Letourneau University Lab #17: Avtc2441 Airframe Electrical Lab

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LeTourneau University LAB #17

School of Aeronautical Science Name:

Department of Aircraft Systems ScienceLab Section: Date:

AVTC2441 Airframe Electrical Lab (116 points possible)


PROJECT TITLE: B-767 AC Electrical Power

REFERENCES: Alteon B-767 Technical Computer Software

Student Reference Guide – Lesson: 24-23/01 AC BITE and Fault Isolation
(Blue folder in the cabinet)

PROVIDED TOOLS: Alteon B-767 Technical Computer Software

LAB OBJECTIVES: The student will have a general knowledge of Boeing 767 Electrical system.

LAB OVERVIEW: Utilizing computer based training the student will become familiar with the AC
power system of the Boeing 767.

LAB PROCEDURES: Answers may be handwritten on this lab legibly. Just add a coversheet and

1) Turn on the lab computer:

a) Click on icon for 767 Technical
2) On menu page 4 of 15, select Introduction to the Electrical Power System and answer the
following questions:
AC Power source overview
a) How much power can be supplied by each source?
a. 90 Kv
Select External Power Panel:
b) What type of external power does the 767 utilize, AC or DC?
a. AC
c) Which buses will external power provide power for?
a. The airplane’s main power bus

School of Aeronautical Science AVTC.2441.017.1

LeTourneau University Airframe Electrical

Select Left and Right integrated drive Generators:

d) Where is the IDG located?
a. Inside the common housing
e) What is the primary source of AC power in flight?
a. Integrated Drive Unit

Select APU Generator:

f) What are two functions of the APU generator?
a. To provide power on the ground when engines arent running as well as backup
power if generators fail

3) On menu page 4 of 15, select Introduction to the Electrical Power System and answer the
following questions:
Select topic 3: Introduction to the Electrical System Components
Select Flight Compartment:
a) What does the electrical system control panel allow?

a. auto select of IDG and APU

b) How is external power selected?

a. P5 panel
c) When do you use switches on the P61 Panel?
a. during maintenance and testing of elec power systems

Select Aft Equipment Center:

d) What two electrical system components are located in the aft equipment center?

a. APU battery and APU charger

e) Are the APU and Main battery chargers interchangeable?
a. yes

Select Left Wheel Well:

f) What system components are located in the left wheel well?

a. m1225 Hydraulic Motor driven generator, V147 hydraulic motor generator shutoff
valve, flow limiter
g) When is this system required?

a. extended range operation

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LeTourneau University Airframe Electrical

h) If main power system fails, what can supply AC and DC power?

a. hydraulic motor generator
Select Main Equipment Center:
i) In the E3 rack what components can provide DC power? AC Power? (There is a text mistake
here; be careful)

a. Transformer rectifier units

b. Static inverter
j) Which panel contains the control unit and relays for the HMG system?

a. APU external power panel

k) Name the units and number of each on the aircraft that automatically control, monitor and
protect their related power sources?

a. left generator control unit, APU generator control unit, and right generator control
l) What information can the BCPU display?
a. fault info stored in BPCU or GCU
Select Passenger Compartment:
m) Where is the “ground service bus switch” located?

a. P21 forward flight attendant panel, just inside the left entry door
n) From which sources could the Ground Service bus get power?

a. APU generator

4) On menu page 4 of 15, select Introduction to the Electrical Power System and answer the
following questions:
Select topic 4: Operating the Electrical Power System:
a) What WARNING needs to be followed when powering the airplane with external power?

a. remove electrical power from external cable before connecting cable to plane
b) What 3 things get power when you energize the ground service bus?

a. cabin lights
b. service outlets
c. battery chargers
c) What sources power critical flight equipment until the main buses are powered?

a. stby power systems AC/DC buses

d) How is the right IDG power connected to the right IDG bus?

a. system connects right IDG power to right AC bus

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LeTourneau University Airframe Electrical

e) What 5 electrical system indications are displayed in EICAS? (There is a text mistake here; be

a. load
b. voltage
c. frequency
d. average
e. temp

f) If a fault occurs in the AC Power System, what two things must one use to find the fault?
What fault message is indicated in the example given in the CBT?

