EIOT Mini Project Report - Rutumbara Chakor

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EIoT Mini Project

Home Automation and Security Systems

PD 05 Adnan Shoaib Nazmuddin
PD 09 Rutumbara Chakor
PD 11 Venkatesh Shirbhate
PD 13 Shranay Shahane
EIoT Mini Project

The main objective of this project is to develop a home automation system using an
Arduino board. As technology is advancing so houses are also getting smarter. Modern
houses are gradually shifting from conventional switches to centralized control systems.
Presently, conventional wall switches located in different parts of the house makes it
difficult for the user to go near them to operate. Even more it becomes more difficult for
the elderly or physically handicapped people to do so. Home automation system
provides a most modern solution for this problem.

This project also focuses on providing the safety and security to the user and comes in
with an inbuilt failsafe mechanism that minimises any kind of harm during any
catastrophe. This project focuses on automizing the daily activities we do in the home
while saving and minimizing the wastage of energy.

EIoT Mini Project



PROJECT AIM & SCOPE……………………………………………………………………………..…4

DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT………………………………………………………………………..…..5

H/W & S/W REQUIREMENT……………………………………………………………………….……6

DESCRIPTION OF H/W REQUIRED……………………………………………………………….……7

DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION…………………………………………………………………………11

PROS & CONS…………………………………………………………………………………………..13



EIoT Mini Project

The project is a smart home automation system but it concerns with the
security of the user as well as the efficient use of the energy. The project
includes a smart home light automation system, a smart room temperature
automation system, a gas based safety alarm system, an automated intruder
alarm and a password protected automated digital door lock.

We have come up with a new system called Arduino based home automation
using various sensors. This system is super-cost effective and can give the
user, the ability to control any electronic device without even spending for a
remote control. This project automates all the electronic devices.

This new home automation system saves a lot of time of the user. This is a
cost efficient project, saves a lot of electrical energy, adds safety and security
to the home environment and automates all the daily appliances used in an
average household.

EIoT Mini Project

Project Aim
The aim of the project is to design and construct a home automation system
that will automatically switch on or off any household appliances connected
to it, using a microcontroller.

Project Objective
The objective of this project is to implement a low cost, reliable and scalable
home automation system that can be used to automatically switch on or off
any household appliance, using a microcontroller to achieve hardware
simplicity and low cost and add a security system and safety system.

Project scope and limitation

This project work is complete on its own in automatically switching on or off
an electrical appliance not limited to household appliances. The Project is
designed to be energy efficient and convenient both at the same times. A
safety system has been introduced which minimizes the damage to the
system or the appliances and notifies the user with an alarm sound. A
security system has also been introduced in the project.

EIoT Mini Project

Description of the Project

This project is an Arduino based Project. All of the home appliances that we
use regularly like Light Bulb, AC, Ceiling Fan, etc. has been automated with
the help of this project. The Arduino manages all the electric appliances
without the need of any human input even remotely with the help of the
various sensors that work in synchronization with each other. Various
systems have been introduced in the project for added security and safety of
the appliances and the user.

The first module is a Digital Lock system for Doors. The door is connected
with a servo motor that automatically opens it and closes it and the system
is secured with a digital password.

The second module in the project is a Smart Light System. When a person
enters the room, the Light Bulb will turn on automatically without any input
but only if the room is dark enough. The latter feature allows efficient use of

The third module includes and Automatic Temperature Sensor that keeps
ideal temperature in the room.

The fourth module is a safety alarm system that goes off if there is a fire or
any gas leakage and shuts down all the other modules to avoid any harm to
them and protect the user.

The final module in the system includes a Security Alarm that goes off when
an intruder enters the premises of the house. This Alarm can be manually
turned on or off by the user, so it does not go off when not required.

