Serafimovich 1942 - Pint Sized Campaign Big CoCv4

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12.3 Table - 1 (Green) Battle of the

1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Sunflowers. July 30, 1942 ........................... 24
Table (Red) 2: Bobrovsky ............................ 26
1 Case Blue .................................................... 3
12.4 Table (Red) 3: The Collective Farm . 27
1.1 Army Group B..................................... 3
12.5 Table (Red) 4: Serafimovich Outskirts
1.2 The Campaign .................................... 4 28
1.3 Serafimovitch 1942 German Map 12.6 Table (Red) 5: Serafimovich
of the North Don Region (1:300,000) ...... 5 Bridgehead ................................................... 29
2 Campaign Backdrop ................................... 6 13 The 578th Infantry Regiment ................ 30
2.1 The ARMIR.......................................... 6 13.1 Infantry Platoon ............................... 30
2.2 The Soviet 21st Army ......................... 8 13.2 Support Lists .................................... 30
3 Area of Operations ................................... 11 14 Optional German Ladder ..................... 33
4 At the Sharp End ........ Error! Bookmark not 14.1 German Forces ................................. 33
14.2 Soviet Forces .................................... 33
4.1 Campaign Ladder ............................. 13
14.3 Tracking............................................ 33
4.2 Going Big .......................................... 13
14.4 Scenarios .......................................... 33
5 The Forces Involved ................................. 13
14.5 Campaign Ladder ............................. 33
5.1 Elements of the Italian Celere Division
13 15 Axis Victory .......................................... 33

5.2 Italian ARMIR 3rd Bersaglieri ............ 14 15.1 Table (Black) 1: Clearing the North
Bank of the Don ........................................... 34
5.3 Elements of the 154th Rifle Division . 18
15.2 Table (Black) 2: Buerak Popovskiy .. 35
5.4 Platoon Rotation .............................. 22
15.3 Table (Black) 3: Flank Attack on
6 Victory ...................................................... 22 Satonsky ....................................................... 36
6.1 The level of victory is shown below: 22 15.4 Table (Black) 4: Serafimovich .......... 37
7 Initiative ................................................... 22 15.1 Table (Black) 5: Bridgehead ............ 38
8 Consolidation ........................................... 22 16 Disclaimer ............................................ 39
9 Replacements........................................... 22 17 Sources:................................................ 39
10 Reinforcements .................................... 22 18 Notes. ................................................... 40
11 Wildcards ............................................. 22 18.1 Timeline – August 1942 ................... 40
11.1 Soviet Wildcard ................................ 22 18.2 Soviet Tank Units ............................. 42
11.2 Axis Wildcard.................................... 23 18.3 ALTERNATIVE RUSSIAN RIFLE PLATOON TO&E
12 Scenarios .............................................. 24 43
12.1 Maps for CoC & Big CoC ................... 24
12.2 General Terrain Notes ...................... 24

inexperienced First and Fourth Tank Armies
1 CASE BLUE conducted several unsuccessful counter-attacks.
Case Blue (German: Fall Blau), was the German In the south, Fourth Panzer Army made better
Armed Forces' plan for the 1942 strategic progress against the Soviet 51st Army, crossing
summer offensive in southern Russia and kicked the Don and reaching Kotelnikovo by 2 August.
off on June 28, 1942. Soviet resistance convinced Paulus that Sixth
Army was not strong enough to cross the Don by
Case Blue involved a two-pronged attack against itself, so he delayed until Fourth Panzer Army
the oil fields of Baku as well as an advance in the could fight its way north. On 4 August, the Axis
direction of Stalingrad which covered the flanks forces were still 97 km (60 mi) from Stalingrad.
of the advance. For this part of the operation,
Army Group South of the German Army was The Red Army had been cleared from most of the
divided into Army Groups A and B. Army Group west bank of the Don By 10 August. However
A was tasked with crossing the Caucasus Soviet resistance continuing in some areas
mountains to reach the Baku oil fields, while further delaying Army Group B. The Wehrmacht
Army Group B protected the flanks of Army advance on Stalingrad was also impeded by
Group A along the Volga. supply shortages caused by the poor state of
Soviet roads. The Luftwaffe sent an ad-hoc force
Despite initial Axis success,
advancing into the Caucasus
capturing large areas of land
and several oil fields, the Red
Army encircled and ultimately
destroyed the German 6th
Army at Stalingrad, following
Operations Uranus and Little
Saturn. This defeat forced the
Axis to retreat from the
Caucasus, leaving only the city
of Kursk and the Kuban region
occupied by Axis troops.


The main body of Army Group
B started its advance toward
the Don on 23 July and met
with increasing Soviet
resistance from the 62 and
64th Soviet Armies which
formed part of the newly
created Stalingrad Front. On
26 July, XIV Panzer Corps
broke through and reached
the Don, where the new but

of 300 Ju 52 transport aircraft, enabling the guarded by Romanian, Hungarian and Italian
Germans to advance; some bombers were soldiers. Third Romanian Army, on the River Don
diverted from operations to supply flights under west of Stalingrad, and Fourth Romanian Army,
the Stalingrad Transport Region force. The south-east of Stalingrad, had been under
Soviet defence at the Don forced the Germans to constant Soviet attack since September. Third
commit an increasing number of reserves to an Romanian Army had been transferred from
increasingly vulnerable front, critically reducing Caucasus on 10 September, to take over Italian
the forces available to back up the Axis divisions positions on the Don, opposite the Soviet
on either flank. The Soviets made several bridgeheads. The Romanians were
counter-attacks on the northern flank of Army understrength and had only around six modern
Group B. From 20–28 August, the 63rd Army and anti-tank guns per division. The bulk of the
the 21st Army counter-attacked near German tank reserve, the 48th Panzer Corps,
Serafimovich, forcing the Italian Eighth Army to consisted of about 180 tanks, half being obsolete
fall back. The 1st Guards Army also attacked Panzer 38(t)s. The two Romanian armies were
near Novo-Grigoryevskaja, extending its routed and Sixth Army, with parts of Fourth
bridgehead. These and several other Panzer Army, were encircled in Stalingrad.
bridgeheads across the Don, opposed by the
The rest is history.
Eighth Italian and Second Hungarian armies,
became a constant threat.
Sixth Army crossed the Don on 23 August and
This campaign focuses on the attempts to take
reached the northern outskirts of Stalingrad later
Serafimovich bridgehead from the Soviet 21st
the same day, commencing the Battle of
Army at the beginning of August 1942.
Specifically, the actions involving the Celere
The Germans entered Stalingrad on 12 division and the supporting German regiments.
The Axis forces managed to surround
By mid-November, the Soviet forces had been Serafimovich and contest the Don crossing
pushed back into four shallow bridgeheads, with however they never managed to clear the town
the front line only 180 m (200 yd) from the river. of Soviet troops. The Italian 8th Army was moved
Sixth Army had captured 90 percent of the city further west later in August to counter Soviet
and expecting the imminent fall of Stalingrad, incursions across the Don west of the Choper
substantial numbers of Luftwaffe aircraft were Mouth (where the River Choper flows into the
withdrawn to support the Axis operations in Don), Romanian forces assuming the position
Tunisia. formerly occupied by the Celere.

On 19 November, the Soviets launched This campaign is intended for use with the ‘At the
Operation Uranus, a two-pronged counter- Sharp End’ campaign supplement. All scenarios
offensive against the flanks of Sixth Army. With are based on the standard ones in the rules.
the battle for the city and the exhaustion of
Fourth Panzer Army, the flanks were mainly


• The XXXV Army Corps (formerly CSIR)
2 CAMPAIGN BACKDROP with divisions Torino, Pasubio and 3
Celere "Principe Amedeo Duca d'Aosta".

2.1 THE ARMIR Mussolini subsequently appointed General Italo

The ARMIR (Armata Gariboldi as commanding officer of the ARMIR.
Italiana in Russia) or Messe left Russia in November 1942.
8º Italian Army was The use of ARMIR in the context of the second
created by order of great German offensive in the summer of 1942,
Mussolini in June known as Unternehmen “Blau” was defined in
1942, against the Directive No. 41 issued by the Führer on April 5,
advice of General 1942. It stated in Point II Execution of
Messe, the current Operations;
commander of the
Italian expeditionary Item C. Main Operations on the Eastern Front:
force in Russia (Corpo Units of the allied countries will be engaged to
di Spedizione Italiano in Russia or ‘CSIR’). meet the ever-increasing frontage on the River
Messe thought the pains and difficulties
experienced so far with 60,000 men in the CSIR German troops are to be concentrated between
would be “multiplied to infinity” by increasing Orel and Don and towards Stalingrad, thus
the number of Italian troops in the theatre to the maintaining German troops behind the Don
200,000 intended to form ARMIR. Insufficient Front as reserves for the attack. Allied troops will
and outdated weapons, tanks, vehicles and a be used as follows: north Hungarians, then the
severe lack of transportation was a constant Italians, and Romanians to the southern sector.
problem for the 60,000 strong CSIR. With the initiation of Operation Blue on June 28,
Expecting the same logistical infrastructure and 1942, the former CSIR, (renamed XXXV Army
organization struggling to support the 60,000 Corps), advanced to the Don to join the 17 AOK
men of the CSIR to support 200,000 men of the whilst awaiting the arrival of the rest of the new
ARMIR was considered completely unrealistic by ARMIR.
Messe and he told Mussolini so. The Army Corps had at its disposal, the divisions
However, the Duce replied: “Dear Messe, at the Pasubio, Celere and now Sforzesca newly arrived
table of peace 200,000 men weighs more than from Italy.
60,000”. The decision had been made. The year 1942 seemed favourable to the Axis and
The Italian Army in Russia (ARMIR) comprised: expectations of victory were high.

