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Mv-105 Cable - Field Acceptance Testing - A Cable Manufacturer'S Perspective

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Copyright Material IEEE

E. J. (Bart) Bartolucci Mark Thiele

Senior Member, IEEE Member, IEEE
Applications Engineering Dept. Applications Engineering Dept.
The Okonite Company The Okonite Company
Ramsey, NJ 07440, USA Houston, TX 77073, USA

Abstract – It is better than 20-years since the newer cable the ac test time. The field dc hipot acceptance test was a direct
field-testing methods of Very Low Frequency (VLF), Tan Delta, offshoot of the cable manufacturing plants dc high potential test.
and field partial discharge testing have been introduced to the The typical field values were 80% of that used in the cable
field-testing arena. Over time these technologies have manufacturing plant, with the same test duration time of 15-
matured, spawned a new testing industry, IEEE standards, minutes. This test was favored because of its ease of use and
technical committees, and a plethora of technical papers. How portability of the test equipment. The results of the test needed
has this affected the cable manufacturer and what is his little interpretation, provided the information was recorded, and
perspective on this area of field-testing both as an acceptance over time, during maintenance testing a trend could be
and maintenance test method? This paper intends to discuss established. Maintenance testing was normally conducted at a
the guidelines established and some of the shortcomings that voltage equal to 80% of the acceptance value.
have been found. Although this paper may review the various However, although some cables passed the field dc hipot
standards and testing methods, its focus will be with the VLF test, they failed shortly after being placed into service, or cables
test. were failing prematurely. Suspicions arose as to the cause,
mainly seen in polyethylene (PE) and cross-linked polyethylene
Index Terms — VLF (Very Low Frequency), Tan Delta, (XLPE) insulated cables. In addition, the industry research
partial discharge. efforts of the 1970’s, 1980’s and 1990’s into the cause of the
systemic treeing failure mechanism in PE, XLPE and TR-XLPE
I. INTRODUCTION also identified dc stress as enhancing the tree’s destructive
influence. Therefore, dc hipot testing, in the field or factory, is
For many years dc hipot testing has been the go-to test in the no longer being recommended for extruded dielectric cables.
field for acceptance and maintenance type testing of medium A variety of new testing methods has evolved and no longer
and high voltage cables. Medium voltage cables being defined is the dc hipot field test the only test to rely on. The drive for
in the range of 5 through 35 kV, and high voltage starting at 46 new pass/fail or go/no-go tests - such as Very Low Frequency
kV and up. Within the cable manufacturing plant, cables were (VLF) tan delta and field partial discharge, both on-line and off-
tested with both ac and dc voltages. Due to reasons as line, has also spawned IEEE standards providing guidance for
explained later in this section, the dc test eventually became an testing insulated conductors in the field. These standards were
optional test and shortly afterward was no longer performed, developed by the IEEE Power Engineering Society (PES),
performed only for experimental purposes, or when required by Insulated Conductor Committee (ICC).
the customer specification. Subcommittee F, Field Testing and Diagnostic, of the ICC
In addition to the ac and dc withstand test performed in the developed three “point” standards to the existing IEEE 400,
manufacturing plant, medium voltage, discharge free cables, which was also completely revised. The IEEE 400 main
must also meet an industry specified partial discharge test. standard describes the tests. It provides an overview of the
Partial discharge testing has been an ICEA/ANSI standard to various test methods, with advantages and disadvantages, as
identify insulation problems in electrical apparatus before it well as the typical results to expect. The “point” standards
leaves the factory floor. Many U.S. and International standards describe further the different test methods, precautions,
have been developed for partial discharge testing. Today, advantages and disadvantages, and what typical values to
partial discharge testing is not limited to testing at expect. For reference, the group of IEEE standards is as
manufacturer’s plant or testing laboratories, but can be done in follows:
the field. Now sophisticated computers-based equipment can
locate partial discharge occurrences in the field. IEEE 400 Guide for Field Testing and Evaluation of the
The manufacturing industry test values, for the ac and dc Insulation of Shielded Power Cable Systems
withstand tests, were based on the insulation thickness and Rated 5 kV and Above.
were set at 150 volts/mil and 400 volts/mil for ac and dc,
respectively. The ac limit eventually was increased and IEEE 400.1 Guide for Field Testing of Laminated Dielectric,
standardized at 200 volts/mil while the dc stayed at the 400 Shielded Power Cable Systems Rated 5kV and
volts/mil level. The test time duration for the ac test was set at Above with High Direct Current Voltage.
5-minutes. The dc test duration was 15 minutes; three times

