appeal filed by a 50-year-old man Justice Pushpa Ganediwala business was not taken up.
Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, the only, he had written on this five March 29 on the MSP demand later, saying: "We were ready to challenging a sessions court's order Members introduce their
prime accused in the beheading times to the Prime Minister and and other issues. surrender peacefully but the convicting him for sexually assault- there was no "skin to skin contact", own bills and resolutions dur-
of American journalist Daniel Union Agriculture Minister. The government did not com- BJP's local MLAs have been ing and molesting a five-year-old the groping could not be ruled as an ing this period which are de-
Pearl in 2002 in Karachi. "But it seems that the govern- ply with the same forcing him to called to beat the protesting girl. Judge Ganediwala has come un- assault. In 2018, Ganediwala was bated by the house. During the
The apex court dismissed ment is not taking appropriate go on another strike in Ralegan- farmers." der the scanner in the past few days one of several judges who were con- session the government will
the Sindh provincial govern- decisions on the issue of farm- Siddhi from January 30, 2019. "There is a conspiracy against for a series of judgement which has sidered for appointment to the Bom- also push to convert ordi-
ment's appeal against the us. Now, I will not surrender been deemed as 'controversial.' bay High Court, but was not ap- nances issued recently into
Sindh high court's decision to even if the police fires bullets at The Bombay HC verdict regarding pointed after the Bombay High Court laws. An ordinance has to be
overturn the conviction of
Sheikh for the beheading of
Inter practicals’ syllabus cut by 30% us," he announced from the dais
of the farmers' protest site.
a case of groping of a minor girl sent
shockwaves for its controversial
recommended against it. The
Supreme Court of India accepted the
converted into a law within 42
days of the beginning of the
Pearl, the 38-year-old South HANS NEWS SERVICE Tikait also said that he will statement. The case involved a 12- Bombay High Court's adverse rec- session, else it lapses.
Asia bureau chief for The Wall GUNTUR hang himself but he will not sur- year-old girl who had reportedly ommendations and decided to defer The ordinances issued re-
Street Journal. According to render now and urged the farm- been groped by a 39-year-old man in consideration of her appointment. In cently include The Commis-
the short verdict, a three-judge BOARD of Intermediate education (BIe) reduced 30 per cent syllabus ers to save their tents that have December 2016. 2019, Ganediwala's appointment sion for Air Quality Manage-
SC bench headed by Justice for practicals in science subjects for the academic year 2020-21, keep- been in place since November 26 After four years, the Nagpur bench was reconsidered, and she was ap- ment in National Capital
Mushir Alam also directed to ing in view of the reduction in working days because of Covid-19. The last year. headed by Justice Ganediwala found pointed as an additional judge in the Region and Adjoining Areas
release the suspect. One mem- details of deleted topics subject-wise were communicated to all the Speaking to media, an emo- that the accused did grope the child Bombay High Court. Ganediwala Ordinance 2020, The Arbitra-
ber of the bench opposed the authorities concerned and the same are also available in the board tional Tikait said that the admin- but it did not constitute sexual as- has, along with two other judges, tion and Conciliation (Amend-
decision. Pearl's murder took website The question paper for forthcoming practical istration was trying to conspire sault punishable with POCSO but in- commuted death penalty sentences ment) Ordinance, 2020 and
place three years after Sheikh, examinations of IPe-2021 will be from the 70 per cent of syllabus against the farmers to end their stead constituted the offence of out- to life imprisonment in two cases The Jammu and Kashmir Re-
along with Jaish-e-Moham- only. The syllabus for theory examination has been reduced by 30 per peaceful movement. "We had raging a woman's modesty under while sitting on the Bombay High organisation (Amendment)
mad chief Masood Azhar and cent and the same was already uploaded on the board website. The come here to protest against the IPC section 354. The reason? The girl Court, in 2019. Both cases concerned Ordinance, 2021. The session
Mushtaq Ahmed Zargar, was BIe has already reduced 30 per cent syllabus on the lines of CBSe three farm laws demanding their reportedly had her top on and since the offence of murder. would conclude on April 8. In
released by India in 1999. due to lesser number of working days. repealing," he said. order to enable the standing
