Index From Ellen Terry Spheres
Index From Ellen Terry Spheres
Index From Ellen Terry Spheres
Titles of works of art and literature are listed in the index under the names of
their authors, if known. Page references in italics refer to illustrations.
Alexandra, Queen, 152 Bankart, Alice, Lady, 153
Allingham, William, ‘No funeral gloom’, Barish, Jonas, 96
135–6 Barjon, L., 114
Andreev, Leonid, 108, 109 Barnes, Djuna, 109
Antoine, André, 88 Barnes, Hilda, 130, 147, 153
Appia, Adolphe, 117 Barnes, John, 51–2
Arch, Joseph, 75 Barnes, Reginald, 96
Archer, William, 109, 112, 115 Barrault, Jean-Louis, 109
Architect, 84, 86, 87 Barrett, Wilson, 89, 104
Arena Goldoni, Florence, 79 Barrie, J. M., 7, 66
Argus (Melbourne), 71 Barrington, Emilie, 36, 39, 41
Arliss, George, 97 Bartley, Mary, 42
Arnold, Matthew, 121 Battersea Rise, 145
Arts and Humanities Research Council Beecham, Sir Thomas, 112
(AHRC), 5, 11, 150 Beerbohm, Max, 68
Athenaeum, 17–18, 25, 40, 42 Behnes, William, 35
Atkinson, Francis Home, 99 Belford, Barbara, 30
Atwood, Tony, 131 Bennett, Susan, 129–30
Auckland Star, 71 Benson, Frank, 84–5
Auerbach, Nina, vii, 2, 5, 6, 27–8, 33, 52, 53, Benson Company, 59
59, 62, 63, 102, 120 Bentley, Joanne, 124
Australia, 71, 135, 136 Bernhardt, Sarah, 49, 56, 137, 139
Biddles, Adelaide (later Calvert), 94–5
Babe’s Troops, 51 Bisley, Henry, Devil May Care, 99–100
Baird, Dorothea, 96, 102, 103, 105 Bloodworth, Jenny, vii, 7
Baker, Elizabeth, 70 Bond, Acton, 75, 151, 152
Baker, Michael, 98, 105 Booth, Edwin, 85
– 199 –
200 Ellen Terry, Spheres of Influence
Court Theatre, 21, 89, 104
Calmour, A. C., The Amber Heart, 62 Craig, Edith (Wardell; Edy), 6, 14, 15–16,
Calvert, Charles, 94 41, 53, 63–4, 75, 76, 93
Calvert, Louis, 94 childhood, 9, 13, 78, 83, 86, 134
Cameron, Julia Margaret, 1, 38, 40, 73, 133 as director, 107–18, 139
Charity, 40 and Pilcher, 119, 123–4, 126–7, 131–2
Medora, 40 and Shakespeare lectures, 66, 68
The Opera Box, 40 after Terry’s death, 10–11, 16, 134–5,
Sadness, 38 136, 151
South West Wind, 40 books and papers, 149, 150, 151, 152–3,
Campbell, Stella (Mrs Pat), 13, 18, 28 154, 155
Carew, James, 9, 58, 90, 143, 144, 145, The Shoe, 155
146–7 Craig, Edward (Carrick), 77, 82, 83
name, 160 Craig, Edward Gordon, 5, 8–9, 14–15, 41,
papers, 153 46, 47, 77–80, 97–8, 119, 127, 132, 135,
Carlson, Susan, 76 137–8
Carnivalesque, 61, 62 childhood, 9, 13, 83, 84, 134, 138
Carre, Michel, L’Enfant Prodigue, 98 as director, 78–9, 91, 118
Carric, Allen, 88 and his father, 9, 81–91
Carroll, Lewis, 2, 10, 42, 93–106 and Flanagan, 124
Carter, Hubert, Punchinello, 59 International Theatre Exhibition, 122,
Casson, Sir Lewis, 123 126
Chagall, Marc, 132 letter about boots, 139–40, 140
Chaplin, Olive, 149 letter from Terry, 139
Chartists, 75 letter to Terry, 141
Chase, Pauline, 143, 148 relationships with women, 77, 141
Christmas Dramatic Wanderers, 103 papers, 150–1
Index 201
‘Architecture and Costume in Shake- Ellen Terry and Edith Craig Conference,
speare’s Plays’, 86–7 5–6
The Art of the Theatre, 79, 88 Ellen Terry and Edith Craig Database, 5, 6,
‘The Artists of the Theatre of the Future’, 11, 149, 158–60