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IEEE 400.2 Guide for Field Testing of Shielded Power Cable 4. VLF monitored withstand (VLF-MW)
Systems Using Very Low Frequency (VLF) (less
than 1 Hz). VLF-TDTS: The variation of tan delta with time at a constant
voltage, over a period of minutes, can be measured from which
IEEE 400.3 Guide for Partial Discharge Testing of Shielded the standard deviation, STD, (and mean) of the readings can be
Power Cable Systems in a Field Environment. calculated. Usually figures of merit for this value are based on
measurements at U0 (voltage to ground); however, it is a good
In addition, these various new testing methods provide practice to make measurements in steps of 0.5 U0 so that
valuable information on the condition of the cable. Now in during maintenance testing severely aged cables can be
addition to the pass/fail results, or an actual cable failure, the identified sooner without going to higher test voltage levels.
condition of the cable can be evaluated. Internal cable defects IEEE 400.2 recommends that each voltage step should include
can be highlighted, possible installation damage identified, and at least six single tan delta measurements at intervals of 10
improperly installed splices and terminations can be detected. seconds between each measurement at 0.1 Hz. STD values
By using historical test data a condition assessment of the are small and usually expressed as 10E-3 [10 ]. Small values
cable system can be made, with grading levels of “no action are desired indicating less variation between readings. It can
required”, “further study advised”, or “action required” can be also be expressed as a percentage, which is actual STD value
assigned [1]. The days of proof testing have turned into multiplied by 100.
condition assessment. By utilizing an experienced field testing VLF-DTD: This is also known as Tip Up. It is the gradient or
company with an extensive backlog of cable test data, a cable slope of tan delta versus voltage, i.e., how the tan delta values
system’s reliability can be evaluated. change from one voltage step to the next. The gradient is
Many experienced field testing companies have accumulated calculated from tan delta values typically measured from 0.5 U0
field tan delta data. Many of these companies have contributed to 1.5 U0. The tan delta values used in the calculations are the
their knowledge to establish the criteria set in the IEEE mean tan delta values at each voltage step. For new cable, this
standards today. This paper does not address field test results, value should be fairly flat. VLF-DTD values are small and
but will present the results of laboratory evaluation of new cable usually expressed as 10E-3. Small values are desired
with Very Low Frequency (VLF) testing. The data that we have indicating minor variation across the test voltage range.
compiled can be used as a baseline for new EPR (pink) cable, VLF-TD: This is the mean of the actual tan delta
for comparison to field test data. In addition, we will present our measurements taken at a fixed voltage. The mean TD values
findings concerning field test setup and what effects they may at different voltage steps are used to calculate VLF-TD and the
have on the test results. VLF-TD at U0 is a common cable system evaluation criterion.
VLF-TD values are small and usually expressed as 10E-3.
NOMENCLATURE Small values are desired indicating the cable’s insulation is in
very good condition with very low resistive current.
EPR ethylene propylene rubber. VLF-MW: This test is similar to a voltage withstand test;
PE polyethylene. however, it is done at frequencies of 0.01 to 0.1 Hz. Test
tan δ tan delta or dissipation factor. durations run from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the age of
TRXLPE tree retardant crosslinked polyethylene. the cable. Voltage test levels can be found in IEEE 400.2,
U0 = V0 normal phase to ground operating Table 3. It is also recommended that this test follow the VLF-
voltage. TD, VLF-DTD, or VLF-TDTS.
VLF very low frequency (for the purpose of this Throughout this paper, the term Tan Delta (tan δ) will
guide 0.01 Hz to 1.0 Hz). be used. This is not a new term and for cable insulation
VLF-MW very low frequency-monitored withstand. is a measure of the insulation losses. It is also referred to
VLF-TD very low frequency-tangent delta as dissipation factor or loss angle. Tan delta is the ratio
(dissipation factor). of the resistive current to the capacitive charging current
VLF-DTD very low frequency-differential tangent flowing in the cable. The resistive current is in phase with
delta (delta tangent delta or tip up). the applied voltage but the capacitive current leads the
VLF-TDTS very low frequency-tangent delta temporal applied voltage by 90˚. The vector sum of the two
stability. currents is the total current flowing. In a good cable, the
XLPE crosslinked polyethylene. capacitive current IC is always significantly larger than the
resistive current IR. This translates into small tan delta
Further explanation and definitions of the above ratios. The tan delta values are dimensionless and
nomenclature can be found within the body of the paper. expressed as a percentage (%) or as thousandths 10E-3
[10 ]. The tan delta phasor diagram is illustrated in Fig. 1 [5]

