Pidato Bahasa Inggris
Pidato Bahasa Inggris
Pidato Bahasa Inggris
Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb
With all due the respect to the honorable Mr. Ahmad Muthawalli as the leader of
Makkah Nusantara Tahfidz Qur’an Centre, and the honorable Mrs. Kumarah as our
Muya in sarra’I wad darra’i, to honorable all the teachers as well as to my dearest
First of all, let’s say our praise and gratitude only to Allah SWT due to His
grace and blessings upon us so that on this good time and occasion we all can still
gather in this place in the best of our health. Sholawat and salam to our prophet
Muhammad SAW (Allahumma sholli ala Nabiyinal mustofa wa alihi wa sallam)
that has brought us from the darkness era to the brightness era.
Who doesn’t know Mr. Soekarno, our first president of Indonesia? Nobody
doubted him in each of his speech to encourage the youths in maintaining the
independence of Indonesia. The long journey of Indonesia to the national
independence shows us how great the influence was regarding our nation’s life.
And then as the youth Muslim generation, what have we contributed to society,
nation, religion, and especially our own selves? Have we given any alteration?
A Muslim youth should go on with positive alterations day after day in his
or her life. How a loss if a Muslim youth is seen to be worse than yesterday. The
success of a youth in dealing with a number of life handicaps along with the good
alterations will be the basic in how he or she brings alterations to his or her
surroundings and those that are bigger than that.
Ladies and gentlemen..
Dr. Yusuf Qardhawi said that there are three things that underlie a youth as a
foundation of alteration;
But.. the question is, how to gain the three things that Dr. Qardhawi said? The
answer is in the Qur’an chap number four, verse number 9:
Laptopnya gk bisa bahasa Arab, cari ayat surah annisa ayat 9. Yg wal
yakhsyal ladzina lau taraku min khalfihim zurriyatan diafan…
In that verse Allah warns us to be afraid of the weak generation after us. in the last
sentence Allah mentioned two words which I think is an answer to avoid the weak
generation. pay attention to the sentences fal yattaqullah and walyaqulu qaulan
sadida. The first is the word fal yattaqullah, this word shows that the requirement
to become a young man who brings change is a young man who has a strong
aqidah and let him be a person who is devoted to Allah and istiqamah in
worshiping him. because all power and strength comes from Allah SWT.
the next word is wal yaqulu qaulan sadida, pay attention to my friends.. for me this
word has a very deep meaning, in this verse Allah commands us to speak good
words. maybe some of us will ask what does heredity have to do with good
speech? In fact, many young people today are influenced by all kinds of social
media such as Instagram, Twitter, and even TikTok which makes viral above
moral so that many young people are indirectly destroying themselves and their
generation with despicable behaviors and despicable words in order to achieve
fame. on social media.
To All of my friends, isma’na..
Masaru Emoto, one of the researchers from Japan who examines the nature of
water. he found that in the water there is a substance whose nature will change
depending on the words that are thrown at the water. when water is spoken with
good words then the water will form beautiful crystals, otherwise if the water is
thrown with bad words then the essence of the water will be dirty and contain
From Masaru's research earlier I have a question for all of you. What percent water
are humans made up of? Yes, humans are made up of 70% water. imagine if 70%
of this water every day was thrown with bad words, what would happen? so it's no
wonder if we see children today being naughty and even cruel because parents now
like to berate their children, shouting at them and even cursing their own children.
From the explanation above, I conclude that to become a generation that brings
change is to become an educated mother figure, speak with good words so that in
the future we will be blessed with good children too.
That’s all I could say. I wish this will be usefull for us in this world and thereafter.
Thanks for the attention.
Wassalamu’alaikum. Wr.wb
Menjadi Generasi Muda Pembawa Perubahan
Dr.Yusuf Qardhawi mengatakan bahwa ada 3 hal yang mendasari seorang pemuda
itu sebagai pondasi perubahan;
Allah memperingatkan kita untuk takut terhadap generasi yang lemah setelah kita.
di kalimat terakhir allah menyebutkan dua kata yang menurut saya adalah sebuah
jawaban untuk menghindari generasi yang lemah. perhatikan kalimat fal
yattaqullah and walyaqulu qaulan sadida. pertama adalah kata fal yattaqullah, kata
ini menunjukkan bahwa syarat untuk menjadi seorang pemuda yang membawa
perubahan ialah seorang pemuda yang memiliki aqidah yang kuat dan hendaklah ia
orang yang bertaqwa kepada Allah dan istiqamah dalam beribadah kepadanya.
sebab segala daya dan kekuatan adalah berasal dari Allah SWT.
Masaru emoto, salah seorang peneliti asal jepang yang meneliti tentang bagaimana
sifat air. dia menemukan bahwa di dalam air terdapat satu dzat yang sifatnya akan
berubah tergantung perkataan yang dilontarkan kepada air tersebut. saat air
diucapkan dengan kata yang baik maka air tersebut akan membentuk kristal yang
indah, sebaliknya jika air tersebut dilontarkan dengan kata yang buruk maka dzat
air tersebut akan menjadi kotor dan mengandung racun.
dari penelitian masaru tadi saya memiliki pertanyaan untuk kalian semua. manusia
terdiri dari berapa persen air? ya, manusia terdiri dari 70% air. bayangkan jika 70%
air ini setiap harinya dilontarkan dengan kata-kata yang buruk, apa yang terjadi?
maka tidak heran jika kita melihat anak-anak sekarang menjadi nakal bahkan
kejam dikarenakan orang tua sekarang suka mencaci anak mereka, meneriaki
mereka bahkan mengutuk anak mereka sendiri.
dari penjelasan diatas saya mengambil kesimpulan bahwa untuk menjadi generasi
yang membawa perubahan adalah dengan menjadi sosok ibu yang berpendidikan,
berkata dengan tutur kata yang baik sehingga kedepannya kita akan dianugrahi
anak yang baik pula.