• An Alpine Corps of three divisions: Julia, 2.1.1 Prelude (April-July 1942)

Trento and Cuneense; On April 19 1942, the Legione Croata
• The II Army Corps with Infantry Autotransportabile under Tenente Colonnello
Divisions: Ravenna, Cosseria, Sforzesca, Egon Zitnik, joined the CSIR. The Legion
and later the Vicenza; comprised 1100 soldiers, 70 NCO’s and 45
Officers (1,215 men in total). These were divided
into three infantry companies, a machine gun

company, a mortar (81 mm) company and an They withdrew at 13:00 hours after completion
artillery battery. of their reconnaissance mission, taking with
them their dead, wounded and equipment. The
The 3rd Division Celere arrived in Russia on July
enemy then unleashed a counterattack on the
12, 1942. The Celere included the 6th
right of LXXIX battalion but fighting subsided in
Reggimento Bersaglieri commanded by
the evening.
Colonnello Salvatores (with the battalions XI, XIII
and XIX), the motorcycle battalion XLVII and the The reconnaissance revealed that the enemy
armoured battalion LXVII with Fiat L6/40 light front was defended by two battalions of the
tanks. 674th Rifle Regiment with strong fire support.

On July 13 1942, after a 10-hour forced march, In the early hours of July 18 1942, the soviet
the Savoia Cavalry Regiment reached Ivanovka forces retreated and the LXXIX battalion
where Bersaglieri had fought in the previous occupied Szerovka and Suravyevka, capturing
winter. prisoners, weapons and ammunition.

On July 16 1942, the division reached Gruppo Mittica was re-organised to form a
Fatschevka. The soviets decided not to oppose pursuit group, and comprised CC NN
the Axis forces and retired towards the mining 'Tagliamento ", the Croatian Legione and III
town of Krasnij Lutsch, closely followed by the 3rd Horse Artillery. It pursued the Russians to
Division Celere. Krasnaya Polyana in co-ordination with the
Pasubio division. The ground became
2.1.2 Gruppo Mittica impassable due to mud and delayed pursuit,
On July 15, 1942, the Legion "Tagliamento” however they managed to reach the towns of
(Black Shirts - CC NN) together with the Croatian Kolpakovo at 12:20 and Krasnaya Polyana at
Legione Autotransportabile, were moved to 14:00 hours.
Vladimirovka to relieve the 198th Infantry
Division, which were operating with the XXXV The Gruppo Mittica was dissolved on July 19
Italian Army Corps. 1942 and the Gruppo CCNN Tagliamento was
placed at the disposal of the Italian XXXV Army
Defensive Sector ‘Mittica’ was established on the Corps in Ivanovska.
night of 16 to 17 July 1942, reinforced with a
Platoon of anti-tank guns (75/39) and two groups 2.1.3 Serafimovich, July 30 1942
of artillery (the III. / 120 and III. cavalry group). The next objective was Voroshilovgrad, which
was occupied on July 25 1942 despite delays
On the morning of July 17 1942, the LXXIX
caused by rain turning the steppe into a sea of
Battalion CCNN was ordered to scout towards
Szerovka to check for the presence of the enemy,
to secure their position, and if possible to the Army Group B presented General Italo Gariboldi
occupy the area. At 11:00 hours, without fire with its plans for the deployment of the 8th
support they advanced in two scouting groups. Italian Army, however the Italian General was
After about 500 meters they began to receive not satisfied with the disposition since it split his
machine gun and mortar fire. The 2nd Company forces after crossing the Donets. The II Army
followed behind the scouting parties with Corps (Ravenna and Torino) were to move on
artillery fire support. Despite heavy casualties Bielovodsk, the XXXV Army Corps (Sforzesca and
the 2nd company managed to reach the edge of Pasubio) were to move on Millerovo, while the
Szerovka. 3rd Celere, was to act as vanguard of the army.

On July 27 1942 the ARMIR issued orders for a occupy the Stalingrad defensive perimeter to the
defensive deployment on the River Don: west of the Don River. Under no conditions are
the enemy to be permitted to break through to
• Due north: The II Army Corps with the
the east towards Stalingrad. The forces of the
336th Infantry Division, Ravenna and
63rd Army are to defend the eastern shore of the
Don River in the sector allocated by it and under
• Centre: The German XXIX AK with the no conditions allow the enemy to cross the Don.
62nd Infantry Division, the 294th Infantry The 21st Army is to move into the area of
Division and Cosseria. Serafimovich and to the east of it on the northern
• Due south: The XXXV Army Corps with bank of the Don River, with its right flank
Pasubio and Sforzesca. abutting the flank of the 63rd Army and the left
• Reserve: The 3rd Celere. flank to that of the 62nd Army.
After four days of marching, the 3rd Division By late June 1942, 21st Army, with nine rifle
Celere finally arrived near Serafimovich and divisions and a tank corps, occupied the northern
made contact with the 578th Infantry Regiment. flank of Southwestern Front along 100
The 578th was subsequently attached to the kilometres of frontline east of Belgorod.
Celere on July 30, 1942. Gordov’s army, facing the left flank of the
German Sixth Army and the right flank of the
2.2 THE SOVIET 21ST ARMY newly introduced Hungarian Second Army, was
The responsibility for defending the protected on its right by 40th Army, but 40th Army
Serafimovich bridgehead fell to the Soviet 21st constituted the southern wing of Bryansk Front
Army, which formed part of the Stalingrad Front. which was responsible for the defence of the
Voronezh axis.
The following Directives from HQ SHC issued on
12 July 1942 created the Stalingrad Front: On 28 June the main German strategic offensive
1. In order to facilitate centralised control over of 1942, Case Blue, began. The initial German
the troops of the Southwestern and Southern objectives were to break through the left wing of
Fronts, the 28th, 38th, 57th and 9th Armies of the Bryansk Front and advance to the Don at
Southwestern Front are to become part of the Voronezh, then break through the left wing of
Southern Front - effective at 0600 hours on 12 21st Army, advance towards Stary Oskol and
July; complete the encirclement of the 21st and 40th
Armies. Subsequently German mechanised
2. The Southwestern Front is to be renamed the forces would advance down the right bank of the
Stalingrad Front. The Military Council of the Don in order to encircle the South Western
Southwestern Front with the front headquarters Front. The offensive would continue into the
is to immediately move to Stalingrad; great bend of the Don and across the lower Don
3. The Stalingrad Front consisting the 63rd Army to encircle the Southern Front, interdict the
(the former 5th Reserve Army), the 62nd Army (the Volga river traffic at Stalingrad and secure the
former 7th Reserve Army), the 64th Army (the oilfields at Maykop.
former 1st Reserve Army) and the 21st Army along Within days of the opening of the German
with the forces of the 62nd and 64th Armies, 2 offensive, the right wing and centre of 40th Army
naval rifle brigades, 18 artillery-machine gun had disintegrated and German mechanised
"urovskiy" battalions, and the cadets of 8 schools forces were advancing rapidly towards
arriving from the Northern Caucasus, is to firmly Voronezh. On 30 June, XL Panzer Corps,

subordinated to the German Sixth Army, struck launched desperate attacks on Sixth Army’s
21st Army’s left flank 40km southeast of positions to try to relieve the pressure on 62nd
Belgorod. At the same time German mechanised Army’s defences on the left bank of the Don.
forces that had broken through the centre of 40th These attacks failed to prevent Sixth Army from
Army began to move towards Stary Oskol. On 1st reaching the Volga, but 21st Army managed to
July, with XL Panzer Corps breaking through 21st enlarge its bridgehead at Serafimovich.
Army’s lines and rendering the left wing of 40th
On July 28 1942 order No 227 of the People's
Army and the bulk of 21st Army at risk of
Commissar of Defense, I.V. Stalin, was issued. It
encirclement, Gordov was given permission to
stated: "...It is time to end the retreat. Not a step
withdraw to the east. Making effective use of
back! Now this should be our main challenge. It
rearguards, Gordov and his staff managed to
is essential to defend each position, each metre
slow the German advance sufficiently to enable
of Soviet territory stubbornly and to the last drop
the bulk of 21st Army to reach the Don in the Liski
of blood, to cling to each piece of Soviet land and
area, and to withdraw to the relative safety of
defend it to the last opportunity."
the left bank of the river.