Our review of the standards seems to point to four VLF

diagnostic test methods frequently employed, that are relatively
easy to perform, even by those not in the field testing business.

1. VLF tan delta temporal stability (VLF-TDTS)

2. VLF differential tan delta measurement (VLF-DTD)
3. VLF tan delta measurement (VLF-TD)

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Note that the Table I above agrees with IEEE 400.2-2013
standard Table 5, which is for service-aged cables. Values
were derived from empirical cumulative distribution functions for
data points obtained for aged cable systems (i.e. maintenance
tests) mainly in utilities from North America. The reason these
values are referenced is that there are no values set for new
cables. There are some values in Appendix G, Table G.1, to
IEEE 400.2; however, these values were based on limited data,
Tip Up data of 2.0U0 – 1.0 U0, (vs. 1.5U0 – 0.5 U0), and
designated for engineering information only. Therefore, as a
guideline the service aged values can be used and are more
realistic of what may be expected for new cables tested in the
As an alternate the work performed by EPRI in Table II [3]
can be used, and appear to be more in line with reported data.

Tan delta/VLF testing is a legitimate method for field testing FOR NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS
medium voltage, extruded dielectric cables including Tangent δ Tip Up Tangent δ
installation, acceptance and maintenance tests. Assessment
Stability at Vo (1.5Vo – 0.5Vo) at Vo
-3 -3
Monitored withstand, tangent delta, differential tangent delta, [10 ] [10 ] [10-3]
and tangent delta stability tests at VLF are used as diagnostic No Value
Good <3 <15
tools to assess the condition of cable systems. Offered
No Value
Study 3 to 8 15 to 30
Action No Value
>8 >30
Once measurements have been taken, and calculations have Required Offered
been completed; how are the results evaluated? An evaluation (Note: Values derived from aged cable systems only)
is needed to determine whether the cable system, new or aged
is in an acceptable condition, i.e., no action required, or whether An extensive compilation of data on diagnostic evaluation of
further study is advised or action is required. cables within the electric utility industry was gathered for aged
There are several sources that have set ‘figures of merit’ by cable systems. Based on this data the condition assessment
which results can be evaluated, each with its own values: values of Table III where developed. The overall condition
1. An established recognized standards body (such as assessment is defined by the most serious condition. In Table
IEEE), III, if any one criterion indicates the circuit is “Action Required”,
2. An organization that provides members with analytical, then the assessment is “Action Required”, regardless of what
engineering, research and testing services such as, the other two criteria indicate [5].
National Electric Energy Testing, Research and
Applications Center (NEETRAC) or the Electric Power TABLE III
Research Institute (EPRI), NEETRAC 2010 CDFI CRITERIA FOR
3. A project/facility owners established criteria. CONDITION ASSESSMENT OF FILLED
4. An equipment manufacturer that makes tan delta type
Tangent δ
testing equipment, or Condition Stability
Tip Up Tangent δ
5. A testing company that has experience making tan delta (1.5Vo – 0.5Vo) at Vo
Assessment at Vo
type tests on cable systems, -3 [10-3] [10-3]
[10 ]
No Action
<5 <25 <50
Figures of Merit for Tan Delta Testing by Source; Required
TABLE I [2] Study 5 to 20 or 25 to 200 or 50 to 125
>20 >200 >125
Tangent δ Tip Up Tangent δ Required
Stability at U0 (1.5Vo – 0.5 U0) at U0
Assessment -3 -3
[10 ] [10 ] [10-3] In contrast to acceptance criteria based on accumulated
Acceptable <0.1 and <4 and <20 data, for a large construction project/facility expansion, the
Further acceptance criteria was established for the cable installed,
Study 0.1 - 1 or 4 - 120 or 20 -100 based on actual cable sample tests, as described in reference
[6]. Since the revision of IEEE 400.2 had not been completed
>1 or >120 or >100 at the time cable needed to be tested, the project engineers
set out to find their cable acceptance criteria, by testing actual

