Code - Aster: Law of Behavior CAM - CLAY
Code - Aster: Law of Behavior CAM - CLAY
Code - Aster: Law of Behavior CAM - CLAY
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Titre : Loi de comportement CAM_CLAY Date : 09/02/2011 Page : 1/37
Responsable : PLESSIS Sarah Clé : R7.01.14 Révision :
The Camwood-Clay model one of the elastoplastic models known and the most are the most used in soil
mechanics. It is especially adapted to argillaceous materials. There are several types of models Camwood-
Clay, that presented here is most current and is called modified Camwood-Clay. This model is characterized by
hammer-hardenable surfaces of load in the shape of ellipses in the diagram of the first two invariants of the
constraints. Inside these surfaces of reversibility, the material is elastic nonlinear. There exists moreover, in a
point of each ellipse, a critical condition characterized by a worthless variation of volume. The whole of these
points constitutes a line separating the zones from dilatancy and contractance of material like zones of
negative and positive work hardening. Work hardening is governed by only one scalar variable and the normal
rule of flow is adopted.
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1 Notations 4
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1 Notations
indicate the tensor of the effective constraints in small disturbances defined as being the difference
between the total constraints and the pressure of water in the case of the water-logged soils, noted in
the shape of the following vector:
2 12
2 23
2 31
One notes:
P=− tr constraint of containment
I 2 = tr s . s second invariant of the constraints
= ∇ u∇ T u total deflection
p = p vp I deviatoric plastic deformation
tr e . e equivalent elastic strain
eq =
tr p . p equivalent plastic deformation
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e index of the vacuums of the material (report of the volume of the pores on the volume of the solid
matter constituents)
1e 0
k 0=
P cr variable interns model, critical pressure equal to half of the pressure of consolidation P cons
1e 0
elastic coefficient of shearing (coefficient of Lamé)
f surface of load
plastic multiplier
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2 Introduction
The model describes here is the model known as of modified Camwood-Clay. The initial Camwood-
Clay model was developed by the school of soil mechanics of Cambridge in the Sixties. He predicted
too important deviatoric deformations under weak loading deviatoric, and was modified by Burland
and Roscoe in 1968 [bib1].
• the strong porosity of these materials causes unrecoverable deformations under hydrostatic loading
corresponding to an important reduction of porosity. This mechanism purely contractor is sometimes
called “collapse”,
• under loading deviatoric, these materials show a contracting phase followed by a phase where the
material becomes deformed with constant plastic volume or dilates.
For the two types of loading, the energy blocked in material evolves according to the number of
contact between the grains. For a hydrostatic loading, the number of contact increases, as well as
blocked energy, one thus has positive work hardening. For a loading deviatoric, the material can
become deformed without variation of volume to many intergranular contacts constant. Moreover, one
can observe in the tests of the localizations of deformations accompanied by a strong dilatancy. In
these zones, the number of grains in decreasing contact, there is reduction in blocked energy and thus
These behaviors are highlighted primarily by triaxial compression tests of revolution. These
observations bring to apply that there exists a plastic threshold whose evolution is controlled by two
mechanisms: one purely contractor associated with the hydrostatic constraint, and a mechanism
deviatoric controlled by internal friction being held with constant volume and possibly dilating with the
approach of the localization.
All the interest of the Camwood Clay model lies in its faculty to describe these phenomena with a
minimum of ingredients and in particular only one surfaces of load and a work hardening associated
with only one scalar variable.
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The diagram above corresponds to a set of measurements where the effective constraint is stabilized. Indeed,
in the process of consolidation of the grounds, it is the water contained in the pores which takes again initially
the hydrostatic pressure with very little deformation, before running out and letting the skeleton become
deformed. After consolidation of material and stabilization of the pressure of water, the effective constraint
(forced total minus pressure of water) is stabilized and deferred on the graph. The relations of behavior in the
saturated porous environments are generally expressed with the effective constraints according to the
assumption of Terzaghi.
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f P , Q , P cr =Q 2 M 2 P− Ptrac −2M 2 P− Ptrac P cr ≤0 éq 3.2-1
In the plan P , Q , the expression represents a family of ellipses, centered on P cr who is related
to pressure of consolidation: P cons=2 P cr −P trac (cf [Figure 3.2-a). P cr will be the parameter of
work hardening of the model.
