Mwe Questions1

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Why the conventional tubes like triode can not generate microwave power,
2. Explain the working of a two cavity klystron amplifier.
3. Describe the construction of a reflex klystron and explain how it works as an
4. Describe how velocity modulation of a beam is obtained in klystron amplifier.
How does a reflex klystron differ from an amplifier klystron
5. With the help of suitable diagrams, explain the mechanism of operation of an
eight cavity magnetron operating in the dominant pi-mode.
6. what is the significance of the term “ critical magnetic field” as it is used in
connection with magnetrons ? What is the purpose of strapping in a
7. with suitable figure explain how oscillations are sustained in the cavity
8. a) name some types of slow wave structure and mention its purpose.
b) Explain with a neat figure, how TWT is used as an microwave amplifier.
9. a) what is the most important advantage of TWT over klystron amplifier?
b) Derive expressions for four propagation constants which represent four
different modes of wave propagation of the o-type helical traveling wave tube
10. With the help of Applegate diagram explain the operation of a reflex klystron,
show that the theoretical efficiency of reflex klystron is 27.78%
11. a) what is mode jumping in magnetron and how it can be overcome.
b) Explain the terms frequency pulling and frequency pushing with reference to a
12. What is BWO? How the frequency can be controlled?
13. Explain the operation of TWT and show that output power gain of TWT is
AP = - 9.54 + 47.3 NC Db
14. a) Explain the velocity modulation process in two cavity klystron with necessary
b) Prove that the maximum theoretical efficiency of two cavity klystron amplifier is

15. State the theorems of Tee junction. Prove that a Tee junction cannot be
Matched to the three arms.
16.(a)What are the properties of S-parameters? Derive Scattering matrix for E-
Plane tee Junction
(b) Prove the unitary property of S matrices
17. Explain working of Reflex klystron using Applegate diagram.
18.(a) Derive an expression for relation between reflex voltage and accelerating
(b) Derive an expression for Electronic tuning of reflex klystron
19. Explain working of magic tee with neat sketch and derive S-matrix for
magic tee.
20. Explain in detail how amplification is achieved by using two-cavity klystron
21. Derive Hull cutoff condition with respect to magnetron
22. Explain the working of a magnetron with Pi mode oscillation
23. Explain the construction and operation of crossed field amplifiers
24. Explain the working of Tunnel diode as a microwave amplifier and oscillators.
25. Explain various modes of operation of Gunn oscillator
26. Explain the construction and operation of crossed field backward wave
27. The input power in a two hole directional coupler is 1mw .The coupler has a
Coupling factor of 15dB and directivity of 30dB. Calculate power in all the
28. Show that any lossless network, two of whose ports are matched and
decoupled, must be matched and decoupled at other two ports
Note: such a system is called a “Biconjugate “network
29. A 10mw signal is fed into one of collinear ports of a lossless H-plane tee
junction. Calculate the power delivered through each port when other ports are
terminated in matched load.
30.A 20mw signal is fed into one of the collinear port 1 of a lossless H-plane tee
junction. Calculate the power delivered through each port when the other ports are
terminated in matched load

31. In a H-plane tee junction, compute power delivered to the loads 40 ohm, 60 ohm
connected to arm1 and 2 when 10mW power is delivered to matched port 3

32.A magic T is terminated at collinear ports 1 and 2 and difference port 4 by

impedance of reflection coefficients Γ1=0.5, Γ2=0.6 and Γ4= 0.8 respectively of 1W
power is fed at sum port 3, calculate the power reflected at port 3 and power
transmitted to the other ports.

33. Explain how tunneling action takes place in a tunnel diode using energy band
34. Draw the schematic diagram of an IMPATT diode and explain the two effects that
combine to produce 180 degrees phase difference between the applied voltage and the
resultant current pulse.
35. Explain the construction and working of TRAPATT diode.
36. (a) Discuss the differences between transferred electron devices and avalanche
transit time devices.
(b) Describe the modes of operation of Gunn diode.
37. Explain the operation of a Faraday rotation isolator with the help of a neat sketch.
List the applications of ferrite isolator.
38. Explain the operation of a Faraday rotation circulator with the help of a neat
sketch. List the applications of ferrite circulator.
39. a) Why VSWR measurement is the most important type of measurement in
microwave engineering.
b) Explain the low VSWR measurement.
40. Explain How High VSWR of a load is measured using microwave bench in detail.
41. Explain how high value of VSWR can be measured by double minimum method.
42. Explain different types of power measurements.
43. Explain with block diagram how frequency of an unknown microwave signal can
be measured.
44. Compare the power ratio and substitution methods of measuring attenuation
provided by the microwave components.
45. Explain scattering parameters measurement.
46.a) differentiate between IMPATT and TRAPATT
b) Explain the operation of Gunn diode along with its V-I characteristics.
47. What is PIN diode? Describe the construction of a PIN diode and also its
48. Explain the tunnel diode can be used as an amplifier and as an oscillator with
necessary circuit diagrams.
49. Explain any two methods of measuring impedance of a terminating load in
microwave system.
50. Describe how the power of microwave generator can be measured using
a) Bolometer method b) calorimeter techniques.

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