EIoT Mini Project

Hardware Requirement
• Arduino Uno
• PIR Sensor
• LDR Sensor/Photoresistor
• Light Bulb
• DC Motor
• Temperature Sensor
• Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
• LED Lights
• Connecting Wires
• 220 ohms Resistors
• Breadboard
• Keypad (4x4)
• Servo Motor
• Gas Sensor
• Buzzer

Software Requirement
• Arduino Uno Compiler

EIoT Mini Project

Hardware Description
Arduino Uno
The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller. It has 14 digital input/output pins, 6
analog inputs, a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack,
an ICSP header, and a reset button.

EIoT Mini Project

LDR Sensor
A Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) is also called a photoresistor or a
cadmium sulfide (CdS) cell. It is also called a photoconductor. It is basically
a photocell that works on the principle of photoconductivity.It is a one type of
resistor whose resistance varies depending on the amount of light falling on
its surface. When the light falls on the resistor, then the resistance changes.
These resistors are often used in many circuits where it is required to sense
the presence of light.

These devices depend on the light, when light falls on the LDR then the
resistance decreases, and increases in the dark.When a LDR is kept in the
dark place, its resistance is high and, when the LDR is kept in the light its
resistance will decrease.

PIR Sensor
A passive infrared sensor (PIR sensor) is an electronic sensor that
measures infrared (IR) light radiating from objects in its field of view. They
are most often used in PIR-based motion detectors. PIR sensors detect
general movement, but do not give information on who or what moved. PIR
sensors are commonly called simply "PIR", or sometimes "PID", for "passive
infrared detector". The term passive refers to the fact that PIR devices do
not radiate energy for detection purposes. They work entirely by detecting
infrared radiation (radiant heat) emitted by or reflected from objects.

PIR sensors are used in thermal sensing applications, such as security and
motion detection. They are commonly used in security alarms, motion
detection alarms, and automatic lighting applications.

EIoT Mini Project

Ultrasonic Sensor
Ultrasonic transducers and ultrasonic sensors are devices that generate or
sense ultrasound energy. They can be divided into three broad categories:
transmitters, receivers and transceivers. An ultrasonic sensor uses a
transducer to send and receive ultrasonic pulses that relay back information
about an object's proximity.. Ultrasonic sensors are a great solution for the
detection of clear objects. For liquid level measurement, applications that
use infrared sensors, for instance, struggle with this particular use case
because of target translucence.

For presence detection, ultrasonic sensors detect objects regardless of the

color, surface, or material (unless the material is very soft like wool, as it
would absorb sound.) To detect transparent and other items where optical
technologies may fail, ultrasonic sensors are a reliable choice.

Temperature Sensor
A temperature sensor is an electronic device that measures the temperature
of its environment and converts the input data into electronic data to record,
monitor, or signal temperature changes. This can be air temperature, liquid
temperature or the temperature of solid matter. There are many different
types of temperature sensors. Some temperature sensors require direct
contact with the physical object that is being monitored (contact temperature
sensors), while others indirectly measure the temperature of an object (non-
contact temperature sensors).

The basic principle of working of the temperature sensors is the voltage

across the diode terminals. If the voltage increases, the temperature also
rises, followed by a voltage drop between the transistor terminals of base
and emitter in a diode.

EIoT Mini Project

Gas Sensor
Gas sensors (also known as gas detectors) are electronic devices that
detect and identify different types of gasses. They are commonly used to
detect toxic or explosive gasses and measure gas concentration. Gas
sensors vary widely in size (portable and fixed), range, and sensing ability.
They are often part of a larger embedded system, such as hazmat and
security systems, and they are normally connected to an audible alarm or
interface. Because gas sensors are constantly interacting with air and other
gasses, they have to be calibrated more often than many other types of

The voltage that the sensor outputs changes accordingly to the smoke/gas
level that exists in the atmosphere. The sensor outputs a voltage that is
proportional to the concentration of smoke/gas.