On 12 July, as 21st Army was being deployed 2.2.1 Operation Uranus: The cost of leaving
further south to defend the left bank of the Don the Serafimovich bridgehead unchecked
bend in the Serafimovich - Kletskaya sector, During August and September, as the battle for
Gordov was assigned to the command of one of the city of Stalingrad progressed, 21st Army
three reserve armies that had been activated maintained the pressure on Sixth Army’s
and were in the process of being deployed to the positions on the right bank of the Don. During
Don. Danilov was then assigned to the command October the Rumanian Third Army replaced
of 21st Army and Colonel Valentin Penskovskii German divisions defending the northern sector
became the army’s chief of staff. of the Don bend, but the Rumanians were unable
to prevent 21st Army from further enlarging the
On 26 July, the 21st Army crossed the Don to Serafimovich bridgehead.
attack German Sixth Army positions on the right
bank of the river in the Serafimovich - Kletskaya Soviet high command decided to use the
sector. This attack was made to support the Serafimovich bridgehead to launch a major
Soviet 62nd Army which was under severe offensive (codenamed Uranus) to the southeast
pressure from Sixth Army in the Don bend, but which, in conjunction with an offensive from
the attack was only partially successful and by Soviet positions south of Stalingrad, would strike
early August the offensive had stalled. Yet it left into the flanks of Sixth Army to end the siege of
Danilov’s forces in control of substantial the city.
bridgeheads on the right bank of the river at At the beginning of November Major-General
Serafimovich and Kletskaya, bridgeheads that Ivan Chistiakov replaced Danilov as commander
the over-stretched Sixth Army did not have the of 21st Army. Penskovskii, promoted in October
resources to eliminate. to the rank of Major-General, remained as the
By the fourth week of July Sixth Army had army’s chief of staff. Subsequently 21st Army
secured bridgeheads on the left bank of the Don was reinforced with a tank corps and an elite
at its eastern extremity and were preparing for cavalry Corps. By then the army’s bridgehead on
an advance across the narrow strip of land to the the right bank of the Don was 50 kilometres long
Volga north of Stalingrad. In conjunction with stretching from west of Serafimovich to east of
other Soviet forces facing Sixth Army, 21st Army Kletskaya. During November, 21st Army

relinquished control of Serafimovich to the • 117th Rifle Division- Colonel Chernyugov;
newly arrived 5th Tank Army. This tank army and • 154th Rifle Division- Colonel Jakov
the mobile forces of 21st Army were to Fokanov.
spearhead the encirclement drive from the
north. Artillery:
• 387th Howitzer Regiment of the Highest
2.2.2 21st Army Orbat August 1942 Command Reserve (RGK);
Commander: Lieutenant-General Vasilii • 420th Corps Artillery Regiment;
Gerasimenko • 546th Corps Artillery Regiment. Infantry Forces: Mechanised Forces:
63rd Rifle Corps: Lieutenant-General Leonid 25th Mechanized Corps:- Major-General Semen
Petrovskii Krivoshein
• 53rd Rifle Division- Colonel Konovalov; • 50th Tank Division- Colonel Bakhorov;
• 148th Rifle Division- Colonel • 55th Tank Division- Colonel Badanov;
Cherokmanov; • 219th Mechanized Division- Major-
• 167th Rifle Division- Colonel Rakovskii. General Korzun;
66th Rifle Corps:- Major-General Fedor Sudakov • 12th Motorcycle Regiment.

• 61st Rifle Division- Colonel Prishchepa;

The campaign involves the axis attempts to
3 AREA OF OPERATIONS destroy the soviet bridgehead on the upper Don.
The Italian Celere division attacked Serafimovich
The town of Serafimovich is in a narrow sector of from the South while the German 79th Division
the river that runs south of town for about 25 km performed raking attacks to secure the upper
and includes the settlements of Belyavskaya, Don and prevent Soviet incursions between the
Bobrovskiy, and Baskovskiy. Choper Mouth and Serafimovich.

21 st Army Deployment Area: West Bank of the Don from Serafimovich to Kletskaya

throughout. It’s still treated as normal in At the
4 THE CAMPAIGN Sharp End and casualties and returns follow the
normal ATSE rules.
This campaign uses a single 5 game ladder The objective for the Italian forces is to control
(marked in red and green) and starts with the the bridgehead over the Don at Serafimovich.
Italians having the initiative on turn 1 on Map 1. This is achieved by controlling the objective on
table 5, however the axis forces can also claim a
An optional German ladder (in black)
minor victory if they hold table 4 (see victory
representing the attacks from the 79th Infantry
conditions). The level of victory depends on how
Division may also be added to the campaign. See
quickly this is achieved (or not).
Section 14.
The Soviet forces need to ensure the bridgehead
The campaign represents the actual route taken
survives. The 62nd Army is under severe pressure
by elements of the Celere Division in late July and
from the German 6th army in front of Stalingrad,
early August in 1942 (approximately from 27th
so maintaining a bridgehead on the German
July to 8th August). The time line is disjointed and
north flank is essential to draw some axis forces
represents a flurry of activity over a 2-week
away from the 62nd.
period with a number of significant actions

b. created for each scenario from core
4.1 CAMPAIGN LADDER force lists. Adjust according to Force
There are 5 scenarios in this ladder representing Morale ratings (standard Big CoC
the Celere division’s advance on Serafimovich. rules);
c. an armoured platoon/troop created
Rung Scenario Scenario from suitable entries on the support
Probe at Baskovsky
1 (probe) 2
Breaking into Bobrovsky
2 (Attack and Defend) 3
The Collective Farm The Italians use a Bersaglieri company (with 3
3 (Delaying Action) 4 Platoons) from the 3rd Bersaglieri Regiment of
Serafimovich (Attack and the Celere division. This is used throughout the
4 Defend) 3 campaign. The Celere also had support from the
attached German 578th Infantry Regiment. To
Attack the Bridgehead reflect this the Italian player has the option to
5 (Attack on an Objective) 6 substitute one Italian platoon for a German
Infantry platoon at the start of the campaign (see
This campaign is intended to be used with Big 5.2 THE SOVIETS
CoC as well as standard CoC. Big CoC makes use Soviet forces are represented by a rifle company
of the full 6’x6’ map shown for each scenario from the 154th Rifle Division.
whereas normal CoC uses a 6’x4’ slice (blue to
red) selected from the map and chosen by the

Forces used in Big CoC are selected as follows:

1) Select the 1st (infantry) platoon for each

scenario as normal for this campaign. This
comes from the core forces used in the
campaign and is treated as normal when
calculating results in ATSE. The commander
for this platoon is always considered to be
the force commander;
2) Additional platoons can either be:
a. treated as a platoon in the same
way as the first platoon if they’re
controlled by a regular campaign
player (i.e. it’s from another 3
platoon campaign force);

subtracting 1 if the enemy is in light cover, 2 if in
hard cover. On a roll of 1 or 2, one hand grenade
has hit the target unit; on 3 or 4, two grenades
hit; on 5 or 6, three grenades hit the target. Roll
for the effect of these and the Team or Squad
may then move with up to 3D6 to try to initiative

It was Italian tactical doctrine that the
Commandante di Squadra, the Squad Sergente,
5.3 ITALIAN ARMIR 3RD BERSAGLIERI regulate the control of the machine gun group.
(Russia - August 1942) Whenever the Sergente uses 2 Command
Initiatives to activate the LMG team to shoot, 1
Italy began the Second World firepower die is added for each CI spent.
War with 12 Bersaglieri SUPERIOR REGULARS
regiments of three battalions
Bersaglieri of the ARMIR are rated as Superior
each. Over the preceding years
Regulars which means whenever a single 6 is
the Army had resisted suggestions to dilute their
rolled on the command dice a pip is added to the
quality, and recruits continued to be of above-
CoC die.
average size and stamina, endured intense
physical training and had to qualify as 5.3.2 MOTOR TRANSPORTABLE PLATOON [69]
marksmen. 3rd Bersaglieri was part of the 3rd Force Rating: Regulars: -3; Superior Regulars: -1
Motorcycle Division Armedio Duca d’Aosta and Command Dice: 5
served on the Russian front from August 1941 BERSAGLIERI AUTOPORTATI PLATONE
until it was all but destroyed in December 1942. HEADQUARTERS
Tenente, Senior Leader, with Pistol
The Italians have 1 motorcycle and 2 Bersaglieri
platoons for this campaign. The same platoon
may not be used in consecutive battles. Sergente, Junior Leader, with Rifle
The Italian forces may substitute a single LMG 3 crew,
German Platoon from the 578th Infantry 1 Rifleman 8 Riflemen
Regiment for one of the Bersaglieri platoons at
the start of the campaign.
Force Rating: Regulars: -3; Superior Regulars: -1
5.3.1 National Characteristics Command Dice: 5
The battle cry of the House of Savoy was the Tenente, Senior Leader, Pistol (1 x m/c)
signal to hurl grenades and assault the enemy. SQUADRAS ONE TO FOUR
To reflect this, when a Senior Leader attached to Sergente, Junior Leader, with Rifle
a Team or Squad uses two Command Initiatives, BREDA 30 TEAM RIFLE TEAM
he may lead a charge against any enemy within LMG 3 crew, 4 Riflemen,
12” preceded by a hail of grenades. Roll 1D6, 2 x motorcycles 2 x motorcycles

