Wireless Agriculture Monitoring Using Raspberry Pi: Prof. Vipinkumar R. Pawar Mr. Swapnil A. Afre

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

http://www.ijert.org ISSN: 2278-0181

Vol. 6 Issue 05, May - 2017

Wireless Agriculture Monitoring using

Raspberry Pi

Prof. Vipinkumar R. Pawar Mr. Swapnil A. Afre

PhD Scholar, University of Mumabi UG Scholar, Sanghavi College of Engineering
Professor, Sanghavi College of Engineering

Mr. Gautam A. Bhoge Mr. Yogesh S. Gatkal

UG Scholar, Sanghavi College of Engineering UG Scholar, Sanghavi College of Engineering

Abstract – In this paper focus on a today energy resources are distribution, etc. of food also generates a lot of income. The
becoming scarcer and therefore more valuable. In conjunction aim of this project is to exploit modern technologies and
with the population growth over last century, the need for tools to improve monitoring and management of crops, in
finding new, more efficient, and sustainable methods of order to improve the efficiency and sustainability of
agricultural cultivation and food production has become more
farming and food production. To this end, we have
critical. To facilitate this process, we are designing, building,
and evaluating a system for precision agriculture which designed a system for precision agriculture, which relies on
provides farmers with useful data about the soil, the water a wireless sensor network combined with a service to
supply, and the general condition of their fields in a user provide individual farmers with access to data that they
friendly, easily accessible manner. Our system aims to make find useful. The system utilizes wireless sensor nodes that
cultivation and irrigation more efficient as the farmer is able collect and transmit data about the quality of the water
to make better informed decisions and thus save time and supply, the soil, and other parameters in an agricultural
resources. The diversity of location and climatic effects upon field. While such sensor-based systems have been
agricultural cultivation, along with other environmental investigated earlier, one of the key innovations to be
parameters over time makes the farmer’s decision-making
explored in this project is the combination of these sensors
process more complicated and requires additional empirical
knowledge. Applying wireless sensor networks for monitoring systems with a service-driven business model to increase
environmental parameters and combining this information their ease of use and to amplify the gains that can be
with a user-customized web service may enable farmers to realized via an integrated system. The goal is to give a
exploit their knowledge in an efficient way in order to extract farmer a more complete picture of the current and historic
the best results from their agricultural cultivation. crop status in order to foster better informed decision
making. It is expected that such decisions will benefit both
Keywords - Raspberry-Pi 3, Automation, Wireless Sensor farming and irrigation by saving time and resources.
Networks (WSNs) Factors such as the diversity of conditions which vary
depending on location (for example weather, presence of
insects, and disease) combined with the inability to predict
the future characteristics of the environment during the
The contemporary world is in a transition stage where
different seasons over time complicate the decision making
problems concerning global issues, such as global warming
process and require specialized knowledge. This project is
and alternative energy sources, are combined with new
an attempt to bring some of these micro-environmental
challenges demanding immediate solutions. Society’s focus
sources of information into the decision making process of
has shifted from economic growth to sustainable
development, where environmental, social, and economic
aspects are considered together, rather than separately.
Policies that promote sustainability in all sectors of the
After the research in agriculture field, researchers
economy (manufacturing, agriculture, and services) are
found that the yield of agriculture goes on decreasing day
now considered as a part of good governance. Problems
by day. We use of technology in the field of agriculture
such as climate change, population growth, and poverty
plays important role to increasing the production as well as
(especially hunger), occur in a context of a gradual
reducing extra man power , water requirements.
depletion of natural resources and the fear of diminishing
A fully automation accessing of irrigation motor
coal energy reserves. These are some of the global issues
where Prototype includes number of sensors node placed in
that are thought to require multidisciplinary approaches in
different directions of Polly house farm field. Each sensor
order to be addressed successfully. This system focus on
is integrated with a wireless networking device and data
agricultural production and cultivation. This overall
received . The RASPBERRY Pi 3 is used for send message
process has a significant role in fulfilling the basic human
through internet [1].
need for food. The production, preparation, packaging,

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(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
http://www.ijert.org ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 05, May - 2017