a. left generator power, over freq trip

5) On menu page 4 of 15, select Introduction to the Electrical Power System and answer the
following questions:
Select topic 5: Electrical System Diagrams:
a) On the External Power System, what component connects power to the Ground Handling DC

a. Ground Power TRU

b) Can the Ground Service bus be powered by the Right AC Bus?

a. Yes if the ground service transfer relay is activated to allow it

c) On the AC Power System, how many sources can power the left and right AC buses, utility
buses & the galleys?

a. four, the Left/Right IDG, APU Generator, or External power panel

d) Can the APU battery be used as a backup for the standby power system?

a. No, the APU backup battery is for APU starting only

e) What type of power does the Hydraulic Motor Generator provide?

a. AC Power to the transfer buses

6) On menu page 4 of 15, select AC Power System and select Overview

7) On menu page 4 of 15, select AC Power System and select the AC power System Components
topic and answer the following questions:
a) How many AC power sources can supply power to the AC buses?

i) 4

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Select Integrated Drive Generator:

b) What supplies power to each IDGs corresponding circuit breakers?


Select APU Generator:

c) Can the APU supply power to the main AC buses while in flight?

i) Yes
d) Where do the APU generator power feeder cables run?

i) To the APU External Power Panel then to the corresponding buses

Select Main Equipment Center sub topic

Select Bus power control unit sub-topic:
e) What components does the BPCU control in order to prevent an electrical system overload?

i) Utility Bus relays, and galley electrical load control units

f) How does the BPCU communicate with the GCUs?

i) Digital Serial Datalink

g) Name the four functions of the BPCU:

i) Monitor the External power system, prevents AC power source from overload, Communicate
with each GCU, and display AC power system faults

Select Left, Right and APU Generator Control Units sub topic:
h) What component in the GCU controls power to the voltage regulator to maintain proper output
voltage from the generator?
i) Generator Control field relay
Select Left and Right Generator power panels sub-topic
Select P32 Right Generator Power Panel:
i) What three conditions are detected by the current transformers?

i) Differential current faults, open phase faults, and source overloads

Select P31 Left Generator Power Panel:
Select APU/External Power Panel sub-topic:
Back at the aircraft diagram, with highlighted areas, select the External Power Panel sub-topic.
j) Where is the access door for the external power panel located?
i) The front right side of the fuselage

Select the Flight compartment sub-topic:

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k) How many current transformers are in the P6 panel?

i) 2

l) Out of how many totals in the AC power system?

i) 12
8) On menu page 4 of 15, select AC Power System and select Powering the Left and Right AC
Buses topic and answer the following questions:
a) What step in powering the aircraft will cause the electrical system control panel lights to come
a. Turning on the ground service bus and turning the battery switch on.
b) What three electrical system values will be displayed on the EICAS electrical/Hydraulic
maintenance page?
a. Left/Right IDGs, and APU
c) Is the right AC bus powered from the IDG automatically or manually?
a. Automatically
9) On menu page 4 of 15, select AC Power System and select AC Power Load Shedding and GCU
Fault Protection topic and answer the following questions:
a) What causes the BPCU and GCUs to disconnect power?

a. Whenever the load is shedded

b) Name three conditions that can cause automatic load shedding?

a. Power source overload, Engine start using the APU, One Generator in the Air
c) Can Load shedding occur on the ground as well as in flight?

a. Yes, happens anytime the source exceeds the overload limit

d) With one source supplying both main buses, which buses are shed in the event of an overload?

a. Utility buses and Galley buses

e) What indication is there of a shed bus?

a. Utility bus switch OFF turns on and EICAS shows the corresponding message
f) Load shedding on the ground will occur if aircraft shifts to air mode. At what power lever setting
will that occur?

a. 10 degrees from idle

g) Will the utility buses reset automatically after being shed on the ground?

a. No it must be manual
h) How many power system faults are listed that the GCU will monitor?

a. 12
i) When a fault is detected, how does the GCU isolate the fault?

a. Initiates specific tripping to isolate the fault

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LeTourneau University Airframe Electrical

j) What reference can the technician use to help isolate a fault?

