Assignment 1 BALAJI G.P
Assignment 1 BALAJI G.P
Assignment 1 BALAJI G.P
2. Think of an organization that you are familiar with and identify its strategy,
philosophy, and doctrine, if any.
➢ Amazon Stresses the importance of customer satisfaction instead of
the competitor
➢ Amazon achieves excellent customer satisfaction by offering an ever
expanding and large selection of products and a personalized
➢ Amazon achieves excellent customer satisfaction through speedy
➢ Amazon achieves excellent customer satisfaction through
competitive prices
➢ Amazon trains employees to understand the customer experience to
get all employees to understand the customer
➢ Amazon's marketing strategy is providing great service that creates
positive word of mouth and focusing on SEO & PPC.
➢ Avoid ‘Not Invented Here’ Mentality: Stakeholders can eradicate
the limitation imposed by ‘not invented here’ and learn from internal
and external sources to bring in new and innovative ideas. Although
Jeff Bezos did not invent e-commerce, Amazon is synonymous with
➢ People Empowerment: From sellers and enterprises to content
creators and developers, Amazon’s philosophy is to empower people
with lucrative options to make a living. Amazon also empowers
customers by providing flexible options to access cheaper products.
➢ The Empty Chair: In the early years, an empty chair was brought
into boardroom meetings to represent the customer and ensure that
their needs and desires are taken into account. Over time, the
philosophy of obsessing over the customers is evident from top to
➢ Avoid Bureaucracy: Amazon does not subscribe to the notion of
following the chain of command. Businesses can use either Type 1
or Type 2 . Type 1 are irreversible decisions, while Type 2 decisions
can be reversed. Amazon uses Type 2 to allow all stakeholders to
engage in decision-making without supervision.
➢ Calculated Risk-taking: Amazon values calculated risk-taking.
The founder believes that “failure and invention are inseparable
twins” and has nurtured a strong experimentation culture as a
process of attaining inventive and innovative ideas.
➢ Build the Right Culture: Amazon has built a breakneck-paced and
cost-conscious culture that is perfectly suited for its time-sensitive
Over time, all stakeholders gradually became instinctively aware of
the importance of timely and cost-effective operations.
➢ Shared Economy: Instead of developing your own e-commerce
website, you can use Amazon’s platform as a service (PaaS).
Amazon’s shared economy philosophy has enabled millions of
people around the world to set up virtual stores.
➢ Respect to All: From hiring for diversity to global presence,
Amazon emphasizes the value of treating every person with respect
by offering everyone equal opportunity to pursue their dreams and
➢ Never Settle: Even though delivering millions of packages
worldwide is impressive, all that does not matter if even 1% of the
packages were late or undelivered. Amazon will never settle for 99%
and is not satisfied until it is 100%.
➢ Own It: All stakeholders are owners.
We want to make money when people use our devices, not when they
buy our devices.
Said by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos.
3. What are the differences between the push and pull strategies? How do you
choose the decoupling point for a push-pull strategy?
Push Pull
• When launching a new • Ensure long-term business
business or website without growth
a reputation • Maintain dominance in a
• When releasing new specific niche or industry
products • Build a return customer base
• During holidays, or seasonal or improve loyalty
events • To promote brand
• For sales and temporary recognition with customer
promotional campaigns engagement and visibility
• When expanding to a new • Increase social media traffic
niche as well as social media
• To generate cash-flow or sharing
sales quickly • Grow traffic to their site
• To help clear out product across organic, referral, and
stock before the end of a social segments
season • Improve sales and revenue
• To help promote brand affordably, without an
recognition when competing expensive ad budget
against a dominant • Engage with customers
competitor before they know what they
• Just in general, when trying want, at the top of their
to subsidize a multi-channel shopping funnel
5. What are core competencies? How would you identify the core
competencies of a company?
Core competencies:
Core competencies are the resources and capabilities that comprise the
strategic advantages of a business. A modern management theory argues
that a business must define, cultivate, and exploit its core competencies in
order to succeed against the competition.