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cable samples. The preliminary results were e reviewed and an Notice that these factory test values are more in line with
acceptance criteria was established for the p project. Table IV the equipment manufacturer’s criteria in Table V above. Take
contains the acceptance criteria set by the prroject engineers. note of the variety of scatter amongsst the data for either 100%
or 133% insulation level. Also, notte that the majority of the
TABLE IV values are below a VLF-DTD of 0.50 0 x 10 .
MAJOR REFINERY UPGRAD DE It was considered that there mightt be a correlation between
TEST RESULTS (EPR) the tan delta test results and the ac breakdown of the cables.
Tangent δ Tangent δ TTip Up Several of the cables in each group of insulation thicknesses,
Stability at Vo Avg. at Vo A Avg.
Voltage 100% and 133% levels, were teste ed to breakdown with ac
[10-3] [10-3] [[10-3]
voltage. Figure 3 is a comparison n of the tan delta Tip Up
No Value
5 kV 7.25 to 19.2 1.6 value for a cable vs. its ac breakdowwn. A few of the high tan
No Value delta values have low ac breakdown ns, while others have high
15kV 8.4 to 16.8 1.6 ac breakdown levels. The same pa attern occurs with high tan
deltas having high ac breakdowns. What
W we see from the data
Tables II and III are more conservative than the criteria is that there does not appear to be any steady correlation.
d service aged [6]
outlined in Tables V and VI, for new [6] and What we have to remember is that thist data and assumptions
cables, respectively. The values shown for new cables were apply to new cable. A note on the data
d that was used for this
acquired from a cable manufacturer. chart, the average of the Tip Up valu
ues for those cables tested
was 0.27 x 10 , and the average ac a breakdown voltage for
TABLE V the same cables was 171 kV, for 15 kV rated cable. This is
EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER’S ASSES SSMENT OF more than 11 times the phas se-to-phase voltage, or
NEW MINERAL FILLED (PINK) INSULATIONS S USING 0.1 Hz approximately 20 times the phase to ground voltage U0.
Tangent δ Tip Up Tangent δ
Stability at all V (1.5Vo – 0.5Vo) at 0.5Vo to 1.5Vo
[10-3] [10-3] [10-3]
Good <1 <TD1/3 at 1.5Vo and
d <50

Tangent δ Tip Up Tangent δ
Stability at all V (1.5Vo – 0.5Vo) at 0.5Vo to 1.5Vo
[10-3] [10-3] [10-3]
Good <1 <TD1/2 at 1.5Vo and
d <50