EIoT Mini Project

Design And Implementation

A low cost and efficient smart home system is presented in our design. At the
heart of this system is the Arduino Uno microcontroller which is also capable
of functioning as a micro web server and the interface for all the hardware
modules. All communication and controls in this system pass through the

Circuit Design

EIoT Mini Project

The first module is a Digital Lock system for Doors. The functionality of this
module includes automatically locking of door and a password protected
automated opening of door. There is a servo motor in the module that
facilitates the hinge of the door for the automatic opening of door. The 4x
keypad is used as the input for the password.

The second module in the project is a Smart Light System. The system
includes a PIR sensor, a LDR sensor and a Light bulb interfaced with
Arduino. When the person enters the room the PIR sensor detects the
presence of the person, and the first thing after that the LDR system checks
for the intensity of light in the room. If the intensity is low enough then
Arduino turns on the light else the light will be turned off.

The third module includes and Automatic Temperature Sensor that has a
temperature sensor which detects the temperature in the room. The
temperature sensor then is interfaced with an Air Conditioner, a Heater and
the Arduino. If the temperature is less than the ideal room temperature than
the heater will turn on and make the room temperature ideal and if the room
temperature is higher than the room temperature, the Air Conditioner will
turn on.

The fourth module is a safety fire and gas alarm system. The gas sensor
detects for any gas leakage or smoke from fire and if any high intensity of
gas or smoke is detected, the alarm system sounds a buzzer and cuts
electricity from all the other system for added safety.

The final module in the system includes a Security Alarm that goes off when
an intruder enters the premises of the house. This Alarm can be manually
turned on or off by the user, so it does not go off when not required.

EIoT Mini Project

Pros and Cons

1. Energy Savings:
Home automation systems have definitely proven themselves in the arena
of energy efficiency. Automated thermostats allow you to pre-program
temperatures based on the time of day and the day of the week. And adjust
to your behaviors, learning and adapting to your temperature preferences
without your ever inputting a pre-selected schedule.

2. Convenience:
In today’s fast-paced society, the less you have to worry about, the better.
Right? Convenience is another primary selling point of home automation
devices, which virtually eliminate small hassles such as turning the lights off
before you go to bed or adjusting the thermostat when you wake up in the
morning. Easily lock and unlock the door with the help of smart home
devices and you will be able to take care of the security of your home.

3. Security:
The smart safety and security alarm systems work without any input
required from you. They make the environment of your house more secure
and safe. You will never about to worry about your house keys getting stolen
or lost because the digital lock system doesn’t need one. The whole system
is designed in a way that in case of any catastrophe or external invasion the
system will turn of automatically avoiding any further damage

EIoT Mini Project

4. Comfort and Modernization:

Most of the daily chores that required your attention 30 minutes a day are
now automated. You now can focus on something else while the smart
home works for itself.

1. Installation:
The installation of the system is a little complex and your old appliances
might not even be compatible with the system at all and you might have to
change them to automate them. The installation process might take some
time and the appliances will not be usable in the meanwhile.

2. Maintenance:
Usually the EIoT hardware has long life. But in case if any maintenance is
required, You will need a highly skilled professional who knows how the
system works and any attempt to maintain the system yourself might result
in more damage to the system instead.

3. Power Supply:
EIoT sensors and hardware continuously require power to keep running. In
case of any power cut with no power backup available the whole system can
crash. The modules like smart light system will stop working but the door
lock system may lock you inside or outside of your house until the power
supply is again provided to the system.

EIoT Mini Project

Hence, we created a completely automatic and reliable home automation
system with integrated safety and security models that work
interdependently and in synchronization with each other. We learned about
the hardware aspects of microcontroller as well as how to program it to get
the desired output. Every module in this Project was tested and was working
as expected. The interdependencies of the module was successfully
integrated in the project, and they work in unison.

EIoT Mini Project

1. https://www.electronicshub.org/arduino-based-home-automation/
2. https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/home-automation-using-
3. https://www.ijitee.org/wp-
4. https://robu.in/home-automation-using-arduino/
5. https://www.ukessays.com/essays/business/home-automation-


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