3rd Quarter Visual Goal Chart

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Third Quarter Visual Goal Chart

Directions: Color in the box for each concept you have learned. There is no need for you to bring this back to school.
This is for you to use at home. I am so proud of you! 

Goal: I will know all of my Kindergarten Sight Words. Color in the box for each word you can read.

a and the go see has you had we he

of I In am at as too have is It

can his him on did girl for but up All

look with her what was were that said do little

down when they then be some out there she boy

Goal: I will be able to recognize all of my uppercase and lowercase letters and their sounds! Color in the
box when you know the sound the letter makes. Go down, not across!!! Don’t forget that vowels have 2
sounds! 

U V W X Y Z a b c D
e F G H i j k l m N
o P Q R S t u v w X
y Z
Goal: I can rhyme! Write a rhyming word on the line! Color in the word that does not rhyme!

1. can tan _________

2. bed red _________

3. tap sap _________

zip tip big rip Lip


can hug rug bug Tug

Goal; I can segment words! Have someone call out the words and “turtle talk” the words. Highlight the
sounds as your child says them! Ready for a bigger challenge? Write the words as you turtle talk!

1. me /m/ /e/
2. pet /p/ /e/ /t/
3. no /n/ /o/
4. log /l/ /o/ /g/
5. ham /h/ /a/ /m/
6. off /o/ /f/
7. it /i/ /t/
8. rip /r/ /i/ /p/
9. mat /m/ /a/ /t/
10. sun /s/ /u/ /n/

Goal: I can sound out and blend words. Read the following words. Color in the smiley face as you learn
to read each word. Ex: Your child would say “/d/ /o/ /g/ dog!

1. mud  6. fig 
2. rat  7. rod 
3. leg  8. rub 
4. mat  9. set 
5. led  10. hip 
Goal: I can change sound in words to make new words! Parents read the following. Let your child color
the smiley when they get the question right!

1. net Take away the “n” and add a “p.” What word would it be? Pet 
2. ran Take away the “r” and add an “m.” What word would it be? Man 
3. man Take away the “n” and add a “t.” What word would it be? Mat 
4. sun Take away the “s” and add an “f.” What word would it be? Fun 
5. top Take away the “t” and add an “m.” What word would it be? Mop 
Goal: I can retell a story that was read to me. Parents, choose a story, read it to your child and then ask
the questions listed below. Have your child color in the smiley face when they answer the question

Story Element Prompt(s)

Setting (Time and Location) Where/when did the story happen?

 Where did ____ happen?

When did ____happen?

Character/Object Can you tell me who the story was about?

 What was his/her name?

Who were the characters in the story?

Character Development Can you tell me more about ____?

 How did ____ change in the story?

Why do you think ____ did that?

Events (in sequence) What else happened in the story?

 When did that happen?

What happened at the beginning /end of the story?
What happened before/after ____?

Problem What was the problem in the story?

 What was ____’s main problem?

Solution How did the problem get solved?

 What was the solution to the problem in the story?

How did ____ solve his/her problem?

Plot Can you tell me about the story in just a few sentences?

Author’s Purpose Why do you think the author wrote this story?

 What do you think the author wanted to teach you in

this story?
What lesson did you learn from this story?

Connection (text: text, text: self, or text: world) Has anything like this ever happened to you? Tell me

 about it.
Does this story remind you of something that has
happened to you? Tell me about it.
Does this story remind you of another story you have
read/heard? Tell me about it.
Did you like this story? Tell me why.

Goal: I will be able to write a story! Parents- Please see the list below. These are the end of quarter
expectations for your child. Have your child write a story and draw an illustration on a separate piece of
paper. Go over the expectations and color in a smiley face when he/she accomplishes each expectation.

 Establishes a relationship between drawing and print. 

 Adds details to drawing. 
 Writes 2-3 sentences focused on a topic. 
 Writes in the way one would speak. 
 Writes left to right and top to bottom. 

 Uses upper and lowercase letters indiscriminately. 


 Uses spacing between words inconsistently. 

 Spells names and familiar words correctly. 
 Uses temporary spelling. 
 Able to read own writing. 

Goal: I will be able to count to 100! Color in the box when you can count to each number

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Goal: I will be able to recognize numbers to 100. Color in the box of each number you can read.

39 94 11 50 77 5 10 100 62 43 58

19 24 81 20 37 15 21 12 26 13 89
Goal: I will be able to verbalize likenesses and differences of objects and shapes.

How are these shapes alike? How are they different?

Goal: I will be able to compare two numbers and determine which is less and which is more! Color the
box of the number that is more!

16 3

17 20

Goal: I can count sets and write how many! Draw an equal set in the box.


Goal; I can draw shapes! Color in the smiley face when you get it right!

Draw a circle. Draw a square. Draw a rectangle. Draw a


   
Goal: I can use probably solving to answer story problems.

After playing in the snow, Sarah came in and had some hot chocolate. Her mother gave her 3 marshmallows in
her hot chocolate. Sarah asked if she could have four more marshmallows. How many marshmallows did she
have altogether? Show your work below!

Can you write the number sentence to go along with the story problem? ________________________________

Jackson was playing with some friends in the snow. They decided to have a snowball fight. Jackson made 10
snowballs. He threw 4 of them. How many snowballs did he have left? Show your work below.

Can you write the number sentence to go along with the story problem? ________________________________

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