14 Motorcycles LIST TWO
When deployed dismounted troops are placed Flamethrower Team, 2 crew
on‐table without their motorcycles. For each Brixia 45mm mortar Team, two crew
dismounted motorcycle squad in your force you Pre‐Game Barrage
roll 1d6 before the Patrol Phase begins. On a Roadblock
score of 4 to 6 you gain one free Patrol Phase LIST THREE
move with any of your markers. This is in Solothurn 20mm ATR Team, three crew
addition to any scenario‐specific rules regards
Sniper Team
bonus patrol moves, however, a force may never
M35 or M37 MMG on tripod mount, 5 crew
have more than six free patrol phase moves.
Fiat Ansaldo L3/35 with Junior Leader
Mounted motorcycle troops use the following
Cannone da 65/17 with five crew and a Junior
1) Mounting or dismounting requires one
complete Normal Move action ‐ no shooting Cannone da 47/32 with 5 crew and Junior
allowed; Leader
2) Motorcycle move like infantry adding 2” per Engineer Section with Junior Leader
D6 used. They may not move tactically if
Mitragliera Oerlikon da 20mm with 5 crew
Semovente 47/32 with Junior Leader
3) When firing at mounted m/c riders count
Regular Bersaglieri squad with Junior Leader
them as Green targets for effect (regardless
of their actual quality); Forward Observer and 81mm mortar battery
4) Mounted motorcycle troops may not initiate
close combat; Scout Squad with Junior Leader
5) If moving ‘At The Double’ or after any Close Autoblinda AB41 with Junior Leader
Combat, each motorcycle team takes two L6/40 with Junior Leader
Shock when mounted; Cannone da 75/39 with 5 crew and Junior
6) Motorcycles roll 4 Dice for moving at the
double when mounted.
L3/35 Laflamme with Junior Leader
Transport only vehicles, such as the car are
5.3.4 SUPPORT LIST simply vehicles which come with no crew. Men
ITALIAN SUPPORT LIST need to be allocated to drive these.
Satchel Charge
Medical Orderly
2x Beretta SMGs (maximum 1 per section)
Engineer Mine Clearance Team, 3 men
Engineer Wire Cutting Team, 3 men
Engineer Demolition Team, 3 men
Barbed Wire
Entrenchments for one Team or Section
Car, no crew

15 Support choice restrictions multiple design deficiencies which affected its
Items in Red may only be purchased once per rate of fire and reliability. This LMG has a
scenario. firepower rating of 5d rather than 6d.
Items in Blue may only be purchased when
defending on table 4. 5.3.5 REFERENCES
Normal scenario restrictions also apply. 1) "Manuale di regolamenti per i corsi di
allievo ufficiale di complemento", Roma SCOUT SQUAD 1938-XVI gives the Bersaglieri rifle platoon of
An Italian Scout squad is made up of one Junior 3 squads (each with 12 men and 1 LMG);
Leader and twelve riflemen. A scout squad may 2) "Prima serie di aggiunte e varianti
move with 2D6 and then assume a Tactical all'Addestramento della fanteria.Vol I “ for
stance when activated by a Leader using two the fusilier organization;
Command Initiatives. 3) “Manuale per il graduato di fanteria e sue
specialità and Nozioni di organica per i corsi FLAMETHROWERS allievi ufficiali di complement” for the Alpini;
The M35 and M40 infantry flamethrower teams 4) Italian Armour in Russia:
are two men strong. The Italian flamethrower a. III "San Giorgio" Fast Tank
has a maximum range of 6”. Italian Group: from summer 1941 to
flamethrower tanks have a maximum range of spring 1942, “4 troops on 61 L3
12”. tanks”;
b. LXVII Armoured Bersaglieri BRIXIA M35 45MM MORTAR
Battalion: from spring 1942 to
The Italian 45mm mortar is very accurate and as
winter 1943, 2 companies on 31
such adds +1 when firing at any target in line of
L6 tanks;
sight. However, the mortar rounds have poor
c. XIII/14° "Alessandria Light
fragmentation and as a result do not reduce
Motorcycle" Squadron: from
cover by one level. The Italian 45mm mortar has
spring 1942 to winter 1943, 2
H.E. and smoke rounds available. However, only
troops on 19 47mm Semoventi.
three smoke rounds may be fired by each mortar
in any game. TWIN MACHINE GUNS

The twin machine guns on Italian AFVs fire with
a firepower factor of 8 to represent the
enhanced firepower. ITALIAN HAND GRENADES

Italian hand grenades depended on and impact
the force of impact‐based detonation system
which proved unreliable in action. To reflect this,
they roll with a ‐1 to hit their target. This does
not affect the SAVOIA! rule. Breda 30 LMG

Having the reputation of being ‘the worst
weapon of the war’ the Breda LMG suffered from

Italian Arsenal Table
Vehicle Armour A.P. H.E. Speed Notes
Twin Hull MG, Small, low
L3/35 [9=SL3] 2 - MG Average profile, no turret.
Small, Co-Ax MG, No
Turret, low profile,
(internal tanks - Ronson),
L3/35 Laflamme [19=SL6] 2 Flame Flame Slow short Range Flame (12”).
L6/40 [15=SL5] 3 4 6 Average Small, Co-ax MG
Autoblinda AB41 [15=SL5] 3 4 6 Wheeled Co-ax MG, Rear hull MG
Small, no MG, Open top,
Semovente 47/32 [12=SL4] 3 6 3 Average low profile, no turret.
Weapon A.P. H.E.
Cannone da 65/17 Field Gun
[3.25=SL3] 3 5
Cannone da 47/32 AT Gun
[4=SL4] 6 4
Cannone da 75/39 AT Gun
[5.5=SL5] 8 6 Pak 97/38
Mitragliera Oerlikon da 20mm
[4=SL4] 4 6
Solothurn Antitank rifle 4 1

5.4 ELEMENTS OF THE 154TH RIFLE DIVISION weapons but many times they made little or no
The Soviets start with three 1942 Rifle Platoons. gain for terrible cost in men.
The same platoon cannot fight in contiguous
A Soviet Senior Leader may by using all his
battles. See 5.4.
Command Initiatives order all the Squads and
The Soviet force represents a Teams within his Command Distance that
company from the 154th Rifle haven’t been activated yet in that Phase, to
Division, 21st Army, under the assault the enemy. Any troops so activated will
command of Colonel Jakov Fokanov. move with 4D6 straight towards their chosen
enemy, each squad dicing for its own movement.
National Characteristics are the same as those
listed in the main rule book for a Soviet Force: They halve their Shock for the Movement
Uhraaaah!, Wrath of the Gods and Razvedchiki purposes (rounding up). Any Squad or Squads
which gets within 4” from enemy initiates Close
5.4.1 WRATH OF THE GODS Combat.
The Soviet Army is unable to provide close
artillery support for her forces during battle but 5.4.3 RAZVEDCHIKI
can prepare the way with an initial barrage of Soviet Scout Teams drawn from the sections can
notable severity. move with 1D6 or 2D6 and assume a Tactical
stance at the end of their movement.
This affects the pre‐game barrage support
option for the soviets. Enemy Units attempting 5.4.4 Standard Rifle Platoon
to deploy onto the table in the first Turn roll with Rating: Green: ‐5, Regular: 0
a ‐1 on their dice (i.e. a unit requires a 5 or a 6 to
deploy rather than 4,5,6). Command Dice: 5 when Regular, 4 when
As the Red Army infantry closed with the enemy Leytenant, Senior Leader, with pistol
supported by MMG’s and tanks the last push SQUADS ONE TO FOUR
would be made with an overwhelming assault.
At their leader’s command, the soldiers would Serzhant, Junior Leader, with SMG
charge the enemy, their bayonets fixed and their One LMG with three crew
battle‐cry rising over the battlefield. These wave Seven riflemen
attacks were effective when they caught the
Note that it’s debatable whether the infantry
enemy by surprise or without proper support
platoons ever reached a book strength of 4
squads or were more commonly made up of 3
squads. Therefore, the soviet player has the
option of using 3 squads per platoon rather than
4. If this option is taken the ratings drop to:

Rating (3 Squads): Green: -7, Regular: -3.

The choice of green or regular and 3 or 4 squads

per platoon is made before the campaign starts.
The choice is then fixed for the duration of the

5.4.5 Support Options LIST FIVE (Continued)
SOVIET SUPPORT LIST M3 Stuart with Junior Leader
LIST ONE 57mm Zis 2 anti‐tank gun, 5 crew with Junior
2 x SVT‐40 Semi‐Automatic Rifles Leader
Engineer Mine Clearance Team, 3 men T60 with Junior Leader
Engineer Wire Cutting Team, 3 men T26 with 45mm gun with Junior Leader
Engineer Demolition Team, 3 men BT‐7A with Junior Leader
Satchel charge T70 with Junior Leader
Minefield LIST SEVEN
Barbed Wire M3 Lee with Junior Leader
Entrenchments for one Section or Weapon T‐34 M1940‐41 76mm with Junior Leader
Jeep, or amphibious car, no crew T‐34 M1942‐43 76mm with Junior Leader
Commissar or Adjutant LIST EIGHT
LIST TWO KV1s with Junior Leader
Roadblock LIST NINE
RM38 50mm mortar Team, 3 men KV1e with Junior Leader
PTRD AT rifle, 2 crew * If a tank is selected as a support option, this
may be a tank rider SMG squad, (see
Pre‐Game Barrage
LIST THREE Transport only vehicles, such as the car are
Sniper Team simply vehicles which come with no crew.
Flamethrower Team of three men Remember, you will need to allocate men to
M1910 Maxim MMG, 5 crew drive these. These are as described in the main
BA64 armoured car with Junior Leader
M1937 45mm anti‐tank gun with 5 crew and Support choice restrictions
Junior Leader Items in Red may only be purchased once per
LIST FOUR scenario.
DSHK 12.7 HMG with five crew Normal scenario restrictions also apply.
Engineer Squad with Junior Leader SVT‐40 SEMI‐AUTOMATIC RIFLES
Regular Infantry Squad with Junior Leader *
There is much debate about the prevalence of
76.2mm Infantry gun M1927 with five crew these semi‐automatic rifles in Soviet ranks.
and a Junior Leader What is clear is that at the outbreak of
M42 45mm anti‐tank gun with five crew and Barbarossa the Red Army were partially through
Junior Leader the process of re‐equipping with this weapon.
BT‐5 with Junior Leader The outbreak of war saw that process end and
BT‐7 with Junior Leader the older but better known Mosin Nagant
Valentine III with Junior Leader M1889/30 used as the standard weapon for
LIST FIVE most of the war.
Matilda II with Junior Leader
To reflect the partial issue of the SVT‐40 up to
BA‐6 or 10 armoured car with Junior Leader two men in each squad may be issued with these
Scout squad with Junior Leader weapons. Men firing with these weapons dice

