Hubble Facts Hubble's New Solar Arrays

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Hubble Facts
National Aeronautics and
Space Administration
Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, Maryland 20771
(301) 286-8955



Hubble gets an updated look and a boost in power Such dramatic, repeated temperature changes may
during STS-109 with the addition of smaller, more effi- cause tiny vibrations and movements within a space-
cient solar panels, called arrays. Unlike Hubble’s first craft’s solar array structure. If these movements are
two pairs, which are so flexible that they roll up like large enough, they cause motion of the main body of
window shades, Hubble’s newest solar arrays are flat the telescope, and may affect the sensitivity of
and rigid and fold up rather than roll up. Hubble’s pointing control instruments and interfere
with long-term science observations.
More Power for Discoveries This excessive movement was observed with
Though one third less solar cell area, these third- Hubble’s original solar arrays, which were replaced in
generation arrays will produce 20 percent more power 1993 with a much more stable pair. Since then,
than the current set. The new arrays collect the extra advances in solar cell technology and spacecraft design
electricity needed to power a new generation of science have led to the development of even more stable and
instruments. This added power enables all the science efficient solar arrays.
instruments to be powered on and ready to operate
simultaneously—allowing for more discoveries in less Easy Maneuvering, Less Aero-drag
time. These smaller, stiffer arrays are easier for the astro-
nauts to work around during servicing
Stronger and More Stable missions—easier to fold up and move out of their way.
The high efficiency solar panels have supporting Their smaller size decreases on-orbit drag and slows
frames made of aluminum-lithium, which is stronger the rate at which Hubble’s orbit decays. Over time, all
and lighter than the type of aluminum commonly used low Earth orbiting satellites feel the effects of atmos-
in spacecraft construction. These supports are much pheric drag and lose altitude. These new arrays will
less sensitive to the extreme temperature changes of slow that rate of altitude loss.
Hubble’s harsh environment.
During each 97-minute orbit, Hubble spends about Saving Time and Money
two-thirds of its time in searing sunlight and the other The Hubble program bought these solar panels
third in the frigid darkness of Earth’s shadow. These from the production line of a commercial system of
brutal, rapidly cycling conditions cause the tempera- communications satellites. At NASA’s Goddard Space
ture of the solar panels to fluctuate between minus 94 Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., four of these panels
degrees Fahrenheit (minus 70 degrees Celsius) and 187 were attached to an aluminum-lithium support wing
degrees Fahrenheit (86 degrees Celsius). The solar structure to create each of the complete structures
arrays reach their hottest temperature just ten minutes called “wings.” A total of 8 panels were used in the
after leaving the chill of Earth’s shadow. construction of these two wings. Hubble team mem-
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bers at Goddard fabricated the support wing structures, ESA also provided the ability to test the new arrays
the composite mast assembly, and the electrical assem- in a unique, never-before-done way. ESA’s world-class
bly for these wings. By using these off-the-shelf panels test facility in The Netherlands features a huge test
and fabricating the support systems at Goddard the chamber that can realistically simulate the extreme
Hubble program saved considerable time and expense. temperature cycles of Hubble’s orbit—including sun-
rise and sunset. This chamber, combined with the size
of the new array and ESA’s vast Hubble experience,
made this facility the only place in the world capable of
performing this test.
In October of 2000, one of the new arrays was
shipped to the ESA test site, located at the European
Space Research and Technology Center (ESTEC) in
Noordwijk, The Netherlands. Here the combined
ESA/NASA team conducted the special thermal test to
measure the amount of movement produced within the
solar array due to the harsh extremes of Hubble’s envi-
ronment. After extensive evaluation, the team verified
that Hubble’s new arrays would stay steady throughout
the extreme temperature cycles of each orbit.
The overall area of Solar Array 3 is 45 percent less
than SA2
An International Team, a World-Class Test
Hubble’s new solar arrays are just the latest chap- Nancy Neal
ter in a longstanding, international partnership between Goddard Space Flight Center
NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA). ESA Office of Public Affairs
built Hubble’s first two sets of solar arrays. For the (301) 286-0039
newest pair, ESA designed, developed and tested the
Solar Array Drive Mechanisms, which maneuver the
arrays to keep them constantly pointed at the Sun.

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