Gerunds Infinitives

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Gerunds and Infinitives A Complete the sentences using either the infinitive or gerund as appropriate. 1 In the canteen, you are only allowed food bought at the counter. (10 EATIEATING) 2 is not allowed here. (TosMoKESMOKING) 3 We don't allow in the private study area. (10 TALK/TALKING) 4 Mary needs more work if she is going to pass the test, (To DOOING) 5 The carburettor needs before the car will run smoothly, (To ADJUSTADJUSTING) 6 Where can my pen be? I remember it when I made out that cheque in the bank, (To HAVEHAVING) 7 After having become World Junior Champion at the age of 13, Tom went on the Senior Championship. (10 WINWINNING) 8 What do you mean by not up? (TOTURNATURNING) 9 Ifyou go on so badly you will lose all your friends. (10 BEHAVEBEMAVING) 10 John has always been extremely competitive. He means f millionaire by the time he is thirty. (To seeINc) B (Follow the instructions in Exercise A) 1 Llove in my own country, I would hate abroad. (T0 LIVELIVING) 2 Terry keeps on up Sandy, and she’s just fed up with it. (To RINGRINGING) 3 When you're older, you'll regret student. (To WASTE WASTING) your time as a 4 The Management regrets theatre-goers that tonight's performance has had to be cancelled. (0 INFORMINFORMING) 5 payment of fares can lead to a penalty of £200. (To AvoIb avorDING) 6 In order not to upset his colleagues, the accountant found it necessary’ about his salary. (10 LIELYING) 7 The shoplifter dreaded what would happen if he was found guilty of the offence. (70 THINK THINKING! 8 Everyone was really looking forward to on holiday. (Goorse) 9 is a favourite hobby among retired people. (70 GARDENGARDENING) 10 Although put under great pressure during the police interrogation, the suspect refused that he had committed the robbery. (T0 ADMIT ADMITTING) Gerunds and Infinitives C Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form, using either the gerund or infinitive. 1 Unaccustomed as I am to public (speak. 2 If you speak aggressively about that politician he is bound to (retaliate) 3 The horse was close to (win) the race when it stumbled and fell 4 After her husband’s death at the hands of terrorists, May had to resign herself to (live) alone. 5 In this brief outline of the history of the town I shall confine myself to (talk) about major figures and events, 6 Caroline and Robert were supposed to (meet) us here half an hour ago. What can have happened to them? 7 Simon agreed to (help) with the preparations for the party 8 The guest speaker failed to 'turn) up at the conference. 9 The Prime Minister committed the Cabinet to (cut) the budget for health care. 10 Tonight [ don't want to (go) out. I'd prefer to Istay) at home D (Follow the instructions in Exercise C) 1 After twelve hours of negotiation the two sides in the rail dispute are no nearer to (reach) agreement than they were at the start 2 Who is likely to (succeed) the Prime Minister? 3 The duties of a nanny are limited to (look) after the children and do not extend to (help) with the housework. 4 I'm not used to (handle) this type of machinery, so could you possibly explain the instructions slowly? 5 The key to (create) a successful business is good management, 6 Alice was tempted to (apply) for the job when she heard about the salary package. 7 What led Robert to (tell) such lies? 8 People buying tickets before 30 April are entitled to ireceive) a voucher for a discount in the restaurant. 9 The company has been commissioned to (undertake) a major research project. 10 Thad to change the tyre myself. I couldn't get anyone to (help). E Inthe following exercise, rewrite the first sentence or sentences using a gerund construction after the words given preposition. EXAMPLE: It's Colin's job to hire and fire staff. Colin’s responsible Colin's responsible for hiring and firing staff 1 Harry and Selly have decided to share fat n the centre ofthe ity. I dat approve I don't approve . 2 I don’t like it when Peter comes home late Tdon't LiKE sevwennn ee 3 John has just been promoted. He's delighted, John’s delighted 4 The house is on the main road and that’s what makes it difficult to sell. It's the fact of 5 Employees are put out when they are paid ate Employees are put out 6 I woke up when the baby started to cry Twas woken up 7 Anna's mother was annoyed when Anna dropped the plate. ‘Anne's mother was annoyed 8 It's always expensive to buy a new house. Make any other changes that are necessary, including inserting a is always expensive. 9 We don’t allow people to wear jeans in this disco. is not allowed in this disco. 10 Andrew, I've just heard you've won the competition. Congratulations. Andrew, congratulations (Follow the instructions in Exercise E 1 In this company it’s John who handles orders for new stock. John is responsible 2 don't believe my grandfather could commit a erime. Idon't believe my grandfather is capable 8 Amelia is proud that she passed her driving tet frst time Amelia is proud 4 ‘Sorry I'm late’, said Jane. Jane apologised... 5 We think it was the girl's father who murdered her. We suspect the gir's father 6 This area produces excellent beef. This area is well-known 7 Charles collects first editions of twentieth-century authors. Charles is interested .. 8 I wish Jake hadn't spent so much money on a new set of golf-clubs. Tm annoyed 9 Idon't mind living alone. I've done it for some years. Tm used 10 Harriet would rather play tennis than go sailing, Harriet is fonder so fern 7 Gerunds and Infinitives G Put the verbs in the correct form, using either the gerund or infinitive (with or without toy, | dread (think) what Mariana is going to do now that Tom has died. The house needs a lot (do) to it and she just can't afford (maintain) it. What she'd like (do) is (move) in with her son, but he lives fifty miles away. For Mariana that would mean (move) from familiar surroundings as well as (leave) the house. And I don't know that her son would really like (have) his mother with him. He's got three children of his own and they are allowed (do) what they want. They'd hate (be told} what to do by a granny who's just moved in, Remember what it was like when we were young ~ always hearing someone (say) ‘Don't (do) this, stop (do) that.’ Anyway Mariana will have (come) to & decision soon, She can't go on (live! in that house. Maybe she could sell it and buy something smaller. I hope she makes the right decision, and doesn’t rush into something she will regret. H Complete these sentences with a passive infinitive or gerund, adding a preposition where necessary. EXAMPLES: These pills are (take) with a glass of water. These pills are to be taken with a glass of water He lived in fear (arrest). He lived in fear of being arrested. 1 Within twenty-four hours (release) prison, he had committed further offences. 2 After (examine) by a specialist, he agreed (operate on) 3 I am looking forward to going to the ball and (introduce) the prince 4 The water-level is (check) every day as long as the drought continues, 5 These new regulations are (follow) all times. 6 The manager was in favour of new machinery (purchase). T These patrols are likely (ambush) before they get anywhere near their objective 8 He was very anxious (interview). 9 The injured climbers had (lift) the mountain by helicopter 10 The manuscript is believed (forge) the early nineteenth century.

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