Used closed loop irrigation system and determined botany, and biology. Here DHT11 is a basic, low-cost
irrigation amount based on distributed soil water digital temperature and humidity sensor. It uses a
measurements [2]. capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor to measure the
Irrigation systems can also be automated through surrounding air, and spits out a digital signal on the data
information on volumetric water content of soil, using pin (no analog input pins needed). Its fairly simple to use,
dielectric moisture sensors to control actuators and save but requires careful timing to grab data. The only real
water, instead of a predetermined irrigation schedule at a downside of this sensor is you can only get new data from
particular time of the day and with a specific duration [3]. it once every 2 seconds. DHT11 output calibrated digital
The technological development in Wireless signal. It utilizes exclusive digital-signal-collecting-
Sensor Networks made it possible to use in monitoring and technique and humidity sensing technology, assuring its
control of greenhouse parameter in precision agriculture reliability and stability. Its sensing elements is connected
[4]. with 8-bit single-chip computer.


The block diagram of the proposed system as shown in

Fig. 1 consists of different types of sensing unit such as
Soil Moisture Sensor to measure water content of soil,
DHT11 is the Temperature and Humidity Sensor that
detects the temperature and Humidity. Float sensor is
device used to detect the level of water within a tank. The
switch may be used in a pump, an indicator, an alarm
.Sensor to measure the presence of water in air.

Power Supply

Soil Moisture
Mail / Message

Raspberry Motor
DHT 11
Pi 3

Light Bulb/ Figure 2. Flowchart.

Float Sensor
Heater 3.2.1 Algorithm:
1. Start
2. Sensor sense the data & gives to the raspberry pi 3
Fan / Cooler 3. Raspberry pi compares the data with predefined
4. Output of Temp & Humidity Sensor are directly
given to user
5. If Moisture is less than Predefined value
Figure 1: Proposed system design 6. Start the irrigation system
7. Initialize pump & Drip system
3.1 Component Description
8. Send report to user
9. Stop
3.1.1. Power Supply:
One of the most exciting updates/upgrades of the
new Model B+ is a fancy new power supply. The power
supply is what takes the micro USB port voltage and
creates the 5V USB, 3.3V, 2.5Vand 1.8V core voltages.
The 3.3/2.5/1.8 is for the processor and Ethernet.
3.1.2 Sensors:The Soil Moisture Sensor is used to measure
the volumetric water content of soil. This makes it ideal for
performing experiments in courses such as soil science,
agricultural science, environmental science, horticulture,

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(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
http://www.ijert.org ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 05, May - 2017


1. This system is useful for monitoring all activities

related to farming
2. Also useful to track the growth of plant
3. This system maintains the moisture level to
maintain the steady growth of plant so that
production will be maintained.
4. System will monitor the soil moisture level to
control the drip irrigation system.
5. This system is also useful to supply liquid
Here system is indicating Temperature of atmosphere in 0𝐶 fertilizers, for this purpose level maintenance of
water and liquid fertilizer will be maintain.


The agricultural monitoring system that will be

implemented would be feasible and cost effective for
optimizing water resources for agricultural production. The
system would provide feedback control system which will
monitor and control all the activities of drip irrigation
system efficiently. This irrigation system will allow
In the above image system is indicating Temperature of cultivation in places with water scarcity thereby improving
atmosphere in 0𝐹 sustainability. Using this system, one can save manpower,
water to improve production and ultimately increase profit.


[1] Chandankumar Sahu, Pramitee Behera, “A Low Cost Smart

Irrigation Control System”, IEEE
Sponsored 2nd International Conference on Electronics and
Communication System (ICECS 2015)
[2] JoaquínGutiérrez, Juan Francisco Villa-Medina, Alejandra Nieto-
Garibay, and Miguel Ángel Porta-Gándara, “Automated Irrigation
System Using a Wireless Sensor Network and GPRS
Inabove result system is indicating Humidity level AND MEASUREMENT, 0018-9456,2013
[3] G. Yuan, Y. Luo, X. Sun, and D. Tang, “Evaluation of a crop
water stress index for detecting water stress in winter wheat in
the North China Plain,” Agricult. Water Manag., vol. 64, no. 1,
pp. 29–40, Jan. 2004.
[4] F. R. Miranda, R. Yoder, and J. B. Wilkerson, “ A site-specific
irrigation control system,” presented at the ASAE Annu. Int.
Meeting, Las Vegas, NV Jul. 27-30,2003, Paper No. 031129.

Above graph is indicating water level available in water


Soil Moisture is indicating as above

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(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)

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