88–9 Ellen Terry Memorial Museum, 11, 134–6,
Ellen Terry and her Secret Self, 86 148, 149, 150
Index to the Story of My Days, 85, 87, 91 elocution, 71–3, 76
The Mask, 9, 79, 82–3, 87–91, 118, 126, Emery, Mary May, 127
129, 150 Era, 98, 103
‘Recollection’, 81–2 Ervine, St John, 121
Craig, Sir Maurice, 147 Eugenics Society, 4
Craig, May, 141, 146, 150, 152 Evans, Joe, 152
Craig, Philip, 152 Eversley, Mary, 126
Craig, Robin, 152 Everyman Theatre, 135
Craig, Rosie, 152 Evreinov, Nikolai, 108, 135
Craigie, Pearl, 152 The Merry Death, 109
The Theatre of the Soul, 125
Daly, Augustin, 52, 89 Eyre, Sophie, 51
Davis, Tracy C., 94, 101, 103
De La Mare, Walter, Crossings, 120 Faucit, Helen, 94, 95
Delsarte, François, 72 feminism, 65–76, 104, 111
Dickens, Charles, 9 Ffrangcon-Davies, Gwen, 126
Dido and Aeneas, 118 Flanagan, Hallie, 124
Disher, Maurice Willson, 20 Fleming, Albert, 143, 151
Disraeli, Benjamin, 41 Franklin Gould, Veronica, viii, 7, 14
Dodgson, Charles Ludwidge see Carroll, Freewoman, The, 141
Lewis Freshwater, Isle of Wight, 40, 41
Dodgson, Violet, 95 Furst, Edward, 88
dogs, 28
Donat, Robert, 4 Gaiety Theatre, 154
Dorynne, Jess, 141 Gale, Maggie, 125
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, 53 Gandolfi, Roberta, viii, 10
Drama, 129, 155 Gantillon, Simon, Maya, 126, 128
Dramatic Review, 87 Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 40
Drummond, Alex, 148 Gate Theatre, 124, 125–6, 127–8, 129
Dublin, 18, 21, 23 gender, 6–7, 52, 70, 141
Dubourg, Augustus, 99 in Stoker’s works, 22–3, 25–6, 29
Duncan, Isadora, 141 see also feminism
Dundee Courier, 55, 60, 61 Gerould, Daniel, 20
Duse, Eleanora, 49, 78, 80, 91, 137 Gheon, Henri, Le Debat de Nicolazic, 123
‘Ghosts of Ellen Terry, The’, 148
Earle, Clara, 100 Gielgud, Sir John, 4, 90
Echegaray, Jose, 108, 112, 135 Gielgud, Val, 4
Edouin, William, 51 Gladstone, William Ewart, 2, 41, 84–5
Eliot, George, 85 Glaspell, Susan, 108
Eliot, T. S., 72, 79 Berenice, 125
Ellen Terry and Edith Craig Archive, 8, Trifles, 125
10–11, 16, 58, 149–58 The Verge, 122, 125
202 Ellen Terry, Spheres of Influence
Godfrey, Peter, 126, 127, 129 The Lady from the Sea, 13
Godwin, Edward William, 5, 9, 21, 34, 35, The Pretenders, 78, 79, 91
41, 43, 44, 55, 82, 83–91, 133 Rosmersholm, 78, 79
Edward Gordon Craig’s dream of, 81–2 The Vikings, 58, 153
‘Architecture and Costume in Shake- Illustrated London News, 51
speare’s Plays’, 86–7 Imperial Theatre, 50, 139, 153
of The Merchant of Venice, 89 International Congress of Women, 49–50,
‘A Lecture on Dress’, 88 52, 64
Goldsmith, Oliver, The Vicar of Wakefield, International Theatre Exhibition, 122, 126
13, 21 Ireland, 19
Gothic, 6, 17, 18–22, 25–6, 31 Dublin, 18, 21, 23
Grant, A. T. K., 129 Irving, Harry, 62, 96, 102
Granville Barker, Harley, 107 Irving, Sir Henry, 2, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 18, 19,
Graves, Clothilde, 7, 49–64 20, 21, 22–3, 26, 31, 34, 44, 53–4, 62,
The Mistress of the Robes, 7, 50–1, 51, 69, 75, 100–1, 102, 135, 137–9, 141
54–64, 155 and Edward Gordon Craig, 78, 89
Nitocris, 51–2 death, 138
Graves, William, 51 in Olivia, 142
Great Queen Street Theatre, 88 staging The Bells, 101
