SOF (Science Olympiad Foundation) : Circular
SOF (Science Olympiad Foundation) : Circular
SOF (Science Olympiad Foundation) : Circular
SOF (Science Olympiad Foundation)
Online Examination Schedule 2021-22
Dear Parents,
SOF, the biggest organizer of Olympiad exams for school students in the world, has commenced registration of
students for the 21-22 session. SOF Olympiad exams will be conducted online and students will be able to appear for
the exam safely from their homes. This year SOF has introduced one new Olympiad- International Social Science
Olympiad (ISSO).
SR. Registration
NO Olympiad Date & Day of examination fees
● Parents can register and pay the fee amount directly to SOF organization
● To register please click
● Kindly select the dates as mentioned above. Exams will only be conducted on the above
mentioned dates.
● Exams will be conducted online by the SOF Organization and the students can appear for the same from
their place of residence.
● Information related to time of examination or any further updates will be shared by SOF on the personal
mobile numbers and email ids mentioned by the parents during the registration process.
● For any more clarifications, kindly check the website: