Report Vishal Pandey LE 06

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Academic year 2021-22

Submitted by: Vishal Pandey
Roll No: 2008082006
 Title
 Acknowledgment
 Abstract
 Certificate
 About Internshala
 About basic electronic components
•What is PCB
 Types of PCB
 Laminates
 Types of circuit printing
 Software used
 Project 1
 Project 2
 PCB board dimension
 PCB manufacturing process
First of all I would like to thanks almighty who has always guided me to work on right path . I
Acknowledge with deep sense of gratitude and most sincere apppreciation, the valuable
guidance and unfailing encouragement rendered to me by Mohannad Rawashdeh ,my mentor
and guide during training. I want to thanks him for his insightful comments and constructive
suggestions to improve the quality of this training.
I want to extend my thanks to members of ECE department for the continuous guidance and
I also want to thanks Mr. Kapil Gawri(TPO ECE) for giving us opportunity of this training.

Vishal Pandey
Pusa Institute of technology

All diploma pursuing students are required to undergo industrial training for eight
weeks as a part of curriculum to complete their 3 year course for diploma in
electronics and Communication engineering . For my industrial training I did at
Internshala that is an online platform . It Is about PCB design and manufacturing
I was assigned to teachers who had a great experience in this field. They
gave me knowledge about how to design and modify the PCBs either it is Single
side or double sided PCBs. I learnt a lot of basic procedure of manufacturing of
PCBs . They gave me the knowledge of all basic electronic components. They
taught me the skill of PCB designing on a software named Eagle. Eagle is free
software for windows to use.
This is certify that training done by Vishal Pandey Roll no. 2008082006 at
Internshala is in partial fulfillment for the award in Diploma in Electronics And
Communication Engineering. The training is carried out in supervision of
Mohannad Rawashdeh at Internshala.

Mrs. Geeta Bhatia Name: Vishal Pandey

Lecturer ECE Roll no: 2008082006
5Th semester
Morning shift
Internshala is an internship and online training platform, based in Gurgaon, India.
Founded by Sarvesh Agrawal, an IIT Madras alumnus, in 2011, the website helps
students find internships with organisations in India.
Founded: 2010
Headquarters: Gurugram
Type of business: Private, Employment website
Founders: Sarvesh Agrawal, Ankur Khator
What is PCB
A printed circuit board (PCB) mechanically supports and electrically connects electronic
Components using conductive tracks, pads and other features etched from copper sheets
Laminated onto a non-conductive substrate. Components (e.g. capacitors, resistors or active
Devices) are generally soldered on the PCB. Advanced PCBs may contain components
Embedded in the substrate.
Printed circuit boards are used in all but the simplest electronic products. Alternatives to PCBs
include wire wrap and point-to-point construction. PCBs require the additional design Effort to
lay out the circuit, but manufacturing and assembly can be automated .Manufacturing circuits
with PCBs is cheaper and faster than with other wiring methods as Components are mounted
and wired with one single part.

Types of PCB
•Single-Sided PCBs.
•Double-Sided PCBs.
•Multilayer PCBs.
•Rigid PCBs.
•Flex PCBs.
•Rigid-Flex PCBs.

The laminate of the PCB is what holds the layers together. Traditionally, there are four layers
that make up the board: Substrate, Copper, Soldermask, and Silkscreen (from bottom to top).
The laminates are developed by curing under pressure and temperatures of cloth using
thermoset resin to create the final piece of uniform thickness .The type of laminates decide
the stability of PCB.