In contrast to the above equipment manu ufacturer’s criteria

for new cables, in-factory testing was perfformed on newly
manufactured cables. The Fig.2 shows the distribution of the
VLF-DTD data for 15 kV EPR (pink) cable, fo or both 100% (175
mil) and 133% (220 mil) insulation levels. For comparison,
the Tip Up criteria for the various aforementtioned Tables has
been included in the inset. Fig. 3 Sample Tip Up vs. ac Breakdown



Setup for field testing using VLF-T TD is very similar to a dc

hipot field test setup. Similar precautions have to be made, as
well as, safety concerns. As with dc c testing, VLF can be used
for commissioning new installatio ons, acceptance testing,
maintenance testing and for testing g after repairs have been
made [8]. Several guidelines that should be followed when
performing a VLF test are:
• Safety is of the utmost impo
ortance. The areas around
both ends of the cables under test should be cordoned
off. Adequate clearance be etween the cable or circuit
test ends and any ground ded objects, and to other
equipment not under test, sh
hall be established.
• All equipment must be disconnected from the cable
circuit, such as, surge arrrestors, switches, motors,
transformers, etc.
D Scatter
Fig. 2 Cable Sample and VLF-DTD • Both ends of medium voltag ge cable, under test, should

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be stripped back of the metallic shield and the cable ends. The field tests are identified by “Customer
semiconducting screen. Conditions” and “Customer Results”.
• For VLF withstand testing, all three phases can be
tested together at the same time provided the Cable Description: 1/C 35 kV 1/0 AWG Copper Conductor,
maximum capacitance of the test set is not exceeded 0.345” of EPR (Pink) Insulation, 0.005” bare copper shielding
[7]. tape, and PVC jacket.
• Cable ends should be cleaned of any residue, dirt or
metal fines. This also applies to terminations if they The same cable was sent back to the high voltage lab for test
are part of the circuit. verification. Eight tests were performed with various end
• Make sure that all cable shields, ground wires and conditions. As can be seen from Table VII, end conditions
armor (if any) are grounded. make a difference in the tan delta results. Termination length,
• Corona rings, if supplied, should be attached to both relative humidity, whether or not a termination device is applied
ends of the phase under test, since corona and other to the stripped back cable end, and whether or not a stress
surface discharges will influence the measurements. relief device is used on the conductor ends are all important.
• The negative return lead should be connected to the When terminated with a stress cone, toroid on the conductor
shield of the cable under test. ends and with a lower relative humidity, Tests #3 and 7, the
• The positive lead should be connected to the cable easily meets the IEEE 400.2 “No Action Required” criteria
conductor of the cable under test. limits. The cable also benefits from an increased termination
As stated previously, test preparation is similar to a dc hipot end length; going from 9.5” to 15.5”, Test #6. The benefits of a
test. This also applies to the environmental conditions during longer termination end when higher test voltages are used,
the test and the end conditions. Termination length, relative such as the 40 kV used in this test, can be seen. Tests #2 and
humidity, whether or not a termination device is installed on the #5 also illustrate the advantage gained by the additional 6” in
stripped back cable end, and whether or not a stress relief termination length.
device (toroid, etc.) is used on the conductor ends, are all
important factors. Therefore, for any test sheet that is used,
both the setup and environmental conditions during the test
should be recorded.
The effects of environment and end preparation/setup can be
seen from data presented in Table VII. The information in the
table shows the VLF test results from a cable that was first
tested in the field, without stress cones or toroid applied, to the