Q M ( P P trac )
When f =0 and P−P trac P cr the material is dilating ( ε̇ v 0 ) and P cr is decreasing
When f =0 and P−P trac P cr the material is contacting ( ε̇ v 0 ) and P cr is increasing
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One thus considers an isotropic elastic law, with a linear deviatoric part and a non-linear voluminal
Déviatoire part :
ε e = éq 3.3-1
Voluminal part :
ε̇ ev =−
1e 0
ou e=e 0 −κ Ln
K cam si PPconsolidation éq 3.3-2
The law [éq 3.3-2] is in fact derived from a test oedometric where one measures the variation of the
index of the vacuums according to the loading [Figure 2.2-a]. Let us recall that a homogeneous test
oedometric consists in increasing the axial effective constraint all while maintaining the deformation
radial worthless on a cylindrical test-tube.
Pressures P correspond to tests drained or not. Nevertheless, in a modeling with
Code_Aster the constraints handled in the laws of behavior are effective i.e. that one does
not take into account the hydrostatic pressure of the fluid which can circulate in the pores,
this one being calculated in modelings THM.
Tests of voluminal loading (cf. [Figure 2.2-a]) we bring to the following elastic law:
In the same way, the growth of the surface of load in phase of contractance, its decrease in dilatancy,
and the experimental results suggest writing:
P cr =P 0cr exp [ k ε vp −ε v0
] , avec k =
1e 0 éq 3.3-4
ε v0 and e 0 correspond to the voluminal deformation and the index of the initial vacuums,
determined by extrapolation of the oedometric curve of the test to the pressure K cam (cf [Figure 2.2-
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∂f ∂F ,
ε̇ p = Λ̇ , , ε̇ vp =− Λ̇ éq 3.4-1
∂σ ∂ P cr
Λ being the plastic multiplier.
By breaking up the first term, one obtains:
∂f ∂f ∂F
ε̇ vp = Λ̇ ε̇ p = Λ̇ ε̇ vp =− Λ̇ éq 3.4-2
∂P ∂s ∂ Pcr
knowing that:
P=− tr σ et ε v=−tr ε 3α T −T 0 éq 3.4-3
F is the plastic potential associated with the phenomenon of work hardening. Let us note that the
third part of [éq 3.4-2] is only formal. Indeed, one knows ε̇ v by the first relation thus one knows the
evolution of P cr .
1 ∂f 1 ∂f
Λ= dσ =− dP éq 3.5-2
H p ∂σ H p ∂ P cr cr
with [bib4]:
∂ f ∂2 ψ ∂ F
H p= , où H p est le module d'écrouissage éq 3.5-3
∂ P cr ∂ ε p 2 ∂ P cr
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The identification of the first and third part of [éq 3.4-2] makes it possible to calculate F who is
F =−∫ dP =M 2 P cr Pcr −2P2P trac éq 3.5-4
∂ P cr
Concept of work hardening being associated with that of blocked energy:
∂ψ ∂2 ψ
P cr = donc dP cr = dε vp éq 3.5-5
∂ ε vp 2 p
∂ εv
where ψ is the density of free energy:
3 e 2
P0 e
ψ= μ ε eq exp k 0 ε v exp k ε vp −ε v0
éq 3.5-6
2 k0 k
By using them [éq 3.4-2], [éq 3.5-4] and [éq 3.5-6], one can draw according to [éq 3.5-3] the
expression from the plastic module of work hardening:
∂ f ∂2 ψ ∂ F
H p= 2
=4 kM 4 P−P trac Pcr P−P trac −P cr éq 3.5-7
∂ P cr ∂ ε p ∂ P cr
The module of work hardening is positive in phase of contractance P−P trac P cr and negative in
phase of dilatancy P−P trac P cr . For P−P trac =P cr , the behavior is plastic perfect and
proceeds with constant plastic volume.
dε vp =
k [ 1
P cr P−P trac
dP 2
M P− Ptrac P cr
] éq 3.6-1
dε eq =
[ Q
k M 2 P−P trac P cr
M 4 P−P trac P cr P−P trac −P cr
] éq 3.6-2
p p 3 s
d ε =dε eq éq 3.6-3
The rearrangement of [éq 3.6-1] and [éq 3.6-2] conduit with:
dε eq Q
= éq 3.6-4
dε vp 2
M P−P trac −P cr
i.e. with the equation [éq 3.6-3],
d ε p 3 s
= 2 éq 3.6-5
dε v 2 M P−P trac −P cr
Typical case of the critical point:
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s=2μ ε e éq 3.7-1
K cam
P=P 0 exp k 0 Δε ev
k0 exp k e
0 Δε v −1 éq 3.7-2
2 2 2
The criterion: f σ , P cr =Q M P− Ptrac −2M 2 P− Ptrac P cr =0 with Q=σ eq
1∂f d 3∂f s
3 ∂P
2 ∂Q Q éq 3.7-3
̇ε p =3 Λ̇ s éq 3.7-4
ε̇ vp = Λ̇ 2M 2 P− P trac− P cr éq 3.7-5
Work hardening
P cr ε vp =P cr 0 exp k ε vp −ε v 0
éq 3.7-6
̇ε eq =0, ε̇ vp =0 éq 3.7-8
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•From the only unknown factor ε̇ vp , one can deduce the other unknown factors ε̇ p and
Ṗ cr .
•If P−P trac =P cr : ε̇ v =0 , Q̇= Ṗ cr =0, Ṗ=k 0 P ε̇ v .
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The resolution of this system gives us Δu , therefore Δε . One thus seeks locally, in each point of
Gauss, the increment of constraint and of variable correspondent interns with Δε and which satisfies
the law with behavior.
The following notations are employed: A− , A , ΔA for the quantity evaluated at the known moment
T, the moment t Δt and its increment, respectively. The equations are discretized in an implicit
way, expressed according to the unknown variables at the moment t Δt .
3μΔε vp éq 4.2-5
1 2
M P− Ptrac − P cr
from where,
3μΔε vp éq 4.2-6
1 2
M P−P trac −P cr
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K cam
P=P− exp [ k 0 Δε ev ]
exp [ k 0 Δεev ]−1 éq 4.2-9
K cam
ΔP =P− exp [ k 0 Δε ev ]−1 k0 exp [ k 0 Δε ev ] −1 éq 4.2.10
K cam
P e= P− exp [ k 0 Δεv ] exp [ k 0 Δε v ]−1 éq 4.2-11
K cam
P=P e exp [−k 0 Δε vp ]
k0 exp [−k 0 Δεvp ]−1 éq 4.2-12
In the incremental writing of P cr , the coefficient k does not depend on the temperature, one thus
finds the expression following:
P cr =P cr 0 exp k ε vp −ε v 0
] éq 4.2-13
Pcr Pcr exp k vp 1 éq 4.2-15
Q 2e =−
[ 1 2
M P−P trac −P cr ] M 2 P− Ptrac P−P trac −2Pcr éq 4.3-1
[ ]
3μΔε vp
Q 2e =−M 2 1
M 2 P e exp [−k 0 Δε vp ]
K cam
exp [−k 0 Δε vp ]−1 −P trac −P−cr exp [ kΔε vp ]
K éq 4.3-2
P e exp [ −k 0 Δε vp
] k cam exp [ −k 0 Δε vp] −1 −P trac
P e exp [ −k 0 Δε vp ]
K cam
exp [ −k 0 Δε vp ] −1 −P trac −2P−cr exp [ kΔε vp ]
In under following paragraph one determines limits with this function which facilitate the resolution of
the equation [éq 4.3-2] with for example the method of the cords or by the method of Newton.
Λ x = 2 éq 4.4-3
2M P x − Ptrac − Pcr x
Q x = éq 4.4-4
16 μ Λ x
f x =Q 2 x M 2 P x −P trac −2M 2 P x − Ptrac P cr x =0 éq 4.4-5
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f 0 =Q e M 2 Pe −P trac P e −P trac −2P−cr éq 4.4-7
f 0 0
At the point:
P−P trac =P cr ; Λ x b =∞ ; Q x b =0 et f xb =−M 2 P− Ptrac éq 4.4-8
f xb 0
In x 0 ; f 0 0 and in x= x b ; f x b 0
P x b −P trac =P cr x b
K cam K cam
⇔ P e exp−k 0 x b exp−k 0 x b − P−
cr exp kx b = P trac éq 4.4-9
k0 k0
If P Pcr Ptrac 0 ; xb 0 and Δε vp =0
If k 0 P K cam kP 0 ;
cr xb=
P e −P−cr −P trac
k 0 P e K camkP−cr
If not one makes a limited development of order 2 and one finds;
If not x b =±
−2 P e −P−cr −P trac
k 0 P e K cam−kP−cr
If σ <0 one chooses a value for x b approached either x b=
k 0 k
∣Pe −P trac∣
If not one has the choice between two values of x b ;
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If P e
Ptrac Pcr then xb
2 P e Pcr Ptrac ; the solution would be positive; x>0
k 0 P e K cam kPcr
If Pe −P trac P−cr then x b=−
−2 P e −P−cr −P trac
k 0 P e K cam−kP−cr
; the solution would be negative;
QM(P P )
trac P P P
cr cons
− p
So at the moment t − one reaches the critical condition, then P cr =P cr , Δε v =0 and Q−=MP −
. If f =0, ḟ =0 , then the point P , Q at the moment t moves on the initial ellipse (cf [Figure
4.5-a]). One deduces immediately from the elastic law and the condition Δε v =0 :
ΔP = k 0 Δ ε v P− éq 4.5-1
The criterion being checked at the moment t , one has while using [éq 4.5-1]:
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2 −2
Q2 =M 2 P 2P− 2 − −
cr −P =M P ΔP P −ΔP =M P 1−k 20 Δε2v =Q−2 1−k 20 Δε2v
éq 4.5-2
s=se −2μ Δ ε p =se −2μ Λ =s e−6μ Λ s éq 4.5-3
16 μ Λ = , éq 4.5-4
Q− 1−k 20 Δε 2v
s= e
se éq 4.5-5
4.6 Summary
The discretization of the equations and the law of implicit behavior of manner leads to the resolution of
the equation [éq 4.3-2].
If P−≠P−cr , then one solves the equation [éq 4.3-2] whose unknown factor is Δε vp .
P cr =P exp kΔε vp ,
K cam
P=P e exp [−k 0 Δε vp ]
k0 exp [−k 0 Δε vp ]−1 ,
éq 4.6-1
puis s=
3μΔε vp
M 2 P− Ptrac − P cr
One deduces finally:
p 3 Δεvp
Δ ε = s éq 4.6-2
2 M 2 P− Ptrac − Pcr
At the critical point:
In this point, there is no evolution of work hardening, on the other hand the state of stress can continue
to evolve either in contractance, or in dilatancy (the tangent with the criterion is horizontal). The new
state of stresses moves on the surface of load of the preceding state.
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5 Tangent operator
If the option is: RIGI_MECA_TANG , option used at the time of the prediction, the tangent operator
calculated in each point of Gauss is known as of speed:
σ̇ ij = Delp
ijkl ε̇ kl
In this case, D ijkl is calculated starting from the not discretized equations.
If the option is: FULL_MECA , option used when one reactualizes the tangent matrix with each iteration
by updating the internal constraints and variables:
dσ ij = Aijkl dεkl
In this case, Aijkl is calculated starting from the implicitly discretized equations.
σ̇ ij = k 0 P K cam − μ tr { ε̇ δ ij 2μ ε̇ ij } éq 5.1-2
The tangent operator in elasticity of the law noted Cam_Clay D e is thus deduced from the following
matric writing:
{ }[ ]{ }
4 2 2
k 0 PK cam μ k 0 PK cam− μ k 0 PK cam− μ 0 0 0
σ̇ 11 3 3 3 ε̇ 11
σ̇ 22 2 4 2 ε̇ 22
k 0 PK cam− μ k 0 PK cam μ k 0 PK cam− μ 0 0 0
σ̇ 33 3 3 3 ε̇ 33
= 2 2 4
2 σ̇ 12 k 0 PK cam− μ k 0 PK cam− μ k 0 PK cam μ 0 0 0 2 ε̇ 12 éq 5.1-3
3 3 3
2 σ̇ 23 0 0 0 2μ 0 0 2 ε̇ 23
2 σ̇ 31 0 0 0 0 2μ 0 2 ε̇ 31
0 0 0 0 0 2μ
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ḟ =
Ṗ =0
∂ P cr cr
éq 5.2-1
∂ Pcr
like Ṗ cr = ε̇ vp , then:
∂ ε vp
∂ f ∂ P cr p
ḟ =
σ̇ ε̇ =0
∂ P cr ∂ ε vp v
éq 5.2-2
In addition ε̇ e =ε̇ − ε̇ p
e−1 ∂f
D σ̇ =ε̇ − Λ̇ , éq 5.2-3
The plastic module of work hardening is written according to the equation [éq 3.5-7] and by
using the rule of flow:
∂ f ∂ P cr ∂ F 1 ∂ f ∂ P cr p
H p= =− ε̇ éq 5.2-5
∂ P cr ∂ ε vp ∂ Pcr Λ̇ ∂ P cr ∂ ε vp v
The equations [éq 5.2-1] and [éq 5.2-5] give:
∂σ ij
σ̇ ij − Λ̇ H p =0 éq 5.2-6
∂σ ij
σ̇ ij =
∂σ ij
D ijkl ε̇− Λ̇
∂σ ij
∂σ kl
éq 5.2-7
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H p Λ̇=
∂σ ij
D ijkl ε̇ kl − Λ̇
∂σ ij
D eijkl
∂σ kl
éq 5.2-8
∂σ ij
D ijkl ε̇ kl
éq 5.2-9
∂σ ij
D eijkl
∂σ kl
H p
∂σ ij
∂σ kl
H p éq 5.2-10
∂σ ij
Deijkl ε̇ kl
éq 5.2-11
While replacing Λ̇ by his expression in the equation [éq 5.2-4], one obtains:
σ̇ ij = D eijkl ε̇ kl−
H [
∂σ mn
Demnop ε̇ op . Deijkl] ∂f
∂σ kl
éq 5.2-12
σ̇ ij = Deijkl −
1 ∂f
H ∂σ op
D ijop Demnkl
∂σ mn
ε̇ kl
éq 5.2-13
D ijkl =
1 ∂f
H ∂σ op
D eijop D emnkl
∂σ mn
éq 5.2-14
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Calculation of H :
∂σ ij
=− M 2 P− Ptrac − P cr δ ij 3s ij ,
éq 5.2-15
[ ]
− M 2 P−P trac −P cr 3s 11
2 2
− M P−P trac −P cr 3s 22
− M 2 P−P trac −P cr 3s 33 éq 5.2-16
3 2 s 12
3 2 s 23
3 2 s31
[ ]
−2k 0 M 2 P−P trac P−P trac −P cr 6μs11
−2k 0 M 2 P−P trac P− Ptrac − Pcr 6μs22
∂σ kl
−2k 0 M 2 P−P trac P− Ptrac − P cr 6μs33
6μ 2 s12
éq 5.2-17
6μ 2 s23
6μ 2 s31
∂σ ij
D eijkl
∂σ kl
=4k 0 M 4 P− Ptrac P−P trac −P cr 2 12 μQ 2 where
12 μQ 2 =18 μ tr s . s éq 5.2-18
According to the equations [éq 3.5-7] and [éq 5.2-18], one can deduce the expression from H :
H =4M 4 P− Ptrac P−P trac −P cr k 0 P− Ptrac − Pcr kP cr 12 μQ 2 éq 5.2-19
While posing:
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[ ]
A211 A11 A22 A11 A 33 6 2 μA11 s 12 6 2 μA11 s 23 6 2 μA11 s 31
. A222 A 22 A33 6 2 μA22 s 12 6 2 μA22 s 23 6 2 μA22 s31
1 . . A 233 6 2 μA33 s 12 6 2 μA33 s 23 6 2 μA33 s31
D p= éq 5.2-21
H . . . 36 μ 2 s12
36 μ 2 s12 s 23 36 μ2 s 12 s 31
. . . . 36 μ 2 s 223 36 μ2 s 23 s 31
. . . . . 36 μ2 s 231
Nevertheless, of the theoretical elements allowing to calculate it are given in appendix, in the
paragraph . To note, that the equations present in the appendix suppose that the criterion passes by a
state of stress worthless, P trac and K cam were not introduced yet there. It is necessary to think of
taking them into account and with the need to reactivate these equations for the coherent tangent
Notice 1 :
The number of data is relatively low, which makes the model very simple. One of the most visible
limitations of the model is the assumption of the alignment of the critical points on a line of slope M .
This is besides the expression of the concept of internal friction. One can also interpret the size M
by connecting it to the natural angle of repose of Coulomb by the relation: sin ϕ= . However
it is known that for very cohesive materials, this angle varies when the average constraint decreases.
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Besides one notes that for a chock of M on a triaxial compression test with a certain average
constraint, one simulates well with this model the triaxial ones realized with a average constraint step
too different but one cannot correctly consider the stages plastic for a broad range of confining
pressure (cf [bib2]). It is thus necessary to readjust M for several beaches of average constraint.
Notice 2:
The increase in constraints is connected to the voluminal increase in the deformations according to one or the
other of the laws of behavior:
With Cam_Clay:
ΔP = k 0 P−K cam Δε v
1e 0 n
tr Δσ =3 k 0 P− K cam Δε v with k 0 = where e 0 = ; n is porosity and it is a data
κ 1−n
In elasticity:
tr Δσ = tr Δε =3KΔε v
The analogy enters the hydrostatic part of Cam_Clay and linear elasticity at the initial state allows
to write:
1e0 P− K E
cam =
κ 3 1−2ν
E and ν are not data materials but rather μ the modulus of rigidity: μ=
2 1ν
What amounts writing the following equality while eliminating E :
1e0 P− K −
2μ 1ν or 1ν 3 1e 0 P 3K cam κ
cam = =
κ 3 1−2ν 1−2ν 2 μκ
and one finds the expression of ν :
3 1e 0 P -3 K cam −2
6 1e 0 P -6 K cam −2
with the starting of calculation, P− corresponds to the initial stress field.
if one or the other of the two conditions is not satisfied, a message of alarm informs the user of
nonthe coherence of the provided parameters.
Notice 3:
*Si P trac is given null:
two possibilities for K cam :
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• To give to the parameter material K cam who represents an initial compressibility a value
positive. Calculation can be done with a state of worthless initial stresses.
• To give to the parameter material K cam who represents an initial compressibility a value
worthless. To initialize the state of stresses according to one in the two different
•To carry out a linear elastic design by affecting boundary conditions such as the stress
field in the structure is a uniform hydrostatic compression. One extracts from this
calculation the stress field at the points of Gauss. This stress field is regarded as the
initial state of the hydrostatic constraint necessary to the law CAM_CLAY in calculation
STAT_NON_LINE using the model CAM_CLAY.
•To use the operator CREA_CHAMP to create with the operation ‘AFFE‘a hydrostatic stress
field at the points of Gauss, the constraint in this case is given of negative sign
(convention Aster for compressions) and constitutes the initial state in
STAT_NON_LINE according to.
drained condition (this condition easily enables us to charge in a purely deviatoric way, the hydrostatic
part of the loading being taken again by the pressure of water). Shapes of the curves obtained
numerically with Code_Aster completely comparable to the schematic curves are presented in the
paper of Charlez [bib2].
In the first test, the material is normally consolidated, i.e. the hydrostatic starting pressure is equal to
the pressure of consolidation (in this case 6 . 105 Pa). Work hardening (positive) starts at the
beginning of the deviatoric phase, without preliminary elastic phase. Hardening continues to a stage of
perfect plasticity when one reaches the point criticizes ( Q=MP ).
As for three other tests, the deviatoric phase starts for a value of the average effective constraint
lower than the pressure of consolidation, the material is of this surconsolidé fact.
If P is higher than P cr equalize with 3 .10 5 Pa , the specific point of the loading cuts the surface
of load before the critical line. There will be thus three specific phases: an elastic phase, a contracting
plastic phase then a perfect plastic phase.
If P=P cr , the behavior is plastic perfect right after the elastic phase.
In the case where P is lower than P cr , the point representative of the loading cuts the critical line
before the surface of load which it reaches during a purely elastic way. In this configuration, the
behavior is lenitive and dilating and blocked energy decreases. The point representative of the loading
joined then the critical condition where the material will enter in perfect plasticity.
The behavior CAM_CLAY a behavior continuement contractor cannot produce/dilating. The point
representative of the loading is obliged to pass by the critical condition where the whole of the
parameters of work hardening (plastic voluminal deformation, critical pressure, blocked energy)
become stationary [bib2].
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6,00E+05 6,00E+05
5,00E+05 5,00E+05
4,00E+05 4,00E+05
Etat critique
Q (Pa)
3,00E+05 3,00E+05
2,00E+05 2,00E+05
1,00E+05 1,00E+05
0,00E+00 0,00E+00
0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 0,E+00 5,E-02 1,E-01 2,E-01 2,E-01 3,E-01 3,E-01 4,E-01
P (Pa) eps1
6,00E+05 6,00E+05
5,00E+05 5,00E+05
4,00E+05 4,00E+05
radoucissement état critique
3,00E+05 3,00E+05
2,00E+05 2,00E+05
0,00E+00 0,00E+00
0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 0,E+00 5,E-02 1,E-01 2,E-01 2,E-01 3,E-01
P(Pa) eps1
6,00E+05 6,00E+05
5,00E+05 5,00E+05
4,00E+05 4,00E+05
état critique
3,00E+05 3,00E+05
2,00E+05 2,00E+05
1,00E+05 1,00E+05
0,00E+00 0,00E+00
0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 0,E+00 5,E-02 1,E-01 2,E-01 2,E-01 3,E-01
P(Pa) eps1
6,00E+05 6,00E+05
5,00E+05 5,00E+05
4,00E+05 4,00E+05
état critique
3,00E+05 3,00E+05
2,00E+05 2,00E+05
0,00E+00 0,00E+00
0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 0,E+00 5,E-02 1,E-01 2,E-01 2,E-01 3,E-01 3,E-01 4,E-01
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Calculation of δ ε klp :
It is known that:
δ ε klp = 3 δ Λ s kl 3 Λ δ s kl éq 8.1.1-4
Calculation of :
One a:
1 ∂f
H p ∂σ [ mn
Δσ mn =
] [ 1 ∂f
Hp ∂s mn
Δs mn
] éq 8.1.1-5
Hp [
3s mn Δs mn2M 2 P −P cr ΔP ]
If one considers only the evolution of the deviatoric part of σ δP=0 , then:
However: δ P cr =kP cr δ ε Pv .