committees to consider the
Demands for Grants of min-
Republic TV files defamation suit Indian-origin paediatrician shoots another Farmers told to vacate protest sites istries and prepare their re-
ports, the houses will adjourn
against Times Now anchor doctor & himself after taking hostage Continued from P1
The farmers have blocked the
the Republic Day violence also
made a presence at the Ghazipur
on February 15 and meet again
on March 8. (PTI)
Continued from P1 Delhi-Meerut highway from one border, after going underground
NEW DELHI and founder Arnab Goswami on "So, we feel like his terminal cancer probably played a large part in whatever side since November 26 last year. for last two days. A team of sen-
her show on January 18. it was that occurred in his life and what was happening yesterday," he was
The parent company of the Re- "Navika Kumar made rabid quoted as saying by US media reports. But for now, Greenwalt said, investigators
Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU)
spokesperson Rakesh Tikait, who
ior officials of the Ghaziabad po-
lice and administration also ar- Ramateertham
public TV has filed a defamation
complaint at a Delhi court
and unfounded claims accusing
Republic Media Network's
are still trying to unravel what could have led to the hostage situation. he called
for any of the doctor's family and friends who might have knowledge about
has been named in the FIR by the
Delhi Police in connection with
rived at the Ghazipur border to
apprehend him. (IANS)
idols reinstalled
against Times Now anchor founder of endangering na- Narumanchi to contact the homicide department. earlier, police said hostage Continued from P1
Navika Kumar for allegedly tional security and leaking state negotiators tried to make contact with Narumanchi, but were unsuccessful. Bhramaramba said that the
making defamatory remarks secrets, thereby jeopardising After repeated attempts, SWAT (special weapons and tactic) officers entered CS complains to Centre on poojas would be continued in
against Republic TV and its
founder in connection with the
the goodwill of the network and
endangering the entire organi-
the building where they found Dodson and Narumanchi dead from apparent
gunshot wounds. "It appeared that Dr Narumanchi shot himself after shooting
SEC over orders to IAS officers Balalayam till the construction
of the temple at the hill is com-
alleged WhatsApp chats men- sation," teh 49-page complaint Dr Dodson," according to the police department's news release. The incident Continued from P1 pleted and later the idols would
tioned in the chargesheet filed stated. The company submitted is still under investigation. "There were five people inside the building when The Chief Secretary stated that considering the guidelines, be shifted to the main temple.
by the Mumbai Police in the that the defamatory show had the suspect arrived," Greenwalt said, adding that they were all employees and the state government has issued orders rejecting the censure Prof A Srinivasacharyulu of
TRP scam case. over 85,000 views in addition to no children or patients were present when the incident happened. It wasn't proceedings issued by the State election Commission. he said Venkateswara Vedik Univer-
The complaint filed by ARG the live telecast at prime time until the SWAT team was able to send a robot fitted with a camera inside the that SeC’s communications to the Secretary, Department of sity, eO of the temple Ch Ranga
Outlier Media Private Limited al- in the satellite television, and doctor's office that police got a full sense of the situation. "We were able to see Personnel and Training, suffers from infirmities in the deci- Rao and others participated in
ludes to the statements made by "the scale of defamation faced that both subjects were deceased," Greenwalt said, referring to Dodson and sion-making process and infraction of the law. Further, there the programme. A huge num-
Navika Kumar relating to the chats by the complainant company is Narumanchi. The Travis County Medical examiner will be conducting an au- has not been an iota of doubt regarding the conduct of officers ber of devotees too participated
of Republic TV editor-in-Chief irreparable". topsy to determine the official cause and manner of death. (PTI) during their past service. in the pujas.
8 SPORTS TiRupaTi FRiday 29 januaRy 2021
Printed and Published by K. Hanumanta Rao, on behalf of Hyderabad Media House Pvt. Limited, H.No:1-6-67/A1, Near Balaji Degree College, Varadaraj Nagar, Tirupati, Chittoor District - 517 501.
and Printed at Jagati Publications Limited, Survey No: 2/3, Kothapalem Village, Yelamandyam Gramapanchayat, Chennai Highway. Renigunta Mandal, Chittoor District - 517520. Editor: V Ramu Sarma. RNI No: APENG/2012/41969