Types of laminates:
 FR-4
 High-Performance FR-4
 High Tg Epoxy
 BT Epoxy
 Polyimide
 Copper Clad (CCL)
 Teflon


1.Screen Printing
In this process screen of different meshes made using film of data by exposing it to
UV .Then screen is lifted up and PCB to be printed positioned on the base board
.Ink is applied on Top of screen which on top of screen which leaves print on the
board. Screen printing is used For printing of single sided PCB. In this method a
pattern or film sheet is pinned up and inked Sheet is put on it then the circuit is
designed. Screen-printing is done when the boards are still Panelized prior to the
application of the final finish or routing/v-scoring

2.Photo Printing

In this process ,Copper board is covered with photo sensitive film called dry film.
Data film Is fixed on it and board is exposed to UV . Panel is developed and then
goes for plating and Etching processes. Photo printing machine is used as exposing
machine for printing on Printed circuits boards. This Machine can be used for both
dry film and PISM exposing.This is a double lamp (top & bottom) Machine
consisting of Ultra violet tubes, control panel Having separate switches for upper
and lower tubes. It also has Timer and Vaccum meter Photo printing machine

About Software
Software used in this program is Autodesk Eagle. It is a free software that has
libraries that has all components.
Eagle Free, as the name suggests, is a free to use PCB design software which can
be used for capturing schematics and PCB Layout. The other two variants are
subscription based software and have additional features like more schematic
sheets, more signal layers and more board area.

Project 1
Our first project is on Designing and understanding astable multivibrator using
transistor. They taught us all about astable multivibrator and also provide us the
datasheet that contains all information about how the circuit works and what
voltage it requires
to operate on.
First step in Designing the schematic of the PCB and for this one should
have good knowledge of every components characteristics in the circuit and
their operating point. The circuit diagram of astable multivibrator is as follows:
The circuit includes two transistor 2N3904,two two capacitors of 20nf,two
resistors of 100 kilo Ohm and two resistors of 1 kilo ohm. Also it contains one pin
header or connector.
Second step was we have to use the schematic editor of Autodesk Eagle
and choose components from libraries like rcl,and capacitors.Than with help of
them draw schematic. There are various tools in schematic editor like add
components,Design Rule check, electronic rule check etc.which can be used to
check the circuit working and fault or failure in the design.The schematic is as

After completing the schematic the third step is to design layout of board using
layout editor. For this first choose the size of board and it’s shape and mention the
size of board on layer of board that is used for measuring. There are many layers in
board that is used for various purposes like top layer,tname,bname,etc..The layout
editor has many components likes hole, vias ,route airwire, ripup tool, polygon
tooland many more tool that helps you to make your PCB more better.The layout
is as follows:

Than the last and final step comes that is PCB manufacturing.For this we have to
make Gerber file of our design and upload it on many online sites that
manufacturers the PCB. And on sites they have their own conditions like drill Size,
no. Of layer, laminates, masking colour etc. So we have to make changes in our
PCB according to the conditions.That’s all we completed our first project.

Project 2
Our second project is a PCB that will be an Arduino shield – a board That
sandwiches with an Arduino microcontroller to provide extra functionality.Our first
step is to design a schematic diagram and using schematic editor draw the
schematic and add components to it using add tool.
Here in the picture you see that using add tool we come to this window.This
window has all types of components you have to select the Arduino R3 shield
Than also add another components to the schematic and after that the final
schematic looks like
Than after that switch to board editor and their you have to choose the size of
board and after that adjust the scale of the screen.Than arrange components
according to space or pcb design.You have to careful while doing this because
components may overlap.
The board looks like the above picture after that you have to route the circuit using route
airwire tool .The route airwire tool is used for routing the airwire or to make the copper path
on the pcb in a simple language. Airwire is the wires that is not routed and comes from the
schematic you draw. Route airwire tool has many suboptions like route multiple airwire, route
selected airwire etc.after routing the board it looks like
Than after that save your board.The last step is finishing up the board and prepare it’s greber
file. Finishing up the board includes set the drill size, vias size, apply polygon, set colour of
soldermask, adjust size of wire width etc. Gerber file is a file that includes all information
about the pcb and components details also,this file is used when you want to manufacture the
Manufacturing process
In this you have to upload your pcb file or the Gerber file you prepared on online
website like:
And many more like them these are some of them. These sites takes your Gerber
file and you have to provide them information like no. of pcb, soldermask colour
etc. Than after some days they will provide you the PCBS.



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