as for normal bolt action rifles but re‐roll any 1’s In the desperate struggle to save the great
rolled. Communist Revolution it may sometimes be
necessary to make unpleasant sacrifices in order M39 50MM MORTAR to defeat fascism. A Commissar may remove
The Soviet 50mm light mortar is only equipped 1D6 points of Shock from a single Squad or Team
with H.E. ammunition and cannot fire smoke. by making an example of a backsliding revisionist COMMISSAR traitor who is encouraging the promulgation of
A Commissar may be deployed from a JoP on a anti‐revolutionary thoughts. To do this he will
CD roll of 3 and may be activated on a Command shoot dead one man in the squad. Roll a D6 to
Dice roll of 5. If the player activates the see how many points of shock are immediately
Commissar, he does not increase his Chain of removed from that squad. On a roll of 6 the man
shot as an example will be the Squad Leader.
Command tally by one.

When activated a Commissar moves as normal. Alternatively, the soviet player can interpret the
commissar’s role as that of an Adjutant, as his
If attached to a squad he may move with that
squad without being activated himself. He main role was motivation and tended to be from
company level rather than platoon level.
counts as two men for morale purposes when
considering Shock levels and one man in any Either a Commissar OR an Adjutant can be used
Close Combat. A Commissar does not fire or for the duration of the campaign. Not both.
crew weapons.
Position of the 21st Army - August 1942

Soviet Arsenal Table
Armoured Vehicles
Vehicle Armour A.P. H.E. Speed Notes
T26B [14=SL5] 3 5 4 Average No Hull MG, Rear MG
BT5/BT7 [13=SL4] 3 5 4 Fast No Hull MG
BT7A [14=SL5] 3 4 6 Fast No Hull MG
T60 [16=SL5] 4 4 6 Average Low Profile, No Hull MG
T70 [16=SL6] 5 5 4 Average Low Profile, No Hull MG
T34 M1941 [21=SL7] 7 7 5 Fast
T34 M1942/1943 [21=SL7] 7 7 5 Fast
KV1s [24=SL8] 8 7 5 Average Rear MG, Heavy Armour
KV1e [26=SL9] 10 7 5 Slow Rear MG, Heavy Armour
BA6/BA10 [15=SL5] 3 5 4 Wheeled Small
Small, No Hull MG, open
BA64 [7=SL3] 2 - MG Wheeled turret.
Valentine III [13=SL4] 6 5 1 Slow No Hull MG
Matilda II [14=SL5] 7 5 1 Slow No Hull MG
M3 Stuart [14=SL5] 4 5 3 Fast
M3 Lee [22=SL7] 5 5/7 3/6 Average Turret/Hull (sponson mount)
Anti Tank Weapons
Weapon A.P. H.E.
M1927 76mm Infantry Gun
[4=SL4] 4 6
45mm AT Gun M32, 37 and 38
[3.5=SL3] 5 4
45mm AT Gun M42 L66
[4=SL4] 6 4
57mm ZiS 2 AT Gun [5=SL5] 8 4
PTRD Antitank rifle 3 1

A maximum of one platoon may be used for each
scenario (but see 4.2 Going Big). The same Axis forces may not consolidate or strengthen
platoon must not be used to attack if it’s been their defences, as there is simply not enough
used in the previous campaign turn, for example time or leeway given by the enemy. They may
if platoon 1 is used then platoon 2 or 3 must be surrender the initiative to the enemy if losses
used in the next campaign turn and so on. oblige them to rest while men are returned to
their units from the dressing stations, but no
consolidation to improve positions can be done.
If the Soviets gain the initiative in any campaign
To win a major victory outright the axis forces turn they may consolidate their positions.
must break into the bridgehead at Serafimovich
(control table 5) by turn 8. Controlling either
table 4 or 5 on Turn 9, gives the Celere Division a 9 REPLACEMENTS
Marginal Victory. Anything else is a Soviet
For both forces, casualties are treated as per ‘At
victory, (see section 15 if both axis ladders are
the Sharp End’. The players need to track this for
the duration of the campaign.

6.1 THE LEVEL OF VICTORY IS SHOWN BELOW: Both forces are allowed one set of Replacements
at any point in the campaign. This option can be
Italians control the bridgehead Victory used at any time and uses the equation from p20
at Serafimovich on turn: Level of ‘At the Sharp End’ [(Dead + C.O.’s Rating)/2] +
5 Major 1d6.
6 Major
8 Major
There are no Reinforcements for either side in
9 Marginal
this battle.
10 or beyond Defeat

If the axis control table 4 on turn 9 the axis has 11 WILDCARDS

emulated their real-life counterparts.
Each Force has a single Wildcard for this
If the axis conquers Table 5 by turn 9 they have campaign.
put a significant pin in the upcoming operation
The Russians have a single wildcard available
7 INITIATIVE which inflicts an armoured platoon on the
enemy. This represents the force used to pre-
In turn 1 the axis forces have the initiative.
empt the attack on Balaevsky and can be used
Subsequent initiative is determined as usual
once in the campaign on table 1, 2, 3 or 4. The
using the rules for Initiative in ‘At the Sharp End’.
soviets have the initiative for that campaign turn.
The game played Attack and Defend the
defending axis player has 3 points of support.

The soviet player has 6 points of support. The of August. It can be used once in the campaign
available support points are adjusted by on table 1, 2, or 3 from turn 3 onwards. The
comparing force ratings. campaign turn then becomes a counterattack
and the axis forces have the initiative. The game Armoured Platoon [26] played is Attack and Defend the defending Soviet
Rating: Regular: +5 player has 3 support points. The Axis player has
Command Dice: 5 6 points of support. The available support points
PLATOON HEADQUARTERS are adjusted by comparing force ratings.
T34/76 M1941 with Senior Leader [7+3]
BT7 SECTION Armoured Platoon [31]
Rating: Regular: +7
2x BT7 with Junior Leader [4]
Command Dice: 5
Junior Leader with SMG
Pz 38(t) with Senior Leader [5+3]
LMG with 3 crew
Panzer 38(t) PLATOON
3 men with SMGs
2x Pz38(t) with Junior Leader [5]
11.2 AXIS WILDCARD Junior Leader with machine pistol and Sdkfz 251/1
From the 4th of August elements of the 22nd LMG with 3 crew, 1 man LMG with 3 crew, 2 men
Panzer Division could support the axis forces in with Rifle with Rifles
the upper Don area around the Serafimovich
bridgehead and acted in co-ordination with
forces between Serafimovich and the confluence Note that wildcards can only be played when
of the Don and Choper rivers.
the force playing the wildcard does not have the
This represents the force used to support the initiative.
Italians and the 79th Division before being
diverted to the attack on Stalingrad on the 18th

be seen from outside and count as being in soft
12 SCENARIOS cover.

The field areas shown are Sunflower fields and

12.1 MAPS FOR COC & BIG COC are soft cover to troops in them (not vehicles)
This campaign accommodates both standard but do not block LoS.
CoC games and multiplayer Big CoC. The
scenarios maps default to Big CoC games on a Areas of scrub count a Heavy Going and reduce
6x6 table with 2 platoons a side. It’s always visibility according to P31/32 in the rules
possible to increase this as desired depending on (4”/12”). Vehicles are visible in and across scrub
how busy a battlefield you want. and count as obscured.

For normal CoC games the attacker picks a 4’ 12.2.1 Variations

table edge from the standard deployment edge Although the maps are fully populated they’ve
and extends it to create a 6’x4’ play area as been created using a combination of Google
normal. Adjust the scenario deployment areas Earth, photos of the area and my imagination.
to suit those in the rulebook. If the same map is Feel free to change stuff around to fit your
fought over again later in the campaign just available terrain as nothing is set in stone.
select a different area to fight on. Move the However, I would recommend that the general
table area at least 1’ in either direction on the locations for built up areas, roads (particularly
baseline, to create the new 6’x4’ play area entry points) and vegetation be adhered to.
(attacker’s choice).