a. Fault Isolation Manual

10) On menu page 4 of 15, select AC Power System and select the Practice topic and answer the
following questions:
a) Which component controls the left utility bus relay?

b) Which power source is supplying power to the aft galleys?

a. External Power Panel

c) Which component ties the right AC bus to the AC Tie bus?

a. Right Bus tie breaker

d) After an overload event, how can the left utility bus be reset?

a. Turning the bus utility switch on and off

e) If the left generator circuit breaker is tripped, how can the generator be reset?

a. Pressing the left generator control switch on and off

11) On menu page 4 of 15, select AC Power BITE and Fault Isolation and select the Overview topic
and answer the following questions:
a) What does BITE stand for?

a. Built-in test equipment

b) What three things will you learn to do with BITE in this lesson?

a. Retrieve information, start a bite test, and erase Control Unit Measurements
12) On menu page 4 of 15, select AC Power BITE and Fault Isolation and select the BPCU and GCU
BITE topic and answer the following questions:
a) Where do each of the control units store fault information?

a. non volatile memory

b) The BPCU and GCUs can store information for how many flights?

a. 7
Select Generator Control Unit (GCU):
c) How many GCUs does the AC electrical system contain?

a. 3
Select Bus Power Control Unit (BPCU):
d) What do the messages on the BPCU display (in general)?

a. ID of fault

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Select Operational BITE:

e) How is the fault message displayed on the BPCU?

a. 2 line, 24 character LED display

Select Maintenance BITE:
f) Name the three internal circuits tested by the maintenance BITE?

a. serial data link, voltage and current rating, frequency sensing

13) On menu page 4 of 15, select AC Power BITE and Fault Isolation and select the BITE Displays
and Fault Isolation topic and answer the following questions:
a) What reference is used to interpret all fault messages?

a. fault isolation manual

Select BIT switch:
b) What indication is there on the BPCU if there are no fault messages from the GCUs?

a. OK
c) What is the time delay before the BPCU displays the next message?

a. 2 seconds
d) Why does the “Not Found“ message appear on the BPCU?

a. No data stored from any previous flights

Select Periodic Test switch:
e) When do you normally use the periodic test switch?

a. scheduled plane maintenance checks

f) What is the only type of power to be used during the periodic test?

a. AC
g) What type of code may be used in the fault message on the BPCU?
a. hexidecimal
Select Reset Switch:
h) What happens when you push the reset switch?

a. erases BPCU and GCU info, stored for all previous flights, defines new flight
i) What is the indication that the automatic sequence is completed?

a. Display turns blank

14) On menu page 4 of 15, select AC Power BITE and Fault Isolation and select Practice topic and
answer the following questions:
a) Which unit will store the fault message of an external power trip?

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LeTourneau University Airframe Electrical

b) Which BPCU switch will retrieve the fault message from memory?

a. The BIT switch

c) What are the three basic steps to fault isolation?

a. Select the fault isolation flow chart, select the correcting procedure, perform the
Select fault Isolation Item 1, Right Generator Power System Fault:
d) What Fault Isolation Flowchart will you use?

a. Flowchart 2
e) What procedure goes with the EICAS message?

a. BCPU Bite procedure

f) What must be met before doing the BPCU Bite procedure?

a. Prerequisites
g) On which table will you find the corrective action for this fault?

a. Main Equipment Center

h) What is the corrective action for this fault?

a. Press the BIT switch

Select fault Isolation Item 1, Left IDG Oil Temperature Fault:
i) What Flowchart will you use for this fault?

a. fig 2
j) What procedure will you use?

a. 24-20-00 Fig 108 Block I

k) What is the next block in the fault isolation procedure?

a. 1-> 20
l) What is the first step in the corrective action for this fault message?

a. Check IDG scavenge filter, differential pressure indicator

m) What is the next step in the fault isolation procedure?

a. Replace IDG
n) What reference would you use to remove, replace and test the IDG?

a. 24-11-01
o) What is the last step in the corrective action?

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a. erases codes which is an auto event. With EICAS maintenance from the

School of Aeronautical Science AVTC.2441.017.10

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