Greensfelder, Elmer L., Six Stokers, 127 Irving, Laurence, 62, 101
Grosvenor Gallery, 44, 45 Isaacs, Edith, 130, 131
Gwynne, Edie, 151
Gwynne, Howell Arthur, 151–2 Jackson, Maria, 38
Jones, Ernest, 75
Halliwell, Julian, viii, 150 Judy, 51, 52
Hamilton, Cicely, 70
Hampstead Conservatoire, 88 Kahn, Coppelia, 74
Harraden, Beatrice, 70 Kazmier, Lisa, 4, 149
Harris, Sir Augustus, 51 Kean, Charles, 34, 86, 93, 155
Hart, Arthur, 99 Kelly, Charles see Wardell, Charles
Hart, Walter D’Arcy, 147, 148, 153 Kendal, Margaret, 49, 94, 95
Hatton, Bessie, 70 Killeen, Terence, 96
Heijermans, Herman, 108, 112 Kingsway Theatre, 66
Hengler’s Circus, 89 Kipling, Rudyard, 18
Hermes, Gertrude, 127
Ladd, Edward, 153
Hillier, Mary, 40
Lang, Matheson, 57
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, Elektra, 79
League of Arts Dramatic Circle, 126
Holman Hunt, William, 38
Leeds Arts Theatre, 124, 135
Holroyd, Sir Michael, viii, 4, 5, 8, 22, 43, 50,
Leeds Society of Women’s Suffrage, 70
58–9, 83
Lees, Dorothy Nevile, 79
A Strange Eventful History, 78, 94, 132
Leighton, Frederic, 41, 47
Hood, Thomas, 21
L’Estrange, Julian, 57
Horniman, Annie, 76
Lewis, Arthur, 94
Hoster, Connie, 152
Lewis, Sir George, 2
Hunter, Alfred Henry, 97
Lewis, Leopold, The Bells, 101
Ibsen, Henrik, 15, 88, 93, 94, 109 Little Holland House, Kensington, 33,
Hedda Gabler, 13 35–6, 37, 40, 41, 46
Index 203
Mann, Tom, 75 ‘Aims and Ideals of the Theatre’, 128–9
Manners, Mary, 96 ‘All Work and No Play’, 127–8, 129
Marcus, Laura, 3 ‘Dame Ellen Terry’, 119–22
Marshall, Gail, 27 ‘The Marvellous Death of Ellen Terry’,
Martin, Theodore, 94 130–1
Mary, Queen, 130 The Searcher, 129, 131
Mask, The, 9, 79, 82–3, 87–91, 118, 126, Pioneer Players, 10, 15, 16, 66, 107, 108–9,
129 110, 111–17, 125, 132, 135
Mayer, David, 101 playbill, 113
Meierhold, Vsevolod, 88 Playfair, Sir Nigel, 103
melodrama, 19–22, 24–5, 27, 30–1 Play Pictorial, 155
Meo, Elena, 150, 152 Portsmouth Times, 60–1
Merivale, Herman, Ravenswood, 18, 24–5 Potter, Paul, Trilby, 102, 103
Moody, Jane, 2, 3 Poulsen, Johannes, 78, 79–80, 91
Moore, Henry, 127 Powell, Catherine Elizabeth, 151
Morrisson, Mark, 72 Powell, Joseph, 151, 152, 154
Morritt, Greta, 75 Powell, Kerry, 142
Mother Goose, 98 Priestley, J. B., 38
Mowbray, Joan, 126 Prince of Wales Theatre, 84, 89
Moynahan, Julian, 19 Princess’s Theatre, 34, 35, 93
Prinsep, Alice, 37
Nash, Paul, 126–7 Prinsep, Sara, 33, 35–6, 37, 39, 41
National Portrait Gallery, 33, 39, 42, 133 Probyn, D. W., 136, 152
National Trust, 5, 8, 10–11, 16, 58, 73, 135, Provincetown Players, 125, 127
150, 151 Pryde, James, 80
Newcastle Daily Journal, 60 Purcell Operatic Society, 107, 118
New Drama, 15, 94 Purkis, Charlotte, ix, 10
New Statesman, 112 Pye, Deborah, 143–4
204 Ellen Terry, Spheres of Influence
Schools, 34, 35 Shakespeare Mutual Improvement Society,
Royal Court and Opera House, Liverpool, The, 75
59 Shaw, George Bernard, 15, 37, 46, 47, 78, 94,
Rumball, Elizabeth, 139–40, 144, 151, 152, 109, 122
153, 154 correspondence with Terry, 1, 77
Ruskin, John, 40 Caesar and Cleopatra, 79
Candida, 13, 93
St John, Christopher (Christabel Marshall),
Captain Brassbound’s Conversion, 58, 143