12.1.1 Soviet Counter Attacks 12.3 TABLE - 1 (GREEN) BATTLE OF THE

Treat a Soviet counterattack on any table as an SUNFLOWERS. JULY 30, 1942
Attack and Defend scenario with the axis The 3rd Bersaglieri Regiment were ordered to
defending from their edge and Soviets attacking begin offensive operations against the Soviet
from the opposite edge. Attack and Defend troops occupying the Serafimovich bridgehead.
scenario deployment is used. Points remain the Support came from the 578th Infantry Regiment,
same. reinforced by the III./AR 305th Artillery Regiment
and four artillery groups.
12.2 GENERAL TERRAIN NOTES “The advance on the heights in front of
Buildings are a mix of wooden izbas (brown/soft Baskaevsky began at 3:00 am. At the same time
cover), and inner-city brick buildings and factory Soviet units launched an attack with T-34s and
units (grey/hard cover). Fences (brown) are BTs reinforced with infantry, hoping to surprise
made from brush/wood, walls (grey) are chest the Italian division while it was deploying.
height and hard cover. Neither block line of
sight. The tanks appeared around 13:30 hours at 1000
metres from the anti-tank battery, which opened
Gullies are man deep and filled with low lying fire at 800 meters with 30 hollow-charge and 30
trees and scrub (treat as woods, impassable to high explosive shells, immobilising T-34 No 78
vehicles, heavy going for infantry). Gully and BT-7 No. 315. Three tanks went on to the
vegetation is sufficient to block LoS across the attack and the battery fired from about 300
gully. Foot troops (not heavy or support metres, immobilizing T-34 Nº 76 on the second
weapons) at the edge of the gully can see out and hit. The others two tanks turned left and fled.
Ten other shells were fired from about 600

metres without result. Half an hour later two T- 12.3.1 Table 1 – PROBE
34s suddenly emerged and attacked the centre of Map 1 is Scenario 2 PROBE in the main rules. The
the battery with cannon and machine gun fire. attacker has 6 Support points. The Defender has
The first was stopped some 8 feet away, a hollow 3 Support points.
charge shell hit next to the turret killing the entire
The level of support is adjusted by the relative
crew. The second, T-34 (No. 77), took 8 hollow
force ratings.
charge shell hits, one of which struck the left side
of the turret immobilising it. Neither side can take a pregame barrage. The
attacker cannot take defences.
By the end of the action 14 out of 39 tanks were
knocked out.” The West edge is the Axis side. The East edge is
the Soviet side.

Game 2 is Scenario 3 in the main rules. The
Assault on Bobrovsky. July 30, 1942 attacker has 12 Support points. The Defender
“The assault on Bobrovsky began on August 1, has 6 Support points.
1942. Deployed left to right were 578th Infantry
The level of support is adjusted by the relative
Regiment, XX Battalion and XVII Battalion. On
force ratings.
the same day, 17 Russian tanks were destroyed
northwest of Pleskaja and Soviet attempts to No support restrictions apply to either side.
cross the Don northwest of Kasanskaya failed.
The Southern edge is the Axis side.
Bobrovski was taken and lost several times, but
The Northern edge is the Soviet side.
finally fell to the axis on August 3, 1942 at 06:30
hours, with the help of two battalions of the 3rd Scenario Terrain Notes: The field in the centre is
Bersaglieri Regiment. The West Bank of the Don raised and fenced.
was now completely clear from Bobrovsky to
Baskovsky as soviet forces retreated into the
Serafimovich bridgehead.”

The level of support is adjusted by the relative
force ratings.
“At midnight on August 3rd1942 both Italian No support restrictions apply to the attacker.
regiments together with the German 578th
The defender cannot take entrenchments, Static
Infantry Regiment assaulted the Soviet rear
defences or a pregame barrage.
guard at the collective farm near Belaevsky.”
The Southern edge is the Axis side.
Game 3 is Scenario 4 in the main rules. The The Northern edge is the Soviet side.
attacker has 12 Support points. The Defender
has 6 Support points.

12.5 TABLE (RED) 4: SERAFIMOVICH Game 2 is Scenario 3 in the main rules. The
OUTSKIRTS attacker has 12 Support points. The Defender
“Operations at the elbow of the Don continued has 6 Support points.
until August 14, 1942 in bloody fighting in the The level of support is adjusted by the relative
wooded area between Bobrowski and Baskovski. force ratings.
The 3rd Division Celere suffered 1700 dead and
wounded but managed to capture 5,800 No support restrictions apply to either side.
prisoners and 10 guns.”
The Southern edge is the Axis side.

The Northern edge is the Soviet side.

west corner of the map (bottom left) which
12.6 TABLE (RED) 5: SERAFIMOVICH marks the entry point to the bridge itself.
BRIDGEHEAD Scenario Terrain Notes:
12.6.1 ATTACK ON AN OBJECTIVE The scenario objective is the building under the
Game 5 is Scenario 6 in the main rules. The red star on the north end of the map. This is the
attacker has 12 Support points. The Defender last building overlooking the bridge.
has 6 Support points.
The line of trees alongside the road is dense
The level of support is adjusted by the relative (counts as a normal but thin wood) and sits on
force ratings. an embankment that drops 4’ down from the
No support restrictions apply to either side. road. The embankment is impassible to vehicles.

The Southern edge is the Axis side. The rough area to the north eaest of the map is
the riverbank leading down to the Don. It’s
The Northern edge is the Soviet side. steep (~45 degrees), covered in Scrub,
considered Heavy Going and impassible to
Both sides need to control the approach to the
bridge. The objective is the building at the north-

The 578th Infantry Regiment was a
One Compound Charge
Swabian unit formed near Lake
Medical Orderly
Constance and had been operating
Engineer Mine Clearance Team, 3 men
in the Serafimovich area as part of
Engineer Wire Cutting Team, 3 men
the 4th Panzer Army since June 1942. With the
arrival of the Celere Division it was detached Engineer Demolition Team, 3 men
from the 305th Infantry Division and attached to Minefield
the Italians. It continued to operate along with Barbed Wire
Celere until it was returned to the 305th on Kubelwagen (no crew, no weapon)
August 4, 1942. The sector was then occupied by Entrenchments for one Team/Section
the 3rd Battalion 208th Infantry Regiment Adjutant
belonging to the 79 Infantry Division. LIST TWO
The 578th suffered heavy losses in fighting for
Panzerbusche 38/39 Team, two crew
Serafimovich; HQ - Staff Group 78%; 13./IR 578:
60%; 14./IR 578: 62%; I./ IR 578: 45%; II./ IR 578: SdKfz 221 or 223 with Junior Leader
38% III./ IR 578: 26%. It was disbanded in Panzerknacker Team, four men
December 1942. Pre‐Game Barrage
Le. GrW36 5cm Mortar Team, 3 men
The Italian forces may replace one of their Senior Leader
platoons with a German 1942 Infantry platoon at LIST THREE
the start of the campaign. Use the following
Pioneer flamethrower Team, three men
platoon organization and support options.
Sniper Team
sPzB41 2.8cm heavy AT rifle and three
This force makes up a 1942 Heer platoon for MG34 on tripod mount with 5 crew
Operation Blue. This force is rated as Regular. PaK36 3.7cm anti‐tank gun with 5 crew
National Characteristics are the same as those and Junior Leader
listed in the main rule book for a German Force: SdKfz 251/1A‐C, no crew, MG34 mounted
Maschinengewehr and Handgranaten! LIST FOUR
Force Rating: Regular +0 Command Dice: 5 Pioneer squad with Junior Leader
PLATOON HEADQUARTERS Ie18.IG with five crew and a Junior Leader
Unterfeldwebel, Senior Leader, machine‐pistol Forward Observer with 8cm mortar battery
MORTAR TEAM Flak 30 or Flak 38 2cm L55 AA gun with
Ie. GrW36 5cm Mortar Team, 3 men five crew and Junior Leader
PaK38 5cm anti‐tank gun with 5 crew
and Junior Leader
Obergefreiter, Junior Leader, machine pistol.
SdKfz 222 with Junior Leader
MG34 3 crew, 1 rifleman 5 riflemen
Regular Rifle squad with Junior Leader
Panzer 38(t) E-G with Junior Leader
Pz.III E‐F with Junior Leader

LIST FIVE (Continued)
Pz.III G with Junior Leader
Marder II with Junior Leader
Pak 40 anti‐tank gun with five crew and Junior
Pz.IV D with Junior Leader
Panzer IV E-F1 with Junior Leader
Pz.III H-J with Junior Leader
StuG III A‐E with Junior Leader
sIG33 15cm IG with five crew and a Junior

13.2.1 Support choice restrictions

Items in Red may only be purchased once per
Items in Blue may only be purchased when
defending on table 4 and 5.
Normal scenario restrictions also apply.

13.2.2 Support Options

These are the same as in the core rulebook with
the following exceptions: 50MM MORTAR TEAM

The 50mm mortar has only H.E. rounds; no
smoke being provided. It has a minimum range
of 12”, but for targets closer than that the crew
may use their rifles. SATCHEL CHARGE

The satchel charge is shown on Table Seven,
Hand‐Held Anti‐Tank Weapons. The charge may
be used once by any Section on the table when
commanded by the Senior Leader commanding
the platoon who is, we assume, carrying it with
him up to that point.

