Bill of Materials 555

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Bill Of Materials for 555

Design Title 555

Document Number
Design Created miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2020
Design Last Modified miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2020
Total Parts In Design 38

0 Modules
Quantity References Value Stock Code Unit Cost
Sub-totals: $0.00
8 Capacitors
Quantity References Value Stock Code Unit Cost
4 C1,C3,C6-C7 10nF $4.00
2 C2,C8 50uF $4.00
1 C4 100uF $6.00
1 C5 1uF $4.00
Sub-totals: $34.00
14 Resistors
Quantity References Value Stock Code Unit Cost
6 R1,R3,R6,R8,R11-R12 1k $1.00
8 R2,R4-R5,R7,R9-R10,R13-R14 10k $1.00
Sub-totals: $14.00
3 Integrated Circuits
Quantity References Value Stock Code Unit Cost
2 U1,U3 555 $12.00
1 U2 7812 $18.00
Sub-totals: $42.00
4 Transistors
Quantity References Value Stock Code Unit Cost
2 Q1,Q4 BC547 $6.00
2 Q2-Q3 TIP31 $9.00
Sub-totals: $30.00
2 Diodes
Quantity References Value Stock Code Unit Cost
2 D1-D2 1N4148 $4.00
Sub-totals: $8.00
7 Miscellaneous
Quantity References Value Stock Code Unit Cost
3 J1-J3 TBLOCK-I2 $7.00
2 J4-J5 TBLOCK-I3 $8.00
1 RV1 10k Digikey 3252W-203LF-ND $15.00
1 RV3 10K Digikey 3252W-203LF-ND $15.00
Sub-totals: $67.00

Totals: $195.00
miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2020 07:56:40 p.m.

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