15, 18, 24, 62, 75, 109, 119, 123, 130,
The Man of Destiny, 13
133, 147–8
Shaw, Martin, 79
and Shakespeare lectures, 8, 66, 67, 68,
Shee, Sir Martin Archer, 34
Shepherd, Simon, 20
Ellen Terry’s Memoirs, 130–1
Sill, Louise Morgan, 112
The Good Hope, 58
Sinclair, Sallie, 99
Salter, Denis, 22
Sinclair, Upton, Singing Jailbirds, 155
Sanders, Valerie, 9,
Smallhythe Place, Kent, 120, 124, 126, 129,
Sardou, Victorien, Madame Sans-Gêne, 29,
Barn Theatre, 4, 16, 131
Sargent, John Singer, Ellen Terry as Lady
Ellen Terry Memorial Museum, 11,
Macbeth, 1, 14, 45–6, 73, 133
134–6, 148, 149, 150
Savoy Theatre, 66
‘The Farm’, 16, 146, 148, 149, 153
Scott, Clement, 99
Terry acquires, 134
Scudamore, Frank A., 102
Smith, Eustace, 42
Selby, Charles, Robert Macaire, 98
Smith, Pamela Colman, 7, 28–9, 31, 153,
Shakespeare, William, 13, 94
Terry’s lectures on, 7–8, 65–76
‘The Bramy Joker’, 30, 31
As You Like It, 13, 65
Society for Theatre Research, 6, 149
Cymbeline, 13, 28
Sothern, Edward Askew, 35, 38
Index 205
‘The Primrose Path’, 29–30 funeral, 15
The Snake’s Pass, 25 Tertullian, De Spectaculis, 95
Snowbound, 18, 28–31 Theatre Arts Monthly, 119, 124, 125, 127,
‘A Star Trap’, 30 128–9, 130, 131, 155
The Watter’s Mou’, 25 Theatre Guild, 109
Stoker, Florence, 6 Theatre Royal, Bath, 35, 84
Strindberg, August Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, 51, 84, 91
A Dream Play, 88 Theatre Royal, Haymarket, 33, 35, 103
The Ghost Sonata, 88 Theatre Royal, Margate, 97
Stuart, Edgar, 98 Thorndike, Dame Sybil, 4, 111, 116, 123
suffrage, women’s, 66, 68, 70, 71–2, 76, 111, Thorne, Ellen, 98, 99
141 Thorne, Sarah, 51
Summerfield, Penny, 133 School of Acting, 97, 98, 105
Swinburne, Algernon, 43 Time and Tide, 123
Sydney Morning Herald, 71 Todhunter, John, Helena in Troas, 84, 85
Tower Cottage, Winchelsea, 145
Tairov, Alexander, 117 Tree, Beerbohm, 89, 91, 94, 102
Tate, Gilbert, 99 Tree, Ellen, 34, 98
Tate Britain Gallery, 33, 42, 43, 44, 46, Tree, Maud, 104
133 Tree, Viola, 104
Taxidou, Olga, 91 Triad (New Zealand), 71
Taylor, Anthony, 75 Tynan, Kenneth, 80
Taylor, Tom, 35, 38, 40, 41, 152 Tytler, Mary Fraser, 45
Nine Points of the Law, 36
Tennyson, Alfred, 40, 85 Underwood, Leon, 127
Terry, Benjamin (father of Ellen), 21, 34, University of Hull, 5, 16, 149
71–2, 94, 133 Urban, Felix, 88
206 Ellen Terry, Spheres of Influence
Endymion, 43 Olivia, 21, 24–5, 138, 142
Eve Tempted, 44 Wilson & Gray, 145
Fata Morgana, 42 Winter, William, 23, 27, 136
Found Drowned, 22, 43 Women Writers’ Suffrage League, 70
Hope, 42, 45 Women’s Freedom League, 70
Hugh Lupus, 45 Woods, Leigh, 2, 137
Joan of Arc, 14 Woodward, Daphne, 79
Love and Life, 39, 42, 46, 46 Woolf, Virginia, 71
Ophelia’s Madness, 14, 41, 44 ‘Ellen Terry’, 2, 8, 65, 137
Orpheus and Eurydice, 43 Freshwater, 3, 133
Paolo and Francesca, 42 A Room of One’s Own, 1–2
She Shall be Called Woman, 43–4 ‘A Scene from the Past’, 3
The Sisters, 36 World, 51
Time, Death and Judgment, 44 World War I, 108, 109, 112, 135
Time and Oblivion, 40 Wynne, Catherine, ix, 6, 7
Uldra, 45
A Venetian Senator, 36 Yeats, W. B., 91, 112
Watchman, What of the Night?, 14, 36–7 Yorkshire Post, 125