Arsenal Table
Armoured Vehicles
Vehicle Armour A.P. H.E. Speed Notes
No Hull MG, open turret,
SdKfz 221 [6=SL2] 2 - MG Wheeled small
No Hull MG, open turret,
SdKfz 222 [13=SL4] 2 4 6 Wheeled small
Pz38(t) E-G [15=SL5] 5 5 3 Average
Low Profile, Exposed top
StuG III A-E [17=SL6] 5 5 6 Average MG, no turret.
Pz III E-F [14=SL5] 4 5 3 Average Twin Co-ax (FP8)
Pz III G [16=SL5] 4 6 4 Average
Pz III H-J [17=SL6] 5 6 4 Average
Pz IV D [17=SL6] 4 5 6 Average
Pz IV E-F1 [18=SL6] 5 5 6 Average
Hull Pintel MG only, Open
Marder II [16=SL5] 3 9 5 Average body, no Turret.
Low profile, open body,
SdKfz 250/251-1 [8=SL3] 2 - MG Fast section transport
Anti Tank Weapons
Weapon A.P. H.E.
PaK 40 anti‐tank gun
[5.75=SL5] 9 5
PaK 38 5cm anti‐tank gun
[4.5=SL4] 7 4
PaK36 3.7cm anti‐tank gun
[3.25=SL3] 5 3
Ie18. 7.5cm Infantry Gun
[4=SL4] 4 6
sIG33 15cm Infantry Gun
[8.5=SL8] 8 13
Flak 30/38 20mm Autocannon
[4=SL4] 4 6
sPzB41 2.8cm heavy AT rifle
[3=SL3] 5 2
Panzerbusche 38/39 AT rifle 3 1

This optional German Ladder represents the 79th Clearing the North Don
division’s raking attacks to the west of 1 (Probe) 2
Buerak Popovskiy
Sections 6 to 12 also apply to this ladder 2 (Delaying Action) 4
precisely as stated there.
Securing the flanks at
3 Satonsky (Flank Attack) 5
Forward elements of the 208th Infantry Regiment Serafimovich outskirts
are pushing towards Serafimovich attempting to 4 (Attack and Defend) 3
clear Soviet forces from the southern bank of the
Attack the Bridgehead
upper Don.
5 (Attack on an Objective) 6
The Platoons used from the 208 mirror those of
the 278th shown in Section 13 and uses the same
organization and support list. 15 AXIS VICTORY
When using both the Italian and German ladders
14.2 SOVIET FORCES in the campaign the victor conditions are as
The Soviet Forces consist of a second company follows:
from the 154th Rifle Division. Similar to that
shown in section 5.3. To win a major victory outright the axis must
hold the bridgehead (table 5) by turn 8.
Controlling either table 4 or 5 on Turn 9, gives the
14.3 TRACKING axis a Marginal Victory.
Tracking for Opinions and Outlook is treated
independently from the Italian ladder. If both the axis forces (Italian AND German)
control their relative table 4s by turn 9 they have
14.4 SCENARIOS emulated their real-life counterparts and can
These are shown in black on the campaign map claim a marginal victory.
in Section 4. Scenarios on tables 4 and 5 can be However, if either axis force can ALSO conquer
fought alongside the Italians as a Big CoC game, Table 5 (the other must have table 4) by turn 8
if both ladders coincide at any time. they have put a significant pin in the upcoming
operation Uranus and may claim a major victory
14.5 CAMPAIGN LADDER and a superb feat of arms.
There are 5 scenarios in this ladder representing Anything else is a Soviet victory.
the 79th division’s advance on Serafimovich.

15.1 TABLE (BLACK) 1: CLEARING THE NORTH scenario with the Axis attacking from the West
edge of the map and the Soviets defending the
East edge.
15.1.1 PROBE The attacker has 12 points available.
Game 1 is Scenario 2 in the main rules. The 208th
Infantry Regiment attempt to clear the north The defender has 6 points available. These are
bank of the riverside. This is Scenario a Probe adjusted by Force Ratings as normal.

15.2 TABLE (BLACK) 2: BUERAK POPOVSKIY The attacker has 12 points available.

The defender has 6 points available. These are

adjusted by Force Ratings as normal.
While the 208th Infantry Regiment continues to
clear and secure the northern banks of the Don,
Soviet forces attempt to delay the Axis push on
the Serafimovich bridgehead.

the Soviets defending the quarter closest to the
15.3 TABLE (BLACK) 3: FLANK ATTACK ON North-East corner.
SATONSKY The attacker has 12 points available.
15.3.1 A FLANK ATTACK The defender has 6 points available. These are
The 208th Infantry Regiment attempt to clear the adjusted by Force Ratings as normal.
riverside town of Satonsky. This is Scenario a
Flank Attack scenario with the Axis attacking No restrictions apply for support on either side.
from the South and West Edges of the map and

15.4 TABLE (BLACK) 4: SERAFIMOVICH The Southern edge is the Axis side.

The Northern edge is the Soviet side.

Table 4 is Scenario 3 ‘Attack and Defend’ in the Terrain Notes:
main rules. The attacker has 12 Support points.
The Defender has 6 Support points. The trees bordering the field are quite thick and
are treated as a thin elongated wood.
The level of support is adjusted by the relative
force ratings. The northwestern corner is dense scrub and
scrub leading to the banks of the Don and is also
No support restrictions apply to either side. Heavy Going.

The Southern edge is the Axis side.
The Northern edge is the Soviet side.
Both sides need to control the approach to the
Game 5 is Scenario 6 ‘Attack on an Objective’ in
bridge. The objective is the building under the
the main rules. The attacker has 12 Support
Soviet star which marks the entry point to the
points. The Defender has 6 Support points.
bridge itself.
The level of support is adjusted by the relative
Terrain Notes: The northwestern corner is
force ratings.
dense wood and scrub leading to the banks of
No support restrictions apply to either side. the Don is also Heavy Going and impassible to

Scrambled translations and bits from:
Chain of Command is the glorious set of skirmish • LA CAVALLERIA ITALIANA IN RUSSIA:
rules published by TFL and is Big Rich’s baby. No SCIABOLE CONTRO MITRAGLIATRICI;
breach of copyright is envisioned or intended.
• La Milizia Volontaria Sicurezza
As for the rest of the document, it’s a mix of my Nazionale. La Campagna di Russia 1941-
ramblings and various bits available in the public 1943;
domain. Of particular use was info gathered •
from Tigre’s posts on the axis history forum: • Die 305. Infanterie-Division. Hauck;
As for the images – some I bought others are
…and of course:
public domain. No breach of copyright or
• Wikipedia.
upsetting of ownership is intended.

However, some of the collateral presented here

is owned by me and therefore this campaign is
not to be sold in part or in full.

This pint (magnum?) sized campaign was

originally created for the enjoyment of my club
mates but it’s seems a shame not to share it now
we’re done with it.

It is as historically correct as I can make it, with

the information I have gleaned over the last few

Any queries can be directed to Steve at: using
[email protected].

You can also get me on the TFL forum under the

moniker Sackatatties or just grab Stephen Philp
on the CoC FB group.

• Companion to the Red Army 1939-45,
Steven Zaloga;
• Sacrifice on the Steppe, Hope Hamilton
(although focused on the Alpini).

Daily reports of Wehrmachtsführung Mehner In front of the italian troops at the Don, more
are shown below; russian troops crossed the Don near Baskowski.
Counterattacks had begun.
18.1 TIMELINE – AUGUST 1942 10.8.1942
1.8.1942 The situation on the right wing of CELERE was
17 Russian tanks were destroyed in the Don curve saved by an attack of parts of the 22nd
N-O Pleskaja. Division CELERE attacked the Panzerdivision. The russian troops had retired.
bridgehead near Sserafimowitch and destroyed 6
tanks. 11.8.1942
Russian attempts to get over the Don N-W of no reports.
Kasanskaja failed. 12.8.1942
2.8.1942 The divisions of 8th italian army continued their
no report. marching to the Don. They had to take over some
areas to secure the Don-line.
CELERE refused russian attack south of 13.8.1942
Sserafimowitch. ----

4.8.1942 14.8.1942
Some more russian attacks south of The divisions of 8th italian army took their
Sserafimowitch and west of Kasanskaja failed. position at the Don-line.

5.8.1942 ----
6.8.1942 An attack on the Sserafimowitch bridgehead had
Russian troops crossed the Don S-E of begun russian counterattacks failed. On both
Kasanskaja. Counterattacks were initiated. sides of the Choper mouth russians troops got on
the southside of the Don.
The russian troops, which could cross the Don on 17.8.1942
6.8., were destroyed. Other russian troops Near Sserafimowitch more russian troops
crossed the Don near Korotojak. They achieved a crossed the Don.
breakthrough. Ungarian troops stood in heavy
Russian attacks on the western side of the Choper
mouth failed against italian troops. The Russian
army tried to put more troops across the Don
The clearing of the situation near Korotojak was
near Sserafimowitch.
going on. The breakthrough north of Korotojak
was getting larger. 19.8.1942
At the Don front some russian attacks across the

Don failed against italian troops. Near Korotojak because the reserves arrived at the italian lines.
the italian troops pressed the russian troops to Prisoners reported, that the russian artillery were
the eastern side of the village. strengthened.

20.8.1942 28.8.1942
At the Don front some russian attacks across the Sserafimowitch was taken by russian troops.
Don failed against italian troops. Supplies were Attacks against the italian lines near the Choper
sought on the eastside of Sswoboda. mouth were refused.

