Name - Chapter 3: People & Ideas On The Move

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Chapter 3: People & Ideas on the Move

• Classical Indian civilization began in the Indus River Valley and spread to the Ganges River Valley, then
through the Indian subcontinent. It continued with little interruption because of its geographic location.

• The Indo-Aryan people invaded the area, creating a rigidly structured society (caste system) blended with
native beliefs.

• During the Golden Age of classical Indian culture, Indian people made significant contributions to world

• Hinduism was an important contribution of classical India.

• Hinduism influenced Indian society and culture and is still practiced in India today.

• Buddhism was founded by Siddhartha Gautama in a part of India that is in present-day Nepal.

• Buddhism became a major faith when Asoka sent missionaries throughout Asia.

• Classical China was centered on the Huang He (Yellow River) and was geographically isolated. Invaders
entered China from the North. The Great Wall was built for China’s protection.

• Chinese culture began around 1500 B.C. Of Chinese contributions to civilization, Confucianism and
Taoism are among the most noted.

Key Terms





Imperial Bureaucracy



Vedas & Upanishads

Siddhartha Guatama
Four Noble Truths

Silk Roads

Royal Roads





1. How did Persia govern its empire?

2. Why were physical geography and location important to the development of Indian civilization?

3. What impact did the Aryans have on India?

4. Why was the caste system central to Indian culture?

5. What were the accomplishments of the Gupta dynasty?

6. What are the characteristics of the Hindu religion?

7. How did Hinduism influence Indian society and culture?

8. What are the characteristics of Buddhism?

9. How did Buddhism spread?

10. Why was the Great Wall of China built?

11. What were contributions of classical China to world civilization?

12. Why were Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism important in the formation of Chinese culture?

____ 1. The Indo-European peoples that migrated from the steppes were mainly
A. traders.
B. hunters.
C. herders.
D. farmers.

____ 2. Buddhism spread across Asia mostly as a result of

A. trade.
B. conquest.
C. missionary efforts.
D. pilgrimages by the faithful.

____ 3. In Buddhism, the release from selfishness and pain that comes from complete understanding is
known as
A. sangha.
B. dharma.
C. moksha.
D. nirvana.

____ 4. The social class system that came to be known as the caste system was established in India by
A. Hittites.
B. Aryans.
C. Hindus.
D. India's first residents.

____ 5. The most sacred writings of the Jewish religion are the first five books of the Hebrew Bible,
known as
A. Torah.
B. Old Testament.
C. Ten Commandments.
D. Ark of the Covenant.

____ 6. The most able seafarers of the early Mediterranean were the
A. many gods.
B. reincarnation.
C. the caste system.
D. the sacredness of all life.
____ 7. The Phoenicians contributed greatly to written communication by introducing the first use of
A. vowels.
B. papyrus.
C. pictographs.
D. phonetic symbols.

____ 8. In the Hebrew tradition, a covenant is

A. prophecy about the future.
B. a law handed down by God to humanity.
C. a mutual promise between God and humanity.
D. an ornamental chest for storing religious documents.

Using the exhibit, choose the letter of the best answer.

____ 11. What bodies of water surrounded the Greeks?

A. Mediterranean Sea and Aegean Sea
B. Black Sea and Caspian Sea
C. Baltic Sea and the Atlantic Ocean
D. Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea

____ 12. What Indo-European group traveled the farthest east?

A. Celts
B. Hittites
C. Indo-Aryans
D. Thracians
____ 13. Which Indo-European groups traveled the farthest north?
A. Celts and Slavs
B. Germans and Balts
C. Early Indo-Europeans and Germans
D. Aryans and Balts

____ 14. Which group migrated around the Aral Sea?

A. Hittites
B. Luvians
C. Indo-Aryans
D. Early Indo-Europeans

____ 15. What geographic features might have kept Indo-European groups separated from each other?
A. mountains
B. seas
C. rivers
D. all of the above

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