Laboratory Test Number

Conditions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Length 9.5" 9.5" 9.5" 9.5" 15.5" 15.5" 15.5" 9.5" 9.5"
Temperature - 66˚F 66˚F 66˚F 66˚F 66˚F 66˚F 66˚F 66˚F
Humidity 50% 23% 23% 23% 23% 23% 23% 26% 26%
Stress Cone No No No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes
Toroid No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
tan δ @ U0 (x 10-3)
Test Voltage (kV) x U0 Results 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
10 0.5 - 8.76 8.79 8.55 8.27 8.32 8.43 7.54 14.74
20 1.0 87 27 10.96 9.02 17.09 10.21 8.85 7.84 37.52
30 1.5 285 57.7 14.38 9.67 37.18 12.43 9.44 8.19 61.96
40 2.0 578 133 23.42 10.74 69.6 15.79 10.38 8.68 103.16
Δ tan δ x 10-3
(0.5U0 - 1.5U0) 48.94 5.59 1.12 28.91 4.11 1.01 0.65 47.22
Std Deviation
@ U0 (10-3) 0.00 0.00

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Service G.1
Aged New
Cable Cable
<20 <10
TO TABLE VII (x 10-3)
IEEE 400.2
Test Criteria Δ tan δ x 10-3 <4 <5
"No Action Required" (0.5U0 - 1.5U0)
Std Deviation <0.1 <0.1
@ U0 (10-3)

V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION include temperature, relative humidity, termination length, the
use of termination devices and stress relief devices.
This paper has mentioned four Very Low Frequency (VLF) ac An example was presented showing the influence of all the
tests as described in IEEE 400.2-2013. Three of these tests elements described above where a cable had been field
involve tan delta measurements; the fourth is a voltage tested on-site and its tan delta measurements fell into the
withstand test. “Action Required” assessment. Upon return of the cable to
VLF test methods utilize ac signals at frequencies less than the lab for testing, it was found acceptable. Several tests were
1 Hz with 0.1 Hz as the most commonly used test frequency. performed on the cable and when terminated with a stress
One major advantage for using 0.1 Hz is that measurements cone, toroid on the conductor ends and at a lower relative
can be simple and quick to perform using a portable, stable, humidity, the cable easily met the IEEE 400.2 criteria limits for
stand-alone power supply versus more cumbersome 60 Hz ac “No Action Required.” It was shown that termination length
test equipment. The VLF withstand test can be considered a was an important factor; especially longer termination ends
“go” or “no-go” type test. For new or repaired cables only are recommended, when higher test voltages are used.
gross workmanship defects or mechanical damage are likely The VLF test equipment is a sophisticated electronic device
to be detected. that does require training in both the equipment’s use and the
With additional accessories, the VLF test unit can be used interpretation of test results. It is advised that site owners
as a diagnostic tool to measure tan delta and tan delta employing an outside testing firm assure themselves that the
stability from which differential tan delta, and mean and testing firm has an adequate database of previous test results
standard deviation tan delta can be calculated. These tests to make a proper analysis.
allow examination without causing failure and should be Users of VLF testing should recognize that there is a
performed before the withstand test. constant evolution in technical development of testing
Tan delta with VLF is intended to perform overall insulation equipment and scientific knowledge of the relation between
diagnosis. Tan delta measurements can be used to analyze diagnostic properties. From IEEE 400-2012, setting
the effects of singular defects, but cannot be used to locate the reasonable expectations is important when establishing
defects. objectives for using cable diagnostic testing. Depending on
Establishing the tan delta acceptable values for a cable the age, condition, and type of cable system being tested,
system is complicated by the fact that the values depend not different objectives would likely be established. The
only on the cable system quality but also on the cable and expectations from testing depend on the test procedure as
accessory technologies employed. It is clear that tan delta is selected for the particular cable system and the information
most useful if the specific cable and accessory technologies being sought [8].
are known, as this assists in making the appropriate
comparisons to the established acceptance criteria. VI. REFERENCES
As shown by the various test data exhibited, there can be
much variability of the figures of merit for “No Action Required,” [1] IEEE 400.2 – 2013 IEEE Guide for Field Testing of
“Further Study Required” or “Action Required” among test Shielded Power Cable Systems Using Very Low
organizations, industrial facilities and equipment manufacturers, Frequency (VLF) (less than 1 Hz), New York, NY: IEEE,
although some of these data come from shared results. It pg. 17.
matters if one is testing new cables or aged cables, extruded [2] IEEE 400.2 – 2013 IEEE Guide for Field Testing of
insulation types even within the same general family (EPR’s), Shielded Power Cable Systems Using Very Low
and even the same particular family (mineral-filled EPR’s) but Frequency (VLF) (less than 1 Hz), New York, NY: IEEE,
from different manufacturers. Because of this current pg. 20.
variability, the figures of merit are still somewhat in a state of [3] EPRI Report 1020805, June 2010, “Plant Support
development. It was also shown, that for new cable there was Engineering: Aging Management Program Guidance for
no correlation between the tan delta value and ac breakdown. Medium-Voltage Cable Systems for Nuclear Power
Setup for field testing using VLF tan delta is similar to a dc Plants.”
hipot test. Other important factors similar to a dc hipot test