21.8.1942 29.8.1942
At the Don front some russian attacks across the Heavy russian tank attacks south of Kremenskaja
Don failed (Krimskaja-Worni-Mamon). were beaten. Another russian breakthrough was
reported at the easten part of the Don bow, the
russian troops crossed the Don.
The situation near the Choper mouth was not
West of Sserafimowitch some tanks secured the
clear. An italian division retired 10 km. At the rest
own lines. Counterattacks were started. Heavy
of the Don front some russian attacks across the
russian pressure continued on the right wing of
Don failed.
8th italian army south of the Choper mouth.
The italian Division near the Choper mouth,
More russian attacks south of Kremenskaja were
which had retired yesterday, started
expected, because the russian troops got massive
counterattacks. Some more russian attempts to
cross the Don failed.
On the eastern and western side of the Choper
mouth italian troops refused some more russian
Heavy pressure was reported against all italian
lines. The italian division near the Choper mouth
continued their heavy fighting to refuse the
russian attacks.

On the left wing of RAVENNA a breakthrough

was reported. Counterattacks had begun.

The western flank of XVII. AK was damaged by a
retirement of the italian troops under Geribaldi.
Heavy fights near the Choper mouth continued.
The lines near Sserafimowitch were shortened, so
reserves could be put to the Choper mouth.
An italian Alpini unit and an italian tank unit was
given to strengthen the lines near the Choper
The counterattacks towards the Don succeeded,

18.2 SOVIET TANK UNITS On 12th August after several counterattacks the
Operational details for the tank brigades tank status of the 64th Army was as follows:
allocated to the 21st Army are difficult to come 13th Tank Corps
• 6th Guards Tank Brigade: Total 44 T-34s
However, in the absence of an operational list of of which 10 were operational, 14 were in
tank details for the 21st Army the details for the repair and 20 were lost.
62nd Army fighting just south of the 21st might 2 T-70s 1 operational and 1 in repair.
spread some light on what to expect in the 21st • 13th Tank Brigade: Total 44 T-34s (10
Army at the time. operational, 12 in repair, 22 lost).
The most important armoured formation in the • 254th Tank Brigade: Total 32 T-34s (4
62nd was the 13th Tank Corps, which had already operational, 17 in repair, 11 lost).
changed its composition three times in slightly Total 16 T-70s (1 operational 12 in repair
more than a month. It was rather typical for the 3 lost).
Soviet tank corps of that period, they were • Separate 133rd Tank Brigade: Total 40
frequently used as task groups temporarily KVs (22 operational, 15 in repair, 3 lost).
combining several brigades, rather than having a
It’s unclear why in some cases losses reported on
permanent structure.
the 12th of August turned out to be less than
At the start of August, the corps included 6th those on 8th of August. It’s assumed that more
Guards and 13th Tank Brigades, which had accurate data was available or that some missing
suffered serious losses during "Blau" and now tanks returned.
received newly produced tank from the
Stalingrad tractor plant and 254th Tank Brigade -
formerly in the 23th Tank Corps but now
subordinated to the 13th.

On 8th August these brigades had:

6th Guards Tank Brigade: 13 operational T-34,

17 in repair, 14 total losses, total 44 T-34.

13th Tank Brigade: 11 operational T-34, 12 in

repair, 21 total losses, total 44 T-34.

254th Tank Brigade: 6 operational T-34s, 15 in

repair, 11 losses, total 32; 4 operational T-70s, 7
in repair, 5 losses, total 16.

“Total" represents the number of tank before

commitment to action. Be aware that the first
tank brigades had only T-34s, since T-70s were
not being produced at the Stalingrad plant.

In addition, 133rd Tank brigade arrived with 40

KVs (2 in repair) but hadn't yet been committed
to action.

18.3 ALTERNATIVE RUSSIAN RIFLE PLATOON 18.3.1 September-1939: 04/20-38
Rating: Green: ‐3, Regular: +2
The 04/200-216 platoon from March 1942 is Command Dice: 5 Regular, 4 Green
used in the campaign. PLATOON HEADQUARTERS
However, Leytenant, Senior Leader, with pistol
The Soviet platoon organization was rather ad- Serzhant, Junior Leader, with Rifle
hoc and chaotic in 1940–1942 when divisions One LMG with three crew
were having to be replaced or rebuilt on a Ten riflemen
regular basis. In 1942 there were 4 different One Rifleman with Rifle Grenade
platoon organisations in use depending on when
the Rifle Division was created. It wasn’t until 18.3.2 Post Winter War: 04/100-18
early 1943 when the divisional attrition rate had Rating: Green: ‐5, Regular: 0
stabilized that an attempt was made to
Command Dice: Regular 5, Green 4
standardize the platoons throughout the Soviet
Leytenant, Senior Leader, with pistol
As for how many of these were achieved in MORTAR TEAM
practice is anyone’s guess. Records are scarce, 50mm mortar, 4 crew
but I think it’s safe to assume that the platoons SQUADS ONE TO FOUR
never met these quotas (especially in hardware) Serzhant, Junior Leader, with Rifle
until early 1943. One LMG with three crew
The March 1942 organisation has been assumed Two Riflemen SVT 40s
to be the most representative for this campaign. Six riflemen
It’s also easier on the figure count as it matches
the ‘standard soviet platoon’ in most rules.
18.3.3 April-1941: 04/400-17
Differences between divisions continued to exist Rating: Green: ‐3, Regular: +3
for the rest of the war but mostly at the higher
Command Dice: Regular 5, Green 4
level. Guards having extra MG and mortar
support for example.
Leytenant, Senior Leader, with pistol
The following information is largely from Steven MORTAR TEAM
Zaloga’s Companion to the Red Army 1939-45 50mm mortar, 4 crew
The platoon organisations were as follows: SQUADS ONE TO FOUR
Serzhant, Junior Leader, with SMG
Two LMGs with three crew
Three riflemen SVT 40s
Note that this was never achieved in practice
being replaced by 04/600-616.

18.3.4 July-1941: 04/600-616
Rating: Green: ‐5, Regular: 0 18.3.6 March-1942: 04/200-216
Rating: Green: ‐5, Regular: 0
Command Dice: Regular 5, Green 4
PLATOON HEADQUARTERS Command Dice: Regular 5, Green 4
Leytenant, Senior Leader, with pistol PLATOON HEADQUARTERS
MORTAR TEAM Leytenant, Senior Leader, with pistol
50mm mortar, 4 crew
SQUADS ONE & TWO Serzhant, Junior Leader, with SMG
One LMG with three crew
Serzhant, Junior Leader, with SMG
Seven riflemen
One LMG with three crew
Seven riflemen
SQUADS THREE & FOUR 18.3.7 July-1942: 04/300-316
Serzhant, Junior Leader, with SMG Rating: Green: ‐5, Regular: -1
One SMG Command Dice: Regular 5, Green 4
Nine riflemen
Note: only 2 out of 3 platoons had 50mm
Leytenant, Senior Leader, with pistol
18.3.5 December-1941: 04/750-769 Serzhant, Junior Leader, with SMG
Rating: Green: ‐4, Regular: +1 One LMG with three crew
Command Dice: Regular 5, Green 4 Five riflemen
Leytenant, Senior Leader, with pistol 18.3.8 December-1942: 04/550-562
MORTAR TEAM Rating: Green: ‐3, Regular: +2
50mm mortar, 4 crew
SQUADS ONE to THREE Command Dice: Regular 5, Green 4
Serzhant, Junior Leader, with SMG Leytenant, Senior Leader, with pistol
One LMG with three crew
Seven riflemen
Serzhant, Junior Leader, with SMG
Two LMG with three crew
Serzhant, Junior Leader, with SMG Three riflemen SVT 40
One SMG One rifleman
Nine riflemen SQUADS THREE & FOUR
Serzhant, Junior Leader, with SMG
One LMG with three crew
Four riflemen SVT 40
Three riflemen

18.3.9 August 1943: 04/550 18.4 ALTERNATIVE ITALIAN PLATOON TO&E
Rating: Green: ‐7, Regular: -3 There is some uncertainty about the
Command Dice: Regular 5, Green 4 composition of the Auto-Transportable
Bersaglieri Platoons. Some sources say 15 per
Squadra, some 12, some say 13. My own
Leytenant, Senior Leader, with pistol
thoughts are moving towards 15s as the sources
quoting 15 are contemporary. Organisation did
Serzhant, Junior Leader, with SMG seem to be quite fluid in the Italian army so
One LMG with three crew either 12s, 13s or 15s can be used as preferred.
Seven riflemen Just make your choice clear before the campaign
starts, then it’s fixed for all Bersaglieri Auto-
Transportable platoons used. There is no change
July 1944: Baltic Front reduced to 10 man
in the force rating if 12 man squadras are used,
whereas 15 man Squadras cost 1 force rating
18.3.10 July 1944: 04/550 (Baltic Front) more.
Rating: Green: ‐7, Regular: -3 The force used in the core campaign remains 13
Command Dice: Regular 5, Green 4 per AT Bersaglieri Squadra as it shouldn’t be too
PLATOON HEADQUARTERS difficult to field such a force using standard
forces assembled for several other games as well
Leytenant, Senior Leader, with pistol
as CoC. However, if you want to use 15 men per
squadra then see below.
Serzhant, Junior Leader, with SMG
One LMG with three crew 18.4.1 MOTOR TRANSPORTABLE PLATOON [75]
Six riflemen Force Rating: Regulars: -2; Superior Regulars: 0
Command Dice: 5
Tenente, Senior Leader, with Pistol
Sergente, Junior Leader, with Rifle
LMG 3 crew,
1 Rifleman 10 Riflemen


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