2δ ΛM 2 P−P cr =
[ 1
kP cr ]
2ΛM 2 δP cr . éq 8.1.1-8
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In addition,
By injecting this last equation in the equation [éq 5.3.1-6], one obtains:
δ Λ=
[ 3δs mn Δs mn 3s mn δsmn ] éq 8.1.1-11
H p A
[ ]
4 2 M 2 P−P cr
A=[ 4k ΛM P P−2Pcr 2M ΔP ]
with 1
ΛM 2
2 kP cr
One then obtains immediately the variation of the deviatoric part of the plastic deformation:
~klp smns mn s kl s mns mn skl 9 s mn s mns kl 6 M 2 P Pcr Ps kl
( H p A) Hp Hp
éq 8.1.1-12
δs ij is written then:
18 μ 18 μ 12 μ 2
δs ij =2 μδ { ε ij −
H p A
[ Δs kl s ij δs kl s kl sij δs kl ]−
s kl Δs kl δs ij−
M P−P cr ΔPδsij
éq 8.1.1-13
who becomes by separating the terms in variation from constraints and the term in variation of total
éq 8.1.1-14
or in tensorial writing:
{I d4 1
12 μ 2
M P−P cr ΔP
18 μ
Δs: s
18 μ
H p A
s Δs ⊗ s δs=2 μδ { ε } q8.1.1-15
that one can still write by symmetrizing the tensor s Δs ⊗ s :
I d4 1
12 μ 2
M P−P cr ΔP
18 μ
Δs : s
18 μ
H p A
ℵ δs=2 μδ { ε }
} éq 8.1.1-16
with: ℵ= [ s Δs ⊗ s s ⊗ s Δs T ]
Calculation of ℵ , while posing: T ij =sij Δs ij
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[ ]
T 11 s 11 T 11 s 22 T 11 s33 2 T 11 s12 2 T 11 s23 2 T 11 s31
T 22 s11 T 22 s 22 T 22 s 33 2 T 22 s 12 2 T 22 s 23 2 T 22 s 31
T s
T ⊗s= 33 11
T 33 s 22 T 33 s33 2 T 33 s12 2 T 33 s 23 2 T 33 s31 éq 8.1.1-17
2 T 12 s11 2T 12 s 22 2T 12 s 33 2T 12 s 12 2T12 s 23 2T 12 s 31
2 T 23 s11 2T 23 s 22 2T 23 s 33 2T 23 s 12 2T 23 s 23 2T 23 s 31
2 T 31 s11 2T 31 s 22 2T 31 s 33 T 31 s12 2T 31 s 23 2T 31 s 31
ℵ= [ T ⊗ s T ⊗ s T ] éq 8.1.1-18
That is to say:
C= I d4
2μ H p
M 2 P−P cr ΔP
Δs : s
H p A
} éq 8.1.1-19
one poses:
c= Δs : s éq 8.1.1-20
d= M 2 P−P cr ΔP éq 8.1.1-21
The symmetrical matrix C dimensions (6.6) is too large to be presented whole, one breaks up it into
4 parts C 1 , C 2 , C 3 and C 4 :
[ C1 C2
C3 C4 ]
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[ ]
1 9 9 9
cd s T T 11 s 22T 22 s 11 T s T 33 s11
2μ H p A 11 11 2 H p A 2 H p A 11 33
9 1 9 9
C 1= T s T s cd T s T s T 33 s22
2 H p A 22 11 11 22 2μ H p A 22 22 2 H p A 22 33
9 9 1 9
T s T s T s T 33 s 22 cd T s
2 H p A 33 11 11 33 2 H p A 22 33 2μ H p A 33 33
éq 8.1.1-22
[ ]
9 2 9 2 9 2
T s s T T s s T T s s T
2 H p A 11 12 11 12 2 H p A 11 23 11 23 2 H p A 11 13 11 13
9 2 9 2 92
C 2= T s s T T s s T T s s T
2 H p A 22 12 22 12 2 H p A 22 23 22 23 2 H p A 22 13 22 13
9 2 9 2 9 2
T s s T T s s T T s s T
2 H p A 33 12 33 12 2 H p A 33 23 33 23 2 H p A 33 13 33 13
éq 8.1.1-23
C 3 =C 2 éq 8.1.1-24
[ ]
1 18 9 9
cd s T T s T 23 s12 T s T 23 s 12
2μ H p A 12 12 H p A 12 23 H p A 12 23
9 1 18 9
C 4= T s T 12 s 23 cd T s T s T 13 s 23
H p A 23 12 2μ H p A 23 23 H p A 23 13
9 9 1 18
T s T 12 s 13 T s T 23 s13 cd T s
H p A 13 12 H p A 13 23 2μ H p A 13 13
éq 8.1.1-25
Δε vp =2M 2 Λ P−P cr , δεvp =2M 2 δΛ P−P cr −2M 2 Λδ P cr =Bδ Λ= sΔs . δ s
H p A
éq 8.1.1-26
M 2 P− Pcr
B=2M 2 P−P cr −2M 2 Λ .