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[4] R. Hartlein and Nigel Hampton et al., “Diagnostic
Testing of Underground Cables Systems (Cable
Diagnostic Focused Initiative),” NEETRAC, Atlanta, GA,
DOE Award No. DE-FC02-04CH11237 (NEETRAC
Project Numbers: 04-211/04-212/09-166, Georgia Tech
Research Corporation, Dec. 2010.
[5] D.W. Eaton, C. S. Schiro, T. W Perilloux, and C.
Goodwin., “Advanced Cable Diagnostics – Evaluation,
Selection, Application and Experience in Medium
Voltage Shielded Power Cables at a Petrochemical
Facility,” Petroleum and Chemical Industry Conference
(PCIC), 2011 Record of Conference Papers Industry
Applications Society 58th Annual IEEE, pg. 3.
[6] C. Goodwin. VLF Cable Testing and Tan Delta
Diagnostics Guidelines and Evaluation Criteria for
Acceptance and Maintenance Field Testing of Shielded
Power Medium Voltage Cables, Rev3.0. HV
Diagnostics, Inc. 2007, pg. 8.
[7] IEEE 400.2 – 2013 Guide for Field Testing of Shielded
Power Cable Systems Using Very Low Frequency (VLF)
(less than 1 Hz), New York, NY, IEEE.
[8] IEEE 400 – 2012 IEEE Guide for Field Testing and
Evaluation of Shielded Power Cable Systems Rated 5
kV and Above, New York, NY, IEEE.
[9] G. J. Catlin. “Practical Application of Tan Delta
Diagnostic Testing in Cable”, Conference on Power
Cables “CABLE TECH 2010” – 25 & 26 Nov. 2010.


E.J. (Bart) Bartolucci received his BSEE from Fairleigh

Dickinson University in 1974 and MS-Metallurgy from Stevens
Institute of Technology in 1979. From 1974-79, he worked with
Ebasco Services, Inc., New York City, N.Y. in the Electrical
Engineering and Corrosion Departments. He has worked at
Okonite, Ramsey, N.J. from 1979 to present. Presently he is
Manager of Applications Engineering. He is a Senior Member
of the Power Engineering Society of the IEEE. He has been the
1 Vice President of the Control and Instrumentation Section of
the Insulated Cable Engineers Association (ICEA) and has
been the Subcommittee Chairman of the ASTM Committee
B1.04 for Copper Conductors, of the Electrical Conductor
Committee of ASTM B1. He has co-authored three other
technical papers, presented to the IEEE-PCIC.

Mark Thiele received a BSEE from the University of Texas

at Austin in 1981. For the past 25 years, he has worked as a
project engineer at both an operating plant and private
engineering firm, and as a sales engineer for a major wire and
cable company. He currently works for The Okonite Company
as an Application Engineer providing technical support for the
Gulf Coast, South America, Asia and Middle East regions.
Mark is a licensed professional electrical engineer in the State
of Texas, an IEEE member and is an MBA graduate from the
University of Texas at Austin.

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