with: 1 2 éq 8.1.1-27
2 kP cr
or while using [éq 5.3.1-11]
δε vp = sΔs . δ s éq 8.1.1-28
H p A
One thus has:
δ ε ij = C ijkl − s Δs kl δ ij δ skl éq 8.1.1-29
H p A
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δP =k 0 P δε v −δε vp éq 8.1.2-2
Calculation of δε vp :
It is known that:
2M 2 P−P cr ΔP3sΔs b
Λ= = éq 8.1.2-5
Hp Hp
while posing
One has
δP cr =kP cr δε vp éq 8.1.2-8
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δP cr
=δΛ2M 2 P− P cr Λ2M 2 δP−δP cr éq 8.1.2-9
kP cr
δP cr
1 Λ2M 2 kP cr
kP cr
=δΛ2M 2 P−P cr Λ2M 2 δP éq 8.1.2-10
δP cr =
2M 2 P−P cr kP cr
12 kPcr ΛM 2
2ΛM 2 kPcr
12 kP cr ΛM 2 δP éq 8.1.2-11
One poses
2M 2 kP cr P−P cr
c= , éq 8.1.2-12
[ 12M 2 kP cr Λ ]
2M 2 kP cr Λ
a= éq 8.1.2-13
[ 12M 2 kP cr Λ ]
One has then:
δP cr =aδPcδΛ éq 8.1.2-14
2 cM 2 ΔP 4 bckM 4
e=1 P P−2Pcr éq 8.1.2-18
Hp H 2p
The expression of δε vp thus becomes:
δε vp =2M 2 Λ−aΛ− Λc
f f
P− Pcr δP
e e ] éq 8.1.2-19
δP = δε v éq 8.1.2-20
G=12M 2 k 0 P Λ−aΛ− Λ f
c P−P cr
e éq 8.1.2-21
p f
δ ε ij = δ ε = 3δ Λ s=3 δ Psij éq 8.1.2-22
One thus has finally:
δε ij = F ij δP éq 8.1.2-23
3f G
F= s− 1d éq 8.1.2-24
e 3k 0 P
[ ]
2/3 −1 /3 −1 /3 0 0 0
−1 /3 2/3 −1 /3 0 0 0
D 1 = −1 /3 −1 /3 2/3 0 0 0
éq 8.1.3-2
0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 1
projection in space deviatoric,
δ ε ij = F ij D 2kl δ σ kl éq 8.1.3-3
D = −1/3
éq 8.1.3-4
hydrostatic projection, one has then:
δσ ij = Aijkl δε kl éq 8.1.3-5
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Aijkl = C ijmn−
H p A
sΔs mn δ ij D 1 F ij D 2kl
mnkl ] éq 8.1.3-6
Let us remind that the critical point, the expressions of the plastic multiplier Λ and of its derivation
δΛ are written in the following way:
δQ e Qe δQ
Λ= −1 /6μ and δΛ= − éq 8.2.1-1
Q 6μQ 6μQ 2
3 s e δs e
e 3 sδs
δQ = and δQ= éq 8.2.1-2
2 Qe 2 Q
from where the expression of δΛ :
6μ 2 Qe Q [
1 3 s e δs e Q e sδs
Q3 ] éq 8.2.1-3
] [ ]
δs kl
[ Qe
δ ijkl δ ijkl −δ ijkl −
3 Qe
s . s =2μ δ ijkl −
2 Q 3 kl ij
3 s kl . sij
2 QeQ
δ ε kl éq 8.2.1-5
or in tensorial writing:
Qe d 3 Q e
I 4−
2 Q 3
s ⊗ s =2μ I d
4 −
2 ] [
3 se ⊗ s
Q e
δ ε
] éq 8.2.1-6
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By using the tensor of projection within the space of deviatoric constraints D1 [éq 5.3.3-2], one can
D 1 . G . H −1
δε= . δσ éq 8.2.1-7
I d δP=k 0 P δε v . éq 8.2.2-1
according to the equation [éq 5.3.2-2] with δε v =0 at the critical point.
By using the tensor of projection within the space of hydrostatic constraints D 2 [éq 5.3.3-4], one can
δε= D 2 δσ éq 8.2.2-3
k0 P
[ D 1 .G . H −1
k0 P
D2 . δσ
δσ ij= Aijkl δε kl éq 8.2.2-4
Aijkl =
D 1 . G . H −1
k0 P
] éq 8.2.2-5
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9 Bibliography
• I.B BURLAND, K.H. ROSCOE: One the generalized stress strain behaviour of wet clay,
Engineering plasticity Cambridge Heyman-Leckie, 1968.
• PH. A. CHARLEZ (Total Report): Example of model poroplastic: the Camwood model -
10 Checking
The law of behavior CAM_CLAY is checked by the following tests:
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